Peer Telehealth Resources List
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Affordable access to secure, confidential, trauma-informed, person-centered, self-directed peer telehealth for all Oregonians.
Peer Support is a proven, evidence-based practice recognized by the federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid (CMS), by the Veterans Administration (VA), and the US Department of Labor.
Peer Support is a model of behavioral health care where two or more people with similar lived experience and/or challenges get together, share, actively listen, provide support, encouragement, validation, hope, and insights in the journey of recovery from mental health, addictions, or other issues.
Peer Support can be provided in person face-to-face or by phone, by text or live video, either one-on-one or in a group.
Peer Supervision (“Co-Reflection”) by a peer with lived experience is a key success factor for workforce integration.
Benefits of Peer Support Delivered via Telehealth:
- Improved Client Satisfaction and Engagement 77% people surveyed
- Expands Access to Care and Accessibility to Serve More Clients willing to have telehealth
- Expands Access to Culturally-Competent Workforce & Range of Lived Experience 19% people surveyed
- Responsive Care Provided Sooner may Avoid or Reduce Costs already had a virtual visit
- Improved Client and Family Engagement – Advisory Board Co (2017)
- Eases Workforce Shortages
- Improved Workflow Medicare may fund
- Reduced Wait-Times telehealth in certain situations
- Reduced No-Shows
- Reduced Travel Costs, Traffic Congestion, Accidents & Carbon Emissions Medicaid may fund
- Reduced Lost Time at Work or School telehealth in certain situations
- Reduced Need to Arrange Childcare and/or Eldercare
- Reduced Stress Private insurers may fund
- Reduced Risk of Illness and/or Contagion telehealth in certain situations
- Reduced Overhead Costs
- Reduced Stigma Barriers to Clients Accessing Help
- Reduced Hospital Stays and Costs
- Timely Post-Acute Services Result in Better Health Outcomes, Care Coordination and Reduced Readmissions
Keep in mind that individual preferences, needs, abilities and circumstances can vary widely. For example, some people may have reduced ability to travel long distances or require special transportation due to mobility or geographic issues. Some people feel more safe and comfortable communicating from the privacy of their own home while others may prefer privacy afforded by accessing services outside the home.
There are lots of ways to launch an online Peer Support or Wellness event. Check out information in various categories on this page such as Technology Delivery Platforms, Services and Portals.
We will also be posting guides and other findings here.
INAOPS (National Association of Peer Supporters)
- Webinar Line-up August-September 2020
- Check out this amazing line-up of 5 webinars on the topic of Peer Support during COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond featuring guest speakers for peer telehealth and related topics!
- August 5th @ 11am PST (90 minutes)
- Peer Support in the Time of COVID: Technology Assisted Communications
- Mary Kay Wagner, M.Ed., CPS, CPST, Peter Brucki and Peter Glowinski
- August 12th @ 10am PST (90 minutes)
- COVID-19 A Catalyst for Change
- Clarence Jordan, MBA, CPS and Lisa Kugler, PsyD
- August 26th @ 10am PST (90 minutes)
- Supporting Peers through a Pandemic: How Technology Can Make Peer Support Accessible Right From Home
- Amanda Stoddard, CPRS, BA and Bill Brown
- September 16th @ 10am PST (60 minutes)
- Creating Online Peer Groups
- Katie Wilson and Ryan Tempesco
- September 23rd @ 8am PST (90 minutes)
- The Future of Peer Support is Here
- Vince Caimano, PhD and Rosemary Weaver, CPSS
- August 5th @ 11am PST (90 minutes)
- Certificates may be available.
- Registration required for each event separately. After registering for each event, you will receive a confirmation email containing information to join the meeting via Zoom and/or telephone.
- Check out this amazing line-up of 5 webinars on the topic of Peer Support during COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond featuring guest speakers for peer telehealth and related topics!
- How to Buy a Webcam
- a webcam may already be built in to your device (phone, laptop, etc.)
- a webcam is cheap to buy, many under $25):
- Link:
Recovery Center of Hamilton County
- NEWS VIDEO CLIP LINKS: Recovery Center of Hamilton County featured in local news stories by local news for its offerings of online peer support groups (~50 classes per week) for anyone. Brief demo and overview:
- Partner with your local media to promote offerings and reach more people
- For more ideas check out RCHCs Youtube Channel:
SGC (Support Groups Central) by PSS (Peer Support Solutions)
- Comprehensive Online Support Group Platform
- Effectively utilized by many organizations
- VIDEO Introduction and Overview:
- SGC platform for online peer support groups, 1 on 1 peer support, and other offerings with training, features, and more.
- Inquire about the special discount during COVID-19 pandemic through 12/31/2020.
- Also check out HeyPeers app and website
- Starting a New Online Virtual Support Group (article):
NCAPPS (National Center for Advancing Person Centered Planning and Systems)
- Supporting Virtual Meeting Accessibility Guide (PDF format, 4 pages):
- Mutual Support in an Age of Social Distancing (including online peer support) by Leah Harris (online article 03/2020):
- Learn to Zoom:
- Practical Guide for Setting Up a Peer Support Group (PDF):
APS (Academy of Peer Services, Virtual Learning Community)
- Tips for facilitating an online group
- Facilitating Virtual Parent Support Groups:
Telehealth Certification Institute
- Are you interested in launching a telemental health program or services in your organization?
- FREE – 37 Minute Online Self-Study Video: How to Start a Telehealth Program
- Registration Required (Add to Cart)
This video covers an overview of the competencies of telemental health and the key steps to developing and launching a telehealth program. The topics included are definitions; laws; ethics; clinical skills; research; history; how to select technology; HIPAA; roles; workflow; documentation; and the launch. This overview will give you a big-picture look at what you should consider when creating your program. NOTE: There are no CE hours provided.
State of Oregon, Governor’s Office
- Oregon, Washington, Colorado, and Nevada Announce Coordination on Telehealth (Aug 5, 2020)
- Excerpt(s):
“The coronavirus pandemic has heightened the demand for telehealth services nationally, and in our states. With patients reluctant to seek in-person care due to exposure risk and transportation access issues, telehealth has offered a way for patients to connect with health providers while mitigating exposure risk. It has also highlighted some of the inequities of our health care systems. During the COVID-19 crisis, each state has sought flexibilities from the federal government to expand health services available through telehealth, modify payment policy for services provided using this modality, and expand the allowable technologies used to provide telehealth services. The federal Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services has recently announced its intention to make permanent some of the telehealth flexibilities afforded during this pandemic. Telehealth is here to stay.
“Our states have significant individual and collective experience with telehealth. To ensure that the nation benefits from our knowledge as changes to federal regulations are contemplated, to support continued application and availability of telehealth in our states, and to ensure that we address the inequities faced in particular by tribal communities and communities of color, we are announcing that Oregon, Washington, Colorado, and Nevada have agreed to work together to identify best practices that support telehealth services for residents of our states. We will have individual state-driven approaches to implementing telehealth policies, but our work will be guided by seven overarching principles:
1. Access: Telehealth should be used as a means to promote adequate, culturally responsive, patient-centered equitable access to health care, and to ensure provider network adequacy.
2. Confidentiality: Patient confidentiality should be protected, and patients should provide informed consent to receive care and the specific technology used to provide it.
3. Equity: We will focus on improving equitable access to providers and addressing inequities and disparities in care. Telehealth should be available to every member, regardless of race, ethnicity, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, income, class, disability, immigration status, nationality, religious belief, language proficiency, or geographic location.
4. Standard of Care: Standard of care requirements should apply to all services and information provided via telehealth, including quality, utilization, cost, medical necessity, and clinical appropriateness.
5. Stewardship: Our states will require the use of evidence-based strategies for the delivery of quality care, and will take steps to mitigate and address fraud, waste, discriminatory barriers, and abuse.
6. Patient choice: Patients, in conjunction with their providers, should be offered their choice of service delivery mode. Patients should retain the right to receive health care in person.
7. Payment/reimbursement: Reimbursement for services provided via telehealth modalities will be considered in the context of the individual state’s methods of reimbursement.
“We intend to work with our federal partners on telehealth and invite them to commit to a similar coordinated and principle-driven approach. “
- Oregon announced Telehealth Agreement for Health Insurance Plans (Jun 23, 2020)
- Aetna
- Moda
- Cambia
- PacificSource
- Cigna
- Providence
- Health Net
- Samaritan
- Kaiser
- United Healthcare
- Oregon Health Plan (mentioned, too)
State of Oregon, Oregon Health Authority
- Provider Matters (5/22/2020)
- Updates about fee-for-service claim processing, policy and resources for
Oregon Health Plan providers - Excerpt(s):
Questions about Telemedicine / Telehealth?
The Oregon Health Authority (OHA) has received many questions about telemedicine coverage, and we want to make sure you know where to find the answers to those questions.
The Telemedicine/Telehealth section of the Oregon Medicaid COVID-19 Provider Guide (PDF Format) incorporates all OHA guidance related to Oregon Health Plan coverage of telemedicine services during the COVID-19 emergency, including previous telemedicine webinars and clarifications provided in OHA’s questions and answers from the April 17 webinar.
Topics include:
Covered services using in-person codes, telephone/online codes and the virtual check-in code
Program-specific information for physical health, oral health and behavioral health providers, as well as federally qualified health centers, rural health clinics and Indian Health Service/Tribal 638 providers
Permitted telemedicine modalities, and how to ensure meaningful language access during a telemedicine visit
Documentation to keep on file to support delivery of and consent to telemedicine services
Links to related guidance, Oregon Administrative Rules and federal regulationsThe COVID-19 Provider Guide is your one stop for Oregon Health Plan guidance related to the COVID-19 emergency.
COVID-19 provider resources
As we work toward reopening Oregon, we want to make sure you have the resources you need to keep informed, healthy and safe. If you have any questions about OHP and COVID-19, please let us know.
Updates for Oregon Health Plan providers
Questions and answers from the April 17 telemedicine webinar
Providing culturally and linguistically appropriate services during the COVID-19 emergency
Updated COVID-19 Provider Guide – Updated Medical Transportation section
Find timely updates for Oregon Health Plan providers and CCOs, links to other COVID-19 provider pages and member resources.
Updates for all health care providers
Oregon’s federal Remdesivir allocation
FAQ for dental providers regarding Guidance for Resumption of Non-Emergent and Elective Procedures
Videos and material from OHA’s weekly provider information sessions
Find COVID-19 testing data, public health guidance, weekly information calls and more resources for all health care partners.
Technical assistance for clinics to address unhealthy alcohol and opioid use due to COVID-19
As people practice physical distancing recommendations during the COVID-19 pandemic, there is growing concern about a rise in unhealthy alcohol and drug use. The need for continued efforts to support SBIRT and behavioral health integration are clear.
The OHA Transformation Center is partnering with the Oregon Rural Practice-based Research Network (ORPRN) to offer clinics and CCOs technical assistance related to SBIRT:
ANTECEDENT provides primary care clinics 12 months of tailored support to implement changes to address unhealthy alcohol use.
PINPOINT provides technical assistance regarding chronic pain management and opioid prescribing.
Clinics and CCOs across Oregon are invited to participate to prepare for any ramifications COVID-19 may have on SBIRT workflows for alcohol use and opioid management.
Learn more about these free technical assistance opportunities for clinics and coordinated care organizations.
Guidance from the federal Office for Civil Rights
To help plans and providers understand how to ensure equitable treatment of patients during the COVID-19 emergency, the federal Office for Civil Rights (OCR) has shared the following resources:
A new Civil Rights and COVID-19 page that includes all COVID-19-related guidance issued by OCR, and
An updated bulletin about ensuring the rights of persons with Limited English Proficiency in health care during COVID-19.View guidance and resources that help explain how patient health information may be used and disclosed during the COVID-19 nationwide public health emergency.
- Updates about fee-for-service claim processing, policy and resources for
- Need Help?
New to Provider Matters?
To get future issues by text or email, sign up for OHP Provider Updates
To read past issues, visit the OHP website
OPT-IN (Oregon Peer Telehealth Information Network)
- Oregon Telemedicine Policy – Sign up for updates
- EHRIntelligence
- HealthITAnalytics
- HealthITSecurity
- RevCycleIntelligence
- PharmaNewsIntelligence
- mHealthIntelligence
- PatientEngagementHIT
- HealthPayerIntelligence
- HITInfrastructure
Other news
NOTE: These 3rd party links to potential opportunities are offered by PeerGalaxy solely as a courtesy without any guarantees of any kind.
INAOPS (International Association of Peer Supporters)
- Job Postings (may or may not include telehealth)
OPT-IN (Oregon Peer Telehealth Information Network)
- OPT-IN Facebook Social Media Group
- OPT-IN eMail List
- 1) To send a mailing list post to all OPT-IN subscribers: (not case sensitive)
2) Subscribe to the OPT-IN mailing list: (not case sensitive)
3) Unsubscribe to the OPT-IN mailing list: (not case sensitive)
4) Get OPT-IN mailing list help: (not case sensitive)
5) Email OPT-IN mailing list owner: (not case sensitive)
- 1) To send a mailing list post to all OPT-IN subscribers:
American Telemedicine Association
California Telemedicine & eHealth Center
NIH (National Institute of Health)
Quiz: What is mHealth? What is Store and Forward?
Behavioral Health
Behavioral Telehealth
Closed Captioning
Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Standards (CLAS)
Digital Therapy
Distance Counseling
Distant Site (Clinician Site)
Dominant Culture
Electronic Health Records (eHR)
Electronic Healthcare Delivery
Expectation of Privacy
Informed Consent
Online Counseling
Originating Site (Patient Site)
Personally Identifiable Information
Protected Health Information
Remote Monitoring
Telebehavioral health
Telemental Health
Trauma Informed
Treatment (Peer Support is not Treatment)
Video Therapy
Virtual Therapy
Oregon Consumer Advisory Council
Laura Rose
- Peer Telehealth Champion; Consultant, Consumer and Family Advocate; Chair of Oregon Consumer Advisory Council, Liaison Children’s System Advisory Council, Oregon Alliance for Youth Suicide Prevention
Kevin Fitts
- Peer Telehealth Champion, Founder and Executive Director of Oregon Consumer Mental Health Association, Vice Co-Chair of Oregon Consumer Advisory Council, Co-Champion of Tools + Technology + Access Committee, Consumer Voice Advocate
Chrissie Peirsol
- Peer Telehealth Champion, Support Groups Central Facilitator, Vice Co-Chair of Oregon Consumer Advisory Council, Member of Tools + Technology + Access Committee, Consumer Voice Advocate
Mark Fisher
- Peer Telehealth Champion, Former Chair of the Oregon Consumer Advisory Council, Co-Champion of Tools + Technology + Access Committee
State of Oregon, Oregon Health Authority
Patrick Allen
- Director
Steve Allen
- Director of Behavioral Health
Elaine Sweet
- Manager of Adult Behavioral Health
Nicole Corbin
- Manager of Adult Addictions
Brandy Hemsley
- Director of the Office of Consumer Activities (OCA)
Beau Rappaport
- Peer Delivered Services Coordinator
Chelsea Holcomb
- Manager of Child and Family Behavioral Health Unit
Frances S. Purdy, MEd JD CFSS
- Family Engagement and Family and Youth Peer Delivered Services
Abdiasis Mohamed, MSW
- Office of Equity & Inclusion, Traditional Health Worker Program Coordinator
Donald Jardine
- Manager of Medicaid Program Unit
Deb Darmata
- Adult Suicide Prevention, Intervention, Postvention Coodinator
Jill Baker
- Youth & Young Adult Suicide Prevention, Intervention, Postvention Coordinator
Kathleen Burns
- Trauma Informed Care Child & Family Unit
Federally-Funded Telehealth Resource Centers
Deb LaMarche, NRTRC Principal Investigator for the Northwest Region including Oregon
- The Principal Investigator/Program Director provides the overall direction and oversight of the project by working with partners to ensure support, commitment, and involvement to advance the project’s goals and objective. Additionally, plans, implements, directs, and evaluates the NRTRC project.
Community of Practice
Vincent F. Caimano, Ph.D.
- Pasadena, California @ Support Group Central & Peer Support Solutions
- Co-Founder & CEO of Support Group Central and Peer Support Solutions
- Recently joined the board of directors for the (Inter)National Association of Peer Supporters
Karen L. Fortuna, Ph.D., MSW
- Concord, New Hampshire @ The Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth College
- Researcher, PeerTECH Development, Peer Support Specialists, Consumer Engagement
- Recently joined the board of directors for the (Inter)National Association of Peer Supporters
- May be attending and/or presenting at Peerpocalypse 2020
Catherine Britain
- Medford, Oregon @ CSBritain Consulting
- CoFounder, Past President & Program Director of Telehealth Alliance of Oregon (TAO)
- Worked with RODEO.NET 10+ years in LaGrande Oregon – Pilot Project $700,000 in 1991
- Serves/has served on boards of directors for:
- NRTRC (NW Regional Telehealth Resource Center)
- Association of Telehealth Service Providers
- American Telemedicine Association
- National Association for Rural Mental Health
- Oregon Telecommunications Coordinating Council
Sam Lippolis, MPA
- Denver, Colorado @ SAM-I-AM Innovation and UC Health
- Consultant / Telehealth Educator (Telemedicine Implementation in 5 States, 19 specialties)
- Telehealth Medicare Billing
- Rural Health Fellow in 2012 by the National Rural Health Association
- Testified in Colorado House, Senate and Medical Board for reimbursement policy
- Testified in Ohio House for telehealth parity legislation
- Over 10 years’ experience implementing telemedicine
- Created programs in 5 states, across 19 specialties, trained 500+ providers
- Blog page:
See also: legal firms listed in legal resources
MHTTC (Mental Health Technology Transfer Center)
INAPS (International Association of Peer Supporters)
- Peer Support Telehealth Webinar (PDF format)
American Telemedicine Association (ATA)
The National Council on Behavioral Health
- May 20: Join us and MHCA for “Imagining Behavioral Health Delivery Post-COVID-19,” a webinar about the future of behavioral health care, from 1-2 p.m. ET.
- May 26: Joins us for an Older Americans Month: Innovations to Build Resiliency Post COVID-19 webinar at 2 p.m. ET
- May 27: Join us for a Medical Directors COVID-19 Discussion Series from 2-3 p.m. ET.
- May 27: Join us for Workshop #2: “Self-care and Promoting Post-traumatic Growth and Management during COVID-19” from 2-3:30 p.m. ET.
- May 27: Join us for an IDD Interest Group webinar at 4 p.m. ET
- June 4: Join us for an LGBTQ+ Interest Group webinar at 2 p.m. ET
RHI HUB (Rural Health Information HUB)
- COVID-19 and Health Equity: Response and Recovery Tele-Townhall National
May 19, 2020
Type: Webinar
Sponsoring organization: National Association of County and City Health Officials
view details - COVID-19 Office Hours – Implementing Telehealth for Substance Use Services National
May 19, 2020
Type: Webinar
Sponsoring organization: National Council for Behavioral Health
view details - NCHN COVID-19 Innovation Call – The Explosion of Telehealth During COVID-19 National
May 19, 2020
Type: Teleconference
Sponsoring organization: National Cooperative of Health Networks Association
view details - New Frameworks for Workforce Development: Translating the Project ECHO Model (In the Age of COVID-19) National
May 19, 2020
Type: Webinar
Sponsoring organization: National Network of Public Health Institutes
view details - PrEP in the Time of COVID-19: TelePrEP/Telehealth Models and Resources in this Uncertain Environment National
May 19, 2020
Type: Webinar
Sponsoring organization: National Association of Community Health Centers
view details - Virtual Forum: Using Telehealth in Long-Term Healthcare Facilities During the Fight Against Covid-19 & Its Aftermath
May 19, 2020
Type: Webinar
Sponsoring organization: Upper Midwest Telehealth Resource Center
view details - Getting Started with Telebehavioral Health National
May 20, 2020
Type: Webinar
Sponsoring organization: HRSA Center of Excellence for Behavioral Health Technical Assistance (COE for BHTA)
view details - How to Prepare a Successful USDA-DLT Grant Application Round 2: DUE July 13, 2020
May 20, 2020
Type: Webinar
Sponsoring organizations: Arizona Telemedicine Program, Southwest Telehealth Resource Center
view details - Innovation on Demand Part 3: Well-being as a Pathway to Safety National
May 20, 2020
Type: Webinar
Sponsoring organization: Futures Without Violence
view details - COVID-19: Is it Time to Expand Virtual Behavioral Health? National
May 21, 2020
Sponsoring organization: Caravan Health
view details - COVID-19: Understanding New Telehealth Flexibilities for RHCs and FQHCs National
May 21, 2020
Type: Webinar
Sponsoring organization: Caravan Health
view details - Improving Diabetes Care Quality in Rural Communities National
May 21, 2020
Type: Webinar
Sponsoring organization: National Center for Equitable Care for Elders, HRSA-funded NCA
view details - Inpatient eConsults
May 21, 2020
Type: Webinar
Sponsoring organization: Mid-Atlantic Telehealth Resource Center
view details - Virtual Office Hours: Consent & Documentation
May 21, 2020
Type: Webinar
Sponsoring organization: Upper Midwest Telehealth Resource Center
view details - NRTRC: COVID-19 & Telehealth Office Hours – CANCELED to RESUME 5/29/2020
May 22, 2020
Type: Webinar
Sponsoring organization: Northwest Regional Telehealth Resource Center
view details - Questions About Telehealth Basics OR Telemental Health?
May 22, 2020
Type: Webinar
Sponsoring organization: Mid-Atlantic Telehealth Resource Center
view details - UMTRC Webinar: Telemedicine 101
May 27, 2020
Type: Webinar
Sponsoring organization: Upper Midwest Telehealth Resource Center
view details - NRTRC: COVID-19 & Telehealth Office Hours
May 29, 2020
Type: Webinar
Sponsoring organization: Northwest Regional Telehealth Resource Center
view details - Mid-Atlantic Telehealth Resource Center – Questions About Telehealth Technology or Vendors
Jun 2, 2020
Type: Webinar
Sponsoring organization: Mid-Atlantic Telehealth Resource Center
view details - 2020 6th Annual Northeast Regional Telehealth Conference – CANCELED
Jun 8 – 9, 2020
Manchester, NH
Type: Conference/Meeting
Sponsoring organization: Northeast Telehealth Resource Center
view details - A National Web Conference on the Role of Telehealth to Increase Access to Care and Improve Healthcare Quality National
Jun 9, 2020
Type: Webinar
Sponsoring organization: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
view details - Access Expansions through Virtual Modalities: Research-Based Insights for the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond National
Jun 10, 2020
Type: Webinar
Sponsoring organization: VA Health Services Research & Development Service
view details - School Based Health: Behavioral Health and Exam – Enabled Visits Via Virtual Care
Jun 10, 2020
Type: Webinar
Sponsoring organization: Upper Midwest Telehealth Resource Center
view details - Questions About Telehealth Basics OR Telemental Health?
Jun 12, 2020
Type: Webinar
Sponsoring organization: Mid-Atlantic Telehealth Resource Center
view details - How to Enlist Your Hospital Mobile Platform in a Crisis National
Jun 18, 2020
Type: Webinar
Sponsoring organization: American Hospital Association
view details - ATA20 Annual Conference and Expo – VIRTUAL National
Jun 22 – 26, 2020
Type: Webinar
Sponsoring organization: American Telemedicine Association
view details - Telestroke and Teleneuro
Jun 23, 2020
Type: Webinar
Sponsoring organization: Upper Midwest Telehealth Resource Center
view details - Questions About Telehealth Basics OR Telemental Health?
Jun 26, 2020
Type: Webinar
Sponsoring organization: Mid-Atlantic Telehealth Resource Center
view details - 2020 2nd Annual Upper Midwest Telehealth Resource Center Conference
Jul 14 – 15, 2020
South Bend, IN
Type: Conference/Meeting
Sponsoring organization: Upper Midwest Telehealth Resource Center
view details - 2020 MetaECHO Conference – POSTPONED National
Sep 14 – 17, 2020
Albuquerque, NM
Type: Conference/Meeting
Sponsoring organization: University of New Mexico School of Medicine
view details - Discover Telehealth Conference 2020 National
Nov 4 – 6, 2020
LaGrange, GA
Type: Conference/Meeting
Sponsoring organization: Global Partnership for TeleHealth
view details - SEARCH 2020 National Telehealth Research Symposium National
Nov 12 – 13, 2020
Call for Abstracts – Deadline: Jun 5, 2020
Sacramento, CA
Type: Conference/Meeting
Sponsoring organizations: Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC Health), National Consortium of Telehealth Resource Centers, Society for Education and the Advancement of Research in Connected Health (SEARCH), University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) – Institute for Digital Health & Innovation, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) – Translational Research Institute, University of Mississippi Medical Center – Center for Telehealth
view details - 2021 Annual gpTRAC Regional Telehealth Forum
Apr 17 – 20, 2021
Bloomington, MN
Type: Conference/Meeting
Sponsoring organization: Great Plains Telehealth Resource and Assistance Center
view details
Since COVID-19 happened, many conferences are postponed or going ALL VIRTUAL!
HIMSS (Health Information Management Systems)
- Orlando, FL
- (3/9-3/13/2020)
- See: 11 Things Seema Verma (CMS Adm.) said at HIMSS 2019
NRTRC (Northwest Regional Telehealth Resource Center)
- Portland, OR
- (4/15-4/17/2020) with TAO
TAO (Telehealth Alliance of Oregon)
- Portland, OR
- (4/15-4/17/2020) with NRTRC
ATA (American Telehealth Association)
- Phoenix, AZ
- (5/3-5/5/2020)
xtelligent Health Care Media
- Value-Based Care / Telehealth-20 Summit
- Virtual
- See current and past events
CTEL (Center for Telehealth & eHealth Law)
- Digital Health Summit
- Washington DC
- (6/17-6/19/2020)
RHI HUB (Rural Health Information Hub)
NFARTEC (National Frontier and Rural Telehealth Educ. Ctr.)
- None listed
Coming Soon
See also: Research
NCTRC (National Consortium of Technical Resource Centers)
- Evidence for Telehealth
- Select Webliographies
- Telehealth Resources for Safety-Net Organizations
- Resources for Clinical Telehealth Guidelines, Standards, Policies
- Literature Resources on eConsulting Model
- Resources on Telemedicine for Cancer Care
- Resources on Telemental Health
- Pediatric and Child Specialty Care Telemedicine
- Substance Abuse
- Telerehabilitation
- Resources on Home Telehealth and Remote Monitoring
- Select Cost Efficiency Studies
- HRSA Cost Efficiency Studies (PDF Format, 11 pages)
- Select Webliographies
AIM Article
- Langarizadeh, M., Tabatabaei, M. S., Tavakol, K., Naghipour, M., Rostami, A., & Moghbeli, F. (2017). Telemental Health Care, an Effective Alternative to Conventional Mental Care: a Systematic Review. Acta informatica medica : AIM : journal of the Society for Medical Informatics of Bosnia & Herzegovina : casopis Drustva za medicinsku informatiku BiH, 25(4), 240–246. doi:10.5455/aim.2017.25.240-246. Last viewed online 2020 Jan 22 at:
Rural Health Information HUB
- Telehealth Evidence Based & Promising Practices
- Evidence Based Examples:
- incl. Portland, OR VA Home Based Telemental Health Program with positive results
This is a limited sampling.
ATA (American Telemedicine Association)
- Founded in 1993
- Began developing in 2003.
- Leading international resource, headquartered in WA DC
- 2019 State of the States Report Summary
- Published Practice Guidelines including but not limited to:
- 2018 Oct 03 Practice Guidelines for Telemental Health with Children and Adolescents
- 2018 Oct 03 Principles for Delivering Telerehabilitation Services
- 2009 Oct 09 Practice Guidelines for Videoconferencing Based Telemental Health
- 2009 Aug 13 Practice Guidelines for Video Based Online Mental Health Services
- Initiative:
- Only 4% of Medicaid population uses telehealth yet studies have shown telehealth is especially impactful to this population given expanded access to care, convenience and cost savings.
Telebehavioral Health Center of Excellence
- Step-By-Step Guide for Setting Up Telebehavioral Health Services.
- Telebehavioral Health Center of Excellence
Coming Soon
CCHPCA (Center for Connected Health Policy)
- Advancing state and national telehealth policies that promote better systems of care, improved health outcomes, and provide greater health equity of access to quality, affordable care and services
- Website:
- National Telehealth Policy Center
CCHP is an independent center of excellence in telehealth policy providing technical assistance to the twelve federally funded regional Telehealth Resource Centers (TRC), as well as state and federal policy makers, national organizations, health systems, providers, and the public.
CCHP actively researches and analyzes important telehealth policy issues, engages influential public and private sectors through analyses and reports, and provides key telehealth policy resources nationwide.
CCHP acts as a catalyst for change by providing non-partisan, unbiased, researched-based policy analyses and bringing policy makers together with private health care sector, health plans, academic researchers, and consumer health advocates to create successful models of connected care, that lead to more transparent systems of communication between providers and patients which can lead to better health outcomes and greater efficiencies in the delivery system.
In addition to acting as the National Telehealth Policy Resource Center, the Center for Connected Health Policy serves as an independent national resource on telehealth policy issues.
To advance sound state and federal telehealth policies, CCHP engages key decision makers through policy briefs, educational reports, and multi-sector coalitions and forums. The project materials available through this project are accessible for public use.
As the national telehealth policy resource center CCHP offers technical assistance to those who would like to learn more about telehealth policies nationally and in specific states across the nation.
There are two tiers of assistance available from CCHP:
Tier 1: Call or email any time to learn more about the program and discuss the general telehealth policy landscape.
Tier 2: For additional assistance that requires a deeper dive into a specific area, a client may wish to inquire about engaging CCHP for consultative services.
The National Telehealth Policy Resource Center is funded by Grant #G22RH30365 from the Office for the Advancement of Telehealth, Health Resources and Services Administration in the US Department of Health and Human Services.
NCTRC (National Consortium of Telehealth Resource Centers)
Connecting telehealth systems to rural communities for a healthier America.
The National Consortium of Telehealth Resource Centers (NCTRC) is a collaborative of 12 regional and 2 national Telehealth Resource Centers (TRCs), committed to implementing telehealth programs for rural and underserved communities. Funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), administered through grant # G22RH30365, TRCs across the nation provide timely and accurate information on telehealth. Our 12 regional and 2 national TRCs are expertly staffed and lead the advancement and accessibility of telehealth with a focus in rural communities, Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs), and Rural Health Clinics (RHCs). As a consortium, we are dedicated to helping organizations and practices overcome barriers, advance telehealth education, and provide resources.
Our 12 regional TRCs are regional experts in telehealth implementation. TRCs are equipped to provide technical assistance, education, and resources on various topics. Each TRC has a regional uniqueness, allowing them to provide a wide range of assistance targeting local community needs. The NCTRC is dedicated in playing its part in expanding the reach of healthcare and sustainable telehealth programs in local, rural, and underserved communities for the most vulnerable populations.
- Find your TRC on this Map – Click on Your State
- 1) National Policy Center
- Center for Connected Health Policy
- (877) 707-7172
- 2) National Technology Center
- Telehealth Technology Assessment Resource Center
- (844) 242-0075
- 1) National Policy Center
- 1) TexLa Telehealth Resource Center
- Texas and Louisiana
- (877) 391-0487
- 2) Mid-Atlantic Telehealth Resource Center
- Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky, Maryland, Delaware, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Washington DC, and New Jersey
- (434) 906-4960
- 3) Upper Midwest Telehealth Resource Center
- Indiana, Illinois, Michigan and Ohio
- (855) 283-3734
- 4) Southeast Telehealth Resource Center
- Georgia, South Carolina, Alabama, and Florida
- (888) 738-7210
- 5) Pacific Basin Telehealth Resource Center
- Hawaii and Pacific Basin
- (808) 956-2897
- 6) Heartland Telehealth Resource Center
- Kansas, Missouri and Oklahoma
- (877) 643-HTRC (4872)
- 7) South Central Telehealth Resource Center
- Arkansas, Mississippi and Tennessee
- (855) 664-3450
- 8) Southwest Telehealth Resource Center
- Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada and Utah
- (877) 535-6166
- 9) Northwest Regional Telehealth Resource Center
- Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Utah, Wyoming and Alaska
- (833) 747-0643
- 10) Great Plains Telehealth Resource & Assistance Center
- North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin and Nebraska
- (888) 239-7092
- 11) California Telehealth Resource Center
- California
- (877) 590-8144
- 12) Northeast Telehealth Resource Center New England
- Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont, New York, and New Jersey
- (800) 379-2021
- 1) TexLa Telehealth Resource Center
- Published Resources for Building a Telehealth Program(Sampling)
- CTRC Telehealth Program Developer Kit (PDF Format, 334 pages)
- The genesis of this is kit is the implementation methodology developed for the University of California schools and hospitals, as well as the safety net clinic referring partners throughout the state.
- gpTRAC Initiating Telehealth Services Checklist (PDF Format, 2 pages)
- This resource is designed to provide you with prompts for some of the questions you need to consider as you look to implement a telehealth site or new service.
- HTRC Telehealth Etiquette Checklist (PDF Format, 1 page)
- HTRC’s checklist lines out best etiquette practices for telehealth providers. This resources will help you keep in mind appointment preparation, video presence, and audio tips.
- NETRC Telehealth Library
- NETRC hosts a Telehealth Resource Library containing a robust collection of peer-reviewed articles on telehealth. This library is regularly maintained.
- SCTRC Video: A Telemedicine Tale
- This video illustrates the benefits of telehealth at the consumer level. As a patient, telehealth overcomes common barriers to quality healthcare. This is just one of many videos created by SCTRC, visit their website to find more.
- SWTRC Service Provider Directory
- The Telemedicine & Telehealth Service Provider Directory is a service of the Arizona Telemedicine Program. The directory is a resource for hospital and healthcare administrators and other decision-makers who want to expand or improve their healthcare services
- UMTRC Reimbursement Snapshot – July 2019 (PDF Format, 1 page)
- UMTRC covers several of the upper midwest states. This document gives a snapshot of reimbursable services in their covered states.
- CCPHCA 50 State Report Fall 2019 (PDF Format, 441 pages)
- CCHP’s Spring 2019 release of its report on “State Telehealth Laws and Reimbursement Policies” offers policymakers, health advocates, and other interested health care professionals a summary guide of telehealth-related policies, laws, and regulations for all 50 states and the District of Columbia.
- HRSA Telehealth Compendium
- July 2019 (MS Word format)This Compendium created by HRSA contains a compilation of telehealth resources for HRSA-grantees and stakeholders.
- HRSA Webinar Compilation through 2018 (MS Excel format download available)
- HRSA has compiled a unique list of TRC webinars from 2011 – 2018.
- TRC Job Description Templates (PDF Format, 19 pages)
- TRCs have collected several frequently referenced job descriptions. These are sourced from various organizations and websites for others to use as a reference when recruiting staff.
- CTRC Telehealth Program Developer Kit (PDF Format, 334 pages)
- Office Hours on Fridays at 1pm PST (except 5/22)
- Telebehavioral Health Center of Excellence
- TeleEducation
- Assisted over 24 sites
- Step-By-Step Guide for Setting Up Telebehavioral Health Services (2018). (PDF format)
- Daniel Cook, THBCE Coordinator (
TTAC (National Telehealth Technology)
COEPHI (Center of Excellence for Protected Health Information)
- Private Practice Consultant
See also: CMS Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
- Article: How to Apply for FCC’s COVID-19 Telehealth Program
- Article: FCC Unveils More Telehealth Awards, New 5G Fund for Rural America
MATRC (MidAtlantic Telehealth Resource Center)
GPTRAC (Great Plains Telehealth Resource A. Center)
HRSA (US DHHS Health Resources Services Agency)
- Office for the Advancement of Telehealth Programs
- 2020 Telehealth Network Grant Funding (Application due 06/15/2020)
- Active Federal Rural Telehealth Programs
- Lists active federal programs, closed programs, and resources for funding rural telehealth
- Profiles of OAT Grantees 2018 (PDF format)
- These profiles provide an overview of the 57 telehealth and telemedicine projects administered during this period.
NIH (National Institutes of Health)
- Article: Foundation Funding for Telehealth
- Grants Watch
- Article: USDA announces dozens of grants to support rural telehealth rollouts
- Roughly half of the 133 grants announced by the department, totaling $42.5 million, will help bankroll the deployment of telemedicine programs.
The U.S. government is one of the largest payers for healthcare through CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid).
We will be adding announcements here but for the latest information, go to directly.
US DHHS CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services)
- State Medicaid & CHIP Telehealth ToolkitPolicy Considerations for States Expanding Use of Telehealth COVID-19 Version (2020 Apr 23) (PDF Format)
- CMS Booklet (January 2019) (PDF Format) Talks about “modifier” for telehealth
- CMS MLN (Medicare Learning Network) Media and Publications (PDF Format)
- Excerpt(s):
- Beginning July 1, 2019, the Substance Use-Disorder Prevention that Promotes Opioid Recovery and Treatment (SUPPORT) for Patients and Communities Act ( removes the originating site geographic conditions and adds an individual’s home as a permissible originating telehealth services site for treatment of a substance use disorder or a co-occurring mental health disorder.
[page 8 has some resources and links on telehealth, including but not limited to:]
- Excerpt(s):
See also:
[POST COVID – Coming Soon]
- Oregon Medical Board / Telemedicine
- Oregon Medical Board Statement of Philosophy (2002)
- ORS 677.135 to ORS 677.141 Practicing Across State Lines
- OAR 847-025-0000 through OAR 847-025-0060 Rules for Licensure to Practice Across State Lines
- AMA Telemedicine Policy – Link to Ethical Practice for Telemedicine
- Federation of State Medical Boards: Telemedicine Policies by State, Board by Board Overview (PDF Format)
- OHA (Oregon health Authority) HPA (Health Policy & Analytics Division), OHIT (Office of Health Information Technology)
- List of Telehealth Pilot Projects (2014/2016) and related pages
- Advisory Groups
- Oregon BH Services Manual
- Oregon Telemedicine Policy Overview
- Excerpt(s):
- Oregon’s parity law mandates that private insurers and state employee health plans provide coverage for live video telemedicine.
- Oregon Medicaid will reimburse for live video, as well as email and telephone when used for patient consulting or when videoconferencing availability is limited. According to the agency’s Behavioral Health Services Manual, store-and-forward solutions may be covered when there are issues or access barriers to videoconferencing technology.
- GT Modifier for synchronous – Billing
- See: (PDF Format)
TAO (Telehealth Association of Oregon)
- Telehealth Reimbursement
- Medicare
- Medicaid
- Private
- Self-Funded Employer Group Health Plans
- Resources mentioned
- Telehealth and Medicare
- Telehealth Medicaid and State Policy
- Telemedicine –
- Medicare Benefits Policy Manual – Chapter 15 (PDF Format)
- Telehealth Services – Rural Health Fact Sheet Series (PDF Format)
- Oregon Senate Bill 24
- Oregon Senate Bill 144
The National Council on Behavioral Health
- COVID-19 Updates including Medicare & Medicaid (look under telehealth)
Coming Soon
This is a sampling, not intended to be exhaustive, provided solely as a courtesy without guarantee(s) of any kind whatsoever.. More information to come…
- Adobe GoToMeeting (Secured)
- Aetna. BH Televideo. (PDF Format)
- Dynamic reroute of traffic for network optimization, last mile, and more. (SDK & API)
- Amwell
- Apple
- eVisit
- Insight Telepsychiatry / Inpathy
- Musiq 2 My Peers App
- Support Group Central / Peer Support Solutions / Hey Peers Chat App on Apple Store
- Hey Peers Chat App on Apple Store
- Peer Support Ready to Go
- Features and Pricing
- VSee
- Zoom for Healthcare (Secured)
Telementalhealth Software Comparisons
Inside Digital Health – Virtual Reality
- Inside Digital Health: Virtual Reality / Mental Health Center of Denver MHCD’s Wes Williams, Ph.D
- Excerpt(s):
- Peer support and virtual reality used together offer several benefits. They can expand the peer practice and involvement for their work. Peer groups also work well with very established programs; peer leaders can provide patients with hope and serve as successful role models. Each individual who provides the therapy does not need as much training because the clinical practice is built in; thus, this care is more cost-effective than hiring new therapists. And most important, from a qualitative perspective, the experience is better for patients — and momentum improves in peer support groups
- Excerpt(s):
TTAC (National Telehealth Technology Assessment Resource Center)
- TTAC aims to create better-informed consumers of telehealth technology. By offering a variety of services in the area of technology assessment, TTAC (pronounced “tea-tac”) aims to become the place for answers to questions about selecting appropriate technologies for your telehealth program.
- Toolkits / Devices incl. but not limited to:
- Video Platforms
- Digital Cameras
- Electronic Stethoscopes
- Home Telehealth
- mHealth
- mHealth apps
- Mobile Blood Pressure
- Patient Exam Cameras
- Tympanometer (middle ear)
- Video Otoscope
- Innovation Watch
- Technology Showcase / Events
- Technology Needs Assessment 101
- Clinicians Guide to Video Platforms
- Media
Coming Soon
Codes of Ethics specifically related to Video / Telebehavioral Health
NOTE: Ethics specific to peer-delivered services via telehealth including fidelity peer-support *forthcoming*
NAADAC (National Association for Addictions Professional)
- Principle VI: E-Therapy, E-Supervision and Social Media (2016)
ACA American Counseling Association
- Code of Ethics, Section H (2014)
APA American Psychological Association
- Guidelines for Practice of Telepsychology (2013)
- APA American Psychological Association (collab. With ATA), (2018)
- Best Practices in Video Conferencing Based Telemental Health (Telepsychiatry)
AAMFT American Association of Marriage and Family Therapists
- (2015) Code of Ethics
ATA American Telemedicine Association (incl. Contributions by Dr. Maheu)
- Practice Guidelines for Video Based Online Mental Health Services, and 2 from 2009
- (2013)
AACN Nursing Association
- Scope and Standards of Practices for Professional Telehealth Nursing (2018)
- TelelCU Nursing Consensus Statement (2018)
Social Work
- Technology Standards in Social Work Practice (2017) (PDF Format)
- Very thorough, covers info for agencies and individual practioners e.g. Standard 2.06 Competence
Notes / observations
Generally have a preface with specific values and competence.
Follow Applicable Laws, Competence in Service Category, Competence in Telebehavioral Health
Some states have adopted some of these as state law.
Generally: Laws, regulations, ethical standards, guidelines, competencies, training, professional service delivery, etc.
- Dr. Karen Fortuna @ Dartmouth University, NH and Robert Walker
- Digital Peer Support Certification
- Peer Support App Database
- Publications
Telebehavioral Health Institute
- San Diego CA
- SAMHSA Webinar for Providers w/Exec Dir, Dr. Maheu (2018)
- Mentions: Hilty, Ferrer, Parish, Johnston, Callahan & Yellowlees (2013).
- Reviewed 755 studies, included 85.
- Findings / Results: Telementalhealth (TMH) is effective for diagnosis and assessment and disorders in many settings,across many populations, comparable to in person care, plus new models of care identified
- SAMHSA Webinar for Consumers w/E.D. Dr Mahue (2018).
Telehealth Certification Institute
- Telehealth Resource Centers
- Excerpt(s):
- Q: Can Peer Support Specialists provide Telehealth services in Georgia?
- A: Anthony Klosterman responds: The services Peer Specialists are authorized to provide in Georgia are the same whether through the medium of technology or in person/same location.
- QUOTE: Telehealth does not change what services can be provided, but does require additional understanding and competency to be done ethically. -Telehealth Certification Institute LLC
- Telemental Health Training (CEU)
- Audiences
- Counselors and Marriage and Family Therapists
- Social Workers
- Psychologists
- Topics / Courses:
- Introduction
- Legal Aspects
- Ethics of Using Technology in Behavioral Health
- Emergency Management Planning for TeleMental Health
- Ethical and Clinical Skills of Video and Phone Sessions
- Audiences
Self Help Bundle Available for $216 from Raymond Barrett, LMHC, LPC, BC-TMH, M.S.
See also: Jobs, Training and Certification, Ethics, etc.
State of Oregon, Office of Equity & Inclusion, Traditional Health Worker Commission
- THW Commission oversees several roles including Peer Support Specialists, Community Health Workers, Doulas and more – and – approves training curricula in several categories (e.g. Family Support Specialist, Peer Support Specialist, Youth Peer Support Specialist)
- THW Commission has a registry of persons who have cleared background check and training/certification requirements for their designation, including Peer Support Specialists
- The Commission has appointed positions and committees that work on Data, Standards, Scope, Continuing Education and other topics
- THW How to Become a Certified THW
- THW Resources
Role of Peers and People with Lived Experience of SMI around digital mental health tools?
- Referenced:
- Excerpt(s):
- What is the role of peers and people with lived experience of serious mental illness around digital mental health tools? Peers and people with lived experience of serious mental illness have a driving role in the development of the new digital mental health space. Already today people with lived experiences have created apps, led mental health technology companies, offer peer support via telemental health, and much more. As the field expands, so will the roles and needs.
- A 2019 article by leaders in the peer support community noted three principles for roles that this community should expand to fill:
- Excerpt(s):
- Referenced:
- Principle #1: People with lived experience of recovery should participate as equal partners—not just in usability studies.
- Principle #2: A framework that allows service users to assess the effectiveness of digital mental health interventions is needed.
- Principle #3: People with lived experience of recovery should be represented on expert groups that set digital mental health standards
SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management)
- Telecommuting Policy Sample
Web Article: 6 Ways the Coronavirus Will Change the Workplace
“The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the workplace was immediate and profound. See what the more long-term effects on the conduct of business and the practice of HR will likely be.”
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
CCHP (Center for Connected Health Policy)
- COVID-19 Telehealth Coverage Policies
- COVID-19 Telehealth Related State Actions
- Telehealth National Medicaid and State Policy
- Telehealth National Policy
- State Laws and Reimbursement Policies
- Legislation and Regulation Tracking
- Resources: Telehealth Related Bill Analysis, Policy Briefs etc.
- Special Projects
CDC (US DHHS Centers for Disease Control)
NCSL (National Council of State Legislatures)
- Telebehavioral Health Care
- Telehealth Policy Brief (2015) (PDF Format)
- State Coverage for Telehealth Services (MAP)
- Contact Sydne Enlund | | 303-856-1401
Legal Considerations – Firms, Articles, Authors (limited selection)
Becker CD, Dandy K, Gaujean M, Fusaro M, Scurlock C. Legal perspectives on telemedicine part 1: Legal and regulatory issues. Perm J 2019;23:18-293. DOI:
Epstein, Becker, Green
- FREE State / Telemental Health Laws App
- Training, Crash Course, Webinars and more
- Co-authored “Navigating the Telehealth Landscape: Legal and Regulatory Issues,” published by Bloomberg BNA’s Portfolio Series
- (14 attorneys listed)
Nathaniel Lacktman, Esq. / Partner of Foley & Lardner LLP
- Recognized National Champion of Telehealth, “Brilliant and Well Connected”
- Has helped federal and state governments and others draft laws, legislation, policy and more on telehealth.
-; twitter: @Lacktman
- Tampa, FL (813.225.4127)
Fox Rothschild, LLP
- Webinars and more, over 900 attorneys
- Featured: Elizabeth G. Litten, Partner and HIPAA Privacy & Security Officer
Susan C. Litton, Ph.D. / Clinical Psychologist (degrees in Mental Health & IT; not an attorney)
- Creator of, Charter member of the Coalition for Technology in Behavioral Science and HL7 CBCC which worked on standards for electronic health records (EHR)
- Licensed Professional Counselors Association of Georgia.
- Presentation: Ethics and Risk Management in Telehealth and Digital Recordkeeping (2019). ← Strongly recommended reading
- NOTE: Slide numbers listed below are the PDF document pages, but the original numbering of the original content may vary
- Highlights:
- Slide 20 telehealth risk management … informed consent
- Slide 26 free telemental health laws app / link
- Slide 31-32 Gmail / G Suite / Paubox
- Slide 41-44 Video (Skype, Facetime, etc.) / Recording (Keeping Video Records), etc.
- Slide 97 mentions an OHSU Breach fined $2.7M; in part, for NOT having a BAA (Business Asssociate Agreement) and using GMAIL for PHI (Protected Health Information).
- Slide 99 mentions Alaska DHHS $1.7M fine – a thumbdrive was stolen
- Slide 109 mentions PHI Identifiers including photographic images
- Slide 128-133 psychotherapy notes vs progress notes
Dustin Shaver, VP of Norcal Mutual Ins. Co.
- Article by Dustin Shaver, VP of NORCAL Mutual Insurance Company
- Discusses liability risks with telemedicine, mentions “Webside” manner protocols, etc.
Rural Health, University of North Dakota
- Policies, Needs and Recommendations
Coming Soon
Oregon had one of the first telehealth projects back in 1999 with Cathy Britain!
TAO – Telehealth Alliance of Oregon
Book: Telemedicine: A Guide to Assessing Telecommunications in Health Care
- Chapter 2: Evolution and Current Applications of Telemedicine
- Excerpt(s):
RODEO NET (Rural Options for Development and Educational Opportunities)…began in 1988 when community mental health programs in 13 eastern Oregon counties organized the Eastern Oregon Human Services Consortium (EOHSC). In 1991, EOHSC was awarded a three-year ($700,000) grant from the Office of Rural Health Policy (ORHP) to demonstrate the use of telecommunications in delivering mental health care in eastern Oregon, a large rural area remote from many secondary and tertiary medical resources (ORHP, 1993b; Allen and Allen, 1994a). Operations began in 1992 and the project has since become independent of federal grant funding (Britain, 1995; OTA, 1995).
On the clinical side, the telepsychiatry program is used for case consultation (both one-time and ongoing), patient evaluation, medication management, and crisis response through a 24-hour psychiatric emergency service. Administrative, educational, and other uses include preadmission, predischarge, and transfer reviews; precommitment and recommitment hearings; continuing health professions education; technology training for both consumers and providers; peer networking; and management video conferencing. Available interactive services include a one-way video, a two-way audio, and a two-way compressed video/audio/data link.
Current funding sources include service contracts with EOHSC, Greater Oregon Behavioral Health, Inc. (a nonprofit managed behavioral health care organization responsible for delivering public behavioral health care services to consumers in eastern Oregon under the Oregon Health Plan demonstration), and Oregon’s Mental Health and Developmental Disability Services Division. A public-private partnership consisting of Greater Oregon Behavioral Health, Inc., Oregon ED-NET (a public telecommunication service providing satellite video conferencing), and Eastern Oregon State College helped fund some of the program’s technical infrastructure. Rural sites lease equipment from Oregon ED-NET and pay a $5,000 yearly membership fee in addition to a charge for air time. The network also receives fees for training offered over the system.
In discussing the program’s ability to become self-sustaining, the program director cited several factors during video-conference comments to committee members visiting Oregon Health Sciences University (Catherine Britain, November 1995). First, the program arose as a cooperative, grass-roots initiative to solve the clearly recognized problem of limited availability of mental health services for a sparsely populated area. It was viewed as a means of meeting health needs, not as an end in itself. Second, the creation of a public-private partnership increased the base across which telecommunications infrastructure costs could be spread. Third, the program had some key champions who remained committed to the effort in the face of continuing technical, political, administrative, and other problems. Fourth, training and support for users focused on establishing comfort with technologies at a level equivalent to that for the telephone.
OHSU (Oregon Health Sciences University)
- Telehealth and Project ECHO
- OHSU has been hosting meetings with providers around the state for a number of years.
DHHS (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services)
SAMHSA (U.S. DHHS, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Agency)
Dr. Neil C. Evans, Chief Officer @ VA’s Office Of Connected Care,
- Conference Speaker at HIMSS2020, discussing what works and what does not.
- “…for health systems to be successful, Telehealth needs to be someone’s job.”
- “…train providers and patients alike…”
- “…equitable access [digital divide] is a real concern and must be addressed…”
Dr. Marlene Mahue, Executive Director @ Telebehavioral Health Institute, Inc.
- “Behavioral health is the largest unmet healthcare need in the United States.”
- “4,200+ articles show the safety and effectiveness of telehealth”
Anothony Klosterman, Telehealth Certification Institute LLC
- “Telehealth does not change what services can be provided, but does require additional understanding and competency to be done ethically.”
Rural Health, University of North Dakota
- Policies, Needs and Recommendations
- “Develop mechanism for training in telebehavioral health techniques and evidence to assist with adoption.”
- (Slide 81, quote; Slide 28 map of Medicaid billing among states for peer support)
Open Minds
- Open Minds Daily Executive Briefings 06/01/2020 :
- “After telehealth, peer support specialists (59%) and medication assisted treatment (MAT) for addictions (45%) were the most adopted innovation by specialty provider organizations. And, for primary care and FQHCs, the most adopted innovations were behavioral health/primary care service co-location (74%) and primary care medical homes (70%).”
- Excerpt(s) from
- OPEN MINDS is a national leader in market intelligence and management best practices focused on organizations serving consumers with chronic conditions and complex needs.
- We stay exclusively focused on a very specific set of domains in the health and human service field – mental health, addiction treatment, chronic disease management, intellectual and developmental disabilities services, disability supports and long-term care, children’s services, juvenile justice, corrections health care, and social services.