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AM – All Month – BIPOC Mental Health Month: Strength in Communities with MHTTC – Mental Health Technology Transfer Center Network

Strength in Communities: BIPOC mental health month

BIPOC Mental Health Month: Strength in Communities

“What stands to reason is this: when you fail entire races, classes, and cultures in building systems of care, alternative strategies and solutions will emerge from those communities that better meet their needs.”

-Paul Gionfriddo, Past President and CEO for Mental Health America

Community-developed systems of support fill critical gaps within traditional care systems which may overlook cultural and historical factors that impede BIPOC and queer- and trans-BIPOC mental health. Learn about the growing number of mental health supports that aim to close the gaps in caring for members of the diverse BIPOC community.

Conferences and Summits

Health Equity & Cultural Competence

Community-Specific Support