PeerGalaxy Original Calendar

Welcome to PeerGalaxy Calendar featuring over 99,000+ monthly offerings of FREE telephone- and online-accessible peer support, recovery support + wellness activities!

Over 30+ warmlines plus webinars, workshops, job postings, special events, consumer input opportunities and more.


Click the Accessibility Button on the right side, halfway down in the middle, for enhanced viewing and/or access options!  Click the Translate Button in the lower left corner for language options. 

Your use of this site is subject to the Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions of Use.  Reminder: Fees or charges may be charged by your carrier for sending or receiving SMS text messaging, phone, or data.

If you have an event to add, email us:

How Events are Sorted:

First, at the top of the list: SAMHSA Disaster Helpline and similar links.

Next in the list: Bundled “All Day” Events for organizations with events happening at multiple times throughout the day and/or in many formats or locations; these are bundled into a single listing to prevent endless scrolling.  Usually these offer a lookup by zip code or other criteria. 

Lastly, Time-Specific Events listed by start time from 12:01am early morning to 11:59pm late night.  Warmlines and places east of Oregon’s time zone tend to start earlier (e.g. 4am in Oregon is 7am in New York).

SC – StepChat – Serenity Seekers AFG Meeting WSO#30753317 – All week except Thursdays @ Online via Chat
Apr 24 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
SC - StepChat - Serenity Seekers AFG Meeting WSO#30753317 - All week except Thursdays @ Online via Chat





Serenity Seekers AFG Meeting


Register to Attend


To Attend A Meeting In a Chat Room

When you first log on you will be in The Lounge which is not a meeting room, but open chat fellowship available 24/7 to members of all 12-step groups.

To go to the meeting rooms from The Lounge, click on the 3-dot menu icon at the top left of the chat screen, then click on the meeting room you wish to enter. If you don’t see the 3 dots, click the ESC key or swipe from the left if you are on a mobile device.

Tips for Chat Meetings

There is no real protocol for “informal” chat gatherings in our open chat rooms, but in our meeting rooms, we try to keep it as much of a face-to-face meeting as possible. Just as in a face-to-face meeting, we do not interrupt the person who is “speaking” or crosstalk after they are done.

Also, as in a face-to-face meeting, someone serves as the “chairperson” who opens the meetings, picks a topic and helps keep the meeting focused on the topic discussion as members take turn sharing on the topic.

Some of our meetings have a “greeter” who sends a private message to any late-comers to the meeting to welcome them and tell them the topics of discussion. If the late-comer is new to online meetings, the greeter may also explain briefly how meetings work (see below).

NOTE: To send someone a private message during the meeting, click on their name in the members’ list to the right of the chat window. To receive a private message, click on the name of the person who sent it.

If you wish to share, type an exclamation point like this: !. It’s like raising your hand.

The chair of the meeting will then call on the next person to share. In our chat rooms, it is best to type short lines followed by “. . .” which indicates that you are not finished. Like this:

One of the best tools I have found …
When I find myself under stress …
Is the Serenity Prayer … [done]

The [done] at the ends shows that you are finished, and the chairperson then will call on the next person to share.

That’s it. Those simple tools can keep things orderly even in a full chat room.

For instructions on how to log on to the chat rooms, please see this page.


SC – StepChat – Recovery Chat Room – Narcotics Anonymous Meeting – Wednesdays – 6PM PST @ Chat
Apr 24 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
SC - StepChat - Recovery Chat Room - Narcotics Anonymous Meeting - Wednesdays -  6PM PST @ Chat


Recovery Chat Room

Narcotics Anonymous Meeting, Wednesdays, 6:00PM PST

Register to Attend


To Attend A Meeting In a Chat Room

When you first log on you will be in The Lounge which is not a meeting room, but open chat fellowship available 24/7 to members of all 12-step groups.

To go to the meeting rooms from The Lounge, click on the 3-dot menu icon at the top left of the chat screen, then click on the meeting room you wish to enter. If you don’t see the 3 dots, click the ESC key or swipe from the left if you are on a mobile device.

Tips for Chat Meetings

There is no real protocol for “informal” chat gatherings in our open chat rooms, but in our meeting rooms, we try to keep it as much of a face-to-face meeting as possible. Just as in a face-to-face meeting, we do not interrupt the person who is “speaking” or crosstalk after they are done.

Also, as in a face-to-face meeting, someone serves as the “chairperson” who opens the meetings, picks a topic and helps keep the meeting focused on the topic discussion as members take turn sharing on the topic.

Some of our meetings have a “greeter” who sends a private message to any late-comers to the meeting to welcome them and tell them the topics of discussion. If the late-comer is new to online meetings, the greeter may also explain briefly how meetings work (see below).

NOTE: To send someone a private message during the meeting, click on their name in the members’ list to the right of the chat window. To receive a private message, click on the name of the person who sent it.

If you wish to share, type an exclamation point like this: !. It’s like raising your hand.

The chair of the meeting will then call on the next person to share. In our chat rooms, it is best to type short lines followed by “. . .” which indicates that you are not finished. Like this:

One of the best tools I have found …
When I find myself under stress …
Is the Serenity Prayer … [done]

The [done] at the ends shows that you are finished, and the chairperson then will call on the next person to share.

That’s it. Those simple tools can keep things orderly even in a full chat room.

For instructions on how to log on to the chat rooms, please see this page.

SC – StepChat – Paths to Recovery Study Al-Anon Meeting – Wednesdays @ Online via Chat
Apr 24 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
SC - StepChat - Paths to Recovery Study Al-Anon Meeting - Wednesdays @ Online via Chat


Paths to Recovery Study Al-anon Meeting

Wednesdays – 7:00pm PST

Register to Attend


To Attend A Meeting In a Chat Room

When you first log on you will be in The Lounge which is not a meeting room, but open chat fellowship available 24/7 to members of all 12-step groups.

To go to the meeting rooms from The Lounge, click on the 3-dot menu icon at the top left of the chat screen, then click on the meeting room you wish to enter. If you don’t see the 3 dots, click the ESC key or swipe from the left if you are on a mobile device.

Tips for Chat Meetings

There is no real protocol for “informal” chat gatherings in our open chat rooms, but in our meeting rooms, we try to keep it as much of a face-to-face meeting as possible. Just as in a face-to-face meeting, we do not interrupt the person who is “speaking” or crosstalk after they are done.

Also, as in a face-to-face meeting, someone serves as the “chairperson” who opens the meetings, picks a topic and helps keep the meeting focused on the topic discussion as members take turn sharing on the topic.

Some of our meetings have a “greeter” who sends a private message to any late-comers to the meeting to welcome them and tell them the topics of discussion. If the late-comer is new to online meetings, the greeter may also explain briefly how meetings work (see below).

NOTE: To send someone a private message during the meeting, click on their name in the members’ list to the right of the chat window. To receive a private message, click on the name of the person who sent it.

If you wish to share, type an exclamation point like this: !. It’s like raising your hand.

The chair of the meeting will then call on the next person to share. In our chat rooms, it is best to type short lines followed by “. . .” which indicates that you are not finished. Like this:

One of the best tools I have found …
When I find myself under stress …
Is the Serenity Prayer … [done]

The [done] at the ends shows that you are finished, and the chairperson then will call on the next person to share.

That’s it. Those simple tools can keep things orderly even in a full chat room.

For instructions on how to log on to the chat rooms, please see this page.


SC – StepChat – Noon A.A. Meeting – Thursdays – 9:00 AM PST @ online Chat
Apr 25 @ 9:00 am – 10:00 am
SC - StepChat - Noon A.A. Meeting - Thursdays - 9:00 AM PST @ online Chat


Noon A.A. Meeting

Thursdays – 9:00 AM PST

Register to Attend


To Attend A Meeting In a Chat Room

When you first log on you will be in The Lounge which is not a meeting room, but open chat fellowship available 24/7 to members of all 12-step groups.

To go to the meeting rooms from The Lounge, click on the 3-dot menu icon at the top left of the chat screen, then click on the meeting room you wish to enter. If you don’t see the 3 dots, click the ESC key or swipe from the left if you are on a mobile device.

Tips for Chat Meetings

There is no real protocol for “informal” chat gatherings in our open chat rooms, but in our meeting rooms, we try to keep it as much of a face-to-face meeting as possible. Just as in a face-to-face meeting, we do not interrupt the person who is “speaking” or crosstalk after they are done.

Also, as in a face-to-face meeting, someone serves as the “chairperson” who opens the meetings, picks a topic and helps keep the meeting focused on the topic discussion as members take turn sharing on the topic.

Some of our meetings have a “greeter” who sends a private message to any late-comers to the meeting to welcome them and tell them the topics of discussion. If the late-comer is new to online meetings, the greeter may also explain briefly how meetings work (see below).

NOTE: To send someone a private message during the meeting, click on their name in the members’ list to the right of the chat window. To receive a private message, click on the name of the person who sent it.

If you wish to share, type an exclamation point like this: !. It’s like raising your hand.

The chair of the meeting will then call on the next person to share. In our chat rooms, it is best to type short lines followed by “. . .” which indicates that you are not finished. Like this:

One of the best tools I have found …
When I find myself under stress …
Is the Serenity Prayer … [done]

The [done] at the ends shows that you are finished, and the chairperson then will call on the next person to share.

That’s it. Those simple tools can keep things orderly even in a full chat room.

For instructions on how to log on to the chat rooms, please see this page.

SC – StepChat – ACA Afternoon Meeting WSO# WEB0085 – Seven days a week – 11:00 AM PST @ online Chat
Apr 25 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
SC - StepChat - ACA Afternoon Meeting WSO# WEB0085 - Seven days a week - 11:00 AM PST @ online Chat


ACA Afternoon Meeting


Seven Days A Week – 11:00 AM PST

Register to Attend


To Attend A Meeting In a Chat Room

When you first log on you will be in The Lounge which is not a meeting room, but open chat fellowship available 24/7 to members of all 12-step groups.

To go to the meeting rooms from The Lounge, click on the 3-dot menu icon at the top left of the chat screen, then click on the meeting room you wish to enter. If you don’t see the 3 dots, click the ESC key or swipe from the left if you are on a mobile device.

Tips for Chat Meetings

There is no real protocol for “informal” chat gatherings in our open chat rooms, but in our meeting rooms, we try to keep it as much of a face-to-face meeting as possible. Just as in a face-to-face meeting, we do not interrupt the person who is “speaking” or crosstalk after they are done.

Also, as in a face-to-face meeting, someone serves as the “chairperson” who opens the meetings, picks a topic and helps keep the meeting focused on the topic discussion as members take turn sharing on the topic.

Some of our meetings have a “greeter” who sends a private message to any late-comers to the meeting to welcome them and tell them the topics of discussion. If the late-comer is new to online meetings, the greeter may also explain briefly how meetings work (see below).

NOTE: To send someone a private message during the meeting, click on their name in the members’ list to the right of the chat window. To receive a private message, click on the name of the person who sent it.

If you wish to share, type an exclamation point like this: !. It’s like raising your hand.

The chair of the meeting will then call on the next person to share. In our chat rooms, it is best to type short lines followed by “. . .” which indicates that you are not finished. Like this:

One of the best tools I have found …
When I find myself under stress …
Is the Serenity Prayer … [done]

The [done] at the ends shows that you are finished, and the chairperson then will call on the next person to share.

That’s it. Those simple tools can keep things orderly even in a full chat room.

For instructions on how to log on to the chat rooms, please see this page.

SC – StepChat – Keep Coming Back Al-Anon Family Group Meeting WSO#30754481 – Seven Days a Week @ Online via Chat
Apr 25 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
SC - StepChat - Keep Coming Back Al-Anon Family Group Meeting WSO#30754481 - Seven Days a Week @ Online via Chat


Keep Coming Back Al-Anon Family Group Meeting


Register to Attend


To Attend A Meeting In a Chat Room

When you first log on you will be in The Lounge which is not a meeting room, but open chat fellowship available 24/7 to members of all 12-step groups.

To go to the meeting rooms from The Lounge, click on the 3-dot menu icon at the top left of the chat screen, then click on the meeting room you wish to enter. If you don’t see the 3 dots, click the ESC key or swipe from the left if you are on a mobile device.

Tips for Chat Meetings

There is no real protocol for “informal” chat gatherings in our open chat rooms, but in our meeting rooms, we try to keep it as much of a face-to-face meeting as possible. Just as in a face-to-face meeting, we do not interrupt the person who is “speaking” or crosstalk after they are done.

Also, as in a face-to-face meeting, someone serves as the “chairperson” who opens the meetings, picks a topic and helps keep the meeting focused on the topic discussion as members take turn sharing on the topic.

Some of our meetings have a “greeter” who sends a private message to any late-comers to the meeting to welcome them and tell them the topics of discussion. If the late-comer is new to online meetings, the greeter may also explain briefly how meetings work (see below).

NOTE: To send someone a private message during the meeting, click on their name in the members’ list to the right of the chat window. To receive a private message, click on the name of the person who sent it.

If you wish to share, type an exclamation point like this: !. It’s like raising your hand.

The chair of the meeting will then call on the next person to share. In our chat rooms, it is best to type short lines followed by “. . .” which indicates that you are not finished. Like this:

One of the best tools I have found …
When I find myself under stress …
Is the Serenity Prayer … [done]

The [done] at the ends shows that you are finished, and the chairperson then will call on the next person to share.

That’s it. Those simple tools can keep things orderly even in a full chat room.

For instructions on how to log on to the chat rooms, please see this page.


SC – StepChat – ACA Early Evening Meeting WSO# WEB0086 – Monday thru Fridays – 3:00 PM PST @ online Chat
Apr 25 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
SC - StepChat - ACA Early Evening Meeting WSO# WEB0086 - Monday thru Fridays - 3:00 PM PST @ online Chat


ACA Early Evening Meeting


Mondays – Fridays – 3:00 PM PST

Register to Attend


To Attend A Meeting In a Chat Room

When you first log on you will be in The Lounge which is not a meeting room, but open chat fellowship available 24/7 to members of all 12-step groups.

To go to the meeting rooms from The Lounge, click on the 3-dot menu icon at the top left of the chat screen, then click on the meeting room you wish to enter. If you don’t see the 3 dots, click the ESC key or swipe from the left if you are on a mobile device.

Tips for Chat Meetings

There is no real protocol for “informal” chat gatherings in our open chat rooms, but in our meeting rooms, we try to keep it as much of a face-to-face meeting as possible. Just as in a face-to-face meeting, we do not interrupt the person who is “speaking” or crosstalk after they are done.

Also, as in a face-to-face meeting, someone serves as the “chairperson” who opens the meetings, picks a topic and helps keep the meeting focused on the topic discussion as members take turn sharing on the topic.

Some of our meetings have a “greeter” who sends a private message to any late-comers to the meeting to welcome them and tell them the topics of discussion. If the late-comer is new to online meetings, the greeter may also explain briefly how meetings work (see below).

NOTE: To send someone a private message during the meeting, click on their name in the members’ list to the right of the chat window. To receive a private message, click on the name of the person who sent it.

If you wish to share, type an exclamation point like this: !. It’s like raising your hand.

The chair of the meeting will then call on the next person to share. In our chat rooms, it is best to type short lines followed by “. . .” which indicates that you are not finished. Like this:

One of the best tools I have found …
When I find myself under stress …
Is the Serenity Prayer … [done]

The [done] at the ends shows that you are finished, and the chairperson then will call on the next person to share.

That’s it. Those simple tools can keep things orderly even in a full chat room.

For instructions on how to log on to the chat rooms, please see this page.

SC – StepChat – Open A.A. Meeting – Thursdays – 5:00 PM PST @ online Chat
Apr 25 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
SC - StepChat - Open A.A. Meeting - Thursdays - 5:00 PM PST @ online Chat


Open A. A. Meeting

Thursdays – 5:00 PM PST

Register to Attend


To Attend A Meeting In a Chat Room

When you first log on you will be in The Lounge which is not a meeting room, but open chat fellowship available 24/7 to members of all 12-step groups.

To go to the meeting rooms from The Lounge, click on the 3-dot menu icon at the top left of the chat screen, then click on the meeting room you wish to enter. If you don’t see the 3 dots, click the ESC key or swipe from the left if you are on a mobile device.

Tips for Chat Meetings

There is no real protocol for “informal” chat gatherings in our open chat rooms, but in our meeting rooms, we try to keep it as much of a face-to-face meeting as possible. Just as in a face-to-face meeting, we do not interrupt the person who is “speaking” or crosstalk after they are done.

Also, as in a face-to-face meeting, someone serves as the “chairperson” who opens the meetings, picks a topic and helps keep the meeting focused on the topic discussion as members take turn sharing on the topic.

Some of our meetings have a “greeter” who sends a private message to any late-comers to the meeting to welcome them and tell them the topics of discussion. If the late-comer is new to online meetings, the greeter may also explain briefly how meetings work (see below).

NOTE: To send someone a private message during the meeting, click on their name in the members’ list to the right of the chat window. To receive a private message, click on the name of the person who sent it.

If you wish to share, type an exclamation point like this: !. It’s like raising your hand.

The chair of the meeting will then call on the next person to share. In our chat rooms, it is best to type short lines followed by “. . .” which indicates that you are not finished. Like this:

One of the best tools I have found …
When I find myself under stress …
Is the Serenity Prayer … [done]

The [done] at the ends shows that you are finished, and the chairperson then will call on the next person to share.

That’s it. Those simple tools can keep things orderly even in a full chat room.

For instructions on how to log on to the chat rooms, please see this page.

SC – StepChat – Recovery Chat Room – Narcotics Anonymous Meeting – Thursdays – 6PM PST @ Chat
Apr 25 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
SC - StepChat - Recovery Chat Room - Narcotics Anonymous Meeting - Thursdays - 6PM PST @ Chat


Recovery Chat Room

Narcotics Anonymous Meeting, Thursdays, 6:00PM PST

Register to Attend


To Attend A Meeting In a Chat Room

When you first log on you will be in The Lounge which is not a meeting room, but open chat fellowship available 24/7 to members of all 12-step groups.

To go to the meeting rooms from The Lounge, click on the 3-dot menu icon at the top left of the chat screen, then click on the meeting room you wish to enter. If you don’t see the 3 dots, click the ESC key or swipe from the left if you are on a mobile device.

Tips for Chat Meetings

There is no real protocol for “informal” chat gatherings in our open chat rooms, but in our meeting rooms, we try to keep it as much of a face-to-face meeting as possible. Just as in a face-to-face meeting, we do not interrupt the person who is “speaking” or crosstalk after they are done.

Also, as in a face-to-face meeting, someone serves as the “chairperson” who opens the meetings, picks a topic and helps keep the meeting focused on the topic discussion as members take turn sharing on the topic.

Some of our meetings have a “greeter” who sends a private message to any late-comers to the meeting to welcome them and tell them the topics of discussion. If the late-comer is new to online meetings, the greeter may also explain briefly how meetings work (see below).

NOTE: To send someone a private message during the meeting, click on their name in the members’ list to the right of the chat window. To receive a private message, click on the name of the person who sent it.

If you wish to share, type an exclamation point like this: !. It’s like raising your hand.

The chair of the meeting will then call on the next person to share. In our chat rooms, it is best to type short lines followed by “. . .” which indicates that you are not finished. Like this:

One of the best tools I have found …
When I find myself under stress …
Is the Serenity Prayer … [done]

The [done] at the ends shows that you are finished, and the chairperson then will call on the next person to share.

That’s it. Those simple tools can keep things orderly even in a full chat room.

For instructions on how to log on to the chat rooms, please see this page.

SC – StepChat – You’re in the Right Place A.A. Meeting – Thursdays – 7:00 PM PST @ online Chat
Apr 25 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
SC - StepChat - You're in the Right Place A.A. Meeting - Thursdays - 7:00 PM PST @ online Chat


You’re In the Right Place A. A. Meeting

Thursdays – 7:00 pm PST

Register to Attend


To Attend A Meeting In a Chat Room

When you first log on you will be in The Lounge which is not a meeting room, but open chat fellowship available 24/7 to members of all 12-step groups.

To go to the meeting rooms from The Lounge, click on the 3-dot menu icon at the top left of the chat screen, then click on the meeting room you wish to enter. If you don’t see the 3 dots, click the ESC key or swipe from the left if you are on a mobile device.

Tips for Chat Meetings

There is no real protocol for “informal” chat gatherings in our open chat rooms, but in our meeting rooms, we try to keep it as much of a face-to-face meeting as possible. Just as in a face-to-face meeting, we do not interrupt the person who is “speaking” or crosstalk after they are done.

Also, as in a face-to-face meeting, someone serves as the “chairperson” who opens the meetings, picks a topic and helps keep the meeting focused on the topic discussion as members take turn sharing on the topic.

Some of our meetings have a “greeter” who sends a private message to any late-comers to the meeting to welcome them and tell them the topics of discussion. If the late-comer is new to online meetings, the greeter may also explain briefly how meetings work (see below).

NOTE: To send someone a private message during the meeting, click on their name in the members’ list to the right of the chat window. To receive a private message, click on the name of the person who sent it.

If you wish to share, type an exclamation point like this: !. It’s like raising your hand.

The chair of the meeting will then call on the next person to share. In our chat rooms, it is best to type short lines followed by “. . .” which indicates that you are not finished. Like this:

One of the best tools I have found …
When I find myself under stress …
Is the Serenity Prayer … [done]

The [done] at the ends shows that you are finished, and the chairperson then will call on the next person to share.

That’s it. Those simple tools can keep things orderly even in a full chat room.

For instructions on how to log on to the chat rooms, please see this page.

SC – StepChat – Early Birds Open A.A. Meeting – Fridays – 3:00 AM PST @ online Chat
Apr 26 @ 3:00 am – 4:00 am
SC - StepChat - Early Birds Open A.A. Meeting - Fridays - 3:00 AM PST @ online Chat


Recovery Chat Room

Early Birds Open A. A. Meeting

 Fridays – 3:00 AM PST

Register to Attend


To Attend A Meeting In a Chat Room

When you first log on you will be in The Lounge which is not a meeting room, but open chat fellowship available 24/7 to members of all 12-step groups.

To go to the meeting rooms from The Lounge, click on the 3-dot menu icon at the top left of the chat screen, then click on the meeting room you wish to enter. If you don’t see the 3 dots, click the ESC key or swipe from the left if you are on a mobile device.

Tips for Chat Meetings

There is no real protocol for “informal” chat gatherings in our open chat rooms, but in our meeting rooms, we try to keep it as much of a face-to-face meeting as possible. Just as in a face-to-face meeting, we do not interrupt the person who is “speaking” or crosstalk after they are done.

Also, as in a face-to-face meeting, someone serves as the “chairperson” who opens the meetings, picks a topic and helps keep the meeting focused on the topic discussion as members take turn sharing on the topic.

Some of our meetings have a “greeter” who sends a private message to any late-comers to the meeting to welcome them and tell them the topics of discussion. If the late-comer is new to online meetings, the greeter may also explain briefly how meetings work (see below).

NOTE: To send someone a private message during the meeting, click on their name in the members’ list to the right of the chat window. To receive a private message, click on the name of the person who sent it.

If you wish to share, type an exclamation point like this: !. It’s like raising your hand.

The chair of the meeting will then call on the next person to share. In our chat rooms, it is best to type short lines followed by “. . .” which indicates that you are not finished. Like this:

One of the best tools I have found …
When I find myself under stress …
Is the Serenity Prayer … [done]

The [done] at the ends shows that you are finished, and the chairperson then will call on the next person to share.

That’s it. Those simple tools can keep things orderly even in a full chat room.

For instructions on how to log on to the chat rooms, please see this page.

SC – StepChat – Noon A.A. Meeting – Fridays – 9:00 AM PST @ online Chat
Apr 26 @ 9:00 am – 10:00 am
SC - StepChat - Noon A.A. Meeting - Fridays - 9:00 AM PST @ online Chat


Noon A.A. Meeting

Fridays – 9:00 AM PST

Register to Attend


To Attend A Meeting In a Chat Room

When you first log on you will be in The Lounge which is not a meeting room, but open chat fellowship available 24/7 to members of all 12-step groups.

To go to the meeting rooms from The Lounge, click on the 3-dot menu icon at the top left of the chat screen, then click on the meeting room you wish to enter. If you don’t see the 3 dots, click the ESC key or swipe from the left if you are on a mobile device.

Tips for Chat Meetings

There is no real protocol for “informal” chat gatherings in our open chat rooms, but in our meeting rooms, we try to keep it as much of a face-to-face meeting as possible. Just as in a face-to-face meeting, we do not interrupt the person who is “speaking” or crosstalk after they are done.

Also, as in a face-to-face meeting, someone serves as the “chairperson” who opens the meetings, picks a topic and helps keep the meeting focused on the topic discussion as members take turn sharing on the topic.

Some of our meetings have a “greeter” who sends a private message to any late-comers to the meeting to welcome them and tell them the topics of discussion. If the late-comer is new to online meetings, the greeter may also explain briefly how meetings work (see below).

NOTE: To send someone a private message during the meeting, click on their name in the members’ list to the right of the chat window. To receive a private message, click on the name of the person who sent it.

If you wish to share, type an exclamation point like this: !. It’s like raising your hand.

The chair of the meeting will then call on the next person to share. In our chat rooms, it is best to type short lines followed by “. . .” which indicates that you are not finished. Like this:

One of the best tools I have found …
When I find myself under stress …
Is the Serenity Prayer … [done]

The [done] at the ends shows that you are finished, and the chairperson then will call on the next person to share.

That’s it. Those simple tools can keep things orderly even in a full chat room.

For instructions on how to log on to the chat rooms, please see this page.

SC – StepChat – ACA Afternoon Meeting WSO# WEB0085 – Seven days a week – 11:00 AM PST @ online Chat
Apr 26 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
SC - StepChat - ACA Afternoon Meeting WSO# WEB0085 - Seven days a week - 11:00 AM PST @ online Chat


ACA Afternoon Meeting


Seven Days A Week – 11:00 AM PST

Register to Attend


To Attend A Meeting In a Chat Room

When you first log on you will be in The Lounge which is not a meeting room, but open chat fellowship available 24/7 to members of all 12-step groups.

To go to the meeting rooms from The Lounge, click on the 3-dot menu icon at the top left of the chat screen, then click on the meeting room you wish to enter. If you don’t see the 3 dots, click the ESC key or swipe from the left if you are on a mobile device.

Tips for Chat Meetings

There is no real protocol for “informal” chat gatherings in our open chat rooms, but in our meeting rooms, we try to keep it as much of a face-to-face meeting as possible. Just as in a face-to-face meeting, we do not interrupt the person who is “speaking” or crosstalk after they are done.

Also, as in a face-to-face meeting, someone serves as the “chairperson” who opens the meetings, picks a topic and helps keep the meeting focused on the topic discussion as members take turn sharing on the topic.

Some of our meetings have a “greeter” who sends a private message to any late-comers to the meeting to welcome them and tell them the topics of discussion. If the late-comer is new to online meetings, the greeter may also explain briefly how meetings work (see below).

NOTE: To send someone a private message during the meeting, click on their name in the members’ list to the right of the chat window. To receive a private message, click on the name of the person who sent it.

If you wish to share, type an exclamation point like this: !. It’s like raising your hand.

The chair of the meeting will then call on the next person to share. In our chat rooms, it is best to type short lines followed by “. . .” which indicates that you are not finished. Like this:

One of the best tools I have found …
When I find myself under stress …
Is the Serenity Prayer … [done]

The [done] at the ends shows that you are finished, and the chairperson then will call on the next person to share.

That’s it. Those simple tools can keep things orderly even in a full chat room.

For instructions on how to log on to the chat rooms, please see this page.

SC – StepChat – Keep Coming Back Al-Anon Family Group Meeting WSO#30754481 – Seven Days a Week @ Online via Chat
Apr 26 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
SC - StepChat - Keep Coming Back Al-Anon Family Group Meeting WSO#30754481 - Seven Days a Week @ Online via Chat


Keep Coming Back Al-Anon Family Group Meeting


Register to Attend


To Attend A Meeting In a Chat Room

When you first log on you will be in The Lounge which is not a meeting room, but open chat fellowship available 24/7 to members of all 12-step groups.

To go to the meeting rooms from The Lounge, click on the 3-dot menu icon at the top left of the chat screen, then click on the meeting room you wish to enter. If you don’t see the 3 dots, click the ESC key or swipe from the left if you are on a mobile device.

Tips for Chat Meetings

There is no real protocol for “informal” chat gatherings in our open chat rooms, but in our meeting rooms, we try to keep it as much of a face-to-face meeting as possible. Just as in a face-to-face meeting, we do not interrupt the person who is “speaking” or crosstalk after they are done.

Also, as in a face-to-face meeting, someone serves as the “chairperson” who opens the meetings, picks a topic and helps keep the meeting focused on the topic discussion as members take turn sharing on the topic.

Some of our meetings have a “greeter” who sends a private message to any late-comers to the meeting to welcome them and tell them the topics of discussion. If the late-comer is new to online meetings, the greeter may also explain briefly how meetings work (see below).

NOTE: To send someone a private message during the meeting, click on their name in the members’ list to the right of the chat window. To receive a private message, click on the name of the person who sent it.

If you wish to share, type an exclamation point like this: !. It’s like raising your hand.

The chair of the meeting will then call on the next person to share. In our chat rooms, it is best to type short lines followed by “. . .” which indicates that you are not finished. Like this:

One of the best tools I have found …
When I find myself under stress …
Is the Serenity Prayer … [done]

The [done] at the ends shows that you are finished, and the chairperson then will call on the next person to share.

That’s it. Those simple tools can keep things orderly even in a full chat room.

For instructions on how to log on to the chat rooms, please see this page.


SC – StepChat – A.A. Step Study Meeting – Fridays – 3:00 PM PST @ online Chat
Apr 26 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
SC - StepChat - A.A. Step Study Meeting - Fridays - 3:00 PM PST @ online Chat


Recovery Chat Room

A. A. Step Study Meeting

Fridays – 3:00 PM PST

Register to Attend


To Attend A Meeting In a Chat Room

When you first log on you will be in The Lounge which is not a meeting room, but open chat fellowship available 24/7 to members of all 12-step groups.

To go to the meeting rooms from The Lounge, click on the 3-dot menu icon at the top left of the chat screen, then click on the meeting room you wish to enter. If you don’t see the 3 dots, click the ESC key or swipe from the left if you are on a mobile device.

Tips for Chat Meetings

There is no real protocol for “informal” chat gatherings in our open chat rooms, but in our meeting rooms, we try to keep it as much of a face-to-face meeting as possible. Just as in a face-to-face meeting, we do not interrupt the person who is “speaking” or crosstalk after they are done.

Also, as in a face-to-face meeting, someone serves as the “chairperson” who opens the meetings, picks a topic and helps keep the meeting focused on the topic discussion as members take turn sharing on the topic.

Some of our meetings have a “greeter” who sends a private message to any late-comers to the meeting to welcome them and tell them the topics of discussion. If the late-comer is new to online meetings, the greeter may also explain briefly how meetings work (see below).

NOTE: To send someone a private message during the meeting, click on their name in the members’ list to the right of the chat window. To receive a private message, click on the name of the person who sent it.

If you wish to share, type an exclamation point like this: !. It’s like raising your hand.

The chair of the meeting will then call on the next person to share. In our chat rooms, it is best to type short lines followed by “. . .” which indicates that you are not finished. Like this:

One of the best tools I have found …
When I find myself under stress …
Is the Serenity Prayer … [done]

The [done] at the ends shows that you are finished, and the chairperson then will call on the next person to share.

That’s it. Those simple tools can keep things orderly even in a full chat room.

For instructions on how to log on to the chat rooms, please see this page.

SC – StepChat – ACA Early Evening Meeting WSO# WEB0086 – Monday thru Fridays – 3:00 PM PST @ online Chat
Apr 26 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
SC - StepChat - ACA Early Evening Meeting WSO# WEB0086 - Monday thru Fridays - 3:00 PM PST @ online Chat


ACA Early Evening Meeting


Mondays – Fridays – 3:00 PM PST

Register to Attend


To Attend A Meeting In a Chat Room

When you first log on you will be in The Lounge which is not a meeting room, but open chat fellowship available 24/7 to members of all 12-step groups.

To go to the meeting rooms from The Lounge, click on the 3-dot menu icon at the top left of the chat screen, then click on the meeting room you wish to enter. If you don’t see the 3 dots, click the ESC key or swipe from the left if you are on a mobile device.

Tips for Chat Meetings

There is no real protocol for “informal” chat gatherings in our open chat rooms, but in our meeting rooms, we try to keep it as much of a face-to-face meeting as possible. Just as in a face-to-face meeting, we do not interrupt the person who is “speaking” or crosstalk after they are done.

Also, as in a face-to-face meeting, someone serves as the “chairperson” who opens the meetings, picks a topic and helps keep the meeting focused on the topic discussion as members take turn sharing on the topic.

Some of our meetings have a “greeter” who sends a private message to any late-comers to the meeting to welcome them and tell them the topics of discussion. If the late-comer is new to online meetings, the greeter may also explain briefly how meetings work (see below).

NOTE: To send someone a private message during the meeting, click on their name in the members’ list to the right of the chat window. To receive a private message, click on the name of the person who sent it.

If you wish to share, type an exclamation point like this: !. It’s like raising your hand.

The chair of the meeting will then call on the next person to share. In our chat rooms, it is best to type short lines followed by “. . .” which indicates that you are not finished. Like this:

One of the best tools I have found …
When I find myself under stress …
Is the Serenity Prayer … [done]

The [done] at the ends shows that you are finished, and the chairperson then will call on the next person to share.

That’s it. Those simple tools can keep things orderly even in a full chat room.

For instructions on how to log on to the chat rooms, please see this page.

SC – StepChat – Al-Anon Beginners Meeting – Fridays @ Online via Chat
Apr 26 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
SC - StepChat - Al-Anon Beginners Meeting - Fridays @ Online via Chat


Al-Anon Beginners Meeting




Register to Attend


To Attend A Meeting In a Chat Room

When you first log on you will be in The Lounge which is not a meeting room, but open chat fellowship available 24/7 to members of all 12-step groups.

To go to the meeting rooms from The Lounge, click on the 3-dot menu icon at the top left of the chat screen, then click on the meeting room you wish to enter. If you don’t see the 3 dots, click the ESC key or swipe from the left if you are on a mobile device.

Tips for Chat Meetings

There is no real protocol for “informal” chat gatherings in our open chat rooms, but in our meeting rooms, we try to keep it as much of a face-to-face meeting as possible. Just as in a face-to-face meeting, we do not interrupt the person who is “speaking” or crosstalk after they are done.

Also, as in a face-to-face meeting, someone serves as the “chairperson” who opens the meetings, picks a topic and helps keep the meeting focused on the topic discussion as members take turn sharing on the topic.

Some of our meetings have a “greeter” who sends a private message to any late-comers to the meeting to welcome them and tell them the topics of discussion. If the late-comer is new to online meetings, the greeter may also explain briefly how meetings work (see below).

NOTE: To send someone a private message during the meeting, click on their name in the members’ list to the right of the chat window. To receive a private message, click on the name of the person who sent it.

If you wish to share, type an exclamation point like this: !. It’s like raising your hand.

The chair of the meeting will then call on the next person to share. In our chat rooms, it is best to type short lines followed by “. . .” which indicates that you are not finished. Like this:

One of the best tools I have found …
When I find myself under stress …
Is the Serenity Prayer … [done]

The [done] at the ends shows that you are finished, and the chairperson then will call on the next person to share.

That’s it. Those simple tools can keep things orderly even in a full chat room.

For instructions on how to log on to the chat rooms, please see this page.

SC – StepChat – Open A.A. Meeting – Fridays – 5:00 PM PST @ online Chat
Apr 26 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
SC - StepChat - Open A.A. Meeting - Fridays - 5:00 PM PST @ online Chat


Open A.A. Meeting

Fridays – 5:00 PM PST

Register to Attend


To Attend A Meeting In a Chat Room

When you first log on you will be in The Lounge which is not a meeting room, but open chat fellowship available 24/7 to members of all 12-step groups.

To go to the meeting rooms from The Lounge, click on the 3-dot menu icon at the top left of the chat screen, then click on the meeting room you wish to enter. If you don’t see the 3 dots, click the ESC key or swipe from the left if you are on a mobile device.

Tips for Chat Meetings

There is no real protocol for “informal” chat gatherings in our open chat rooms, but in our meeting rooms, we try to keep it as much of a face-to-face meeting as possible. Just as in a face-to-face meeting, we do not interrupt the person who is “speaking” or crosstalk after they are done.

Also, as in a face-to-face meeting, someone serves as the “chairperson” who opens the meetings, picks a topic and helps keep the meeting focused on the topic discussion as members take turn sharing on the topic.

Some of our meetings have a “greeter” who sends a private message to any late-comers to the meeting to welcome them and tell them the topics of discussion. If the late-comer is new to online meetings, the greeter may also explain briefly how meetings work (see below).

NOTE: To send someone a private message during the meeting, click on their name in the members’ list to the right of the chat window. To receive a private message, click on the name of the person who sent it.

If you wish to share, type an exclamation point like this: !. It’s like raising your hand.

The chair of the meeting will then call on the next person to share. In our chat rooms, it is best to type short lines followed by “. . .” which indicates that you are not finished. Like this:

One of the best tools I have found …
When I find myself under stress …
Is the Serenity Prayer … [done]

The [done] at the ends shows that you are finished, and the chairperson then will call on the next person to share.

That’s it. Those simple tools can keep things orderly even in a full chat room.

For instructions on how to log on to the chat rooms, please see this page.

SC – StepChat – Serenity Seekers AFG Meeting WSO#30753317 – All week except Thursdays @ Online via Chat
Apr 26 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
SC - StepChat - Serenity Seekers AFG Meeting WSO#30753317 - All week except Thursdays @ Online via Chat





Serenity Seekers AFG Meeting


Register to Attend


To Attend A Meeting In a Chat Room

When you first log on you will be in The Lounge which is not a meeting room, but open chat fellowship available 24/7 to members of all 12-step groups.

To go to the meeting rooms from The Lounge, click on the 3-dot menu icon at the top left of the chat screen, then click on the meeting room you wish to enter. If you don’t see the 3 dots, click the ESC key or swipe from the left if you are on a mobile device.

Tips for Chat Meetings

There is no real protocol for “informal” chat gatherings in our open chat rooms, but in our meeting rooms, we try to keep it as much of a face-to-face meeting as possible. Just as in a face-to-face meeting, we do not interrupt the person who is “speaking” or crosstalk after they are done.

Also, as in a face-to-face meeting, someone serves as the “chairperson” who opens the meetings, picks a topic and helps keep the meeting focused on the topic discussion as members take turn sharing on the topic.

Some of our meetings have a “greeter” who sends a private message to any late-comers to the meeting to welcome them and tell them the topics of discussion. If the late-comer is new to online meetings, the greeter may also explain briefly how meetings work (see below).

NOTE: To send someone a private message during the meeting, click on their name in the members’ list to the right of the chat window. To receive a private message, click on the name of the person who sent it.

If you wish to share, type an exclamation point like this: !. It’s like raising your hand.

The chair of the meeting will then call on the next person to share. In our chat rooms, it is best to type short lines followed by “. . .” which indicates that you are not finished. Like this:

One of the best tools I have found …
When I find myself under stress …
Is the Serenity Prayer … [done]

The [done] at the ends shows that you are finished, and the chairperson then will call on the next person to share.

That’s it. Those simple tools can keep things orderly even in a full chat room.

For instructions on how to log on to the chat rooms, please see this page.


SC – StepChat – A.A. Big Book Study Meeting – Fridays – 5:30 PM PST @ online Chat
Apr 26 @ 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm
SC - StepChat - A.A. Big Book Study Meeting - Fridays - 5:30 PM PST @ online Chat


A. A. Big Book Study Meeting

Fridays -5:30 PM PST

Register to Attend


To Attend A Meeting In a Chat Room

When you first log on you will be in The Lounge which is not a meeting room, but open chat fellowship available 24/7 to members of all 12-step groups.

To go to the meeting rooms from The Lounge, click on the 3-dot menu icon at the top left of the chat screen, then click on the meeting room you wish to enter. If you don’t see the 3 dots, click the ESC key or swipe from the left if you are on a mobile device.

Tips for Chat Meetings

There is no real protocol for “informal” chat gatherings in our open chat rooms, but in our meeting rooms, we try to keep it as much of a face-to-face meeting as possible. Just as in a face-to-face meeting, we do not interrupt the person who is “speaking” or crosstalk after they are done.

Also, as in a face-to-face meeting, someone serves as the “chairperson” who opens the meetings, picks a topic and helps keep the meeting focused on the topic discussion as members take turn sharing on the topic.

Some of our meetings have a “greeter” who sends a private message to any late-comers to the meeting to welcome them and tell them the topics of discussion. If the late-comer is new to online meetings, the greeter may also explain briefly how meetings work (see below).

NOTE: To send someone a private message during the meeting, click on their name in the members’ list to the right of the chat window. To receive a private message, click on the name of the person who sent it.

If you wish to share, type an exclamation point like this: !. It’s like raising your hand.

The chair of the meeting will then call on the next person to share. In our chat rooms, it is best to type short lines followed by “. . .” which indicates that you are not finished. Like this:

One of the best tools I have found …
When I find myself under stress …
Is the Serenity Prayer … [done]

The [done] at the ends shows that you are finished, and the chairperson then will call on the next person to share.

That’s it. Those simple tools can keep things orderly even in a full chat room.

For instructions on how to log on to the chat rooms, please see this page.

SC – StepChat – Recovery Chat Room – Narcotics Anonymous Meeting – Fridays 6PM PST @ Chat
Apr 26 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
SC - StepChat - Recovery Chat Room - Narcotics Anonymous Meeting - Fridays 6PM PST @ Chat


Recovery Chat Room

Narcotics Anonymous Meeting, Fridays, 6:00PM PST

Register to Attend


To Attend A Meeting In a Chat Room

When you first log on you will be in The Lounge which is not a meeting room, but open chat fellowship available 24/7 to members of all 12-step groups.

To go to the meeting rooms from The Lounge, click on the 3-dot menu icon at the top left of the chat screen, then click on the meeting room you wish to enter. If you don’t see the 3 dots, click the ESC key or swipe from the left if you are on a mobile device.

Tips for Chat Meetings

There is no real protocol for “informal” chat gatherings in our open chat rooms, but in our meeting rooms, we try to keep it as much of a face-to-face meeting as possible. Just as in a face-to-face meeting, we do not interrupt the person who is “speaking” or crosstalk after they are done.

Also, as in a face-to-face meeting, someone serves as the “chairperson” who opens the meetings, picks a topic and helps keep the meeting focused on the topic discussion as members take turn sharing on the topic.

Some of our meetings have a “greeter” who sends a private message to any late-comers to the meeting to welcome them and tell them the topics of discussion. If the late-comer is new to online meetings, the greeter may also explain briefly how meetings work (see below).

NOTE: To send someone a private message during the meeting, click on their name in the members’ list to the right of the chat window. To receive a private message, click on the name of the person who sent it.

If you wish to share, type an exclamation point like this: !. It’s like raising your hand.

The chair of the meeting will then call on the next person to share. In our chat rooms, it is best to type short lines followed by “. . .” which indicates that you are not finished. Like this:

One of the best tools I have found …
When I find myself under stress …
Is the Serenity Prayer … [done]

The [done] at the ends shows that you are finished, and the chairperson then will call on the next person to share.

That’s it. Those simple tools can keep things orderly even in a full chat room.

For instructions on how to log on to the chat rooms, please see this page.

SC – StepChat – Open A.A. Meeting – Fridays – 7:00 PM PST @ online Chat
Apr 26 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
SC - StepChat - Open A.A. Meeting - Fridays - 7:00 PM PST @ online Chat


Open A.A. Meeting

Fridays – 7:00 PM PST

Register to Attend


To Attend A Meeting In a Chat Room

When you first log on you will be in The Lounge which is not a meeting room, but open chat fellowship available 24/7 to members of all 12-step groups.

To go to the meeting rooms from The Lounge, click on the 3-dot menu icon at the top left of the chat screen, then click on the meeting room you wish to enter. If you don’t see the 3 dots, click the ESC key or swipe from the left if you are on a mobile device.

Tips for Chat Meetings

There is no real protocol for “informal” chat gatherings in our open chat rooms, but in our meeting rooms, we try to keep it as much of a face-to-face meeting as possible. Just as in a face-to-face meeting, we do not interrupt the person who is “speaking” or crosstalk after they are done.

Also, as in a face-to-face meeting, someone serves as the “chairperson” who opens the meetings, picks a topic and helps keep the meeting focused on the topic discussion as members take turn sharing on the topic.

Some of our meetings have a “greeter” who sends a private message to any late-comers to the meeting to welcome them and tell them the topics of discussion. If the late-comer is new to online meetings, the greeter may also explain briefly how meetings work (see below).

NOTE: To send someone a private message during the meeting, click on their name in the members’ list to the right of the chat window. To receive a private message, click on the name of the person who sent it.

If you wish to share, type an exclamation point like this: !. It’s like raising your hand.

The chair of the meeting will then call on the next person to share. In our chat rooms, it is best to type short lines followed by “. . .” which indicates that you are not finished. Like this:

One of the best tools I have found …
When I find myself under stress …
Is the Serenity Prayer … [done]

The [done] at the ends shows that you are finished, and the chairperson then will call on the next person to share.

That’s it. Those simple tools can keep things orderly even in a full chat room.

For instructions on how to log on to the chat rooms, please see this page.

# WEB0084 – Weekends – 8:00 PM PSTSC – StepChat – ACA Breakfast Club Open Meeting WSO @ Online via Chat
Apr 27 @ 8:00 am – 9:00 am
# WEB0084 - Weekends - 8:00 PM PSTSC - StepChat - ACA Breakfast Club Open Meeting WSO @ Online via Chat


ACA Breakfast Club Open Meeting

WSO# WEB0084

Saturday & Sundays 8:00am to 9:00am PST

Register to Attend


To Attend A Meeting In a Chat Room

When you first log on you will be in The Lounge which is not a meeting room, but open chat fellowship available 24/7 to members of all 12-step groups.

To go to the meeting rooms from The Lounge, click on the 3-dot menu icon at the top left of the chat screen, then click on the meeting room you wish to enter. If you don’t see the 3 dots, click the ESC key or swipe from the left if you are on a mobile device.

Tips for Chat Meetings

There is no real protocol for “informal” chat gatherings in our open chat rooms, but in our meeting rooms, we try to keep it as much of a face-to-face meeting as possible. Just as in a face-to-face meeting, we do not interrupt the person who is “speaking” or crosstalk after they are done.

Also, as in a face-to-face meeting, someone serves as the “chairperson” who opens the meetings, picks a topic and helps keep the meeting focused on the topic discussion as members take turn sharing on the topic.

Some of our meetings have a “greeter” who sends a private message to any late-comers to the meeting to welcome them and tell them the topics of discussion. If the late-comer is new to online meetings, the greeter may also explain briefly how meetings work (see below).

NOTE: To send someone a private message during the meeting, click on their name in the members’ list to the right of the chat window. To receive a private message, click on the name of the person who sent it.

If you wish to share, type an exclamation point like this: !. It’s like raising your hand.

The chair of the meeting will then call on the next person to share. In our chat rooms, it is best to type short lines followed by “. . .” which indicates that you are not finished. Like this:

One of the best tools I have found …
When I find myself under stress …
Is the Serenity Prayer … [done]

The [done] at the ends shows that you are finished, and the chairperson then will call on the next person to share.

That’s it. Those simple tools can keep things orderly even in a full chat room.

For instructions on how to log on to the chat rooms, please see this page.

SC – StepChat – Noon A.A. Meeting – Saturdays – 9:00 AM PST @ online Chat
Apr 27 @ 9:00 am – 10:00 am
SC - StepChat - Noon A.A. Meeting - Saturdays - 9:00 AM PST @ online Chat


Noon A.A. Meeting

Saturdays – 9:00 AM PST

Register to Attend


To Attend A Meeting In a Chat Room

When you first log on you will be in The Lounge which is not a meeting room, but open chat fellowship available 24/7 to members of all 12-step groups.

To go to the meeting rooms from The Lounge, click on the 3-dot menu icon at the top left of the chat screen, then click on the meeting room you wish to enter. If you don’t see the 3 dots, click the ESC key or swipe from the left if you are on a mobile device.

Tips for Chat Meetings

There is no real protocol for “informal” chat gatherings in our open chat rooms, but in our meeting rooms, we try to keep it as much of a face-to-face meeting as possible. Just as in a face-to-face meeting, we do not interrupt the person who is “speaking” or crosstalk after they are done.

Also, as in a face-to-face meeting, someone serves as the “chairperson” who opens the meetings, picks a topic and helps keep the meeting focused on the topic discussion as members take turn sharing on the topic.

Some of our meetings have a “greeter” who sends a private message to any late-comers to the meeting to welcome them and tell them the topics of discussion. If the late-comer is new to online meetings, the greeter may also explain briefly how meetings work (see below).

NOTE: To send someone a private message during the meeting, click on their name in the members’ list to the right of the chat window. To receive a private message, click on the name of the person who sent it.

If you wish to share, type an exclamation point like this: !. It’s like raising your hand.

The chair of the meeting will then call on the next person to share. In our chat rooms, it is best to type short lines followed by “. . .” which indicates that you are not finished. Like this:

One of the best tools I have found …
When I find myself under stress …
Is the Serenity Prayer … [done]

The [done] at the ends shows that you are finished, and the chairperson then will call on the next person to share.

That’s it. Those simple tools can keep things orderly even in a full chat room.

For instructions on how to log on to the chat rooms, please see this page.

SC – StepChat – ACA Afternoon Meeting WSO# WEB0085 – Seven days a week – 11:00 AM PST @ online Chat
Apr 27 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
SC - StepChat - ACA Afternoon Meeting WSO# WEB0085 - Seven days a week - 11:00 AM PST @ online Chat


ACA Afternoon Meeting


Seven Days A Week – 11:00 AM PST

Register to Attend


To Attend A Meeting In a Chat Room

When you first log on you will be in The Lounge which is not a meeting room, but open chat fellowship available 24/7 to members of all 12-step groups.

To go to the meeting rooms from The Lounge, click on the 3-dot menu icon at the top left of the chat screen, then click on the meeting room you wish to enter. If you don’t see the 3 dots, click the ESC key or swipe from the left if you are on a mobile device.

Tips for Chat Meetings

There is no real protocol for “informal” chat gatherings in our open chat rooms, but in our meeting rooms, we try to keep it as much of a face-to-face meeting as possible. Just as in a face-to-face meeting, we do not interrupt the person who is “speaking” or crosstalk after they are done.

Also, as in a face-to-face meeting, someone serves as the “chairperson” who opens the meetings, picks a topic and helps keep the meeting focused on the topic discussion as members take turn sharing on the topic.

Some of our meetings have a “greeter” who sends a private message to any late-comers to the meeting to welcome them and tell them the topics of discussion. If the late-comer is new to online meetings, the greeter may also explain briefly how meetings work (see below).

NOTE: To send someone a private message during the meeting, click on their name in the members’ list to the right of the chat window. To receive a private message, click on the name of the person who sent it.

If you wish to share, type an exclamation point like this: !. It’s like raising your hand.

The chair of the meeting will then call on the next person to share. In our chat rooms, it is best to type short lines followed by “. . .” which indicates that you are not finished. Like this:

One of the best tools I have found …
When I find myself under stress …
Is the Serenity Prayer … [done]

The [done] at the ends shows that you are finished, and the chairperson then will call on the next person to share.

That’s it. Those simple tools can keep things orderly even in a full chat room.

For instructions on how to log on to the chat rooms, please see this page.

SC – StepChat – Keep Coming Back Al-Anon Family Group Meeting WSO#30754481 – Seven Days a Week @ Online via Chat
Apr 27 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
SC - StepChat - Keep Coming Back Al-Anon Family Group Meeting WSO#30754481 - Seven Days a Week @ Online via Chat


Keep Coming Back Al-Anon Family Group Meeting


Register to Attend


To Attend A Meeting In a Chat Room

When you first log on you will be in The Lounge which is not a meeting room, but open chat fellowship available 24/7 to members of all 12-step groups.

To go to the meeting rooms from The Lounge, click on the 3-dot menu icon at the top left of the chat screen, then click on the meeting room you wish to enter. If you don’t see the 3 dots, click the ESC key or swipe from the left if you are on a mobile device.

Tips for Chat Meetings

There is no real protocol for “informal” chat gatherings in our open chat rooms, but in our meeting rooms, we try to keep it as much of a face-to-face meeting as possible. Just as in a face-to-face meeting, we do not interrupt the person who is “speaking” or crosstalk after they are done.

Also, as in a face-to-face meeting, someone serves as the “chairperson” who opens the meetings, picks a topic and helps keep the meeting focused on the topic discussion as members take turn sharing on the topic.

Some of our meetings have a “greeter” who sends a private message to any late-comers to the meeting to welcome them and tell them the topics of discussion. If the late-comer is new to online meetings, the greeter may also explain briefly how meetings work (see below).

NOTE: To send someone a private message during the meeting, click on their name in the members’ list to the right of the chat window. To receive a private message, click on the name of the person who sent it.

If you wish to share, type an exclamation point like this: !. It’s like raising your hand.

The chair of the meeting will then call on the next person to share. In our chat rooms, it is best to type short lines followed by “. . .” which indicates that you are not finished. Like this:

One of the best tools I have found …
When I find myself under stress …
Is the Serenity Prayer … [done]

The [done] at the ends shows that you are finished, and the chairperson then will call on the next person to share.

That’s it. Those simple tools can keep things orderly even in a full chat room.

For instructions on how to log on to the chat rooms, please see this page.


SC – StepChat – Serenity Seekers AFG Meeting WSO#30753317 – All week except Thursdays @ Online via Chat
Apr 27 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
SC - StepChat - Serenity Seekers AFG Meeting WSO#30753317 - All week except Thursdays @ Online via Chat





Serenity Seekers AFG Meeting


Register to Attend


To Attend A Meeting In a Chat Room

When you first log on you will be in The Lounge which is not a meeting room, but open chat fellowship available 24/7 to members of all 12-step groups.

To go to the meeting rooms from The Lounge, click on the 3-dot menu icon at the top left of the chat screen, then click on the meeting room you wish to enter. If you don’t see the 3 dots, click the ESC key or swipe from the left if you are on a mobile device.

Tips for Chat Meetings

There is no real protocol for “informal” chat gatherings in our open chat rooms, but in our meeting rooms, we try to keep it as much of a face-to-face meeting as possible. Just as in a face-to-face meeting, we do not interrupt the person who is “speaking” or crosstalk after they are done.

Also, as in a face-to-face meeting, someone serves as the “chairperson” who opens the meetings, picks a topic and helps keep the meeting focused on the topic discussion as members take turn sharing on the topic.

Some of our meetings have a “greeter” who sends a private message to any late-comers to the meeting to welcome them and tell them the topics of discussion. If the late-comer is new to online meetings, the greeter may also explain briefly how meetings work (see below).

NOTE: To send someone a private message during the meeting, click on their name in the members’ list to the right of the chat window. To receive a private message, click on the name of the person who sent it.

If you wish to share, type an exclamation point like this: !. It’s like raising your hand.

The chair of the meeting will then call on the next person to share. In our chat rooms, it is best to type short lines followed by “. . .” which indicates that you are not finished. Like this:

One of the best tools I have found …
When I find myself under stress …
Is the Serenity Prayer … [done]

The [done] at the ends shows that you are finished, and the chairperson then will call on the next person to share.

That’s it. Those simple tools can keep things orderly even in a full chat room.

For instructions on how to log on to the chat rooms, please see this page.


SC – StepChat – Recovery Chat Room – Narcotics Anonymous Meeting – Saturdays 6PM PST @ Chat
Apr 27 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
SC - StepChat - Recovery Chat Room - Narcotics Anonymous Meeting - Saturdays 6PM PST @ Chat


Recovery Chat Room

Narcotics Anonymous Meeting, Saturdays, 6:00PM PST

Register to Attend


To Attend A Meeting In a Chat Room

When you first log on you will be in The Lounge which is not a meeting room, but open chat fellowship available 24/7 to members of all 12-step groups.

To go to the meeting rooms from The Lounge, click on the 3-dot menu icon at the top left of the chat screen, then click on the meeting room you wish to enter. If you don’t see the 3 dots, click the ESC key or swipe from the left if you are on a mobile device.

Tips for Chat Meetings

There is no real protocol for “informal” chat gatherings in our open chat rooms, but in our meeting rooms, we try to keep it as much of a face-to-face meeting as possible. Just as in a face-to-face meeting, we do not interrupt the person who is “speaking” or crosstalk after they are done.

Also, as in a face-to-face meeting, someone serves as the “chairperson” who opens the meetings, picks a topic and helps keep the meeting focused on the topic discussion as members take turn sharing on the topic.

Some of our meetings have a “greeter” who sends a private message to any late-comers to the meeting to welcome them and tell them the topics of discussion. If the late-comer is new to online meetings, the greeter may also explain briefly how meetings work (see below).

NOTE: To send someone a private message during the meeting, click on their name in the members’ list to the right of the chat window. To receive a private message, click on the name of the person who sent it.

If you wish to share, type an exclamation point like this: !. It’s like raising your hand.

The chair of the meeting will then call on the next person to share. In our chat rooms, it is best to type short lines followed by “. . .” which indicates that you are not finished. Like this:

One of the best tools I have found …
When I find myself under stress …
Is the Serenity Prayer … [done]

The [done] at the ends shows that you are finished, and the chairperson then will call on the next person to share.

That’s it. Those simple tools can keep things orderly even in a full chat room.

For instructions on how to log on to the chat rooms, please see this page.

SC – StepChat – ACA Nighttime Meeting WSO# WEB0088 – Sat & Sun – 6:30 PM PST @ Online via Chat
Apr 27 @ 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm
SC - StepChat - ACA Nighttime Meeting WSO# WEB0088 - Sat & Sun - 6:30 PM PST @ Online via Chat


ACA Nighttime Meeting


Saturdays & Sundays – 6:30 PM PST

Register to Attend


To Attend A Meeting In a Chat Room

When you first log on you will be in The Lounge which is not a meeting room, but open chat fellowship available 24/7 to members of all 12-step groups.

To go to the meeting rooms from The Lounge, click on the 3-dot menu icon at the top left of the chat screen, then click on the meeting room you wish to enter. If you don’t see the 3 dots, click the ESC key or swipe from the left if you are on a mobile device.

Tips for Chat Meetings

There is no real protocol for “informal” chat gatherings in our open chat rooms, but in our meeting rooms, we try to keep it as much of a face-to-face meeting as possible. Just as in a face-to-face meeting, we do not interrupt the person who is “speaking” or crosstalk after they are done.

Also, as in a face-to-face meeting, someone serves as the “chairperson” who opens the meetings, picks a topic and helps keep the meeting focused on the topic discussion as members take turn sharing on the topic.

Some of our meetings have a “greeter” who sends a private message to any late-comers to the meeting to welcome them and tell them the topics of discussion. If the late-comer is new to online meetings, the greeter may also explain briefly how meetings work (see below).

NOTE: To send someone a private message during the meeting, click on their name in the members’ list to the right of the chat window. To receive a private message, click on the name of the person who sent it.

If you wish to share, type an exclamation point like this: !. It’s like raising your hand.

The chair of the meeting will then call on the next person to share. In our chat rooms, it is best to type short lines followed by “. . .” which indicates that you are not finished. Like this:

One of the best tools I have found …
When I find myself under stress …
Is the Serenity Prayer … [done]

The [done] at the ends shows that you are finished, and the chairperson then will call on the next person to share.

That’s it. Those simple tools can keep things orderly even in a full chat room.

For instructions on how to log on to the chat rooms, please see this page.

SC – StepChat – Serenity By The Cybernet A.A. Meeting – Saturdays – 7:00PM PST @ online Chat
Apr 27 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
SC - StepChat - Serenity By The Cybernet A.A. Meeting - Saturdays - 7:00PM PST @ online Chat


Recovery Chat Room

Serenity By The Cybernet A.A. Meeting

 Saturdays – 7:00 PM PST

Register to Attend


To Attend A Meeting In a Chat Room

When you first log on you will be in The Lounge which is not a meeting room, but open chat fellowship available 24/7 to members of all 12-step groups.

To go to the meeting rooms from The Lounge, click on the 3-dot menu icon at the top left of the chat screen, then click on the meeting room you wish to enter. If you don’t see the 3 dots, click the ESC key or swipe from the left if you are on a mobile device.

Tips for Chat Meetings

There is no real protocol for “informal” chat gatherings in our open chat rooms, but in our meeting rooms, we try to keep it as much of a face-to-face meeting as possible. Just as in a face-to-face meeting, we do not interrupt the person who is “speaking” or crosstalk after they are done.

Also, as in a face-to-face meeting, someone serves as the “chairperson” who opens the meetings, picks a topic and helps keep the meeting focused on the topic discussion as members take turn sharing on the topic.

Some of our meetings have a “greeter” who sends a private message to any late-comers to the meeting to welcome them and tell them the topics of discussion. If the late-comer is new to online meetings, the greeter may also explain briefly how meetings work (see below).

NOTE: To send someone a private message during the meeting, click on their name in the members’ list to the right of the chat window. To receive a private message, click on the name of the person who sent it.

If you wish to share, type an exclamation point like this: !. It’s like raising your hand.

The chair of the meeting will then call on the next person to share. In our chat rooms, it is best to type short lines followed by “. . .” which indicates that you are not finished. Like this:

One of the best tools I have found …
When I find myself under stress …
Is the Serenity Prayer … [done]

The [done] at the ends shows that you are finished, and the chairperson then will call on the next person to share.

That’s it. Those simple tools can keep things orderly even in a full chat room.

For instructions on how to log on to the chat rooms, please see this page.

# WEB0084 – Weekends – 8:00 PM PSTSC – StepChat – ACA Breakfast Club Open Meeting WSO @ Online via Chat
Apr 28 @ 8:00 am – 9:00 am
# WEB0084 - Weekends - 8:00 PM PSTSC - StepChat - ACA Breakfast Club Open Meeting WSO @ Online via Chat


ACA Breakfast Club Open Meeting

WSO# WEB0084

Saturday & Sundays 8:00am to 9:00am PST

Register to Attend


To Attend A Meeting In a Chat Room

When you first log on you will be in The Lounge which is not a meeting room, but open chat fellowship available 24/7 to members of all 12-step groups.

To go to the meeting rooms from The Lounge, click on the 3-dot menu icon at the top left of the chat screen, then click on the meeting room you wish to enter. If you don’t see the 3 dots, click the ESC key or swipe from the left if you are on a mobile device.

Tips for Chat Meetings

There is no real protocol for “informal” chat gatherings in our open chat rooms, but in our meeting rooms, we try to keep it as much of a face-to-face meeting as possible. Just as in a face-to-face meeting, we do not interrupt the person who is “speaking” or crosstalk after they are done.

Also, as in a face-to-face meeting, someone serves as the “chairperson” who opens the meetings, picks a topic and helps keep the meeting focused on the topic discussion as members take turn sharing on the topic.

Some of our meetings have a “greeter” who sends a private message to any late-comers to the meeting to welcome them and tell them the topics of discussion. If the late-comer is new to online meetings, the greeter may also explain briefly how meetings work (see below).

NOTE: To send someone a private message during the meeting, click on their name in the members’ list to the right of the chat window. To receive a private message, click on the name of the person who sent it.

If you wish to share, type an exclamation point like this: !. It’s like raising your hand.

The chair of the meeting will then call on the next person to share. In our chat rooms, it is best to type short lines followed by “. . .” which indicates that you are not finished. Like this:

One of the best tools I have found …
When I find myself under stress …
Is the Serenity Prayer … [done]

The [done] at the ends shows that you are finished, and the chairperson then will call on the next person to share.

That’s it. Those simple tools can keep things orderly even in a full chat room.

For instructions on how to log on to the chat rooms, please see this page.

SC – StepChat – ACA Afternoon Meeting WSO# WEB0085 – Seven days a week – 11:00 AM PST @ online Chat
Apr 28 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
SC - StepChat - ACA Afternoon Meeting WSO# WEB0085 - Seven days a week - 11:00 AM PST @ online Chat


ACA Afternoon Meeting


Seven Days A Week – 11:00 AM PST

Register to Attend


To Attend A Meeting In a Chat Room

When you first log on you will be in The Lounge which is not a meeting room, but open chat fellowship available 24/7 to members of all 12-step groups.

To go to the meeting rooms from The Lounge, click on the 3-dot menu icon at the top left of the chat screen, then click on the meeting room you wish to enter. If you don’t see the 3 dots, click the ESC key or swipe from the left if you are on a mobile device.

Tips for Chat Meetings

There is no real protocol for “informal” chat gatherings in our open chat rooms, but in our meeting rooms, we try to keep it as much of a face-to-face meeting as possible. Just as in a face-to-face meeting, we do not interrupt the person who is “speaking” or crosstalk after they are done.

Also, as in a face-to-face meeting, someone serves as the “chairperson” who opens the meetings, picks a topic and helps keep the meeting focused on the topic discussion as members take turn sharing on the topic.

Some of our meetings have a “greeter” who sends a private message to any late-comers to the meeting to welcome them and tell them the topics of discussion. If the late-comer is new to online meetings, the greeter may also explain briefly how meetings work (see below).

NOTE: To send someone a private message during the meeting, click on their name in the members’ list to the right of the chat window. To receive a private message, click on the name of the person who sent it.

If you wish to share, type an exclamation point like this: !. It’s like raising your hand.

The chair of the meeting will then call on the next person to share. In our chat rooms, it is best to type short lines followed by “. . .” which indicates that you are not finished. Like this:

One of the best tools I have found …
When I find myself under stress …
Is the Serenity Prayer … [done]

The [done] at the ends shows that you are finished, and the chairperson then will call on the next person to share.

That’s it. Those simple tools can keep things orderly even in a full chat room.

For instructions on how to log on to the chat rooms, please see this page.

SC – StepChat – Keep Coming Back Al-Anon Family Group Meeting WSO#30754481 – Seven Days a Week @ Online via Chat
Apr 28 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
SC - StepChat - Keep Coming Back Al-Anon Family Group Meeting WSO#30754481 - Seven Days a Week @ Online via Chat


Keep Coming Back Al-Anon Family Group Meeting


Register to Attend


To Attend A Meeting In a Chat Room

When you first log on you will be in The Lounge which is not a meeting room, but open chat fellowship available 24/7 to members of all 12-step groups.

To go to the meeting rooms from The Lounge, click on the 3-dot menu icon at the top left of the chat screen, then click on the meeting room you wish to enter. If you don’t see the 3 dots, click the ESC key or swipe from the left if you are on a mobile device.

Tips for Chat Meetings

There is no real protocol for “informal” chat gatherings in our open chat rooms, but in our meeting rooms, we try to keep it as much of a face-to-face meeting as possible. Just as in a face-to-face meeting, we do not interrupt the person who is “speaking” or crosstalk after they are done.

Also, as in a face-to-face meeting, someone serves as the “chairperson” who opens the meetings, picks a topic and helps keep the meeting focused on the topic discussion as members take turn sharing on the topic.

Some of our meetings have a “greeter” who sends a private message to any late-comers to the meeting to welcome them and tell them the topics of discussion. If the late-comer is new to online meetings, the greeter may also explain briefly how meetings work (see below).

NOTE: To send someone a private message during the meeting, click on their name in the members’ list to the right of the chat window. To receive a private message, click on the name of the person who sent it.

If you wish to share, type an exclamation point like this: !. It’s like raising your hand.

The chair of the meeting will then call on the next person to share. In our chat rooms, it is best to type short lines followed by “. . .” which indicates that you are not finished. Like this:

One of the best tools I have found …
When I find myself under stress …
Is the Serenity Prayer … [done]

The [done] at the ends shows that you are finished, and the chairperson then will call on the next person to share.

That’s it. Those simple tools can keep things orderly even in a full chat room.

For instructions on how to log on to the chat rooms, please see this page.


SC – StepChat – ACA Chairs Choice Meeting WSO# WEB0091 – Sundays – 3:00 PM PST @ online Chat
Apr 28 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
SC - StepChat - ACA Chairs Choice Meeting WSO# WEB0091 - Sundays - 3:00 PM PST @ online Chat


ACA Chairs Choice Meeting


Sundays – 3:00 PM PST

Register to Attend


To Attend A Meeting In a Chat Room

When you first log on you will be in The Lounge which is not a meeting room, but open chat fellowship available 24/7 to members of all 12-step groups.

To go to the meeting rooms from The Lounge, click on the 3-dot menu icon at the top left of the chat screen, then click on the meeting room you wish to enter. If you don’t see the 3 dots, click the ESC key or swipe from the left if you are on a mobile device.

Tips for Chat Meetings

There is no real protocol for “informal” chat gatherings in our open chat rooms, but in our meeting rooms, we try to keep it as much of a face-to-face meeting as possible. Just as in a face-to-face meeting, we do not interrupt the person who is “speaking” or crosstalk after they are done.

Also, as in a face-to-face meeting, someone serves as the “chairperson” who opens the meetings, picks a topic and helps keep the meeting focused on the topic discussion as members take turn sharing on the topic.

Some of our meetings have a “greeter” who sends a private message to any late-comers to the meeting to welcome them and tell them the topics of discussion. If the late-comer is new to online meetings, the greeter may also explain briefly how meetings work (see below).

NOTE: To send someone a private message during the meeting, click on their name in the members’ list to the right of the chat window. To receive a private message, click on the name of the person who sent it.

If you wish to share, type an exclamation point like this: !. It’s like raising your hand.

The chair of the meeting will then call on the next person to share. In our chat rooms, it is best to type short lines followed by “. . .” which indicates that you are not finished. Like this:

One of the best tools I have found …
When I find myself under stress …
Is the Serenity Prayer … [done]

The [done] at the ends shows that you are finished, and the chairperson then will call on the next person to share.

That’s it. Those simple tools can keep things orderly even in a full chat room.

For instructions on how to log on to the chat rooms, please see this page.

SC – StepChat – Serenity Seekers AFG Meeting WSO#30753317 – All week except Thursdays @ Online via Chat
Apr 28 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
SC - StepChat - Serenity Seekers AFG Meeting WSO#30753317 - All week except Thursdays @ Online via Chat





Serenity Seekers AFG Meeting


Register to Attend


To Attend A Meeting In a Chat Room

When you first log on you will be in The Lounge which is not a meeting room, but open chat fellowship available 24/7 to members of all 12-step groups.

To go to the meeting rooms from The Lounge, click on the 3-dot menu icon at the top left of the chat screen, then click on the meeting room you wish to enter. If you don’t see the 3 dots, click the ESC key or swipe from the left if you are on a mobile device.

Tips for Chat Meetings

There is no real protocol for “informal” chat gatherings in our open chat rooms, but in our meeting rooms, we try to keep it as much of a face-to-face meeting as possible. Just as in a face-to-face meeting, we do not interrupt the person who is “speaking” or crosstalk after they are done.

Also, as in a face-to-face meeting, someone serves as the “chairperson” who opens the meetings, picks a topic and helps keep the meeting focused on the topic discussion as members take turn sharing on the topic.

Some of our meetings have a “greeter” who sends a private message to any late-comers to the meeting to welcome them and tell them the topics of discussion. If the late-comer is new to online meetings, the greeter may also explain briefly how meetings work (see below).

NOTE: To send someone a private message during the meeting, click on their name in the members’ list to the right of the chat window. To receive a private message, click on the name of the person who sent it.

If you wish to share, type an exclamation point like this: !. It’s like raising your hand.

The chair of the meeting will then call on the next person to share. In our chat rooms, it is best to type short lines followed by “. . .” which indicates that you are not finished. Like this:

One of the best tools I have found …
When I find myself under stress …
Is the Serenity Prayer … [done]

The [done] at the ends shows that you are finished, and the chairperson then will call on the next person to share.

That’s it. Those simple tools can keep things orderly even in a full chat room.

For instructions on how to log on to the chat rooms, please see this page.


SC – StepChat – Recovery Chat Room – Narcotics Anonymous Meeting – Sundays @ Chat
Apr 28 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
SC - StepChat - Recovery Chat Room - Narcotics Anonymous Meeting - Sundays @ Chat


Recovery Chat Room

Narcotics Anonymous Meeting, Sundays, 6:00PM PST

Register to Attend


To Attend A Meeting In a Chat Room

When you first log on you will be in The Lounge which is not a meeting room, but open chat fellowship available 24/7 to members of all 12-step groups.

To go to the meeting rooms from The Lounge, click on the 3-dot menu icon at the top left of the chat screen, then click on the meeting room you wish to enter. If you don’t see the 3 dots, click the ESC key or swipe from the left if you are on a mobile device.

Tips for Chat Meetings

There is no real protocol for “informal” chat gatherings in our open chat rooms, but in our meeting rooms, we try to keep it as much of a face-to-face meeting as possible. Just as in a face-to-face meeting, we do not interrupt the person who is “speaking” or crosstalk after they are done.

Also, as in a face-to-face meeting, someone serves as the “chairperson” who opens the meetings, picks a topic and helps keep the meeting focused on the topic discussion as members take turn sharing on the topic.

Some of our meetings have a “greeter” who sends a private message to any late-comers to the meeting to welcome them and tell them the topics of discussion. If the late-comer is new to online meetings, the greeter may also explain briefly how meetings work (see below).

NOTE: To send someone a private message during the meeting, click on their name in the members’ list to the right of the chat window. To receive a private message, click on the name of the person who sent it.

If you wish to share, type an exclamation point like this: !. It’s like raising your hand.

The chair of the meeting will then call on the next person to share. In our chat rooms, it is best to type short lines followed by “. . .” which indicates that you are not finished. Like this:

One of the best tools I have found …
When I find myself under stress …
Is the Serenity Prayer … [done]

The [done] at the ends shows that you are finished, and the chairperson then will call on the next person to share.

That’s it. Those simple tools can keep things orderly even in a full chat room.

For instructions on how to log on to the chat rooms, please see this page.

SC – StepChat – ACA Nighttime Meeting WSO# WEB0088 – Sat & Sun – 6:30 PM PST @ Online via Chat
Apr 28 @ 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm
SC - StepChat - ACA Nighttime Meeting WSO# WEB0088 - Sat & Sun - 6:30 PM PST @ Online via Chat


ACA Nighttime Meeting


Saturdays & Sundays – 6:30 PM PST

Register to Attend


To Attend A Meeting In a Chat Room

When you first log on you will be in The Lounge which is not a meeting room, but open chat fellowship available 24/7 to members of all 12-step groups.

To go to the meeting rooms from The Lounge, click on the 3-dot menu icon at the top left of the chat screen, then click on the meeting room you wish to enter. If you don’t see the 3 dots, click the ESC key or swipe from the left if you are on a mobile device.

Tips for Chat Meetings

There is no real protocol for “informal” chat gatherings in our open chat rooms, but in our meeting rooms, we try to keep it as much of a face-to-face meeting as possible. Just as in a face-to-face meeting, we do not interrupt the person who is “speaking” or crosstalk after they are done.

Also, as in a face-to-face meeting, someone serves as the “chairperson” who opens the meetings, picks a topic and helps keep the meeting focused on the topic discussion as members take turn sharing on the topic.

Some of our meetings have a “greeter” who sends a private message to any late-comers to the meeting to welcome them and tell them the topics of discussion. If the late-comer is new to online meetings, the greeter may also explain briefly how meetings work (see below).

NOTE: To send someone a private message during the meeting, click on their name in the members’ list to the right of the chat window. To receive a private message, click on the name of the person who sent it.

If you wish to share, type an exclamation point like this: !. It’s like raising your hand.

The chair of the meeting will then call on the next person to share. In our chat rooms, it is best to type short lines followed by “. . .” which indicates that you are not finished. Like this:

One of the best tools I have found …
When I find myself under stress …
Is the Serenity Prayer … [done]

The [done] at the ends shows that you are finished, and the chairperson then will call on the next person to share.

That’s it. Those simple tools can keep things orderly even in a full chat room.

For instructions on how to log on to the chat rooms, please see this page.

SC – StepChat – Recovery Chat Room – Early Birds Open A.A. Meeting – Mondays – 3AM PST @ online Chat
Apr 29 @ 3:00 am – 4:00 am
SC - StepChat - Recovery Chat Room - Early Birds Open A.A. Meeting - Mondays -  3AM PST @ online Chat


Recovery Chat Room

Recovery Chat Room – Early Birds Open A.A. Meeting

Register to Attend


To Attend A Meeting In a Chat Room

When you first log on you will be in The Lounge which is not a meeting room, but open chat fellowship available 24/7 to members of all 12-step groups.

To go to the meeting rooms from The Lounge, click on the 3-dot menu icon at the top left of the chat screen, then click on the meeting room you wish to enter. If you don’t see the 3 dots, click the ESC key or swipe from the left if you are on a mobile device.

Tips for Chat Meetings

There is no real protocol for “informal” chat gatherings in our open chat rooms, but in our meeting rooms, we try to keep it as much of a face-to-face meeting as possible. Just as in a face-to-face meeting, we do not interrupt the person who is “speaking” or crosstalk after they are done.

Also, as in a face-to-face meeting, someone serves as the “chairperson” who opens the meetings, picks a topic and helps keep the meeting focused on the topic discussion as members take turn sharing on the topic.

Some of our meetings have a “greeter” who sends a private message to any late-comers to the meeting to welcome them and tell them the topics of discussion. If the late-comer is new to online meetings, the greeter may also explain briefly how meetings work (see below).

NOTE: To send someone a private message during the meeting, click on their name in the members’ list to the right of the chat window. To receive a private message, click on the name of the person who sent it.

If you wish to share, type an exclamation point like this: !. It’s like raising your hand.

The chair of the meeting will then call on the next person to share. In our chat rooms, it is best to type short lines followed by “. . .” which indicates that you are not finished. Like this:

One of the best tools I have found …
When I find myself under stress …
Is the Serenity Prayer … [done]

The [done] at the ends shows that you are finished, and the chairperson then will call on the next person to share.

That’s it. Those simple tools can keep things orderly even in a full chat room.

For instructions on how to log on to the chat rooms, please see this page.

SC – StepChat – ACA Afternoon Meeting WSO# WEB0085 – Seven days a week – 11:00 AM PST @ online Chat
Apr 29 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
SC - StepChat - ACA Afternoon Meeting WSO# WEB0085 - Seven days a week - 11:00 AM PST @ online Chat


ACA Afternoon Meeting


Seven Days A Week – 11:00 AM PST

Register to Attend


To Attend A Meeting In a Chat Room

When you first log on you will be in The Lounge which is not a meeting room, but open chat fellowship available 24/7 to members of all 12-step groups.

To go to the meeting rooms from The Lounge, click on the 3-dot menu icon at the top left of the chat screen, then click on the meeting room you wish to enter. If you don’t see the 3 dots, click the ESC key or swipe from the left if you are on a mobile device.

Tips for Chat Meetings

There is no real protocol for “informal” chat gatherings in our open chat rooms, but in our meeting rooms, we try to keep it as much of a face-to-face meeting as possible. Just as in a face-to-face meeting, we do not interrupt the person who is “speaking” or crosstalk after they are done.

Also, as in a face-to-face meeting, someone serves as the “chairperson” who opens the meetings, picks a topic and helps keep the meeting focused on the topic discussion as members take turn sharing on the topic.

Some of our meetings have a “greeter” who sends a private message to any late-comers to the meeting to welcome them and tell them the topics of discussion. If the late-comer is new to online meetings, the greeter may also explain briefly how meetings work (see below).

NOTE: To send someone a private message during the meeting, click on their name in the members’ list to the right of the chat window. To receive a private message, click on the name of the person who sent it.

If you wish to share, type an exclamation point like this: !. It’s like raising your hand.

The chair of the meeting will then call on the next person to share. In our chat rooms, it is best to type short lines followed by “. . .” which indicates that you are not finished. Like this:

One of the best tools I have found …
When I find myself under stress …
Is the Serenity Prayer … [done]

The [done] at the ends shows that you are finished, and the chairperson then will call on the next person to share.

That’s it. Those simple tools can keep things orderly even in a full chat room.

For instructions on how to log on to the chat rooms, please see this page.

SC – StepChat – Keep Coming Back Al-Anon Family Group Meeting WSO#30754481 – Seven Days a Week @ Online via Chat
Apr 29 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
SC - StepChat - Keep Coming Back Al-Anon Family Group Meeting WSO#30754481 - Seven Days a Week @ Online via Chat


Keep Coming Back Al-Anon Family Group Meeting


Register to Attend


To Attend A Meeting In a Chat Room

When you first log on you will be in The Lounge which is not a meeting room, but open chat fellowship available 24/7 to members of all 12-step groups.

To go to the meeting rooms from The Lounge, click on the 3-dot menu icon at the top left of the chat screen, then click on the meeting room you wish to enter. If you don’t see the 3 dots, click the ESC key or swipe from the left if you are on a mobile device.

Tips for Chat Meetings

There is no real protocol for “informal” chat gatherings in our open chat rooms, but in our meeting rooms, we try to keep it as much of a face-to-face meeting as possible. Just as in a face-to-face meeting, we do not interrupt the person who is “speaking” or crosstalk after they are done.

Also, as in a face-to-face meeting, someone serves as the “chairperson” who opens the meetings, picks a topic and helps keep the meeting focused on the topic discussion as members take turn sharing on the topic.

Some of our meetings have a “greeter” who sends a private message to any late-comers to the meeting to welcome them and tell them the topics of discussion. If the late-comer is new to online meetings, the greeter may also explain briefly how meetings work (see below).

NOTE: To send someone a private message during the meeting, click on their name in the members’ list to the right of the chat window. To receive a private message, click on the name of the person who sent it.

If you wish to share, type an exclamation point like this: !. It’s like raising your hand.

The chair of the meeting will then call on the next person to share. In our chat rooms, it is best to type short lines followed by “. . .” which indicates that you are not finished. Like this:

One of the best tools I have found …
When I find myself under stress …
Is the Serenity Prayer … [done]

The [done] at the ends shows that you are finished, and the chairperson then will call on the next person to share.

That’s it. Those simple tools can keep things orderly even in a full chat room.

For instructions on how to log on to the chat rooms, please see this page.


SC – StepChat – ACA Early Evening Meeting WSO# WEB0086 – Monday thru Fridays – 3:00 PM PST @ online Chat
Apr 29 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
SC - StepChat - ACA Early Evening Meeting WSO# WEB0086 - Monday thru Fridays - 3:00 PM PST @ online Chat


ACA Early Evening Meeting


Mondays – Fridays – 3:00 PM PST

Register to Attend


To Attend A Meeting In a Chat Room

When you first log on you will be in The Lounge which is not a meeting room, but open chat fellowship available 24/7 to members of all 12-step groups.

To go to the meeting rooms from The Lounge, click on the 3-dot menu icon at the top left of the chat screen, then click on the meeting room you wish to enter. If you don’t see the 3 dots, click the ESC key or swipe from the left if you are on a mobile device.

Tips for Chat Meetings

There is no real protocol for “informal” chat gatherings in our open chat rooms, but in our meeting rooms, we try to keep it as much of a face-to-face meeting as possible. Just as in a face-to-face meeting, we do not interrupt the person who is “speaking” or crosstalk after they are done.

Also, as in a face-to-face meeting, someone serves as the “chairperson” who opens the meetings, picks a topic and helps keep the meeting focused on the topic discussion as members take turn sharing on the topic.

Some of our meetings have a “greeter” who sends a private message to any late-comers to the meeting to welcome them and tell them the topics of discussion. If the late-comer is new to online meetings, the greeter may also explain briefly how meetings work (see below).

NOTE: To send someone a private message during the meeting, click on their name in the members’ list to the right of the chat window. To receive a private message, click on the name of the person who sent it.

If you wish to share, type an exclamation point like this: !. It’s like raising your hand.

The chair of the meeting will then call on the next person to share. In our chat rooms, it is best to type short lines followed by “. . .” which indicates that you are not finished. Like this:

One of the best tools I have found …
When I find myself under stress …
Is the Serenity Prayer … [done]

The [done] at the ends shows that you are finished, and the chairperson then will call on the next person to share.

That’s it. Those simple tools can keep things orderly even in a full chat room.

For instructions on how to log on to the chat rooms, please see this page.

SC – StepChat – Serenity Seekers AFG Meeting WSO#30753317 – All week except Thursdays @ Online via Chat
Apr 29 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
SC - StepChat - Serenity Seekers AFG Meeting WSO#30753317 - All week except Thursdays @ Online via Chat





Serenity Seekers AFG Meeting


Register to Attend


To Attend A Meeting In a Chat Room

When you first log on you will be in The Lounge which is not a meeting room, but open chat fellowship available 24/7 to members of all 12-step groups.

To go to the meeting rooms from The Lounge, click on the 3-dot menu icon at the top left of the chat screen, then click on the meeting room you wish to enter. If you don’t see the 3 dots, click the ESC key or swipe from the left if you are on a mobile device.

Tips for Chat Meetings

There is no real protocol for “informal” chat gatherings in our open chat rooms, but in our meeting rooms, we try to keep it as much of a face-to-face meeting as possible. Just as in a face-to-face meeting, we do not interrupt the person who is “speaking” or crosstalk after they are done.

Also, as in a face-to-face meeting, someone serves as the “chairperson” who opens the meetings, picks a topic and helps keep the meeting focused on the topic discussion as members take turn sharing on the topic.

Some of our meetings have a “greeter” who sends a private message to any late-comers to the meeting to welcome them and tell them the topics of discussion. If the late-comer is new to online meetings, the greeter may also explain briefly how meetings work (see below).

NOTE: To send someone a private message during the meeting, click on their name in the members’ list to the right of the chat window. To receive a private message, click on the name of the person who sent it.

If you wish to share, type an exclamation point like this: !. It’s like raising your hand.

The chair of the meeting will then call on the next person to share. In our chat rooms, it is best to type short lines followed by “. . .” which indicates that you are not finished. Like this:

One of the best tools I have found …
When I find myself under stress …
Is the Serenity Prayer … [done]

The [done] at the ends shows that you are finished, and the chairperson then will call on the next person to share.

That’s it. Those simple tools can keep things orderly even in a full chat room.

For instructions on how to log on to the chat rooms, please see this page.


SC – StepChat – Recovery Chat Room – Narcotics Anonymous Meeting – Mondays 6PM PST @ Chat
Apr 29 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
SC - StepChat - Recovery Chat Room - Narcotics Anonymous Meeting - Mondays 6PM PST @ Chat


Recovery Chat Room

Narcotics Anonymous Meeting, Mondays, 6:00PM PST

Register to Attend


To Attend A Meeting In a Chat Room

When you first log on you will be in The Lounge which is not a meeting room, but open chat fellowship available 24/7 to members of all 12-step groups.

To go to the meeting rooms from The Lounge, click on the 3-dot menu icon at the top left of the chat screen, then click on the meeting room you wish to enter. If you don’t see the 3 dots, click the ESC key or swipe from the left if you are on a mobile device.

Tips for Chat Meetings

There is no real protocol for “informal” chat gatherings in our open chat rooms, but in our meeting rooms, we try to keep it as much of a face-to-face meeting as possible. Just as in a face-to-face meeting, we do not interrupt the person who is “speaking” or crosstalk after they are done.

Also, as in a face-to-face meeting, someone serves as the “chairperson” who opens the meetings, picks a topic and helps keep the meeting focused on the topic discussion as members take turn sharing on the topic.

Some of our meetings have a “greeter” who sends a private message to any late-comers to the meeting to welcome them and tell them the topics of discussion. If the late-comer is new to online meetings, the greeter may also explain briefly how meetings work (see below).

NOTE: To send someone a private message during the meeting, click on their name in the members’ list to the right of the chat window. To receive a private message, click on the name of the person who sent it.

If you wish to share, type an exclamation point like this: !. It’s like raising your hand.

The chair of the meeting will then call on the next person to share. In our chat rooms, it is best to type short lines followed by “. . .” which indicates that you are not finished. Like this:

One of the best tools I have found …
When I find myself under stress …
Is the Serenity Prayer … [done]

The [done] at the ends shows that you are finished, and the chairperson then will call on the next person to share.

That’s it. Those simple tools can keep things orderly even in a full chat room.

For instructions on how to log on to the chat rooms, please see this page.

SC – StepChat – ACA Afternoon Meeting WSO# WEB0085 – Seven days a week – 11:00 AM PST @ online Chat
Apr 30 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
SC - StepChat - ACA Afternoon Meeting WSO# WEB0085 - Seven days a week - 11:00 AM PST @ online Chat


ACA Afternoon Meeting


Seven Days A Week – 11:00 AM PST

Register to Attend


To Attend A Meeting In a Chat Room

When you first log on you will be in The Lounge which is not a meeting room, but open chat fellowship available 24/7 to members of all 12-step groups.

To go to the meeting rooms from The Lounge, click on the 3-dot menu icon at the top left of the chat screen, then click on the meeting room you wish to enter. If you don’t see the 3 dots, click the ESC key or swipe from the left if you are on a mobile device.

Tips for Chat Meetings

There is no real protocol for “informal” chat gatherings in our open chat rooms, but in our meeting rooms, we try to keep it as much of a face-to-face meeting as possible. Just as in a face-to-face meeting, we do not interrupt the person who is “speaking” or crosstalk after they are done.

Also, as in a face-to-face meeting, someone serves as the “chairperson” who opens the meetings, picks a topic and helps keep the meeting focused on the topic discussion as members take turn sharing on the topic.

Some of our meetings have a “greeter” who sends a private message to any late-comers to the meeting to welcome them and tell them the topics of discussion. If the late-comer is new to online meetings, the greeter may also explain briefly how meetings work (see below).

NOTE: To send someone a private message during the meeting, click on their name in the members’ list to the right of the chat window. To receive a private message, click on the name of the person who sent it.

If you wish to share, type an exclamation point like this: !. It’s like raising your hand.

The chair of the meeting will then call on the next person to share. In our chat rooms, it is best to type short lines followed by “. . .” which indicates that you are not finished. Like this:

One of the best tools I have found …
When I find myself under stress …
Is the Serenity Prayer … [done]

The [done] at the ends shows that you are finished, and the chairperson then will call on the next person to share.

That’s it. Those simple tools can keep things orderly even in a full chat room.

For instructions on how to log on to the chat rooms, please see this page.

SC – StepChat – Keep Coming Back Al-Anon Family Group Meeting WSO#30754481 – Seven Days a Week @ Online via Chat
Apr 30 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
SC - StepChat - Keep Coming Back Al-Anon Family Group Meeting WSO#30754481 - Seven Days a Week @ Online via Chat


Keep Coming Back Al-Anon Family Group Meeting


Register to Attend


To Attend A Meeting In a Chat Room

When you first log on you will be in The Lounge which is not a meeting room, but open chat fellowship available 24/7 to members of all 12-step groups.

To go to the meeting rooms from The Lounge, click on the 3-dot menu icon at the top left of the chat screen, then click on the meeting room you wish to enter. If you don’t see the 3 dots, click the ESC key or swipe from the left if you are on a mobile device.

Tips for Chat Meetings

There is no real protocol for “informal” chat gatherings in our open chat rooms, but in our meeting rooms, we try to keep it as much of a face-to-face meeting as possible. Just as in a face-to-face meeting, we do not interrupt the person who is “speaking” or crosstalk after they are done.

Also, as in a face-to-face meeting, someone serves as the “chairperson” who opens the meetings, picks a topic and helps keep the meeting focused on the topic discussion as members take turn sharing on the topic.

Some of our meetings have a “greeter” who sends a private message to any late-comers to the meeting to welcome them and tell them the topics of discussion. If the late-comer is new to online meetings, the greeter may also explain briefly how meetings work (see below).

NOTE: To send someone a private message during the meeting, click on their name in the members’ list to the right of the chat window. To receive a private message, click on the name of the person who sent it.

If you wish to share, type an exclamation point like this: !. It’s like raising your hand.

The chair of the meeting will then call on the next person to share. In our chat rooms, it is best to type short lines followed by “. . .” which indicates that you are not finished. Like this:

One of the best tools I have found …
When I find myself under stress …
Is the Serenity Prayer … [done]

The [done] at the ends shows that you are finished, and the chairperson then will call on the next person to share.

That’s it. Those simple tools can keep things orderly even in a full chat room.

For instructions on how to log on to the chat rooms, please see this page.


SC – StepChat – ACA Early Evening Meeting WSO# WEB0086 – Monday thru Fridays – 3:00 PM PST @ online Chat
Apr 30 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
SC - StepChat - ACA Early Evening Meeting WSO# WEB0086 - Monday thru Fridays - 3:00 PM PST @ online Chat


ACA Early Evening Meeting


Mondays – Fridays – 3:00 PM PST

Register to Attend


To Attend A Meeting In a Chat Room

When you first log on you will be in The Lounge which is not a meeting room, but open chat fellowship available 24/7 to members of all 12-step groups.

To go to the meeting rooms from The Lounge, click on the 3-dot menu icon at the top left of the chat screen, then click on the meeting room you wish to enter. If you don’t see the 3 dots, click the ESC key or swipe from the left if you are on a mobile device.

Tips for Chat Meetings

There is no real protocol for “informal” chat gatherings in our open chat rooms, but in our meeting rooms, we try to keep it as much of a face-to-face meeting as possible. Just as in a face-to-face meeting, we do not interrupt the person who is “speaking” or crosstalk after they are done.

Also, as in a face-to-face meeting, someone serves as the “chairperson” who opens the meetings, picks a topic and helps keep the meeting focused on the topic discussion as members take turn sharing on the topic.

Some of our meetings have a “greeter” who sends a private message to any late-comers to the meeting to welcome them and tell them the topics of discussion. If the late-comer is new to online meetings, the greeter may also explain briefly how meetings work (see below).

NOTE: To send someone a private message during the meeting, click on their name in the members’ list to the right of the chat window. To receive a private message, click on the name of the person who sent it.

If you wish to share, type an exclamation point like this: !. It’s like raising your hand.

The chair of the meeting will then call on the next person to share. In our chat rooms, it is best to type short lines followed by “. . .” which indicates that you are not finished. Like this:

One of the best tools I have found …
When I find myself under stress …
Is the Serenity Prayer … [done]

The [done] at the ends shows that you are finished, and the chairperson then will call on the next person to share.

That’s it. Those simple tools can keep things orderly even in a full chat room.

For instructions on how to log on to the chat rooms, please see this page.

SC – StepChat – Serenity Seekers AFG Meeting WSO#30753317 – All week except Thursdays @ Online via Chat
Apr 30 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
SC - StepChat - Serenity Seekers AFG Meeting WSO#30753317 - All week except Thursdays @ Online via Chat





Serenity Seekers AFG Meeting


Register to Attend


To Attend A Meeting In a Chat Room

When you first log on you will be in The Lounge which is not a meeting room, but open chat fellowship available 24/7 to members of all 12-step groups.

To go to the meeting rooms from The Lounge, click on the 3-dot menu icon at the top left of the chat screen, then click on the meeting room you wish to enter. If you don’t see the 3 dots, click the ESC key or swipe from the left if you are on a mobile device.

Tips for Chat Meetings

There is no real protocol for “informal” chat gatherings in our open chat rooms, but in our meeting rooms, we try to keep it as much of a face-to-face meeting as possible. Just as in a face-to-face meeting, we do not interrupt the person who is “speaking” or crosstalk after they are done.

Also, as in a face-to-face meeting, someone serves as the “chairperson” who opens the meetings, picks a topic and helps keep the meeting focused on the topic discussion as members take turn sharing on the topic.

Some of our meetings have a “greeter” who sends a private message to any late-comers to the meeting to welcome them and tell them the topics of discussion. If the late-comer is new to online meetings, the greeter may also explain briefly how meetings work (see below).

NOTE: To send someone a private message during the meeting, click on their name in the members’ list to the right of the chat window. To receive a private message, click on the name of the person who sent it.

If you wish to share, type an exclamation point like this: !. It’s like raising your hand.

The chair of the meeting will then call on the next person to share. In our chat rooms, it is best to type short lines followed by “. . .” which indicates that you are not finished. Like this:

One of the best tools I have found …
When I find myself under stress …
Is the Serenity Prayer … [done]

The [done] at the ends shows that you are finished, and the chairperson then will call on the next person to share.

That’s it. Those simple tools can keep things orderly even in a full chat room.

For instructions on how to log on to the chat rooms, please see this page.


SC – StepChat – Recovery Chat Room – Narcotics Anonymous Meeting – Tuesdays – 6PM PST @ Chat
Apr 30 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
SC - StepChat - Recovery Chat Room - Narcotics Anonymous Meeting - Tuesdays -  6PM PST @ Chat


Recovery Chat Room

Narcotics Anonymous Meeting, Tuesdays, 6:00PM PST

Register to Attend


To Attend A Meeting In a Chat Room

When you first log on you will be in The Lounge which is not a meeting room, but open chat fellowship available 24/7 to members of all 12-step groups.

To go to the meeting rooms from The Lounge, click on the 3-dot menu icon at the top left of the chat screen, then click on the meeting room you wish to enter. If you don’t see the 3 dots, click the ESC key or swipe from the left if you are on a mobile device.

Tips for Chat Meetings

There is no real protocol for “informal” chat gatherings in our open chat rooms, but in our meeting rooms, we try to keep it as much of a face-to-face meeting as possible. Just as in a face-to-face meeting, we do not interrupt the person who is “speaking” or crosstalk after they are done.

Also, as in a face-to-face meeting, someone serves as the “chairperson” who opens the meetings, picks a topic and helps keep the meeting focused on the topic discussion as members take turn sharing on the topic.

Some of our meetings have a “greeter” who sends a private message to any late-comers to the meeting to welcome them and tell them the topics of discussion. If the late-comer is new to online meetings, the greeter may also explain briefly how meetings work (see below).

NOTE: To send someone a private message during the meeting, click on their name in the members’ list to the right of the chat window. To receive a private message, click on the name of the person who sent it.

If you wish to share, type an exclamation point like this: !. It’s like raising your hand.

The chair of the meeting will then call on the next person to share. In our chat rooms, it is best to type short lines followed by “. . .” which indicates that you are not finished. Like this:

One of the best tools I have found …
When I find myself under stress …
Is the Serenity Prayer … [done]

The [done] at the ends shows that you are finished, and the chairperson then will call on the next person to share.

That’s it. Those simple tools can keep things orderly even in a full chat room.

For instructions on how to log on to the chat rooms, please see this page.

SC – StepChat – Recovery Chat Room – Tuesdays Nooners A.A. Meeting – Tuesdays – 9PM PST @ Chat
Apr 30 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
SC - StepChat - Recovery Chat Room - Tuesdays Nooners A.A. Meeting - Tuesdays - 9PM PST @ Chat


Recovery Chat Room

Tuesdays Nooners A.A. Meeting

Tuesdays – 9PM PST

Register to Attend


To Attend A Meeting In a Chat Room

When you first log on you will be in The Lounge which is not a meeting room, but open chat fellowship available 24/7 to members of all 12-step groups.

To go to the meeting rooms from The Lounge, click on the 3-dot menu icon at the top left of the chat screen, then click on the meeting room you wish to enter. If you don’t see the 3 dots, click the ESC key or swipe from the left if you are on a mobile device.

Tips for Chat Meetings

There is no real protocol for “informal” chat gatherings in our open chat rooms, but in our meeting rooms, we try to keep it as much of a face-to-face meeting as possible. Just as in a face-to-face meeting, we do not interrupt the person who is “speaking” or crosstalk after they are done.

Also, as in a face-to-face meeting, someone serves as the “chairperson” who opens the meetings, picks a topic and helps keep the meeting focused on the topic discussion as members take turn sharing on the topic.

Some of our meetings have a “greeter” who sends a private message to any late-comers to the meeting to welcome them and tell them the topics of discussion. If the late-comer is new to online meetings, the greeter may also explain briefly how meetings work (see below).

NOTE: To send someone a private message during the meeting, click on their name in the members’ list to the right of the chat window. To receive a private message, click on the name of the person who sent it.

If you wish to share, type an exclamation point like this: !. It’s like raising your hand.

The chair of the meeting will then call on the next person to share. In our chat rooms, it is best to type short lines followed by “. . .” which indicates that you are not finished. Like this:

One of the best tools I have found …
When I find myself under stress …
Is the Serenity Prayer … [done]

The [done] at the ends shows that you are finished, and the chairperson then will call on the next person to share.

That’s it. Those simple tools can keep things orderly even in a full chat room.

For instructions on how to log on to the chat rooms, please see this page.

SC – StepChat – Recovery Chat Room – Living Sober Book Study A.A. Meeting – Tuesdays – 9PM PST @ Chat
Apr 30 @ 9:00 pm – 10:00 pm
SC - StepChat - Recovery Chat Room - Living Sober Book Study A.A. Meeting - Tuesdays - 9PM PST @ Chat


Recovery Chat Room

Living Sober Book Study A. A. Meeting

Tuesdays – 5:00 PM PST

Register to Attend


To Attend A Meeting In a Chat Room

When you first log on you will be in The Lounge which is not a meeting room, but open chat fellowship available 24/7 to members of all 12-step groups.

To go to the meeting rooms from The Lounge, click on the 3-dot menu icon at the top left of the chat screen, then click on the meeting room you wish to enter. If you don’t see the 3 dots, click the ESC key or swipe from the left if you are on a mobile device.

Tips for Chat Meetings

There is no real protocol for “informal” chat gatherings in our open chat rooms, but in our meeting rooms, we try to keep it as much of a face-to-face meeting as possible. Just as in a face-to-face meeting, we do not interrupt the person who is “speaking” or crosstalk after they are done.

Also, as in a face-to-face meeting, someone serves as the “chairperson” who opens the meetings, picks a topic and helps keep the meeting focused on the topic discussion as members take turn sharing on the topic.

Some of our meetings have a “greeter” who sends a private message to any late-comers to the meeting to welcome them and tell them the topics of discussion. If the late-comer is new to online meetings, the greeter may also explain briefly how meetings work (see below).

NOTE: To send someone a private message during the meeting, click on their name in the members’ list to the right of the chat window. To receive a private message, click on the name of the person who sent it.

If you wish to share, type an exclamation point like this: !. It’s like raising your hand.

The chair of the meeting will then call on the next person to share. In our chat rooms, it is best to type short lines followed by “. . .” which indicates that you are not finished. Like this:

One of the best tools I have found …
When I find myself under stress …
Is the Serenity Prayer … [done]

The [done] at the ends shows that you are finished, and the chairperson then will call on the next person to share.

That’s it. Those simple tools can keep things orderly even in a full chat room.

For instructions on how to log on to the chat rooms, please see this page.