PeerGalaxy Timeline
PeerGalaxy announced in Portland NBC Affiliate KGW 8 News Story Interview and Article
PeerGalaxy Offerings Shared Widely by Peers
PeerGalaxy in TIO Newsletter:
PeerPocalypse 2020
Is Peer Telehealth Here to Stay? Yes, yes, if we have our say!
Kevin Fitts & Laura Rose
PeerGalaxy and the Future of Peer Telehealth in Oregon was the topic of our interactive discussion at the 1st virtual Peerpocalypse conference in history!
Great turnout and lots of praise for the PeerGalaxy Calendar, Website and Workshop
Thank you for your support!
Slideshow (PDF) Bingo Trivia Card (PDF) Bingo Trivia Answer Key (PDF)
PeerGalaxy Enters Phase II
PeerGalaxy Calendar 2.1 Beta now available in the testing phase!
Now exceeding 8,000 peer support, recovery and wellness offerings each month - the rich menu continues to expand weekly!
Now visitors have more ways to search, find, add, and view events! New categories, topics, and filters! Custom feeds for your calendar. More to come.
PeerGalaxy Facilitates Wildfire Response from Peer Run Organizations

- Tens of thousands of people had to suddenly evacuate their homes for safety.
- Over 4,000 Oregonians lost their homes.
- Entire communities were leveled to the ground.
- Over 1 Million acres burned.
- 9 lives were tragically lost.

Learn more by visiting this link:
OHA (Oregon Health Authority) leadership reached out to PeerGalaxy leadership who reached out Oregon peer run organizations for quick thought partnership, input and coordination on addressing peer support and other needs for people affected by the wildfires. In great collaboration, resources were quickly identified and shared through social media, the PeerGalaxy Calendar, food box flyers, and more. We are thankful to all who answer the call and step up with support for Oregonians. The State of Oregon offers additional resources and information at this link: Wildfires.Oregon.GovPeerGalaxy launches Year-End Survey
On December 30th, 2020 our PeerGalaxy Survey Team launched the
PeerGalaxy Year-End Survey Letter
Please take a few moments to complete this online survey. If you have questions, you can email surveyteam 'at' peergalaxy 'dot' com. Results will be reported-out in aggregate summary without identifying information.* * *
In January 2021 we will be scheduling a special event:PeerGalaxy Visioning & Planning Discussion with Stakeholders
(Details forthcoming)
* * *
In the meantime, you can check this out:
PeerGalaxy Vision Sketch *DRAFT*
* * *
2020 Web Traffic Statistics
Over 110 Thousand Visits
Over 670 Thousand Page Views
Over 1.5 Million Hits
Thank you to all who made this possible!
PeerGalaxy @ Peerpocalypse 2021

𝄞 Song Link:
2 Million Hits on PeerGalaxy

Presentation at Peerpocalypse 2022
On the evening of Π pi day 3.14 2022, first night of the 10th annual Peerpocalypse Conference returning to Seaside, Oregon PeerGalaxy unveiled upcoming offerings to accelerate peer advocacy and online community meetings, hosting an open discussion for future directions with PeerGalaxy.
4.5 Million Hits and Counting!
Over 82,000 FREE Monthly Offerings!
Let’s Take a Voyage Together through Space and Time, a Meeting of our Hearts and Minds, Peer Superstars Sharing Visions and Vibes, Shifting the Tides, Interdimensional Intersectional Conversations. Come Along for the Ride! We’re Unveiling New Tools, We have much to Decide. Destinies and Journeys too Great to Deny! VIDEO ANNOUNCEMENT LINK
PeerGalaxy 988 Cards on the Scene
PeerGalaxy 988 Cards arrived from the printer, picked up by our PeerGalaxy Champions to distribute at this year's annual Hands Across the Bridge events for National Recovery Month starting this Monday, Labor Day 2022.
Scanning the QR Code on the front of these cards takes people to our webpage featuring 30+ warmlines, helplines, chatlines, and more, in addition to 988 including but not limited to:
- * Culturally specific
- * Language specific
- * ASL (American Sign Language) specific
- * Topic, Need, Circumstance or Situation specific
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Friday September 9th 2022
KATU 2 News Crew Interviews PeerGalaxy Team

PeerGalaxy @ 9th Annual Global Peer Support Celebration Day 2023
In a Call to Action, PeerGalaxy invited Oregon Employers of Peer Supporters to share Kind Words of Appreciation and/or Inspiration for the Oregon Peer Workforce (including volunteers and paid individuals offering peer support for youth/young adults, family and/or adults) for the
(National Association of Peer Supporters)
Global Peer Support Celebration Day 2023.
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Kind Words of Appreciation shared by:
The Mental Health & Addiction Association of Oregon (MHAAO)
Dual Diagnosis Anonymous (DDA)
Iron Tribe Network (ITN)
Jackson Care Connect (JCC)
Oregon Peer Warmline
Oregon Family Support Network (OFSN)
Oregon Family to Family Health Information Center (ORF2FHIC)
L-APS, Inc.
Bay Area First Step (BAFS)
GOBHI (Greater Oregon Behavioral Health, Inc.)
Willow Tree Case Management
PathFinders Network
Oregon Family Workforce Association (ORFWA)

PEERGALAXY @ 2023 Oregon Suicide Prevention Conference
The 2023 OSPC Conference was held in Hood River amidst majestic fall colors along the Columbia Gorge with speakers and attendees near and far. This year's event had a focus on older adults and cultural responsiveness. We shared about PeerGalaxy with new networks across Oregon and beyond.