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FC – Fireweed Collective – Online Peer Support

January 25, 2021 all-day
Fireweed Collective


Fireweed Collective offers an online haven that respects self-determination, informed choice, and the exploration and acceptance of different ways being in the world. We understand that a lot of emotional distress is the result of legacies of abuse and experiences of oppression. We foster communities that sit at the intersection of mental health and social justice. All of our online spaces are guided by anti-oppression principles and facilitation, center folks with marginalized identities, and are trans-inclusive.

Our community meets online in a closed group on Facebook where people with lived experience of emotional distress support each other within an anti-oppressive and social justice framework. This space aligns with our values and principles, is moderated and monitored by Fireweed staff, and has guidelines for participation which you should be familiar with before posting or commenting.

For more information to join the group, contact:

Facebook Link

Guidelines Link:

CLOSED GROUP for Persons with Lived Experience Only

Please respect that this space is closed to providers and family members and is designed for those with lived experience only.

About Fireweed Collective



Fireweed Collective offers mental health education and mutual aid through a Healing Justice lens. We help support the emotional wellness of all people, and center the needs of those most marginalized by our society. Our work seeks to disrupt the harm of systems of abuse and oppression, often reproduced by the mental health system. 


We strive to cultivate a culture of care, free of violence, where the ultimate goal is not just to survive, but to thrive as individuals and as communities. We envision a world in which all communities get to self-determine the source of their care, medicine, and wellness.

Our Framework

Healing Justice (HJ) is a framework rooted in racial justice, disability justice, and economic justice. Healing Justice provides us with tools we can use to interrupt the systems of oppression that impact our mental health. Fireweed Collective uses HJ as a guide to help redefine what medicine is, and increase who has access to it.

Read more at:

More than a name change…

Fireweed Collective is born out of The Icarus Project. Leaving The Icarus Project behind is not just a name change – it is a transformation and a birth announcement. Through Fireweed, we’re committed to working at the intersections of mental health, healing justice and social justice in service of a future where we all get free. Together..

Our new name reflects the new organizational culture -and the new organization- that emerged since the transition of leadership began. The plant Fireweed is one of the first blooms after a forest fire. A plant that flourishes in scorched earth, Fireweed fixes essential nutrients in the soil readying the ground for new life to thrive. If there was ever a time to bloom anew, it is now.


Video: Healing Legacies: A Panel on Intergenerational Trauma (edited)

Fireweed Collective

520 Eighth Avenue, 20th Floor
New York, NY 10018

Fireweed Collective

PO Box 5473
Richmond, CA 94805