PeerGalaxy Original Calendar
Welcome to PeerGalaxy Calendar featuring over 187,600+ monthly offerings of FREE telephone- and online-accessible peer support, recovery support, and wellness activities! Plus 50+ warmlines, helplines, chatlines, and hotlines. Plus workshops, webinars, job postings, resources, observances, special events, consumer input opportunities and more.
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Training Opportunities in July 2020
List Provided Courtesy of State of Oregon, Oregon Health Authority
Click here to download PDF Format, 16 pages
Calendar Event Sorting
At the top, the 24/7/365 SAMHSA Disaster Helpline and similar links.
Next, Bundled “All Day” Events
Some organizations (like 12 step recovery programs, AA, NA, AlAnon, etc.) have so many events happening throughout the day that they need to be in a bundled listing to spare endless scrolling. Often there is a link to look up events by zip code and other criteria.
Lastly, Time-Specific Events
So you can see what’s happening in the next hours, time specific events are tagged and listed by start time from 12:01am early morning to 11:59pm late night. There can be events and warmlines operating in different time zones, though we try to list all in Oregon’s Pacific Time Zone.
Page Advancement
The calendar displays ~50 listings per page. To advance to next page with ~50 more listings, click the right arrow in the lower left corner of the calendar

- Categories
12 step meeting 13th Amendment 211 24/7 4th of July 504 Plan 8 dimensions of wellness 988 ability ableism abortion abstinence abuse abuse prevention academic development access accessibility Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) action active duty military active military activism activities activities ADA adaptive adaptive activity addiction addiction loss addictions addictions recovery addictions recovery addictons addtions administrative rules adolescent adoption adoptive parents adult adult child Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACOA) Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) advisory advoacy advocacy Aferican American Afghanistan African American aggression aging agnostic agoraphobia agricultural workers air quality al-anon alateen alcohol use disorder (AUD) alcohol use disorder (AUD) alcohol use disorder (AUD) alcohol use disorder (AUD) alcoholics anonymous alert allies altered or extreme states altered or extreme states altered or extreme states alternative perspectives alternative therapy alternatives alternatives to suicide Alzheimer's ambulatory care american disabilities act (ADA) american history american sign language (ASL) amputee android anger anniversary anti-oppression anti-racism anticipatory grief anxiety app application appreciation Arab art artificial intelegence artificial intelligence arts Asian Asian American Asian American and Pacific Islander asperger's assessment assistance astronomy attempt survivor attendant care Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) auditory processing autism spectrum Autumn awareness babies balance banks beginners behavioral health behavioral Health Crisis System behavioral health equity Behavioral Health Resource Network (BHRN) Behavioral Health Resource Network (BHRN) Recovery Surge behavioral health stakeholders behavioral health system crisis behavioral services behaviors belonging benefits bereavement best practices Bhutan bias bicultural big book meeting bilingual binge-eating-disorder bingo BIPOC bipolar birth parents Black Black culture Black History Black History Month Black Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) Black Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) Black liberation Black Lives Matter blindness blog body body image book book club book study boundaries brain brain injury breast cancer breathing breathwork Buddhism budget bullying Burma burn out BURN Recovery Surge call center call for sponsors calm cancer cancer prevention cancer recovery cancer survivors candidate forum cannabis care career career development caregiver caregiver caregiver support caregivers caregiving Caribbean case management caucus celbration celebration celebrity centering ceremony certificate of attendance certification chair yoga chakras challenge change changes chat chat chat Chat room chatline child child abuse child abuse prevention child care child development child exploitation child loss child welfare children children Christmas Christmas Day Christmas Eve chronic illness chronic pain chronic stressors citizen oversite citizens civil rights class clearinghouse climate climate change climate grief climate justice closed meeting clothing clutter co-dependent co-occurring coaching cocaine cocaine anonymous codependency coercion coffee cognitive flexibility cold weather collective grief college or higher education coloring combat combat trauma combat veterans comedy communication community community based community education community gathering community health worker community input community of practice community resiliency model community support compassion fatigue competency complex grief complex post traumatic stress disorder (CPTSD) complex trauma compulsion concert concussion conduct conference confidential connection connections conservation consultation consumer consumer engagement consumer input consumer input consumer input opportunity consumer protection contact form contact tracing contest Continuing Education Unit Continuing Education Unit Continuting Education Units (CEUs) conversatio conversation conversion therapy cooking cooling centers coordinated care system coping coping skills corruption council counseling counselors COVID-19 COVID-19 recovery coworker crafts creativity criminal justice criminalism criminals anonymous (crim-anon) crisis crisis counselors crisis line crisis response CRM cross cultural crystal meth crystals cultural awareness cultural humility culturally responsive culturally specific culture cumulative trauma curriculum development cutting cyber safety cyber security cyberbullying cybersecurity Dad dance dating abuse de-escalation deaf deafness death decluttering deferred action for childhood arrivals (DACA) demensions of wellness Dementia democracy depression DESI detox developmental disabilities developmental trauma develpomental disabilities Dharma diabetes dialogue diaspora diet difficult subjects digital art direct services directory disabilities disability disability awareness disability rights disaster disaster distress disaster preparedness discord discrimination discussion disease prevention disobedience disparities dissociation distress diversity documentary domestic violence domestic violence prevention dominant culture dream drinking drop-in drug use drugs drum circle drunk driving dry january dual diagnosis dual diagnosis anonymous (DDA) dysfunctional families dyslexia early childhood Earth Day eating eating disorders economic abuse ecosystems educartion education educaton educators elder abuse elders elders election election anxiety election stress email email meeting embodiment emergencia por calor emergency emergency medical services (EMS) emergency support emotional abuse emotional awareness emotional distress emotional health emotional intellegence emotional pain emotional regulation emotional support emotional topics emotions empathy employment employment assistance empowerment encouragement end of life energy energy work engagement english environment environmental justice Epilepsy equality equity Español Español espanol Español ethics evacuation event events evidence based practice executive director executive function exercise experiencing houselessness expression extreme heat facebook group facilitator facts faith faith based families family family family and friends family and friends family centered family health family leader family member family mental health family planning family resources missing children family support family support specialist (FSS) family support workforce farmer farming farmworker fatal father fatherhood fatherly love Fathers Day fatih based federal federal funding federal holiday fellowship fentanyl fentanyl awareness fertility Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Fiji film film screening finaancial literacy financial financial assistance financial literacy fire fireworks first aid first responder fitness flooding flu focus group food food addiction food assistance food bank Food Saftey forced labor foreclosure prevention forum foster care foster parents foster youth foundation free free conference call Freedom french friends fun funding fundraiser funeral gadgets galentines day gambling games gaming gaming addiction garbage garden gathering gaurdians gender gender dsphoria gender equality gender equity gender identity gender-expansive global godfathers government grandfathers grant grant applications gratitude grief grief suport grief support grief support group grounding group support groups growth guided exercise gun control gun violence habits hallucination hangout Hannukah Hanukkah happiness harassment hard of hearing harm reduction hate hate crimes Hawaiian healing health health advisory health care health care professional health equity health outcomes health services healthcare healthcare marketplace healthcare providers healthcare workforce healthy healthy choices healthy eating healthy living healthy relationships hearing Loss hearing voices hearing voices network (HVN) heart attack heat heat emergency heat exhaustion heathcare dsparity heavy topics help helpline helpline resources heritage heroin HeyPeers high needs children Hispanic history hoarding holiday holiday holiday assistance holiday assistance holiday stress holidy Holocaust homeless homelessness homelessness prevention homicide incident homicide postvention honor hope hospice hospital diversion hotline houseless houselessness houselessness prevention housing housing insecurity housing services Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) human rights human trafficking humanities humanity humility humor hunger hybrid hydrocephalus Hygiene identity immigrant immigration immunization implicit bias imposter syndrome impulse control In person inauguration day incarceration incident inclusion income inequality independant living program independence day Independent living indgenous India indigenous indigenous history individual education plan ( IEP) individual education plan (IEP) individualized family service plan individualized family service plan (IFSP) inequality infant informaiton information infromation injustice inspiration instant message insurance insurance plans integration intellectual development intellectual disabilities intellectual disability intention intentional peer support interactive intergenerational trauma international internet addiction internet safety interpreters intersectionality intersex intervention intimate partner abuse iphone iphone operating system (IOS) Islamic isolation ive chat Japanese Jewish Jimmy Carter job fair jobs journaling judgement free justice Justice involved justice system juvenile justice K-12 kids kindergarten kindness Kwanzaa labor Labor Day labor rights landlord language Latina Latine Latino Latinx law enforcement LBGTQIA+ LBTRQIA+ Leadership learning legal legal services legislation LGBQ/TGNB+ LGBT+ LGBTQ+ LGBTQ2S+ LGBTQ2SA+ LGBTQ2SIA+ lGBTQIA+ LGBTQIA2S+ life skills limb difference limb loss list listening listening session listserv literacy literature literature study live chat lived experience loneliness long covid long hauler loss loss of child loss of friend loss of parent loss of partner loss of pet loss of sibling loss of spouse loss sibling loss survivor love low income low vision maker maladaptive behavior Maldives malnutrition map marijuana marijuana anonymous martial arts Martin Luther King Jr. masculinity mass violence maternal mental health meals meaningful action measure 110 media mediation Medicaid medical assistance medical assistance medical profile medical systems medically assisted treatment medically assisted treatment medically assited treatment Medicare Medicare Part D medication medication assisted treatment meditation meetings meetup memorial memorial day men men's men's group men's groups men's health men's health awareness month men's meeting men's movement men's recovery men's trauma mental mental healht recovery mental health mental health mental health awareness mental health crisis mental health equity mental health matters mental health recovery mental health workplace mental illness mental wellness mentor message board meth metrics migrant mild traumatic brain injury military military confilct military conflict military families military spouse military support miltary miltary families mind-body mindful yoga mindfulness minority misbehavior miscarriage missing children mobile response moderation modern slavery Mom Moms Mood Disorder mothers mothers day motivation movement movie mpox multicultural multilingual multiracial museum music Muslim mutual aid mutual support mutuality NA naloxone nalozine Narcissism Narcissism Survivor Narcon Narcotics narcotics anonymous narrative NASA national National Hispanci Heritage Native Alaskan Native Alaskan education Native American Native American Heritage Month natural disaster natural support nature neglect Nepal network networking neurodevelopmental disorders neurodiverse neurodiverse neurodiverse neurological news release nicotine nicotine addiction nominations non violent communication non-binary nonbinary nuerodiversity nutrition observance observation obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) OCD OHA-Oregon Health Authority older adult older adults ombudsperson onlilne online online education online forum online games online gaming online peer support online support online. virtual onlne open open house open meeting open mic open topic opiod opiod settlement Opiod Use Disorder opioid opioid addiction opioid crisis opioid medications opioid settlement oppression oral health care Oregon oregon department of education Oregon Department of Human Services (ODHS) Oregon Department of Veterans Affairs organizational wellness organizations Organize outdoor outreach overdose overdose awareness overdose prevention overeating overwhelmed Pacific Islander pacific northwest paid position pain pain management Pakistan pandemic pandemic distress pandemic recovery pandemic stress panel panel discussion panic panic disorders pansexual parade parenting parenting parenting parents parents parents and families parks partner loss peace education peer peer peer crisis support peer delivered services peer group peer led peer professional development peer run organizations peer skills peer supervision peer suppor peer support peer support peer support group peer support recovery peer support speacilist peer support specialist peer support specialist (PSS) peer support work peer supporters peer telehealth peer wellness specialist peer workforce peer-run PeerGalaxy PeerGalaxy Champions performance performance arts perinatal perparation person centered planning person centered supervision phone phone phone support physical physical abuse physical health physical safety physician physiology pilates placemaking planning podcast poetry poets police accountability police misconduct police violence policing policy policy makers policy reform policymakers political action Portland Portland seminars Portuguese positivity post traumatic stress disorder postpartum posture poverty power practice pregnancy premature birth preparedness presentation presenters President Joe Biden Prevention pride pride month prison reform private group problem gambling processing proclaimation professional professional development professional standards program evaluation project to live property psychedelic psychedelic peer support psychiatric Psychiatric diagnosis psychiatric drug use psychiatric drugs psychiatric rights psychology psychosis public public annoucement public announcement public comment public health public meeting public testimony Pulblic Health puppets QI Gong QiGong quarantine queer questioning race racial healing racial trauma racism radio rape readiness reading realities recognition recover recovery recovery at work recovery education recovery housing recovery meeting recovery meetings recovery online recovery peer skills recovery reentry recreation recycling reentry referral reflection reframing refugee registration rehabilitation rehabilitation services relationships relaxation religion religious minority religious persecution religious trauma remember remembrance rent assistance renters reovery reproductive freedom reproductive health equity act reproductive rights rescources research reserve duty military resilience resistance resource directory resources respite respite care response rest retreat returning citizens rights roads role playing RSV runaway rural Russian safe haven safety safety online saftey SAMHSA sanctuary law sanga save the date savings scams scholarship school school violence science screening searchable seasonal affective disorder seasonal affective disorder secondary trauma secular security deposit self acceptance self advocacy self awareness self care self defense self discovery self empowerment self esteem self harm self harn self healing self injury self management self regualtion self regulation self soothing self sufficeientcy self worth seminar seniors sensory sensory experience sensory processing disorder service service providers services sex addiction sex trafficking sexism sexual abuse sexual addiction recovery sexual assault sexual harassment sexual health sexual maladaptive behavior sexual orientation sexual violence sexuality shelter sibling sign language singing single parents slavery prevention sleep sleep apnea sleep deprevation sleep deprivation sleep disorders smart phone smart recovery smoking cessation snow removal sober sobriety sobriety meeting social social anxiety social class social connection social determinants of health social emotional learning social groups social hour social injustice social justice social media Social Security social service social solidarity solidarity Solstice somatic somatic experiencing song South Asia Spanish speaker speakers special education special event special needs spinal cord disorder spirituality spoken word spouse spouse & partner Sri Lanka St. Patricks Day staff stalking state legislation step meeting stepfathers Stigma stillbirth stop smoking story story telling strees reduction strengths strengths based services stress stress reduction stroke stroke survivors structural inequity structured racism student support students substance abuse substance abuse online substance use Substance Use Disorder substance use disorder substance use disorder (SUD) substance use disorder (SUD) suicidal thoughts suicidality suicide suicide awareness suicide hotline suicide intervention suicide loss suicide loss survivor suicide postvention suicide prevention Suicide Prevention awareness month summer summit Supervision support support group support groups support meeting support meetings support services supportive housing supportive services survey Surviving Race survivor survivors sustainability system of care system planning systematic racism systematic violence systemic racism systems improvement systems improvements systems of care systems planning tai chi talk talk show Tardive Dyskinesia tax filing TBI-Traumatic Brain Injury TDAP technology teen teen dating teens telehealth temple tenants terrorism test testimony text text messaging THC theater therapy Tibet time time management time specific time specific event time-specific-event toddlers toilet training toll free town hall toxic toxic stress traffiking survirors tragedy training trainings trangender youth transgender transgender youth transition transition to adulthood transportaion transportation trauma trauma healing trauma informed trauma informed trauma recovery trauma Specific Care trauma support treatment tribal tribute trivia truama trust Tsunami TTY Two-Spirit U.S. Armed Forces Ukraine Ukrainian unconditional love undocumented United Nations urgent US Department of Defense (DOD) US Department of Justice (DOJ) utility assistance vaccination vaccination vaccine valentines day verbal abuse verbal deescalation veteran discounts veterans Veterans Day victim victim advocates victims rights video conference videophone videos village violence violence prevention virtual virtual education virtual reality virtula vision vision impaired Vision Impairmen Vision Impairment visions visual arts vital documents vocational rehabilitation voices volunteer voter engagement voters vritual wage slavery war war affected war trauma warming warming shelter warmline warmlines warning weather emergency webinar websites weight loss wellbeing wellbriety wellness wellness wellness activities wellness activity Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) wildfire wildfire survivor wildfires wildfires grief winter winter holiday winter storm shelter winter weather wisdom withdrawal witnessing women women's group women's health women's health care women's history month Women's Recovery women's rights womens health care word performances workforce workgroup workout workplace information workplace recovery workplace saftey workplace stress workplace violence workshop writers writing Yoga young adult youth Zoom
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