PeerGalaxy Original Calendar

Welcome to PeerGalaxy Calendar featuring over 99,000+ monthly offerings of FREE telephone- and online-accessible peer support, recovery support + wellness activities!

Over 30+ warmlines plus webinars, workshops, job postings, special events, consumer input opportunities and more.


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If you have an event to add, email us:

How Events are Sorted:

First, at the top of the list: SAMHSA Disaster Helpline and similar links.

Next in the list: Bundled “All Day” Events for organizations with events happening at multiple times throughout the day and/or in many formats or locations; these are bundled into a single listing to prevent endless scrolling.  Usually these offer a lookup by zip code or other criteria. 

Lastly, Time-Specific Events listed by start time from 12:01am early morning to 11:59pm late night.  Warmlines and places east of Oregon’s time zone tend to start earlier (e.g. 4am in Oregon is 7am in New York).

04 – Resources – Autism Resources, Articles, Support
Apr 20 all-day
04 - Resources - Autism Resources, Articles, Support





What is Autism?

What you should know

Autism is a severe developmental disorder that affects the way a child sees and interacts with the rest of the world. It limits their ability to interact with others socially, in fact many autism suffers avoid human contact.

Autism is part of a larger group of disorders called pervasive developmental disorders (PDD). More information about autism: Click on each of these links



Autism is a developmental disability that comes from a neurological disorder that affects the normal functioning of the brain. It is characterized by the abnormal development of communication skills, social skills, and reasoning. Males are affected four times as often as females. Children may appear normal until around the age of 30 months.


Click each of these following titles learn more….

Autism Symptoms

Autism Symptoms vary widely in severity, include impairment in social interaction, fixation on inanimate objects, inability to communicate normally, and resistance to changes in daily routine. Characteristic traits include lack of eye contact, repetition of words or phrases, unmotivated tantrums, inability to express needs verbally, and insensitivity to pain.

Behaviors may change over time. Autistic children often have other disorders of brain function; about two thirds are mentally retarded; over one quarter develop seizures.

What Autism is Not

Autism can be confused with several other disorders which may have similar behaviors. Here is a list of autism like disorders that you should look at.

What Causes Autism

It remains unclear, but a psychological one has been ruled out. Neurological studies seem to indicate a primary brain dysfunction, and a genetic component is suggested by a pattern of autism in some families. It is largely believed that autism is a genetic disorder that involves several genes related to gene function. However it is unclear to researchers what causes these genes to turn on. Learn more about other causes of autism.

Autism Research

There are many exciting developments in autism research going on at the top universities. They are focusing on inherited autism and autism gene research.

Other Autism Spectrum Disorders

Asperger’s Syndrome – A child with asperger’s disorder has the same common problems as children with autism however they don’t have language development problems of a autistic child.

Pervasive Developmental Disorder and not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS) – This child has autism but doesn’t meet the criteria for high functioning autism.

High-Functioning Autism – This child has autism but has normal learning and cognitive and learning skills. Language development is difficult initially but they become proficient eventually.


FAQ about Autism Special Education and IEP

This is an important list of questions and answers to help you deal with special education issues at your school.


Autism Tips for working with Teachers

This is a great check list of items to be aware of when you work with your child’s teacher and your child’s Individual Education Plan.

Tip: Go to our Autism education discussion boards and post a question with other parents.

Early Origins of Autism



Ask an Expert on Autism

Health Finder

Talk to Autism Expert

National Institutes of Mental Health

Combined Health Information Database

Abstracts on Autism



Searchable Directory of Autism Resources


Or Click on the Topic area directly below

Adult Resources

Attorneys & Advocates

Behavior/Family Training

Community Living


Medical Providers/Diagnosis

Non-English Resources

Respite Care Providers


Sports & Camps

Therapy Providers


Autism NOW Center’s fact sheets on topics of importance to people with autism spectrum disorders and other developmental disabilities are a resource you and your family members, as well as educators, employers, physicians and others, can use to get information in an easy-to-read and understand format.  The fact sheets are available in several languages in PDF form which can be printed out for your convenience. See the full list of topics and language choices below.



Find the resources you need 1-885-828-847


Article Links

Follow this page link for listings of over 800 articles and resources

Interagency Autism Coordination Committee


About Autism

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disability that is estimated to affect about 1 in 36 children and approximately 2.21% of adults. Autism affects the way a person experiences the world and can result in significant challenges in social communication and interaction, as well as repetitive behaviors and unusual or intense interests.

People on the autism spectrum often have a strong preference for routines and predictability, and some are challenged in adapting to change. Many people on the autism spectrum experience sensory differences, including high or low sensitivity to sounds, light, textures, tastes, and physical touch. Some have accompanying language and/or intellectual disabilities, and some may be intellectually gifted or possess other unique abilities, talents, or strengths.

ASD can be diagnosed at any age, but differences generally appear in the first two years of life. ASD is known as a “spectrum” condition because it encompasses a wide variation in the type, combination, and severity of disabilities, as a well as a range of unique abilities and strengths, many of which can change over the course of a person’s lifespan. The type and intensity of supports and services that a child or adult on the autism spectrum may require, ranging from minimal to intensive, will vary depending on their unique needs.

With appropriate supports and an environment that promotes inclusion, acceptance, and empowerment, people on the autism spectrum can fully participate in community life and achieve their full potential.

This page includes resources that provide general information about autism.


Websites and Programs

The Autistic Self Advocacy Network was created by autistic people and for autistic people. This page provides an overview of typical characteristics of autism.

More Websites and Programs

Toolkits and Guides

This tool kit provides families of children ages four and under with guidance on how to access services the first 100 days after an autism diagnosis.

More Toolkits and Guides


March 2020

This report from provides an overview of 2016 data collected by the Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network and Early ADDM. ADDM provides estimates of the prevalence of ASD among 8-year-old children. Early ADDM estimates ASD prevalence and monitors early identification of 4-year-old children. Full findings of the data on 8-year-old and 4-year-old children are available.

March 2020

The CDC released their first estimate of the prevalence of autism in adults based on 2017 data. They estimated that 2.21 percent of adults in the United States have ASD.

More Reports


April 24, 2019

NIMH Director Joshua Gordon, M.D., Ph.D. interviews Ann Wagner, Ph.D., National Autism Coordinator, and Lisa Gilotty, Ph.D., program chief of NIMH’s chief of NIMH’s Research Program on Autism Spectrum Disorders, to discuss advances on the study of autism in adulthood.


Federal Departments and Agencies

This list includes federal departments and agencies that provide funding, programs, and support for issues related to autism and other developmental disabilities.

Independent Agencies

  • National Council on Disability (NCD)
    • Meetings and Events The NCD is an independent federal agency that advises the President, Congress, and other federal agencies on policies, programs, practices, and procedures that affect people with disabilities. Their meetings are open to the public.
    • Resources This page includes information on disability rights and links to resources and services on education, employment, financial assistance and incentives, health care, housing, and more.
  • National Science Foundation (NSF)
    • About NSF The NSF is an independent federal agency that supports fundamental research and education in all non-medical fields of science and engineering.
  • Social Security Administration (SSA)
    • Disability Benefits The Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) disability programs provide assistance to people with disabilities. This page explains these benefits and the application process.
    • Spotlight on Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Accounts Achieving a Better Life Experience Act (ABLE) allows individuals with disabilities to make tax-free saving accounts to cover qualified disability expenses. Individuals can save up to $100,000 without counting against their Supplemental Security Income (SSI) eligibility.

Transition from youth to adulthood

Websites and Programs

More Websites and Programs

Toolkits and Guides

ASAN partnered with the Family Network on Disabilities to produce this guide, which prepares transition age youth for adulthood. The first half provides information on preparing for transition and the second half gives in-depth information on post-secondary education, employment, housing and independent living, and healthcare.

More Toolkits and Guides


March 22, 2018

This report examines guardianship and makes recommendations for its use. Recommendations are based on disability law and policy, how people with disabilities are treated in the legal system, alternatives to guardianship, and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

March 13, 2019

This report describes the demographics, disability, education, and health characteristics of teens and young adults ages 12-23 on the autism spectrum.

More Reports

Research Articles

More Research Articles


March 23, 2020

This webinar provided information about supports and resources to improve access to competitive, integrated employment for youth and young adults on the autism spectrum and enhance their career pathways.




National data has shown that many autistic adults are unemployed or underemployed, even when compared to people with other disabilities and in spite of having needed skills and abilities for the workplace. Researchers and policy makers have worked to develop programs that can increase opportunities for employment and improve employment outcomes. This includes job training and recruitment programs, as well as supports for employees and employers to increase retention and success in the workplace. This page provides information related to employment for people with autism and other disabilities.

Websites and Programs

This program helps public and private sectors recruit, hire, train, and retain job seekers with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

More Websites and Programs

Toolkits and Guides

This plain language toolkit explains the existing policies that help people with disabilities people find and keep good jobs, and solve employment problems.

More Toolkits and Guides


October 9, 2018

Of the 74 state vocational rehabilitation (VR) agencies that responded to GAO’s survey, most reported expanding services to help students with disabilities transition from school to work as required under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), enacted in July 2014. Most state agencies reported serving more students and providing work-based learning experiences and other activities.

May 12, 2020

Researchers analyzed Rehabilitation Services Administration data to determine the association of vocational rehabilitation services with employment outcomes for students ages 16-21. Students with autism were less likely to receive job-related services less than comparison groups.

More Reports

Research Articles

More Research Articles


March 23, 2020

In this webinar, Scott Michael Robertson Ph.D. provides information about government supports and resources that help youth and young adults with autism access competitive, integrated employment and enhance their careers. Full Transition Aged Youth Webinar Series.


Housing plays an important role in ensuring the well being of people on the autism spectrum and helping them integrate into the community. Some people can live independently with minimal or no supports, while others require high levels of support. There is a variety of federal and private resources that can enable people to live in settings that best fit their needs. This page provides information about models of housing for people with disabilities and resources and programs related to disability housing.

Websites and Programs

  • Medicaid.Gov
    • Home & Community Based Services This page provides information on Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) regulations. The page includes a training series for stakeholders, transition plans for individual states, technical assistance, and more. The Final Regulation page provides an overview of rules and regulations states must follow when providing HCBS under Medicaid.
  • The Arc
    • Housing Overview This page provides an overview of housing issues that people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) encounter as well the Arc’s advocacy efforts. The page also describes key federal housing initiatives that enable people with I/DD to live in the community and links to additional resources.

More Websites and Programs

Toolkits and Guides

This handbook is designed to help people with disabilities find and use resources that promote independent living. It includes information on support services and waivers, housing, employment, and community resources. This handbook was created in partnership with Autism NOW Center.

More Toolkits and Guides


May 24, 2019

This report that examines occurrences of institutionalization of people with disabilities, as well as thwarted threats of institutionalization, during hurricanes and the California wildfires in 2017 and 2018. The NCD found that people with disabilities are frequently institutionalized during and after disasters due to conflicting federal guidance; a lack of equal access to emergency and disaster-related programs and services; and a lack of compliance with federal law.

June 2018

The Residential Information Systems Project (RISP) studies trends in residential service settings, funding, and expenditures for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities in the United States. The most recent report uses data through Fiscal Year 2016.

More Reports

Research Articles

More Research Articles


July 23, 2019

This workshop focused on the housing needs of people on the autism spectrum and included examples of various housing models. Meeting details.

July 26, 2017

JaLynn Prince, Adrienne McBride, and Desiree Kameka present Madison House Autism Foundation’s Autism After 21 initiative. Madison House aims to raise awareness of the abilities of and issues facing adults with autism. They also promote housing options for adults with autism and other I/DD through the Autism Housing Network. Meeting details.


For Service Providers and Public Services

Unlocking Potential: Innovative Library Programs Enhancing the Lives of Autistic Individuals


Making Entertainment and Public Spaces More Autistim-Friendly



05 – Warmline – TTP – The Trevor Project – TrevorSpace – Warmline, Chat, Phone – Support Group – 24/7 – Weekdays & Weekends @ Online VIA ZOOM
Apr 20 all-day

Find your 
community at TrevorSpace.

TrevorSpace is an affirming, online community for LGBTQ young people between the ages of 13-24 years old. With over 400,000 members across the globe, you can explore your identity, get advice, find support, and make friends in a moderated community intentionally designed for you.

Meet friends just like you.

Start a discussion, get advice, and find support from other members in similar situations. With 500+ clubs on TrevorSpace, you can quickly find and connect with new friends who share your interests and hobbies anytime, anywhere.

Safely talk to others in our moderated community.

Our team of online moderators and AI-technology help enable a secure, members-only safe space where you can be yourself. With a focus on safety, you can securely and discreetly access the resources you need, when you need them.

08 – Observance – Dry January 2024 – USDJSG – US Dry January Support Group – 24/7 @ Online Via Facebook Live
Apr 20 all-day



Whether you start today or tomorrow for a week or a month! We’re a support group for people based in the United States taking a break from drinking for Dry January or any other period of time while living in the US. Share your thoughts, struggles, and successes. Want a little company or ideas of things to do? Share that, too!
Please read the announcement post before participating. Thanks!
Whether you start today or tomorrow for a week or a month! We’re a support group for people based in the United States taking a break from drinking for Dry January or any other period of time while living in the US. Share your thoughts, struggles, and successes. Want a little company or ideas of things to do? Share that, too!

Please read the announcement post before participating. Thanks!

See less

Group rules from the admins

1. Be Kind and Courteous
We’re all in this together to create a welcoming environment. Let’s treat everyone with respect. Healthy debates are natural, but kindness is required.
2. No Hate Speech or Bullying
Make sure everyone feels safe. Bullying of any kind isn’t allowed, and degrading comments about things like race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, gender or identity will not be tolerated.
3. No Promotions or Spam
Give more than you take to this group. Self-promotion, spam and irrelevant links aren’t allowed.
4. Respect Everyone’s Privacy
Being part of this group requires mutual trust. Authentic, expressive discussions make groups great, but may also be sensitive and private. What’s shared in the group should stay in the group.


AA OR A58 – Alcoholics Anonymous Oregon Area 58 – Find A Meeting In Oregon – English, Spanish, Hearing Impaired – Weekdays & Weekends
Apr 20 all-day



Find an AA Meeting In Oregon

Meetings in Spanish – Hearing Impaired Meetings – Online & In-Person – Hot Lines – Phone Apps

Looking for a local AA meeting?

Meeting lists are provided by local Districts, Intergroups and Central Offices.

You can use the district map page to find the District you’re interested in and then visit the meeting list and/or website for that district.  If a District has no website, the nearest Intergroup or Central Office may be listed.

Hotline phone numbers listed below may also help.

If interested, you can download the meeting guide app from following the links below.


District Websites With Meeting Lists


Click the link above for the List of Oregon AA Districts with AA Meetings and Hotlines plus Phone Apps.

AA Portland Districts map page.

For a detailed view of Districts in the Portland area, visit the map page.


NOTE: Districts, Intergroups and Central Offices are independent service entities; Oregon Area 58 is not responsible for the content of their web sites.

Higher resolution maps of the District boundaries in Portland and in Oregon are also available for download.

District Websites



Tel: (971) 601-9220  Astoria / Seaside

Tel: (503) 739-4856  Tillamook

Link: Website & meeting list




District 2

Depoe Bay, Lincoln City, Newport, Siletz, South Beach, Toledo and Waldport

24-Hour Hotline

Tel: (541) 265-1953


Para Preguntas Llamar:

Tel: (541) 574-7842


Link: Website & meeting list




District 3

Arlington, Boardman, Condon, Fossil, Hepper, Hermiston, Ione, Mission, Pendleton and Pilot Rock



Tel: (800) 410-5953

Link: Website & meeting list




Districts 4 & 28

Salem, Dallas



Tel: (503) 399-0599

Link: Website & meeting list




District 5

Bend, Burns, Chemult, Culver, John Day, La Pine, Madras, Metolius, Mt. Vernon, Prineville, Redmond, Sisters, Sunriver, Terrabonne, Tumalo, and Warm Springs


24-Hour Hotline:

Tel: (541) 548-0440

Link: Website & meetings list




District 6

Emerald Valley Intergroup:

Eugene, Alvadore, Cottage Grove, Creswell, Junction City, Lowell, Springfield, Veneta


24-Hour Hotline:

Tel: (541) 342-4113

Link: Website & meetings list




District 7

Josephine County Intergroup & Central Office


24-Hour Hotline:

Tel: (541) 474-0782

Link: Website & meeting list


District 8

Coos Bay, Florence, Gardiner, Lakeside, Mapleton, North Bend, Reedsport


24-Hour Hotline:

Tel: (541) 269-3265

Link: Website & meeting list


District 9

Northwest/Downtown Portland


24-Hour Hotline:

Tel: (503) 223-8569

Link: Website & meeting list 


District 10

Beaverton, Portland, Tigard


24-Hour Hotline:

Tel: (503) 223-8569

Link: Website & meeting list


District 11

Gresham & East County


24-Hour Hotline:

Tel: (503) 223-8569

Link: Website & meeting list


District 12

Eastside Portland


24-Hour Hotline:

Tel: (503) 223-8569

Link: Meeting schedule (on Portland Intergroup web site)


District 13

Roseburg, Canyonville, Drain, Glendale, Riddle


24-Hour Hotline:

Tel: (541) 673-7552

Link: Website & meeting list


District 14

Bingen/White Salmon WA, Carson WA, Goldendale WA, Hood River, Maupin, Moro, Odell, Parkdale, Stevenson WA, The Dalles, Tygh Valley


24-Hour Hotline:

Tel: (833) 423-3683 = (833-HAD-ENUF)

Link: Website & meeting list


District 15

Clackamas, Milwaukie, West Linn


24-Hour Hotline:

Tel: (503) 223-8569

Link: Website & meeting list


District 16

Applegate, Ashland, Butte Falls, Central Point,
Eagle Point, Gold Hill, Jacksonville, Medford,
Phoenix, Prospect, Rogue River, Ruch, Talent,
& White City


24-Hour Hotline:

Tel: (541) 773-4848

Link: Website & meeting list


District 17

Klamath & Lake Counties


24-Hour Hotline:

Tel: (541) 883-4970

Link: Website & meeting list


District 18

Clatskanie, Ranier, St. Helens, Scappoose, Vernonia


24-hour Hotline:

Tel: (503) 366-0667  Columbia County

Link: Website & meeting list


District 19

Southwest of Eugene


24 Hour Hotline:

Tel: (541) 342-4113

Link: Website (Emerald Valley Intergroup) & meeting list


District 20



24 Hour Hotline:

Tel: (541) 342-4113

Link: Web site (Emerald Valley Intergroup) & meeting list


District 21

Albany, Corvallis, Lebanon, Willamette Valley


24-Hour Hotline:

Tel: (541) 967-4252

Link: Web site & meeting list


District 22

McMinnville, Newberg

24-Hour Hotlines:
Tel: (503) 472-1172 (McMinnville)
Tel: (888) 472-1172 (Newberg)

Link: Website & meeting list


District 23



24-Hour Hotline:

Tel: (503) 684-0415

Link: Website (Westside Central Office) & meeting list


District 24

Eastside Portland


24-Hour Hotline:

Tel: (503) 223-8569

Link: Website & meeting list (on Portland Intergroup web site)


District 25

Estacada, Gresham


24-Hour Hotline:

Tel: (503) 223-8569

Link: Website & meeting list (on Portland Intergroup web site)


District 26

North Portland


24-Hour Hotline:

Tel: (503) 223-8569

Link: Website & meeting list (on Portland Intergroup web site)


District 27

Southeast Portland


24-Hour Hotline:

Tel: (503) 223-8569

Link: Website & meeting list (on Portland Intergroup web site)


Districts 28 (and 4)

Salem, Dallas



Tel: (503) 399-0599

Link: Website & meeting list


District 29

Baker, Union & Wallowa Counties


24-Hour Hotline:

Tel: (541) 624-5117

Link: Website & meeting list


District 30

Oregon South Coast – Bandon, Brookings, Coquille, Gold Beach, Langlois, Myrtle Point, Port Oxford


24-Hour Hotlines:

Tel: (541) 347-1720  Bandon

Tel: (541) 469-2440  Brookings

Link: Website & meeting list


District 31



24-Hour Hotline:

Tel: 503-684-0415

Link: Website (Westside Central Office) & meeting list


District 32

Canyon City, John Day, Mount Vernon


24-Hour Hotline:

Tel: (541) 548-0440

Link: Website & meeting list (Central Oregon Intergroup)


Districts 34 & 35

Spanish Language districts for the entire state.


Para ayuda llame las 24 Horas al

Tel: (971) 327-5523

Link: Meeting list (en Español)


District 36

Southwest Portland and parts of Lake Oswego


Link: Website and meeting list


District 37

Wilsonville, Sherwood, and West Linn


Link: Website (Westside Central Office) & meeting list


Download District maps of Portland and Oregon in higher resolution formats:


Portland Districts Map 11×17

1 file(s) 670.00 KB


Portland Districts Map 36×42

1 file(s) 1.06 MB


Oregon Districts Map 11×17

1 file(s) 755.71 KB




Meetings en Español


Directorio de Grupos Hispaños:


Directory of Spanish-speaking Groups

1 file(s) 105.75 KB




Distrito 28, 34 & 35

Oficina Intergrupal Hispaña De Salem Oregon
2495 Lancaster Dr. NE | Salem, OR 97303
(503) 899-2652


Distrito 28



Para ayuda llame las 24 Horas al

Tel: (971) 327-5523

Link: Meeting schedule


Distrito 34

Para ayuda llame las 24 Horas al

Tel: (971) 327-5523

Link: Meeting list (en Español)


Distrito 35

Para ayuda llame las 24 Horas al

Tel: (971) 327-5523

Link: Website

Link: Meeting list (en Español)




Meetings for the Hearing Impaired


AA Meeting Schedule for the Hearing Impaired

Hotline Phone Numbers by City

Albany/Corvallis:                 541-967-4252
Astoria-Gearhart:                 971-601-9220
Baker City:                         541-624-5117
Bandon, Coquille:                541-347-1720
Boardman                          800-410-5953
Clatskanie, Rainier,              503-366-0667
  Scappoose, St Helens,


Coos Bay, North Bend,          (541) 469-2440
  Lakeside, Reedsport,

  Florence, Gardiner,


Bend:                                541-548-0440
Brookings:                          541-469-2440
Burns:                               541-548-0440
Cannon Beach:                    503-861-5526
Condon                              800-410-5953
The Dalles/Hood River:         800-999-9210
Echo                                  800-410-5953
Enterprise                          541-624-5117
Eugene:                             541-342-4113
Grants Pass:                       541-474-0782
Heppner                             800-410-5953
Hermiston:                         800-410-5953
Klamath:                            541-883-4970
La Grande:                         541-624-5117
Lincoln City:                       541-265-1953
Medford (District):               541-773-4848
McMinnville:                        503-472-1172
Newberg:                           888-472-1172
Newport:                            541-265-1953
Ontario (includes Boise):       208-344-6611
Pendleton:                          800-410-5953
Pilot Rock                           800-410-5953
Portland:                            503-223-8569
Westside Central Office:        503-684-0415
Roseburg:                          541-673-7552
Salem:                               503-399-0599
Seaside:                             971-601-9220
Siletz:                                541-265-1953
Umatilla                             800-410-5953
Yachats, Waldport, Toledo:    541-265-1953



AA Meeting Finder Applications

Meeting Guide App For Android

Meeting Guide App For iPhone






AAC – American Addiction Centers – AAC Virtual Support Meetings – 24/7 @ Online Via Facebook Live
Apr 20 all-day
AAC - American Addiction Centers - AAC Virtual Support Meetings - 24/7 @ Online Via Facebook Live


AAC Virtual Support Meetings

This group is owned and operated by American Addiction Centers (AAC). Amid the current pandemic, AAC is here to support you. During these times of uncertainty, you can be certain that we care about your recovery journey. We understand that attending in-person support group meetings over the coming weeks will be difficult, which is why we will be facilitating online Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous meetings. We have dedicated this group to sharing information related to these support group meetings.
To Join, Use The Link Below
These virtual 12-step meetings are intended to offer a safe place for individuals in recovery to find support during this time of uncertainty. We recognize the heightened sensitivity of attending an online meeting, and we kindly ask for your help in creating and maintaining an environment of peace, support, and confidentiality. Please respect the privacy and anonymity of all those who attend these meetings.
The facilitators of these meetings will protect your identity by hiding the meeting list, so that it is not visible to attendees. We ask for your support in this by not sharing anything discussed within the meeting, including individuals’ names and stories. We are grateful to have the opportunity to support you in your recovery and appreciate your commitment to these.

Group rules from the admins

Respect Everyone’s Privacy
Being part of this group requires mutual trust. Authentic, expressive discussions make groups great, but may also be sensitive and private. What’s shared in the group should stay in the group.
Be kind and Courteous
We’re all in this together to create a welcoming environment. Let’s treat everyone with respect. Healthy debates are natural, but kindness is required.
No Hate Speech or Bullying
Make sure everyone feels safe. Bullying of any kind isn’t allowed, and degrading comments about things like race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, gender, or identity will not be tolerated.
No Promotions or Spam
Give more than you take to this group. Self-promotion, spam and irrelevant links aren’t allowed.
ADAA – Anxiety & Depression Association of America – Online Peer-to-Peer Communities – Anxiety and Depression Support Community – 24/7 Weekdays & Weekends @ online register for details
Apr 20 all-day
ADAA - Anxiety & Depression Association of America - Online Peer-to-Peer Communities - Anxiety and Depression Support Community - 24/7 Weekdays & Weekends @ online register for details






ADAA  – Anxiety and Depression Support Community

Join from this Page

The Anxiety and Depression peer to peer community has more than 80,000 subscribers from around the world. The objective of this community is to create a space that those suffering from anxiety and depression can turn to find and offer comfort and support, to share information and personal experiences, and to make connections with those in the community.

ADAA also posts on the community page providing helpful tips and strategies about anxiety and depression through blogs and free webinars written/hosted by our professional mental health members, infographics, books, podcasts and more specific to anxiety and depression.



ADHD/PEI – ADHD – Prince Edward Island – ADHD Makers Discord Group – 24/7 @ Online Via Discord
Apr 20 all-day





ADHD Makers
Discord Group

Open 24/7


Where:    Discord (

When:     Always!

ADHD often comes with a large variety of interests and hobbies. In this group, we can easily celebrate our projects and endeavours and get advice on the best (or most cost-efficient) route to starting a new one (or three)!




ANARG – Alcoholics And Addicts Recovery Group – Daily @ Online Register for Details
Apr 20 all-day
ANARG - Alcoholics And Addicts Recovery Group - Daily @ Online Register for Details


To join this group, use the Join Group button on the facebook page:
Although we are not an official AA/NA group, this site is for 12 step discussion but should not be used instead of face to face meetings. This site is here to help others in recovery from a very harsh disease. Consequently, we welcome the opportunity to share AA/NA experience with those who would like to get clean and sober. Your anonymity is not guaranteed on this site. The fact that you are a member of the group might be seen by others. Your posts in this group are visible only to other members of the group.
All Facebook rules regarding conduct and speech are in effect in this group. You may be removed or banned from this group for the following reasons:
* The subject of CbD oil, suboxone or marijuana maintenance (These subjects have a history of heated emotional debate and are considered and outside issue)
* If you are looking for theological debates.
* If you are seeking medical advice about your prescriptions. * WE ARE NOT DOCTORS*
* If you engage in racist, disruptive, or rude speech or behavior.
* If you block any of the group’s administrators.
* If you post pictures, video, memes, hashtags, or stickers.
* If you post links as an opening post, or post links in the comments that have nothing to do with the topic being discussed in an ongoing thread.
* If you post advertisements of any sort.
* If you are trolling, seeking private messages, asking for or putting your phone number on the group walls.
* If you are not here to offer or receive help with your drug addiction or alcoholism, if you are here to promote your own agenda.
When you troll for fish, you throw a line and wait for a bite. When you’re trolling for mayhem in a discussion group, you (post) or (comment) objectionable, confrontational, or intentionally controversial statements in an attempt to generate arguments. It’s petulant, sophomoric, and harmful, and it will not be tolerated.
If you feel the need to complain about anything, please send an instant message to any of the admins.
Thank you!
Randy Tawnja Rhonda Beth Tammi Cheryl Michelle Cameo Jenelle
ARSP – Addiction and Recovery Support Group – Online Via Facebook – 24/7 @ Online Via Facebook Live
Apr 20 all-day
ARSP - Addiction and Recovery Support Group - Online Via Facebook - 24/7 @ Online Via Facebook Live


Addiction & Recovery Support Group

We are glad you have found us, and we hope we can be a part of your recovery journey!
Our group is a support community for all those who have been affected by any kind of addiction (not limited to drugs/alcohol). We welcome those who struggle themselves as well as those who have family, friends, or partners that face addiction.
Follow This Link to Join
Addiction does not discriminate, and neither do we! We are a safe space for anyone 16+ regardless of gender, sex, religion, race, ethnicity or disability. We are a part of a network of groups called Misfit Mamas Page. Follow our main Facebook page for posts, memes, and updates.
Link below! You can also reach us on our website. We are also apart of a network called The Glowing Haze Network! We would love for you to come and look at our other groups we offer!



Privacy is a MUST!
What is shared within this group must remain in this group! Mutual respect goes a long way to make this a safe environment.
If you go real life you will be immediately blocked. You must have consent to message and/or friend request another member.
Absolutely no photos of substances/paraphernalia
This group does not allow sharing any photos of any type of drug or paraphernalia, as it is extremely triggering for many addicts.
We do not allow “glory stories”
We are not here to glorify any type of substance use! These stories often trigger others and can even lead us back to relapse.
If posting about another individual, be mindful
We ask that if posting about a family member, friend, partner, etc that you do not include their name, age, location or photos. For added privacy protection we encourage you to post anonymously, but it’s not required!
No Sales, fundraisers, lives, promotions, or spam
Give more than you take from our community! For safety reasons, we are not allowing fundraisers or sales at this time. We do not allow any lives or promotional content.
Be kind, respectful and on topic
This is a support group first and foremost! We do not tolerate bullying, name-calling, arguing or being rude. We ask you remain helpful to the OPs post!
We may ask for a TW on certain topics
We may ask you to edit with a trigger warning (TW) on posts that discuss sexual assault, abuse, abortion, miscarriage & overdose. We may ask for any post that we see fit that is outside of these topics. Please add a TW to the top of the post and resubmit!
Never belittle someone’s experience!
We are all equal here regardless of time in recovery, addiction type, years of use or age. Everyone’s experience is valid and we never want to make members feel as if what they experienced was less than!
AS – After Silence – Online support group, message board, and chat room for rape, sexual assault, and sexual abuse survivors @ apply for details
Apr 20 all-day
C&S – Clean and Sober – Addiction Recovery Support Group – Facebook Live 24/7 @ Online Via Facebook Live
Apr 20 all-day



clean and sober

Clean and Sober – Addiction Recovery Support Group

VIA Facebook Live 24/7

CLEAN AND SOBER is an online addiction recovery support group of men and women from around the world who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from ADDICTION.
NOTE: Any opinion expressed here by the members is theirs and is not a reflection of CLEAN AND SOBER as a whole, conduct that is derogatory, demeaning, malicious, defamatory, abusive, offensive and/or hateful is not acceptable.
CLEAN AND SOBER does not represent Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Nar-Anon, Al-Anon, or any Anonymous Groups.
PROTECTING YOUR ANONYMITY: The extent of your anonymity on CLEAN AND SOBER or in any social media forum is YOUR responsibility and choice, not ours. Please know that by joining CLEAN AND SOBER a link to the group will be added to your Facebook Profile [Profile > Info: Groups: Member of: CLEAN AND SOBER Your responsibility includes choosing whether to 1) use your full name on Facebook (FB), 2) set your default FB picture as a real picture of yourself, 3) determine your privacy settings, and 4) understanding the extent of exposure or effect these factors determine.
Join this group on Facebook
This is a private group

1.If you wouldn’t say it in a meeting, it does not belong here.

2.Please THINK before you reply or post.
3.Any blaming, bullying, rudeness or name calling will not be tolerated.
4.Any foreign links will not be tolerated and will be deleted. Repeated offense’s will result in your formal removal from this group. This is for the safety of the group and its members.
5.Announcing events, roundups, and meetings is allowed.
6.All commercial posting will be removed and the individual who posts will be banned.
7.We are not a replacement for a meeting.
8.What is posted here should be taken as an opinion.
9.If it causes you problems, please call your sponsor or leave the group.
10.Lively heated conversations may happen.
11.Blocking any administrators will result in a ban on the member.
12.A thread may be deleted without explanation or warning. Photos of alcohol or drugs fall into this category.
13.Any sexual harassment of any form will not be tolerated.

Group rules from the admins

Be Kind and Courteous
We’re all in this together to create a welcoming environment. Let’s treat everyone with respect. Healthy debates are natural, but kindness is required.
No Hate Speech or Bullying
Make sure everyone feels safe. Bullying of any kind isn’t allowed, and degrading comments about things like race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, gender or identity will not be tolerated.
No Promotions or Spam
Give more than you take to this group. Self-promotion, spam and irrelevant links aren’t allowed.
Respect Everyone’s Privacy
Being part of this group requires mutual trust. Authentic, expressive discussions make groups great, but may also be sensitive and private. What’s shared in the group should stay in the group.
DDA – Dual Diagnosis Anonymous – DDA Chat Room and Resource Group – 24/7 @ Online Via ZOOM
Apr 20 all-day
DDA - Dual Diagnosis Anonymous - DDA Chat Room and Resource Group - 24/7 @ Online Via ZOOM











DDA Chat room and resource group

This new chat/resource group was created to help support those and their families who suffer from mental health and, or, addiction struggles during the coronavirus situation.
Please know that we are all in this together, so please invite those who might be able to help or benefit.  The five rules of respect will govern this site, so love, encouragement, and valid resources are the primary mission of this group. We look forward to the support of the community and sharing support and resources for those who need it.
IMPORTANT: Anyone who chooses to promote panic, fear, racism, or misinformation will be asked to stop and or be blocked.
Love, peace, and blessings (LPB)

Join The Facebook Group

DDA’s Five Rules of Respect
1. First, and most importantly, who you see here and what is said here, let it stay here! (Here! Here!) Confidentiality and anonymity are the spiritual foundations that keep our recovery possible.
2. Questions and answers are welcome and positive feedback is given, when asked for.
3. Keep it real.
4. Try not to disrupt the group.
5. It is OK to pass, if you do not wish to share.
HFRC – Hope for Families Recovery Consultants – Recover Your Family From Addiction – Facbook Group @ Facebook Group
Apr 20 all-day
This group is specifically for those who have a loved one addicted to drugs and alcohol. This is a closed Facebook group which means you must be invited to join. This is to ensure a safe place for people to open up, seek advice, and support one another. We ask that you respect each others privacy and keep all conversations that occur in this group, confidential. We encourage open discussion and support. As part of this group, you’ll have the added benefit of having access to our team of specialist through our Facebook live sessions, where you can ask questions and receive feedback from our specialist about your specific situation.
This group is sponsored by Hope For Families Recovery Center
To Join This Group Visit the Facebook Page



LRSR – LifeRing Secular Recovery – 24 Hour Recovery Chat Room – 24/7 @ Online Via Zoom
Apr 20 all-day



24 Hour Recovery Chat Room

 LifeRing Secular Recovery is an organization of people who share practical experiences and sobriety support. There are as many ways to live free of illicit or non-medically indicated drugs and alcohol as there are stories of successful sober people.

Many LifeRing members attend other kinds of meetings or recovery programs, and we honor those decisions. Our meetings, whether in person or online, consist of addicts using their Sober Self to connect with the Sober Self of other addicts. We share advice, understanding, and encouragement. We focus primarily on our current lives, not on the hurts and damages of the past. Two addicts, talking Sober-Self to Sober-Self, learn from each other, and gain strength from each other.


Chat Room

To enter the 24-hour Chat Room by clicking on the above or using this link:

A chat registration screen will first appear. Enter your personalized screenname to enter the room.  This chat room is sometimes not hosted so be cautious of whom you are talking to and never give out any personal information.

For Guidelines on chat room rules, download the LifeRing Document

For help, email

LWWMI – Living Well With Mental Illness – Online Peer Support Community – 24/7 @ Discord
Apr 20 all-day


Online Peer Support Community

What is online peer support?

  • Community

    A safe and supportive online community for people living with mental illness and those who support them.

  • Chat

    Text based chat channels covering a wide range of topics.

  • Forum

    A general forum for posting questions and getting community feedback.

  • Social

    A drop in community for voice and video chat.

  • Online

    All hosted online through an easy to use private Discord server, available to access 24/7 anywhere in the world. (Learn about Discord below).

Join Today!

What is Discord?

Our peer support community is built on Discord.

Discord is an app that lets people build communities around text based chat, as well as connect with one another through voice and video group calls.

Discord is 100% free to use and the app is available for mobile (iOS and Android), desktop (PC and Mac), or you can even connect without any app just by accessing it through a web browser like Chrome.

Code of Conduct

Welcome to the Code of Conduct. Let’s get right to it!

  1. We use supportive, welcoming language.

    • We strive to use welcoming/caring language that is supportive, encouraging, respecting, accepting, understanding and/or validating. We do our best to avoid using critical, shaming, controlling, or patronizing language.

    • We will do our best to monitor and edit our own language. If a mod reaches out and asks us to edit it, we edit it.

  2. We respect differing perspectives of others, and make space for each other within the community.

    • We will make space for others to share their personal experiences. We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other. This includes: bullying, bigotry, hate speech, physical threats, personal attacks, doxing. We also will not tell anyone that their lived experience is wrong, or shame others for their choice in treatment.

    • We do not attack, demean, dismiss, harass, or threaten each other based on sex, gender, sexual orientation, romantic orientation, race, ethnicity, culture, neurodiversity, mental health, physical health, religion, or political alignment.

    • If something someone says appears to be breaking a community rule, acting with malice, or is otherwise problematic, we will not attack or criticize them, but instead will alert the Mod Team, who can assess and handle the situation. Before doing this, it can also be helpful to assume good intent, and ask for clarification in a respectful and non-judgemental way. The mods are available to lend a hand as well.

    • We will strive to create an inclusive environment for everyone to feel safe participating in.

  3. We call people what they ask to be called.

    • We call people by their stated names/pronouns/identities. If a dead name or incorrect pronoun is used (yours or someone else’s), we will respectfully ask the person to update their message to properly reflect the other’s name/pronouns/identities. If it is brought to your attention that you have made a mistake with someone else’s name/pronouns/identities, that’s okay, mistakes happen, but please kindly take the note and edit the message as soon as possible.

    • We do not correct others on their own usage of their names/pronouns/identities. For example if someone prefers to be called “schizophrenic” or “person living with schizophrenia”, that is up to each individual person. We respect each individual’s choice to determine how they would like to be referred to.

    • If we have any concerns about continued use of incorrect names/pronouns/identities, or feel that misuse is being done maliciously, we will let a mod know.

  4. We connect with each other from a trauma informed perspective.

    • We understand that everyone is coming to this community with different experiences and potential triggers. We will do our best to be mindful of this by using the “spoilers” function for any text that will likely be triggering or sensitive for others (write || on either side of the text to be hidden, or highlight the text to be hidden, right click and then click the eye symbol on the far right). Particularly triggering topics may be around suicide and addiction (no glorification allowed of either), as well as members difficult experiences with the mental health care system.

    • If you are feeling triggered, please step away from the conversation. If there is a channel or part of the server that is too triggering for you, please consider muting it or asking a moderator for help with finding accommodation.

  5. We provide our own experiences rather than provide direct advice.

    • When someone asks about medical treatments and therapies, we stick to speaking about our own experiences (keeping in mind that experiences may differ greatly between individual people). If we do provide more than our own experience, we share resources, strategies, and ideas without giving direct advice. If we do accidentally give direct advice (medical or generalized) and we’re asked to remove it, we remove it.

    • It is important to remember that discussion about treatments and therapies on this server does not replace talking with your doctor. Please discuss any issues or concerns with your doctor as well before making any changes to your or your loved one’s care.

  6. We let the Mods do the moderating. We respect moderator decisions and their time.

    • If you notice someone isn’t following a rule, please refrain from correcting community members, and instead, please briefly share your concerns with a moderator.

    • Refrain from arguing with the moderators and/or engaging the moderators in lengthy discussions.

    • If you have a concern or disagree with something the moderators have done, please respectfully reach out to Rob by DM. We are happy to discuss a situation and listen to concerns. (We may not always be able to go into detail, but will do our best to provide an adequate answer for our decision.)

O&SPDX – Out & Sober Portland – Support Group – 24/7 @ Online Vis Facebook Live
Apr 20 all-day




Portland gay and sober is a community of people interested in supporting and helping members live their lives healthy and sober. We embrace LGBTQ members and allies and seek to maintain a safe space for members to exchange messages, encouragement, to share their own journeys, and to recommend events and hangouts conducive to sober living in the Portland metropolitan area.
Please avoid hate speech, language encouraging substance use and/or abuse, and unrelated solicitation or repetitive solicitation. Disrespect will not be tolerated.
Much love, and best wishes on your journey.


To Join Via Facebook Live Follow the Link Below And Click on the Join Group Button


SARP – Secular Addiction Recovery Pathways – Recovery Support Group – 24/7 Weekdays & Weekends @ Facebook Group
Apr 20 all-day
SARP - Secular Addiction Recovery Pathways - Recovery Support Group - 24/7 Weekdays & Weekends @ Facebook Group


Secular Addiction Recovery Pathways

As an Agnostic, Atheist, Humanist, Free Thinker, the familiar theistic approach to your addiction recovery can be a bit daunting.
If you participate in secular groups such as SMART, Recovery Dharma, Medication Assisted Recovery Anonymous, Harm Reduction, SOS, Life Ring, Secular AA/NA etc you’re more than welcome to share your experience, strength, and hope with them.
Feel free to start a discussion by posting relevant articles, personal insights, links to books, or whatever may be on your mind today…

Rules? Only one: Treat others as you’d like to be treated… Okay fine, not just one; no spamming, flooding etc etc. Y’know, the usual social media stuff…

Group rules from the admin

1. Be Kind and Courteous
We’re all in this together to create a welcoming environment. Let’s treat everyone with respect. Healthy debates are natural, but kindness is required.
2. No Promotions or Spam
Give more than you take to this group. Self-promotion, spam and irrelevant links aren’t allowed.
3. No Hate Speech or Bullying
Make sure everyone feels safe. Bullying of any kind isn’t allowed, and degrading comments about things like race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, gender or identity will not be tolerated.
4. Respect Everyone’s Privacy
Being part of this group requires mutual trust. Authentic, expressive discussions make groups great, but may also be sensitive and private. What’s shared in the group should stay in the group.
5. No “13th – stepping”
Please do not use this opportunity as a way to solicit others for relationships or sexual reasons.
6. Do not bash any belief system or recovery program
We are not here to disparage anyone’s beliefs or method of recovery. We are here to support each other in sobriety, without a supernatural “god”.
SGE – SOBERGANG EXPERIENCE – Addiction Recovery Support Group – Daily @ Online Register for Details
Apr 20 all-day
SGE - SOBERGANG EXPERIENCE - Addiction Recovery Support Group - Daily @ Online Register for Details


Welcome to the SoberGang Experience Group. This group is to Highlight and Inspire Those Battling ADDICTION. Let’s build a community of Sober Warriors. Please post pictures, stories, and how long you have been sober or clean. Let’s Create Something Special. Each individual will contribute to help others in any way. Please feel free to share your battles or concerns about your addiction. Let’s Come TOGETHER as one.

To join this group, use the Join Group button on the facebook page:
Group rules from admins

Be kind and courteous

We’re all in this together to create a welcoming environment. Let’s treat everyone with respect. Healthy debates are natural, but kindness is required.

No hate speech or bullying
Make sure everyone feels safe. Bullying of any kind isn’t allowed, and degrading comments about things like race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, gender, or identity will not be tolerated.
No promotions or spam
Give more than you take in this group. Self-promotion, spam and irrelevant links aren’t allowed.
Please Understand That this group has its own YouTube podcast show. We would appreciate every member to also subscribe to our channel. CLICK THIS LINK TO SUBSCRIBE, WATCH, SHARE, LIKE AND JOIN OUR SHOW.
SGS – Support Groups – Mental Health: Trauma – Related Disorders – Message Board & Support Group – 24/7 @ Register For Details
Apr 20 all-day





Mental Health: Trauma-Related Disorders


Our trauma-related disorders support group provides a safe and compassionate space for individuals to share, heal, and grow while navigating the challenges of trauma recovery.

When you create an account you’ll always come back to where you left off. With an account you can also be notified of new replies, save bookmarks, and use likes to thank others. We can all work together to make this community great. heart

Use the link Below to Join

About SupportGroups™ is a safe, social support network that allows members & therapists to engage in group discussions for everyone involved. Our groups provide support for those dealing with Mental and Physical Health issues, Addiction, Relationships, or their Identity. Our mission is simple: Provide support in a safe online community for everyone who needs it.


SGS – Support Groups – Gambling Addiction – Message Board and Support Group – 24/7 Weekdays & Weekends @ Register For Details
Apr 20 all-day





Gambling Addiction

24/7 Weekdays & Weekends

Our support group provides a safe and compassionate space for individuals facing addiction and recovery challenges, offering comprehensive support and guidance for overcoming various addictions and fostering a journey towards lasting healing and personal growth.

When you create an account you’ll always come back to where you left off. With an account you can also be notified of new replies, save bookmarks, and use likes to thank others. We can all work together to make this community great. heart

Use the link Below to Join

About SupportGroups™ is a safe, social support network that allows members & therapists to engage in group discussions for everyone involved. Our groups provide support for those dealing with Mental and Physical Health issues, Addiction, Relationships, or their Identity. Our mission is simple: Provide support in a safe online community for everyone who needs it.

SGS – Support Groups – LGBTQ+: Gender Identity Exploration – Message Board & Support Group – 24/7 @ Register For Details
Apr 20 all-day





LGBTQ+: Gender Identity Exploration


Our ‘Gender Identity Exploration’ support group provides a safe and welcoming space for individuals to navigate and understand their unique gender identities while fostering a supportive community.

When you create an account you’ll always come back to where you left off. With an account you can also be notified of new replies, save bookmarks, and use likes to thank others. We can all work together to make this community great. heart

Use the link Below to Join

About SupportGroups™ is a safe, social support network that allows members & therapists to engage in group discussions for everyone involved. Our groups provide support for those dealing with Mental and Physical Health issues, Addiction, Relationships, or their Identity. Our mission is simple: Provide support in a safe online community for everyone who needs it.

SGS – Support Groups – Mental Health: Anxiety and Panic Disorders – Message Board & Support Group – 24/7 @ Register For Details
Apr 20 all-day

Mental Health:

Anxiety & Panic Disorders


Our anxiety and panic disorders support group offers a compassionate and understanding community where individuals can share experiences and coping strategies to manage and overcome anxiety-related challenges.

When you create an account you’ll always come back to where you left off. With an account you can also be notified of new replies, save bookmarks, and use likes to thank others. We can all work together to make this community great. heart

Use the link Below to Join

About SupportGroups™ is a safe, social support network that allows members & therapists to engage in group discussions for everyone involved. Our groups provide support for those dealing with Mental and Physical Health issues, Addiction, Relationships, or their Identity. Our mission is simple: Provide support in a safe online community for everyone who needs it.

SGS – Support Groups – Mental Health: Neurodevelopmental Disorders – Message Board & Support Group – 24/7 @ Register For Details
Apr 20 all-day

Mental Health: Neurodevelopmental Disorders


Our Neurodevelopmental Disorders support group provides a compassionate and understanding community for individuals and families affected by a wide range of neurological conditions, offering a safe space for sharing experiences and finding valuable resources.

Our support group provides a safe and compassionate space for individuals facing addiction and recovery challenges, offering comprehensive support and guidance for overcoming various addictions and fostering a journey towards lasting healing and personal growth.

When you create an account you’ll always come back to where you left off. With an account you can also be notified of new replies, save bookmarks, and use likes to thank others. We can all work together to make this community great. heart

Use the link Below to Join

About SupportGroups™ is a safe, social support network that allows members & therapists to engage in group discussions for everyone involved. Our groups provide support for those dealing with Mental and Physical Health issues, Addiction, Relationships, or their Identity. Our mission is simple: Provide support in a safe online community for everyone who needs it.


SGS – Support Groups – Mental Health: Self-Harm & Suicidal Thoughts – Message Board & Support Group – 24/7 @ Register For Details
Apr 20 all-day




Mental Health:

Self-Harm & Suicidal Thoughts


The Self-Harm & Suicidal Thoughts support group offers a safe and compassionate space for individuals to share their struggles, find understanding, and seek hope in their journey towards healing and recovery.

When you create an account you’ll always come back to where you left off. With an account you can also be notified of new replies, save bookmarks, and use likes to thank others. We can all work together to make this community great. heart

Use the link Below to Join

About SupportGroups™ is a safe, social support network that allows members & therapists to engage in group discussions for everyone involved. Our groups provide support for those dealing with Mental and Physical Health issues, Addiction, Relationships, or their Identity. Our mission is simple: Provide support in a safe online community for everyone who needs it.


SGS – Support Groups – Physical Health: Physical Rehabilitation & Recovery – Support Group and Message Board – 24/7 @ Register For Details
Apr 20 all-day




Physical Health:

Physical Rehabilitation & Recovery


Our ‘Physical Rehabilitation & Recovery’ support group offers a supportive community for individuals on their journey to regain mobility, strength, and independence after injury or illness.

When you create an account you’ll always come back to where you left off. With an account you can also be notified of new replies, save bookmarks, and use likes to thank others. We can all work together to make this community great. heart

Use the link Below to Join

About SupportGroups™ is a safe, social support network that allows members & therapists to engage in group discussions for everyone involved. Our groups provide support for those dealing with Mental and Physical Health issues, Addiction, Relationships, or their Identity. Our mission is simple: Provide support in a safe online community for everyone who needs it.


SGS – Support Groups – Physical Health: Women’s Health Issues – Support Group and Message Board – 24/7 @ Register For Details
Apr 20 all-day




Physical Health:

Women’s Health Issues


Our “Women’s Health Issues” support group provides a safe and empathetic space for women to share experiences, offer guidance, and find solace while navigating various aspects of their well-being.

When you create an account you’ll always come back to where you left off. With an account you can also be notified of new replies, save bookmarks, and use likes to thank others. We can all work together to make this community great. heart

Use the link Below to Join

About SupportGroups™ is a safe, social support network that allows members & therapists to engage in group discussions for everyone involved. Our groups provide support for those dealing with Mental and Physical Health issues, Addiction, Relationships, or their Identity. Our mission is simple: Provide support in a safe online community for everyone who needs it.


SGS – Support Groups – Relationships: Boundaries and Self-Care – Message Board & Support Group – 24/7 Weekdays & Weekends @ Register For Details
Apr 20 all-day




Relationships: Boundaries & Self-Care

24/7 Weekdays & Weekends

Our ‘Boundaries & Self-Care’ support group provides a safe and nurturing space for individuals to explore and strengthen their personal boundaries while prioritizing their mental and emotional well-being.

When you create an account you’ll always come back to where you left off. With an account you can also be notified of new replies, save bookmarks, and use likes to thank others. We can all work together to make this community great. heart

Use the link Below to Join

About SupportGroups™ is a safe, social support network that allows members & therapists to engage in group discussions for everyone involved. Our groups provide support for those dealing with Mental and Physical Health issues, Addiction, Relationships, or their Identity. Our mission is simple: Provide support in a safe online community for everyone who needs it.

SGS – Support Groups – Relationships: Familiy Relationships – Message Board and Support Group – 24/7 @ Register For Details
Apr 20 all-day





Relationships: Family Relationships


Our “Family Relationships” support group provides a safe and empathetic space for individuals to navigate and strengthen the bonds within their families, fostering understanding, communication, and resilience.

When you create an account you’ll always come back to where you left off. With an account you can also be notified of new replies, save bookmarks, and use likes to thank others. We can all work together to make this community great. heart

Use the link Below to Join

About SupportGroups™ is a safe, social support network that allows members & therapists to engage in group discussions for everyone involved. Our groups provide support for those dealing with Mental and Physical Health issues, Addiction, Relationships, or their Identity. Our mission is simple: Provide support in a safe online community for everyone who needs it.


TPLSP – The Pet Loss Support Page – Virtual Pet Loss Support Groups and Resource Listings @ Goto Meeting
Apr 20 all-day
TPLSP - The Pet Loss Support Page - Virtual Pet Loss Support Groups and Resource Listings @ Goto Meeting



Virtual Pet Loss Support Groups

These listings are provided for information only; they are not recommendations or endorsements.
Due to the COVID pandemic, many pet loss support groups have switched to virtual meetings via Zoom, Google, etc. This has made it possible for many groups to open their meetings to grieving pet owners anywhere in the world. Below, we list a number of support groups in the US that now offer their virtual meetings to anyone, anywhere.

While this list is organized by state for convenience, again, keep in mind that you do not need to be a resident of that state to attend. However, do keep in mind that different states involve different time zones; be sure to check not only the time but the zone of the meeting you wish to attend.

AZ: Hospice of the Valley’s Pet Loss Support Group meets on the first Saturday of every month from 9-11 a.m. Groups are virtual and open to anyone, anywhere, grieving the loss of a beloved companion animal. Please call 602-636-5390 for information and to obtain the link.,

CA: The Berkeley Humane Pet Loss Support Group now meets VIRTUALLY on the SECOND WEDNESDAY of each month, 7-8:30 pm. Send an email to Jill Goodfriend expressing an interest in attending the group. Jill will acknowledge your message and send you the Zoom link by 5 pm on the day of the meeting. Confidentiality requested for all shares. There is no fee; however, donations to the Berkeley Humane are most appreciated (2700 Ninth St, Berkeley, CA 94710). For questions, or to set up a complimentary consultation, contact Jill Goodfriend, RN, LCSW, at or (510) 393-1359. h,

CA: Cindy Buck, Hayward, CA 94541, (650) 302-6012, We meet virtually on the 2nd Tuesday of the month from 7 – 8pm PT. Please email for the call-in information.

CA: Peninsula Humane Society Pet Loss Support Group, 1450 Rollins Road, Burlingame CA. Led by a professional counselor, our group meets virtually the second Thursday of each month, from 8-9:30 pm. Free. For more information, please contact Brian Probst at 650/340-7022, ext. 328,,

CO: Animal Assisted Therapy Programs of Colorado (AATPC) – Virtual Pet Loss Support Group, Fridays 12-1 MST. Free and virtual via Zoom. Open enrollment, join any time! Registration required on AATPC’s website. Open to anyone looking for support around the loss of an animal companion OR the anticipation of loss of an animal companion. All animal types welcome. Open to anyone in the world! Facilitated by Erin Peterson, licensed professional therapist.

CO: Guardian Pet Aquamation. This is a call-in group and meets the second Thursday of every month from 6:30-8pm MST. Please call 1-425-436-6350. When prompted enter access code 880072. Facilitator: Leigh Ann Gerk, MA, LPC, (970) 966-4585,,

CO: “When You Lose a Pet” Pet Loss Support Group, The Human-Animal Bond Trust, 191 Yuma Street, Denver, CO 80223, (303) 539-7646,, Meets via Zoom every Thursday from 6:30-8 p.m. MST.

FL: Marty Tousley, RN, MS, FT, Grief Healing, Sarasota, FL,, Online support/discussion group available 24/7.

IL: Virtual Meeting sponsored by Gateway. We meet at 6:30 pm the third Monday of each month; free of charge to attendees. Facilitator: Joy Davy, MS, LCPC. For information, email

IL: Rev. Russell Elleven, DMin. This FREE pet loss support group meets the first Wednesday of every month at 8:00 pm (Eastern) via Zoom. Please visit the website and contact Russell for Zoom Link and Passcode.Rev. Russell Elleven, DMin is an ordained Unitarian Universalist minister who celebrates all faith traditions and those with no faith tradition at all. Everyone who is suffering from the loss of an animal companion is welcomed and offered nonjudgmental support through the FREE group or one-on-one (fee based) meetings. You need not suffer this loss alone.

MA: Darin Humane Society, 171 Union Street, Springfield, MA, (413) 781-4000, This group, led by Ken Dolan-DelVecchio, LMFT, LCSW is sponsored by Dakin Humane Society. It is held once a month. It is a Zoom group open to anyone in the country or world and starts at 6PM EST running for one and one-half hours. The days can change so please go to to RSVP.

MA: Humane Hearts, West Newbury, MA 01985, 978.572.0698,, Individual, Family, and Group Support available for those who have experienced the loss of a pet or those who are anticipating a loss. See website for details as to where and when we meet. Sessions led by life-long animal advocate and humane educator Marla Andrews, M.Ed., Humane Education and Animal Welfare, Certified Grief Support Specialist, and Pet Chaplain.

MI: Micky Golden Moore, Ph.D., MSHP, Beyond The Paw Print Pet Loss Support Group. Meets the 2nd Monday of every month. For more information about these VIRTUAL meetings and how to join, please email, or leave a message at 248.701.2345. Visit the Beyond the Paw Print website to learn more about Dr. Golden Moore, the meetings, the BTPP Facebook group, and much more, at

NJ: Sandra Grossman, Ph.D., PetLoss Partners. The loss of a beloved pet is so very difficult. It’s important to know you don’t have to go through this alone. Get the support you deserve surrounded by those who understand and are on the path towards recovery. Virtual groups are held twice a week, are available to anyone anywhere, and are RSVP only. The fee for virtual groups is $15. Call or email to RSVP. We are here to support you. 818-421-1516,,

OH: GAP (Grief About Pets) now offers two FREE pet loss groups. One is sponsored by Eternal Paws in Norton, Ohio, and offered on-site there on the second Wednesday of every month at 6:30 p.m. The other is sponsored by Faithful Companion and offered on the fourth Wed. of every month online using Google Meet at 6:30 p.m. If we have over ten pet parents register, we can offer another at 4:30 p.m. Brenda Brown, MA, Ft, is the facilitator of all the groups. Register by emailing or calling 330-415-8879.

OH: Dorothy Hall, MS, RN, Pet Loss Support Group, Columbus, OH 43229, (614) 895-3416, Meetings held on Zoom; contact Dorothy for details.

OR: Debrah Lee, LCSW, DoveLewis Veterinary Emergency & Specialty Hospital, 1945 NW Petty Grove, Portland, OR 97209, (503) 228-7281, Virtual and in-person meetings are offered; see website for schedule and to register to attend.

TX: PAWs Shelter of Central Texas, 2965 Farm to Market 165, Dripping Springs, TX 78620,, Group meets virtually on the Second Sunday of each month via Zoom, and is free of charge. Go through the website to contact facilitator for details, readings and the Zoom link. Group is for people ready to work in the group format, and is not appropriate for those needing individual counseling.

VA: – Meets via Zoom on the first Tuesday of the month from 5:30-6:30 pm. Meetings are led by Dr. Leslie Greenberg, an experienced psychologist and member of the Association for Pet Loss and Bereavement. Families are invited to attend our group sessions to help work through the pain of losing a pet. All family members, including children, are invited to attend this complementary Pet Loss Support Group. Please RSVP here or by emailing,

VA: Holli Shan, Compassionate Animal Communication, LLC, (703) 447-5374,, We are now offering a virtual online pet loss grief support group. This group will meet on the last Wednesday of each month from 6:00PM to 7:00 PM Eastern Time. This is a good opportunity for people who are grieving and are not quite ready for a private session or program. While there is no set fee to attend, this group is “pay what you will” (suggested amount is $15). Register at

WA: Pet Loss Support Group, Seattle Animal Shelter – 2061 15th Avenue West, Seattle WA, 98119, 206-386-PETS, The loss of a pet can be very difficult. Our volunteers are here to help. The Pet Loss Support Group meets by phone/Webex every Thursday from 5:30-6:45 p.m. For the schedule and details on how to join the virtual meeting, please email

WI: Linda Colletti, Pet Loss Resource Center. Offers two virtual support groups: The first Saturday of every month 9:30-11:00 CST and the third Thursday 6Pm-7:30pm CST. All are welcome. If any one has questions, contact me at,

CANADA – AB: Caroline Tarkowski, Strathmore, AB T1P 1S7, (403) 629-5191,, We offer virtual individual and group counselling to anyone who has experienced pet loss.


Animals in Our Hearts
Offers links, articles, an audio-book, tips on helping a friend or loved one cope with loss, and a variety of other animal-related resources.
Association for Pet Loss and Bereavement
An association of pet loss counselors and professionals. The site offers links, articles, a bookstore, and directories of counselors and pet loss support groups.
Argus Institute for Families and Veterinary Medicine
This site provides a number of excellent articles on pet loss, plus additional resources for more help.
The Guide to Pet Bereavement: What to Expect After the Loss of a Loved One
An excellent discussion of how surviving pets react to the loss of a pet companion, and ways that you can help them through.
AVMA Guidelines for Pet Loss Support Services
Useful information for anyone interested in setting up a pet loss support group.
Chance’s Spot
Lots of useful stuff here, including a lot of resources for children.
Coping with the Loss of a Pet
An article covering grieving, the five stages of mourning, how to explain pet loss to a child, and reasons for euthanasia.
Dog Party: Diary of the Best Last Day
I don’t usually post links to personal tributes, but this is a wonderful, moving example of how to plan a “parting day” and create a farewell event for one’s pet and family.
A site where you can register a missing pet, along with useful tips for finding a lost pet.
Grief Healing
An excellent resource from pet loss counselor Marty Tousley. It offers an extensive collection of Marty’s articles and columns on grief, plus other resources.
Healing and Inspirational Poetry
Dozens of lovely poems and “Rainbow Bridge Arrival Stories.”
Hoofbeats in Heaven
A site dedicated to resources on “horse loss support,” including an e-mail support group.
Land of Pure Gold: Leaving Pawprints on Our Hearts
Loads of tips and resources from a site dedicated to golden retrievers.
Lightning Strike Pet-Loss Support Page
One of the oldest pet-loss sites on the web, with an eclectic selection of resources and links. Now offers pet loss support blogs!
Nikki Hospice Foundation for Pets
The primary site for information on pet hospice care.
Parmenter Foundation Pet Loss Resources
Offers a series of videos on coping with pet loss.
Articles, a weekly blog, and a place to add your photo tribute for weekly postings.
Pet Loss Matters
This is a fabulous site with lots of resources. It offers free tributes, a means of keeping a pet loss or remembrance diary, and loads of quotes on pets and pet loss.
The ‘Rainbow Bridge’ Has Comforted Millions of Pet Parents. Who Wrote it?
Lovely article on the origin of the Rainbow Bridge story, which just about any grieving pet owner has surely seen.
UK Counselling Directory: Bereavement
Though not specifically focused on pet loss, this directory would be a good place to start a search for a UK bereavement counsellor.
Understanding Depression
A general information site on depression.
What to Do When a Family Pet Dies: Teaching Kids About Grief
Excellent guide to the various steps one can take to help children cope with the loss of a pet.


All Creatures Do Go to Heaven… Especially Pets
The presentation on this site can be a bit off-putting, but the verses and translation details are very interesting and worth exploring.
Creatures in Heaven
A publisher of books, DVDs and music on the issue of whether pets go to heaven.
Do Animals Have Souls?
This is not a Christian site per se, but has some interesting comparisons of religious views on the issue, as well as a discussion of pets on the astral plane.
A number of loss-related resources, plus health tips and other info, and a book and articles dealing with the “pets in heaven” issue.
For the Love of Animals
A variety of articles discussing the salvation of animals, including a sermon by John Wesley!


In-Home Pet Euthanasia Directory
A state-by-state directory to veterinarians who provide in-home euthanasia, house-calls, hospice services and more.
Green Pet Burial Society
Information and advocacy regarding natural burials within pet cemeteries for those who prefer burial to cremation, and natural burial to underground entombment. They also address pet burials in family plots of (human) cemeteries.
Anthony Eddy’s Wildlife Studio – Pet Animal Preservation
Information on freeze-drying pets.
Perpetual Pet
Information on freeze-drying pets.


Angel Cats
Cat memorial site in the UK. (Lots of popups, unfortunately.)
Offers a free online memorial listing for three months, and charges a small fee for longer (or large) listings. All profits go to humane associations.
In Memory of Pets
Light a Candle
An interesting site where you can light a “virtual candle” in memory of your pet.
Pet Heaven
Free online pet memorial tribute pages and a chat function.
Pet Loss Matters
Washington State University Pet Memorial Program
By donating to the WSU pet memorial program, you can post a tribute or you can obtain access for a friend or loved one to post a tribute to their pet.


1-2-3 Greetings: Electronic Pet Loss Condolence Cards
Free electronic pet loss condolence cards.
Pet Condolence Messages
This helpful site offers suggestions of messages to include in a pet loss bereavement card, and pet loss-related quotes.


How to Make a DIY Pet Urn
Interesting article on how to craft your own wooden pet urn or keepsake box.


Here are links to some of our articles that have been translated into other languages:

Soutien lors de la perte de nos petit compagnons
French pet loss site; includes French translation of “Ten Tips on the Loss of Your Pet.”
Coping with Sorrow on the Loss of Your Pet is also available in Japanese.
NOTE: If you would like to post a translation of materials on this site, please contact Moira Allen.
VAFP – VisionAware and Front Porch – Support Groups and Other Resources For the Blind and Visually Impaired @ Online Event Register Online
Apr 20 all-day



support group sitting around table

Importance of Joining a Support Group

If you’ve been diagnosed with an eye condition, have a family member who has, or have become a caregiver, joining a support group may be the most important thing you’ll ever do. Whether online or in your local community, such groups offer the opportunity to talk to others; share common concerns, frustrations, and stories; and find solutions to your vision-related difficulties. For more information on support groups, you can read Support Groups and the Adjustment Process.

Check out Finding Support Groups for more information including links to directory listings of support groups.

Support Group Resources and Supportive Communities Meeting Virtually

  • The APH Directory of Services allows you to find local support groups as well as organizations that offer counseling and adjustment services, low vision services, mobility training, and vocational rehabilitation.
  • ILVSG TeleSupport – This support group is designed for older adults with low vision who may not have access to the internet or other in-person groups. It is a monthly meeting offered over the phone and there are no fees or obligations. It is designed for low vision seniors anywhere in the U.S. who have no access to the Internet or cannot attend a live support group. Learn more at: MD Support — TeleSupport or call toll-free at 1-888-866-6148 to get started!


  • The Friendship Line – The Institute on Aging established this toll-free line for older adults who may be depressed, lonely, disabled, or in crisis.  It is both a crisis “hotline” and a ‘warmline” for emotional support. Trained volunteers answer the calls and make calls. The Friendship Line provides round-the-clock crisis support services including: providing emotional support, elder abuse reporting, well-being checks, grief support through assistance and reassurance, active suicide intervention, information and referrals for isolated older adults, and adults living with disabilities. Volunteers will also call people on a regular basis to help monitor their  physical and mental health concerns. This service can improve the quality of life and contentedness of isolated callers. Reach out today and call 1-800-971-0016. To learn more, visit Senior Intervention Hotline for Crisis Support Services.


  • Social Call – This Covia program connects adults 60 and older to new friends on the phone or video calls. Volunteers are “matched” to participants with the goal of building friendships through weekly calls.  This free service is a great way to socialize and make connections when you can’t get out in your community. Go to: Social Call | Covia Corporate or call 1-877-797-7299 to get started. 


  • Covia Well Connected and Well Connected Espanol– This program, previously known as Senior Center without Walls, offers enrichment, community, fun, support and learning groups for older adults who may be homebound. All groups meet over the phone and/or on-line and are free. They offer support groups specifically for the visually impaired. It is a rich and supportive community and there is something for everyone! Visit their website to check out the catalog of offerings and learn how it all works. Call 1-877-797-7299 to register and get started.  


  • Mather Telephone Topics – Join Telephone Topics to learn about a variety of topics: wellness, music, sports, history. Participate in live discussions and enjoy live performances from home. All you do is call the phone number or log on to the Zoom meeting. Participation is FREE and open to everyone, anywhere! Learn more at: Aging Well Discussions and Programs | Telephone Topics (  Then click on “Download Schedule” and choose an option that interests you. If you have questions about Telephone Topics, call 1-888-600-2560.


  • Eye2Eye is a free phone-based peer support program which offers emotional support, assessment, information, and referrals to people who are blind or visually impaired and their families. It helps people cope with the challenges of adjusting to vision loss, using trained peer support specialists who are also blind or visually impaired. They serve people in more than twenty states.
  • The American Council of the Blind (ACB) has a list of helpful resources for people with vision loss and their families. It also has a national directory of affiliates in each state. Seniors can find information through the ACB affiliate Alliance on Aging and Vision Loss.





  • Vision Exchange is an online resource for support group leaders who facilitate support groups for adults with vision loss. The purpose is to exchange ideas, information, and community resources to help adults with low vision be more independent


  • The Family Caregiver Alliance (FCA) was the first community-based nonprofit organization in the country to address the needs of families and friends providing long-term care at home. FCA now offers programs at national, state, and local levels to support and sustain caregivers, and has an online family support group.



Phone emotional peer support line for blind persons

Rutgers has launched the nation’s first peer support helpline for the legally blind and their families.

Eye2Eye – 833-932-3931 (83-EYE2EYE-1) – is staffed 24/7 by peer support specialists who are legally blind and understand the challenges callers face.

The program, which is funded by a grant from the Lavelle Fund for the Blind, serves residents in New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania. The helpline assists people with vision impairments and blindness to work through some of the practical and emotional challenges associated with losing vision. Services include peer support, clinical assessment and referrals to resources for help with mental health, employment and technology. The program also offers callers resilience training to promote wellness, strength and self-care.

Recent studies show that one-third of people with vision loss suffer from depression and anxiety. This risk has gone largely unaddressed in the medical community, which has focused more on the practical problems faced by the visually impaired, such as finding employment and navigating everyday tasks, said Steven Silverstein, a clinical psychologist and vision researcher who co-directs the program with Cherie Castellano, the National Peer Support Call Center program director at  Rutgers University Behavioral Health Care.

The Eye2Eye peers all have different forms of visual impairments, and these began at different times during their lives. This allows for a ‘cultural connection’ between callers with a wide range of vision problems and life concerns, and our peer counselors.”

Steven Silverstein, clinical psychologist and vision researcher



Well Connected Program Offerings

Welcome to Well Connected

Well Connected is a nationwide phone and online community that brings  people over the age of 60 together to explore, learn, laugh, and share  experiences. Over 3,500 members join educational, fun, and engaging groups from the comfort of home. The Well Connected community of participants, staff, facilitators, and presenters value being connected to  engaging content, and to each other. Well Connected is a Front Porch  Community Service and is free of charge to individual members.

A Word About Inclusion

We welcome participants from a variety of backgrounds, beliefs, opinions, living situations, and abilities. Many of our participants are low vision or blind. Many are dealing with health concerns, chronic or disabling conditions or other issues. Please be sensitive, and mindful of the diversity in our community.

How It Works

1. Browse the materials and find groups that interest you, there a currently    groups to select from.

( download the 2024 Catalog In PDF or TEXT and choose from 77 different groups! )

• Once you are enrolled in the program, there is no limit to the number of
groups you may join. ( To Join use this Link ) or by phone at 877- 797-7299

• Check your Participant Calendar for group times in your time zone, and
for information about how to join.


2. Join by Phone

• All groups can be joined by telephone using a toll-free number from an
unblocked number.

• To join a group, call the program line, and when prompted, enter the
two-digit code listed on the Participant Calendar.

• If you need help getting into groups, we can call you! Call the office to
request an automated call-in to any group.

3. Join Online

• All groups can be joined online with a device that connects to the

• Create your own online registration account and sign yourself up!

• Once you’re registered for groups in advance, and you will get an email
the morning of the group (check your spam folder!) with a personal link
to join.

• Allow the system to access your microphone and speakers.

• Click the Join Group button to enter the meeting.

• If you need tech help, contact us and we can send you more detailed
instructions, or walk you through how it works.

Call or email the office to get started, or if you have any questions.

(877) 797-7299 |

Other Resources:  

Writing Group:


Poem Reading and Sharing Group:



Every Monday from 8 p.m. to 8:30 on zoom, go to and click on Monday night Loving Kindness Meditatio

WA – Wildflower Alliance – Join our Discord Community Online Peer Support Server – 24/7 @ Online via Zoom
Apr 20 all-day
WA - Wildflower Alliance - Join our Discord Community Online Peer Support Server - 24/7 @ Online via Zoom

Discord Community

Discord is a social platform that we use to host an online peer support & community space.

You can log into Discord via a web browser, but for the best experience we recommend downloading the mobile or desktop app.

Discord Features

  • Anonymous
    You choose how much about yourself to share
  • Zero pressure
    Read along and participate at your own pace
  • Community
    Hundreds of people to potentially connect with
  • Private channels
    For marginalized identities and experiences
  • 24/7 access
    Share whatever, whenever
  • Peer support
    Our team and volunteers are active throughout the day and into the night

What happens on Discord?

People from Western Mass and all over the world use our Discord to:

  • Give and receive support
  • Discuss topics that are important to us
  • Share pictures, music, memes, and more
  • Join live support groups and activities
  • Connect with others who have similar identities and experiences


To see a video tutorial for our Discord Server

Warmline – PRPSN – Project Return Peer Support Network Warmline (English or Spanish/Español) – Call 1-888-448-9777 @ 7am-3pm PST – Weekends @ phone
Apr 20 @ 7:00 am – 3:00 pm
Warmline - PRPSN - Project Return Peer Support Network Warmline (English or Spanish/Español) - Call 1-888-448-9777 @ 7am-3pm PST - Weekends @ phone

Project Return Peer Support Network

Call us at: (888) 448-9777

English or Spanish

Monday through Friday, 11:30am to 7pm PST / 2:30 pm to 10pm EST

Saturday through Sunday, 7am-3pm PST / 10am-6pm EST

Ever wish you had someone to talk to? Someone who is supportive, caring and non-judgmental? Someone who is understanding and empathetic to your feelings? The Warm Line is a non-crisis toll-free line and is specifically, but not limited to, people who are coping with a mental health concern.

We are Los Angeles County’s first after-hours telephone line for individuals with mental health challenges and are staffed entirely by peers with lived experience. We are available to listen when traditional mental health services are closed.

The Warm Line supporters can also provide referrals to services or organizations that are of interest, such as healthcare facilities, mental health services, family planning agencies, shelters, self-help and support groups, and much more.

Our Warm Line was recognized as an innovative program by the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health (LACDMH).

Fore more information about Warm Lines in the United States, click here:



DBSA – Depression Bipolar Support Alliance – DBSA Young Adult Support Group – Team Led – Saturdays @ Online Via HeyPeers
Apr 20 @ 9:00 am – 10:00 am





DBSA Young Adult Support Group

Saturdays 9-10AMPST

Team Led

All DBSA online support groups are free of charge. Online support groups are led by peers, which means that the person guiding the meeting knows firsthand what it’s like to live with a mood disorder.

Our national online support groups are hosted by HeyPeers, a DBSA vendor.

Upon registration, you will receive an email from them to assist you with managing your account.

Register Through HeyPeers

UR – Unity Recovery – Join The Individual – All Recovery Meetings – 9-10AM – Weekends @ Online Via Zoom
Apr 20 @ 9:00 am – 10:00 am
UR - Unity Recovery - Join The Individual - All Recovery Meetings - 9-10AM - Weekends @ Online Via Zoom







Saturdays and Sundays

9-10AM PST

Join The Individual

All Recovery Meetings

All recovery meetings are non-denominational, agnostic to any specific recovery pathway, and are open to anyone.

  • Video is optional but can be used
  • Real names do not have to be used and are not required
  • Audio can be muted and you are not required to share
  • Please be respectful of all participants just as you would in any other meeting or recovery space – we are all in this together

Meetings are held online Via ZOOM




DDA – Dual Diagnosis Anonymous: – Online Meeting – Saturdays – 10:00AM PST @ Online Via ZOOM
Apr 20 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am
DDA - Dual Diagnosis Anonymous: - Online Meeting - Saturdays - 10:00AM PST @ Online Via ZOOM

Dual Diagnosis Online Meeting

Saturdays – 10:00AM PST

Online Via Zoom: To Join, click on the Link Below


Our Mission Statement

Our Mission Statement is our fifth tradition, which states, “Each DDA group has one primary purpose – to carry its message of hope and recovery to those who still suffer from the effects of Dual Diagnosis.”

Dual Diagnosis Anonymous is a fellowship of persons who share their experiences, strengths, weaknesses, feelings, fears, and hopes with one another to resolve our dual diagnosis and/or learn to live at peace with unresolved problems. The only requirement for membership in DDA is a desire to develop healthy, addiction-free lifestyles.

Since 1996, we have been serving persons with severe and persistent mental health and/or substance use challenges and their families in Oregon, numerous states, and worldwide. We provide support and fellowship to help overcome and start on the road to recovery from dual diagnosis.

For more information, please contact us at the Central Office using the contact us page or by calling (503)222-6484.

DDAOR – Dual Diagnosis Anonymous of Oregon – 10 to11AM (PST) – Saturdays @ Online Via ZOOM
Apr 20 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am
DDAOR - Dual Diagnosis Anonymous of Oregon - 10 to11AM (PST) - Saturdays @ Online Via ZOOM










Saturdays, 10 – 11AM PST

Join Zoom Meeting:

Dual Diagnosis Anonymous (DDA) is a peer support group based on an authorized version of the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous plus an additional 5 Steps that focus on Dual Diagnosis (mental illness and substance abuse). DDA’s unique 12 Steps Plus 5 Program offers hope for achieving the promise of recovery. Read more about the history of DDA at

BIAO – Brain Injury Alliance of Oregon – Brian Injury Connections Northwest – Online Support Group – 1st and 3rd Saturdays @ Email for Details
Apr 20 @ 10:30 am – 12:00 pm

 Online Zoom Meeting

Support groups are an excellent way to connect with other individuals with brain injuries and their families. These groups provide opportunities to learn from others who have gone through similar situations, share personal experiences and make new friends. Please contact support group to verify time and place are correct.

When: 1st & 3rd Saturday 10:30 am – 12 pm

1. Peer support group that is open to everyone, including family and the public

2. Family and Friends support group that is only for family and friends

Where: Online

Email to register

Brian Liebenstein at (971) 258-0561|

BIAO – Brain Injury Alliance of Oregon – Brian Injury Connections Northwest – Zoom Coffee Social – 1st & 3rd Saturdays @ Email for Details
Apr 20 @ 12:01 pm – 1:01 pm


 Online Zoom Meeting

Support groups are an excellent way to connect with other individuals with brain injuries and their families. These groups provide opportunities to learn from others who have gone through similar situations, share personal experiences and make new friends. Please contact support group to verify time and place are correct.

Zoom Coffee Social

When: 1st & 3rd Saturday 12-1 pm

Get Your Coffee and come Socialize with us!

Where: Online

Email to register

Brian Liebenstein at (971) 258-0561|


ASO – AUTISM SOCIETY of OREGON – PARENT + TEEN SUPPORT GROUP Meeting – 3rd Saturdays @ Online Via Zoom
Apr 20 @ 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm


3rd Saturdays

This group is designed to support autistic teens with communication, perspective taking, and social skills in a fun and engaging Zoom environment.

The Teen + Parent group is facilitated by Danitza Galvan, who has a master’s degree in Early Intervention/Special Education and is the parent of a teen on the autism spectrum.

Click Here To Register

(You need only register once to attend monthly)

Don’t Forget to Register For:


CA/OSA – Cocaine Anonymous Online Service Area – Online 12 Step Meeting – DAILY REPRIEVE – 7 Days A Week @ Online Via ZOOM
Apr 20 @ 1:30 pm – 2:30 pm


Join Via ZOOM

ID: 852 6648 1221



OPEN: Attended by C.A. members, their families, friends and other interested people.
CLOSED: Attendance is limited to C.A. members only.

Cocaine Anonymous Around the World Clock

Pacific Standard Time (PDT) Eastern Standard Time (EDT) Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) British Standard Time (BST) Central European Summer Time (CEST)
July 26, 2023 9:08:36 AM July 26, 2023 12:08:36 PM July 26, 2023 4:08:36 PM July 26, 2023 5:08:36 PM July 26, 2023 6:08:36 PM
Sweden, Stockholm South Africa, Johannesburg Thailand, Bangkok Asia, Hong Kong Australia, Melbourne
6:08:36 PM 6:08:36 PM 11:08:36 PM 12:08:36 AM 2:08:36 AM

Please check the time above for the time zone you are in.  U.S. Daylight Savings and U.K. Daylight Savings happen about two weeks apart. U.K. falls back at 2am Sunday October 25th/U.S. falls back at 2am Sunday November 1st. The schedule can vary and be 1 hour different during that period.

Online Service Area

Cocaine Anonymous is a Fellowship of, by, and for addicts seeking recovery. Friends and Family of addicts should contact Co-Anon Family Groups, a Fellowship dedicated to their much different needs. Some items contained in these pages are published with permission of C.A. World Services, Inc., but this does not imply endorsement of this website by the C.A. World Service Conference or the C.A. World Service Office. The information provided within this website is intended to be a convenience for those who visit our website. Such inclusion does not constitute or imply endorsement by, or affiliation with, the Area or the Districts within. “Cocaine Anonymous World Service Conference Approved Literature. Copyright © 2022 Cocaine Anonymous World Services, Inc. “C.A.”, “Cocaine Anonymous” and the C.A. logo are registered trademarks of Cocaine Anonymous World Services, Inc. All rights reserved.” “In the spirit of Tradition Six, C.A. is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization, or institution. As such, in the Area, District, Service Committees of Cocaine Anonymous and Cocaine Anonymous as a whole does not endorse and is not affiliated with or any of the companies and/or services offered on the site. Any links to external websites or services are only provided as a convenience to our members.”

DBSA – Depression Bipolar Support Alliance – Young Adult Support Group – Team Led – Saturdays @ Online Via HeyPeers
Apr 20 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm





DBSA Young Adult Support Group

Saturdays 3-4PM PST

Team Led

All DBSA online support groups are free of charge. Online support groups are led by peers, which means that the person guiding the meeting knows firsthand what it’s like to live with a mood disorder.

Our national online support groups are hosted by HeyPeers, a DBSA vendor.

Upon registration, you will receive an email from them to assist you with managing your account.

Register Through HeyPeers


DDA – Dual Diagnosis Anonymous: – Online Meeting – DDA Hawaii – Saturdays @ Online Via ZOOM
Apr 20 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
DDA - Dual Diagnosis Anonymous: - Online Meeting - DDA Hawaii - Saturdays @ Online Via ZOOM






Dual Diagnosis

Hawaii Online Meeting

Saturdays – 300PM PST


Online Via ZOOM: To Join, click the Link Below


To Phone Into An Online Meeting

Saturdays 3:00 PM

Call (669)900-6833

Meeting ID: 864 6756 5130

Phone controls for Participants:

*6 – Toggle mute/unmute

*9 – Raise Hand to Share

Our Mission Statement

Our Mission Statement is our fifth tradition, which states, “Each DDA group has one primary purpose – to carry its message of hope and recovery to those who still suffer from the effects of Dual Diagnosis.”

Dual Diagnosis Anonymous is a fellowship of persons who share their experiences, strengths, weaknesses, feelings, fears, and hopes with one another to resolve our dual diagnosis and/or learn to live at peace with unresolved problems. The only requirement for membership in DDA is a desire to develop healthy, addiction-free lifestyles.

Since 1996, we have been serving persons with severe and persistent mental health and/or substance use challenges and their families in Oregon, numerous states, and worldwide. We provide support and fellowship to help overcome and start on the road to recovery from dual diagnosis.

For more information, please contact us at the Central Office using the contact us page or by calling (503)222-6484.

DBSA – Depression Bipolar Support Alliance – DBSA Rural Community Peer Support Groups – Team Led – Saturdays @ Online Via HeyPeers
Apr 20 @ 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm






Rural Community Peer Support Groups

Saturdays 4-5PM PST

Team Led

All DBSA online support groups are free of charge. Online support groups are led by peers, which means that the person guiding the meeting knows firsthand what it’s like to live with a mood disorder.

Our national online support groups are hosted by HeyPeers, a DBSA vendor.

Upon registration, you will receive an email from them to assist you with managing your account.

Register Through HeyPeers


DDA – Dual Diagnosis Anonymous: – Online Meeting – Saturdays – 5:00PM PST @ Online Via ZOOM
Apr 20 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
DDA - Dual Diagnosis Anonymous: - Online Meeting - Saturdays - 5:00PM PST @ Online Via ZOOM

Dual Diagnosis Online Meeting

Saturdays – 5:00PM PST

Online Via Zoom: To Join, click on the Link Below


Our Mission Statement

Our Mission Statement is our fifth tradition, which states, “Each DDA group has one primary purpose – to carry its message of hope and recovery to those who still suffer from the effects of Dual Diagnosis.”

Dual Diagnosis Anonymous is a fellowship of persons who share their experiences, strengths, weaknesses, feelings, fears, and hopes with one another to resolve our dual diagnosis and/or learn to live at peace with unresolved problems. The only requirement for membership in DDA is a desire to develop healthy, addiction-free lifestyles.

Since 1996, we have been serving persons with severe and persistent mental health and/or substance use challenges and their families in Oregon, numerous states, and worldwide. We provide support and fellowship to help overcome and start on the road to recovery from dual diagnosis.

For more information, please contact us at the Central Office using the contact us page or by calling (503)222-6484.

DDA – Dual Diagnosis Anonymous: – Online Meeting – Saturdays – 5:00PM PST @ Online Via ZOOM
Apr 20 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
DDA - Dual Diagnosis Anonymous: - Online Meeting - Saturdays - 5:00PM PST @ Online Via ZOOM

Dual Diagnosis Online Meeting

Saturdays – 5:00PM PST

Online Via Zoom: To Join, click on the Link Below


Our Mission Statement

Our Mission Statement is our fifth tradition, which states, “Each DDA group has one primary purpose – to carry its message of hope and recovery to those who still suffer from the effects of Dual Diagnosis.”

Dual Diagnosis Anonymous is a fellowship of persons who share their experiences, strengths, weaknesses, feelings, fears, and hopes with one another to resolve our dual diagnosis and/or learn to live at peace with unresolved problems. The only requirement for membership in DDA is a desire to develop healthy, addiction-free lifestyles.

Since 1996, we have been serving persons with severe and persistent mental health and/or substance use challenges and their families in Oregon, numerous states, and worldwide. We provide support and fellowship to help overcome and start on the road to recovery from dual diagnosis.

For more information, please contact us at the Central Office using the contact us page or by calling (503)222-6484.

DDAOR – Dual Diagnosis Anonymous of Oregon – 5 to 6PM (PST) – Saturdays @ Online Via ZOOM
Apr 20 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
DDAOR - Dual Diagnosis Anonymous of Oregon - 5 to 6PM (PST) - Saturdays @ Online Via ZOOM










Saturdays, 5 to 6PM PST

Join Zoom Meeting:

Dual Diagnosis Anonymous (DDA) is a peer support group based on an authorized version of the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous plus an additional 5 Steps that focus on Dual Diagnosis (mental illness and substance abuse). DDA’s unique 12 Steps Plus 5 Program offers hope for achieving the promise of recovery. Read more about the history of DDA at

EA – Emotions Anonymous – Special Interest: Emotional Addiction, Trauma & Co-Dependency – Saturdays 5:00pm PDT @ Online Via ZOOM
Apr 20 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
EA – Emotions Anonymous – Special Interest: Emotional Addiction, Trauma & Co-Dependency - Saturdays 5:00pm PDT @ Online Via ZOOM







Emotional Addiction, Trauma & Co-Dependency

Saturdays 5:00pm PDT


Please contact the group at least 24-48 hours before the meeting starts for the meeting details.


Group’s Contact:

Name: Mike K.


Phone: 1 301-442-9883


The EA membership is composed of people who come together in weekly meetings for the purpose of working toward recovery from emotional difficulties. EA members are from many walks of life and are of diverse ages, economic statuses, social and educational backgrounds. The only requirement for membership is a desire to become well emotionally.

Please remember…

  • The group’s meetings are on specific days at designated times.
  • When you attend meetings, please be respectful to others and keep the meeting topics related to the EA program.
  • Please do not discuss religion, politics, or other outside issues during the meeting. Participants who use inappropriate or abusive language may be removed from the meeting and possibly banned.
  • The group’s contact(s) are volunteers who provide their phone/email to assist you and answer questions about their meeting.
  • Please be kind in your communications.
  • Please be patient as it may take a few days to get a response depending on the contact’s availability.

EA meetings are designed to be open to anyone with a desire to improve their mental health. In some cases, a meeting can be oriented toward a specific group of individuals, such as men, women, specific ethnic backgrounds, etc., and/or groups with unique shared experiences in order to best meet the needs of those choosing to attend. EA’s goal is to meet the needs of all who wish to become well emotionally; therefore, we support a range of meeting types.


Takeover – The WAR ROOM Open Recovery/Topic Meeting – Daily @ Online via facebook live
Apr 20 @ 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm
CA – Crim-Anon – Criminals Anonymous Fellowship – The Jordan Center Open Meetings – Saturdays @ Online via Zoom
Apr 20 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm



Criminals Anonymous Fellowship – The Jordan Center Open Meetings

Saturdays 7:00pm – 8:00pm PST

sponser event
Criminal Anonymous World Services
2601 SE 160th Ave., Portland, OR 97236
Bear C: (971) 282-1903
Zane M: (503) 754-5217
Billy S: (971) 985-4849
Hours of Operation    24/7 
Get in touch with our team at Criminal Anonymous World Services in Portland, OR if you need support, have any questions.
Grand Elders are available      24/7:
 Bear – (971) 282-1903
 Zane – (503) 754-5217
 Reina – (503) 446-0243
 Billy – (971) 985-4849
 Bo – (971) 772-8307
 Amber – (503) 799-2552
 Andrey M – (503) 660-9448
 Tara – (971) 323-2699
 DJ – (503) 501-1368
 Twila – (503) 936-5185
 Caitlin – (971) 804-2848
 Nick – (503) 465-7013
 Joanie – (503) 732-4115
 Michelle – (503) 875-7985
 Cliff – (971) 283-3133
 Dick – 503) 380-5800
 Melanie – (503) 922-5014
 Sean – (971) 276-5365

Crim Anon Website:

Facebook Crim Anon Home Page

Facebook  Crim Anon Fellowship Page:


ASO – AUTISM SOCIETY of OREGON – Parent + Teen Online Social Group (Online Only) 3rd Saturdays @ Online Via Zoom
Apr 20 @ 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm



Parent + Teen Online Social Group

(online only)

Third Saturdays of the Month 1:00pm to 2:30pm PST

This group is for autistic teens (ages 13-19) who need a supporter (parent or caregiver) to participate. The group meets on the 3rd Saturday of each month from 1:00 – 2:30pm. This group is is designed to support autistic teens with communication, perspective taking, and social skills in a fun and engaging Zoom environment. The facilitator is Danitza Galvan, who has a master’s degree in Early Intervention/Special Education and who is the parent of a teen on the autism spectrum.

Update: No meeting this July 2023 and August 2023 Starting in September, the group will resume.