Welcome to our humble beginnings for great destinies!
Welcome to PeerGalaxy! Your portal to a large community of peer support, recovery, wellness and more!
We offer the PeerGalaxy Calendar featuring over 187,600 FREE offerings every month for online and telephone – accessible peer support, recovery and wellness activities plus webinars, consumer input, special events and more..
NEW: 3 FREE counseling sessions for Oregonians without services. Call 800-923-HELP (4357)
For assistance call 211 or the USA 24/7 National Disaster Helpline at: 800-985-5990.
NEW: For behavioral health crisis support one can call or text 988.
PeerGalaxy has a 988 Card page with many phone numbers to call and talk with someone.

Connecting with an individual having lived experience who can listen, understand, relate to and grow with us wherever we are in our journey is what we call PEER SUPPORT.
OREGON is home to a galaxy of amazing peers, peer support specialists, peer run organizations and peer delivered services.
Visit the PEERGALAXY CALENDAR featuring telephone and online peer support and wellness activities. Check out the COVID-19 RESOURCES.
The ACCESSIBILITY BUTTON on the right side, halfway down in the middle, adds viewing options and tools. If your browser doesn’t have the button, try clearing your web browser cache and refresh your browser (CTRL+F5).
The TRANSLATE BUTTON in lower left corner offers attempted translation; choose a language from the flags for countries listed alphabetically A-Z.
A new PEER SUPPORT GLOSSARY for PeerGalaxy destiny voyagers is under construction.
Check out the PEERGALAXY TIMELINE for some cool history, links and updates!