PeerGalaxy Original Calendar

Welcome to PeerGalaxy Calendar featuring over 99,000+ monthly offerings of FREE telephone- and online-accessible peer support, recovery support + wellness activities!

Over 30+ warmlines plus webinars, workshops, job postings, special events, consumer input opportunities and more.


Click the Accessibility Button on the right side, halfway down in the middle, for enhanced viewing and/or access options!  Click the Translate Button in the lower left corner for language options. 

Your use of this site is subject to the Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions of Use.  Reminder: Fees or charges may be charged by your carrier for sending or receiving SMS text messaging, phone, or data.

If you have an event to add, email us:

How Events are Sorted:

First, at the top of the list: SAMHSA Disaster Helpline and similar links.

Next in the list: Bundled “All Day” Events for organizations with events happening at multiple times throughout the day and/or in many formats or locations; these are bundled into a single listing to prevent endless scrolling.  Usually these offer a lookup by zip code or other criteria. 

Lastly, Time-Specific Events listed by start time from 12:01am early morning to 11:59pm late night.  Warmlines and places east of Oregon’s time zone tend to start earlier (e.g. 4am in Oregon is 7am in New York).

LWWMI – Living Well With Mental Illness – Online Peer Support Community – 24/7 @ Discord
Apr 25 all-day


Online Peer Support Community

What is online peer support?

  • Community

    A safe and supportive online community for people living with mental illness and those who support them.

  • Chat

    Text based chat channels covering a wide range of topics.

  • Forum

    A general forum for posting questions and getting community feedback.

  • Social

    A drop in community for voice and video chat.

  • Online

    All hosted online through an easy to use private Discord server, available to access 24/7 anywhere in the world. (Learn about Discord below).

Join Today!

What is Discord?

Our peer support community is built on Discord.

Discord is an app that lets people build communities around text based chat, as well as connect with one another through voice and video group calls.

Discord is 100% free to use and the app is available for mobile (iOS and Android), desktop (PC and Mac), or you can even connect without any app just by accessing it through a web browser like Chrome.

Code of Conduct

Welcome to the Code of Conduct. Let’s get right to it!

  1. We use supportive, welcoming language.

    • We strive to use welcoming/caring language that is supportive, encouraging, respecting, accepting, understanding and/or validating. We do our best to avoid using critical, shaming, controlling, or patronizing language.

    • We will do our best to monitor and edit our own language. If a mod reaches out and asks us to edit it, we edit it.

  2. We respect differing perspectives of others, and make space for each other within the community.

    • We will make space for others to share their personal experiences. We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other. This includes: bullying, bigotry, hate speech, physical threats, personal attacks, doxing. We also will not tell anyone that their lived experience is wrong, or shame others for their choice in treatment.

    • We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other based on sex, gender, sexual orientation, romantic orientation, race, ethnicity, culture, neurodiversity, mental health, physical health, religion, or political alignment.

    • If something someone says appears to be breaking a community rule, acting with malice, or is otherwise problematic, we will not attack or criticize them, but instead will alert the Mod Team, who can assess and handle the situation. Before doing this, it can also be helpful to assume good intent, and ask for clarification in a respectful and non-judgemental way. The mods are available to lend a hand as well.

    • We will strive to create an inclusive environment for everyone to feel safe participating in.

  3. We call people what they ask to be called.

    • We call people by their stated names/pronouns/identities. If a dead name or incorrect pronoun is used (yours or someone else’s), we will respectfully ask the person to update their message to properly reflect the other’s name/pronouns/identities. If it is brought to your attention that you have made a mistake with someone else’s name/pronouns/identities, that’s okay, mistakes happen, but please kindly take the note and edit the message as soon as possible.

    • We do not correct others on their own usage of their names/pronouns/identities. For example if someone prefers to be called “schizophrenic” or “person living with schizophrenia”, that is up to each individual person. We respect each individual’s choice to determine how they would like to be referred to.

    • If we have any concerns about continued use of incorrect names/pronouns/identities, or feel that misuse is being done maliciously, we will let a mod know.

  4. We connect with each other from a trauma informed perspective.

    • We understand that everyone is coming to this community with different experiences and potential triggers. We will do our best to be mindful of this by using the “spoilers” function for any text that will likely be triggering or sensitive for others (write || on either side of the text to be hidden, or highlight the text to be hidden, right click and then click the eye symbol on the far right). Particularly triggering topics may be around suicide and addiction (no glorification allowed of either), as well as members difficult experiences with the mental health care system.

    • If you are feeling triggered, please step away from the conversation. If there is a channel or part of the server that is too triggering for you, please consider muting it or asking a moderator for help with finding accommodation.

  5. We provide our own experiences rather than provide direct advice.

    • When someone asks about medical treatments and therapies, we stick to speaking about our own experiences (keeping in mind that experiences may differ greatly between individual people). If we do provide more than our own experience, we share resources, strategies, and ideas without giving direct advice. If we do accidentally give direct advice (medical or generalized) and we’re asked to remove it, we remove it.

    • It is important to remember that discussion about treatments and therapies on this server does not replace talking with your doctor. Please discuss any issues or concerns with your doctor as well before making any changes to your or your loved one’s care.

  6. We let the Mods do the moderating. We respect moderator decisions and their time.

    • If you notice someone isn’t following a rule, please refrain from correcting community members, and instead, please briefly share your concerns with a moderator.

    • Refrain from arguing with the moderators and/or engaging the moderators in lengthy discussions.

    • If you have a concern or disagree with something the moderators have done, please respectfully reach out to Rob by DM. We are happy to discuss a situation and listen to concerns. (We may not always be able to go into detail, but will do our best to provide an adequate answer for our decision.)

LWWMI – Living Well With Mental Illness – Online Peer Support Community – 24/7 @ Discord
Apr 26 all-day


Online Peer Support Community

What is online peer support?

  • Community

    A safe and supportive online community for people living with mental illness and those who support them.

  • Chat

    Text based chat channels covering a wide range of topics.

  • Forum

    A general forum for posting questions and getting community feedback.

  • Social

    A drop in community for voice and video chat.

  • Online

    All hosted online through an easy to use private Discord server, available to access 24/7 anywhere in the world. (Learn about Discord below).

Join Today!

What is Discord?

Our peer support community is built on Discord.

Discord is an app that lets people build communities around text based chat, as well as connect with one another through voice and video group calls.

Discord is 100% free to use and the app is available for mobile (iOS and Android), desktop (PC and Mac), or you can even connect without any app just by accessing it through a web browser like Chrome.

Code of Conduct

Welcome to the Code of Conduct. Let’s get right to it!

  1. We use supportive, welcoming language.

    • We strive to use welcoming/caring language that is supportive, encouraging, respecting, accepting, understanding and/or validating. We do our best to avoid using critical, shaming, controlling, or patronizing language.

    • We will do our best to monitor and edit our own language. If a mod reaches out and asks us to edit it, we edit it.

  2. We respect differing perspectives of others, and make space for each other within the community.

    • We will make space for others to share their personal experiences. We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other. This includes: bullying, bigotry, hate speech, physical threats, personal attacks, doxing. We also will not tell anyone that their lived experience is wrong, or shame others for their choice in treatment.

    • We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other based on sex, gender, sexual orientation, romantic orientation, race, ethnicity, culture, neurodiversity, mental health, physical health, religion, or political alignment.

    • If something someone says appears to be breaking a community rule, acting with malice, or is otherwise problematic, we will not attack or criticize them, but instead will alert the Mod Team, who can assess and handle the situation. Before doing this, it can also be helpful to assume good intent, and ask for clarification in a respectful and non-judgemental way. The mods are available to lend a hand as well.

    • We will strive to create an inclusive environment for everyone to feel safe participating in.

  3. We call people what they ask to be called.

    • We call people by their stated names/pronouns/identities. If a dead name or incorrect pronoun is used (yours or someone else’s), we will respectfully ask the person to update their message to properly reflect the other’s name/pronouns/identities. If it is brought to your attention that you have made a mistake with someone else’s name/pronouns/identities, that’s okay, mistakes happen, but please kindly take the note and edit the message as soon as possible.

    • We do not correct others on their own usage of their names/pronouns/identities. For example if someone prefers to be called “schizophrenic” or “person living with schizophrenia”, that is up to each individual person. We respect each individual’s choice to determine how they would like to be referred to.

    • If we have any concerns about continued use of incorrect names/pronouns/identities, or feel that misuse is being done maliciously, we will let a mod know.

  4. We connect with each other from a trauma informed perspective.

    • We understand that everyone is coming to this community with different experiences and potential triggers. We will do our best to be mindful of this by using the “spoilers” function for any text that will likely be triggering or sensitive for others (write || on either side of the text to be hidden, or highlight the text to be hidden, right click and then click the eye symbol on the far right). Particularly triggering topics may be around suicide and addiction (no glorification allowed of either), as well as members difficult experiences with the mental health care system.

    • If you are feeling triggered, please step away from the conversation. If there is a channel or part of the server that is too triggering for you, please consider muting it or asking a moderator for help with finding accommodation.

  5. We provide our own experiences rather than provide direct advice.

    • When someone asks about medical treatments and therapies, we stick to speaking about our own experiences (keeping in mind that experiences may differ greatly between individual people). If we do provide more than our own experience, we share resources, strategies, and ideas without giving direct advice. If we do accidentally give direct advice (medical or generalized) and we’re asked to remove it, we remove it.

    • It is important to remember that discussion about treatments and therapies on this server does not replace talking with your doctor. Please discuss any issues or concerns with your doctor as well before making any changes to your or your loved one’s care.

  6. We let the Mods do the moderating. We respect moderator decisions and their time.

    • If you notice someone isn’t following a rule, please refrain from correcting community members, and instead, please briefly share your concerns with a moderator.

    • Refrain from arguing with the moderators and/or engaging the moderators in lengthy discussions.

    • If you have a concern or disagree with something the moderators have done, please respectfully reach out to Rob by DM. We are happy to discuss a situation and listen to concerns. (We may not always be able to go into detail, but will do our best to provide an adequate answer for our decision.)

LWWMI – Living Well With Mental Illness – Online Peer Support Community – 24/7 @ Discord
Apr 27 all-day


Online Peer Support Community

What is online peer support?

  • Community

    A safe and supportive online community for people living with mental illness and those who support them.

  • Chat

    Text based chat channels covering a wide range of topics.

  • Forum

    A general forum for posting questions and getting community feedback.

  • Social

    A drop in community for voice and video chat.

  • Online

    All hosted online through an easy to use private Discord server, available to access 24/7 anywhere in the world. (Learn about Discord below).

Join Today!

What is Discord?

Our peer support community is built on Discord.

Discord is an app that lets people build communities around text based chat, as well as connect with one another through voice and video group calls.

Discord is 100% free to use and the app is available for mobile (iOS and Android), desktop (PC and Mac), or you can even connect without any app just by accessing it through a web browser like Chrome.

Code of Conduct

Welcome to the Code of Conduct. Let’s get right to it!

  1. We use supportive, welcoming language.

    • We strive to use welcoming/caring language that is supportive, encouraging, respecting, accepting, understanding and/or validating. We do our best to avoid using critical, shaming, controlling, or patronizing language.

    • We will do our best to monitor and edit our own language. If a mod reaches out and asks us to edit it, we edit it.

  2. We respect differing perspectives of others, and make space for each other within the community.

    • We will make space for others to share their personal experiences. We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other. This includes: bullying, bigotry, hate speech, physical threats, personal attacks, doxing. We also will not tell anyone that their lived experience is wrong, or shame others for their choice in treatment.

    • We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other based on sex, gender, sexual orientation, romantic orientation, race, ethnicity, culture, neurodiversity, mental health, physical health, religion, or political alignment.

    • If something someone says appears to be breaking a community rule, acting with malice, or is otherwise problematic, we will not attack or criticize them, but instead will alert the Mod Team, who can assess and handle the situation. Before doing this, it can also be helpful to assume good intent, and ask for clarification in a respectful and non-judgemental way. The mods are available to lend a hand as well.

    • We will strive to create an inclusive environment for everyone to feel safe participating in.

  3. We call people what they ask to be called.

    • We call people by their stated names/pronouns/identities. If a dead name or incorrect pronoun is used (yours or someone else’s), we will respectfully ask the person to update their message to properly reflect the other’s name/pronouns/identities. If it is brought to your attention that you have made a mistake with someone else’s name/pronouns/identities, that’s okay, mistakes happen, but please kindly take the note and edit the message as soon as possible.

    • We do not correct others on their own usage of their names/pronouns/identities. For example if someone prefers to be called “schizophrenic” or “person living with schizophrenia”, that is up to each individual person. We respect each individual’s choice to determine how they would like to be referred to.

    • If we have any concerns about continued use of incorrect names/pronouns/identities, or feel that misuse is being done maliciously, we will let a mod know.

  4. We connect with each other from a trauma informed perspective.

    • We understand that everyone is coming to this community with different experiences and potential triggers. We will do our best to be mindful of this by using the “spoilers” function for any text that will likely be triggering or sensitive for others (write || on either side of the text to be hidden, or highlight the text to be hidden, right click and then click the eye symbol on the far right). Particularly triggering topics may be around suicide and addiction (no glorification allowed of either), as well as members difficult experiences with the mental health care system.

    • If you are feeling triggered, please step away from the conversation. If there is a channel or part of the server that is too triggering for you, please consider muting it or asking a moderator for help with finding accommodation.

  5. We provide our own experiences rather than provide direct advice.

    • When someone asks about medical treatments and therapies, we stick to speaking about our own experiences (keeping in mind that experiences may differ greatly between individual people). If we do provide more than our own experience, we share resources, strategies, and ideas without giving direct advice. If we do accidentally give direct advice (medical or generalized) and we’re asked to remove it, we remove it.

    • It is important to remember that discussion about treatments and therapies on this server does not replace talking with your doctor. Please discuss any issues or concerns with your doctor as well before making any changes to your or your loved one’s care.

  6. We let the Mods do the moderating. We respect moderator decisions and their time.

    • If you notice someone isn’t following a rule, please refrain from correcting community members, and instead, please briefly share your concerns with a moderator.

    • Refrain from arguing with the moderators and/or engaging the moderators in lengthy discussions.

    • If you have a concern or disagree with something the moderators have done, please respectfully reach out to Rob by DM. We are happy to discuss a situation and listen to concerns. (We may not always be able to go into detail, but will do our best to provide an adequate answer for our decision.)

LWWMI – Living Well With Mental Illness – Online Peer Support Community – 24/7 @ Discord
Apr 28 all-day


Online Peer Support Community

What is online peer support?

  • Community

    A safe and supportive online community for people living with mental illness and those who support them.

  • Chat

    Text based chat channels covering a wide range of topics.

  • Forum

    A general forum for posting questions and getting community feedback.

  • Social

    A drop in community for voice and video chat.

  • Online

    All hosted online through an easy to use private Discord server, available to access 24/7 anywhere in the world. (Learn about Discord below).

Join Today!

What is Discord?

Our peer support community is built on Discord.

Discord is an app that lets people build communities around text based chat, as well as connect with one another through voice and video group calls.

Discord is 100% free to use and the app is available for mobile (iOS and Android), desktop (PC and Mac), or you can even connect without any app just by accessing it through a web browser like Chrome.

Code of Conduct

Welcome to the Code of Conduct. Let’s get right to it!

  1. We use supportive, welcoming language.

    • We strive to use welcoming/caring language that is supportive, encouraging, respecting, accepting, understanding and/or validating. We do our best to avoid using critical, shaming, controlling, or patronizing language.

    • We will do our best to monitor and edit our own language. If a mod reaches out and asks us to edit it, we edit it.

  2. We respect differing perspectives of others, and make space for each other within the community.

    • We will make space for others to share their personal experiences. We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other. This includes: bullying, bigotry, hate speech, physical threats, personal attacks, doxing. We also will not tell anyone that their lived experience is wrong, or shame others for their choice in treatment.

    • We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other based on sex, gender, sexual orientation, romantic orientation, race, ethnicity, culture, neurodiversity, mental health, physical health, religion, or political alignment.

    • If something someone says appears to be breaking a community rule, acting with malice, or is otherwise problematic, we will not attack or criticize them, but instead will alert the Mod Team, who can assess and handle the situation. Before doing this, it can also be helpful to assume good intent, and ask for clarification in a respectful and non-judgemental way. The mods are available to lend a hand as well.

    • We will strive to create an inclusive environment for everyone to feel safe participating in.

  3. We call people what they ask to be called.

    • We call people by their stated names/pronouns/identities. If a dead name or incorrect pronoun is used (yours or someone else’s), we will respectfully ask the person to update their message to properly reflect the other’s name/pronouns/identities. If it is brought to your attention that you have made a mistake with someone else’s name/pronouns/identities, that’s okay, mistakes happen, but please kindly take the note and edit the message as soon as possible.

    • We do not correct others on their own usage of their names/pronouns/identities. For example if someone prefers to be called “schizophrenic” or “person living with schizophrenia”, that is up to each individual person. We respect each individual’s choice to determine how they would like to be referred to.

    • If we have any concerns about continued use of incorrect names/pronouns/identities, or feel that misuse is being done maliciously, we will let a mod know.

  4. We connect with each other from a trauma informed perspective.

    • We understand that everyone is coming to this community with different experiences and potential triggers. We will do our best to be mindful of this by using the “spoilers” function for any text that will likely be triggering or sensitive for others (write || on either side of the text to be hidden, or highlight the text to be hidden, right click and then click the eye symbol on the far right). Particularly triggering topics may be around suicide and addiction (no glorification allowed of either), as well as members difficult experiences with the mental health care system.

    • If you are feeling triggered, please step away from the conversation. If there is a channel or part of the server that is too triggering for you, please consider muting it or asking a moderator for help with finding accommodation.

  5. We provide our own experiences rather than provide direct advice.

    • When someone asks about medical treatments and therapies, we stick to speaking about our own experiences (keeping in mind that experiences may differ greatly between individual people). If we do provide more than our own experience, we share resources, strategies, and ideas without giving direct advice. If we do accidentally give direct advice (medical or generalized) and we’re asked to remove it, we remove it.

    • It is important to remember that discussion about treatments and therapies on this server does not replace talking with your doctor. Please discuss any issues or concerns with your doctor as well before making any changes to your or your loved one’s care.

  6. We let the Mods do the moderating. We respect moderator decisions and their time.

    • If you notice someone isn’t following a rule, please refrain from correcting community members, and instead, please briefly share your concerns with a moderator.

    • Refrain from arguing with the moderators and/or engaging the moderators in lengthy discussions.

    • If you have a concern or disagree with something the moderators have done, please respectfully reach out to Rob by DM. We are happy to discuss a situation and listen to concerns. (We may not always be able to go into detail, but will do our best to provide an adequate answer for our decision.)

LWWMI – Living Well With Mental Illness – Online Peer Support Community – 24/7 @ Discord
Apr 29 all-day


Online Peer Support Community

What is online peer support?

  • Community

    A safe and supportive online community for people living with mental illness and those who support them.

  • Chat

    Text based chat channels covering a wide range of topics.

  • Forum

    A general forum for posting questions and getting community feedback.

  • Social

    A drop in community for voice and video chat.

  • Online

    All hosted online through an easy to use private Discord server, available to access 24/7 anywhere in the world. (Learn about Discord below).

Join Today!

What is Discord?

Our peer support community is built on Discord.

Discord is an app that lets people build communities around text based chat, as well as connect with one another through voice and video group calls.

Discord is 100% free to use and the app is available for mobile (iOS and Android), desktop (PC and Mac), or you can even connect without any app just by accessing it through a web browser like Chrome.

Code of Conduct

Welcome to the Code of Conduct. Let’s get right to it!

  1. We use supportive, welcoming language.

    • We strive to use welcoming/caring language that is supportive, encouraging, respecting, accepting, understanding and/or validating. We do our best to avoid using critical, shaming, controlling, or patronizing language.

    • We will do our best to monitor and edit our own language. If a mod reaches out and asks us to edit it, we edit it.

  2. We respect differing perspectives of others, and make space for each other within the community.

    • We will make space for others to share their personal experiences. We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other. This includes: bullying, bigotry, hate speech, physical threats, personal attacks, doxing. We also will not tell anyone that their lived experience is wrong, or shame others for their choice in treatment.

    • We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other based on sex, gender, sexual orientation, romantic orientation, race, ethnicity, culture, neurodiversity, mental health, physical health, religion, or political alignment.

    • If something someone says appears to be breaking a community rule, acting with malice, or is otherwise problematic, we will not attack or criticize them, but instead will alert the Mod Team, who can assess and handle the situation. Before doing this, it can also be helpful to assume good intent, and ask for clarification in a respectful and non-judgemental way. The mods are available to lend a hand as well.

    • We will strive to create an inclusive environment for everyone to feel safe participating in.

  3. We call people what they ask to be called.

    • We call people by their stated names/pronouns/identities. If a dead name or incorrect pronoun is used (yours or someone else’s), we will respectfully ask the person to update their message to properly reflect the other’s name/pronouns/identities. If it is brought to your attention that you have made a mistake with someone else’s name/pronouns/identities, that’s okay, mistakes happen, but please kindly take the note and edit the message as soon as possible.

    • We do not correct others on their own usage of their names/pronouns/identities. For example if someone prefers to be called “schizophrenic” or “person living with schizophrenia”, that is up to each individual person. We respect each individual’s choice to determine how they would like to be referred to.

    • If we have any concerns about continued use of incorrect names/pronouns/identities, or feel that misuse is being done maliciously, we will let a mod know.

  4. We connect with each other from a trauma informed perspective.

    • We understand that everyone is coming to this community with different experiences and potential triggers. We will do our best to be mindful of this by using the “spoilers” function for any text that will likely be triggering or sensitive for others (write || on either side of the text to be hidden, or highlight the text to be hidden, right click and then click the eye symbol on the far right). Particularly triggering topics may be around suicide and addiction (no glorification allowed of either), as well as members difficult experiences with the mental health care system.

    • If you are feeling triggered, please step away from the conversation. If there is a channel or part of the server that is too triggering for you, please consider muting it or asking a moderator for help with finding accommodation.

  5. We provide our own experiences rather than provide direct advice.

    • When someone asks about medical treatments and therapies, we stick to speaking about our own experiences (keeping in mind that experiences may differ greatly between individual people). If we do provide more than our own experience, we share resources, strategies, and ideas without giving direct advice. If we do accidentally give direct advice (medical or generalized) and we’re asked to remove it, we remove it.

    • It is important to remember that discussion about treatments and therapies on this server does not replace talking with your doctor. Please discuss any issues or concerns with your doctor as well before making any changes to your or your loved one’s care.

  6. We let the Mods do the moderating. We respect moderator decisions and their time.

    • If you notice someone isn’t following a rule, please refrain from correcting community members, and instead, please briefly share your concerns with a moderator.

    • Refrain from arguing with the moderators and/or engaging the moderators in lengthy discussions.

    • If you have a concern or disagree with something the moderators have done, please respectfully reach out to Rob by DM. We are happy to discuss a situation and listen to concerns. (We may not always be able to go into detail, but will do our best to provide an adequate answer for our decision.)

LWWMI – Living Well With Mental Illness – Online Peer Support Community – 24/7 @ Discord
Apr 30 all-day


Online Peer Support Community

What is online peer support?

  • Community

    A safe and supportive online community for people living with mental illness and those who support them.

  • Chat

    Text based chat channels covering a wide range of topics.

  • Forum

    A general forum for posting questions and getting community feedback.

  • Social

    A drop in community for voice and video chat.

  • Online

    All hosted online through an easy to use private Discord server, available to access 24/7 anywhere in the world. (Learn about Discord below).

Join Today!

What is Discord?

Our peer support community is built on Discord.

Discord is an app that lets people build communities around text based chat, as well as connect with one another through voice and video group calls.

Discord is 100% free to use and the app is available for mobile (iOS and Android), desktop (PC and Mac), or you can even connect without any app just by accessing it through a web browser like Chrome.

Code of Conduct

Welcome to the Code of Conduct. Let’s get right to it!

  1. We use supportive, welcoming language.

    • We strive to use welcoming/caring language that is supportive, encouraging, respecting, accepting, understanding and/or validating. We do our best to avoid using critical, shaming, controlling, or patronizing language.

    • We will do our best to monitor and edit our own language. If a mod reaches out and asks us to edit it, we edit it.

  2. We respect differing perspectives of others, and make space for each other within the community.

    • We will make space for others to share their personal experiences. We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other. This includes: bullying, bigotry, hate speech, physical threats, personal attacks, doxing. We also will not tell anyone that their lived experience is wrong, or shame others for their choice in treatment.

    • We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other based on sex, gender, sexual orientation, romantic orientation, race, ethnicity, culture, neurodiversity, mental health, physical health, religion, or political alignment.

    • If something someone says appears to be breaking a community rule, acting with malice, or is otherwise problematic, we will not attack or criticize them, but instead will alert the Mod Team, who can assess and handle the situation. Before doing this, it can also be helpful to assume good intent, and ask for clarification in a respectful and non-judgemental way. The mods are available to lend a hand as well.

    • We will strive to create an inclusive environment for everyone to feel safe participating in.

  3. We call people what they ask to be called.

    • We call people by their stated names/pronouns/identities. If a dead name or incorrect pronoun is used (yours or someone else’s), we will respectfully ask the person to update their message to properly reflect the other’s name/pronouns/identities. If it is brought to your attention that you have made a mistake with someone else’s name/pronouns/identities, that’s okay, mistakes happen, but please kindly take the note and edit the message as soon as possible.

    • We do not correct others on their own usage of their names/pronouns/identities. For example if someone prefers to be called “schizophrenic” or “person living with schizophrenia”, that is up to each individual person. We respect each individual’s choice to determine how they would like to be referred to.

    • If we have any concerns about continued use of incorrect names/pronouns/identities, or feel that misuse is being done maliciously, we will let a mod know.

  4. We connect with each other from a trauma informed perspective.

    • We understand that everyone is coming to this community with different experiences and potential triggers. We will do our best to be mindful of this by using the “spoilers” function for any text that will likely be triggering or sensitive for others (write || on either side of the text to be hidden, or highlight the text to be hidden, right click and then click the eye symbol on the far right). Particularly triggering topics may be around suicide and addiction (no glorification allowed of either), as well as members difficult experiences with the mental health care system.

    • If you are feeling triggered, please step away from the conversation. If there is a channel or part of the server that is too triggering for you, please consider muting it or asking a moderator for help with finding accommodation.

  5. We provide our own experiences rather than provide direct advice.

    • When someone asks about medical treatments and therapies, we stick to speaking about our own experiences (keeping in mind that experiences may differ greatly between individual people). If we do provide more than our own experience, we share resources, strategies, and ideas without giving direct advice. If we do accidentally give direct advice (medical or generalized) and we’re asked to remove it, we remove it.

    • It is important to remember that discussion about treatments and therapies on this server does not replace talking with your doctor. Please discuss any issues or concerns with your doctor as well before making any changes to your or your loved one’s care.

  6. We let the Mods do the moderating. We respect moderator decisions and their time.

    • If you notice someone isn’t following a rule, please refrain from correcting community members, and instead, please briefly share your concerns with a moderator.

    • Refrain from arguing with the moderators and/or engaging the moderators in lengthy discussions.

    • If you have a concern or disagree with something the moderators have done, please respectfully reach out to Rob by DM. We are happy to discuss a situation and listen to concerns. (We may not always be able to go into detail, but will do our best to provide an adequate answer for our decision.)

LWWMI – Living Well With Mental Illness – Online Peer Support Community – 24/7 @ Discord
May 1 all-day


Online Peer Support Community

What is online peer support?

  • Community

    A safe and supportive online community for people living with mental illness and those who support them.

  • Chat

    Text based chat channels covering a wide range of topics.

  • Forum

    A general forum for posting questions and getting community feedback.

  • Social

    A drop in community for voice and video chat.

  • Online

    All hosted online through an easy to use private Discord server, available to access 24/7 anywhere in the world. (Learn about Discord below).

Join Today!

What is Discord?

Our peer support community is built on Discord.

Discord is an app that lets people build communities around text based chat, as well as connect with one another through voice and video group calls.

Discord is 100% free to use and the app is available for mobile (iOS and Android), desktop (PC and Mac), or you can even connect without any app just by accessing it through a web browser like Chrome.

Code of Conduct

Welcome to the Code of Conduct. Let’s get right to it!

  1. We use supportive, welcoming language.

    • We strive to use welcoming/caring language that is supportive, encouraging, respecting, accepting, understanding and/or validating. We do our best to avoid using critical, shaming, controlling, or patronizing language.

    • We will do our best to monitor and edit our own language. If a mod reaches out and asks us to edit it, we edit it.

  2. We respect differing perspectives of others, and make space for each other within the community.

    • We will make space for others to share their personal experiences. We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other. This includes: bullying, bigotry, hate speech, physical threats, personal attacks, doxing. We also will not tell anyone that their lived experience is wrong, or shame others for their choice in treatment.

    • We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other based on sex, gender, sexual orientation, romantic orientation, race, ethnicity, culture, neurodiversity, mental health, physical health, religion, or political alignment.

    • If something someone says appears to be breaking a community rule, acting with malice, or is otherwise problematic, we will not attack or criticize them, but instead will alert the Mod Team, who can assess and handle the situation. Before doing this, it can also be helpful to assume good intent, and ask for clarification in a respectful and non-judgemental way. The mods are available to lend a hand as well.

    • We will strive to create an inclusive environment for everyone to feel safe participating in.

  3. We call people what they ask to be called.

    • We call people by their stated names/pronouns/identities. If a dead name or incorrect pronoun is used (yours or someone else’s), we will respectfully ask the person to update their message to properly reflect the other’s name/pronouns/identities. If it is brought to your attention that you have made a mistake with someone else’s name/pronouns/identities, that’s okay, mistakes happen, but please kindly take the note and edit the message as soon as possible.

    • We do not correct others on their own usage of their names/pronouns/identities. For example if someone prefers to be called “schizophrenic” or “person living with schizophrenia”, that is up to each individual person. We respect each individual’s choice to determine how they would like to be referred to.

    • If we have any concerns about continued use of incorrect names/pronouns/identities, or feel that misuse is being done maliciously, we will let a mod know.

  4. We connect with each other from a trauma informed perspective.

    • We understand that everyone is coming to this community with different experiences and potential triggers. We will do our best to be mindful of this by using the “spoilers” function for any text that will likely be triggering or sensitive for others (write || on either side of the text to be hidden, or highlight the text to be hidden, right click and then click the eye symbol on the far right). Particularly triggering topics may be around suicide and addiction (no glorification allowed of either), as well as members difficult experiences with the mental health care system.

    • If you are feeling triggered, please step away from the conversation. If there is a channel or part of the server that is too triggering for you, please consider muting it or asking a moderator for help with finding accommodation.

  5. We provide our own experiences rather than provide direct advice.

    • When someone asks about medical treatments and therapies, we stick to speaking about our own experiences (keeping in mind that experiences may differ greatly between individual people). If we do provide more than our own experience, we share resources, strategies, and ideas without giving direct advice. If we do accidentally give direct advice (medical or generalized) and we’re asked to remove it, we remove it.

    • It is important to remember that discussion about treatments and therapies on this server does not replace talking with your doctor. Please discuss any issues or concerns with your doctor as well before making any changes to your or your loved one’s care.

  6. We let the Mods do the moderating. We respect moderator decisions and their time.

    • If you notice someone isn’t following a rule, please refrain from correcting community members, and instead, please briefly share your concerns with a moderator.

    • Refrain from arguing with the moderators and/or engaging the moderators in lengthy discussions.

    • If you have a concern or disagree with something the moderators have done, please respectfully reach out to Rob by DM. We are happy to discuss a situation and listen to concerns. (We may not always be able to go into detail, but will do our best to provide an adequate answer for our decision.)

LWWMI – Living Well With Mental Illness – Online Peer Support Community – 24/7 @ Discord
May 2 all-day


Online Peer Support Community

What is online peer support?

  • Community

    A safe and supportive online community for people living with mental illness and those who support them.

  • Chat

    Text based chat channels covering a wide range of topics.

  • Forum

    A general forum for posting questions and getting community feedback.

  • Social

    A drop in community for voice and video chat.

  • Online

    All hosted online through an easy to use private Discord server, available to access 24/7 anywhere in the world. (Learn about Discord below).

Join Today!

What is Discord?

Our peer support community is built on Discord.

Discord is an app that lets people build communities around text based chat, as well as connect with one another through voice and video group calls.

Discord is 100% free to use and the app is available for mobile (iOS and Android), desktop (PC and Mac), or you can even connect without any app just by accessing it through a web browser like Chrome.

Code of Conduct

Welcome to the Code of Conduct. Let’s get right to it!

  1. We use supportive, welcoming language.

    • We strive to use welcoming/caring language that is supportive, encouraging, respecting, accepting, understanding and/or validating. We do our best to avoid using critical, shaming, controlling, or patronizing language.

    • We will do our best to monitor and edit our own language. If a mod reaches out and asks us to edit it, we edit it.

  2. We respect differing perspectives of others, and make space for each other within the community.

    • We will make space for others to share their personal experiences. We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other. This includes: bullying, bigotry, hate speech, physical threats, personal attacks, doxing. We also will not tell anyone that their lived experience is wrong, or shame others for their choice in treatment.

    • We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other based on sex, gender, sexual orientation, romantic orientation, race, ethnicity, culture, neurodiversity, mental health, physical health, religion, or political alignment.

    • If something someone says appears to be breaking a community rule, acting with malice, or is otherwise problematic, we will not attack or criticize them, but instead will alert the Mod Team, who can assess and handle the situation. Before doing this, it can also be helpful to assume good intent, and ask for clarification in a respectful and non-judgemental way. The mods are available to lend a hand as well.

    • We will strive to create an inclusive environment for everyone to feel safe participating in.

  3. We call people what they ask to be called.

    • We call people by their stated names/pronouns/identities. If a dead name or incorrect pronoun is used (yours or someone else’s), we will respectfully ask the person to update their message to properly reflect the other’s name/pronouns/identities. If it is brought to your attention that you have made a mistake with someone else’s name/pronouns/identities, that’s okay, mistakes happen, but please kindly take the note and edit the message as soon as possible.

    • We do not correct others on their own usage of their names/pronouns/identities. For example if someone prefers to be called “schizophrenic” or “person living with schizophrenia”, that is up to each individual person. We respect each individual’s choice to determine how they would like to be referred to.

    • If we have any concerns about continued use of incorrect names/pronouns/identities, or feel that misuse is being done maliciously, we will let a mod know.

  4. We connect with each other from a trauma informed perspective.

    • We understand that everyone is coming to this community with different experiences and potential triggers. We will do our best to be mindful of this by using the “spoilers” function for any text that will likely be triggering or sensitive for others (write || on either side of the text to be hidden, or highlight the text to be hidden, right click and then click the eye symbol on the far right). Particularly triggering topics may be around suicide and addiction (no glorification allowed of either), as well as members difficult experiences with the mental health care system.

    • If you are feeling triggered, please step away from the conversation. If there is a channel or part of the server that is too triggering for you, please consider muting it or asking a moderator for help with finding accommodation.

  5. We provide our own experiences rather than provide direct advice.

    • When someone asks about medical treatments and therapies, we stick to speaking about our own experiences (keeping in mind that experiences may differ greatly between individual people). If we do provide more than our own experience, we share resources, strategies, and ideas without giving direct advice. If we do accidentally give direct advice (medical or generalized) and we’re asked to remove it, we remove it.

    • It is important to remember that discussion about treatments and therapies on this server does not replace talking with your doctor. Please discuss any issues or concerns with your doctor as well before making any changes to your or your loved one’s care.

  6. We let the Mods do the moderating. We respect moderator decisions and their time.

    • If you notice someone isn’t following a rule, please refrain from correcting community members, and instead, please briefly share your concerns with a moderator.

    • Refrain from arguing with the moderators and/or engaging the moderators in lengthy discussions.

    • If you have a concern or disagree with something the moderators have done, please respectfully reach out to Rob by DM. We are happy to discuss a situation and listen to concerns. (We may not always be able to go into detail, but will do our best to provide an adequate answer for our decision.)

LWWMI – Living Well With Mental Illness – Online Peer Support Community – 24/7 @ Discord
May 3 all-day


Online Peer Support Community

What is online peer support?

  • Community

    A safe and supportive online community for people living with mental illness and those who support them.

  • Chat

    Text based chat channels covering a wide range of topics.

  • Forum

    A general forum for posting questions and getting community feedback.

  • Social

    A drop in community for voice and video chat.

  • Online

    All hosted online through an easy to use private Discord server, available to access 24/7 anywhere in the world. (Learn about Discord below).

Join Today!

What is Discord?

Our peer support community is built on Discord.

Discord is an app that lets people build communities around text based chat, as well as connect with one another through voice and video group calls.

Discord is 100% free to use and the app is available for mobile (iOS and Android), desktop (PC and Mac), or you can even connect without any app just by accessing it through a web browser like Chrome.

Code of Conduct

Welcome to the Code of Conduct. Let’s get right to it!

  1. We use supportive, welcoming language.

    • We strive to use welcoming/caring language that is supportive, encouraging, respecting, accepting, understanding and/or validating. We do our best to avoid using critical, shaming, controlling, or patronizing language.

    • We will do our best to monitor and edit our own language. If a mod reaches out and asks us to edit it, we edit it.

  2. We respect differing perspectives of others, and make space for each other within the community.

    • We will make space for others to share their personal experiences. We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other. This includes: bullying, bigotry, hate speech, physical threats, personal attacks, doxing. We also will not tell anyone that their lived experience is wrong, or shame others for their choice in treatment.

    • We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other based on sex, gender, sexual orientation, romantic orientation, race, ethnicity, culture, neurodiversity, mental health, physical health, religion, or political alignment.

    • If something someone says appears to be breaking a community rule, acting with malice, or is otherwise problematic, we will not attack or criticize them, but instead will alert the Mod Team, who can assess and handle the situation. Before doing this, it can also be helpful to assume good intent, and ask for clarification in a respectful and non-judgemental way. The mods are available to lend a hand as well.

    • We will strive to create an inclusive environment for everyone to feel safe participating in.

  3. We call people what they ask to be called.

    • We call people by their stated names/pronouns/identities. If a dead name or incorrect pronoun is used (yours or someone else’s), we will respectfully ask the person to update their message to properly reflect the other’s name/pronouns/identities. If it is brought to your attention that you have made a mistake with someone else’s name/pronouns/identities, that’s okay, mistakes happen, but please kindly take the note and edit the message as soon as possible.

    • We do not correct others on their own usage of their names/pronouns/identities. For example if someone prefers to be called “schizophrenic” or “person living with schizophrenia”, that is up to each individual person. We respect each individual’s choice to determine how they would like to be referred to.

    • If we have any concerns about continued use of incorrect names/pronouns/identities, or feel that misuse is being done maliciously, we will let a mod know.

  4. We connect with each other from a trauma informed perspective.

    • We understand that everyone is coming to this community with different experiences and potential triggers. We will do our best to be mindful of this by using the “spoilers” function for any text that will likely be triggering or sensitive for others (write || on either side of the text to be hidden, or highlight the text to be hidden, right click and then click the eye symbol on the far right). Particularly triggering topics may be around suicide and addiction (no glorification allowed of either), as well as members difficult experiences with the mental health care system.

    • If you are feeling triggered, please step away from the conversation. If there is a channel or part of the server that is too triggering for you, please consider muting it or asking a moderator for help with finding accommodation.

  5. We provide our own experiences rather than provide direct advice.

    • When someone asks about medical treatments and therapies, we stick to speaking about our own experiences (keeping in mind that experiences may differ greatly between individual people). If we do provide more than our own experience, we share resources, strategies, and ideas without giving direct advice. If we do accidentally give direct advice (medical or generalized) and we’re asked to remove it, we remove it.

    • It is important to remember that discussion about treatments and therapies on this server does not replace talking with your doctor. Please discuss any issues or concerns with your doctor as well before making any changes to your or your loved one’s care.

  6. We let the Mods do the moderating. We respect moderator decisions and their time.

    • If you notice someone isn’t following a rule, please refrain from correcting community members, and instead, please briefly share your concerns with a moderator.

    • Refrain from arguing with the moderators and/or engaging the moderators in lengthy discussions.

    • If you have a concern or disagree with something the moderators have done, please respectfully reach out to Rob by DM. We are happy to discuss a situation and listen to concerns. (We may not always be able to go into detail, but will do our best to provide an adequate answer for our decision.)

LWWMI – Living Well With Mental Illness – Online Peer Support Community – 24/7 @ Discord
May 4 all-day


Online Peer Support Community

What is online peer support?

  • Community

    A safe and supportive online community for people living with mental illness and those who support them.

  • Chat

    Text based chat channels covering a wide range of topics.

  • Forum

    A general forum for posting questions and getting community feedback.

  • Social

    A drop in community for voice and video chat.

  • Online

    All hosted online through an easy to use private Discord server, available to access 24/7 anywhere in the world. (Learn about Discord below).

Join Today!

What is Discord?

Our peer support community is built on Discord.

Discord is an app that lets people build communities around text based chat, as well as connect with one another through voice and video group calls.

Discord is 100% free to use and the app is available for mobile (iOS and Android), desktop (PC and Mac), or you can even connect without any app just by accessing it through a web browser like Chrome.

Code of Conduct

Welcome to the Code of Conduct. Let’s get right to it!

  1. We use supportive, welcoming language.

    • We strive to use welcoming/caring language that is supportive, encouraging, respecting, accepting, understanding and/or validating. We do our best to avoid using critical, shaming, controlling, or patronizing language.

    • We will do our best to monitor and edit our own language. If a mod reaches out and asks us to edit it, we edit it.

  2. We respect differing perspectives of others, and make space for each other within the community.

    • We will make space for others to share their personal experiences. We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other. This includes: bullying, bigotry, hate speech, physical threats, personal attacks, doxing. We also will not tell anyone that their lived experience is wrong, or shame others for their choice in treatment.

    • We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other based on sex, gender, sexual orientation, romantic orientation, race, ethnicity, culture, neurodiversity, mental health, physical health, religion, or political alignment.

    • If something someone says appears to be breaking a community rule, acting with malice, or is otherwise problematic, we will not attack or criticize them, but instead will alert the Mod Team, who can assess and handle the situation. Before doing this, it can also be helpful to assume good intent, and ask for clarification in a respectful and non-judgemental way. The mods are available to lend a hand as well.

    • We will strive to create an inclusive environment for everyone to feel safe participating in.

  3. We call people what they ask to be called.

    • We call people by their stated names/pronouns/identities. If a dead name or incorrect pronoun is used (yours or someone else’s), we will respectfully ask the person to update their message to properly reflect the other’s name/pronouns/identities. If it is brought to your attention that you have made a mistake with someone else’s name/pronouns/identities, that’s okay, mistakes happen, but please kindly take the note and edit the message as soon as possible.

    • We do not correct others on their own usage of their names/pronouns/identities. For example if someone prefers to be called “schizophrenic” or “person living with schizophrenia”, that is up to each individual person. We respect each individual’s choice to determine how they would like to be referred to.

    • If we have any concerns about continued use of incorrect names/pronouns/identities, or feel that misuse is being done maliciously, we will let a mod know.

  4. We connect with each other from a trauma informed perspective.

    • We understand that everyone is coming to this community with different experiences and potential triggers. We will do our best to be mindful of this by using the “spoilers” function for any text that will likely be triggering or sensitive for others (write || on either side of the text to be hidden, or highlight the text to be hidden, right click and then click the eye symbol on the far right). Particularly triggering topics may be around suicide and addiction (no glorification allowed of either), as well as members difficult experiences with the mental health care system.

    • If you are feeling triggered, please step away from the conversation. If there is a channel or part of the server that is too triggering for you, please consider muting it or asking a moderator for help with finding accommodation.

  5. We provide our own experiences rather than provide direct advice.

    • When someone asks about medical treatments and therapies, we stick to speaking about our own experiences (keeping in mind that experiences may differ greatly between individual people). If we do provide more than our own experience, we share resources, strategies, and ideas without giving direct advice. If we do accidentally give direct advice (medical or generalized) and we’re asked to remove it, we remove it.

    • It is important to remember that discussion about treatments and therapies on this server does not replace talking with your doctor. Please discuss any issues or concerns with your doctor as well before making any changes to your or your loved one’s care.

  6. We let the Mods do the moderating. We respect moderator decisions and their time.

    • If you notice someone isn’t following a rule, please refrain from correcting community members, and instead, please briefly share your concerns with a moderator.

    • Refrain from arguing with the moderators and/or engaging the moderators in lengthy discussions.

    • If you have a concern or disagree with something the moderators have done, please respectfully reach out to Rob by DM. We are happy to discuss a situation and listen to concerns. (We may not always be able to go into detail, but will do our best to provide an adequate answer for our decision.)

BIAO – Brain Injury Alliance of Oregon – Brian Injury Connections Northwest – Zoom Coffee Social – 1st & 3rd Saturdays @ Email for Details
May 4 @ 12:01 pm – 1:01 pm


 Online Zoom Meeting

Support groups are an excellent way to connect with other individuals with brain injuries and their families. These groups provide opportunities to learn from others who have gone through similar situations, share personal experiences and make new friends. Please contact support group to verify time and place are correct.

Zoom Coffee Social

When: 1st & 3rd Saturday 12-1 pm

Get Your Coffee and come Socialize with us!

Where: Online

Email to register

Brian Liebenstein at (971) 258-0561|


LWWMI – Living Well With Mental Illness – Online Peer Support Community – 24/7 @ Discord
May 5 all-day


Online Peer Support Community

What is online peer support?

  • Community

    A safe and supportive online community for people living with mental illness and those who support them.

  • Chat

    Text based chat channels covering a wide range of topics.

  • Forum

    A general forum for posting questions and getting community feedback.

  • Social

    A drop in community for voice and video chat.

  • Online

    All hosted online through an easy to use private Discord server, available to access 24/7 anywhere in the world. (Learn about Discord below).

Join Today!

What is Discord?

Our peer support community is built on Discord.

Discord is an app that lets people build communities around text based chat, as well as connect with one another through voice and video group calls.

Discord is 100% free to use and the app is available for mobile (iOS and Android), desktop (PC and Mac), or you can even connect without any app just by accessing it through a web browser like Chrome.

Code of Conduct

Welcome to the Code of Conduct. Let’s get right to it!

  1. We use supportive, welcoming language.

    • We strive to use welcoming/caring language that is supportive, encouraging, respecting, accepting, understanding and/or validating. We do our best to avoid using critical, shaming, controlling, or patronizing language.

    • We will do our best to monitor and edit our own language. If a mod reaches out and asks us to edit it, we edit it.

  2. We respect differing perspectives of others, and make space for each other within the community.

    • We will make space for others to share their personal experiences. We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other. This includes: bullying, bigotry, hate speech, physical threats, personal attacks, doxing. We also will not tell anyone that their lived experience is wrong, or shame others for their choice in treatment.

    • We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other based on sex, gender, sexual orientation, romantic orientation, race, ethnicity, culture, neurodiversity, mental health, physical health, religion, or political alignment.

    • If something someone says appears to be breaking a community rule, acting with malice, or is otherwise problematic, we will not attack or criticize them, but instead will alert the Mod Team, who can assess and handle the situation. Before doing this, it can also be helpful to assume good intent, and ask for clarification in a respectful and non-judgemental way. The mods are available to lend a hand as well.

    • We will strive to create an inclusive environment for everyone to feel safe participating in.

  3. We call people what they ask to be called.

    • We call people by their stated names/pronouns/identities. If a dead name or incorrect pronoun is used (yours or someone else’s), we will respectfully ask the person to update their message to properly reflect the other’s name/pronouns/identities. If it is brought to your attention that you have made a mistake with someone else’s name/pronouns/identities, that’s okay, mistakes happen, but please kindly take the note and edit the message as soon as possible.

    • We do not correct others on their own usage of their names/pronouns/identities. For example if someone prefers to be called “schizophrenic” or “person living with schizophrenia”, that is up to each individual person. We respect each individual’s choice to determine how they would like to be referred to.

    • If we have any concerns about continued use of incorrect names/pronouns/identities, or feel that misuse is being done maliciously, we will let a mod know.

  4. We connect with each other from a trauma informed perspective.

    • We understand that everyone is coming to this community with different experiences and potential triggers. We will do our best to be mindful of this by using the “spoilers” function for any text that will likely be triggering or sensitive for others (write || on either side of the text to be hidden, or highlight the text to be hidden, right click and then click the eye symbol on the far right). Particularly triggering topics may be around suicide and addiction (no glorification allowed of either), as well as members difficult experiences with the mental health care system.

    • If you are feeling triggered, please step away from the conversation. If there is a channel or part of the server that is too triggering for you, please consider muting it or asking a moderator for help with finding accommodation.

  5. We provide our own experiences rather than provide direct advice.

    • When someone asks about medical treatments and therapies, we stick to speaking about our own experiences (keeping in mind that experiences may differ greatly between individual people). If we do provide more than our own experience, we share resources, strategies, and ideas without giving direct advice. If we do accidentally give direct advice (medical or generalized) and we’re asked to remove it, we remove it.

    • It is important to remember that discussion about treatments and therapies on this server does not replace talking with your doctor. Please discuss any issues or concerns with your doctor as well before making any changes to your or your loved one’s care.

  6. We let the Mods do the moderating. We respect moderator decisions and their time.

    • If you notice someone isn’t following a rule, please refrain from correcting community members, and instead, please briefly share your concerns with a moderator.

    • Refrain from arguing with the moderators and/or engaging the moderators in lengthy discussions.

    • If you have a concern or disagree with something the moderators have done, please respectfully reach out to Rob by DM. We are happy to discuss a situation and listen to concerns. (We may not always be able to go into detail, but will do our best to provide an adequate answer for our decision.)

LWWMI – Living Well With Mental Illness – Online Peer Support Community – 24/7 @ Discord
May 6 all-day


Online Peer Support Community

What is online peer support?

  • Community

    A safe and supportive online community for people living with mental illness and those who support them.

  • Chat

    Text based chat channels covering a wide range of topics.

  • Forum

    A general forum for posting questions and getting community feedback.

  • Social

    A drop in community for voice and video chat.

  • Online

    All hosted online through an easy to use private Discord server, available to access 24/7 anywhere in the world. (Learn about Discord below).

Join Today!

What is Discord?

Our peer support community is built on Discord.

Discord is an app that lets people build communities around text based chat, as well as connect with one another through voice and video group calls.

Discord is 100% free to use and the app is available for mobile (iOS and Android), desktop (PC and Mac), or you can even connect without any app just by accessing it through a web browser like Chrome.

Code of Conduct

Welcome to the Code of Conduct. Let’s get right to it!

  1. We use supportive, welcoming language.

    • We strive to use welcoming/caring language that is supportive, encouraging, respecting, accepting, understanding and/or validating. We do our best to avoid using critical, shaming, controlling, or patronizing language.

    • We will do our best to monitor and edit our own language. If a mod reaches out and asks us to edit it, we edit it.

  2. We respect differing perspectives of others, and make space for each other within the community.

    • We will make space for others to share their personal experiences. We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other. This includes: bullying, bigotry, hate speech, physical threats, personal attacks, doxing. We also will not tell anyone that their lived experience is wrong, or shame others for their choice in treatment.

    • We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other based on sex, gender, sexual orientation, romantic orientation, race, ethnicity, culture, neurodiversity, mental health, physical health, religion, or political alignment.

    • If something someone says appears to be breaking a community rule, acting with malice, or is otherwise problematic, we will not attack or criticize them, but instead will alert the Mod Team, who can assess and handle the situation. Before doing this, it can also be helpful to assume good intent, and ask for clarification in a respectful and non-judgemental way. The mods are available to lend a hand as well.

    • We will strive to create an inclusive environment for everyone to feel safe participating in.

  3. We call people what they ask to be called.

    • We call people by their stated names/pronouns/identities. If a dead name or incorrect pronoun is used (yours or someone else’s), we will respectfully ask the person to update their message to properly reflect the other’s name/pronouns/identities. If it is brought to your attention that you have made a mistake with someone else’s name/pronouns/identities, that’s okay, mistakes happen, but please kindly take the note and edit the message as soon as possible.

    • We do not correct others on their own usage of their names/pronouns/identities. For example if someone prefers to be called “schizophrenic” or “person living with schizophrenia”, that is up to each individual person. We respect each individual’s choice to determine how they would like to be referred to.

    • If we have any concerns about continued use of incorrect names/pronouns/identities, or feel that misuse is being done maliciously, we will let a mod know.

  4. We connect with each other from a trauma informed perspective.

    • We understand that everyone is coming to this community with different experiences and potential triggers. We will do our best to be mindful of this by using the “spoilers” function for any text that will likely be triggering or sensitive for others (write || on either side of the text to be hidden, or highlight the text to be hidden, right click and then click the eye symbol on the far right). Particularly triggering topics may be around suicide and addiction (no glorification allowed of either), as well as members difficult experiences with the mental health care system.

    • If you are feeling triggered, please step away from the conversation. If there is a channel or part of the server that is too triggering for you, please consider muting it or asking a moderator for help with finding accommodation.

  5. We provide our own experiences rather than provide direct advice.

    • When someone asks about medical treatments and therapies, we stick to speaking about our own experiences (keeping in mind that experiences may differ greatly between individual people). If we do provide more than our own experience, we share resources, strategies, and ideas without giving direct advice. If we do accidentally give direct advice (medical or generalized) and we’re asked to remove it, we remove it.

    • It is important to remember that discussion about treatments and therapies on this server does not replace talking with your doctor. Please discuss any issues or concerns with your doctor as well before making any changes to your or your loved one’s care.

  6. We let the Mods do the moderating. We respect moderator decisions and their time.

    • If you notice someone isn’t following a rule, please refrain from correcting community members, and instead, please briefly share your concerns with a moderator.

    • Refrain from arguing with the moderators and/or engaging the moderators in lengthy discussions.

    • If you have a concern or disagree with something the moderators have done, please respectfully reach out to Rob by DM. We are happy to discuss a situation and listen to concerns. (We may not always be able to go into detail, but will do our best to provide an adequate answer for our decision.)

LWWMI – Living Well With Mental Illness – Online Peer Support Community – 24/7 @ Discord
May 7 all-day


Online Peer Support Community

What is online peer support?

  • Community

    A safe and supportive online community for people living with mental illness and those who support them.

  • Chat

    Text based chat channels covering a wide range of topics.

  • Forum

    A general forum for posting questions and getting community feedback.

  • Social

    A drop in community for voice and video chat.

  • Online

    All hosted online through an easy to use private Discord server, available to access 24/7 anywhere in the world. (Learn about Discord below).

Join Today!

What is Discord?

Our peer support community is built on Discord.

Discord is an app that lets people build communities around text based chat, as well as connect with one another through voice and video group calls.

Discord is 100% free to use and the app is available for mobile (iOS and Android), desktop (PC and Mac), or you can even connect without any app just by accessing it through a web browser like Chrome.

Code of Conduct

Welcome to the Code of Conduct. Let’s get right to it!

  1. We use supportive, welcoming language.

    • We strive to use welcoming/caring language that is supportive, encouraging, respecting, accepting, understanding and/or validating. We do our best to avoid using critical, shaming, controlling, or patronizing language.

    • We will do our best to monitor and edit our own language. If a mod reaches out and asks us to edit it, we edit it.

  2. We respect differing perspectives of others, and make space for each other within the community.

    • We will make space for others to share their personal experiences. We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other. This includes: bullying, bigotry, hate speech, physical threats, personal attacks, doxing. We also will not tell anyone that their lived experience is wrong, or shame others for their choice in treatment.

    • We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other based on sex, gender, sexual orientation, romantic orientation, race, ethnicity, culture, neurodiversity, mental health, physical health, religion, or political alignment.

    • If something someone says appears to be breaking a community rule, acting with malice, or is otherwise problematic, we will not attack or criticize them, but instead will alert the Mod Team, who can assess and handle the situation. Before doing this, it can also be helpful to assume good intent, and ask for clarification in a respectful and non-judgemental way. The mods are available to lend a hand as well.

    • We will strive to create an inclusive environment for everyone to feel safe participating in.

  3. We call people what they ask to be called.

    • We call people by their stated names/pronouns/identities. If a dead name or incorrect pronoun is used (yours or someone else’s), we will respectfully ask the person to update their message to properly reflect the other’s name/pronouns/identities. If it is brought to your attention that you have made a mistake with someone else’s name/pronouns/identities, that’s okay, mistakes happen, but please kindly take the note and edit the message as soon as possible.

    • We do not correct others on their own usage of their names/pronouns/identities. For example if someone prefers to be called “schizophrenic” or “person living with schizophrenia”, that is up to each individual person. We respect each individual’s choice to determine how they would like to be referred to.

    • If we have any concerns about continued use of incorrect names/pronouns/identities, or feel that misuse is being done maliciously, we will let a mod know.

  4. We connect with each other from a trauma informed perspective.

    • We understand that everyone is coming to this community with different experiences and potential triggers. We will do our best to be mindful of this by using the “spoilers” function for any text that will likely be triggering or sensitive for others (write || on either side of the text to be hidden, or highlight the text to be hidden, right click and then click the eye symbol on the far right). Particularly triggering topics may be around suicide and addiction (no glorification allowed of either), as well as members difficult experiences with the mental health care system.

    • If you are feeling triggered, please step away from the conversation. If there is a channel or part of the server that is too triggering for you, please consider muting it or asking a moderator for help with finding accommodation.

  5. We provide our own experiences rather than provide direct advice.

    • When someone asks about medical treatments and therapies, we stick to speaking about our own experiences (keeping in mind that experiences may differ greatly between individual people). If we do provide more than our own experience, we share resources, strategies, and ideas without giving direct advice. If we do accidentally give direct advice (medical or generalized) and we’re asked to remove it, we remove it.

    • It is important to remember that discussion about treatments and therapies on this server does not replace talking with your doctor. Please discuss any issues or concerns with your doctor as well before making any changes to your or your loved one’s care.

  6. We let the Mods do the moderating. We respect moderator decisions and their time.

    • If you notice someone isn’t following a rule, please refrain from correcting community members, and instead, please briefly share your concerns with a moderator.

    • Refrain from arguing with the moderators and/or engaging the moderators in lengthy discussions.

    • If you have a concern or disagree with something the moderators have done, please respectfully reach out to Rob by DM. We are happy to discuss a situation and listen to concerns. (We may not always be able to go into detail, but will do our best to provide an adequate answer for our decision.)

LWWMI – Living Well With Mental Illness – Online Peer Support Community – 24/7 @ Discord
May 8 all-day


Online Peer Support Community

What is online peer support?

  • Community

    A safe and supportive online community for people living with mental illness and those who support them.

  • Chat

    Text based chat channels covering a wide range of topics.

  • Forum

    A general forum for posting questions and getting community feedback.

  • Social

    A drop in community for voice and video chat.

  • Online

    All hosted online through an easy to use private Discord server, available to access 24/7 anywhere in the world. (Learn about Discord below).

Join Today!

What is Discord?

Our peer support community is built on Discord.

Discord is an app that lets people build communities around text based chat, as well as connect with one another through voice and video group calls.

Discord is 100% free to use and the app is available for mobile (iOS and Android), desktop (PC and Mac), or you can even connect without any app just by accessing it through a web browser like Chrome.

Code of Conduct

Welcome to the Code of Conduct. Let’s get right to it!

  1. We use supportive, welcoming language.

    • We strive to use welcoming/caring language that is supportive, encouraging, respecting, accepting, understanding and/or validating. We do our best to avoid using critical, shaming, controlling, or patronizing language.

    • We will do our best to monitor and edit our own language. If a mod reaches out and asks us to edit it, we edit it.

  2. We respect differing perspectives of others, and make space for each other within the community.

    • We will make space for others to share their personal experiences. We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other. This includes: bullying, bigotry, hate speech, physical threats, personal attacks, doxing. We also will not tell anyone that their lived experience is wrong, or shame others for their choice in treatment.

    • We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other based on sex, gender, sexual orientation, romantic orientation, race, ethnicity, culture, neurodiversity, mental health, physical health, religion, or political alignment.

    • If something someone says appears to be breaking a community rule, acting with malice, or is otherwise problematic, we will not attack or criticize them, but instead will alert the Mod Team, who can assess and handle the situation. Before doing this, it can also be helpful to assume good intent, and ask for clarification in a respectful and non-judgemental way. The mods are available to lend a hand as well.

    • We will strive to create an inclusive environment for everyone to feel safe participating in.

  3. We call people what they ask to be called.

    • We call people by their stated names/pronouns/identities. If a dead name or incorrect pronoun is used (yours or someone else’s), we will respectfully ask the person to update their message to properly reflect the other’s name/pronouns/identities. If it is brought to your attention that you have made a mistake with someone else’s name/pronouns/identities, that’s okay, mistakes happen, but please kindly take the note and edit the message as soon as possible.

    • We do not correct others on their own usage of their names/pronouns/identities. For example if someone prefers to be called “schizophrenic” or “person living with schizophrenia”, that is up to each individual person. We respect each individual’s choice to determine how they would like to be referred to.

    • If we have any concerns about continued use of incorrect names/pronouns/identities, or feel that misuse is being done maliciously, we will let a mod know.

  4. We connect with each other from a trauma informed perspective.

    • We understand that everyone is coming to this community with different experiences and potential triggers. We will do our best to be mindful of this by using the “spoilers” function for any text that will likely be triggering or sensitive for others (write || on either side of the text to be hidden, or highlight the text to be hidden, right click and then click the eye symbol on the far right). Particularly triggering topics may be around suicide and addiction (no glorification allowed of either), as well as members difficult experiences with the mental health care system.

    • If you are feeling triggered, please step away from the conversation. If there is a channel or part of the server that is too triggering for you, please consider muting it or asking a moderator for help with finding accommodation.

  5. We provide our own experiences rather than provide direct advice.

    • When someone asks about medical treatments and therapies, we stick to speaking about our own experiences (keeping in mind that experiences may differ greatly between individual people). If we do provide more than our own experience, we share resources, strategies, and ideas without giving direct advice. If we do accidentally give direct advice (medical or generalized) and we’re asked to remove it, we remove it.

    • It is important to remember that discussion about treatments and therapies on this server does not replace talking with your doctor. Please discuss any issues or concerns with your doctor as well before making any changes to your or your loved one’s care.

  6. We let the Mods do the moderating. We respect moderator decisions and their time.

    • If you notice someone isn’t following a rule, please refrain from correcting community members, and instead, please briefly share your concerns with a moderator.

    • Refrain from arguing with the moderators and/or engaging the moderators in lengthy discussions.

    • If you have a concern or disagree with something the moderators have done, please respectfully reach out to Rob by DM. We are happy to discuss a situation and listen to concerns. (We may not always be able to go into detail, but will do our best to provide an adequate answer for our decision.)

LWWMI – Living Well With Mental Illness – Online Peer Support Community – 24/7 @ Discord
May 9 all-day


Online Peer Support Community

What is online peer support?

  • Community

    A safe and supportive online community for people living with mental illness and those who support them.

  • Chat

    Text based chat channels covering a wide range of topics.

  • Forum

    A general forum for posting questions and getting community feedback.

  • Social

    A drop in community for voice and video chat.

  • Online

    All hosted online through an easy to use private Discord server, available to access 24/7 anywhere in the world. (Learn about Discord below).

Join Today!

What is Discord?

Our peer support community is built on Discord.

Discord is an app that lets people build communities around text based chat, as well as connect with one another through voice and video group calls.

Discord is 100% free to use and the app is available for mobile (iOS and Android), desktop (PC and Mac), or you can even connect without any app just by accessing it through a web browser like Chrome.

Code of Conduct

Welcome to the Code of Conduct. Let’s get right to it!

  1. We use supportive, welcoming language.

    • We strive to use welcoming/caring language that is supportive, encouraging, respecting, accepting, understanding and/or validating. We do our best to avoid using critical, shaming, controlling, or patronizing language.

    • We will do our best to monitor and edit our own language. If a mod reaches out and asks us to edit it, we edit it.

  2. We respect differing perspectives of others, and make space for each other within the community.

    • We will make space for others to share their personal experiences. We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other. This includes: bullying, bigotry, hate speech, physical threats, personal attacks, doxing. We also will not tell anyone that their lived experience is wrong, or shame others for their choice in treatment.

    • We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other based on sex, gender, sexual orientation, romantic orientation, race, ethnicity, culture, neurodiversity, mental health, physical health, religion, or political alignment.

    • If something someone says appears to be breaking a community rule, acting with malice, or is otherwise problematic, we will not attack or criticize them, but instead will alert the Mod Team, who can assess and handle the situation. Before doing this, it can also be helpful to assume good intent, and ask for clarification in a respectful and non-judgemental way. The mods are available to lend a hand as well.

    • We will strive to create an inclusive environment for everyone to feel safe participating in.

  3. We call people what they ask to be called.

    • We call people by their stated names/pronouns/identities. If a dead name or incorrect pronoun is used (yours or someone else’s), we will respectfully ask the person to update their message to properly reflect the other’s name/pronouns/identities. If it is brought to your attention that you have made a mistake with someone else’s name/pronouns/identities, that’s okay, mistakes happen, but please kindly take the note and edit the message as soon as possible.

    • We do not correct others on their own usage of their names/pronouns/identities. For example if someone prefers to be called “schizophrenic” or “person living with schizophrenia”, that is up to each individual person. We respect each individual’s choice to determine how they would like to be referred to.

    • If we have any concerns about continued use of incorrect names/pronouns/identities, or feel that misuse is being done maliciously, we will let a mod know.

  4. We connect with each other from a trauma informed perspective.

    • We understand that everyone is coming to this community with different experiences and potential triggers. We will do our best to be mindful of this by using the “spoilers” function for any text that will likely be triggering or sensitive for others (write || on either side of the text to be hidden, or highlight the text to be hidden, right click and then click the eye symbol on the far right). Particularly triggering topics may be around suicide and addiction (no glorification allowed of either), as well as members difficult experiences with the mental health care system.

    • If you are feeling triggered, please step away from the conversation. If there is a channel or part of the server that is too triggering for you, please consider muting it or asking a moderator for help with finding accommodation.

  5. We provide our own experiences rather than provide direct advice.

    • When someone asks about medical treatments and therapies, we stick to speaking about our own experiences (keeping in mind that experiences may differ greatly between individual people). If we do provide more than our own experience, we share resources, strategies, and ideas without giving direct advice. If we do accidentally give direct advice (medical or generalized) and we’re asked to remove it, we remove it.

    • It is important to remember that discussion about treatments and therapies on this server does not replace talking with your doctor. Please discuss any issues or concerns with your doctor as well before making any changes to your or your loved one’s care.

  6. We let the Mods do the moderating. We respect moderator decisions and their time.

    • If you notice someone isn’t following a rule, please refrain from correcting community members, and instead, please briefly share your concerns with a moderator.

    • Refrain from arguing with the moderators and/or engaging the moderators in lengthy discussions.

    • If you have a concern or disagree with something the moderators have done, please respectfully reach out to Rob by DM. We are happy to discuss a situation and listen to concerns. (We may not always be able to go into detail, but will do our best to provide an adequate answer for our decision.)

LWWMI – Living Well With Mental Illness – Online Peer Support Community – 24/7 @ Discord
May 10 all-day


Online Peer Support Community

What is online peer support?

  • Community

    A safe and supportive online community for people living with mental illness and those who support them.

  • Chat

    Text based chat channels covering a wide range of topics.

  • Forum

    A general forum for posting questions and getting community feedback.

  • Social

    A drop in community for voice and video chat.

  • Online

    All hosted online through an easy to use private Discord server, available to access 24/7 anywhere in the world. (Learn about Discord below).

Join Today!

What is Discord?

Our peer support community is built on Discord.

Discord is an app that lets people build communities around text based chat, as well as connect with one another through voice and video group calls.

Discord is 100% free to use and the app is available for mobile (iOS and Android), desktop (PC and Mac), or you can even connect without any app just by accessing it through a web browser like Chrome.

Code of Conduct

Welcome to the Code of Conduct. Let’s get right to it!

  1. We use supportive, welcoming language.

    • We strive to use welcoming/caring language that is supportive, encouraging, respecting, accepting, understanding and/or validating. We do our best to avoid using critical, shaming, controlling, or patronizing language.

    • We will do our best to monitor and edit our own language. If a mod reaches out and asks us to edit it, we edit it.

  2. We respect differing perspectives of others, and make space for each other within the community.

    • We will make space for others to share their personal experiences. We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other. This includes: bullying, bigotry, hate speech, physical threats, personal attacks, doxing. We also will not tell anyone that their lived experience is wrong, or shame others for their choice in treatment.

    • We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other based on sex, gender, sexual orientation, romantic orientation, race, ethnicity, culture, neurodiversity, mental health, physical health, religion, or political alignment.

    • If something someone says appears to be breaking a community rule, acting with malice, or is otherwise problematic, we will not attack or criticize them, but instead will alert the Mod Team, who can assess and handle the situation. Before doing this, it can also be helpful to assume good intent, and ask for clarification in a respectful and non-judgemental way. The mods are available to lend a hand as well.

    • We will strive to create an inclusive environment for everyone to feel safe participating in.

  3. We call people what they ask to be called.

    • We call people by their stated names/pronouns/identities. If a dead name or incorrect pronoun is used (yours or someone else’s), we will respectfully ask the person to update their message to properly reflect the other’s name/pronouns/identities. If it is brought to your attention that you have made a mistake with someone else’s name/pronouns/identities, that’s okay, mistakes happen, but please kindly take the note and edit the message as soon as possible.

    • We do not correct others on their own usage of their names/pronouns/identities. For example if someone prefers to be called “schizophrenic” or “person living with schizophrenia”, that is up to each individual person. We respect each individual’s choice to determine how they would like to be referred to.

    • If we have any concerns about continued use of incorrect names/pronouns/identities, or feel that misuse is being done maliciously, we will let a mod know.

  4. We connect with each other from a trauma informed perspective.

    • We understand that everyone is coming to this community with different experiences and potential triggers. We will do our best to be mindful of this by using the “spoilers” function for any text that will likely be triggering or sensitive for others (write || on either side of the text to be hidden, or highlight the text to be hidden, right click and then click the eye symbol on the far right). Particularly triggering topics may be around suicide and addiction (no glorification allowed of either), as well as members difficult experiences with the mental health care system.

    • If you are feeling triggered, please step away from the conversation. If there is a channel or part of the server that is too triggering for you, please consider muting it or asking a moderator for help with finding accommodation.

  5. We provide our own experiences rather than provide direct advice.

    • When someone asks about medical treatments and therapies, we stick to speaking about our own experiences (keeping in mind that experiences may differ greatly between individual people). If we do provide more than our own experience, we share resources, strategies, and ideas without giving direct advice. If we do accidentally give direct advice (medical or generalized) and we’re asked to remove it, we remove it.

    • It is important to remember that discussion about treatments and therapies on this server does not replace talking with your doctor. Please discuss any issues or concerns with your doctor as well before making any changes to your or your loved one’s care.

  6. We let the Mods do the moderating. We respect moderator decisions and their time.

    • If you notice someone isn’t following a rule, please refrain from correcting community members, and instead, please briefly share your concerns with a moderator.

    • Refrain from arguing with the moderators and/or engaging the moderators in lengthy discussions.

    • If you have a concern or disagree with something the moderators have done, please respectfully reach out to Rob by DM. We are happy to discuss a situation and listen to concerns. (We may not always be able to go into detail, but will do our best to provide an adequate answer for our decision.)

LWWMI – Living Well With Mental Illness – Online Peer Support Community – 24/7 @ Discord
May 11 all-day


Online Peer Support Community

What is online peer support?

  • Community

    A safe and supportive online community for people living with mental illness and those who support them.

  • Chat

    Text based chat channels covering a wide range of topics.

  • Forum

    A general forum for posting questions and getting community feedback.

  • Social

    A drop in community for voice and video chat.

  • Online

    All hosted online through an easy to use private Discord server, available to access 24/7 anywhere in the world. (Learn about Discord below).

Join Today!

What is Discord?

Our peer support community is built on Discord.

Discord is an app that lets people build communities around text based chat, as well as connect with one another through voice and video group calls.

Discord is 100% free to use and the app is available for mobile (iOS and Android), desktop (PC and Mac), or you can even connect without any app just by accessing it through a web browser like Chrome.

Code of Conduct

Welcome to the Code of Conduct. Let’s get right to it!

  1. We use supportive, welcoming language.

    • We strive to use welcoming/caring language that is supportive, encouraging, respecting, accepting, understanding and/or validating. We do our best to avoid using critical, shaming, controlling, or patronizing language.

    • We will do our best to monitor and edit our own language. If a mod reaches out and asks us to edit it, we edit it.

  2. We respect differing perspectives of others, and make space for each other within the community.

    • We will make space for others to share their personal experiences. We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other. This includes: bullying, bigotry, hate speech, physical threats, personal attacks, doxing. We also will not tell anyone that their lived experience is wrong, or shame others for their choice in treatment.

    • We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other based on sex, gender, sexual orientation, romantic orientation, race, ethnicity, culture, neurodiversity, mental health, physical health, religion, or political alignment.

    • If something someone says appears to be breaking a community rule, acting with malice, or is otherwise problematic, we will not attack or criticize them, but instead will alert the Mod Team, who can assess and handle the situation. Before doing this, it can also be helpful to assume good intent, and ask for clarification in a respectful and non-judgemental way. The mods are available to lend a hand as well.

    • We will strive to create an inclusive environment for everyone to feel safe participating in.

  3. We call people what they ask to be called.

    • We call people by their stated names/pronouns/identities. If a dead name or incorrect pronoun is used (yours or someone else’s), we will respectfully ask the person to update their message to properly reflect the other’s name/pronouns/identities. If it is brought to your attention that you have made a mistake with someone else’s name/pronouns/identities, that’s okay, mistakes happen, but please kindly take the note and edit the message as soon as possible.

    • We do not correct others on their own usage of their names/pronouns/identities. For example if someone prefers to be called “schizophrenic” or “person living with schizophrenia”, that is up to each individual person. We respect each individual’s choice to determine how they would like to be referred to.

    • If we have any concerns about continued use of incorrect names/pronouns/identities, or feel that misuse is being done maliciously, we will let a mod know.

  4. We connect with each other from a trauma informed perspective.

    • We understand that everyone is coming to this community with different experiences and potential triggers. We will do our best to be mindful of this by using the “spoilers” function for any text that will likely be triggering or sensitive for others (write || on either side of the text to be hidden, or highlight the text to be hidden, right click and then click the eye symbol on the far right). Particularly triggering topics may be around suicide and addiction (no glorification allowed of either), as well as members difficult experiences with the mental health care system.

    • If you are feeling triggered, please step away from the conversation. If there is a channel or part of the server that is too triggering for you, please consider muting it or asking a moderator for help with finding accommodation.

  5. We provide our own experiences rather than provide direct advice.

    • When someone asks about medical treatments and therapies, we stick to speaking about our own experiences (keeping in mind that experiences may differ greatly between individual people). If we do provide more than our own experience, we share resources, strategies, and ideas without giving direct advice. If we do accidentally give direct advice (medical or generalized) and we’re asked to remove it, we remove it.

    • It is important to remember that discussion about treatments and therapies on this server does not replace talking with your doctor. Please discuss any issues or concerns with your doctor as well before making any changes to your or your loved one’s care.

  6. We let the Mods do the moderating. We respect moderator decisions and their time.

    • If you notice someone isn’t following a rule, please refrain from correcting community members, and instead, please briefly share your concerns with a moderator.

    • Refrain from arguing with the moderators and/or engaging the moderators in lengthy discussions.

    • If you have a concern or disagree with something the moderators have done, please respectfully reach out to Rob by DM. We are happy to discuss a situation and listen to concerns. (We may not always be able to go into detail, but will do our best to provide an adequate answer for our decision.)

LWWMI – Living Well With Mental Illness – Online Peer Support Community – 24/7 @ Discord
May 12 all-day


Online Peer Support Community

What is online peer support?

  • Community

    A safe and supportive online community for people living with mental illness and those who support them.

  • Chat

    Text based chat channels covering a wide range of topics.

  • Forum

    A general forum for posting questions and getting community feedback.

  • Social

    A drop in community for voice and video chat.

  • Online

    All hosted online through an easy to use private Discord server, available to access 24/7 anywhere in the world. (Learn about Discord below).

Join Today!

What is Discord?

Our peer support community is built on Discord.

Discord is an app that lets people build communities around text based chat, as well as connect with one another through voice and video group calls.

Discord is 100% free to use and the app is available for mobile (iOS and Android), desktop (PC and Mac), or you can even connect without any app just by accessing it through a web browser like Chrome.

Code of Conduct

Welcome to the Code of Conduct. Let’s get right to it!

  1. We use supportive, welcoming language.

    • We strive to use welcoming/caring language that is supportive, encouraging, respecting, accepting, understanding and/or validating. We do our best to avoid using critical, shaming, controlling, or patronizing language.

    • We will do our best to monitor and edit our own language. If a mod reaches out and asks us to edit it, we edit it.

  2. We respect differing perspectives of others, and make space for each other within the community.

    • We will make space for others to share their personal experiences. We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other. This includes: bullying, bigotry, hate speech, physical threats, personal attacks, doxing. We also will not tell anyone that their lived experience is wrong, or shame others for their choice in treatment.

    • We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other based on sex, gender, sexual orientation, romantic orientation, race, ethnicity, culture, neurodiversity, mental health, physical health, religion, or political alignment.

    • If something someone says appears to be breaking a community rule, acting with malice, or is otherwise problematic, we will not attack or criticize them, but instead will alert the Mod Team, who can assess and handle the situation. Before doing this, it can also be helpful to assume good intent, and ask for clarification in a respectful and non-judgemental way. The mods are available to lend a hand as well.

    • We will strive to create an inclusive environment for everyone to feel safe participating in.

  3. We call people what they ask to be called.

    • We call people by their stated names/pronouns/identities. If a dead name or incorrect pronoun is used (yours or someone else’s), we will respectfully ask the person to update their message to properly reflect the other’s name/pronouns/identities. If it is brought to your attention that you have made a mistake with someone else’s name/pronouns/identities, that’s okay, mistakes happen, but please kindly take the note and edit the message as soon as possible.

    • We do not correct others on their own usage of their names/pronouns/identities. For example if someone prefers to be called “schizophrenic” or “person living with schizophrenia”, that is up to each individual person. We respect each individual’s choice to determine how they would like to be referred to.

    • If we have any concerns about continued use of incorrect names/pronouns/identities, or feel that misuse is being done maliciously, we will let a mod know.

  4. We connect with each other from a trauma informed perspective.

    • We understand that everyone is coming to this community with different experiences and potential triggers. We will do our best to be mindful of this by using the “spoilers” function for any text that will likely be triggering or sensitive for others (write || on either side of the text to be hidden, or highlight the text to be hidden, right click and then click the eye symbol on the far right). Particularly triggering topics may be around suicide and addiction (no glorification allowed of either), as well as members difficult experiences with the mental health care system.

    • If you are feeling triggered, please step away from the conversation. If there is a channel or part of the server that is too triggering for you, please consider muting it or asking a moderator for help with finding accommodation.

  5. We provide our own experiences rather than provide direct advice.

    • When someone asks about medical treatments and therapies, we stick to speaking about our own experiences (keeping in mind that experiences may differ greatly between individual people). If we do provide more than our own experience, we share resources, strategies, and ideas without giving direct advice. If we do accidentally give direct advice (medical or generalized) and we’re asked to remove it, we remove it.

    • It is important to remember that discussion about treatments and therapies on this server does not replace talking with your doctor. Please discuss any issues or concerns with your doctor as well before making any changes to your or your loved one’s care.

  6. We let the Mods do the moderating. We respect moderator decisions and their time.

    • If you notice someone isn’t following a rule, please refrain from correcting community members, and instead, please briefly share your concerns with a moderator.

    • Refrain from arguing with the moderators and/or engaging the moderators in lengthy discussions.

    • If you have a concern or disagree with something the moderators have done, please respectfully reach out to Rob by DM. We are happy to discuss a situation and listen to concerns. (We may not always be able to go into detail, but will do our best to provide an adequate answer for our decision.)

LWWMI – Living Well With Mental Illness – Online Peer Support Community – 24/7 @ Discord
May 13 all-day


Online Peer Support Community

What is online peer support?

  • Community

    A safe and supportive online community for people living with mental illness and those who support them.

  • Chat

    Text based chat channels covering a wide range of topics.

  • Forum

    A general forum for posting questions and getting community feedback.

  • Social

    A drop in community for voice and video chat.

  • Online

    All hosted online through an easy to use private Discord server, available to access 24/7 anywhere in the world. (Learn about Discord below).

Join Today!

What is Discord?

Our peer support community is built on Discord.

Discord is an app that lets people build communities around text based chat, as well as connect with one another through voice and video group calls.

Discord is 100% free to use and the app is available for mobile (iOS and Android), desktop (PC and Mac), or you can even connect without any app just by accessing it through a web browser like Chrome.

Code of Conduct

Welcome to the Code of Conduct. Let’s get right to it!

  1. We use supportive, welcoming language.

    • We strive to use welcoming/caring language that is supportive, encouraging, respecting, accepting, understanding and/or validating. We do our best to avoid using critical, shaming, controlling, or patronizing language.

    • We will do our best to monitor and edit our own language. If a mod reaches out and asks us to edit it, we edit it.

  2. We respect differing perspectives of others, and make space for each other within the community.

    • We will make space for others to share their personal experiences. We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other. This includes: bullying, bigotry, hate speech, physical threats, personal attacks, doxing. We also will not tell anyone that their lived experience is wrong, or shame others for their choice in treatment.

    • We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other based on sex, gender, sexual orientation, romantic orientation, race, ethnicity, culture, neurodiversity, mental health, physical health, religion, or political alignment.

    • If something someone says appears to be breaking a community rule, acting with malice, or is otherwise problematic, we will not attack or criticize them, but instead will alert the Mod Team, who can assess and handle the situation. Before doing this, it can also be helpful to assume good intent, and ask for clarification in a respectful and non-judgemental way. The mods are available to lend a hand as well.

    • We will strive to create an inclusive environment for everyone to feel safe participating in.

  3. We call people what they ask to be called.

    • We call people by their stated names/pronouns/identities. If a dead name or incorrect pronoun is used (yours or someone else’s), we will respectfully ask the person to update their message to properly reflect the other’s name/pronouns/identities. If it is brought to your attention that you have made a mistake with someone else’s name/pronouns/identities, that’s okay, mistakes happen, but please kindly take the note and edit the message as soon as possible.

    • We do not correct others on their own usage of their names/pronouns/identities. For example if someone prefers to be called “schizophrenic” or “person living with schizophrenia”, that is up to each individual person. We respect each individual’s choice to determine how they would like to be referred to.

    • If we have any concerns about continued use of incorrect names/pronouns/identities, or feel that misuse is being done maliciously, we will let a mod know.

  4. We connect with each other from a trauma informed perspective.

    • We understand that everyone is coming to this community with different experiences and potential triggers. We will do our best to be mindful of this by using the “spoilers” function for any text that will likely be triggering or sensitive for others (write || on either side of the text to be hidden, or highlight the text to be hidden, right click and then click the eye symbol on the far right). Particularly triggering topics may be around suicide and addiction (no glorification allowed of either), as well as members difficult experiences with the mental health care system.

    • If you are feeling triggered, please step away from the conversation. If there is a channel or part of the server that is too triggering for you, please consider muting it or asking a moderator for help with finding accommodation.

  5. We provide our own experiences rather than provide direct advice.

    • When someone asks about medical treatments and therapies, we stick to speaking about our own experiences (keeping in mind that experiences may differ greatly between individual people). If we do provide more than our own experience, we share resources, strategies, and ideas without giving direct advice. If we do accidentally give direct advice (medical or generalized) and we’re asked to remove it, we remove it.

    • It is important to remember that discussion about treatments and therapies on this server does not replace talking with your doctor. Please discuss any issues or concerns with your doctor as well before making any changes to your or your loved one’s care.

  6. We let the Mods do the moderating. We respect moderator decisions and their time.

    • If you notice someone isn’t following a rule, please refrain from correcting community members, and instead, please briefly share your concerns with a moderator.

    • Refrain from arguing with the moderators and/or engaging the moderators in lengthy discussions.

    • If you have a concern or disagree with something the moderators have done, please respectfully reach out to Rob by DM. We are happy to discuss a situation and listen to concerns. (We may not always be able to go into detail, but will do our best to provide an adequate answer for our decision.)

LWWMI – Living Well With Mental Illness – Online Peer Support Community – 24/7 @ Discord
May 14 all-day


Online Peer Support Community

What is online peer support?

  • Community

    A safe and supportive online community for people living with mental illness and those who support them.

  • Chat

    Text based chat channels covering a wide range of topics.

  • Forum

    A general forum for posting questions and getting community feedback.

  • Social

    A drop in community for voice and video chat.

  • Online

    All hosted online through an easy to use private Discord server, available to access 24/7 anywhere in the world. (Learn about Discord below).

Join Today!

What is Discord?

Our peer support community is built on Discord.

Discord is an app that lets people build communities around text based chat, as well as connect with one another through voice and video group calls.

Discord is 100% free to use and the app is available for mobile (iOS and Android), desktop (PC and Mac), or you can even connect without any app just by accessing it through a web browser like Chrome.

Code of Conduct

Welcome to the Code of Conduct. Let’s get right to it!

  1. We use supportive, welcoming language.

    • We strive to use welcoming/caring language that is supportive, encouraging, respecting, accepting, understanding and/or validating. We do our best to avoid using critical, shaming, controlling, or patronizing language.

    • We will do our best to monitor and edit our own language. If a mod reaches out and asks us to edit it, we edit it.

  2. We respect differing perspectives of others, and make space for each other within the community.

    • We will make space for others to share their personal experiences. We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other. This includes: bullying, bigotry, hate speech, physical threats, personal attacks, doxing. We also will not tell anyone that their lived experience is wrong, or shame others for their choice in treatment.

    • We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other based on sex, gender, sexual orientation, romantic orientation, race, ethnicity, culture, neurodiversity, mental health, physical health, religion, or political alignment.

    • If something someone says appears to be breaking a community rule, acting with malice, or is otherwise problematic, we will not attack or criticize them, but instead will alert the Mod Team, who can assess and handle the situation. Before doing this, it can also be helpful to assume good intent, and ask for clarification in a respectful and non-judgemental way. The mods are available to lend a hand as well.

    • We will strive to create an inclusive environment for everyone to feel safe participating in.

  3. We call people what they ask to be called.

    • We call people by their stated names/pronouns/identities. If a dead name or incorrect pronoun is used (yours or someone else’s), we will respectfully ask the person to update their message to properly reflect the other’s name/pronouns/identities. If it is brought to your attention that you have made a mistake with someone else’s name/pronouns/identities, that’s okay, mistakes happen, but please kindly take the note and edit the message as soon as possible.

    • We do not correct others on their own usage of their names/pronouns/identities. For example if someone prefers to be called “schizophrenic” or “person living with schizophrenia”, that is up to each individual person. We respect each individual’s choice to determine how they would like to be referred to.

    • If we have any concerns about continued use of incorrect names/pronouns/identities, or feel that misuse is being done maliciously, we will let a mod know.

  4. We connect with each other from a trauma informed perspective.

    • We understand that everyone is coming to this community with different experiences and potential triggers. We will do our best to be mindful of this by using the “spoilers” function for any text that will likely be triggering or sensitive for others (write || on either side of the text to be hidden, or highlight the text to be hidden, right click and then click the eye symbol on the far right). Particularly triggering topics may be around suicide and addiction (no glorification allowed of either), as well as members difficult experiences with the mental health care system.

    • If you are feeling triggered, please step away from the conversation. If there is a channel or part of the server that is too triggering for you, please consider muting it or asking a moderator for help with finding accommodation.

  5. We provide our own experiences rather than provide direct advice.

    • When someone asks about medical treatments and therapies, we stick to speaking about our own experiences (keeping in mind that experiences may differ greatly between individual people). If we do provide more than our own experience, we share resources, strategies, and ideas without giving direct advice. If we do accidentally give direct advice (medical or generalized) and we’re asked to remove it, we remove it.

    • It is important to remember that discussion about treatments and therapies on this server does not replace talking with your doctor. Please discuss any issues or concerns with your doctor as well before making any changes to your or your loved one’s care.

  6. We let the Mods do the moderating. We respect moderator decisions and their time.

    • If you notice someone isn’t following a rule, please refrain from correcting community members, and instead, please briefly share your concerns with a moderator.

    • Refrain from arguing with the moderators and/or engaging the moderators in lengthy discussions.

    • If you have a concern or disagree with something the moderators have done, please respectfully reach out to Rob by DM. We are happy to discuss a situation and listen to concerns. (We may not always be able to go into detail, but will do our best to provide an adequate answer for our decision.)

LWWMI – Living Well With Mental Illness – Online Peer Support Community – 24/7 @ Discord
May 15 all-day


Online Peer Support Community

What is online peer support?

  • Community

    A safe and supportive online community for people living with mental illness and those who support them.

  • Chat

    Text based chat channels covering a wide range of topics.

  • Forum

    A general forum for posting questions and getting community feedback.

  • Social

    A drop in community for voice and video chat.

  • Online

    All hosted online through an easy to use private Discord server, available to access 24/7 anywhere in the world. (Learn about Discord below).

Join Today!

What is Discord?

Our peer support community is built on Discord.

Discord is an app that lets people build communities around text based chat, as well as connect with one another through voice and video group calls.

Discord is 100% free to use and the app is available for mobile (iOS and Android), desktop (PC and Mac), or you can even connect without any app just by accessing it through a web browser like Chrome.

Code of Conduct

Welcome to the Code of Conduct. Let’s get right to it!

  1. We use supportive, welcoming language.

    • We strive to use welcoming/caring language that is supportive, encouraging, respecting, accepting, understanding and/or validating. We do our best to avoid using critical, shaming, controlling, or patronizing language.

    • We will do our best to monitor and edit our own language. If a mod reaches out and asks us to edit it, we edit it.

  2. We respect differing perspectives of others, and make space for each other within the community.

    • We will make space for others to share their personal experiences. We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other. This includes: bullying, bigotry, hate speech, physical threats, personal attacks, doxing. We also will not tell anyone that their lived experience is wrong, or shame others for their choice in treatment.

    • We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other based on sex, gender, sexual orientation, romantic orientation, race, ethnicity, culture, neurodiversity, mental health, physical health, religion, or political alignment.

    • If something someone says appears to be breaking a community rule, acting with malice, or is otherwise problematic, we will not attack or criticize them, but instead will alert the Mod Team, who can assess and handle the situation. Before doing this, it can also be helpful to assume good intent, and ask for clarification in a respectful and non-judgemental way. The mods are available to lend a hand as well.

    • We will strive to create an inclusive environment for everyone to feel safe participating in.

  3. We call people what they ask to be called.

    • We call people by their stated names/pronouns/identities. If a dead name or incorrect pronoun is used (yours or someone else’s), we will respectfully ask the person to update their message to properly reflect the other’s name/pronouns/identities. If it is brought to your attention that you have made a mistake with someone else’s name/pronouns/identities, that’s okay, mistakes happen, but please kindly take the note and edit the message as soon as possible.

    • We do not correct others on their own usage of their names/pronouns/identities. For example if someone prefers to be called “schizophrenic” or “person living with schizophrenia”, that is up to each individual person. We respect each individual’s choice to determine how they would like to be referred to.

    • If we have any concerns about continued use of incorrect names/pronouns/identities, or feel that misuse is being done maliciously, we will let a mod know.

  4. We connect with each other from a trauma informed perspective.

    • We understand that everyone is coming to this community with different experiences and potential triggers. We will do our best to be mindful of this by using the “spoilers” function for any text that will likely be triggering or sensitive for others (write || on either side of the text to be hidden, or highlight the text to be hidden, right click and then click the eye symbol on the far right). Particularly triggering topics may be around suicide and addiction (no glorification allowed of either), as well as members difficult experiences with the mental health care system.

    • If you are feeling triggered, please step away from the conversation. If there is a channel or part of the server that is too triggering for you, please consider muting it or asking a moderator for help with finding accommodation.

  5. We provide our own experiences rather than provide direct advice.

    • When someone asks about medical treatments and therapies, we stick to speaking about our own experiences (keeping in mind that experiences may differ greatly between individual people). If we do provide more than our own experience, we share resources, strategies, and ideas without giving direct advice. If we do accidentally give direct advice (medical or generalized) and we’re asked to remove it, we remove it.

    • It is important to remember that discussion about treatments and therapies on this server does not replace talking with your doctor. Please discuss any issues or concerns with your doctor as well before making any changes to your or your loved one’s care.

  6. We let the Mods do the moderating. We respect moderator decisions and their time.

    • If you notice someone isn’t following a rule, please refrain from correcting community members, and instead, please briefly share your concerns with a moderator.

    • Refrain from arguing with the moderators and/or engaging the moderators in lengthy discussions.

    • If you have a concern or disagree with something the moderators have done, please respectfully reach out to Rob by DM. We are happy to discuss a situation and listen to concerns. (We may not always be able to go into detail, but will do our best to provide an adequate answer for our decision.)

LWWMI – Living Well With Mental Illness – Online Peer Support Community – 24/7 @ Discord
May 16 all-day


Online Peer Support Community

What is online peer support?

  • Community

    A safe and supportive online community for people living with mental illness and those who support them.

  • Chat

    Text based chat channels covering a wide range of topics.

  • Forum

    A general forum for posting questions and getting community feedback.

  • Social

    A drop in community for voice and video chat.

  • Online

    All hosted online through an easy to use private Discord server, available to access 24/7 anywhere in the world. (Learn about Discord below).

Join Today!

What is Discord?

Our peer support community is built on Discord.

Discord is an app that lets people build communities around text based chat, as well as connect with one another through voice and video group calls.

Discord is 100% free to use and the app is available for mobile (iOS and Android), desktop (PC and Mac), or you can even connect without any app just by accessing it through a web browser like Chrome.

Code of Conduct

Welcome to the Code of Conduct. Let’s get right to it!

  1. We use supportive, welcoming language.

    • We strive to use welcoming/caring language that is supportive, encouraging, respecting, accepting, understanding and/or validating. We do our best to avoid using critical, shaming, controlling, or patronizing language.

    • We will do our best to monitor and edit our own language. If a mod reaches out and asks us to edit it, we edit it.

  2. We respect differing perspectives of others, and make space for each other within the community.

    • We will make space for others to share their personal experiences. We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other. This includes: bullying, bigotry, hate speech, physical threats, personal attacks, doxing. We also will not tell anyone that their lived experience is wrong, or shame others for their choice in treatment.

    • We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other based on sex, gender, sexual orientation, romantic orientation, race, ethnicity, culture, neurodiversity, mental health, physical health, religion, or political alignment.

    • If something someone says appears to be breaking a community rule, acting with malice, or is otherwise problematic, we will not attack or criticize them, but instead will alert the Mod Team, who can assess and handle the situation. Before doing this, it can also be helpful to assume good intent, and ask for clarification in a respectful and non-judgemental way. The mods are available to lend a hand as well.

    • We will strive to create an inclusive environment for everyone to feel safe participating in.

  3. We call people what they ask to be called.

    • We call people by their stated names/pronouns/identities. If a dead name or incorrect pronoun is used (yours or someone else’s), we will respectfully ask the person to update their message to properly reflect the other’s name/pronouns/identities. If it is brought to your attention that you have made a mistake with someone else’s name/pronouns/identities, that’s okay, mistakes happen, but please kindly take the note and edit the message as soon as possible.

    • We do not correct others on their own usage of their names/pronouns/identities. For example if someone prefers to be called “schizophrenic” or “person living with schizophrenia”, that is up to each individual person. We respect each individual’s choice to determine how they would like to be referred to.

    • If we have any concerns about continued use of incorrect names/pronouns/identities, or feel that misuse is being done maliciously, we will let a mod know.

  4. We connect with each other from a trauma informed perspective.

    • We understand that everyone is coming to this community with different experiences and potential triggers. We will do our best to be mindful of this by using the “spoilers” function for any text that will likely be triggering or sensitive for others (write || on either side of the text to be hidden, or highlight the text to be hidden, right click and then click the eye symbol on the far right). Particularly triggering topics may be around suicide and addiction (no glorification allowed of either), as well as members difficult experiences with the mental health care system.

    • If you are feeling triggered, please step away from the conversation. If there is a channel or part of the server that is too triggering for you, please consider muting it or asking a moderator for help with finding accommodation.

  5. We provide our own experiences rather than provide direct advice.

    • When someone asks about medical treatments and therapies, we stick to speaking about our own experiences (keeping in mind that experiences may differ greatly between individual people). If we do provide more than our own experience, we share resources, strategies, and ideas without giving direct advice. If we do accidentally give direct advice (medical or generalized) and we’re asked to remove it, we remove it.

    • It is important to remember that discussion about treatments and therapies on this server does not replace talking with your doctor. Please discuss any issues or concerns with your doctor as well before making any changes to your or your loved one’s care.

  6. We let the Mods do the moderating. We respect moderator decisions and their time.

    • If you notice someone isn’t following a rule, please refrain from correcting community members, and instead, please briefly share your concerns with a moderator.

    • Refrain from arguing with the moderators and/or engaging the moderators in lengthy discussions.

    • If you have a concern or disagree with something the moderators have done, please respectfully reach out to Rob by DM. We are happy to discuss a situation and listen to concerns. (We may not always be able to go into detail, but will do our best to provide an adequate answer for our decision.)

LWWMI – Living Well With Mental Illness – Online Peer Support Community – 24/7 @ Discord
May 17 all-day


Online Peer Support Community

What is online peer support?

  • Community

    A safe and supportive online community for people living with mental illness and those who support them.

  • Chat

    Text based chat channels covering a wide range of topics.

  • Forum

    A general forum for posting questions and getting community feedback.

  • Social

    A drop in community for voice and video chat.

  • Online

    All hosted online through an easy to use private Discord server, available to access 24/7 anywhere in the world. (Learn about Discord below).

Join Today!

What is Discord?

Our peer support community is built on Discord.

Discord is an app that lets people build communities around text based chat, as well as connect with one another through voice and video group calls.

Discord is 100% free to use and the app is available for mobile (iOS and Android), desktop (PC and Mac), or you can even connect without any app just by accessing it through a web browser like Chrome.

Code of Conduct

Welcome to the Code of Conduct. Let’s get right to it!

  1. We use supportive, welcoming language.

    • We strive to use welcoming/caring language that is supportive, encouraging, respecting, accepting, understanding and/or validating. We do our best to avoid using critical, shaming, controlling, or patronizing language.

    • We will do our best to monitor and edit our own language. If a mod reaches out and asks us to edit it, we edit it.

  2. We respect differing perspectives of others, and make space for each other within the community.

    • We will make space for others to share their personal experiences. We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other. This includes: bullying, bigotry, hate speech, physical threats, personal attacks, doxing. We also will not tell anyone that their lived experience is wrong, or shame others for their choice in treatment.

    • We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other based on sex, gender, sexual orientation, romantic orientation, race, ethnicity, culture, neurodiversity, mental health, physical health, religion, or political alignment.

    • If something someone says appears to be breaking a community rule, acting with malice, or is otherwise problematic, we will not attack or criticize them, but instead will alert the Mod Team, who can assess and handle the situation. Before doing this, it can also be helpful to assume good intent, and ask for clarification in a respectful and non-judgemental way. The mods are available to lend a hand as well.

    • We will strive to create an inclusive environment for everyone to feel safe participating in.

  3. We call people what they ask to be called.

    • We call people by their stated names/pronouns/identities. If a dead name or incorrect pronoun is used (yours or someone else’s), we will respectfully ask the person to update their message to properly reflect the other’s name/pronouns/identities. If it is brought to your attention that you have made a mistake with someone else’s name/pronouns/identities, that’s okay, mistakes happen, but please kindly take the note and edit the message as soon as possible.

    • We do not correct others on their own usage of their names/pronouns/identities. For example if someone prefers to be called “schizophrenic” or “person living with schizophrenia”, that is up to each individual person. We respect each individual’s choice to determine how they would like to be referred to.

    • If we have any concerns about continued use of incorrect names/pronouns/identities, or feel that misuse is being done maliciously, we will let a mod know.

  4. We connect with each other from a trauma informed perspective.

    • We understand that everyone is coming to this community with different experiences and potential triggers. We will do our best to be mindful of this by using the “spoilers” function for any text that will likely be triggering or sensitive for others (write || on either side of the text to be hidden, or highlight the text to be hidden, right click and then click the eye symbol on the far right). Particularly triggering topics may be around suicide and addiction (no glorification allowed of either), as well as members difficult experiences with the mental health care system.

    • If you are feeling triggered, please step away from the conversation. If there is a channel or part of the server that is too triggering for you, please consider muting it or asking a moderator for help with finding accommodation.

  5. We provide our own experiences rather than provide direct advice.

    • When someone asks about medical treatments and therapies, we stick to speaking about our own experiences (keeping in mind that experiences may differ greatly between individual people). If we do provide more than our own experience, we share resources, strategies, and ideas without giving direct advice. If we do accidentally give direct advice (medical or generalized) and we’re asked to remove it, we remove it.

    • It is important to remember that discussion about treatments and therapies on this server does not replace talking with your doctor. Please discuss any issues or concerns with your doctor as well before making any changes to your or your loved one’s care.

  6. We let the Mods do the moderating. We respect moderator decisions and their time.

    • If you notice someone isn’t following a rule, please refrain from correcting community members, and instead, please briefly share your concerns with a moderator.

    • Refrain from arguing with the moderators and/or engaging the moderators in lengthy discussions.

    • If you have a concern or disagree with something the moderators have done, please respectfully reach out to Rob by DM. We are happy to discuss a situation and listen to concerns. (We may not always be able to go into detail, but will do our best to provide an adequate answer for our decision.)

LWWMI – Living Well With Mental Illness – Online Peer Support Community – 24/7 @ Discord
May 18 all-day


Online Peer Support Community

What is online peer support?

  • Community

    A safe and supportive online community for people living with mental illness and those who support them.

  • Chat

    Text based chat channels covering a wide range of topics.

  • Forum

    A general forum for posting questions and getting community feedback.

  • Social

    A drop in community for voice and video chat.

  • Online

    All hosted online through an easy to use private Discord server, available to access 24/7 anywhere in the world. (Learn about Discord below).

Join Today!

What is Discord?

Our peer support community is built on Discord.

Discord is an app that lets people build communities around text based chat, as well as connect with one another through voice and video group calls.

Discord is 100% free to use and the app is available for mobile (iOS and Android), desktop (PC and Mac), or you can even connect without any app just by accessing it through a web browser like Chrome.

Code of Conduct

Welcome to the Code of Conduct. Let’s get right to it!

  1. We use supportive, welcoming language.

    • We strive to use welcoming/caring language that is supportive, encouraging, respecting, accepting, understanding and/or validating. We do our best to avoid using critical, shaming, controlling, or patronizing language.

    • We will do our best to monitor and edit our own language. If a mod reaches out and asks us to edit it, we edit it.

  2. We respect differing perspectives of others, and make space for each other within the community.

    • We will make space for others to share their personal experiences. We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other. This includes: bullying, bigotry, hate speech, physical threats, personal attacks, doxing. We also will not tell anyone that their lived experience is wrong, or shame others for their choice in treatment.

    • We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other based on sex, gender, sexual orientation, romantic orientation, race, ethnicity, culture, neurodiversity, mental health, physical health, religion, or political alignment.

    • If something someone says appears to be breaking a community rule, acting with malice, or is otherwise problematic, we will not attack or criticize them, but instead will alert the Mod Team, who can assess and handle the situation. Before doing this, it can also be helpful to assume good intent, and ask for clarification in a respectful and non-judgemental way. The mods are available to lend a hand as well.

    • We will strive to create an inclusive environment for everyone to feel safe participating in.

  3. We call people what they ask to be called.

    • We call people by their stated names/pronouns/identities. If a dead name or incorrect pronoun is used (yours or someone else’s), we will respectfully ask the person to update their message to properly reflect the other’s name/pronouns/identities. If it is brought to your attention that you have made a mistake with someone else’s name/pronouns/identities, that’s okay, mistakes happen, but please kindly take the note and edit the message as soon as possible.

    • We do not correct others on their own usage of their names/pronouns/identities. For example if someone prefers to be called “schizophrenic” or “person living with schizophrenia”, that is up to each individual person. We respect each individual’s choice to determine how they would like to be referred to.

    • If we have any concerns about continued use of incorrect names/pronouns/identities, or feel that misuse is being done maliciously, we will let a mod know.

  4. We connect with each other from a trauma informed perspective.

    • We understand that everyone is coming to this community with different experiences and potential triggers. We will do our best to be mindful of this by using the “spoilers” function for any text that will likely be triggering or sensitive for others (write || on either side of the text to be hidden, or highlight the text to be hidden, right click and then click the eye symbol on the far right). Particularly triggering topics may be around suicide and addiction (no glorification allowed of either), as well as members difficult experiences with the mental health care system.

    • If you are feeling triggered, please step away from the conversation. If there is a channel or part of the server that is too triggering for you, please consider muting it or asking a moderator for help with finding accommodation.

  5. We provide our own experiences rather than provide direct advice.

    • When someone asks about medical treatments and therapies, we stick to speaking about our own experiences (keeping in mind that experiences may differ greatly between individual people). If we do provide more than our own experience, we share resources, strategies, and ideas without giving direct advice. If we do accidentally give direct advice (medical or generalized) and we’re asked to remove it, we remove it.

    • It is important to remember that discussion about treatments and therapies on this server does not replace talking with your doctor. Please discuss any issues or concerns with your doctor as well before making any changes to your or your loved one’s care.

  6. We let the Mods do the moderating. We respect moderator decisions and their time.

    • If you notice someone isn’t following a rule, please refrain from correcting community members, and instead, please briefly share your concerns with a moderator.

    • Refrain from arguing with the moderators and/or engaging the moderators in lengthy discussions.

    • If you have a concern or disagree with something the moderators have done, please respectfully reach out to Rob by DM. We are happy to discuss a situation and listen to concerns. (We may not always be able to go into detail, but will do our best to provide an adequate answer for our decision.)

BIAO – Brain Injury Alliance of Oregon – Brian Injury Connections Northwest – Zoom Coffee Social – 1st & 3rd Saturdays @ Email for Details
May 18 @ 12:01 pm – 1:01 pm


 Online Zoom Meeting

Support groups are an excellent way to connect with other individuals with brain injuries and their families. These groups provide opportunities to learn from others who have gone through similar situations, share personal experiences and make new friends. Please contact support group to verify time and place are correct.

Zoom Coffee Social

When: 1st & 3rd Saturday 12-1 pm

Get Your Coffee and come Socialize with us!

Where: Online

Email to register

Brian Liebenstein at (971) 258-0561|


LWWMI – Living Well With Mental Illness – Online Peer Support Community – 24/7 @ Discord
May 19 all-day


Online Peer Support Community

What is online peer support?

  • Community

    A safe and supportive online community for people living with mental illness and those who support them.

  • Chat

    Text based chat channels covering a wide range of topics.

  • Forum

    A general forum for posting questions and getting community feedback.

  • Social

    A drop in community for voice and video chat.

  • Online

    All hosted online through an easy to use private Discord server, available to access 24/7 anywhere in the world. (Learn about Discord below).

Join Today!

What is Discord?

Our peer support community is built on Discord.

Discord is an app that lets people build communities around text based chat, as well as connect with one another through voice and video group calls.

Discord is 100% free to use and the app is available for mobile (iOS and Android), desktop (PC and Mac), or you can even connect without any app just by accessing it through a web browser like Chrome.

Code of Conduct

Welcome to the Code of Conduct. Let’s get right to it!

  1. We use supportive, welcoming language.

    • We strive to use welcoming/caring language that is supportive, encouraging, respecting, accepting, understanding and/or validating. We do our best to avoid using critical, shaming, controlling, or patronizing language.

    • We will do our best to monitor and edit our own language. If a mod reaches out and asks us to edit it, we edit it.

  2. We respect differing perspectives of others, and make space for each other within the community.

    • We will make space for others to share their personal experiences. We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other. This includes: bullying, bigotry, hate speech, physical threats, personal attacks, doxing. We also will not tell anyone that their lived experience is wrong, or shame others for their choice in treatment.

    • We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other based on sex, gender, sexual orientation, romantic orientation, race, ethnicity, culture, neurodiversity, mental health, physical health, religion, or political alignment.

    • If something someone says appears to be breaking a community rule, acting with malice, or is otherwise problematic, we will not attack or criticize them, but instead will alert the Mod Team, who can assess and handle the situation. Before doing this, it can also be helpful to assume good intent, and ask for clarification in a respectful and non-judgemental way. The mods are available to lend a hand as well.

    • We will strive to create an inclusive environment for everyone to feel safe participating in.

  3. We call people what they ask to be called.

    • We call people by their stated names/pronouns/identities. If a dead name or incorrect pronoun is used (yours or someone else’s), we will respectfully ask the person to update their message to properly reflect the other’s name/pronouns/identities. If it is brought to your attention that you have made a mistake with someone else’s name/pronouns/identities, that’s okay, mistakes happen, but please kindly take the note and edit the message as soon as possible.

    • We do not correct others on their own usage of their names/pronouns/identities. For example if someone prefers to be called “schizophrenic” or “person living with schizophrenia”, that is up to each individual person. We respect each individual’s choice to determine how they would like to be referred to.

    • If we have any concerns about continued use of incorrect names/pronouns/identities, or feel that misuse is being done maliciously, we will let a mod know.

  4. We connect with each other from a trauma informed perspective.

    • We understand that everyone is coming to this community with different experiences and potential triggers. We will do our best to be mindful of this by using the “spoilers” function for any text that will likely be triggering or sensitive for others (write || on either side of the text to be hidden, or highlight the text to be hidden, right click and then click the eye symbol on the far right). Particularly triggering topics may be around suicide and addiction (no glorification allowed of either), as well as members difficult experiences with the mental health care system.

    • If you are feeling triggered, please step away from the conversation. If there is a channel or part of the server that is too triggering for you, please consider muting it or asking a moderator for help with finding accommodation.

  5. We provide our own experiences rather than provide direct advice.

    • When someone asks about medical treatments and therapies, we stick to speaking about our own experiences (keeping in mind that experiences may differ greatly between individual people). If we do provide more than our own experience, we share resources, strategies, and ideas without giving direct advice. If we do accidentally give direct advice (medical or generalized) and we’re asked to remove it, we remove it.

    • It is important to remember that discussion about treatments and therapies on this server does not replace talking with your doctor. Please discuss any issues or concerns with your doctor as well before making any changes to your or your loved one’s care.

  6. We let the Mods do the moderating. We respect moderator decisions and their time.

    • If you notice someone isn’t following a rule, please refrain from correcting community members, and instead, please briefly share your concerns with a moderator.

    • Refrain from arguing with the moderators and/or engaging the moderators in lengthy discussions.

    • If you have a concern or disagree with something the moderators have done, please respectfully reach out to Rob by DM. We are happy to discuss a situation and listen to concerns. (We may not always be able to go into detail, but will do our best to provide an adequate answer for our decision.)

LWWMI – Living Well With Mental Illness – Online Peer Support Community – 24/7 @ Discord
May 20 all-day


Online Peer Support Community

What is online peer support?

  • Community

    A safe and supportive online community for people living with mental illness and those who support them.

  • Chat

    Text based chat channels covering a wide range of topics.

  • Forum

    A general forum for posting questions and getting community feedback.

  • Social

    A drop in community for voice and video chat.

  • Online

    All hosted online through an easy to use private Discord server, available to access 24/7 anywhere in the world. (Learn about Discord below).

Join Today!

What is Discord?

Our peer support community is built on Discord.

Discord is an app that lets people build communities around text based chat, as well as connect with one another through voice and video group calls.

Discord is 100% free to use and the app is available for mobile (iOS and Android), desktop (PC and Mac), or you can even connect without any app just by accessing it through a web browser like Chrome.

Code of Conduct

Welcome to the Code of Conduct. Let’s get right to it!

  1. We use supportive, welcoming language.

    • We strive to use welcoming/caring language that is supportive, encouraging, respecting, accepting, understanding and/or validating. We do our best to avoid using critical, shaming, controlling, or patronizing language.

    • We will do our best to monitor and edit our own language. If a mod reaches out and asks us to edit it, we edit it.

  2. We respect differing perspectives of others, and make space for each other within the community.

    • We will make space for others to share their personal experiences. We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other. This includes: bullying, bigotry, hate speech, physical threats, personal attacks, doxing. We also will not tell anyone that their lived experience is wrong, or shame others for their choice in treatment.

    • We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other based on sex, gender, sexual orientation, romantic orientation, race, ethnicity, culture, neurodiversity, mental health, physical health, religion, or political alignment.

    • If something someone says appears to be breaking a community rule, acting with malice, or is otherwise problematic, we will not attack or criticize them, but instead will alert the Mod Team, who can assess and handle the situation. Before doing this, it can also be helpful to assume good intent, and ask for clarification in a respectful and non-judgemental way. The mods are available to lend a hand as well.

    • We will strive to create an inclusive environment for everyone to feel safe participating in.

  3. We call people what they ask to be called.

    • We call people by their stated names/pronouns/identities. If a dead name or incorrect pronoun is used (yours or someone else’s), we will respectfully ask the person to update their message to properly reflect the other’s name/pronouns/identities. If it is brought to your attention that you have made a mistake with someone else’s name/pronouns/identities, that’s okay, mistakes happen, but please kindly take the note and edit the message as soon as possible.

    • We do not correct others on their own usage of their names/pronouns/identities. For example if someone prefers to be called “schizophrenic” or “person living with schizophrenia”, that is up to each individual person. We respect each individual’s choice to determine how they would like to be referred to.

    • If we have any concerns about continued use of incorrect names/pronouns/identities, or feel that misuse is being done maliciously, we will let a mod know.

  4. We connect with each other from a trauma informed perspective.

    • We understand that everyone is coming to this community with different experiences and potential triggers. We will do our best to be mindful of this by using the “spoilers” function for any text that will likely be triggering or sensitive for others (write || on either side of the text to be hidden, or highlight the text to be hidden, right click and then click the eye symbol on the far right). Particularly triggering topics may be around suicide and addiction (no glorification allowed of either), as well as members difficult experiences with the mental health care system.

    • If you are feeling triggered, please step away from the conversation. If there is a channel or part of the server that is too triggering for you, please consider muting it or asking a moderator for help with finding accommodation.

  5. We provide our own experiences rather than provide direct advice.

    • When someone asks about medical treatments and therapies, we stick to speaking about our own experiences (keeping in mind that experiences may differ greatly between individual people). If we do provide more than our own experience, we share resources, strategies, and ideas without giving direct advice. If we do accidentally give direct advice (medical or generalized) and we’re asked to remove it, we remove it.

    • It is important to remember that discussion about treatments and therapies on this server does not replace talking with your doctor. Please discuss any issues or concerns with your doctor as well before making any changes to your or your loved one’s care.

  6. We let the Mods do the moderating. We respect moderator decisions and their time.

    • If you notice someone isn’t following a rule, please refrain from correcting community members, and instead, please briefly share your concerns with a moderator.

    • Refrain from arguing with the moderators and/or engaging the moderators in lengthy discussions.

    • If you have a concern or disagree with something the moderators have done, please respectfully reach out to Rob by DM. We are happy to discuss a situation and listen to concerns. (We may not always be able to go into detail, but will do our best to provide an adequate answer for our decision.)

LWWMI – Living Well With Mental Illness – Online Peer Support Community – 24/7 @ Discord
May 21 all-day


Online Peer Support Community

What is online peer support?

  • Community

    A safe and supportive online community for people living with mental illness and those who support them.

  • Chat

    Text based chat channels covering a wide range of topics.

  • Forum

    A general forum for posting questions and getting community feedback.

  • Social

    A drop in community for voice and video chat.

  • Online

    All hosted online through an easy to use private Discord server, available to access 24/7 anywhere in the world. (Learn about Discord below).

Join Today!

What is Discord?

Our peer support community is built on Discord.

Discord is an app that lets people build communities around text based chat, as well as connect with one another through voice and video group calls.

Discord is 100% free to use and the app is available for mobile (iOS and Android), desktop (PC and Mac), or you can even connect without any app just by accessing it through a web browser like Chrome.

Code of Conduct

Welcome to the Code of Conduct. Let’s get right to it!

  1. We use supportive, welcoming language.

    • We strive to use welcoming/caring language that is supportive, encouraging, respecting, accepting, understanding and/or validating. We do our best to avoid using critical, shaming, controlling, or patronizing language.

    • We will do our best to monitor and edit our own language. If a mod reaches out and asks us to edit it, we edit it.

  2. We respect differing perspectives of others, and make space for each other within the community.

    • We will make space for others to share their personal experiences. We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other. This includes: bullying, bigotry, hate speech, physical threats, personal attacks, doxing. We also will not tell anyone that their lived experience is wrong, or shame others for their choice in treatment.

    • We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other based on sex, gender, sexual orientation, romantic orientation, race, ethnicity, culture, neurodiversity, mental health, physical health, religion, or political alignment.

    • If something someone says appears to be breaking a community rule, acting with malice, or is otherwise problematic, we will not attack or criticize them, but instead will alert the Mod Team, who can assess and handle the situation. Before doing this, it can also be helpful to assume good intent, and ask for clarification in a respectful and non-judgemental way. The mods are available to lend a hand as well.

    • We will strive to create an inclusive environment for everyone to feel safe participating in.

  3. We call people what they ask to be called.

    • We call people by their stated names/pronouns/identities. If a dead name or incorrect pronoun is used (yours or someone else’s), we will respectfully ask the person to update their message to properly reflect the other’s name/pronouns/identities. If it is brought to your attention that you have made a mistake with someone else’s name/pronouns/identities, that’s okay, mistakes happen, but please kindly take the note and edit the message as soon as possible.

    • We do not correct others on their own usage of their names/pronouns/identities. For example if someone prefers to be called “schizophrenic” or “person living with schizophrenia”, that is up to each individual person. We respect each individual’s choice to determine how they would like to be referred to.

    • If we have any concerns about continued use of incorrect names/pronouns/identities, or feel that misuse is being done maliciously, we will let a mod know.

  4. We connect with each other from a trauma informed perspective.

    • We understand that everyone is coming to this community with different experiences and potential triggers. We will do our best to be mindful of this by using the “spoilers” function for any text that will likely be triggering or sensitive for others (write || on either side of the text to be hidden, or highlight the text to be hidden, right click and then click the eye symbol on the far right). Particularly triggering topics may be around suicide and addiction (no glorification allowed of either), as well as members difficult experiences with the mental health care system.

    • If you are feeling triggered, please step away from the conversation. If there is a channel or part of the server that is too triggering for you, please consider muting it or asking a moderator for help with finding accommodation.

  5. We provide our own experiences rather than provide direct advice.

    • When someone asks about medical treatments and therapies, we stick to speaking about our own experiences (keeping in mind that experiences may differ greatly between individual people). If we do provide more than our own experience, we share resources, strategies, and ideas without giving direct advice. If we do accidentally give direct advice (medical or generalized) and we’re asked to remove it, we remove it.

    • It is important to remember that discussion about treatments and therapies on this server does not replace talking with your doctor. Please discuss any issues or concerns with your doctor as well before making any changes to your or your loved one’s care.

  6. We let the Mods do the moderating. We respect moderator decisions and their time.

    • If you notice someone isn’t following a rule, please refrain from correcting community members, and instead, please briefly share your concerns with a moderator.

    • Refrain from arguing with the moderators and/or engaging the moderators in lengthy discussions.

    • If you have a concern or disagree with something the moderators have done, please respectfully reach out to Rob by DM. We are happy to discuss a situation and listen to concerns. (We may not always be able to go into detail, but will do our best to provide an adequate answer for our decision.)

LWWMI – Living Well With Mental Illness – Online Peer Support Community – 24/7 @ Discord
May 22 all-day


Online Peer Support Community

What is online peer support?

  • Community

    A safe and supportive online community for people living with mental illness and those who support them.

  • Chat

    Text based chat channels covering a wide range of topics.

  • Forum

    A general forum for posting questions and getting community feedback.

  • Social

    A drop in community for voice and video chat.

  • Online

    All hosted online through an easy to use private Discord server, available to access 24/7 anywhere in the world. (Learn about Discord below).

Join Today!

What is Discord?

Our peer support community is built on Discord.

Discord is an app that lets people build communities around text based chat, as well as connect with one another through voice and video group calls.

Discord is 100% free to use and the app is available for mobile (iOS and Android), desktop (PC and Mac), or you can even connect without any app just by accessing it through a web browser like Chrome.

Code of Conduct

Welcome to the Code of Conduct. Let’s get right to it!

  1. We use supportive, welcoming language.

    • We strive to use welcoming/caring language that is supportive, encouraging, respecting, accepting, understanding and/or validating. We do our best to avoid using critical, shaming, controlling, or patronizing language.

    • We will do our best to monitor and edit our own language. If a mod reaches out and asks us to edit it, we edit it.

  2. We respect differing perspectives of others, and make space for each other within the community.

    • We will make space for others to share their personal experiences. We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other. This includes: bullying, bigotry, hate speech, physical threats, personal attacks, doxing. We also will not tell anyone that their lived experience is wrong, or shame others for their choice in treatment.

    • We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other based on sex, gender, sexual orientation, romantic orientation, race, ethnicity, culture, neurodiversity, mental health, physical health, religion, or political alignment.

    • If something someone says appears to be breaking a community rule, acting with malice, or is otherwise problematic, we will not attack or criticize them, but instead will alert the Mod Team, who can assess and handle the situation. Before doing this, it can also be helpful to assume good intent, and ask for clarification in a respectful and non-judgemental way. The mods are available to lend a hand as well.

    • We will strive to create an inclusive environment for everyone to feel safe participating in.

  3. We call people what they ask to be called.

    • We call people by their stated names/pronouns/identities. If a dead name or incorrect pronoun is used (yours or someone else’s), we will respectfully ask the person to update their message to properly reflect the other’s name/pronouns/identities. If it is brought to your attention that you have made a mistake with someone else’s name/pronouns/identities, that’s okay, mistakes happen, but please kindly take the note and edit the message as soon as possible.

    • We do not correct others on their own usage of their names/pronouns/identities. For example if someone prefers to be called “schizophrenic” or “person living with schizophrenia”, that is up to each individual person. We respect each individual’s choice to determine how they would like to be referred to.

    • If we have any concerns about continued use of incorrect names/pronouns/identities, or feel that misuse is being done maliciously, we will let a mod know.

  4. We connect with each other from a trauma informed perspective.

    • We understand that everyone is coming to this community with different experiences and potential triggers. We will do our best to be mindful of this by using the “spoilers” function for any text that will likely be triggering or sensitive for others (write || on either side of the text to be hidden, or highlight the text to be hidden, right click and then click the eye symbol on the far right). Particularly triggering topics may be around suicide and addiction (no glorification allowed of either), as well as members difficult experiences with the mental health care system.

    • If you are feeling triggered, please step away from the conversation. If there is a channel or part of the server that is too triggering for you, please consider muting it or asking a moderator for help with finding accommodation.

  5. We provide our own experiences rather than provide direct advice.

    • When someone asks about medical treatments and therapies, we stick to speaking about our own experiences (keeping in mind that experiences may differ greatly between individual people). If we do provide more than our own experience, we share resources, strategies, and ideas without giving direct advice. If we do accidentally give direct advice (medical or generalized) and we’re asked to remove it, we remove it.

    • It is important to remember that discussion about treatments and therapies on this server does not replace talking with your doctor. Please discuss any issues or concerns with your doctor as well before making any changes to your or your loved one’s care.

  6. We let the Mods do the moderating. We respect moderator decisions and their time.

    • If you notice someone isn’t following a rule, please refrain from correcting community members, and instead, please briefly share your concerns with a moderator.

    • Refrain from arguing with the moderators and/or engaging the moderators in lengthy discussions.

    • If you have a concern or disagree with something the moderators have done, please respectfully reach out to Rob by DM. We are happy to discuss a situation and listen to concerns. (We may not always be able to go into detail, but will do our best to provide an adequate answer for our decision.)

LWWMI – Living Well With Mental Illness – Online Peer Support Community – 24/7 @ Discord
May 23 all-day


Online Peer Support Community

What is online peer support?

  • Community

    A safe and supportive online community for people living with mental illness and those who support them.

  • Chat

    Text based chat channels covering a wide range of topics.

  • Forum

    A general forum for posting questions and getting community feedback.

  • Social

    A drop in community for voice and video chat.

  • Online

    All hosted online through an easy to use private Discord server, available to access 24/7 anywhere in the world. (Learn about Discord below).

Join Today!

What is Discord?

Our peer support community is built on Discord.

Discord is an app that lets people build communities around text based chat, as well as connect with one another through voice and video group calls.

Discord is 100% free to use and the app is available for mobile (iOS and Android), desktop (PC and Mac), or you can even connect without any app just by accessing it through a web browser like Chrome.

Code of Conduct

Welcome to the Code of Conduct. Let’s get right to it!

  1. We use supportive, welcoming language.

    • We strive to use welcoming/caring language that is supportive, encouraging, respecting, accepting, understanding and/or validating. We do our best to avoid using critical, shaming, controlling, or patronizing language.

    • We will do our best to monitor and edit our own language. If a mod reaches out and asks us to edit it, we edit it.

  2. We respect differing perspectives of others, and make space for each other within the community.

    • We will make space for others to share their personal experiences. We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other. This includes: bullying, bigotry, hate speech, physical threats, personal attacks, doxing. We also will not tell anyone that their lived experience is wrong, or shame others for their choice in treatment.

    • We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other based on sex, gender, sexual orientation, romantic orientation, race, ethnicity, culture, neurodiversity, mental health, physical health, religion, or political alignment.

    • If something someone says appears to be breaking a community rule, acting with malice, or is otherwise problematic, we will not attack or criticize them, but instead will alert the Mod Team, who can assess and handle the situation. Before doing this, it can also be helpful to assume good intent, and ask for clarification in a respectful and non-judgemental way. The mods are available to lend a hand as well.

    • We will strive to create an inclusive environment for everyone to feel safe participating in.

  3. We call people what they ask to be called.

    • We call people by their stated names/pronouns/identities. If a dead name or incorrect pronoun is used (yours or someone else’s), we will respectfully ask the person to update their message to properly reflect the other’s name/pronouns/identities. If it is brought to your attention that you have made a mistake with someone else’s name/pronouns/identities, that’s okay, mistakes happen, but please kindly take the note and edit the message as soon as possible.

    • We do not correct others on their own usage of their names/pronouns/identities. For example if someone prefers to be called “schizophrenic” or “person living with schizophrenia”, that is up to each individual person. We respect each individual’s choice to determine how they would like to be referred to.

    • If we have any concerns about continued use of incorrect names/pronouns/identities, or feel that misuse is being done maliciously, we will let a mod know.

  4. We connect with each other from a trauma informed perspective.

    • We understand that everyone is coming to this community with different experiences and potential triggers. We will do our best to be mindful of this by using the “spoilers” function for any text that will likely be triggering or sensitive for others (write || on either side of the text to be hidden, or highlight the text to be hidden, right click and then click the eye symbol on the far right). Particularly triggering topics may be around suicide and addiction (no glorification allowed of either), as well as members difficult experiences with the mental health care system.

    • If you are feeling triggered, please step away from the conversation. If there is a channel or part of the server that is too triggering for you, please consider muting it or asking a moderator for help with finding accommodation.

  5. We provide our own experiences rather than provide direct advice.

    • When someone asks about medical treatments and therapies, we stick to speaking about our own experiences (keeping in mind that experiences may differ greatly between individual people). If we do provide more than our own experience, we share resources, strategies, and ideas without giving direct advice. If we do accidentally give direct advice (medical or generalized) and we’re asked to remove it, we remove it.

    • It is important to remember that discussion about treatments and therapies on this server does not replace talking with your doctor. Please discuss any issues or concerns with your doctor as well before making any changes to your or your loved one’s care.

  6. We let the Mods do the moderating. We respect moderator decisions and their time.

    • If you notice someone isn’t following a rule, please refrain from correcting community members, and instead, please briefly share your concerns with a moderator.

    • Refrain from arguing with the moderators and/or engaging the moderators in lengthy discussions.

    • If you have a concern or disagree with something the moderators have done, please respectfully reach out to Rob by DM. We are happy to discuss a situation and listen to concerns. (We may not always be able to go into detail, but will do our best to provide an adequate answer for our decision.)

LWWMI – Living Well With Mental Illness – Online Peer Support Community – 24/7 @ Discord
May 24 all-day


Online Peer Support Community

What is online peer support?

  • Community

    A safe and supportive online community for people living with mental illness and those who support them.

  • Chat

    Text based chat channels covering a wide range of topics.

  • Forum

    A general forum for posting questions and getting community feedback.

  • Social

    A drop in community for voice and video chat.

  • Online

    All hosted online through an easy to use private Discord server, available to access 24/7 anywhere in the world. (Learn about Discord below).

Join Today!

What is Discord?

Our peer support community is built on Discord.

Discord is an app that lets people build communities around text based chat, as well as connect with one another through voice and video group calls.

Discord is 100% free to use and the app is available for mobile (iOS and Android), desktop (PC and Mac), or you can even connect without any app just by accessing it through a web browser like Chrome.

Code of Conduct

Welcome to the Code of Conduct. Let’s get right to it!

  1. We use supportive, welcoming language.

    • We strive to use welcoming/caring language that is supportive, encouraging, respecting, accepting, understanding and/or validating. We do our best to avoid using critical, shaming, controlling, or patronizing language.

    • We will do our best to monitor and edit our own language. If a mod reaches out and asks us to edit it, we edit it.

  2. We respect differing perspectives of others, and make space for each other within the community.

    • We will make space for others to share their personal experiences. We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other. This includes: bullying, bigotry, hate speech, physical threats, personal attacks, doxing. We also will not tell anyone that their lived experience is wrong, or shame others for their choice in treatment.

    • We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other based on sex, gender, sexual orientation, romantic orientation, race, ethnicity, culture, neurodiversity, mental health, physical health, religion, or political alignment.

    • If something someone says appears to be breaking a community rule, acting with malice, or is otherwise problematic, we will not attack or criticize them, but instead will alert the Mod Team, who can assess and handle the situation. Before doing this, it can also be helpful to assume good intent, and ask for clarification in a respectful and non-judgemental way. The mods are available to lend a hand as well.

    • We will strive to create an inclusive environment for everyone to feel safe participating in.

  3. We call people what they ask to be called.

    • We call people by their stated names/pronouns/identities. If a dead name or incorrect pronoun is used (yours or someone else’s), we will respectfully ask the person to update their message to properly reflect the other’s name/pronouns/identities. If it is brought to your attention that you have made a mistake with someone else’s name/pronouns/identities, that’s okay, mistakes happen, but please kindly take the note and edit the message as soon as possible.

    • We do not correct others on their own usage of their names/pronouns/identities. For example if someone prefers to be called “schizophrenic” or “person living with schizophrenia”, that is up to each individual person. We respect each individual’s choice to determine how they would like to be referred to.

    • If we have any concerns about continued use of incorrect names/pronouns/identities, or feel that misuse is being done maliciously, we will let a mod know.

  4. We connect with each other from a trauma informed perspective.

    • We understand that everyone is coming to this community with different experiences and potential triggers. We will do our best to be mindful of this by using the “spoilers” function for any text that will likely be triggering or sensitive for others (write || on either side of the text to be hidden, or highlight the text to be hidden, right click and then click the eye symbol on the far right). Particularly triggering topics may be around suicide and addiction (no glorification allowed of either), as well as members difficult experiences with the mental health care system.

    • If you are feeling triggered, please step away from the conversation. If there is a channel or part of the server that is too triggering for you, please consider muting it or asking a moderator for help with finding accommodation.

  5. We provide our own experiences rather than provide direct advice.

    • When someone asks about medical treatments and therapies, we stick to speaking about our own experiences (keeping in mind that experiences may differ greatly between individual people). If we do provide more than our own experience, we share resources, strategies, and ideas without giving direct advice. If we do accidentally give direct advice (medical or generalized) and we’re asked to remove it, we remove it.

    • It is important to remember that discussion about treatments and therapies on this server does not replace talking with your doctor. Please discuss any issues or concerns with your doctor as well before making any changes to your or your loved one’s care.

  6. We let the Mods do the moderating. We respect moderator decisions and their time.

    • If you notice someone isn’t following a rule, please refrain from correcting community members, and instead, please briefly share your concerns with a moderator.

    • Refrain from arguing with the moderators and/or engaging the moderators in lengthy discussions.

    • If you have a concern or disagree with something the moderators have done, please respectfully reach out to Rob by DM. We are happy to discuss a situation and listen to concerns. (We may not always be able to go into detail, but will do our best to provide an adequate answer for our decision.)

LWWMI – Living Well With Mental Illness – Online Peer Support Community – 24/7 @ Discord
May 25 all-day


Online Peer Support Community

What is online peer support?

  • Community

    A safe and supportive online community for people living with mental illness and those who support them.

  • Chat

    Text based chat channels covering a wide range of topics.

  • Forum

    A general forum for posting questions and getting community feedback.

  • Social

    A drop in community for voice and video chat.

  • Online

    All hosted online through an easy to use private Discord server, available to access 24/7 anywhere in the world. (Learn about Discord below).

Join Today!

What is Discord?

Our peer support community is built on Discord.

Discord is an app that lets people build communities around text based chat, as well as connect with one another through voice and video group calls.

Discord is 100% free to use and the app is available for mobile (iOS and Android), desktop (PC and Mac), or you can even connect without any app just by accessing it through a web browser like Chrome.

Code of Conduct

Welcome to the Code of Conduct. Let’s get right to it!

  1. We use supportive, welcoming language.

    • We strive to use welcoming/caring language that is supportive, encouraging, respecting, accepting, understanding and/or validating. We do our best to avoid using critical, shaming, controlling, or patronizing language.

    • We will do our best to monitor and edit our own language. If a mod reaches out and asks us to edit it, we edit it.

  2. We respect differing perspectives of others, and make space for each other within the community.

    • We will make space for others to share their personal experiences. We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other. This includes: bullying, bigotry, hate speech, physical threats, personal attacks, doxing. We also will not tell anyone that their lived experience is wrong, or shame others for their choice in treatment.

    • We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other based on sex, gender, sexual orientation, romantic orientation, race, ethnicity, culture, neurodiversity, mental health, physical health, religion, or political alignment.

    • If something someone says appears to be breaking a community rule, acting with malice, or is otherwise problematic, we will not attack or criticize them, but instead will alert the Mod Team, who can assess and handle the situation. Before doing this, it can also be helpful to assume good intent, and ask for clarification in a respectful and non-judgemental way. The mods are available to lend a hand as well.

    • We will strive to create an inclusive environment for everyone to feel safe participating in.

  3. We call people what they ask to be called.

    • We call people by their stated names/pronouns/identities. If a dead name or incorrect pronoun is used (yours or someone else’s), we will respectfully ask the person to update their message to properly reflect the other’s name/pronouns/identities. If it is brought to your attention that you have made a mistake with someone else’s name/pronouns/identities, that’s okay, mistakes happen, but please kindly take the note and edit the message as soon as possible.

    • We do not correct others on their own usage of their names/pronouns/identities. For example if someone prefers to be called “schizophrenic” or “person living with schizophrenia”, that is up to each individual person. We respect each individual’s choice to determine how they would like to be referred to.

    • If we have any concerns about continued use of incorrect names/pronouns/identities, or feel that misuse is being done maliciously, we will let a mod know.

  4. We connect with each other from a trauma informed perspective.

    • We understand that everyone is coming to this community with different experiences and potential triggers. We will do our best to be mindful of this by using the “spoilers” function for any text that will likely be triggering or sensitive for others (write || on either side of the text to be hidden, or highlight the text to be hidden, right click and then click the eye symbol on the far right). Particularly triggering topics may be around suicide and addiction (no glorification allowed of either), as well as members difficult experiences with the mental health care system.

    • If you are feeling triggered, please step away from the conversation. If there is a channel or part of the server that is too triggering for you, please consider muting it or asking a moderator for help with finding accommodation.

  5. We provide our own experiences rather than provide direct advice.

    • When someone asks about medical treatments and therapies, we stick to speaking about our own experiences (keeping in mind that experiences may differ greatly between individual people). If we do provide more than our own experience, we share resources, strategies, and ideas without giving direct advice. If we do accidentally give direct advice (medical or generalized) and we’re asked to remove it, we remove it.

    • It is important to remember that discussion about treatments and therapies on this server does not replace talking with your doctor. Please discuss any issues or concerns with your doctor as well before making any changes to your or your loved one’s care.

  6. We let the Mods do the moderating. We respect moderator decisions and their time.

    • If you notice someone isn’t following a rule, please refrain from correcting community members, and instead, please briefly share your concerns with a moderator.

    • Refrain from arguing with the moderators and/or engaging the moderators in lengthy discussions.

    • If you have a concern or disagree with something the moderators have done, please respectfully reach out to Rob by DM. We are happy to discuss a situation and listen to concerns. (We may not always be able to go into detail, but will do our best to provide an adequate answer for our decision.)

LWWMI – Living Well With Mental Illness – Online Peer Support Community – 24/7 @ Discord
May 26 all-day


Online Peer Support Community

What is online peer support?

  • Community

    A safe and supportive online community for people living with mental illness and those who support them.

  • Chat

    Text based chat channels covering a wide range of topics.

  • Forum

    A general forum for posting questions and getting community feedback.

  • Social

    A drop in community for voice and video chat.

  • Online

    All hosted online through an easy to use private Discord server, available to access 24/7 anywhere in the world. (Learn about Discord below).

Join Today!

What is Discord?

Our peer support community is built on Discord.

Discord is an app that lets people build communities around text based chat, as well as connect with one another through voice and video group calls.

Discord is 100% free to use and the app is available for mobile (iOS and Android), desktop (PC and Mac), or you can even connect without any app just by accessing it through a web browser like Chrome.

Code of Conduct

Welcome to the Code of Conduct. Let’s get right to it!

  1. We use supportive, welcoming language.

    • We strive to use welcoming/caring language that is supportive, encouraging, respecting, accepting, understanding and/or validating. We do our best to avoid using critical, shaming, controlling, or patronizing language.

    • We will do our best to monitor and edit our own language. If a mod reaches out and asks us to edit it, we edit it.

  2. We respect differing perspectives of others, and make space for each other within the community.

    • We will make space for others to share their personal experiences. We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other. This includes: bullying, bigotry, hate speech, physical threats, personal attacks, doxing. We also will not tell anyone that their lived experience is wrong, or shame others for their choice in treatment.

    • We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other based on sex, gender, sexual orientation, romantic orientation, race, ethnicity, culture, neurodiversity, mental health, physical health, religion, or political alignment.

    • If something someone says appears to be breaking a community rule, acting with malice, or is otherwise problematic, we will not attack or criticize them, but instead will alert the Mod Team, who can assess and handle the situation. Before doing this, it can also be helpful to assume good intent, and ask for clarification in a respectful and non-judgemental way. The mods are available to lend a hand as well.

    • We will strive to create an inclusive environment for everyone to feel safe participating in.

  3. We call people what they ask to be called.

    • We call people by their stated names/pronouns/identities. If a dead name or incorrect pronoun is used (yours or someone else’s), we will respectfully ask the person to update their message to properly reflect the other’s name/pronouns/identities. If it is brought to your attention that you have made a mistake with someone else’s name/pronouns/identities, that’s okay, mistakes happen, but please kindly take the note and edit the message as soon as possible.

    • We do not correct others on their own usage of their names/pronouns/identities. For example if someone prefers to be called “schizophrenic” or “person living with schizophrenia”, that is up to each individual person. We respect each individual’s choice to determine how they would like to be referred to.

    • If we have any concerns about continued use of incorrect names/pronouns/identities, or feel that misuse is being done maliciously, we will let a mod know.

  4. We connect with each other from a trauma informed perspective.

    • We understand that everyone is coming to this community with different experiences and potential triggers. We will do our best to be mindful of this by using the “spoilers” function for any text that will likely be triggering or sensitive for others (write || on either side of the text to be hidden, or highlight the text to be hidden, right click and then click the eye symbol on the far right). Particularly triggering topics may be around suicide and addiction (no glorification allowed of either), as well as members difficult experiences with the mental health care system.

    • If you are feeling triggered, please step away from the conversation. If there is a channel or part of the server that is too triggering for you, please consider muting it or asking a moderator for help with finding accommodation.

  5. We provide our own experiences rather than provide direct advice.

    • When someone asks about medical treatments and therapies, we stick to speaking about our own experiences (keeping in mind that experiences may differ greatly between individual people). If we do provide more than our own experience, we share resources, strategies, and ideas without giving direct advice. If we do accidentally give direct advice (medical or generalized) and we’re asked to remove it, we remove it.

    • It is important to remember that discussion about treatments and therapies on this server does not replace talking with your doctor. Please discuss any issues or concerns with your doctor as well before making any changes to your or your loved one’s care.

  6. We let the Mods do the moderating. We respect moderator decisions and their time.

    • If you notice someone isn’t following a rule, please refrain from correcting community members, and instead, please briefly share your concerns with a moderator.

    • Refrain from arguing with the moderators and/or engaging the moderators in lengthy discussions.

    • If you have a concern or disagree with something the moderators have done, please respectfully reach out to Rob by DM. We are happy to discuss a situation and listen to concerns. (We may not always be able to go into detail, but will do our best to provide an adequate answer for our decision.)

LWWMI – Living Well With Mental Illness – Online Peer Support Community – 24/7 @ Discord
May 27 all-day


Online Peer Support Community

What is online peer support?

  • Community

    A safe and supportive online community for people living with mental illness and those who support them.

  • Chat

    Text based chat channels covering a wide range of topics.

  • Forum

    A general forum for posting questions and getting community feedback.

  • Social

    A drop in community for voice and video chat.

  • Online

    All hosted online through an easy to use private Discord server, available to access 24/7 anywhere in the world. (Learn about Discord below).

Join Today!

What is Discord?

Our peer support community is built on Discord.

Discord is an app that lets people build communities around text based chat, as well as connect with one another through voice and video group calls.

Discord is 100% free to use and the app is available for mobile (iOS and Android), desktop (PC and Mac), or you can even connect without any app just by accessing it through a web browser like Chrome.

Code of Conduct

Welcome to the Code of Conduct. Let’s get right to it!

  1. We use supportive, welcoming language.

    • We strive to use welcoming/caring language that is supportive, encouraging, respecting, accepting, understanding and/or validating. We do our best to avoid using critical, shaming, controlling, or patronizing language.

    • We will do our best to monitor and edit our own language. If a mod reaches out and asks us to edit it, we edit it.

  2. We respect differing perspectives of others, and make space for each other within the community.

    • We will make space for others to share their personal experiences. We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other. This includes: bullying, bigotry, hate speech, physical threats, personal attacks, doxing. We also will not tell anyone that their lived experience is wrong, or shame others for their choice in treatment.

    • We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other based on sex, gender, sexual orientation, romantic orientation, race, ethnicity, culture, neurodiversity, mental health, physical health, religion, or political alignment.

    • If something someone says appears to be breaking a community rule, acting with malice, or is otherwise problematic, we will not attack or criticize them, but instead will alert the Mod Team, who can assess and handle the situation. Before doing this, it can also be helpful to assume good intent, and ask for clarification in a respectful and non-judgemental way. The mods are available to lend a hand as well.

    • We will strive to create an inclusive environment for everyone to feel safe participating in.

  3. We call people what they ask to be called.

    • We call people by their stated names/pronouns/identities. If a dead name or incorrect pronoun is used (yours or someone else’s), we will respectfully ask the person to update their message to properly reflect the other’s name/pronouns/identities. If it is brought to your attention that you have made a mistake with someone else’s name/pronouns/identities, that’s okay, mistakes happen, but please kindly take the note and edit the message as soon as possible.

    • We do not correct others on their own usage of their names/pronouns/identities. For example if someone prefers to be called “schizophrenic” or “person living with schizophrenia”, that is up to each individual person. We respect each individual’s choice to determine how they would like to be referred to.

    • If we have any concerns about continued use of incorrect names/pronouns/identities, or feel that misuse is being done maliciously, we will let a mod know.

  4. We connect with each other from a trauma informed perspective.

    • We understand that everyone is coming to this community with different experiences and potential triggers. We will do our best to be mindful of this by using the “spoilers” function for any text that will likely be triggering or sensitive for others (write || on either side of the text to be hidden, or highlight the text to be hidden, right click and then click the eye symbol on the far right). Particularly triggering topics may be around suicide and addiction (no glorification allowed of either), as well as members difficult experiences with the mental health care system.

    • If you are feeling triggered, please step away from the conversation. If there is a channel or part of the server that is too triggering for you, please consider muting it or asking a moderator for help with finding accommodation.

  5. We provide our own experiences rather than provide direct advice.

    • When someone asks about medical treatments and therapies, we stick to speaking about our own experiences (keeping in mind that experiences may differ greatly between individual people). If we do provide more than our own experience, we share resources, strategies, and ideas without giving direct advice. If we do accidentally give direct advice (medical or generalized) and we’re asked to remove it, we remove it.

    • It is important to remember that discussion about treatments and therapies on this server does not replace talking with your doctor. Please discuss any issues or concerns with your doctor as well before making any changes to your or your loved one’s care.

  6. We let the Mods do the moderating. We respect moderator decisions and their time.

    • If you notice someone isn’t following a rule, please refrain from correcting community members, and instead, please briefly share your concerns with a moderator.

    • Refrain from arguing with the moderators and/or engaging the moderators in lengthy discussions.

    • If you have a concern or disagree with something the moderators have done, please respectfully reach out to Rob by DM. We are happy to discuss a situation and listen to concerns. (We may not always be able to go into detail, but will do our best to provide an adequate answer for our decision.)

LWWMI – Living Well With Mental Illness – Online Peer Support Community – 24/7 @ Discord
May 28 all-day


Online Peer Support Community

What is online peer support?

  • Community

    A safe and supportive online community for people living with mental illness and those who support them.

  • Chat

    Text based chat channels covering a wide range of topics.

  • Forum

    A general forum for posting questions and getting community feedback.

  • Social

    A drop in community for voice and video chat.

  • Online

    All hosted online through an easy to use private Discord server, available to access 24/7 anywhere in the world. (Learn about Discord below).

Join Today!

What is Discord?

Our peer support community is built on Discord.

Discord is an app that lets people build communities around text based chat, as well as connect with one another through voice and video group calls.

Discord is 100% free to use and the app is available for mobile (iOS and Android), desktop (PC and Mac), or you can even connect without any app just by accessing it through a web browser like Chrome.

Code of Conduct

Welcome to the Code of Conduct. Let’s get right to it!

  1. We use supportive, welcoming language.

    • We strive to use welcoming/caring language that is supportive, encouraging, respecting, accepting, understanding and/or validating. We do our best to avoid using critical, shaming, controlling, or patronizing language.

    • We will do our best to monitor and edit our own language. If a mod reaches out and asks us to edit it, we edit it.

  2. We respect differing perspectives of others, and make space for each other within the community.

    • We will make space for others to share their personal experiences. We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other. This includes: bullying, bigotry, hate speech, physical threats, personal attacks, doxing. We also will not tell anyone that their lived experience is wrong, or shame others for their choice in treatment.

    • We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other based on sex, gender, sexual orientation, romantic orientation, race, ethnicity, culture, neurodiversity, mental health, physical health, religion, or political alignment.

    • If something someone says appears to be breaking a community rule, acting with malice, or is otherwise problematic, we will not attack or criticize them, but instead will alert the Mod Team, who can assess and handle the situation. Before doing this, it can also be helpful to assume good intent, and ask for clarification in a respectful and non-judgemental way. The mods are available to lend a hand as well.

    • We will strive to create an inclusive environment for everyone to feel safe participating in.

  3. We call people what they ask to be called.

    • We call people by their stated names/pronouns/identities. If a dead name or incorrect pronoun is used (yours or someone else’s), we will respectfully ask the person to update their message to properly reflect the other’s name/pronouns/identities. If it is brought to your attention that you have made a mistake with someone else’s name/pronouns/identities, that’s okay, mistakes happen, but please kindly take the note and edit the message as soon as possible.

    • We do not correct others on their own usage of their names/pronouns/identities. For example if someone prefers to be called “schizophrenic” or “person living with schizophrenia”, that is up to each individual person. We respect each individual’s choice to determine how they would like to be referred to.

    • If we have any concerns about continued use of incorrect names/pronouns/identities, or feel that misuse is being done maliciously, we will let a mod know.

  4. We connect with each other from a trauma informed perspective.

    • We understand that everyone is coming to this community with different experiences and potential triggers. We will do our best to be mindful of this by using the “spoilers” function for any text that will likely be triggering or sensitive for others (write || on either side of the text to be hidden, or highlight the text to be hidden, right click and then click the eye symbol on the far right). Particularly triggering topics may be around suicide and addiction (no glorification allowed of either), as well as members difficult experiences with the mental health care system.

    • If you are feeling triggered, please step away from the conversation. If there is a channel or part of the server that is too triggering for you, please consider muting it or asking a moderator for help with finding accommodation.

  5. We provide our own experiences rather than provide direct advice.

    • When someone asks about medical treatments and therapies, we stick to speaking about our own experiences (keeping in mind that experiences may differ greatly between individual people). If we do provide more than our own experience, we share resources, strategies, and ideas without giving direct advice. If we do accidentally give direct advice (medical or generalized) and we’re asked to remove it, we remove it.

    • It is important to remember that discussion about treatments and therapies on this server does not replace talking with your doctor. Please discuss any issues or concerns with your doctor as well before making any changes to your or your loved one’s care.

  6. We let the Mods do the moderating. We respect moderator decisions and their time.

    • If you notice someone isn’t following a rule, please refrain from correcting community members, and instead, please briefly share your concerns with a moderator.

    • Refrain from arguing with the moderators and/or engaging the moderators in lengthy discussions.

    • If you have a concern or disagree with something the moderators have done, please respectfully reach out to Rob by DM. We are happy to discuss a situation and listen to concerns. (We may not always be able to go into detail, but will do our best to provide an adequate answer for our decision.)

LWWMI – Living Well With Mental Illness – Online Peer Support Community – 24/7 @ Discord
May 29 all-day


Online Peer Support Community

What is online peer support?

  • Community

    A safe and supportive online community for people living with mental illness and those who support them.

  • Chat

    Text based chat channels covering a wide range of topics.

  • Forum

    A general forum for posting questions and getting community feedback.

  • Social

    A drop in community for voice and video chat.

  • Online

    All hosted online through an easy to use private Discord server, available to access 24/7 anywhere in the world. (Learn about Discord below).

Join Today!

What is Discord?

Our peer support community is built on Discord.

Discord is an app that lets people build communities around text based chat, as well as connect with one another through voice and video group calls.

Discord is 100% free to use and the app is available for mobile (iOS and Android), desktop (PC and Mac), or you can even connect without any app just by accessing it through a web browser like Chrome.

Code of Conduct

Welcome to the Code of Conduct. Let’s get right to it!

  1. We use supportive, welcoming language.

    • We strive to use welcoming/caring language that is supportive, encouraging, respecting, accepting, understanding and/or validating. We do our best to avoid using critical, shaming, controlling, or patronizing language.

    • We will do our best to monitor and edit our own language. If a mod reaches out and asks us to edit it, we edit it.

  2. We respect differing perspectives of others, and make space for each other within the community.

    • We will make space for others to share their personal experiences. We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other. This includes: bullying, bigotry, hate speech, physical threats, personal attacks, doxing. We also will not tell anyone that their lived experience is wrong, or shame others for their choice in treatment.

    • We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other based on sex, gender, sexual orientation, romantic orientation, race, ethnicity, culture, neurodiversity, mental health, physical health, religion, or political alignment.

    • If something someone says appears to be breaking a community rule, acting with malice, or is otherwise problematic, we will not attack or criticize them, but instead will alert the Mod Team, who can assess and handle the situation. Before doing this, it can also be helpful to assume good intent, and ask for clarification in a respectful and non-judgemental way. The mods are available to lend a hand as well.

    • We will strive to create an inclusive environment for everyone to feel safe participating in.

  3. We call people what they ask to be called.

    • We call people by their stated names/pronouns/identities. If a dead name or incorrect pronoun is used (yours or someone else’s), we will respectfully ask the person to update their message to properly reflect the other’s name/pronouns/identities. If it is brought to your attention that you have made a mistake with someone else’s name/pronouns/identities, that’s okay, mistakes happen, but please kindly take the note and edit the message as soon as possible.

    • We do not correct others on their own usage of their names/pronouns/identities. For example if someone prefers to be called “schizophrenic” or “person living with schizophrenia”, that is up to each individual person. We respect each individual’s choice to determine how they would like to be referred to.

    • If we have any concerns about continued use of incorrect names/pronouns/identities, or feel that misuse is being done maliciously, we will let a mod know.

  4. We connect with each other from a trauma informed perspective.

    • We understand that everyone is coming to this community with different experiences and potential triggers. We will do our best to be mindful of this by using the “spoilers” function for any text that will likely be triggering or sensitive for others (write || on either side of the text to be hidden, or highlight the text to be hidden, right click and then click the eye symbol on the far right). Particularly triggering topics may be around suicide and addiction (no glorification allowed of either), as well as members difficult experiences with the mental health care system.

    • If you are feeling triggered, please step away from the conversation. If there is a channel or part of the server that is too triggering for you, please consider muting it or asking a moderator for help with finding accommodation.

  5. We provide our own experiences rather than provide direct advice.

    • When someone asks about medical treatments and therapies, we stick to speaking about our own experiences (keeping in mind that experiences may differ greatly between individual people). If we do provide more than our own experience, we share resources, strategies, and ideas without giving direct advice. If we do accidentally give direct advice (medical or generalized) and we’re asked to remove it, we remove it.

    • It is important to remember that discussion about treatments and therapies on this server does not replace talking with your doctor. Please discuss any issues or concerns with your doctor as well before making any changes to your or your loved one’s care.

  6. We let the Mods do the moderating. We respect moderator decisions and their time.

    • If you notice someone isn’t following a rule, please refrain from correcting community members, and instead, please briefly share your concerns with a moderator.

    • Refrain from arguing with the moderators and/or engaging the moderators in lengthy discussions.

    • If you have a concern or disagree with something the moderators have done, please respectfully reach out to Rob by DM. We are happy to discuss a situation and listen to concerns. (We may not always be able to go into detail, but will do our best to provide an adequate answer for our decision.)

LWWMI – Living Well With Mental Illness – Online Peer Support Community – 24/7 @ Discord
May 30 all-day


Online Peer Support Community

What is online peer support?

  • Community

    A safe and supportive online community for people living with mental illness and those who support them.

  • Chat

    Text based chat channels covering a wide range of topics.

  • Forum

    A general forum for posting questions and getting community feedback.

  • Social

    A drop in community for voice and video chat.

  • Online

    All hosted online through an easy to use private Discord server, available to access 24/7 anywhere in the world. (Learn about Discord below).

Join Today!

What is Discord?

Our peer support community is built on Discord.

Discord is an app that lets people build communities around text based chat, as well as connect with one another through voice and video group calls.

Discord is 100% free to use and the app is available for mobile (iOS and Android), desktop (PC and Mac), or you can even connect without any app just by accessing it through a web browser like Chrome.

Code of Conduct

Welcome to the Code of Conduct. Let’s get right to it!

  1. We use supportive, welcoming language.

    • We strive to use welcoming/caring language that is supportive, encouraging, respecting, accepting, understanding and/or validating. We do our best to avoid using critical, shaming, controlling, or patronizing language.

    • We will do our best to monitor and edit our own language. If a mod reaches out and asks us to edit it, we edit it.

  2. We respect differing perspectives of others, and make space for each other within the community.

    • We will make space for others to share their personal experiences. We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other. This includes: bullying, bigotry, hate speech, physical threats, personal attacks, doxing. We also will not tell anyone that their lived experience is wrong, or shame others for their choice in treatment.

    • We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other based on sex, gender, sexual orientation, romantic orientation, race, ethnicity, culture, neurodiversity, mental health, physical health, religion, or political alignment.

    • If something someone says appears to be breaking a community rule, acting with malice, or is otherwise problematic, we will not attack or criticize them, but instead will alert the Mod Team, who can assess and handle the situation. Before doing this, it can also be helpful to assume good intent, and ask for clarification in a respectful and non-judgemental way. The mods are available to lend a hand as well.

    • We will strive to create an inclusive environment for everyone to feel safe participating in.

  3. We call people what they ask to be called.

    • We call people by their stated names/pronouns/identities. If a dead name or incorrect pronoun is used (yours or someone else’s), we will respectfully ask the person to update their message to properly reflect the other’s name/pronouns/identities. If it is brought to your attention that you have made a mistake with someone else’s name/pronouns/identities, that’s okay, mistakes happen, but please kindly take the note and edit the message as soon as possible.

    • We do not correct others on their own usage of their names/pronouns/identities. For example if someone prefers to be called “schizophrenic” or “person living with schizophrenia”, that is up to each individual person. We respect each individual’s choice to determine how they would like to be referred to.

    • If we have any concerns about continued use of incorrect names/pronouns/identities, or feel that misuse is being done maliciously, we will let a mod know.

  4. We connect with each other from a trauma informed perspective.

    • We understand that everyone is coming to this community with different experiences and potential triggers. We will do our best to be mindful of this by using the “spoilers” function for any text that will likely be triggering or sensitive for others (write || on either side of the text to be hidden, or highlight the text to be hidden, right click and then click the eye symbol on the far right). Particularly triggering topics may be around suicide and addiction (no glorification allowed of either), as well as members difficult experiences with the mental health care system.

    • If you are feeling triggered, please step away from the conversation. If there is a channel or part of the server that is too triggering for you, please consider muting it or asking a moderator for help with finding accommodation.

  5. We provide our own experiences rather than provide direct advice.

    • When someone asks about medical treatments and therapies, we stick to speaking about our own experiences (keeping in mind that experiences may differ greatly between individual people). If we do provide more than our own experience, we share resources, strategies, and ideas without giving direct advice. If we do accidentally give direct advice (medical or generalized) and we’re asked to remove it, we remove it.

    • It is important to remember that discussion about treatments and therapies on this server does not replace talking with your doctor. Please discuss any issues or concerns with your doctor as well before making any changes to your or your loved one’s care.

  6. We let the Mods do the moderating. We respect moderator decisions and their time.

    • If you notice someone isn’t following a rule, please refrain from correcting community members, and instead, please briefly share your concerns with a moderator.

    • Refrain from arguing with the moderators and/or engaging the moderators in lengthy discussions.

    • If you have a concern or disagree with something the moderators have done, please respectfully reach out to Rob by DM. We are happy to discuss a situation and listen to concerns. (We may not always be able to go into detail, but will do our best to provide an adequate answer for our decision.)

LWWMI – Living Well With Mental Illness – Online Peer Support Community – 24/7 @ Discord
May 31 all-day


Online Peer Support Community

What is online peer support?

  • Community

    A safe and supportive online community for people living with mental illness and those who support them.

  • Chat

    Text based chat channels covering a wide range of topics.

  • Forum

    A general forum for posting questions and getting community feedback.

  • Social

    A drop in community for voice and video chat.

  • Online

    All hosted online through an easy to use private Discord server, available to access 24/7 anywhere in the world. (Learn about Discord below).

Join Today!

What is Discord?

Our peer support community is built on Discord.

Discord is an app that lets people build communities around text based chat, as well as connect with one another through voice and video group calls.

Discord is 100% free to use and the app is available for mobile (iOS and Android), desktop (PC and Mac), or you can even connect without any app just by accessing it through a web browser like Chrome.

Code of Conduct

Welcome to the Code of Conduct. Let’s get right to it!

  1. We use supportive, welcoming language.

    • We strive to use welcoming/caring language that is supportive, encouraging, respecting, accepting, understanding and/or validating. We do our best to avoid using critical, shaming, controlling, or patronizing language.

    • We will do our best to monitor and edit our own language. If a mod reaches out and asks us to edit it, we edit it.

  2. We respect differing perspectives of others, and make space for each other within the community.

    • We will make space for others to share their personal experiences. We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other. This includes: bullying, bigotry, hate speech, physical threats, personal attacks, doxing. We also will not tell anyone that their lived experience is wrong, or shame others for their choice in treatment.

    • We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other based on sex, gender, sexual orientation, romantic orientation, race, ethnicity, culture, neurodiversity, mental health, physical health, religion, or political alignment.

    • If something someone says appears to be breaking a community rule, acting with malice, or is otherwise problematic, we will not attack or criticize them, but instead will alert the Mod Team, who can assess and handle the situation. Before doing this, it can also be helpful to assume good intent, and ask for clarification in a respectful and non-judgemental way. The mods are available to lend a hand as well.

    • We will strive to create an inclusive environment for everyone to feel safe participating in.

  3. We call people what they ask to be called.

    • We call people by their stated names/pronouns/identities. If a dead name or incorrect pronoun is used (yours or someone else’s), we will respectfully ask the person to update their message to properly reflect the other’s name/pronouns/identities. If it is brought to your attention that you have made a mistake with someone else’s name/pronouns/identities, that’s okay, mistakes happen, but please kindly take the note and edit the message as soon as possible.

    • We do not correct others on their own usage of their names/pronouns/identities. For example if someone prefers to be called “schizophrenic” or “person living with schizophrenia”, that is up to each individual person. We respect each individual’s choice to determine how they would like to be referred to.

    • If we have any concerns about continued use of incorrect names/pronouns/identities, or feel that misuse is being done maliciously, we will let a mod know.

  4. We connect with each other from a trauma informed perspective.

    • We understand that everyone is coming to this community with different experiences and potential triggers. We will do our best to be mindful of this by using the “spoilers” function for any text that will likely be triggering or sensitive for others (write || on either side of the text to be hidden, or highlight the text to be hidden, right click and then click the eye symbol on the far right). Particularly triggering topics may be around suicide and addiction (no glorification allowed of either), as well as members difficult experiences with the mental health care system.

    • If you are feeling triggered, please step away from the conversation. If there is a channel or part of the server that is too triggering for you, please consider muting it or asking a moderator for help with finding accommodation.

  5. We provide our own experiences rather than provide direct advice.

    • When someone asks about medical treatments and therapies, we stick to speaking about our own experiences (keeping in mind that experiences may differ greatly between individual people). If we do provide more than our own experience, we share resources, strategies, and ideas without giving direct advice. If we do accidentally give direct advice (medical or generalized) and we’re asked to remove it, we remove it.

    • It is important to remember that discussion about treatments and therapies on this server does not replace talking with your doctor. Please discuss any issues or concerns with your doctor as well before making any changes to your or your loved one’s care.

  6. We let the Mods do the moderating. We respect moderator decisions and their time.

    • If you notice someone isn’t following a rule, please refrain from correcting community members, and instead, please briefly share your concerns with a moderator.

    • Refrain from arguing with the moderators and/or engaging the moderators in lengthy discussions.

    • If you have a concern or disagree with something the moderators have done, please respectfully reach out to Rob by DM. We are happy to discuss a situation and listen to concerns. (We may not always be able to go into detail, but will do our best to provide an adequate answer for our decision.)

LWWMI – Living Well With Mental Illness – Online Peer Support Community – 24/7 @ Discord
Jun 1 all-day


Online Peer Support Community

What is online peer support?

  • Community

    A safe and supportive online community for people living with mental illness and those who support them.

  • Chat

    Text based chat channels covering a wide range of topics.

  • Forum

    A general forum for posting questions and getting community feedback.

  • Social

    A drop in community for voice and video chat.

  • Online

    All hosted online through an easy to use private Discord server, available to access 24/7 anywhere in the world. (Learn about Discord below).

Join Today!

What is Discord?

Our peer support community is built on Discord.

Discord is an app that lets people build communities around text based chat, as well as connect with one another through voice and video group calls.

Discord is 100% free to use and the app is available for mobile (iOS and Android), desktop (PC and Mac), or you can even connect without any app just by accessing it through a web browser like Chrome.

Code of Conduct

Welcome to the Code of Conduct. Let’s get right to it!

  1. We use supportive, welcoming language.

    • We strive to use welcoming/caring language that is supportive, encouraging, respecting, accepting, understanding and/or validating. We do our best to avoid using critical, shaming, controlling, or patronizing language.

    • We will do our best to monitor and edit our own language. If a mod reaches out and asks us to edit it, we edit it.

  2. We respect differing perspectives of others, and make space for each other within the community.

    • We will make space for others to share their personal experiences. We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other. This includes: bullying, bigotry, hate speech, physical threats, personal attacks, doxing. We also will not tell anyone that their lived experience is wrong, or shame others for their choice in treatment.

    • We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other based on sex, gender, sexual orientation, romantic orientation, race, ethnicity, culture, neurodiversity, mental health, physical health, religion, or political alignment.

    • If something someone says appears to be breaking a community rule, acting with malice, or is otherwise problematic, we will not attack or criticize them, but instead will alert the Mod Team, who can assess and handle the situation. Before doing this, it can also be helpful to assume good intent, and ask for clarification in a respectful and non-judgemental way. The mods are available to lend a hand as well.

    • We will strive to create an inclusive environment for everyone to feel safe participating in.

  3. We call people what they ask to be called.

    • We call people by their stated names/pronouns/identities. If a dead name or incorrect pronoun is used (yours or someone else’s), we will respectfully ask the person to update their message to properly reflect the other’s name/pronouns/identities. If it is brought to your attention that you have made a mistake with someone else’s name/pronouns/identities, that’s okay, mistakes happen, but please kindly take the note and edit the message as soon as possible.

    • We do not correct others on their own usage of their names/pronouns/identities. For example if someone prefers to be called “schizophrenic” or “person living with schizophrenia”, that is up to each individual person. We respect each individual’s choice to determine how they would like to be referred to.

    • If we have any concerns about continued use of incorrect names/pronouns/identities, or feel that misuse is being done maliciously, we will let a mod know.

  4. We connect with each other from a trauma informed perspective.

    • We understand that everyone is coming to this community with different experiences and potential triggers. We will do our best to be mindful of this by using the “spoilers” function for any text that will likely be triggering or sensitive for others (write || on either side of the text to be hidden, or highlight the text to be hidden, right click and then click the eye symbol on the far right). Particularly triggering topics may be around suicide and addiction (no glorification allowed of either), as well as members difficult experiences with the mental health care system.

    • If you are feeling triggered, please step away from the conversation. If there is a channel or part of the server that is too triggering for you, please consider muting it or asking a moderator for help with finding accommodation.

  5. We provide our own experiences rather than provide direct advice.

    • When someone asks about medical treatments and therapies, we stick to speaking about our own experiences (keeping in mind that experiences may differ greatly between individual people). If we do provide more than our own experience, we share resources, strategies, and ideas without giving direct advice. If we do accidentally give direct advice (medical or generalized) and we’re asked to remove it, we remove it.

    • It is important to remember that discussion about treatments and therapies on this server does not replace talking with your doctor. Please discuss any issues or concerns with your doctor as well before making any changes to your or your loved one’s care.

  6. We let the Mods do the moderating. We respect moderator decisions and their time.

    • If you notice someone isn’t following a rule, please refrain from correcting community members, and instead, please briefly share your concerns with a moderator.

    • Refrain from arguing with the moderators and/or engaging the moderators in lengthy discussions.

    • If you have a concern or disagree with something the moderators have done, please respectfully reach out to Rob by DM. We are happy to discuss a situation and listen to concerns. (We may not always be able to go into detail, but will do our best to provide an adequate answer for our decision.)

BIAO – Brain Injury Alliance of Oregon – Brian Injury Connections Northwest – Zoom Coffee Social – 1st & 3rd Saturdays @ Email for Details
Jun 1 @ 12:01 pm – 1:01 pm


 Online Zoom Meeting

Support groups are an excellent way to connect with other individuals with brain injuries and their families. These groups provide opportunities to learn from others who have gone through similar situations, share personal experiences and make new friends. Please contact support group to verify time and place are correct.

Zoom Coffee Social

When: 1st & 3rd Saturday 12-1 pm

Get Your Coffee and come Socialize with us!

Where: Online

Email to register

Brian Liebenstein at (971) 258-0561|


LWWMI – Living Well With Mental Illness – Online Peer Support Community – 24/7 @ Discord
Jun 2 all-day


Online Peer Support Community

What is online peer support?

  • Community

    A safe and supportive online community for people living with mental illness and those who support them.

  • Chat

    Text based chat channels covering a wide range of topics.

  • Forum

    A general forum for posting questions and getting community feedback.

  • Social

    A drop in community for voice and video chat.

  • Online

    All hosted online through an easy to use private Discord server, available to access 24/7 anywhere in the world. (Learn about Discord below).

Join Today!

What is Discord?

Our peer support community is built on Discord.

Discord is an app that lets people build communities around text based chat, as well as connect with one another through voice and video group calls.

Discord is 100% free to use and the app is available for mobile (iOS and Android), desktop (PC and Mac), or you can even connect without any app just by accessing it through a web browser like Chrome.

Code of Conduct

Welcome to the Code of Conduct. Let’s get right to it!

  1. We use supportive, welcoming language.

    • We strive to use welcoming/caring language that is supportive, encouraging, respecting, accepting, understanding and/or validating. We do our best to avoid using critical, shaming, controlling, or patronizing language.

    • We will do our best to monitor and edit our own language. If a mod reaches out and asks us to edit it, we edit it.

  2. We respect differing perspectives of others, and make space for each other within the community.

    • We will make space for others to share their personal experiences. We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other. This includes: bullying, bigotry, hate speech, physical threats, personal attacks, doxing. We also will not tell anyone that their lived experience is wrong, or shame others for their choice in treatment.

    • We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other based on sex, gender, sexual orientation, romantic orientation, race, ethnicity, culture, neurodiversity, mental health, physical health, religion, or political alignment.

    • If something someone says appears to be breaking a community rule, acting with malice, or is otherwise problematic, we will not attack or criticize them, but instead will alert the Mod Team, who can assess and handle the situation. Before doing this, it can also be helpful to assume good intent, and ask for clarification in a respectful and non-judgemental way. The mods are available to lend a hand as well.

    • We will strive to create an inclusive environment for everyone to feel safe participating in.

  3. We call people what they ask to be called.

    • We call people by their stated names/pronouns/identities. If a dead name or incorrect pronoun is used (yours or someone else’s), we will respectfully ask the person to update their message to properly reflect the other’s name/pronouns/identities. If it is brought to your attention that you have made a mistake with someone else’s name/pronouns/identities, that’s okay, mistakes happen, but please kindly take the note and edit the message as soon as possible.

    • We do not correct others on their own usage of their names/pronouns/identities. For example if someone prefers to be called “schizophrenic” or “person living with schizophrenia”, that is up to each individual person. We respect each individual’s choice to determine how they would like to be referred to.

    • If we have any concerns about continued use of incorrect names/pronouns/identities, or feel that misuse is being done maliciously, we will let a mod know.

  4. We connect with each other from a trauma informed perspective.

    • We understand that everyone is coming to this community with different experiences and potential triggers. We will do our best to be mindful of this by using the “spoilers” function for any text that will likely be triggering or sensitive for others (write || on either side of the text to be hidden, or highlight the text to be hidden, right click and then click the eye symbol on the far right). Particularly triggering topics may be around suicide and addiction (no glorification allowed of either), as well as members difficult experiences with the mental health care system.

    • If you are feeling triggered, please step away from the conversation. If there is a channel or part of the server that is too triggering for you, please consider muting it or asking a moderator for help with finding accommodation.

  5. We provide our own experiences rather than provide direct advice.

    • When someone asks about medical treatments and therapies, we stick to speaking about our own experiences (keeping in mind that experiences may differ greatly between individual people). If we do provide more than our own experience, we share resources, strategies, and ideas without giving direct advice. If we do accidentally give direct advice (medical or generalized) and we’re asked to remove it, we remove it.

    • It is important to remember that discussion about treatments and therapies on this server does not replace talking with your doctor. Please discuss any issues or concerns with your doctor as well before making any changes to your or your loved one’s care.

  6. We let the Mods do the moderating. We respect moderator decisions and their time.

    • If you notice someone isn’t following a rule, please refrain from correcting community members, and instead, please briefly share your concerns with a moderator.

    • Refrain from arguing with the moderators and/or engaging the moderators in lengthy discussions.

    • If you have a concern or disagree with something the moderators have done, please respectfully reach out to Rob by DM. We are happy to discuss a situation and listen to concerns. (We may not always be able to go into detail, but will do our best to provide an adequate answer for our decision.)

LWWMI – Living Well With Mental Illness – Online Peer Support Community – 24/7 @ Discord
Jun 3 all-day


Online Peer Support Community

What is online peer support?

  • Community

    A safe and supportive online community for people living with mental illness and those who support them.

  • Chat

    Text based chat channels covering a wide range of topics.

  • Forum

    A general forum for posting questions and getting community feedback.

  • Social

    A drop in community for voice and video chat.

  • Online

    All hosted online through an easy to use private Discord server, available to access 24/7 anywhere in the world. (Learn about Discord below).

Join Today!

What is Discord?

Our peer support community is built on Discord.

Discord is an app that lets people build communities around text based chat, as well as connect with one another through voice and video group calls.

Discord is 100% free to use and the app is available for mobile (iOS and Android), desktop (PC and Mac), or you can even connect without any app just by accessing it through a web browser like Chrome.

Code of Conduct

Welcome to the Code of Conduct. Let’s get right to it!

  1. We use supportive, welcoming language.

    • We strive to use welcoming/caring language that is supportive, encouraging, respecting, accepting, understanding and/or validating. We do our best to avoid using critical, shaming, controlling, or patronizing language.

    • We will do our best to monitor and edit our own language. If a mod reaches out and asks us to edit it, we edit it.

  2. We respect differing perspectives of others, and make space for each other within the community.

    • We will make space for others to share their personal experiences. We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other. This includes: bullying, bigotry, hate speech, physical threats, personal attacks, doxing. We also will not tell anyone that their lived experience is wrong, or shame others for their choice in treatment.

    • We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other based on sex, gender, sexual orientation, romantic orientation, race, ethnicity, culture, neurodiversity, mental health, physical health, religion, or political alignment.

    • If something someone says appears to be breaking a community rule, acting with malice, or is otherwise problematic, we will not attack or criticize them, but instead will alert the Mod Team, who can assess and handle the situation. Before doing this, it can also be helpful to assume good intent, and ask for clarification in a respectful and non-judgemental way. The mods are available to lend a hand as well.

    • We will strive to create an inclusive environment for everyone to feel safe participating in.

  3. We call people what they ask to be called.

    • We call people by their stated names/pronouns/identities. If a dead name or incorrect pronoun is used (yours or someone else’s), we will respectfully ask the person to update their message to properly reflect the other’s name/pronouns/identities. If it is brought to your attention that you have made a mistake with someone else’s name/pronouns/identities, that’s okay, mistakes happen, but please kindly take the note and edit the message as soon as possible.

    • We do not correct others on their own usage of their names/pronouns/identities. For example if someone prefers to be called “schizophrenic” or “person living with schizophrenia”, that is up to each individual person. We respect each individual’s choice to determine how they would like to be referred to.

    • If we have any concerns about continued use of incorrect names/pronouns/identities, or feel that misuse is being done maliciously, we will let a mod know.

  4. We connect with each other from a trauma informed perspective.

    • We understand that everyone is coming to this community with different experiences and potential triggers. We will do our best to be mindful of this by using the “spoilers” function for any text that will likely be triggering or sensitive for others (write || on either side of the text to be hidden, or highlight the text to be hidden, right click and then click the eye symbol on the far right). Particularly triggering topics may be around suicide and addiction (no glorification allowed of either), as well as members difficult experiences with the mental health care system.

    • If you are feeling triggered, please step away from the conversation. If there is a channel or part of the server that is too triggering for you, please consider muting it or asking a moderator for help with finding accommodation.

  5. We provide our own experiences rather than provide direct advice.

    • When someone asks about medical treatments and therapies, we stick to speaking about our own experiences (keeping in mind that experiences may differ greatly between individual people). If we do provide more than our own experience, we share resources, strategies, and ideas without giving direct advice. If we do accidentally give direct advice (medical or generalized) and we’re asked to remove it, we remove it.

    • It is important to remember that discussion about treatments and therapies on this server does not replace talking with your doctor. Please discuss any issues or concerns with your doctor as well before making any changes to your or your loved one’s care.

  6. We let the Mods do the moderating. We respect moderator decisions and their time.

    • If you notice someone isn’t following a rule, please refrain from correcting community members, and instead, please briefly share your concerns with a moderator.

    • Refrain from arguing with the moderators and/or engaging the moderators in lengthy discussions.

    • If you have a concern or disagree with something the moderators have done, please respectfully reach out to Rob by DM. We are happy to discuss a situation and listen to concerns. (We may not always be able to go into detail, but will do our best to provide an adequate answer for our decision.)

LWWMI – Living Well With Mental Illness – Online Peer Support Community – 24/7 @ Discord
Jun 4 all-day


Online Peer Support Community

What is online peer support?

  • Community

    A safe and supportive online community for people living with mental illness and those who support them.

  • Chat

    Text based chat channels covering a wide range of topics.

  • Forum

    A general forum for posting questions and getting community feedback.

  • Social

    A drop in community for voice and video chat.

  • Online

    All hosted online through an easy to use private Discord server, available to access 24/7 anywhere in the world. (Learn about Discord below).

Join Today!

What is Discord?

Our peer support community is built on Discord.

Discord is an app that lets people build communities around text based chat, as well as connect with one another through voice and video group calls.

Discord is 100% free to use and the app is available for mobile (iOS and Android), desktop (PC and Mac), or you can even connect without any app just by accessing it through a web browser like Chrome.

Code of Conduct

Welcome to the Code of Conduct. Let’s get right to it!

  1. We use supportive, welcoming language.

    • We strive to use welcoming/caring language that is supportive, encouraging, respecting, accepting, understanding and/or validating. We do our best to avoid using critical, shaming, controlling, or patronizing language.

    • We will do our best to monitor and edit our own language. If a mod reaches out and asks us to edit it, we edit it.

  2. We respect differing perspectives of others, and make space for each other within the community.

    • We will make space for others to share their personal experiences. We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other. This includes: bullying, bigotry, hate speech, physical threats, personal attacks, doxing. We also will not tell anyone that their lived experience is wrong, or shame others for their choice in treatment.

    • We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other based on sex, gender, sexual orientation, romantic orientation, race, ethnicity, culture, neurodiversity, mental health, physical health, religion, or political alignment.

    • If something someone says appears to be breaking a community rule, acting with malice, or is otherwise problematic, we will not attack or criticize them, but instead will alert the Mod Team, who can assess and handle the situation. Before doing this, it can also be helpful to assume good intent, and ask for clarification in a respectful and non-judgemental way. The mods are available to lend a hand as well.

    • We will strive to create an inclusive environment for everyone to feel safe participating in.

  3. We call people what they ask to be called.

    • We call people by their stated names/pronouns/identities. If a dead name or incorrect pronoun is used (yours or someone else’s), we will respectfully ask the person to update their message to properly reflect the other’s name/pronouns/identities. If it is brought to your attention that you have made a mistake with someone else’s name/pronouns/identities, that’s okay, mistakes happen, but please kindly take the note and edit the message as soon as possible.

    • We do not correct others on their own usage of their names/pronouns/identities. For example if someone prefers to be called “schizophrenic” or “person living with schizophrenia”, that is up to each individual person. We respect each individual’s choice to determine how they would like to be referred to.

    • If we have any concerns about continued use of incorrect names/pronouns/identities, or feel that misuse is being done maliciously, we will let a mod know.

  4. We connect with each other from a trauma informed perspective.

    • We understand that everyone is coming to this community with different experiences and potential triggers. We will do our best to be mindful of this by using the “spoilers” function for any text that will likely be triggering or sensitive for others (write || on either side of the text to be hidden, or highlight the text to be hidden, right click and then click the eye symbol on the far right). Particularly triggering topics may be around suicide and addiction (no glorification allowed of either), as well as members difficult experiences with the mental health care system.

    • If you are feeling triggered, please step away from the conversation. If there is a channel or part of the server that is too triggering for you, please consider muting it or asking a moderator for help with finding accommodation.

  5. We provide our own experiences rather than provide direct advice.

    • When someone asks about medical treatments and therapies, we stick to speaking about our own experiences (keeping in mind that experiences may differ greatly between individual people). If we do provide more than our own experience, we share resources, strategies, and ideas without giving direct advice. If we do accidentally give direct advice (medical or generalized) and we’re asked to remove it, we remove it.

    • It is important to remember that discussion about treatments and therapies on this server does not replace talking with your doctor. Please discuss any issues or concerns with your doctor as well before making any changes to your or your loved one’s care.

  6. We let the Mods do the moderating. We respect moderator decisions and their time.

    • If you notice someone isn’t following a rule, please refrain from correcting community members, and instead, please briefly share your concerns with a moderator.

    • Refrain from arguing with the moderators and/or engaging the moderators in lengthy discussions.

    • If you have a concern or disagree with something the moderators have done, please respectfully reach out to Rob by DM. We are happy to discuss a situation and listen to concerns. (We may not always be able to go into detail, but will do our best to provide an adequate answer for our decision.)

LWWMI – Living Well With Mental Illness – Online Peer Support Community – 24/7 @ Discord
Jun 5 all-day


Online Peer Support Community

What is online peer support?

  • Community

    A safe and supportive online community for people living with mental illness and those who support them.

  • Chat

    Text based chat channels covering a wide range of topics.

  • Forum

    A general forum for posting questions and getting community feedback.

  • Social

    A drop in community for voice and video chat.

  • Online

    All hosted online through an easy to use private Discord server, available to access 24/7 anywhere in the world. (Learn about Discord below).

Join Today!

What is Discord?

Our peer support community is built on Discord.

Discord is an app that lets people build communities around text based chat, as well as connect with one another through voice and video group calls.

Discord is 100% free to use and the app is available for mobile (iOS and Android), desktop (PC and Mac), or you can even connect without any app just by accessing it through a web browser like Chrome.

Code of Conduct

Welcome to the Code of Conduct. Let’s get right to it!

  1. We use supportive, welcoming language.

    • We strive to use welcoming/caring language that is supportive, encouraging, respecting, accepting, understanding and/or validating. We do our best to avoid using critical, shaming, controlling, or patronizing language.

    • We will do our best to monitor and edit our own language. If a mod reaches out and asks us to edit it, we edit it.

  2. We respect differing perspectives of others, and make space for each other within the community.

    • We will make space for others to share their personal experiences. We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other. This includes: bullying, bigotry, hate speech, physical threats, personal attacks, doxing. We also will not tell anyone that their lived experience is wrong, or shame others for their choice in treatment.

    • We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other based on sex, gender, sexual orientation, romantic orientation, race, ethnicity, culture, neurodiversity, mental health, physical health, religion, or political alignment.

    • If something someone says appears to be breaking a community rule, acting with malice, or is otherwise problematic, we will not attack or criticize them, but instead will alert the Mod Team, who can assess and handle the situation. Before doing this, it can also be helpful to assume good intent, and ask for clarification in a respectful and non-judgemental way. The mods are available to lend a hand as well.

    • We will strive to create an inclusive environment for everyone to feel safe participating in.

  3. We call people what they ask to be called.

    • We call people by their stated names/pronouns/identities. If a dead name or incorrect pronoun is used (yours or someone else’s), we will respectfully ask the person to update their message to properly reflect the other’s name/pronouns/identities. If it is brought to your attention that you have made a mistake with someone else’s name/pronouns/identities, that’s okay, mistakes happen, but please kindly take the note and edit the message as soon as possible.

    • We do not correct others on their own usage of their names/pronouns/identities. For example if someone prefers to be called “schizophrenic” or “person living with schizophrenia”, that is up to each individual person. We respect each individual’s choice to determine how they would like to be referred to.

    • If we have any concerns about continued use of incorrect names/pronouns/identities, or feel that misuse is being done maliciously, we will let a mod know.

  4. We connect with each other from a trauma informed perspective.

    • We understand that everyone is coming to this community with different experiences and potential triggers. We will do our best to be mindful of this by using the “spoilers” function for any text that will likely be triggering or sensitive for others (write || on either side of the text to be hidden, or highlight the text to be hidden, right click and then click the eye symbol on the far right). Particularly triggering topics may be around suicide and addiction (no glorification allowed of either), as well as members difficult experiences with the mental health care system.

    • If you are feeling triggered, please step away from the conversation. If there is a channel or part of the server that is too triggering for you, please consider muting it or asking a moderator for help with finding accommodation.

  5. We provide our own experiences rather than provide direct advice.

    • When someone asks about medical treatments and therapies, we stick to speaking about our own experiences (keeping in mind that experiences may differ greatly between individual people). If we do provide more than our own experience, we share resources, strategies, and ideas without giving direct advice. If we do accidentally give direct advice (medical or generalized) and we’re asked to remove it, we remove it.

    • It is important to remember that discussion about treatments and therapies on this server does not replace talking with your doctor. Please discuss any issues or concerns with your doctor as well before making any changes to your or your loved one’s care.

  6. We let the Mods do the moderating. We respect moderator decisions and their time.

    • If you notice someone isn’t following a rule, please refrain from correcting community members, and instead, please briefly share your concerns with a moderator.

    • Refrain from arguing with the moderators and/or engaging the moderators in lengthy discussions.

    • If you have a concern or disagree with something the moderators have done, please respectfully reach out to Rob by DM. We are happy to discuss a situation and listen to concerns. (We may not always be able to go into detail, but will do our best to provide an adequate answer for our decision.)

LWWMI – Living Well With Mental Illness – Online Peer Support Community – 24/7 @ Discord
Jun 6 all-day


Online Peer Support Community

What is online peer support?

  • Community

    A safe and supportive online community for people living with mental illness and those who support them.

  • Chat

    Text based chat channels covering a wide range of topics.

  • Forum

    A general forum for posting questions and getting community feedback.

  • Social

    A drop in community for voice and video chat.

  • Online

    All hosted online through an easy to use private Discord server, available to access 24/7 anywhere in the world. (Learn about Discord below).

Join Today!

What is Discord?

Our peer support community is built on Discord.

Discord is an app that lets people build communities around text based chat, as well as connect with one another through voice and video group calls.

Discord is 100% free to use and the app is available for mobile (iOS and Android), desktop (PC and Mac), or you can even connect without any app just by accessing it through a web browser like Chrome.

Code of Conduct

Welcome to the Code of Conduct. Let’s get right to it!

  1. We use supportive, welcoming language.

    • We strive to use welcoming/caring language that is supportive, encouraging, respecting, accepting, understanding and/or validating. We do our best to avoid using critical, shaming, controlling, or patronizing language.

    • We will do our best to monitor and edit our own language. If a mod reaches out and asks us to edit it, we edit it.

  2. We respect differing perspectives of others, and make space for each other within the community.

    • We will make space for others to share their personal experiences. We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other. This includes: bullying, bigotry, hate speech, physical threats, personal attacks, doxing. We also will not tell anyone that their lived experience is wrong, or shame others for their choice in treatment.

    • We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other based on sex, gender, sexual orientation, romantic orientation, race, ethnicity, culture, neurodiversity, mental health, physical health, religion, or political alignment.

    • If something someone says appears to be breaking a community rule, acting with malice, or is otherwise problematic, we will not attack or criticize them, but instead will alert the Mod Team, who can assess and handle the situation. Before doing this, it can also be helpful to assume good intent, and ask for clarification in a respectful and non-judgemental way. The mods are available to lend a hand as well.

    • We will strive to create an inclusive environment for everyone to feel safe participating in.

  3. We call people what they ask to be called.

    • We call people by their stated names/pronouns/identities. If a dead name or incorrect pronoun is used (yours or someone else’s), we will respectfully ask the person to update their message to properly reflect the other’s name/pronouns/identities. If it is brought to your attention that you have made a mistake with someone else’s name/pronouns/identities, that’s okay, mistakes happen, but please kindly take the note and edit the message as soon as possible.

    • We do not correct others on their own usage of their names/pronouns/identities. For example if someone prefers to be called “schizophrenic” or “person living with schizophrenia”, that is up to each individual person. We respect each individual’s choice to determine how they would like to be referred to.

    • If we have any concerns about continued use of incorrect names/pronouns/identities, or feel that misuse is being done maliciously, we will let a mod know.

  4. We connect with each other from a trauma informed perspective.

    • We understand that everyone is coming to this community with different experiences and potential triggers. We will do our best to be mindful of this by using the “spoilers” function for any text that will likely be triggering or sensitive for others (write || on either side of the text to be hidden, or highlight the text to be hidden, right click and then click the eye symbol on the far right). Particularly triggering topics may be around suicide and addiction (no glorification allowed of either), as well as members difficult experiences with the mental health care system.

    • If you are feeling triggered, please step away from the conversation. If there is a channel or part of the server that is too triggering for you, please consider muting it or asking a moderator for help with finding accommodation.

  5. We provide our own experiences rather than provide direct advice.

    • When someone asks about medical treatments and therapies, we stick to speaking about our own experiences (keeping in mind that experiences may differ greatly between individual people). If we do provide more than our own experience, we share resources, strategies, and ideas without giving direct advice. If we do accidentally give direct advice (medical or generalized) and we’re asked to remove it, we remove it.

    • It is important to remember that discussion about treatments and therapies on this server does not replace talking with your doctor. Please discuss any issues or concerns with your doctor as well before making any changes to your or your loved one’s care.

  6. We let the Mods do the moderating. We respect moderator decisions and their time.

    • If you notice someone isn’t following a rule, please refrain from correcting community members, and instead, please briefly share your concerns with a moderator.

    • Refrain from arguing with the moderators and/or engaging the moderators in lengthy discussions.

    • If you have a concern or disagree with something the moderators have done, please respectfully reach out to Rob by DM. We are happy to discuss a situation and listen to concerns. (We may not always be able to go into detail, but will do our best to provide an adequate answer for our decision.)

LWWMI – Living Well With Mental Illness – Online Peer Support Community – 24/7 @ Discord
Jun 7 all-day


Online Peer Support Community

What is online peer support?

  • Community

    A safe and supportive online community for people living with mental illness and those who support them.

  • Chat

    Text based chat channels covering a wide range of topics.

  • Forum

    A general forum for posting questions and getting community feedback.

  • Social

    A drop in community for voice and video chat.

  • Online

    All hosted online through an easy to use private Discord server, available to access 24/7 anywhere in the world. (Learn about Discord below).

Join Today!

What is Discord?

Our peer support community is built on Discord.

Discord is an app that lets people build communities around text based chat, as well as connect with one another through voice and video group calls.

Discord is 100% free to use and the app is available for mobile (iOS and Android), desktop (PC and Mac), or you can even connect without any app just by accessing it through a web browser like Chrome.

Code of Conduct

Welcome to the Code of Conduct. Let’s get right to it!

  1. We use supportive, welcoming language.

    • We strive to use welcoming/caring language that is supportive, encouraging, respecting, accepting, understanding and/or validating. We do our best to avoid using critical, shaming, controlling, or patronizing language.

    • We will do our best to monitor and edit our own language. If a mod reaches out and asks us to edit it, we edit it.

  2. We respect differing perspectives of others, and make space for each other within the community.

    • We will make space for others to share their personal experiences. We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other. This includes: bullying, bigotry, hate speech, physical threats, personal attacks, doxing. We also will not tell anyone that their lived experience is wrong, or shame others for their choice in treatment.

    • We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other based on sex, gender, sexual orientation, romantic orientation, race, ethnicity, culture, neurodiversity, mental health, physical health, religion, or political alignment.

    • If something someone says appears to be breaking a community rule, acting with malice, or is otherwise problematic, we will not attack or criticize them, but instead will alert the Mod Team, who can assess and handle the situation. Before doing this, it can also be helpful to assume good intent, and ask for clarification in a respectful and non-judgemental way. The mods are available to lend a hand as well.

    • We will strive to create an inclusive environment for everyone to feel safe participating in.

  3. We call people what they ask to be called.

    • We call people by their stated names/pronouns/identities. If a dead name or incorrect pronoun is used (yours or someone else’s), we will respectfully ask the person to update their message to properly reflect the other’s name/pronouns/identities. If it is brought to your attention that you have made a mistake with someone else’s name/pronouns/identities, that’s okay, mistakes happen, but please kindly take the note and edit the message as soon as possible.

    • We do not correct others on their own usage of their names/pronouns/identities. For example if someone prefers to be called “schizophrenic” or “person living with schizophrenia”, that is up to each individual person. We respect each individual’s choice to determine how they would like to be referred to.

    • If we have any concerns about continued use of incorrect names/pronouns/identities, or feel that misuse is being done maliciously, we will let a mod know.

  4. We connect with each other from a trauma informed perspective.

    • We understand that everyone is coming to this community with different experiences and potential triggers. We will do our best to be mindful of this by using the “spoilers” function for any text that will likely be triggering or sensitive for others (write || on either side of the text to be hidden, or highlight the text to be hidden, right click and then click the eye symbol on the far right). Particularly triggering topics may be around suicide and addiction (no glorification allowed of either), as well as members difficult experiences with the mental health care system.

    • If you are feeling triggered, please step away from the conversation. If there is a channel or part of the server that is too triggering for you, please consider muting it or asking a moderator for help with finding accommodation.

  5. We provide our own experiences rather than provide direct advice.

    • When someone asks about medical treatments and therapies, we stick to speaking about our own experiences (keeping in mind that experiences may differ greatly between individual people). If we do provide more than our own experience, we share resources, strategies, and ideas without giving direct advice. If we do accidentally give direct advice (medical or generalized) and we’re asked to remove it, we remove it.

    • It is important to remember that discussion about treatments and therapies on this server does not replace talking with your doctor. Please discuss any issues or concerns with your doctor as well before making any changes to your or your loved one’s care.

  6. We let the Mods do the moderating. We respect moderator decisions and their time.

    • If you notice someone isn’t following a rule, please refrain from correcting community members, and instead, please briefly share your concerns with a moderator.

    • Refrain from arguing with the moderators and/or engaging the moderators in lengthy discussions.

    • If you have a concern or disagree with something the moderators have done, please respectfully reach out to Rob by DM. We are happy to discuss a situation and listen to concerns. (We may not always be able to go into detail, but will do our best to provide an adequate answer for our decision.)

LWWMI – Living Well With Mental Illness – Online Peer Support Community – 24/7 @ Discord
Jun 8 all-day


Online Peer Support Community

What is online peer support?

  • Community

    A safe and supportive online community for people living with mental illness and those who support them.

  • Chat

    Text based chat channels covering a wide range of topics.

  • Forum

    A general forum for posting questions and getting community feedback.

  • Social

    A drop in community for voice and video chat.

  • Online

    All hosted online through an easy to use private Discord server, available to access 24/7 anywhere in the world. (Learn about Discord below).

Join Today!

What is Discord?

Our peer support community is built on Discord.

Discord is an app that lets people build communities around text based chat, as well as connect with one another through voice and video group calls.

Discord is 100% free to use and the app is available for mobile (iOS and Android), desktop (PC and Mac), or you can even connect without any app just by accessing it through a web browser like Chrome.

Code of Conduct

Welcome to the Code of Conduct. Let’s get right to it!

  1. We use supportive, welcoming language.

    • We strive to use welcoming/caring language that is supportive, encouraging, respecting, accepting, understanding and/or validating. We do our best to avoid using critical, shaming, controlling, or patronizing language.

    • We will do our best to monitor and edit our own language. If a mod reaches out and asks us to edit it, we edit it.

  2. We respect differing perspectives of others, and make space for each other within the community.

    • We will make space for others to share their personal experiences. We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other. This includes: bullying, bigotry, hate speech, physical threats, personal attacks, doxing. We also will not tell anyone that their lived experience is wrong, or shame others for their choice in treatment.

    • We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other based on sex, gender, sexual orientation, romantic orientation, race, ethnicity, culture, neurodiversity, mental health, physical health, religion, or political alignment.

    • If something someone says appears to be breaking a community rule, acting with malice, or is otherwise problematic, we will not attack or criticize them, but instead will alert the Mod Team, who can assess and handle the situation. Before doing this, it can also be helpful to assume good intent, and ask for clarification in a respectful and non-judgemental way. The mods are available to lend a hand as well.

    • We will strive to create an inclusive environment for everyone to feel safe participating in.

  3. We call people what they ask to be called.

    • We call people by their stated names/pronouns/identities. If a dead name or incorrect pronoun is used (yours or someone else’s), we will respectfully ask the person to update their message to properly reflect the other’s name/pronouns/identities. If it is brought to your attention that you have made a mistake with someone else’s name/pronouns/identities, that’s okay, mistakes happen, but please kindly take the note and edit the message as soon as possible.

    • We do not correct others on their own usage of their names/pronouns/identities. For example if someone prefers to be called “schizophrenic” or “person living with schizophrenia”, that is up to each individual person. We respect each individual’s choice to determine how they would like to be referred to.

    • If we have any concerns about continued use of incorrect names/pronouns/identities, or feel that misuse is being done maliciously, we will let a mod know.

  4. We connect with each other from a trauma informed perspective.

    • We understand that everyone is coming to this community with different experiences and potential triggers. We will do our best to be mindful of this by using the “spoilers” function for any text that will likely be triggering or sensitive for others (write || on either side of the text to be hidden, or highlight the text to be hidden, right click and then click the eye symbol on the far right). Particularly triggering topics may be around suicide and addiction (no glorification allowed of either), as well as members difficult experiences with the mental health care system.

    • If you are feeling triggered, please step away from the conversation. If there is a channel or part of the server that is too triggering for you, please consider muting it or asking a moderator for help with finding accommodation.

  5. We provide our own experiences rather than provide direct advice.

    • When someone asks about medical treatments and therapies, we stick to speaking about our own experiences (keeping in mind that experiences may differ greatly between individual people). If we do provide more than our own experience, we share resources, strategies, and ideas without giving direct advice. If we do accidentally give direct advice (medical or generalized) and we’re asked to remove it, we remove it.

    • It is important to remember that discussion about treatments and therapies on this server does not replace talking with your doctor. Please discuss any issues or concerns with your doctor as well before making any changes to your or your loved one’s care.

  6. We let the Mods do the moderating. We respect moderator decisions and their time.

    • If you notice someone isn’t following a rule, please refrain from correcting community members, and instead, please briefly share your concerns with a moderator.

    • Refrain from arguing with the moderators and/or engaging the moderators in lengthy discussions.

    • If you have a concern or disagree with something the moderators have done, please respectfully reach out to Rob by DM. We are happy to discuss a situation and listen to concerns. (We may not always be able to go into detail, but will do our best to provide an adequate answer for our decision.)

LWWMI – Living Well With Mental Illness – Online Peer Support Community – 24/7 @ Discord
Jun 9 all-day


Online Peer Support Community

What is online peer support?

  • Community

    A safe and supportive online community for people living with mental illness and those who support them.

  • Chat

    Text based chat channels covering a wide range of topics.

  • Forum

    A general forum for posting questions and getting community feedback.

  • Social

    A drop in community for voice and video chat.

  • Online

    All hosted online through an easy to use private Discord server, available to access 24/7 anywhere in the world. (Learn about Discord below).

Join Today!

What is Discord?

Our peer support community is built on Discord.

Discord is an app that lets people build communities around text based chat, as well as connect with one another through voice and video group calls.

Discord is 100% free to use and the app is available for mobile (iOS and Android), desktop (PC and Mac), or you can even connect without any app just by accessing it through a web browser like Chrome.

Code of Conduct

Welcome to the Code of Conduct. Let’s get right to it!

  1. We use supportive, welcoming language.

    • We strive to use welcoming/caring language that is supportive, encouraging, respecting, accepting, understanding and/or validating. We do our best to avoid using critical, shaming, controlling, or patronizing language.

    • We will do our best to monitor and edit our own language. If a mod reaches out and asks us to edit it, we edit it.

  2. We respect differing perspectives of others, and make space for each other within the community.

    • We will make space for others to share their personal experiences. We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other. This includes: bullying, bigotry, hate speech, physical threats, personal attacks, doxing. We also will not tell anyone that their lived experience is wrong, or shame others for their choice in treatment.

    • We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other based on sex, gender, sexual orientation, romantic orientation, race, ethnicity, culture, neurodiversity, mental health, physical health, religion, or political alignment.

    • If something someone says appears to be breaking a community rule, acting with malice, or is otherwise problematic, we will not attack or criticize them, but instead will alert the Mod Team, who can assess and handle the situation. Before doing this, it can also be helpful to assume good intent, and ask for clarification in a respectful and non-judgemental way. The mods are available to lend a hand as well.

    • We will strive to create an inclusive environment for everyone to feel safe participating in.

  3. We call people what they ask to be called.

    • We call people by their stated names/pronouns/identities. If a dead name or incorrect pronoun is used (yours or someone else’s), we will respectfully ask the person to update their message to properly reflect the other’s name/pronouns/identities. If it is brought to your attention that you have made a mistake with someone else’s name/pronouns/identities, that’s okay, mistakes happen, but please kindly take the note and edit the message as soon as possible.

    • We do not correct others on their own usage of their names/pronouns/identities. For example if someone prefers to be called “schizophrenic” or “person living with schizophrenia”, that is up to each individual person. We respect each individual’s choice to determine how they would like to be referred to.

    • If we have any concerns about continued use of incorrect names/pronouns/identities, or feel that misuse is being done maliciously, we will let a mod know.

  4. We connect with each other from a trauma informed perspective.

    • We understand that everyone is coming to this community with different experiences and potential triggers. We will do our best to be mindful of this by using the “spoilers” function for any text that will likely be triggering or sensitive for others (write || on either side of the text to be hidden, or highlight the text to be hidden, right click and then click the eye symbol on the far right). Particularly triggering topics may be around suicide and addiction (no glorification allowed of either), as well as members difficult experiences with the mental health care system.

    • If you are feeling triggered, please step away from the conversation. If there is a channel or part of the server that is too triggering for you, please consider muting it or asking a moderator for help with finding accommodation.

  5. We provide our own experiences rather than provide direct advice.

    • When someone asks about medical treatments and therapies, we stick to speaking about our own experiences (keeping in mind that experiences may differ greatly between individual people). If we do provide more than our own experience, we share resources, strategies, and ideas without giving direct advice. If we do accidentally give direct advice (medical or generalized) and we’re asked to remove it, we remove it.

    • It is important to remember that discussion about treatments and therapies on this server does not replace talking with your doctor. Please discuss any issues or concerns with your doctor as well before making any changes to your or your loved one’s care.

  6. We let the Mods do the moderating. We respect moderator decisions and their time.

    • If you notice someone isn’t following a rule, please refrain from correcting community members, and instead, please briefly share your concerns with a moderator.

    • Refrain from arguing with the moderators and/or engaging the moderators in lengthy discussions.

    • If you have a concern or disagree with something the moderators have done, please respectfully reach out to Rob by DM. We are happy to discuss a situation and listen to concerns. (We may not always be able to go into detail, but will do our best to provide an adequate answer for our decision.)

LWWMI – Living Well With Mental Illness – Online Peer Support Community – 24/7 @ Discord
Jun 10 all-day


Online Peer Support Community

What is online peer support?

  • Community

    A safe and supportive online community for people living with mental illness and those who support them.

  • Chat

    Text based chat channels covering a wide range of topics.

  • Forum

    A general forum for posting questions and getting community feedback.

  • Social

    A drop in community for voice and video chat.

  • Online

    All hosted online through an easy to use private Discord server, available to access 24/7 anywhere in the world. (Learn about Discord below).

Join Today!

What is Discord?

Our peer support community is built on Discord.

Discord is an app that lets people build communities around text based chat, as well as connect with one another through voice and video group calls.

Discord is 100% free to use and the app is available for mobile (iOS and Android), desktop (PC and Mac), or you can even connect without any app just by accessing it through a web browser like Chrome.

Code of Conduct

Welcome to the Code of Conduct. Let’s get right to it!

  1. We use supportive, welcoming language.

    • We strive to use welcoming/caring language that is supportive, encouraging, respecting, accepting, understanding and/or validating. We do our best to avoid using critical, shaming, controlling, or patronizing language.

    • We will do our best to monitor and edit our own language. If a mod reaches out and asks us to edit it, we edit it.

  2. We respect differing perspectives of others, and make space for each other within the community.

    • We will make space for others to share their personal experiences. We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other. This includes: bullying, bigotry, hate speech, physical threats, personal attacks, doxing. We also will not tell anyone that their lived experience is wrong, or shame others for their choice in treatment.

    • We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other based on sex, gender, sexual orientation, romantic orientation, race, ethnicity, culture, neurodiversity, mental health, physical health, religion, or political alignment.

    • If something someone says appears to be breaking a community rule, acting with malice, or is otherwise problematic, we will not attack or criticize them, but instead will alert the Mod Team, who can assess and handle the situation. Before doing this, it can also be helpful to assume good intent, and ask for clarification in a respectful and non-judgemental way. The mods are available to lend a hand as well.

    • We will strive to create an inclusive environment for everyone to feel safe participating in.

  3. We call people what they ask to be called.

    • We call people by their stated names/pronouns/identities. If a dead name or incorrect pronoun is used (yours or someone else’s), we will respectfully ask the person to update their message to properly reflect the other’s name/pronouns/identities. If it is brought to your attention that you have made a mistake with someone else’s name/pronouns/identities, that’s okay, mistakes happen, but please kindly take the note and edit the message as soon as possible.

    • We do not correct others on their own usage of their names/pronouns/identities. For example if someone prefers to be called “schizophrenic” or “person living with schizophrenia”, that is up to each individual person. We respect each individual’s choice to determine how they would like to be referred to.

    • If we have any concerns about continued use of incorrect names/pronouns/identities, or feel that misuse is being done maliciously, we will let a mod know.

  4. We connect with each other from a trauma informed perspective.

    • We understand that everyone is coming to this community with different experiences and potential triggers. We will do our best to be mindful of this by using the “spoilers” function for any text that will likely be triggering or sensitive for others (write || on either side of the text to be hidden, or highlight the text to be hidden, right click and then click the eye symbol on the far right). Particularly triggering topics may be around suicide and addiction (no glorification allowed of either), as well as members difficult experiences with the mental health care system.

    • If you are feeling triggered, please step away from the conversation. If there is a channel or part of the server that is too triggering for you, please consider muting it or asking a moderator for help with finding accommodation.

  5. We provide our own experiences rather than provide direct advice.

    • When someone asks about medical treatments and therapies, we stick to speaking about our own experiences (keeping in mind that experiences may differ greatly between individual people). If we do provide more than our own experience, we share resources, strategies, and ideas without giving direct advice. If we do accidentally give direct advice (medical or generalized) and we’re asked to remove it, we remove it.

    • It is important to remember that discussion about treatments and therapies on this server does not replace talking with your doctor. Please discuss any issues or concerns with your doctor as well before making any changes to your or your loved one’s care.

  6. We let the Mods do the moderating. We respect moderator decisions and their time.

    • If you notice someone isn’t following a rule, please refrain from correcting community members, and instead, please briefly share your concerns with a moderator.

    • Refrain from arguing with the moderators and/or engaging the moderators in lengthy discussions.

    • If you have a concern or disagree with something the moderators have done, please respectfully reach out to Rob by DM. We are happy to discuss a situation and listen to concerns. (We may not always be able to go into detail, but will do our best to provide an adequate answer for our decision.)