PeerGalaxy Original Calendar

Welcome to PeerGalaxy Calendar featuring over 99,000+ monthly offerings of FREE telephone- and online-accessible peer support, recovery support + wellness activities!

Over 30+ warmlines plus webinars, workshops, job postings, special events, consumer input opportunities and more.


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Your use of this site is subject to the Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions of Use.  Reminder: Fees or charges may be charged by your carrier for sending or receiving SMS text messaging, phone, or data.

If you have an event to add, email us:

How Events are Sorted:

First, at the top of the list: SAMHSA Disaster Helpline and similar links.

Next in the list: Bundled “All Day” Events for organizations with events happening at multiple times throughout the day and/or in many formats or locations; these are bundled into a single listing to prevent endless scrolling.  Usually these offer a lookup by zip code or other criteria. 

Lastly, Time-Specific Events listed by start time from 12:01am early morning to 11:59pm late night.  Warmlines and places east of Oregon’s time zone tend to start earlier (e.g. 4am in Oregon is 7am in New York).

JF – Justin Franich – Trading Bad Addictions For Good: How Health and Fitnes Can Transform Your Recovery Journey – Wednesday @ facebook live
Jan 3 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm





In this episode we discuss the significant role of diet and exercise in battling addiction and fostering recovery. Joined by health coach and fitness expert, Jon Higginbotham, who shares his personal journey from a near-death accident to becoming a health advocate. They address the importance of establishing daily wins, setting feasible goals, and fostering accountability in promoting a healthy lifestyle

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