Text Friend to 62640 to immediately connect with a HelpLine Specialist trained to provide resources, information, and support.
Families Anonymous celebrated our 50th Anniversary in 2021. We were formed in 1971 by a group of concerned parents in California who were seeking ways of dealing with the problem of substance abuse and addiction in their children. Our members include parents, grandparents, siblings, spouses, significant others, other family members and friends of those with a current, suspected or former drug problem. We have been one of the best kept secrets in the recovery community, even though we have groups throughout the world.
Families Anonymous is a 12 Step fellowship for the families and friends who have known a feeling of desperation concerning the destructive behavior of someone very near to them, whether caused by drugs, alcohol, or related behavioral problems. When you come into our rooms you are no longer alone, but among friends who have experienced similar problems. Any concerned person is encouraged to attend our meetings, even if there is only a suspicion of a problem.
Your identity is protected in our meetings. We know each other by our first names only. Anonymity of our members is paramount to the success of our program. Not only is anonymity an underlying principle of the program, but it is so important that it is part of our name.
You have nothing to lose but your pain and anger. Read on if you are ready to find the peace and serenity that our members have found through the working of the FA program.
Thursdays, 5-6:00PM PST
Families Anonymous celebrated our 50th Anniversary in 2021. We were formed in 1971 by a group of concerned parents in California who were seeking ways of dealing with the problem of substance abuse and addiction in their children. Our members include parents, grandparents, siblings, spouses, significant others, other family members and friends of those with a current, suspected or former drug problem. We have been one of the best kept secrets in the recovery community, even though we have groups throughout the world.
Families Anonymous is a 12 Step fellowship for the families and friends who have known a feeling of desperation concerning the destructive behavior of someone very near to them, whether caused by drugs, alcohol, or related behavioral problems. When you come into our rooms you are no longer alone, but among friends who have experienced similar problems. Any concerned person is encouraged to attend our meetings, even if there is only a suspicion of a problem.
Your identity is protected in our meetings. We know each other by our first names only. Anonymity of our members is paramount to the success of our program. Not only is anonymity an underlying principle of the program, but it is so important that it is part of our name.
You have nothing to lose but your pain and anger. Read on if you are ready to find the peace and serenity that our members have found through the working of the FA program.
Open 24/7
Where: Discord (https://discord.gg/gmjrHekWPs)
When: Always!
ADHD often comes with a large variety of interests and hobbies. In this group, we can easily celebrate our projects and endeavours and get advice on the best (or most cost-efficient) route to starting a new one (or three)!
24 Hour Recovery Chat Room
LifeRing Secular Recovery is an organization of people who share practical experiences and sobriety support. There are as many ways to live free of illicit or non-medically indicated drugs and alcohol as there are stories of successful sober people.
Many LifeRing members attend other kinds of meetings or recovery programs, and we honor those decisions. Our meetings, whether in person or online, consist of addicts using their Sober Self to connect with the Sober Self of other addicts. We share advice, understanding, and encouragement. We focus primarily on our current lives, not on the hurts and damages of the past. Two addicts, talking Sober-Self to Sober-Self, learn from each other, and gain strength from each other.
Chat Room
To enter the 24-hour Chat Room by clicking on the above or using this link: https://meet56243352.adobeconnect.com/r522ss7kd94t/.
A chat registration screen will first appear. Enter your personalized screenname to enter the room. This chat room is sometimes not hosted so be cautious of whom you are talking to and never give out any personal information.
For Guidelines on chat room rules, download the LifeRing Document
For help, email onlinemeetings@lifering.org
Our ‘Gender Identity Exploration’ support group provides a safe and welcoming space for individuals to navigate and understand their unique gender identities while fostering a supportive community.
When you create an account you’ll always come back to where you left off. With an account you can also be notified of new replies, save bookmarks, and use likes to thank others. We can all work together to make this community great.
Use the link Below to Join
SupportGroups.com is a safe, social support network that allows members & therapists to engage in group discussions for everyone involved. Our groups provide support for those dealing with Mental and Physical Health issues, Addiction, Relationships, or their Identity. Our mission is simple: Provide support in a safe online community for everyone who needs it.
We offer free, confidential, non-clinical emotional support by phone and text message to people in the midst of psychedelic experiences, people exploring the meaning of past psychedelic experiences, and people who are supporting others have psychedelic experiences.
The Line is staffed by compassionate, diverse, rigorously trained volunteers who listen deeply and from a place of non-judgment. They are trained to be with you, with care.
We do not provide medical care, medical assessment, psychotherapy, or any form of clinical support. People who think they may be having a medical emergency should call 911.
We also do not provide support to people who are actively suicidal. Such callers should call 988.
Fridays – 6-7AM – PST
For AA list of AA Phone Meetings https://aaphonemeetings.org
About AA Phone Meetings
AA Phone Meetings Are Listed By Day And Operate On Eastern Standard Time. [EDITOR NOTE: Oregon is on Pacific Standard Time PST, 3hrs earlier than EST]
Mute to listen or Unmute to share – Each conference call has different muting and unmuting functions – Press * 6 to unmute yourself. When you are done sharing, you will hear “muted” or “unmuted” Always remember to mute when not sharing to preserve the clarity and serenity in all the AA phone meetings.
AA meeting etiquette should be practiced in all conference call meetings for the good of the group and AA as a whole.
Each meeting has an individual format so come early, stay late, learn to listen, and listen to learn.
All AA phone meetings have a parking lot to ask questions and fellowship after each meeting. Please practice common sense when taking or giving out any personal information during or after any phone meeting.
Please note: These are conference call meetings, and you may need to check with your phone provider to see if there is are additional costs or restrictions that may apply to each meeting you attend
All AA phone meetings may not have an available moderator for all times listed. Generally 90 days of sobriety are required to serve as a meeting moderator (as per group conscious). In the event a moderator is not available for that meeting time, please feel free to begin meeting.
Open meeting by asking for volunteers to read AA Preamble. If there are no volunteers, please read the preamble.
Ask for a volunteer to read the 12 Steps or How It Works or 12 Traditions
Ask for a volunteer to keep time.
Generally phone meeting sharing is limited to 4 minutes thus giving all participants an opportunity to speak if desired.
Tradition 7 – We are self-supporting through our own contributions and the AA preamble states The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking and there are no dues or fees for membership AA itself does have operating costs, so please donate what you can when you can by clicking on the basket to donate directly to AA and you will be linked to AA.OGR donation web page.
The basket will be AA direct link to AA.ORG donation page
Portland Area Intergroup of Alcoholics Anonymous
Eye Opener
Online Via ZOOM, Weekdays and Weekends, 6-7 AM PST
Open meetings are available to anyone interested in Alcoholics Anonymous’ program of recovery from alcoholism. Nonalcoholics may attend open meetings as observers.
Alcoholics Anonymous is a community of men and women who have found a solution to their drinking problem. We are:
About Meetings
A.A. Groups conduct meetings, usually weekly, where we share our experience, strength, and hope. Portland area meetings are listed on the Meetings page by day, time, and location.
The two most common kinds of A.A. meetings are:
OPEN MEETINGS: Open to alcoholics and their families, anyone who thinks they may have a drinking problem, as well as anyone curious about A.A.
CLOSED MEETINGS: Limited to those with a desire to stop drinking, they provide an opportunity for sharing on problems related to alcoholism and discussion of solutions found in the recovery program.
What happens at an A.A. Meeting?
Some meetings are specific to men, women, LBGTQ, and speakers of minority languages. There is often some socializing before the meeting begins. Meetings commonly begin with a short prayer or moment of silence, followed by a few readings from A.A. literature.
Following announcements, the basket is passed; typical contributions are a dollar or two but are not required. The money collected is used for coffee, rent for the meeting space, A.A. literature purchases, and support of local, state, and national A.A. services, such as this website. Large donations are actively discouraged.
Common meeting formats include:
Speaker – one person relating their personal experience with alcoholism and recovery
Group discussion of a topic chosen by the chairperson
Step Study meeting where one or more of the 12 Steps are discussed
In keeping with A.A.’s primary purpose, discussion is generally focused on recovery from alcoholism.
The meeting is typically ended with a prayer, usually the Serenity Prayer or the Lord’s Prayer, often with the group forming a circle and holding hands. Participation in the prayer is optional. More socializing typically follows the close of the formal meeting, and members may gather afterward at a nearby coffee shop.
A.A. Preamble
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS® is a fellowship of people who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism.
The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for AA membership; we are self-supporting through our own contributions.
AA is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization, or institution; does not wish to engage in any controversy; neither endorses nor opposes any causes.
Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics achieve sobriety.
Recovery Dharma Online
Forgiveness Friday Non-Dukkha
Fridays, 6-7AM PST
825 4113 2140
Recovery Dharma is a peer-led movement and community that is unified by our trust in the potential of each of us to recover and find freedom from the suffering of addiction. We believe that the traditional Buddhist teachings, often referred to as the Dharma, offer a powerful approach to healing from addiction and living a life of true freedom.
We believe that recovery means empowerment, and we support each other as partners walking the path together. We believe that recovery is rooted in finding our own inner wisdom and individual journeys.
Recovery Dharma is founded on, and inspired by, Buddhism that originated in India and later on flourished in other regions of Asia (e.g., South Asia, East Asia, Southeast Asia, Central Asia). We deeply appreciate the Buddhist heritage that was protected and freely offered by the ancestors of these cultures.
Available Monday Through Friday, 7:00 AM – 7:00 PM PST
NAMI is proud to introduce the Teen & Young Adult (T&YA) HelpLine: A free nationwide peer-support service providing information, resource referrals, and support to teens and young adults.
Our T&YA Specialists are young people who understand what you’re going through because they have been through stuff, too. They are experienced and well-trained. They care and want to help you find a way forward. Reach out by phone, text, or chat.
Text Friend to 62640 to immediately connect with a HelpLine Specialist trained to provide resources, information, and support.
Click “Chat With Us” below to connect with a HelpLine Specialist on NAMI.org.
If you are a teen or young adult with questions about mental health, call 1-800-950-NAMI (6264) to speak with a NAMI HelpLine specialist now.
Fridays – 7-8AM – PST
For AA list of AA Phone Meetings https://aaphonemeetings.org
About AA Phone Meetings
AA Phone Meetings Are Listed By Day And Operate On Eastern Standard Time. [EDITOR NOTE: Oregon is on Pacific Standard Time PST, 3hrs earlier than EST]
Mute to listen or Unmute to share – Each conference call has different muting and unmuting functions – Press * 6 to unmute yourself. When you are done sharing, you will hear “muted” or “unmuted” Always remember to mute when not sharing to preserve the clarity and serenity in all the AA phone meetings.
AA meeting etiquette should be practiced in all conference call meetings for the good of the group and AA as a whole.
Each meeting has an individual format so come early, stay late, learn to listen, and listen to learn.
All AA phone meetings have a parking lot to ask questions and fellowship after each meeting. Please practice common sense when taking or giving out any personal information during or after any phone meeting.
Please note: These are conference call meetings, and you may need to check with your phone provider to see if there is are additional costs or restrictions that may apply to each meeting you attend
All AA phone meetings may not have an available moderator for all times listed. Generally 90 days of sobriety are required to serve as a meeting moderator (as per group conscious). In the event a moderator is not available for that meeting time, please feel free to begin meeting.
Open meeting by asking for volunteers to read AA Preamble. If there are no volunteers, please read the preamble.
Ask for a volunteer to read the 12 Steps or How It Works or 12 Traditions
Ask for a volunteer to keep time.
Generally phone meeting sharing is limited to 4 minutes thus giving all participants an opportunity to speak if desired.
Tradition 7 – We are self-supporting through our own contributions and the AA preamble states The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking and there are no dues or fees for membership AA itself does have operating costs, so please donate what you can when you can by clicking on the basket to donate directly to AA and you will be linked to AA.OGR donation web page.
The basket will be AA direct link to AA.ORG donation page
KIVA Centers Groups
Spirituality and Wellness
Fridays, 7-8PM PDT
Spirituality and Wellness: This is a group to explore how your Spirituality supports your Wellness and finding balance.
Refuge Recovery is a practice, a process, a set of tools, a treatment, and a path to healing addiction and the suffering caused by addiction. This meeting is an ongoing online meeting where we study the four foundations of mindfulness. Please join us when you can.
Fridays, 7:00am PST
About Refuge Recovery
Buddhism recognizes a non-theistic approach to spiritual practice. The Refuge Recovery program of recovery does not ask anyone to believe anything, only to trust the process and do the hard work of recovery.
This program contains a systematic approach to treating and recovering from all forms of addictions. Using the traditional formulation, the program of recovery consists of the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path. When sincerely practiced, the program will ensure a full recovery from addiction and a lifelong sense of well-being and happiness.
Of course, like every path, you can only get to your destination by moving forward, one foot in front of the other. The path is gradual and comprehensive, a map of the inner terrain that must be traversed in the process of recovery. The path includes daily meditation practices, written investigations of the causes and conditions of your addictions, and how to find or create the community you will need in order to heal and awaken. Our community helps shape, inform, and enhance the program with their direct experience of practicing these principles. This program, then, should be viewed as a collaborative effort. We have every intention to learn, grow and evolve.
All recovery meetings are non-denominational, agnostic to any specific recovery pathway, and are open to anyone.
Meetings are held online Via ZOOM
West Los Angeles Alano Club
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
Friday 7:15 am ZOOM Grapevine/Speaker/Participation
Zoom Meeting ID: 953 485 3738
Password: 1234
Refuge Recovery is a practice, a process, a set of tools, a treatment, and a path to healing addiction and the suffering caused by addiction. This meeting is an ongoing online meeting where we study the four foundations of mindfulness. Please join us when you can.
7:30am PST
About Refuge Recovery
Buddhism recognizes a non-theistic approach to spiritual practice. The Refuge Recovery program of recovery does not ask anyone to believe anything, only to trust the process and do the hard work of recovery.
This program contains a systematic approach to treating and recovering from all forms of addictions. Using the traditional formulation, the program of recovery consists of the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path. When sincerely practiced, the program will ensure a full recovery from addiction and a lifelong sense of well-being and happiness.
Of course, like every path, you can only get to your destination by moving forward, one foot in front of the other. The path is gradual and comprehensive, a map of the inner terrain that must be traversed in the process of recovery. The path includes daily meditation practices, written investigations of the causes and conditions of your addictions, and how to find or create the community you will need in order to heal and awaken. Our community helps shape, inform, and enhance the program with their direct experience of practicing these principles. This program, then, should be viewed as a collaborative effort. We have every intention to learn, grow and evolve.
Fridays, 8-9AM PST
Families Anonymous celebrated our 50th Anniversary in 2021. We were formed in 1971 by a group of concerned parents in California who were seeking ways of dealing with the problem of substance abuse and addiction in their children. Our members include parents, grandparents, siblings, spouses, significant others, other family members and friends of those with a current, suspected or former drug problem. We have been one of the best kept secrets in the recovery community, even though we have groups throughout the world.
Families Anonymous is a 12 Step fellowship for the families and friends who have known a feeling of desperation concerning the destructive behavior of someone very near to them, whether caused by drugs, alcohol, or related behavioral problems. When you come into our rooms you are no longer alone, but among friends who have experienced similar problems. Any concerned person is encouraged to attend our meetings, even if there is only a suspicion of a problem.
Your identity is protected in our meetings. We know each other by our first names only. Anonymity of our members is paramount to the success of our program. Not only is anonymity an underlying principle of the program, but it is so important that it is part of our name.
You have nothing to lose but your pain and anger. Read on if you are ready to find the peace and serenity that our members have found through the working of the FA program.
KIVA Centers Groups
Finding Freedom
Fridays, 8-9AM PDT
Finding Freedom: This is a space to process the trauma that can occur from experiences related to locked facilities, including prison, jail, mental hospitals or nursing homes. This group is for people who have direct experiences related to incarceration and for people supporting someone they love who is currently or previously incarcerated.
Recovery Dharma Online
The Sunlight RD/Discovery Dharma
Mondays through Fridays, 8:00am PST
Welcome to all genders, races, creeds, etc. Leave/Keep Substance or Behavioral issues Behind YOU!…SYS!! Early (today), Mid and Post-Recovery Peeps Welcome. Come as you Are!!
Recovery Dharma is a peer-led movement and community that is unified by our trust in the potential of each of us to recover and find freedom from the suffering of addiction. We believe that the traditional Buddhist teachings, often referred to as the Dharma, offer a powerful approach to healing from addiction and living a life of true freedom.
We believe that recovery means empowerment, and we support each other as partners walking the path together. We believe that recovery is rooted in finding our own inner wisdom and individual journeys.
Recovery Dharma is founded on, and inspired by, Buddhism that originated in India and later on flourished in other regions of Asia (e.g., South Asia, East Asia, Southeast Asia, Central Asia). We deeply appreciate the Buddhist heritage that was protected and freely offered by the ancestors of these cultures.
West Los Angeles Alano Club
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
Friday 8:45 am ZOOM Speaker/Participation
Zoom Meeting ID: 953 485 3738
Password: 1234
Fridays – 9-10AM – PST
For AA list of AA Phone Meetings https://aaphonemeetings.org
About AA Phone Meetings
AA Phone Meetings Are Listed By Day And Operate On Eastern Standard Time. [EDITOR NOTE: Oregon is on Pacific Standard Time PST, 3hrs earlier than EST]
Mute to listen or Unmute to share – Each conference call has different muting and unmuting functions – Press * 6 to unmute yourself. When you are done sharing, you will hear “muted” or “unmuted” Always remember to mute when not sharing to preserve the clarity and serenity in all the AA phone meetings.
AA meeting etiquette should be practiced in all conference call meetings for the good of the group and AA as a whole.
Each meeting has an individual format so come early, stay late, learn to listen, and listen to learn.
All AA phone meetings have a parking lot to ask questions and fellowship after each meeting. Please practice common sense when taking or giving out any personal information during or after any phone meeting.
Please note: These are conference call meetings, and you may need to check with your phone provider to see if there is are additional costs or restrictions that may apply to each meeting you attend
All AA phone meetings may not have an available moderator for all times listed. Generally 90 days of sobriety are required to serve as a meeting moderator (as per group conscious). In the event a moderator is not available for that meeting time, please feel free to begin meeting.
Open meeting by asking for volunteers to read AA Preamble. If there are no volunteers, please read the preamble.
Ask for a volunteer to read the 12 Steps or How It Works or 12 Traditions
Ask for a volunteer to keep time.
Generally phone meeting sharing is limited to 4 minutes thus giving all participants an opportunity to speak if desired.
Tradition 7 – We are self-supporting through our own contributions and the AA preamble states The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking and there are no dues or fees for membership AA itself does have operating costs, so please donate what you can when you can by clicking on the basket to donate directly to AA and you will be linked to AA.OGR donation web page.
The basket will be AA direct link to AA.ORG donation page
Fridays – 9-10AM – PST
For AA list of AA Phone Meetings https://aaphonemeetings.org
About AA Phone Meetings
AA Phone Meetings Are Listed By Day And Operate On Eastern Standard Time. [EDITOR NOTE: Oregon is on Pacific Standard Time PST, 3hrs earlier than EST]
Mute to listen or Unmute to share – Each conference call has different muting and unmuting functions – Press * 6 to unmute yourself. When you are done sharing, you will hear “muted” or “unmuted” Always remember to mute when not sharing to preserve the clarity and serenity in all the AA phone meetings.
AA meeting etiquette should be practiced in all conference call meetings for the good of the group and AA as a whole.
Each meeting has an individual format so come early, stay late, learn to listen, and listen to learn.
All AA phone meetings have a parking lot to ask questions and fellowship after each meeting. Please practice common sense when taking or giving out any personal information during or after any phone meeting.
Please note: These are conference call meetings, and you may need to check with your phone provider to see if there is are additional costs or restrictions that may apply to each meeting you attend
All AA phone meetings may not have an available moderator for all times listed. Generally 90 days of sobriety are required to serve as a meeting moderator (as per group conscious). In the event a moderator is not available for that meeting time, please feel free to begin meeting.
Open meeting by asking for volunteers to read AA Preamble. If there are no volunteers, please read the preamble.
Ask for a volunteer to read the 12 Steps or How It Works or 12 Traditions
Ask for a volunteer to keep time.
Generally phone meeting sharing is limited to 4 minutes thus giving all participants an opportunity to speak if desired.
Tradition 7 – We are self-supporting through our own contributions and the AA preamble states The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking and there are no dues or fees for membership AA itself does have operating costs, so please donate what you can when you can by clicking on the basket to donate directly to AA and you will be linked to AA.OGR donation web page.
The basket will be AA direct link to AA.ORG donation page
KIVA Centers Groups
Black/Brown Indigenous Person of Color (BIPOC) Support
Fridays, 8-9 AM PDT
Black/Brown Indigenous Person of Color (BIPOC) Support: This group is centered around the unique needs of BIPOC communities (Black Indigenous People of Color). *This is a closed affinity group for BIPOC people only
Morning Meeting 9-10M PST Daily
SHE RECOVERS® Together Online Gatherings / SHE RECOVERS Yoga / SHE RECOVERS Dance are twice-daily, hour-long, trauma-informed and facilitated by volunteer Professional SHE RECOVERS Designees.
A free authenticated zoom account is required to attend. Visit http://herecovers.org/together-online/#schedule for the full gathering schedule.
We welcome women and non-binary individuals who identify with women’s communities – who are in or seeking recovery – into this space. We also welcome all races, sexual orientations, and all those differences of life situations, backgrounds, and abilities.
These gatherings are facilitated and supported by trained volunteers. They do not constitute a therapeutic or coaching relationship and are not a replacement for trauma therapy, addiction treatment, psychiatric, or medical care.
If you are seeking treatment or professional recovery support please visit our online directory of trusted resources @ sherecovers.org
By participating in these gatherings, you agree to adhere to our Gathering Agreements @ bit.ly/SRTGatheringAgreements and to co-create a welcoming and supportive environment built on mutual respect for all participants, volunteers, and facilitators. SHE RECOVERS Foundation space-holders reserve the right to remove any individual who appears to be violating the group guidelines and terms of use @ bit.ly/SRtermsofuse set out by SRF.
*By registering for this free offering, you are opting in to receive emails from SHE RECOVERS Foundation. You can unsubscribe at any time.
The Gatherings occur twice-daily at 9:00AM & 5:00PM PST. Visit https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html to convert to your local time.
To attend this online group register with the link below
Every Week Day
9-10AM PST
All recovery meetings are non-denominational, agnostic to any specific recovery pathway, and are open to anyone.
Meetings are held online Via ZOOM
Do you ever just want to be able to talk about what’s happening and not be afraid to share? Come join others who live with the pain and want to share hope with each other without judgement or fear of reaction.
Who: Anyone who has ever tried to die by suicide and/or anyone living with thoughts/visions/plans or dreams of suicide; people who want a place to talk about it and feel heard!
What: SLOP is a 90-minute meeting designed and facilitated by survivors for survivors! It provides a space for individuals to come together so they can share their experience, strength, and hope!
Why: Many of us have learned to keep our experiences hidden for fear of others trying to “fix us”, force us to take medications or go into the hospital. As a result, we sometimes feel alone with no one we can trust to just talk about it.
IPS (Intentional Peer Support) principles guide our open conversations about living as a survivor
Fridays, 10 – 11AM PST
Join Zoom Meeting
Dual Diagnosis Anonymous (DDA) is a peer support group based on an authorized version of the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous plus an additional 5 Steps that focus on Dual Diagnosis (mental illness and substance abuse). DDA’s unique 12 Steps Plus 5 Program offers hope for achieving the promise of recovery. Read more about the history of DDA at http://www.ddaoregon.com/about.htm.
KIVA Centers Groups
TGIF (Thank Goodness It’s Friday)
Fridays, 10-11AM PDT
WEconnect Specialty Meeting
Fridays 10-11AM PST
Our meetings are a safe space for anyone with quality of life concerns and seeking community, wellness, and personal growth.
Our mission is to be a life-saving haven for those dealing with mental health and substance use challenges. We are devoted to empowering families, workplaces, healthcare environments, and communities through innovative mental wellness strategies, precise outcome data, and dedicated support networks. In unity, we forge a resilient first line of intervention that safeguards lives and fosters thriving futures.
Do you use prescribed medication to treat various drug and alcohol use disorders? Many people who utilize evidence-based science to aid in their recovery sometimes feel uncomfortable in their day-to-day lives. Additionally, a multitude of people on this healing path have even felt unwelcome at traditional recovery meetings. We understand. At Medication-Assisted Recovery Anonymous (MARA), you’re always welcome!
Contact Melissa C. at (904) 673-5313 for more info.
Third Mondays, 11AM-12Noon
The SHE RECOVERS Foundation #MentalHealthMonday Recovery Education series is composed of hour-long, live, recovery-focused educational sessions featuring today’s leaders in women’s wellness, mental health, addiction recovery, and holistic health.
Refuge Recovery is a practice, a process, a set of tools, a treatment, and a path to healing addiction and the suffering caused by addiction. This meeting is an ongoing online meeting where we study the four foundations of mindfulness. Please join us when you can.
12:00PM PST
About Refuge Recovery
Buddhism recognizes a non-theistic approach to spiritual practice. The Refuge Recovery program of recovery does not ask anyone to believe anything, only to trust the process and do the hard work of recovery.
This program contains a systematic approach to treating and recovering from all forms of addictions. Using the traditional formulation, the program of recovery consists of the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path. When sincerely practiced, the program will ensure a full recovery from addiction and a lifelong sense of well-being and happiness.
Of course, like every path, you can only get to your destination by moving forward, one foot in front of the other. The path is gradual and comprehensive, a map of the inner terrain that must be traversed in the process of recovery. The path includes daily meditation practices, written investigations of the causes and conditions of your addictions, and how to find or create the community you will need in order to heal and awaken. Our community helps shape, inform, and enhance the program with their direct experience of practicing these principles. This program, then, should be viewed as a collaborative effort. We have every intention to learn, grow and evolve.
West Los Angeles Alano Club
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
Friday 12:00 pm ZOOM Speaker/Participation
Zoom Meeting ID: 953 485 3738
Password: 1234
Many seniors in our community face unique challenges.
In some cases, LGBTQIA+ seniors may not be out to family and if they are, often fear having to go back in the closet if they need assisted services.
We understand that and can talk about it.
We provide a confidential safe space where seniors can speak about their unique issues concerning sexual orientation or gender identity/expression. This includes coming out issues, family dynamics, relationship concerns, elder abuse, HIV/AIDS anxiety, safer sex information, suicide, and much more.
Sometimes you just need to be heard. We’re here.
You deserve respect, support, affirmation, and acceptance.
We don’t give advice, and we never tell you what you should do. Ultimately, those choices are yours to make, but we are here to help you on your journey.
Our highly trained & dedicated LGBTQIA+ volunteers are here to provide free & confidential services.
Everyone who offers support at the LGBT National Help Center identifies as part of the LGBTQIA+ community.
We offer support, information, and local resources throughout the United States and beyond.
We will never report your calls to any outside organization or authority.
Calls are never outsourced or answered by any other organizations.
We provide a safe space while on a call.
All of our peer support volunteers are trained and identify as part of the LGBTQIA+ community.
Our calls are confidential. We don’t know who you are.
There are no recordings made of your conversation.
If you would like us to search for local resources near you, we might ask for your zip code/postal code or city, state, or country. We will never ask for your exact address.
Sometimes our conversations can be heavy, and a person might need to stop the conversation and let the emotions they are feeling sink in. That’s ok. If it’s time for you to end the call, you should certainly do so. You will not be judged, and we’re very glad you called for the amount of time you did.
We don’t call other suicide hotlines, 911, or rescue services on your behalf. While we will not make those calls for you, we will do our best to provide you with the phone numbers to call for yourself if you choose. (The exception is if you make credible threat to someone else.)
If you attempt to start a call during open hours and can’t get through, that means that all of our volunteers are currently talking with other people. Please try back in a few minutes. Should you still not be able to get through, you are always welcome to email us at help@LGBThotline.org.
DBSA Online Support Group
Fridays 1-2PM PST
All DBSA online support groups are free of charge. Online support groups are led by peers, which means that the person guiding the meeting knows firsthand what it’s like to live with a mood disorder.
Our national online support groups are hosted by HeyPeers, a DBSA vendor.
Upon registration, you will receive an email from them to assist you with managing your account.
KIVA Centers Groups
Living with Suicide
Fridays, 1:00PM PDT
Living with Suicide: This group is a safe space where people with similar experiences can discuss all the alternatives we have surrounding the topic of suicide. We are non-judgmental, non-clinical, and we are not mandated reporters. You are safe here to speak freely in an open and caring atmosphere and be supported in your experiences.
This group is for participants who would like to learn techniques that support recovery from trauma.
Click link below to attend group. You will be asked to register on ZOOM. It’s free and fast!
ZOOM Meeting ID#: 871 0581 2688
MA – Marijuana Anonymous
Fridays 2:00PM to 3:15PM PST
Young, Wild & Weed Free is a group of people primarily under the age of 30 (but all are welcome as this is an open meeting) that are navigating the creation of a healthier life together. Through fellowship, service, and not smoking the ganj, we form a community of young people with a shared experience.
Meets on Zoom: Join Online, Meeting ID: 676 775 1061, Password: recovery12
Marijuana Anonymous is a fellowship of people who share our experience, strength, and hope with each other that we may solve our common problem and help others to recover from marijuana addiction.
The only requirement is a desire to stop using marijuana. There are no dues or fees for membership. MA is fully self-supporting through members’ contributions. MA is not affiliated with any religious or secular institution or organization and has no opinion on any outside controversies or causes.
Our primary purpose is to stay free of marijuana and to help the addict who still suffers achieve the same freedom. This is done by practicing the suggested Twelve Steps of recovery and by being guided by the Twelve Traditions.
Ultimately, hope for recovery lies in the individual addict’s ability to recognize that they have a problem and that they need help. The point at which one recognizes the need for help is commonly referred to as a “bottom” or a moment of clarity. The addict must have a true desire to stop using and the willingness to admit that the problem cannot be coped with alone.
Life Wellness/Self-Care Group
Monday through Friday – 3:00 – 8:00PM PST
Life Connections understands the need for individuals who are needing support and may not be able to travel or want the comfort of their own home. We offer remote support by virtual and phone capabilities. We want to offer a way for you to stay physically distant but stay socially engaged. We offer support groups, one on one support, and just that socialization that we all need. Join group any time during the posted time.
Virtual events are online Via Zoom
Do you use prescribed medication to treat various drug and alcohol use disorders? Many people who utilize evidence-based science to aid in their recovery sometimes feel uncomfortable in their day-to-day lives. Additionally, a multitude of people on this healing path have even felt unwelcome at traditional recovery meetings. We understand. At Medication-Assisted Recovery Anonymous (MARA), you’re always welcome!
Contact Debbie T. at (310) 251-1371 for more info.
Every Week Day
All recovery meetings are non-denominational, agnostic to any specific recovery pathway, and are open to anyone.
Meetings are held online Via ZOOM
Addiction Recovery Support Group
Monday through Friday – 3:30 – 4:30PM PST
Life Connections understands the need for individuals who are needing support and may not be able to travel or want the comfort of their own home. We offer remote support by virtual and phone capabilities. We want to offer a way for you to stay physically distant but stay socially engaged. We offer support groups, one on one support, and just that socialization that we all need. Join group any time during the posted time.
Virtual events are online Via Zoom
Anger Management Group
Monday through Friday – 3:30 – 4:30PM PST
Life Connections understands the need for individuals who are needing support and may not be able to travel or want the comfort of their own home. We offer remote support by virtual and phone capabilities. We want to offer a way for you to stay physically distant but stay socially engaged. We offer support groups, one on one support, and just that socialization that we all need. Join group any time during the posted time.
Virtual events are online Via Zoom
Anxiety Support Group
Monday through Friday – 3:30 – 4:30PM PST
Life Connections understands the need for individuals who are needing support and may not be able to travel or want the comfort of their own home. We offer remote support by virtual and phone capabilities. We want to offer a way for you to stay physically distant but stay socially engaged. We offer support groups, one on one support, and just that socialization that we all need. Join group any time during the posted time.
Virtual events are online Via Zoom
Trauma Support Group
Monday through Friday – 3:30 – 4:30PM PST
Life Connections understands the need for individuals who are needing support and may not be able to travel or want the comfort of their own home. We offer remote support by virtual and phone capabilities. We want to offer a way for you to stay physically distant but stay socially engaged. We offer support groups, one on one support, and just that socialization that we all need. Join group any time during the posted time.
Virtual events are online Via Zoom
Monday through Friday – 3:30 – 4:30PM PST
Life Connections understands the need for individuals who are needing support and may not be able to travel or want the comfort of their own home. We offer remote support by virtual and phone capabilities. We want to offer a way for you to stay physically distant but stay socially engaged. We offer support groups, one on one support, and just that socialization that we all need. Join group any time during the posted time.
Virtual events are online Via Zoom
Refuge Recovery is a practice, a process, a set of tools, a treatment, and a path to healing addiction and the suffering caused by addiction This meeting is an ongoing online meeting where we study the four foundations of mindfulness. Please join us when you can.
Fridays PST
“We Stood at the Turning Point” BBSS Meeting
4-5:30PM PST – Fridays
The BBSS process is a fearless and thorough way of working the 12 Steps developed by five members of Alcoholics Anonymous from Hyannis, Massachusetts in the mid-1980s.
Meetings follow a 15-week rotation where key portions of the AA Big Book — covering one or more of the Steps — are read, witnessed to by a main speaker, and discussed by those qualified to share.
Zoom Meeting ID: 594 783 5344
Audio Only Option: 1-301-715-8592
Password: 222
Email: aaabigbookstepstudy@gmail.com
Contact: Matt D.