PeerGalaxy Original Calendar

Welcome to PeerGalaxy Calendar featuring over 99,000+ monthly offerings of FREE telephone- and online-accessible peer support, recovery support + wellness activities!

Over 30+ warmlines plus webinars, workshops, job postings, special events, consumer input opportunities and more.


Click the Accessibility Button on the right side, halfway down in the middle, for enhanced viewing and/or access options!  Click the Translate Button in the lower left corner for language options. 

Your use of this site is subject to the Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions of Use.  Reminder: Fees or charges may be charged by your carrier for sending or receiving SMS text messaging, phone, or data.

If you have an event to add, email us:

How Events are Sorted:

First, at the top of the list: SAMHSA Disaster Helpline and similar links.

Next in the list: Bundled “All Day” Events for organizations with events happening at multiple times throughout the day and/or in many formats or locations; these are bundled into a single listing to prevent endless scrolling.  Usually these offer a lookup by zip code or other criteria. 

Lastly, Time-Specific Events listed by start time from 12:01am early morning to 11:59pm late night.  Warmlines and places east of Oregon’s time zone tend to start earlier (e.g. 4am in Oregon is 7am in New York).

MHAAO – Mental Health & Addiction Association of Oregon – Workshops, Job Fair, Speakers, – Registration is now OPEN – In-Person Seats Area limited
Apr 19 all-day






Start your new year off right by signing up for the 11th annual Peerpocalypse peer leadership conference. Registration for in-person and virtual attendance ARE OPEN!

In-person registration: $425

Virtual registration: $250

Your ticket gives you access to our immersive four-day conference, with over 40 workshops, a job fair, after-hours activities, and more! Don’t miss the opportunity to build your network and earn up to 23 Continuing Education Units. Register today!

In-person spaces are limited, so sign up now!


Scholarship Updates:

We have postponed scholarship registration until further notice!

We strive to make Peerpocalypse accessible for as many peers as possible each year by providing scholarships that cater to peers and the peers workforce. We have discovered new funding streams that would make more scholarships available for the community; to ensure that registration access is fair, we have postponed scholarship registration until further notice. Please sign up for peerpocalypse emails to stay up-to-date, or follow us on Facebook and Instagram. Thank you for your patience. More to come soon!

In the meantime, here are the scholarships that have been confirmed:

⭐ The MetroPlus Association of Addiction Peer Professionals scholarship is available to Certified Recovery Mentors, Certified Alcohol & Drug Counselors, and Certified Gambling Recovery Mentors in Clackamas, Multnomah, and Washington counties in Oregon who are certified through MHACBO.

⭐ The Oregon Statewide Scholarship is provided in partnership with The OHA Office of Recovery & Resilience. It is offered to behavioral health consumers and peers who live in Oregon.

⭐ OHA is also supporting the Oregon Military + Veteran Statewide Scholarship. This scholarship is offered to behavioral health consumers and/or peers who live in Oregon or work with veterans and military-connected communities in Oregon.

✨ 2024 Keynote Presenter Sneak-Peek ✨


Paolo del Vecchio – SAMHSA

“Mr. del Vecchio is the Director of the Office of Recovery where he provides leadership for SAMHSA’s efforts to advance recovery across the nation. A person in long-term recovery from mental health conditions and addiction as well as a trauma survivor, Mr. del Vecchio has over 40 years of behavioral health experience as a consumer, family member, provider, advocate, and policy maker. He has been published widely and is a highly sought-after national leader and speaker.”


Joseph Green

“I believe in the power of stories and the sharing of lived experiences as tools for connectivity and community building. Once unleashed, I believe that power can change the world for the better… I’ve seen what happens when people begin to feel safe enough to reflect on their own stories. Once you recognize the transformative power of reflecting on your own grit, mistakes, darkness, and light—you build an inner strength that no one can take away from you.”

Support Peerpocalypse

The support and generosity of our sponsors makes this event possible year after year. If you are interested in supporting Peerpocalypse, please email us to learn more about sponsorship levels and benefits, or visit our website at
About Peerpocalypse: Hosted by the Mental Health & Addiction Association of Oregon, Peerpocalypse is a leading opportunity for professional development, networking, and community-building for members of the peer workforce. As people with lived experience, we know what works, and we need to share what we know with each other. Coming together awakens our energy and helps us grow so we can better serve our communities and show up for our peers and one another.


JC – Joyful Casa – Wellness Workshop ( ONLINE) – Thursdays @ Facebook Group
Apr 19 @ 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm




Wellness Workshop (ONLINE)

Is your health accidental or on purpose?

Every Thursday, join us as we dive into the foundations of healthy living and what we can do on the daily to encourage healthy mind, body, and emotions.


Thursdays, 7PM to 10 PM PST

Use this Link To Join and Attend





MHAAO – Mental Health & Addiction Association of Oregon – Workshops, Job Fair, Speakers, – Registration is now OPEN – In-Person Seats Area limited
Apr 20 all-day






Start your new year off right by signing up for the 11th annual Peerpocalypse peer leadership conference. Registration for in-person and virtual attendance ARE OPEN!

In-person registration: $425

Virtual registration: $250

Your ticket gives you access to our immersive four-day conference, with over 40 workshops, a job fair, after-hours activities, and more! Don’t miss the opportunity to build your network and earn up to 23 Continuing Education Units. Register today!

In-person spaces are limited, so sign up now!


Scholarship Updates:

We have postponed scholarship registration until further notice!

We strive to make Peerpocalypse accessible for as many peers as possible each year by providing scholarships that cater to peers and the peers workforce. We have discovered new funding streams that would make more scholarships available for the community; to ensure that registration access is fair, we have postponed scholarship registration until further notice. Please sign up for peerpocalypse emails to stay up-to-date, or follow us on Facebook and Instagram. Thank you for your patience. More to come soon!

In the meantime, here are the scholarships that have been confirmed:

⭐ The MetroPlus Association of Addiction Peer Professionals scholarship is available to Certified Recovery Mentors, Certified Alcohol & Drug Counselors, and Certified Gambling Recovery Mentors in Clackamas, Multnomah, and Washington counties in Oregon who are certified through MHACBO.

⭐ The Oregon Statewide Scholarship is provided in partnership with The OHA Office of Recovery & Resilience. It is offered to behavioral health consumers and peers who live in Oregon.

⭐ OHA is also supporting the Oregon Military + Veteran Statewide Scholarship. This scholarship is offered to behavioral health consumers and/or peers who live in Oregon or work with veterans and military-connected communities in Oregon.

✨ 2024 Keynote Presenter Sneak-Peek ✨


Paolo del Vecchio – SAMHSA

“Mr. del Vecchio is the Director of the Office of Recovery where he provides leadership for SAMHSA’s efforts to advance recovery across the nation. A person in long-term recovery from mental health conditions and addiction as well as a trauma survivor, Mr. del Vecchio has over 40 years of behavioral health experience as a consumer, family member, provider, advocate, and policy maker. He has been published widely and is a highly sought-after national leader and speaker.”


Joseph Green

“I believe in the power of stories and the sharing of lived experiences as tools for connectivity and community building. Once unleashed, I believe that power can change the world for the better… I’ve seen what happens when people begin to feel safe enough to reflect on their own stories. Once you recognize the transformative power of reflecting on your own grit, mistakes, darkness, and light—you build an inner strength that no one can take away from you.”

Support Peerpocalypse

The support and generosity of our sponsors makes this event possible year after year. If you are interested in supporting Peerpocalypse, please email us to learn more about sponsorship levels and benefits, or visit our website at
About Peerpocalypse: Hosted by the Mental Health & Addiction Association of Oregon, Peerpocalypse is a leading opportunity for professional development, networking, and community-building for members of the peer workforce. As people with lived experience, we know what works, and we need to share what we know with each other. Coming together awakens our energy and helps us grow so we can better serve our communities and show up for our peers and one another.


JC – Joyful Casa – Wellness Workshop ( ONLINE) – Thursdays @ Facebook Group
Apr 20 @ 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm




Wellness Workshop (ONLINE)

Is your health accidental or on purpose?

Every Thursday, join us as we dive into the foundations of healthy living and what we can do on the daily to encourage healthy mind, body, and emotions.


Thursdays, 7PM to 10 PM PST

Use this Link To Join and Attend





MHAAO – Mental Health & Addiction Association of Oregon – Workshops, Job Fair, Speakers, – Registration is now OPEN – In-Person Seats Area limited
Apr 21 all-day






Start your new year off right by signing up for the 11th annual Peerpocalypse peer leadership conference. Registration for in-person and virtual attendance ARE OPEN!

In-person registration: $425

Virtual registration: $250

Your ticket gives you access to our immersive four-day conference, with over 40 workshops, a job fair, after-hours activities, and more! Don’t miss the opportunity to build your network and earn up to 23 Continuing Education Units. Register today!

In-person spaces are limited, so sign up now!


Scholarship Updates:

We have postponed scholarship registration until further notice!

We strive to make Peerpocalypse accessible for as many peers as possible each year by providing scholarships that cater to peers and the peers workforce. We have discovered new funding streams that would make more scholarships available for the community; to ensure that registration access is fair, we have postponed scholarship registration until further notice. Please sign up for peerpocalypse emails to stay up-to-date, or follow us on Facebook and Instagram. Thank you for your patience. More to come soon!

In the meantime, here are the scholarships that have been confirmed:

⭐ The MetroPlus Association of Addiction Peer Professionals scholarship is available to Certified Recovery Mentors, Certified Alcohol & Drug Counselors, and Certified Gambling Recovery Mentors in Clackamas, Multnomah, and Washington counties in Oregon who are certified through MHACBO.

⭐ The Oregon Statewide Scholarship is provided in partnership with The OHA Office of Recovery & Resilience. It is offered to behavioral health consumers and peers who live in Oregon.

⭐ OHA is also supporting the Oregon Military + Veteran Statewide Scholarship. This scholarship is offered to behavioral health consumers and/or peers who live in Oregon or work with veterans and military-connected communities in Oregon.

✨ 2024 Keynote Presenter Sneak-Peek ✨


Paolo del Vecchio – SAMHSA

“Mr. del Vecchio is the Director of the Office of Recovery where he provides leadership for SAMHSA’s efforts to advance recovery across the nation. A person in long-term recovery from mental health conditions and addiction as well as a trauma survivor, Mr. del Vecchio has over 40 years of behavioral health experience as a consumer, family member, provider, advocate, and policy maker. He has been published widely and is a highly sought-after national leader and speaker.”


Joseph Green

“I believe in the power of stories and the sharing of lived experiences as tools for connectivity and community building. Once unleashed, I believe that power can change the world for the better… I’ve seen what happens when people begin to feel safe enough to reflect on their own stories. Once you recognize the transformative power of reflecting on your own grit, mistakes, darkness, and light—you build an inner strength that no one can take away from you.”

Support Peerpocalypse

The support and generosity of our sponsors makes this event possible year after year. If you are interested in supporting Peerpocalypse, please email us to learn more about sponsorship levels and benefits, or visit our website at
About Peerpocalypse: Hosted by the Mental Health & Addiction Association of Oregon, Peerpocalypse is a leading opportunity for professional development, networking, and community-building for members of the peer workforce. As people with lived experience, we know what works, and we need to share what we know with each other. Coming together awakens our energy and helps us grow so we can better serve our communities and show up for our peers and one another.


JC – Joyful Casa – Wellness Workshop ( ONLINE) – Thursdays @ Facebook Group
Apr 21 @ 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm




Wellness Workshop (ONLINE)

Is your health accidental or on purpose?

Every Thursday, join us as we dive into the foundations of healthy living and what we can do on the daily to encourage healthy mind, body, and emotions.


Thursdays, 7PM to 10 PM PST

Use this Link To Join and Attend





MHAAO – Mental Health & Addiction Association of Oregon – Workshops, Job Fair, Speakers, – Registration is now OPEN – In-Person Seats Area limited
Apr 22 all-day






Start your new year off right by signing up for the 11th annual Peerpocalypse peer leadership conference. Registration for in-person and virtual attendance ARE OPEN!

In-person registration: $425

Virtual registration: $250

Your ticket gives you access to our immersive four-day conference, with over 40 workshops, a job fair, after-hours activities, and more! Don’t miss the opportunity to build your network and earn up to 23 Continuing Education Units. Register today!

In-person spaces are limited, so sign up now!


Scholarship Updates:

We have postponed scholarship registration until further notice!

We strive to make Peerpocalypse accessible for as many peers as possible each year by providing scholarships that cater to peers and the peers workforce. We have discovered new funding streams that would make more scholarships available for the community; to ensure that registration access is fair, we have postponed scholarship registration until further notice. Please sign up for peerpocalypse emails to stay up-to-date, or follow us on Facebook and Instagram. Thank you for your patience. More to come soon!

In the meantime, here are the scholarships that have been confirmed:

⭐ The MetroPlus Association of Addiction Peer Professionals scholarship is available to Certified Recovery Mentors, Certified Alcohol & Drug Counselors, and Certified Gambling Recovery Mentors in Clackamas, Multnomah, and Washington counties in Oregon who are certified through MHACBO.

⭐ The Oregon Statewide Scholarship is provided in partnership with The OHA Office of Recovery & Resilience. It is offered to behavioral health consumers and peers who live in Oregon.

⭐ OHA is also supporting the Oregon Military + Veteran Statewide Scholarship. This scholarship is offered to behavioral health consumers and/or peers who live in Oregon or work with veterans and military-connected communities in Oregon.

✨ 2024 Keynote Presenter Sneak-Peek ✨


Paolo del Vecchio – SAMHSA

“Mr. del Vecchio is the Director of the Office of Recovery where he provides leadership for SAMHSA’s efforts to advance recovery across the nation. A person in long-term recovery from mental health conditions and addiction as well as a trauma survivor, Mr. del Vecchio has over 40 years of behavioral health experience as a consumer, family member, provider, advocate, and policy maker. He has been published widely and is a highly sought-after national leader and speaker.”


Joseph Green

“I believe in the power of stories and the sharing of lived experiences as tools for connectivity and community building. Once unleashed, I believe that power can change the world for the better… I’ve seen what happens when people begin to feel safe enough to reflect on their own stories. Once you recognize the transformative power of reflecting on your own grit, mistakes, darkness, and light—you build an inner strength that no one can take away from you.”

Support Peerpocalypse

The support and generosity of our sponsors makes this event possible year after year. If you are interested in supporting Peerpocalypse, please email us to learn more about sponsorship levels and benefits, or visit our website at
About Peerpocalypse: Hosted by the Mental Health & Addiction Association of Oregon, Peerpocalypse is a leading opportunity for professional development, networking, and community-building for members of the peer workforce. As people with lived experience, we know what works, and we need to share what we know with each other. Coming together awakens our energy and helps us grow so we can better serve our communities and show up for our peers and one another.


JC – Joyful Casa – Wellness Workshop ( ONLINE) – Thursdays @ Facebook Group
Apr 22 @ 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm




Wellness Workshop (ONLINE)

Is your health accidental or on purpose?

Every Thursday, join us as we dive into the foundations of healthy living and what we can do on the daily to encourage healthy mind, body, and emotions.


Thursdays, 7PM to 10 PM PST

Use this Link To Join and Attend





MHAAO – Mental Health & Addiction Association of Oregon – Workshops, Job Fair, Speakers, – Registration is now OPEN – In-Person Seats Area limited
Apr 23 all-day






Start your new year off right by signing up for the 11th annual Peerpocalypse peer leadership conference. Registration for in-person and virtual attendance ARE OPEN!

In-person registration: $425

Virtual registration: $250

Your ticket gives you access to our immersive four-day conference, with over 40 workshops, a job fair, after-hours activities, and more! Don’t miss the opportunity to build your network and earn up to 23 Continuing Education Units. Register today!

In-person spaces are limited, so sign up now!


Scholarship Updates:

We have postponed scholarship registration until further notice!

We strive to make Peerpocalypse accessible for as many peers as possible each year by providing scholarships that cater to peers and the peers workforce. We have discovered new funding streams that would make more scholarships available for the community; to ensure that registration access is fair, we have postponed scholarship registration until further notice. Please sign up for peerpocalypse emails to stay up-to-date, or follow us on Facebook and Instagram. Thank you for your patience. More to come soon!

In the meantime, here are the scholarships that have been confirmed:

⭐ The MetroPlus Association of Addiction Peer Professionals scholarship is available to Certified Recovery Mentors, Certified Alcohol & Drug Counselors, and Certified Gambling Recovery Mentors in Clackamas, Multnomah, and Washington counties in Oregon who are certified through MHACBO.

⭐ The Oregon Statewide Scholarship is provided in partnership with The OHA Office of Recovery & Resilience. It is offered to behavioral health consumers and peers who live in Oregon.

⭐ OHA is also supporting the Oregon Military + Veteran Statewide Scholarship. This scholarship is offered to behavioral health consumers and/or peers who live in Oregon or work with veterans and military-connected communities in Oregon.

✨ 2024 Keynote Presenter Sneak-Peek ✨


Paolo del Vecchio – SAMHSA

“Mr. del Vecchio is the Director of the Office of Recovery where he provides leadership for SAMHSA’s efforts to advance recovery across the nation. A person in long-term recovery from mental health conditions and addiction as well as a trauma survivor, Mr. del Vecchio has over 40 years of behavioral health experience as a consumer, family member, provider, advocate, and policy maker. He has been published widely and is a highly sought-after national leader and speaker.”


Joseph Green

“I believe in the power of stories and the sharing of lived experiences as tools for connectivity and community building. Once unleashed, I believe that power can change the world for the better… I’ve seen what happens when people begin to feel safe enough to reflect on their own stories. Once you recognize the transformative power of reflecting on your own grit, mistakes, darkness, and light—you build an inner strength that no one can take away from you.”

Support Peerpocalypse

The support and generosity of our sponsors makes this event possible year after year. If you are interested in supporting Peerpocalypse, please email us to learn more about sponsorship levels and benefits, or visit our website at
About Peerpocalypse: Hosted by the Mental Health & Addiction Association of Oregon, Peerpocalypse is a leading opportunity for professional development, networking, and community-building for members of the peer workforce. As people with lived experience, we know what works, and we need to share what we know with each other. Coming together awakens our energy and helps us grow so we can better serve our communities and show up for our peers and one another.


SOESD – Southern Oregon Educational Service District – Monthly Parenting Workshop – Third Tuesdays @ Online Via ZOOM
Apr 23 @ 2:30 pm – 4:30 pm


An open training on the science of N.E.A.R. (Neurobiology, Epigenetics, Adverse Childhood Experiences–ACES–and Resilience), presented by the Southern Oregon ACEs Training Team. Members of all agencies and the general public are welcome. The trainings are administered by Southern Oregon Success and supported by our local Coordinated Care Organizations–AllCare and Jackson Care Connect–along with Options of Southern Oregon, SOELS, local K12 school districts, SOESD, La Clinica, Rogue Community Health and Siskiyou Community Health. Peter Buckley from Southern Oregon Success (and the Southern Oregon ACEs Training Team) will be the lead presenter. The session will be presented via Zoom and the link will be sent out to participants a few days prior.

Peter Buckley



JC – Joyful Casa – Wellness Workshop ( ONLINE) – Thursdays @ Facebook Group
Apr 23 @ 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm




Wellness Workshop (ONLINE)

Is your health accidental or on purpose?

Every Thursday, join us as we dive into the foundations of healthy living and what we can do on the daily to encourage healthy mind, body, and emotions.


Thursdays, 7PM to 10 PM PST

Use this Link To Join and Attend





MHAAO – Mental Health & Addiction Association of Oregon – Workshops, Job Fair, Speakers, – Registration is now OPEN – In-Person Seats Area limited
Apr 24 all-day






Start your new year off right by signing up for the 11th annual Peerpocalypse peer leadership conference. Registration for in-person and virtual attendance ARE OPEN!

In-person registration: $425

Virtual registration: $250

Your ticket gives you access to our immersive four-day conference, with over 40 workshops, a job fair, after-hours activities, and more! Don’t miss the opportunity to build your network and earn up to 23 Continuing Education Units. Register today!

In-person spaces are limited, so sign up now!


Scholarship Updates:

We have postponed scholarship registration until further notice!

We strive to make Peerpocalypse accessible for as many peers as possible each year by providing scholarships that cater to peers and the peers workforce. We have discovered new funding streams that would make more scholarships available for the community; to ensure that registration access is fair, we have postponed scholarship registration until further notice. Please sign up for peerpocalypse emails to stay up-to-date, or follow us on Facebook and Instagram. Thank you for your patience. More to come soon!

In the meantime, here are the scholarships that have been confirmed:

⭐ The MetroPlus Association of Addiction Peer Professionals scholarship is available to Certified Recovery Mentors, Certified Alcohol & Drug Counselors, and Certified Gambling Recovery Mentors in Clackamas, Multnomah, and Washington counties in Oregon who are certified through MHACBO.

⭐ The Oregon Statewide Scholarship is provided in partnership with The OHA Office of Recovery & Resilience. It is offered to behavioral health consumers and peers who live in Oregon.

⭐ OHA is also supporting the Oregon Military + Veteran Statewide Scholarship. This scholarship is offered to behavioral health consumers and/or peers who live in Oregon or work with veterans and military-connected communities in Oregon.

✨ 2024 Keynote Presenter Sneak-Peek ✨


Paolo del Vecchio – SAMHSA

“Mr. del Vecchio is the Director of the Office of Recovery where he provides leadership for SAMHSA’s efforts to advance recovery across the nation. A person in long-term recovery from mental health conditions and addiction as well as a trauma survivor, Mr. del Vecchio has over 40 years of behavioral health experience as a consumer, family member, provider, advocate, and policy maker. He has been published widely and is a highly sought-after national leader and speaker.”


Joseph Green

“I believe in the power of stories and the sharing of lived experiences as tools for connectivity and community building. Once unleashed, I believe that power can change the world for the better… I’ve seen what happens when people begin to feel safe enough to reflect on their own stories. Once you recognize the transformative power of reflecting on your own grit, mistakes, darkness, and light—you build an inner strength that no one can take away from you.”

Support Peerpocalypse

The support and generosity of our sponsors makes this event possible year after year. If you are interested in supporting Peerpocalypse, please email us to learn more about sponsorship levels and benefits, or visit our website at
About Peerpocalypse: Hosted by the Mental Health & Addiction Association of Oregon, Peerpocalypse is a leading opportunity for professional development, networking, and community-building for members of the peer workforce. As people with lived experience, we know what works, and we need to share what we know with each other. Coming together awakens our energy and helps us grow so we can better serve our communities and show up for our peers and one another.


JC – Joyful Casa – Wellness Workshop ( ONLINE) – Thursdays @ Facebook Group
Apr 24 @ 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm




Wellness Workshop (ONLINE)

Is your health accidental or on purpose?

Every Thursday, join us as we dive into the foundations of healthy living and what we can do on the daily to encourage healthy mind, body, and emotions.


Thursdays, 7PM to 10 PM PST

Use this Link To Join and Attend





MHAAO – Mental Health & Addiction Association of Oregon – Workshops, Job Fair, Speakers, – Registration is now OPEN – In-Person Seats Area limited
Apr 25 all-day






Start your new year off right by signing up for the 11th annual Peerpocalypse peer leadership conference. Registration for in-person and virtual attendance ARE OPEN!

In-person registration: $425

Virtual registration: $250

Your ticket gives you access to our immersive four-day conference, with over 40 workshops, a job fair, after-hours activities, and more! Don’t miss the opportunity to build your network and earn up to 23 Continuing Education Units. Register today!

In-person spaces are limited, so sign up now!


Scholarship Updates:

We have postponed scholarship registration until further notice!

We strive to make Peerpocalypse accessible for as many peers as possible each year by providing scholarships that cater to peers and the peers workforce. We have discovered new funding streams that would make more scholarships available for the community; to ensure that registration access is fair, we have postponed scholarship registration until further notice. Please sign up for peerpocalypse emails to stay up-to-date, or follow us on Facebook and Instagram. Thank you for your patience. More to come soon!

In the meantime, here are the scholarships that have been confirmed:

⭐ The MetroPlus Association of Addiction Peer Professionals scholarship is available to Certified Recovery Mentors, Certified Alcohol & Drug Counselors, and Certified Gambling Recovery Mentors in Clackamas, Multnomah, and Washington counties in Oregon who are certified through MHACBO.

⭐ The Oregon Statewide Scholarship is provided in partnership with The OHA Office of Recovery & Resilience. It is offered to behavioral health consumers and peers who live in Oregon.

⭐ OHA is also supporting the Oregon Military + Veteran Statewide Scholarship. This scholarship is offered to behavioral health consumers and/or peers who live in Oregon or work with veterans and military-connected communities in Oregon.

✨ 2024 Keynote Presenter Sneak-Peek ✨


Paolo del Vecchio – SAMHSA

“Mr. del Vecchio is the Director of the Office of Recovery where he provides leadership for SAMHSA’s efforts to advance recovery across the nation. A person in long-term recovery from mental health conditions and addiction as well as a trauma survivor, Mr. del Vecchio has over 40 years of behavioral health experience as a consumer, family member, provider, advocate, and policy maker. He has been published widely and is a highly sought-after national leader and speaker.”


Joseph Green

“I believe in the power of stories and the sharing of lived experiences as tools for connectivity and community building. Once unleashed, I believe that power can change the world for the better… I’ve seen what happens when people begin to feel safe enough to reflect on their own stories. Once you recognize the transformative power of reflecting on your own grit, mistakes, darkness, and light—you build an inner strength that no one can take away from you.”

Support Peerpocalypse

The support and generosity of our sponsors makes this event possible year after year. If you are interested in supporting Peerpocalypse, please email us to learn more about sponsorship levels and benefits, or visit our website at
About Peerpocalypse: Hosted by the Mental Health & Addiction Association of Oregon, Peerpocalypse is a leading opportunity for professional development, networking, and community-building for members of the peer workforce. As people with lived experience, we know what works, and we need to share what we know with each other. Coming together awakens our energy and helps us grow so we can better serve our communities and show up for our peers and one another.


JC – Joyful Casa – Wellness Workshop ( ONLINE) – Thursdays @ Facebook Group
Apr 25 @ 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm


Wellness Workshop (ONLINE)

Is your health accidental or on purpose?

Every Thursday, join us as we dive into the foundations of healthy living and what we can do on the daily to encourage healthy mind, body, and emotions.


Thursdays, 7PM to 10 PM PST

Use this Link To Join and Attend





JC – Joyful Casa – Wellness Workshop ( ONLINE) – Thursdays @ Facebook Group
Apr 25 @ 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm




Wellness Workshop (ONLINE)

Is your health accidental or on purpose?

Every Thursday, join us as we dive into the foundations of healthy living and what we can do on the daily to encourage healthy mind, body, and emotions.


Thursdays, 7PM to 10 PM PST

Use this Link To Join and Attend





MHAAO – Mental Health & Addiction Association of Oregon – Workshops, Job Fair, Speakers, – Registration is now OPEN – In-Person Seats Area limited
Apr 26 all-day






Start your new year off right by signing up for the 11th annual Peerpocalypse peer leadership conference. Registration for in-person and virtual attendance ARE OPEN!

In-person registration: $425

Virtual registration: $250

Your ticket gives you access to our immersive four-day conference, with over 40 workshops, a job fair, after-hours activities, and more! Don’t miss the opportunity to build your network and earn up to 23 Continuing Education Units. Register today!

In-person spaces are limited, so sign up now!


Scholarship Updates:

We have postponed scholarship registration until further notice!

We strive to make Peerpocalypse accessible for as many peers as possible each year by providing scholarships that cater to peers and the peers workforce. We have discovered new funding streams that would make more scholarships available for the community; to ensure that registration access is fair, we have postponed scholarship registration until further notice. Please sign up for peerpocalypse emails to stay up-to-date, or follow us on Facebook and Instagram. Thank you for your patience. More to come soon!

In the meantime, here are the scholarships that have been confirmed:

⭐ The MetroPlus Association of Addiction Peer Professionals scholarship is available to Certified Recovery Mentors, Certified Alcohol & Drug Counselors, and Certified Gambling Recovery Mentors in Clackamas, Multnomah, and Washington counties in Oregon who are certified through MHACBO.

⭐ The Oregon Statewide Scholarship is provided in partnership with The OHA Office of Recovery & Resilience. It is offered to behavioral health consumers and peers who live in Oregon.

⭐ OHA is also supporting the Oregon Military + Veteran Statewide Scholarship. This scholarship is offered to behavioral health consumers and/or peers who live in Oregon or work with veterans and military-connected communities in Oregon.

✨ 2024 Keynote Presenter Sneak-Peek ✨


Paolo del Vecchio – SAMHSA

“Mr. del Vecchio is the Director of the Office of Recovery where he provides leadership for SAMHSA’s efforts to advance recovery across the nation. A person in long-term recovery from mental health conditions and addiction as well as a trauma survivor, Mr. del Vecchio has over 40 years of behavioral health experience as a consumer, family member, provider, advocate, and policy maker. He has been published widely and is a highly sought-after national leader and speaker.”


Joseph Green

“I believe in the power of stories and the sharing of lived experiences as tools for connectivity and community building. Once unleashed, I believe that power can change the world for the better… I’ve seen what happens when people begin to feel safe enough to reflect on their own stories. Once you recognize the transformative power of reflecting on your own grit, mistakes, darkness, and light—you build an inner strength that no one can take away from you.”

Support Peerpocalypse

The support and generosity of our sponsors makes this event possible year after year. If you are interested in supporting Peerpocalypse, please email us to learn more about sponsorship levels and benefits, or visit our website at
About Peerpocalypse: Hosted by the Mental Health & Addiction Association of Oregon, Peerpocalypse is a leading opportunity for professional development, networking, and community-building for members of the peer workforce. As people with lived experience, we know what works, and we need to share what we know with each other. Coming together awakens our energy and helps us grow so we can better serve our communities and show up for our peers and one another.


JC – Joyful Casa – Wellness Workshop ( ONLINE) – Thursdays @ Facebook Group
Apr 26 @ 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm




Wellness Workshop (ONLINE)

Is your health accidental or on purpose?

Every Thursday, join us as we dive into the foundations of healthy living and what we can do on the daily to encourage healthy mind, body, and emotions.


Thursdays, 7PM to 10 PM PST

Use this Link To Join and Attend





MHAAO – Mental Health & Addiction Association of Oregon – Workshops, Job Fair, Speakers, – Registration is now OPEN – In-Person Seats Area limited
Apr 27 all-day






Start your new year off right by signing up for the 11th annual Peerpocalypse peer leadership conference. Registration for in-person and virtual attendance ARE OPEN!

In-person registration: $425

Virtual registration: $250

Your ticket gives you access to our immersive four-day conference, with over 40 workshops, a job fair, after-hours activities, and more! Don’t miss the opportunity to build your network and earn up to 23 Continuing Education Units. Register today!

In-person spaces are limited, so sign up now!


Scholarship Updates:

We have postponed scholarship registration until further notice!

We strive to make Peerpocalypse accessible for as many peers as possible each year by providing scholarships that cater to peers and the peers workforce. We have discovered new funding streams that would make more scholarships available for the community; to ensure that registration access is fair, we have postponed scholarship registration until further notice. Please sign up for peerpocalypse emails to stay up-to-date, or follow us on Facebook and Instagram. Thank you for your patience. More to come soon!

In the meantime, here are the scholarships that have been confirmed:

⭐ The MetroPlus Association of Addiction Peer Professionals scholarship is available to Certified Recovery Mentors, Certified Alcohol & Drug Counselors, and Certified Gambling Recovery Mentors in Clackamas, Multnomah, and Washington counties in Oregon who are certified through MHACBO.

⭐ The Oregon Statewide Scholarship is provided in partnership with The OHA Office of Recovery & Resilience. It is offered to behavioral health consumers and peers who live in Oregon.

⭐ OHA is also supporting the Oregon Military + Veteran Statewide Scholarship. This scholarship is offered to behavioral health consumers and/or peers who live in Oregon or work with veterans and military-connected communities in Oregon.

✨ 2024 Keynote Presenter Sneak-Peek ✨


Paolo del Vecchio – SAMHSA

“Mr. del Vecchio is the Director of the Office of Recovery where he provides leadership for SAMHSA’s efforts to advance recovery across the nation. A person in long-term recovery from mental health conditions and addiction as well as a trauma survivor, Mr. del Vecchio has over 40 years of behavioral health experience as a consumer, family member, provider, advocate, and policy maker. He has been published widely and is a highly sought-after national leader and speaker.”


Joseph Green

“I believe in the power of stories and the sharing of lived experiences as tools for connectivity and community building. Once unleashed, I believe that power can change the world for the better… I’ve seen what happens when people begin to feel safe enough to reflect on their own stories. Once you recognize the transformative power of reflecting on your own grit, mistakes, darkness, and light—you build an inner strength that no one can take away from you.”

Support Peerpocalypse

The support and generosity of our sponsors makes this event possible year after year. If you are interested in supporting Peerpocalypse, please email us to learn more about sponsorship levels and benefits, or visit our website at
About Peerpocalypse: Hosted by the Mental Health & Addiction Association of Oregon, Peerpocalypse is a leading opportunity for professional development, networking, and community-building for members of the peer workforce. As people with lived experience, we know what works, and we need to share what we know with each other. Coming together awakens our energy and helps us grow so we can better serve our communities and show up for our peers and one another.


JC – Joyful Casa – Wellness Workshop ( ONLINE) – Thursdays @ Facebook Group
Apr 27 @ 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm




Wellness Workshop (ONLINE)

Is your health accidental or on purpose?

Every Thursday, join us as we dive into the foundations of healthy living and what we can do on the daily to encourage healthy mind, body, and emotions.


Thursdays, 7PM to 10 PM PST

Use this Link To Join and Attend





MHAAO – Mental Health & Addiction Association of Oregon – Workshops, Job Fair, Speakers, – Registration is now OPEN – In-Person Seats Area limited
Apr 28 all-day






Start your new year off right by signing up for the 11th annual Peerpocalypse peer leadership conference. Registration for in-person and virtual attendance ARE OPEN!

In-person registration: $425

Virtual registration: $250

Your ticket gives you access to our immersive four-day conference, with over 40 workshops, a job fair, after-hours activities, and more! Don’t miss the opportunity to build your network and earn up to 23 Continuing Education Units. Register today!

In-person spaces are limited, so sign up now!


Scholarship Updates:

We have postponed scholarship registration until further notice!

We strive to make Peerpocalypse accessible for as many peers as possible each year by providing scholarships that cater to peers and the peers workforce. We have discovered new funding streams that would make more scholarships available for the community; to ensure that registration access is fair, we have postponed scholarship registration until further notice. Please sign up for peerpocalypse emails to stay up-to-date, or follow us on Facebook and Instagram. Thank you for your patience. More to come soon!

In the meantime, here are the scholarships that have been confirmed:

⭐ The MetroPlus Association of Addiction Peer Professionals scholarship is available to Certified Recovery Mentors, Certified Alcohol & Drug Counselors, and Certified Gambling Recovery Mentors in Clackamas, Multnomah, and Washington counties in Oregon who are certified through MHACBO.

⭐ The Oregon Statewide Scholarship is provided in partnership with The OHA Office of Recovery & Resilience. It is offered to behavioral health consumers and peers who live in Oregon.

⭐ OHA is also supporting the Oregon Military + Veteran Statewide Scholarship. This scholarship is offered to behavioral health consumers and/or peers who live in Oregon or work with veterans and military-connected communities in Oregon.

✨ 2024 Keynote Presenter Sneak-Peek ✨


Paolo del Vecchio – SAMHSA

“Mr. del Vecchio is the Director of the Office of Recovery where he provides leadership for SAMHSA’s efforts to advance recovery across the nation. A person in long-term recovery from mental health conditions and addiction as well as a trauma survivor, Mr. del Vecchio has over 40 years of behavioral health experience as a consumer, family member, provider, advocate, and policy maker. He has been published widely and is a highly sought-after national leader and speaker.”


Joseph Green

“I believe in the power of stories and the sharing of lived experiences as tools for connectivity and community building. Once unleashed, I believe that power can change the world for the better… I’ve seen what happens when people begin to feel safe enough to reflect on their own stories. Once you recognize the transformative power of reflecting on your own grit, mistakes, darkness, and light—you build an inner strength that no one can take away from you.”

Support Peerpocalypse

The support and generosity of our sponsors makes this event possible year after year. If you are interested in supporting Peerpocalypse, please email us to learn more about sponsorship levels and benefits, or visit our website at
About Peerpocalypse: Hosted by the Mental Health & Addiction Association of Oregon, Peerpocalypse is a leading opportunity for professional development, networking, and community-building for members of the peer workforce. As people with lived experience, we know what works, and we need to share what we know with each other. Coming together awakens our energy and helps us grow so we can better serve our communities and show up for our peers and one another.


JC – Joyful Casa – Wellness Workshop ( ONLINE) – Thursdays @ Facebook Group
Apr 28 @ 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm




Wellness Workshop (ONLINE)

Is your health accidental or on purpose?

Every Thursday, join us as we dive into the foundations of healthy living and what we can do on the daily to encourage healthy mind, body, and emotions.


Thursdays, 7PM to 10 PM PST

Use this Link To Join and Attend





MHAAO – Mental Health & Addiction Association of Oregon – Workshops, Job Fair, Speakers, – Registration is now OPEN – In-Person Seats Area limited
Apr 29 all-day






Start your new year off right by signing up for the 11th annual Peerpocalypse peer leadership conference. Registration for in-person and virtual attendance ARE OPEN!

In-person registration: $425

Virtual registration: $250

Your ticket gives you access to our immersive four-day conference, with over 40 workshops, a job fair, after-hours activities, and more! Don’t miss the opportunity to build your network and earn up to 23 Continuing Education Units. Register today!

In-person spaces are limited, so sign up now!


Scholarship Updates:

We have postponed scholarship registration until further notice!

We strive to make Peerpocalypse accessible for as many peers as possible each year by providing scholarships that cater to peers and the peers workforce. We have discovered new funding streams that would make more scholarships available for the community; to ensure that registration access is fair, we have postponed scholarship registration until further notice. Please sign up for peerpocalypse emails to stay up-to-date, or follow us on Facebook and Instagram. Thank you for your patience. More to come soon!

In the meantime, here are the scholarships that have been confirmed:

⭐ The MetroPlus Association of Addiction Peer Professionals scholarship is available to Certified Recovery Mentors, Certified Alcohol & Drug Counselors, and Certified Gambling Recovery Mentors in Clackamas, Multnomah, and Washington counties in Oregon who are certified through MHACBO.

⭐ The Oregon Statewide Scholarship is provided in partnership with The OHA Office of Recovery & Resilience. It is offered to behavioral health consumers and peers who live in Oregon.

⭐ OHA is also supporting the Oregon Military + Veteran Statewide Scholarship. This scholarship is offered to behavioral health consumers and/or peers who live in Oregon or work with veterans and military-connected communities in Oregon.

✨ 2024 Keynote Presenter Sneak-Peek ✨


Paolo del Vecchio – SAMHSA

“Mr. del Vecchio is the Director of the Office of Recovery where he provides leadership for SAMHSA’s efforts to advance recovery across the nation. A person in long-term recovery from mental health conditions and addiction as well as a trauma survivor, Mr. del Vecchio has over 40 years of behavioral health experience as a consumer, family member, provider, advocate, and policy maker. He has been published widely and is a highly sought-after national leader and speaker.”


Joseph Green

“I believe in the power of stories and the sharing of lived experiences as tools for connectivity and community building. Once unleashed, I believe that power can change the world for the better… I’ve seen what happens when people begin to feel safe enough to reflect on their own stories. Once you recognize the transformative power of reflecting on your own grit, mistakes, darkness, and light—you build an inner strength that no one can take away from you.”

Support Peerpocalypse

The support and generosity of our sponsors makes this event possible year after year. If you are interested in supporting Peerpocalypse, please email us to learn more about sponsorship levels and benefits, or visit our website at
About Peerpocalypse: Hosted by the Mental Health & Addiction Association of Oregon, Peerpocalypse is a leading opportunity for professional development, networking, and community-building for members of the peer workforce. As people with lived experience, we know what works, and we need to share what we know with each other. Coming together awakens our energy and helps us grow so we can better serve our communities and show up for our peers and one another.


JC – Joyful Casa – Wellness Workshop ( ONLINE) – Thursdays @ Facebook Group
Apr 29 @ 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm




Wellness Workshop (ONLINE)

Is your health accidental or on purpose?

Every Thursday, join us as we dive into the foundations of healthy living and what we can do on the daily to encourage healthy mind, body, and emotions.


Thursdays, 7PM to 10 PM PST

Use this Link To Join and Attend





MHAAO – Mental Health & Addiction Association of Oregon – Workshops, Job Fair, Speakers, – Registration is now OPEN – In-Person Seats Area limited
Apr 30 all-day






Start your new year off right by signing up for the 11th annual Peerpocalypse peer leadership conference. Registration for in-person and virtual attendance ARE OPEN!

In-person registration: $425

Virtual registration: $250

Your ticket gives you access to our immersive four-day conference, with over 40 workshops, a job fair, after-hours activities, and more! Don’t miss the opportunity to build your network and earn up to 23 Continuing Education Units. Register today!

In-person spaces are limited, so sign up now!


Scholarship Updates:

We have postponed scholarship registration until further notice!

We strive to make Peerpocalypse accessible for as many peers as possible each year by providing scholarships that cater to peers and the peers workforce. We have discovered new funding streams that would make more scholarships available for the community; to ensure that registration access is fair, we have postponed scholarship registration until further notice. Please sign up for peerpocalypse emails to stay up-to-date, or follow us on Facebook and Instagram. Thank you for your patience. More to come soon!

In the meantime, here are the scholarships that have been confirmed:

⭐ The MetroPlus Association of Addiction Peer Professionals scholarship is available to Certified Recovery Mentors, Certified Alcohol & Drug Counselors, and Certified Gambling Recovery Mentors in Clackamas, Multnomah, and Washington counties in Oregon who are certified through MHACBO.

⭐ The Oregon Statewide Scholarship is provided in partnership with The OHA Office of Recovery & Resilience. It is offered to behavioral health consumers and peers who live in Oregon.

⭐ OHA is also supporting the Oregon Military + Veteran Statewide Scholarship. This scholarship is offered to behavioral health consumers and/or peers who live in Oregon or work with veterans and military-connected communities in Oregon.

✨ 2024 Keynote Presenter Sneak-Peek ✨


Paolo del Vecchio – SAMHSA

“Mr. del Vecchio is the Director of the Office of Recovery where he provides leadership for SAMHSA’s efforts to advance recovery across the nation. A person in long-term recovery from mental health conditions and addiction as well as a trauma survivor, Mr. del Vecchio has over 40 years of behavioral health experience as a consumer, family member, provider, advocate, and policy maker. He has been published widely and is a highly sought-after national leader and speaker.”


Joseph Green

“I believe in the power of stories and the sharing of lived experiences as tools for connectivity and community building. Once unleashed, I believe that power can change the world for the better… I’ve seen what happens when people begin to feel safe enough to reflect on their own stories. Once you recognize the transformative power of reflecting on your own grit, mistakes, darkness, and light—you build an inner strength that no one can take away from you.”

Support Peerpocalypse

The support and generosity of our sponsors makes this event possible year after year. If you are interested in supporting Peerpocalypse, please email us to learn more about sponsorship levels and benefits, or visit our website at
About Peerpocalypse: Hosted by the Mental Health & Addiction Association of Oregon, Peerpocalypse is a leading opportunity for professional development, networking, and community-building for members of the peer workforce. As people with lived experience, we know what works, and we need to share what we know with each other. Coming together awakens our energy and helps us grow so we can better serve our communities and show up for our peers and one another.


JC – Joyful Casa – Wellness Workshop ( ONLINE) – Thursdays @ Facebook Group
Apr 30 @ 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm




Wellness Workshop (ONLINE)

Is your health accidental or on purpose?

Every Thursday, join us as we dive into the foundations of healthy living and what we can do on the daily to encourage healthy mind, body, and emotions.


Thursdays, 7PM to 10 PM PST

Use this Link To Join and Attend





JC – Joyful Casa – Wellness Workshop ( ONLINE) – Thursdays @ Facebook Group
May 1 @ 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm




Wellness Workshop (ONLINE)

Is your health accidental or on purpose?

Every Thursday, join us as we dive into the foundations of healthy living and what we can do on the daily to encourage healthy mind, body, and emotions.


Thursdays, 7PM to 10 PM PST

Use this Link To Join and Attend





JC – Joyful Casa – Wellness Workshop ( ONLINE) – Thursdays @ Facebook Group
May 2 @ 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm


Wellness Workshop (ONLINE)

Is your health accidental or on purpose?

Every Thursday, join us as we dive into the foundations of healthy living and what we can do on the daily to encourage healthy mind, body, and emotions.


Thursdays, 7PM to 10 PM PST

Use this Link To Join and Attend





JC – Joyful Casa – Wellness Workshop ( ONLINE) – Thursdays @ Facebook Group
May 2 @ 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm




Wellness Workshop (ONLINE)

Is your health accidental or on purpose?

Every Thursday, join us as we dive into the foundations of healthy living and what we can do on the daily to encourage healthy mind, body, and emotions.


Thursdays, 7PM to 10 PM PST

Use this Link To Join and Attend





JC – Joyful Casa – Wellness Workshop ( ONLINE) – Thursdays @ Facebook Group
May 3 @ 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm




Wellness Workshop (ONLINE)

Is your health accidental or on purpose?

Every Thursday, join us as we dive into the foundations of healthy living and what we can do on the daily to encourage healthy mind, body, and emotions.


Thursdays, 7PM to 10 PM PST

Use this Link To Join and Attend





JC – Joyful Casa – Wellness Workshop ( ONLINE) – Thursdays @ Facebook Group
May 4 @ 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm




Wellness Workshop (ONLINE)

Is your health accidental or on purpose?

Every Thursday, join us as we dive into the foundations of healthy living and what we can do on the daily to encourage healthy mind, body, and emotions.


Thursdays, 7PM to 10 PM PST

Use this Link To Join and Attend





JC – Joyful Casa – Wellness Workshop ( ONLINE) – Thursdays @ Facebook Group
May 5 @ 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm




Wellness Workshop (ONLINE)

Is your health accidental or on purpose?

Every Thursday, join us as we dive into the foundations of healthy living and what we can do on the daily to encourage healthy mind, body, and emotions.


Thursdays, 7PM to 10 PM PST

Use this Link To Join and Attend





JC – Joyful Casa – Wellness Workshop ( ONLINE) – Thursdays @ Facebook Group
May 6 @ 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm




Wellness Workshop (ONLINE)

Is your health accidental or on purpose?

Every Thursday, join us as we dive into the foundations of healthy living and what we can do on the daily to encourage healthy mind, body, and emotions.


Thursdays, 7PM to 10 PM PST

Use this Link To Join and Attend





JC – Joyful Casa – Wellness Workshop ( ONLINE) – Thursdays @ Facebook Group
May 7 @ 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm




Wellness Workshop (ONLINE)

Is your health accidental or on purpose?

Every Thursday, join us as we dive into the foundations of healthy living and what we can do on the daily to encourage healthy mind, body, and emotions.


Thursdays, 7PM to 10 PM PST

Use this Link To Join and Attend





JC – Joyful Casa – Wellness Workshop ( ONLINE) – Thursdays @ Facebook Group
May 8 @ 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm




Wellness Workshop (ONLINE)

Is your health accidental or on purpose?

Every Thursday, join us as we dive into the foundations of healthy living and what we can do on the daily to encourage healthy mind, body, and emotions.


Thursdays, 7PM to 10 PM PST

Use this Link To Join and Attend





JC – Joyful Casa – Wellness Workshop ( ONLINE) – Thursdays @ Facebook Group
May 9 @ 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm


Wellness Workshop (ONLINE)

Is your health accidental or on purpose?

Every Thursday, join us as we dive into the foundations of healthy living and what we can do on the daily to encourage healthy mind, body, and emotions.


Thursdays, 7PM to 10 PM PST

Use this Link To Join and Attend





JC – Joyful Casa – Wellness Workshop ( ONLINE) – Thursdays @ Facebook Group
May 9 @ 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm




Wellness Workshop (ONLINE)

Is your health accidental or on purpose?

Every Thursday, join us as we dive into the foundations of healthy living and what we can do on the daily to encourage healthy mind, body, and emotions.


Thursdays, 7PM to 10 PM PST

Use this Link To Join and Attend





JC – Joyful Casa – Wellness Workshop ( ONLINE) – Thursdays @ Facebook Group
May 10 @ 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm




Wellness Workshop (ONLINE)

Is your health accidental or on purpose?

Every Thursday, join us as we dive into the foundations of healthy living and what we can do on the daily to encourage healthy mind, body, and emotions.


Thursdays, 7PM to 10 PM PST

Use this Link To Join and Attend





JC – Joyful Casa – Wellness Workshop ( ONLINE) – Thursdays @ Facebook Group
May 11 @ 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm




Wellness Workshop (ONLINE)

Is your health accidental or on purpose?

Every Thursday, join us as we dive into the foundations of healthy living and what we can do on the daily to encourage healthy mind, body, and emotions.


Thursdays, 7PM to 10 PM PST

Use this Link To Join and Attend





JC – Joyful Casa – Wellness Workshop ( ONLINE) – Thursdays @ Facebook Group
May 12 @ 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm




Wellness Workshop (ONLINE)

Is your health accidental or on purpose?

Every Thursday, join us as we dive into the foundations of healthy living and what we can do on the daily to encourage healthy mind, body, and emotions.


Thursdays, 7PM to 10 PM PST

Use this Link To Join and Attend





JC – Joyful Casa – Wellness Workshop ( ONLINE) – Thursdays @ Facebook Group
May 13 @ 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm




Wellness Workshop (ONLINE)

Is your health accidental or on purpose?

Every Thursday, join us as we dive into the foundations of healthy living and what we can do on the daily to encourage healthy mind, body, and emotions.


Thursdays, 7PM to 10 PM PST

Use this Link To Join and Attend





JC – Joyful Casa – Wellness Workshop ( ONLINE) – Thursdays @ Facebook Group
May 14 @ 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm




Wellness Workshop (ONLINE)

Is your health accidental or on purpose?

Every Thursday, join us as we dive into the foundations of healthy living and what we can do on the daily to encourage healthy mind, body, and emotions.


Thursdays, 7PM to 10 PM PST

Use this Link To Join and Attend





JC – Joyful Casa – Wellness Workshop ( ONLINE) – Thursdays @ Facebook Group
May 15 @ 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm




Wellness Workshop (ONLINE)

Is your health accidental or on purpose?

Every Thursday, join us as we dive into the foundations of healthy living and what we can do on the daily to encourage healthy mind, body, and emotions.


Thursdays, 7PM to 10 PM PST

Use this Link To Join and Attend





JC – Joyful Casa – Wellness Workshop ( ONLINE) – Thursdays @ Facebook Group
May 16 @ 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm


Wellness Workshop (ONLINE)

Is your health accidental or on purpose?

Every Thursday, join us as we dive into the foundations of healthy living and what we can do on the daily to encourage healthy mind, body, and emotions.


Thursdays, 7PM to 10 PM PST

Use this Link To Join and Attend





JC – Joyful Casa – Wellness Workshop ( ONLINE) – Thursdays @ Facebook Group
May 16 @ 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm




Wellness Workshop (ONLINE)

Is your health accidental or on purpose?

Every Thursday, join us as we dive into the foundations of healthy living and what we can do on the daily to encourage healthy mind, body, and emotions.


Thursdays, 7PM to 10 PM PST

Use this Link To Join and Attend





JC – Joyful Casa – Wellness Workshop ( ONLINE) – Thursdays @ Facebook Group
May 17 @ 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm




Wellness Workshop (ONLINE)

Is your health accidental or on purpose?

Every Thursday, join us as we dive into the foundations of healthy living and what we can do on the daily to encourage healthy mind, body, and emotions.


Thursdays, 7PM to 10 PM PST

Use this Link To Join and Attend





JC – Joyful Casa – Wellness Workshop ( ONLINE) – Thursdays @ Facebook Group
May 18 @ 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm




Wellness Workshop (ONLINE)

Is your health accidental or on purpose?

Every Thursday, join us as we dive into the foundations of healthy living and what we can do on the daily to encourage healthy mind, body, and emotions.


Thursdays, 7PM to 10 PM PST

Use this Link To Join and Attend





JC – Joyful Casa – Wellness Workshop ( ONLINE) – Thursdays @ Facebook Group
May 19 @ 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm




Wellness Workshop (ONLINE)

Is your health accidental or on purpose?

Every Thursday, join us as we dive into the foundations of healthy living and what we can do on the daily to encourage healthy mind, body, and emotions.


Thursdays, 7PM to 10 PM PST

Use this Link To Join and Attend





JC – Joyful Casa – Wellness Workshop ( ONLINE) – Thursdays @ Facebook Group
May 20 @ 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm




Wellness Workshop (ONLINE)

Is your health accidental or on purpose?

Every Thursday, join us as we dive into the foundations of healthy living and what we can do on the daily to encourage healthy mind, body, and emotions.


Thursdays, 7PM to 10 PM PST

Use this Link To Join and Attend





JC – Joyful Casa – Wellness Workshop ( ONLINE) – Thursdays @ Facebook Group
May 21 @ 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm




Wellness Workshop (ONLINE)

Is your health accidental or on purpose?

Every Thursday, join us as we dive into the foundations of healthy living and what we can do on the daily to encourage healthy mind, body, and emotions.


Thursdays, 7PM to 10 PM PST

Use this Link To Join and Attend