PeerGalaxy Original Calendar

Welcome to PeerGalaxy Calendar featuring over 99,000+ monthly offerings of FREE telephone- and online-accessible peer support, recovery support + wellness activities!

Over 30+ warmlines plus webinars, workshops, job postings, special events, consumer input opportunities and more.


Click the Accessibility Button on the right side, halfway down in the middle, for enhanced viewing and/or access options!  Click the Translate Button in the lower left corner for language options. 

Your use of this site is subject to the Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions of Use.  Reminder: Fees or charges may be charged by your carrier for sending or receiving SMS text messaging, phone, or data.

If you have an event to add, email us:

How Events are Sorted:

First, at the top of the list: SAMHSA Disaster Helpline and similar links.

Next in the list: Bundled “All Day” Events for organizations with events happening at multiple times throughout the day and/or in many formats or locations; these are bundled into a single listing to prevent endless scrolling.  Usually these offer a lookup by zip code or other criteria. 

Lastly, Time-Specific Events listed by start time from 12:01am early morning to 11:59pm late night.  Warmlines and places east of Oregon’s time zone tend to start earlier (e.g. 4am in Oregon is 7am in New York).

01 – Helpline – SAMHSA – Substance Use and Mental Health Services Administration – Strength After – Online Peer Support Communities – COVID-19 Survivors and Responders Support Group – Mass Violence Support Group – 24/7 @ Facebook Groups
Apr 20 all-day


In an effort to broaden our reach to disaster survivors and emergency responders, the Disaster Distress Helpline has developed online peer support communities through Facebook Groups for those who have experienced a natural or human-caused disaster. These online communities offer opportunities for survivors and responders to connect with others who have experienced similar events, share accurate information and trusted resources, and help one another continue to heal from the effects of a traumatic event.

What Does it Offer?

The purpose of DDH Online Peer Support Communities is to create enhanced opportunities for survivors and responders of disaster to come together for mutual aid and emotional support.

DDH Online Peer Support Communities Also Include:

Trained Peer Supporters

DDH Online Peer Support includes trained peer supporters who assist with group moderation and vetting resources. In addition to community forums, our goal is also to create purposeful discussions lead by peer supporters with specific themes and relevant topics. While each survivor and responder’s experiences are unique, being with peers who have had a similar experience can promote connection, offer new ways of coping, and build a foundation of trust.

Peer support does not take the place of therapy or counseling. The opportunity to provide mutual aid and support to others who have faced similar challenges, when and where they need it, offers hope that healing and recovery is possible after a disaster.

Immediate Crisis Support

All DDH Online Peer Support Communities are monitored 24/7 by a designated DDH crisis center, where crisis counselors are available to talk to members who may be in emotional distress and need crisis support. Members can talk to a counselor at any time of the day or night via Crisis Support Over Messenger (CSOM).

Available Communities

Survivors and Responders of the COVID-19 Pandemic 

DDH Online Peer Support Communities offer peer support for anyone who identifies as a survivor or responder of the COVID-19 pandemic. Both survivors and responders can come together for mutual aid, to share trusted resources, and to help one another continue to heal from the effects of a national pandemic. Survivors and responders may include but are not limited to, any healthcare workers, emergency responders, parents/caregivers, educators, individuals who have lost loved ones, people who are dealing with “Long-haul COVID”, those impacted by job loss or economic hardship during the pandemic, and anyone else who has been significantly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. DDH-trained Peer Supporters are also available to listen and offer validation and encouragement. Additionally, they provide structured moderation within the community to engage members in meaningful discussions on relevant topics and offer timely and trusted resources. To join our Facebook group dedicated to Survivors and Responders of the COVID-19 Pandemic, click here.

Survivors of Mass Violence

DDH Online Peer Support Communities offer peer support for survivors of mass violence in the United States including mass shootings, terrorist attacks, or other large-scale community violence. Survivors and loved ones who have experienced mass violence can connect with one another and provide emotional support in the aftermath of a mass violence incident, including how to cope with activating events and memorials, self-care strategies, and challenges with daily living. DDH-trained Peer Supporters are available to listen to members, and offer validation and encouragement. They also provide structured moderation to engage members in meaningful discussions on relevant topics and provide timely and trusted resources. If you are a survivor or the loved one of a survivor of mass violence and need support, please join our Facebook group by requesting to be a member here.

05 – Warmline – TTP -The Trevor Project – Saving Young LGBTQ Lives – (866) 488-7388 – Weekdays & Weekends @ Online via Phone, Chat, Text
Apr 20 all-day


The Trevor Project is the leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer & questioning (LGBTQ) young people under 25.

Need help? We are here for you 24/7.

Call 1-866-488-7386 or Text START to 678678

Or start an online CHAT:

Available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, including weekdays and weekends, Mon-Fri, Sat & Sun.

NOTE: During COVID-19 wait times have been a bit longer.

Additional Resources:

TrevorSpace is an affirming peer-to-peer international community and social interaction for LGBTQ young people ages 13-24.

TrevorSupportCenter features resources and answers to common questions

Trevor Advocacy

Facebook Social Media page:

08 – Observance – AAPSG – Autism Awareness & Parents Support Group – 24/7 – Weekdays & Weekends @ online via Facebook Live
Apr 20 all-day
08 - Observance - AAPSG - Autism Awareness & Parents Support Group - 24/7 - Weekdays & Weekends @ online via Facebook Live


Welcome to our Autism Awareness Group!
Join a warm and supportive community that embraces and empowers individuals with autism and their families. Our group is a safe space for sharing experiences, seeking guidance, and connecting with like-minded individuals who understand the journey of autism.
Discover valuable resources, expert insights, and practical tips that promote understanding and inclusion for people on the autism spectrum. Together, we celebrate the unique strengths and talents of those with autism while providing a platform to address challenges and find solutions.
Whether you’re a parent, caregiver, educator, or someone on the spectrum, this group offers a non-judgmental environment to learn, grow, and build lasting connections. Share your triumphs, seek advice, or simply be part of a compassionate network that fosters a sense of belonging and acceptance.


ADHD/PEI – ADHD – Prince Edward Island – ADHD Makers Discord Group – 24/7 @ Online Via Discord
Apr 20 all-day





ADHD Makers
Discord Group

Open 24/7


Where:    Discord (

When:     Always!

ADHD often comes with a large variety of interests and hobbies. In this group, we can easily celebrate our projects and endeavours and get advice on the best (or most cost-efficient) route to starting a new one (or three)!




AFA – Addicts Fighting Addiction – 24/7 – Weekdays & Weekends @ Facebook Group
Apr 20 all-day




Addicts Fighting Addiction

24/7 Weekdays and Weekends

This is a group dedicated to spreading hope and support to all those struggling with addiction and the loved ones of the addicted. We are not doctors or substitute for treatment. We are simply a support system for those who need it and out to raise awareness in this growing epidemic that takes lives every single day. We DO NOT JUDGE, we truly care and want to help in any way possible.

Follow this Link To Join and Attend this Facebook Group

APRSP – All Pathways Recovery Support Group – Private Women’s Facebook Group – 24/7 @ Facebook Group
Apr 20 all-day
APRSP - All Pathways Recovery Support Group - Private Women's Facebook Group - 24/7 @ Facebook Group



All Pathways Recovery Support Group

Our mission is to empower women to reach their full recovery and parenting potential through peer-to-peer support and mentorship.
Our groups offer support, resources, and encouragement to women balancing recovery and parental responsibilities; while providing opportunities to build their recovery tribe.
These support groups are VERY different than some may be accustomed to. They are not centered around any particular recovery pathway, and all are welcome. We encourage and celebrate any and all efforts to improve quality of life.
Our groups and organization were created primarily for those who might avoid (for whatever personal reason) recovery programs that preach abstinence only. This group is not about exclusion. It is about joining together on the road to freedom, and respecting each other’s right to paint that picture differently.
We understand that recovery is not a box, and we do not try to cram our own personal beliefs or opinions down anyone’s windpipe. We listen. We share our personal experience. We show support.
These groups will not be received well by all. Many will struggle to embrace the lack of structure regarding what recovery is and isn’t — and that is okay. Those who wish to grow and work through those struggles will be met with plenty of opportunity and support in doing just that. We understand how difficult it can be to accept that recovery is not a black and white, simple solution. We know how much self reflection it takes to be truly open to the idea that our particular brand of recovery is not necessarily the “right” one — that there is no right way to find and maintain personal recovery.
Our groups will challenge you to step outside whatever box you’ve been wrapped, and if you decide they are not the appropriate place for you in your process right now, we will hold the door open for you in case you ever change your mind. You will not be judged.
There will be threads about active use, medication assistance, and moderation in this group, and some may feel triggered. You will always be encouraged to speak up these things in a way that respects us all. It is 100% possible to voice discomfort in a way that invites us all into conversation about boundaries and the importance of acknowledging and protecting our own edges.
If ever you wish to reach out to admin to discuss any of this, we really hope you will.
We are SO happy you found us, and I hope – after reading and processing all of this – you’ll join us and rejoice in the rare opportunities this group has to offer you.
Julie Maida, Founder

Visit the Facebook community page to join this group

Group rules from the admins

Make sure everyone feels safe. Bullying of any kind isn’t allowed, and degrading comments about things like race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, gender, or identity will not be tolerated.
We encourage every member to share about struggles; we just ask that you please leave out details that could be triggering to another member.
If you’re posting anything you feel might be triggering to members, please write *TRIGGER WARNING* at the top of your post and then hit . & return at least 10 times before beginning.
Even if you are a doctor, please refrain from giving ANY medical or medication advice. When in doubt, ask YOUR primary care physician.
Being part of this group requires mutual trust. Authentic, expressive discussions make groups great, but may also be sensitive and private. What’s shared in the group should stay in the group.
Understand that while your way works for you, it may not work for everyone. There is no right or wrong way.
We’re all in this together to create a welcoming environment. Let’s treat everyone with respect. Healthy debates are natural, but kindness and mutual respect are required. No name calling.
It is also not okay to solicit group members by private messages. If you have a new group or page you think some of our members might benefit from, please reach out to admin and ASK before posting it.
It is not just the responsibility of admins to keep enforcing guidelines and ensure safety, it is also yours. Please help keep our group safe by flagging any and all posts you find concerning.
Do not take screenshots in this group and do not share screenshots from anywhere else in this group.
FAT – Fighting Addiction Together – Recovery Is Possible Support Group – 24/7 Weekdays & Weekends @ Facebook Group
Apr 20 all-day





(We Do Recover)

24/7 Weekdays & Weekends

Welcome to ‘Fighting Addiction Together,’ a supportive community of over 40,000 individuals in recovery. We’re more than a group; we’re a family dedicated to inspiring, motivating, and helping each other build meaningful lives in sobriety. Whether you’re seeking guidance, sharing your journey, or connecting with fellow warriors, you’re in the right place. We celebrate victories, offer support during challenges, and believe in the strength of unity. Join us in this empowering space as we navigate recovery together, one day at a time.
Please reach out if you or a loved one is struggling. Our hope is to show you what we did to make it out of the hell that is active alcoholism and addiction.
Feel free to reach out anytime; there is always someone available to support and listen to you.



FCA – Family Caregiver Alliance – Caregiver Support Group – 24/7 @ Email Group
Apr 20 all-day
FCA - Family Caregiver Alliance - Caregiver Support Group - 24/7 @ Email Group


Family Caregiver Alliance
Email Support Group 24/7

This group is in e-mail format. Participants send and receive e-mail to take part in discussions. You can receive your posts all together, in one delivery each day, or you can receive them one-by-one, as they are sent.

The choice is yours. It’s fun, easy, and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. To join, complete the form below and click the submit button.

Subscribe to Caregiver-Online

You can subscribe to Caregiver-online by following this link and completing the form.  After completing the Subscription form you will email requesting confirmation, to prevent others from gratuitously subscribing you. This is a hidden list, which means that the list of members is available only to the list administrator.

To subscribe, Use this Link and complete the subscription form online:


Using Caregiver-online

To post a message to all the list members, send email to Be sure to subscribe first!

FSR – Friends Support Recovery From Recovery Online Group – Facebook Group – 24/7 @ Facebook Group
Apr 20 all-day


Facebook Group – 24/7
Group By Simon Greygoose:
Just a polite reminder about my Small Friends Recovery Closed Group, We have some amazing, kind and wonderful members.
You’re all welcome to join, if you feel like you are struggling with anything life throws at you, addictions, illness, stress, anxiety,
anything at all, I started this group, when I first went into recovery, and it has been amazing the response and help I received from the members who joined I’m so grateful to all ❤️
I really want to make this group, so different from other ones, to be unique and have a family feeling of friends actually caring for others with compassion and love for each other.
It’s a safe place to be without judgement from others, and extremely confidential. Also, if you feel you can offer advice or just be a caring person who can listen and offer a few words of encouragement to others, We also need your help. The kindest thing another human can do is to offer a helping hand to someone struggling, helping others is priceless.
Unity is strength 💪
Thank you ❤️
INSP – Inspire – Drug Abuse Communities and More – Online via Website or IOS APP – 24/7 – Weekdays & Weekends @ Online via website
Apr 20 all-day
INSP - Inspire - Drug Abuse Communities and More - Online via Website or IOS APP - 24/7 - Weekdays & Weekends @ Online via website

Inspire Support Communities

A place that’s safe for sharing and always free for members

We’ve carefully designed an environment where it’s okay to open up about personal experiences and share sensitive health information. Joining Inspire is — and always will be — free for members.

To Open an Inspire Account, Use this link:

Inspire: The Vital Health Community

Inspire is the vital community of more than two million patients and caregivers —a carefully designed environment where everyone feels comfortable and safe to open up about personal health experiences and share sensitive health information. These genuine connections instill hope and drive greater understanding. Patients and caregivers from around the world discover advice and information they can’t find elsewhere, and by understanding patients’ rich and varied health journeys on Inspire, researchers and health practitioners around the world are advancing treatments and making breakthrough discoveries.



Click Here To See Our Support Communities


About the Inspire Community Platform

Create A personal Journal

Your journal belongs to you; you may choose to have your journal entries show up in some, all, or none of your communities. Journal entries are generally longer and can be on any topic.

Join Community Discussions

Discussions belong to the community and are generally shorter than journal entries and are meant to encourage conversations between members. For example, if you wanted to ask for other members’ experiences with a particular treatment, you would post a discussion in the appropriate community. If you wanted to talk about your day, something more personal or off-topic, you would post a journal entry.

Create and Manage A Friends List

Friends are other members whom you may grow to trust and want to share more information with, or with whom you want to exchange private messages. You will be able to post journal entries that only your “friends” can read, and you will be able to send messages to your friends through our site without giving out your email address.

Use Inspire A.I. for quick answers

Inspire AI is a new feature on inspire that uses artificial intelligence to provide quick responses to member questions. The responses are automatically generated. The tool leverages a large language model (LLM), similar to what is used for popular tools such as ChatGPT. When you post on Inspire, you can choose whether you want to receive a response from InspireAI in addition to receiving replies from Inspire members. InspireAI is currently available in select cancer communities.

KC – Klamath County – Any Positive Change Prime+ Peer Program
Apr 20 all-day





Any Positive Change Prime+ Peer Program in Klamath County connects people to resources and services after an overdose, infection, or either substance use related health issue. Prime+ services are FREE and you do not have to stop using to use Prime+. Peer Support. We can help you figure out how to get going again. If you want Naloxone, Help getting what you need, taking a step to make things better, We Are Here For You.

Call or text a Prime+ Peer, we will respond within 24 hrs.

Sabrina Garcia 541-887-7305,

David Ray Bruns 541-591-1108,

Francisco Maldenado 458-390-8522.

MHA – Mental Health America – Inspire Support Groups and Discussion Community – 24/7 Weekends & Weekends @ Online via Inspire plus Apps
Apr 20 all-day

INSPIRE online community forum

About this Online Tool

Our Inspire communities provide a place for people with similar interests to support and encourage each other 24/7 online. Inspire is the largest provider of health-specific communities. MHA (Mental Health America) staff moderate the online support groups and communities.

Link to


Link to Mental Health America groups on


Browse All Groups on

Apps are available to download as well.


About Mental Health America

Mental Health America (MHA) – founded in 1909 – is the nation’s leading community-based nonprofit dedicated to addressing the needs of those living with mental illness and to promoting the overall mental health of all Americans. Our work is driven by our commitment to promote mental health as a critical part of overall wellness, including prevention services for all; early identification and intervention for those at risk; integrated care, services, and supports for those who need it; with recovery as the goal.


MSC – My Sisters Circle – Women’s Mental Health Support Group 24/7 @ Online via facebook group
Apr 20 all-day
MSC - My Sisters Circle - Women's Mental Health Support Group 24/7 @ Online via facebook group




My Sister’s Circle – Women’s Mental Health Support Group

A positive support group for women with mental health and/or substance use issues. We are coming together to share our lives, positivity, and experiences to feel less alone during our own personal journey. This will be a creative group that is open to many facets of expression!

To Join The Group and Attend Use the link below

Be Kind and Courteous

We’re all in this together to create a welcoming environment. Let’s treat everyone with respect. Healthy debates are natural, but kindness is required.
Respect Everyones’s Privacy
Being part of this group requires mutual trust. Authentic, expressive discussions make groups great, but may also be sensitive and private. What’s shared in the group should stay in the group.
No Hate Speech or Bullying
Make sure everyone feels safe. Bullying of any kind isn’t allowed, and degrading comments about things like race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, gender or identity will not be tolerated.
No Promotions, Solicitations, or Spamming
Give more than you take to this group. Self-promotion, spam and irrelevant links aren’t allowed. The exchange of money between members is prohibited.
No Promotion of Domestic Violence or child Abuse
Do not post anything that condones domestic violence or child abuse. We encourage anyone who is or has a child that is being abused to seek help immediately.
No Reporting!
If you report a post, I found out it flags Facebook and the group can get deleted for violations. So, please either message an ADMIN/MOD or comment “admin” in the post. Thanks!
No Religious Posting
Please do not share religious postings in this group. We have many different backgrounds, from all around the world, and we want to make this group inclusive to all.


NK – Neurokindred – Peer Support Group – RSVP @ Online Register for Details
Apr 20 all-day



Peer Support Group

Welcome to Neurokindred’s Online Autistic-led peer support groups.

As Autistic adults, we have often navigated a world feeling isolated and disconnected, our unique experiences not fully understood by those around us. This has been especially true in our interactions with others, including health professionals, where there’s been a notable lack of attunements.

Yet, there’s a hopeful aspect to this shared journey:
the powerful connection that comes from mutual understanding within the Autistic community. This sense of unity fosters belonging, acceptance, and validation.

Peer support groups are a testament to the strength found in shared experiences. Centering lived experience as the dominant narrative has empowering effects.

Research is finally tuning into what many disability, recovery and minority groups have been building for years-the power of shared experience and community. Crane et al. (2020) conducted a qualitative evaluation of an Autistic-led peer group program for late-identified Autistic adults.


Over 10 weekly sessions, participants engaged in group discussions on a range of topics, from the implications of late diagnosis, disclosure in different contexts, cross-cultural communication difficulties, emotion regulation, sensory experiences, executive function differences, cognitive flexibility, the intersection of Autism and mental health and self-advocacy.

Interviews with 16 Autistic adults revealed three powerful themes:

  • An Autistic facilitator provided a positive role model for embracing a positive Autistic identity, fostered relational safety and facilitated more open dialogue.
  • The joint sense of community and connection was powerfully affirming.
  • The most significant outcome, that is conducive to well-being, was a shift in perspective towards a positive, strengths-focused Autistic identity.

Our online peer support groups aim to replicate this environment. Led by an Autistic group facilitator, our groups provide a safe haven for exploring and embracing Autistic identity, offering post-identification support, and fostering a recovery-focused approach that celebrates the strengths of being Autistic. We understand that the journey to self-acceptance and community building is unique for each individual, and our groups are tailored to nurture this process.

Join us to experience this accessible service that goes beyond traditional support, one that is rooted in the power of shared experiences and community, designed to enhance well-being and foster a positive Autistic identity. Here, you’re not just joining a group; you’re becoming part of a community that understands, accepts, and celebrates the Autistic way of being.


O&SPDX – Out & Sober Portland – Support Group – 24/7 @ Online Vis Facebook Live
Apr 20 all-day




Portland gay and sober is a community of people interested in supporting and helping members live their lives healthy and sober. We embrace LGBTQ members and allies and seek to maintain a safe space for members to exchange messages, encouragement, to share their own journeys, and to recommend events and hangouts conducive to sober living in the Portland metropolitan area.
Please avoid hate speech, language encouraging substance use and/or abuse, and unrelated solicitation or repetitive solicitation. Disrespect will not be tolerated.
Much love, and best wishes on your journey.


To Join Via Facebook Live Follow the Link Below And Click on the Join Group Button


PSS – Peer Support Space – Peer Support Space Online Group – 24/7 Weekdays & Weekends
Apr 20 all-day




Click Here To Join This Group


Peer Support Space Online Group is a safe space for anyone to share anything in a NONJUDGMENTAL and SUPPORTIVE environment. We believe that you never know what anyone is going through, that it is okay to not be okay, and that when we share our stories we become empowered and remind others that they are not alone.
All topics are welcome here (ex: mental illness, trauma, sexual abuse, addiction, suicidality etc.). Here we feel safe to express ourselves without fear of being judged. Here we listen to and support one another.
You are loved. You matter. You are not alone.
1. We respect and validate all sexual orientations, genders, ages, and disabilities as well as those of diverse neurological, racial, religious, and cultural backgrounds.
2. We are welcoming and introduce ourselves to new members.
3. Sexual harassment or harassment of any kind will not be tolerated. If asked to stop, stop. If you feel you are being harassed, in any way, by any member please message an admin.
4. While sharing what has helped YOU is encouraged, we believe that there are many routes to recovery and individuals should be the “drivers” of their recovery journey including treatment choices.
5. You are allowed to share something and ask to not be given advice.
*This is a growing group, rules are subject to change.*
***Please note, that although we honor confidentiality this space this is the internet and as such we cannot guarantee privacy – please share using your own discretion.***


SAHC – Sober and Happy Community – Online Support Group for Addiction and Alcoholism Recovery – 24/7 @ Join for Details
Apr 20 all-day
SAHC - Sober and Happy Community - Online Support Group for Addiction and Alcoholism Recovery - 24/7 @ Join for Details
Sober and Happy Community – Support Group for Addiction and Alcoholism Recovery
This is a group for people looking for support and community outside the traditional 12-Step recovery model. We support all people’s recovery journeys and are wanting to help people discover their own path to addiction recovery.
To join this group, use the Join Group button on the facebook page:
Group rules from the admin


Respect everyone’s privacy
Being part of this group requires mutual trust. Authentic, expressive discussions make groups great, but may also be sensitive and private. This is especially true with the sensitive nature of addiction and recovery. What’s shared in the group should stay in the group.
Be kind and courteous
We’re all in this together to create a welcoming environment. Let’s treat everyone with respect. Healthy debates are natural, but kindness is required.
No hate speech or bullying
Make sure everyone feels safe. Bullying of any kind isn’t allowed, and degrading comments about things like race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, gender or identity will not be tolerated.
No promotions or spam
Give more than you take in this group. Self-promotion, spam and irrelevant links aren’t allowed.
We are Not A 12-Step Group
This group was specifically created to provide a community for people looking for recovery beyond 12-Step programs. Although all is welcome in this group, 12-Step specific advice like “call your sponsor”, “go to a meeting”, or any suggestions to doing step work is not in the spirit of this group. If that is your preferred method of recovery, we support that, and encourage you to use one of the many other recovery groups that support that.
SFMAA – Support for family members of Addicts/Alcoholics – 24/7 Weekdays & Weekends @ Facebook Group
Apr 20 all-day
SFMAA - Support for family members of Addicts/Alcoholics - 24/7 Weekdays & Weekends @ Facebook Group





Support for Family Members of Addicts/Alcoholics

24/7 Weekdays & Weekends

This group is about supporting one another through this very difficult journey of having a family member in the grips of addiction. I know first hand how it feels and how it seems you are the only one dealing with it. I also know how it feels to not be able to talk to anyone about it because of the stigma that is attached to addiction and feeling the judgement from others. This is a safe place to talk about it and know others understand.

We can share our thoughts, resources we have found, and even cry together and share our triumphs along the way. I want to offer hope where it seems there is no hope. Just remember, you are never alone!

Use this Link To Join This Facebook Group


SGS – Support Groups – Mental Health: Trauma – Related Disorders – Message Board & Support Group – 24/7 @ Register For Details
Apr 20 all-day





Mental Health: Trauma-Related Disorders


Our trauma-related disorders support group provides a safe and compassionate space for individuals to share, heal, and grow while navigating the challenges of trauma recovery.

When you create an account you’ll always come back to where you left off. With an account you can also be notified of new replies, save bookmarks, and use likes to thank others. We can all work together to make this community great. heart

Use the link Below to Join

About SupportGroups™ is a safe, social support network that allows members & therapists to engage in group discussions for everyone involved. Our groups provide support for those dealing with Mental and Physical Health issues, Addiction, Relationships, or their Identity. Our mission is simple: Provide support in a safe online community for everyone who needs it.


SGS – Support Groups – LGBTQ+: Gender Identity Exploration – Message Board & Support Group – 24/7 @ Register For Details
Apr 20 all-day





LGBTQ+: Gender Identity Exploration


Our ‘Gender Identity Exploration’ support group provides a safe and welcoming space for individuals to navigate and understand their unique gender identities while fostering a supportive community.

When you create an account you’ll always come back to where you left off. With an account you can also be notified of new replies, save bookmarks, and use likes to thank others. We can all work together to make this community great. heart

Use the link Below to Join

About SupportGroups™ is a safe, social support network that allows members & therapists to engage in group discussions for everyone involved. Our groups provide support for those dealing with Mental and Physical Health issues, Addiction, Relationships, or their Identity. Our mission is simple: Provide support in a safe online community for everyone who needs it.

SGS – Support Groups – Mental Health: Anxiety and Panic Disorders – Message Board & Support Group – 24/7 @ Register For Details
Apr 20 all-day

Mental Health:

Anxiety & Panic Disorders


Our anxiety and panic disorders support group offers a compassionate and understanding community where individuals can share experiences and coping strategies to manage and overcome anxiety-related challenges.

When you create an account you’ll always come back to where you left off. With an account you can also be notified of new replies, save bookmarks, and use likes to thank others. We can all work together to make this community great. heart

Use the link Below to Join

About SupportGroups™ is a safe, social support network that allows members & therapists to engage in group discussions for everyone involved. Our groups provide support for those dealing with Mental and Physical Health issues, Addiction, Relationships, or their Identity. Our mission is simple: Provide support in a safe online community for everyone who needs it.

SGS – Support Groups – Mental Health: Neurodevelopmental Disorders – Message Board & Support Group – 24/7 @ Register For Details
Apr 20 all-day

Mental Health: Neurodevelopmental Disorders


Our Neurodevelopmental Disorders support group provides a compassionate and understanding community for individuals and families affected by a wide range of neurological conditions, offering a safe space for sharing experiences and finding valuable resources.

Our support group provides a safe and compassionate space for individuals facing addiction and recovery challenges, offering comprehensive support and guidance for overcoming various addictions and fostering a journey towards lasting healing and personal growth.

When you create an account you’ll always come back to where you left off. With an account you can also be notified of new replies, save bookmarks, and use likes to thank others. We can all work together to make this community great. heart

Use the link Below to Join

About SupportGroups™ is a safe, social support network that allows members & therapists to engage in group discussions for everyone involved. Our groups provide support for those dealing with Mental and Physical Health issues, Addiction, Relationships, or their Identity. Our mission is simple: Provide support in a safe online community for everyone who needs it.


SGS – Support Groups – Mental Health: Self-Harm & Suicidal Thoughts – Message Board & Support Group – 24/7 @ Register For Details
Apr 20 all-day




Mental Health:

Self-Harm & Suicidal Thoughts


The Self-Harm & Suicidal Thoughts support group offers a safe and compassionate space for individuals to share their struggles, find understanding, and seek hope in their journey towards healing and recovery.

When you create an account you’ll always come back to where you left off. With an account you can also be notified of new replies, save bookmarks, and use likes to thank others. We can all work together to make this community great. heart

Use the link Below to Join

About SupportGroups™ is a safe, social support network that allows members & therapists to engage in group discussions for everyone involved. Our groups provide support for those dealing with Mental and Physical Health issues, Addiction, Relationships, or their Identity. Our mission is simple: Provide support in a safe online community for everyone who needs it.


SGS – Support Groups – Physical Health: Physical Rehabilitation & Recovery – Support Group and Message Board – 24/7 @ Register For Details
Apr 20 all-day




Physical Health:

Physical Rehabilitation & Recovery


Our ‘Physical Rehabilitation & Recovery’ support group offers a supportive community for individuals on their journey to regain mobility, strength, and independence after injury or illness.

When you create an account you’ll always come back to where you left off. With an account you can also be notified of new replies, save bookmarks, and use likes to thank others. We can all work together to make this community great. heart

Use the link Below to Join

About SupportGroups™ is a safe, social support network that allows members & therapists to engage in group discussions for everyone involved. Our groups provide support for those dealing with Mental and Physical Health issues, Addiction, Relationships, or their Identity. Our mission is simple: Provide support in a safe online community for everyone who needs it.


SGS – Support Groups – Physical Health: Sleep Disorders – Support Group and Message Board – 24/7 @ Register For Details
Apr 20 all-day




Physical Health:

Sleep Disorders


Our ‘Sleep Disorders’ support group provides a welcoming community for individuals struggling with various sleep-related challenges, offering empathy, education, and coping strategies to promote better sleep and overall well-being.

When you create an account you’ll always come back to where you left off. With an account you can also be notified of new replies, save bookmarks, and use likes to thank others. We can all work together to make this community great. heart

Use the link Below to Join

About SupportGroups™ is a safe, social support network that allows members & therapists to engage in group discussions for everyone involved. Our groups provide support for those dealing with Mental and Physical Health issues, Addiction, Relationships, or their Identity. Our mission is simple: Provide support in a safe online community for everyone who needs it.


SGS – Support Groups – Physical Health: Women’s Health Issues – Support Group and Message Board – 24/7 @ Register For Details
Apr 20 all-day




Physical Health:

Women’s Health Issues


Our “Women’s Health Issues” support group provides a safe and empathetic space for women to share experiences, offer guidance, and find solace while navigating various aspects of their well-being.

When you create an account you’ll always come back to where you left off. With an account you can also be notified of new replies, save bookmarks, and use likes to thank others. We can all work together to make this community great. heart

Use the link Below to Join

About SupportGroups™ is a safe, social support network that allows members & therapists to engage in group discussions for everyone involved. Our groups provide support for those dealing with Mental and Physical Health issues, Addiction, Relationships, or their Identity. Our mission is simple: Provide support in a safe online community for everyone who needs it.


SGS – Support Groups – Relationships: Boundaries and Self-Care – Message Board & Support Group – 24/7 Weekdays & Weekends @ Register For Details
Apr 20 all-day




Relationships: Boundaries & Self-Care

24/7 Weekdays & Weekends

Our ‘Boundaries & Self-Care’ support group provides a safe and nurturing space for individuals to explore and strengthen their personal boundaries while prioritizing their mental and emotional well-being.

When you create an account you’ll always come back to where you left off. With an account you can also be notified of new replies, save bookmarks, and use likes to thank others. We can all work together to make this community great. heart

Use the link Below to Join

About SupportGroups™ is a safe, social support network that allows members & therapists to engage in group discussions for everyone involved. Our groups provide support for those dealing with Mental and Physical Health issues, Addiction, Relationships, or their Identity. Our mission is simple: Provide support in a safe online community for everyone who needs it.

SGS – Support Groups – Relationships: Familiy Relationships – Message Board and Support Group – 24/7 @ Register For Details
Apr 20 all-day





Relationships: Family Relationships


Our “Family Relationships” support group provides a safe and empathetic space for individuals to navigate and strengthen the bonds within their families, fostering understanding, communication, and resilience.

When you create an account you’ll always come back to where you left off. With an account you can also be notified of new replies, save bookmarks, and use likes to thank others. We can all work together to make this community great. heart

Use the link Below to Join

About SupportGroups™ is a safe, social support network that allows members & therapists to engage in group discussions for everyone involved. Our groups provide support for those dealing with Mental and Physical Health issues, Addiction, Relationships, or their Identity. Our mission is simple: Provide support in a safe online community for everyone who needs it.


SLI – Sober and Loving It – 24/7 Weekdays & Weekends @ Facebook Group
Apr 20 all-day
SLI - Sober and Loving It - 24/7 Weekdays & Weekends @ Facebook Group

Sober and Loving It

24/7 Weekdays & Weekends

Everyone welcome to sober and loving it.  We are so Glad you joined us we are a non-judgmental recovery support group we are recovery addicts giving back to others in need This is a very safe environment Because people in recovery need a safe place to come to.

We offer support 24 /7 days a week.  We believe people in recovery deserve a second chance, being able to have a safe place like this well help us give back to the recovering community.

This is a family environment, We hope by you joining in this group, You will truly get the support that you deserve.  We will never judge you in here, We’ll always make sure that you are safe.

No matter what we are in this fight together In this group we walk together And we are very proud of every single one of you guys for continuing to stand up against your addiction You are recovery warriors We really hope that you enjoy this group We do recover together team sober and loving it.


Click here to Join this Facebook Group

TTWC – The Tribe Wellness Community – Addiction Tribe Online Support Group – Forum, Chatroom and Resources – 24/7 @ Register for Details
Apr 20 all-day
TTWC - The Tribe Wellness Community - Addiction Tribe Online Support Group - Forum, Chatroom and Resources - 24/7 @ Register for Details




The Tribe Wellness Community

Peer-to-peer support group for individuals and loved ones in the process of ongoing addiction recovery.

For many, recovery from addiction is a daily struggle. Traditional treatment methods are only a part of the recovery process. Daily choices and continued support from friends, family, and others like themselves are a critical part of the road to recovery.

The Tribe offers its addiction recovery support group members a place to share stories, encouragement, and friendship.

Members of our addition recovery group have access to the latest in social network technology including a dedicated activity stream, form, and chat room. IN addition, members can participate in a larger wellness challenge through our inspiration wellness tools: wellness tracker, friend reminders, mood mapping and kudos.


To Join this group, use the link below to register



IGANY – Inter-Group Association of A.A. Of New York – AA – Alcoholics Anonymous – Women Sober Living – Phone Meeting – Saturdays @ Phone
Apr 20 @ 4:00 am – 5:00 am

AA Phone Meeting Color Logo


Saturdays – 4-5AM – PST



515.606.5431 ACCESS CODE 192390# / *6 TO MUTE * 6 TO UNMUTE

For AA list of AA Phone Meetings

About AA Phone Meetings

AA Phone Meetings Are Listed By Day And Operate On Eastern Standard Time. [EDITOR NOTE: Oregon is on Pacific Standard Time PST, 3hrs earlier than EST]

Mute to listen or Unmute to share – Each conference call has different muting and unmuting functions – Press * 6 to unmute yourself. When you are done sharing, you will hear “muted” or “unmuted” Always remember to mute when not sharing to preserve the clarity and serenity in all the AA phone meetings.

AA meeting etiquette should be practiced in all conference call meetings for the good of the group and AA as a whole.

Each meeting has an individual format so come early, stay late, learn to listen, and listen to learn.

All AA phone meetings have a parking lot to ask questions and fellowship after each meeting. Please practice common sense when taking or giving out any personal information during or after any phone meeting.

Please note: These are conference call meetings, and you may need to check with your phone provider to see if there is are additional costs or restrictions that may apply to each meeting you attend

All AA phone meetings may not have an available moderator for all times listed. Generally 90 days of sobriety are required to serve as a meeting moderator (as per group conscious). In the event a moderator is not available for that meeting time, please feel free to begin meeting.

Open meeting by asking for volunteers to read AA Preamble. If there are no volunteers, please read the preamble.

Ask for a volunteer to read the 12 Steps or How It Works or 12 Traditions
Ask for a volunteer to keep time.

Generally phone meeting sharing is limited to 4 minutes thus giving all participants an opportunity to speak if desired.

Tradition 7 – We are self-supporting through our own contributions and the AA preamble states The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking and there are no dues or fees for membership AA itself does have operating costs, so please donate what you can when you can by clicking on the basket to donate directly to AA and you will be linked to AA.OGR donation web page.

The basket will be AA direct link to AA.ORG donation page

IGANY – Inter-Group Association of A.A. Of New York – AA – Alcoholics Anonymous – Good Mourning God – Phone Meeting – Saturdays @ Phone
Apr 20 @ 6:00 am – 7:00 am

AA Phone Meeting Color Logo

Good Mourning God

Saturdays – 6-7AM – PST



319.527.2730 ACCESS CODE 959544# / *6 TO MUTE * 6 TO UNMUTE


For AA list of AA Phone Meetings

About AA Phone Meetings

AA Phone Meetings Are Listed By Day And Operate On Eastern Standard Time. [EDITOR NOTE: Oregon is on Pacific Standard Time PST, 3hrs earlier than EST]

Mute to listen or Unmute to share – Each conference call has different muting and unmuting functions – Press * 6 to unmute yourself. When you are done sharing, you will hear “muted” or “unmuted” Always remember to mute when not sharing to preserve the clarity and serenity in all the AA phone meetings.

AA meeting etiquette should be practiced in all conference call meetings for the good of the group and AA as a whole.

Each meeting has an individual format so come early, stay late, learn to listen, and listen to learn.

All AA phone meetings have a parking lot to ask questions and fellowship after each meeting. Please practice common sense when taking or giving out any personal information during or after any phone meeting.

Please note: These are conference call meetings, and you may need to check with your phone provider to see if there is are additional costs or restrictions that may apply to each meeting you attend

All AA phone meetings may not have an available moderator for all times listed. Generally 90 days of sobriety are required to serve as a meeting moderator (as per group conscious). In the event a moderator is not available for that meeting time, please feel free to begin meeting.

Open meeting by asking for volunteers to read AA Preamble. If there are no volunteers, please read the preamble.

Ask for a volunteer to read the 12 Steps or How It Works or 12 Traditions
Ask for a volunteer to keep time.

Generally phone meeting sharing is limited to 4 minutes thus giving all participants an opportunity to speak if desired.

Tradition 7 – We are self-supporting through our own contributions and the AA preamble states The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking and there are no dues or fees for membership AA itself does have operating costs, so please donate what you can when you can by clicking on the basket to donate directly to AA and you will be linked to AA.OGR donation web page.

The basket will be AA direct link to AA.ORG donation page

IGANY – Inter-Group Association of A.A. Of New York – AA – Alcoholics Anonymous – Sober Voices Book Study – Phone Meeting – Saturdays @ Phone
Apr 20 @ 7:00 am – 8:00 am

AA Phone Meeting Color Logo


Saturdays – 7-8AM – PST




712.432.0075 ACCESS CODE 654443# /   *6 TO MUTE * 6 TO UNMUTE


For AA list of AA Phone Meetings


About AA Phone Meetings

AA Phone Meetings Are Listed By Day And Operate On Eastern Standard Time. [EDITOR NOTE: Oregon is on Pacific Standard Time PST, 3hrs earlier than EST]

Mute to listen or Unmute to share – Each conference call has different muting and unmuting functions – Press * 6 to unmute yourself. When you are done sharing, you will hear “muted” or “unmuted” Always remember to mute when not sharing to preserve the clarity and serenity in all the AA phone meetings.

AA meeting etiquette should be practiced in all conference call meetings for the good of the group and AA as a whole.

Each meeting has an individual format so come early, stay late, learn to listen, and listen to learn.

All AA phone meetings have a parking lot to ask questions and fellowship after each meeting. Please practice common sense when taking or giving out any personal information during or after any phone meeting.

Please note: These are conference call meetings, and you may need to check with your phone provider to see if there is are additional costs or restrictions that may apply to each meeting you attend

All AA phone meetings may not have an available moderator for all times listed. Generally 90 days of sobriety are required to serve as a meeting moderator (as per group conscious). In the event a moderator is not available for that meeting time, please feel free to begin meeting.

Open meeting by asking for volunteers to read AA Preamble. If there are no volunteers, please read the preamble.

Ask for a volunteer to read the 12 Steps or How It Works or 12 Traditions
Ask for a volunteer to keep time.

Generally phone meeting sharing is limited to 4 minutes thus giving all participants an opportunity to speak if desired.

Tradition 7 – We are self-supporting through our own contributions and the AA preamble states The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking and there are no dues or fees for membership AA itself does have operating costs, so please donate what you can when you can by clicking on the basket to donate directly to AA and you will be linked to AA.OGR donation web page.

The basket will be AA direct link to AA.ORG donation page

CFR – Communities for Recovery – Peer Support Reentry Meetings – Supporting Formerly Incarcerated Returning Citizens – Saturdays @ online Via ZOOM
Apr 20 @ 8:00 am – 9:00 am



Here at Communities for Recovery, we know that the problems awaiting justice involved peers, and reentering society can be overwhelming.

Join us every Saturday for a time to share the challenges and concerns you face as a returning citizen reentering society and rebuilding your life. We have volunteers who have been exactly where you are, and who have successfully navigated this journey. They’re here to help you connect with resources, navigate the system, and find your way in this new world.

* **Hybrid meeting (in-person & online)**


In-person Location
Communities for Recovery
4110 Guadalupe st. #635
Austin, Tx. 78751

KC – Kiva Centers – Sharing Safety Pride Group – Saturdays @ Online Via ZOOM
Apr 20 @ 8:00 am – 9:00 am
KC  - Kiva Centers - Sharing Safety Pride Group - Saturdays @ Online Via ZOOM



Sharing Safety Pride Group
Saturdays, 8-9am PDT
For the safety and security of our community, we will now be implementing waiting rooms. Please be patient as we go through these changes, and for any questions, please contact us at
Sharing Safety: An LGBTQ+ specific group, where we can receive and give peer support to other members of our community, in a space dedicated to us.
The Kiva Centers
209 Shrewsbury St.
Southbridge MA 01550
Worcester, MA 01604 The Kiva Centers
346 Main St
Southbridge MA 01550
JDVPSP – Joseph Dwyer Veterans Peer Support Project – Women Veterans Zoom Groups – Women’s Main Group – First and Third Saturdays @ Online via Zoom
Apr 20 @ 8:30 am – 10:30 am
JDVPSP - Joseph Dwyer Veterans Peer Support Project - Women Veterans Zoom Groups - Women's Main Group - First and Third Saturdays @ Online via Zoom


Women’s Main Group


Named to honor the memory of an Iraq warhero from Mount Sinai, NY, the Joseph P. Dwyer Veteran Peer Support Project is a peer-to-peer program for Veterans facing the challenges of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI).

All meetings are confidential and anonymous, registration is not required, and we do not require any documentation.

Women Veterans Group: On Zoom!

  • Every 1st and 3rd Saturday 8:30am to 10:30am PST
  • Meeting ID: 932 2123 8672
IGANY – Inter-Group Association of A.A. Of New York – AA – Alcoholics Anonymous – CROSS TALK – Phone Meeting – Saturdays @ Phone
Apr 20 @ 9:00 am – 10:00 am

AA Phone Meeting Color Logo


Saturdays – 9-10AM – PST



712-451-0235 ACCESS CODE 979634# / *6 TO MUTE * 6 TO UNMUTE

For AA list of AA Phone Meetings

About AA Phone Meetings

AA Phone Meetings Are Listed By Day And Operate On Eastern Standard Time. [EDITOR NOTE: Oregon is on Pacific Standard Time PST, 3hrs earlier than EST]

Mute to listen or Unmute to share – Each conference call has different muting and unmuting functions – Press * 6 to unmute yourself. When you are done sharing, you will hear “muted” or “unmuted” Always remember to mute when not sharing to preserve the clarity and serenity in all the AA phone meetings.

AA meeting etiquette should be practiced in all conference call meetings for the good of the group and AA as a whole.

Each meeting has an individual format so come early, stay late, learn to listen, and listen to learn.

All AA phone meetings have a parking lot to ask questions and fellowship after each meeting. Please practice common sense when taking or giving out any personal information during or after any phone meeting.

Please note: These are conference call meetings, and you may need to check with your phone provider to see if there is are additional costs or restrictions that may apply to each meeting you attend

All AA phone meetings may not have an available moderator for all times listed. Generally 90 days of sobriety are required to serve as a meeting moderator (as per group conscious). In the event a moderator is not available for that meeting time, please feel free to begin meeting.

Open meeting by asking for volunteers to read AA Preamble. If there are no volunteers, please read the preamble.

Ask for a volunteer to read the 12 Steps or How It Works or 12 Traditions
Ask for a volunteer to keep time.

Generally phone meeting sharing is limited to 4 minutes thus giving all participants an opportunity to speak if desired.

Tradition 7 – We are self-supporting through our own contributions and the AA preamble states The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking and there are no dues or fees for membership AA itself does have operating costs, so please donate what you can when you can by clicking on the basket to donate directly to AA and you will be linked to AA.OGR donation web page.

The basket will be AA direct link to AA.ORG donation page

IGANY – Inter-Group Association of A.A. Of New York – AA – Alcoholics Anonymous – Sober Voices – Phone Meeting – Saturdays @ Phone
Apr 20 @ 9:00 am – 10:00 am

AA Phone Meeting Color Logo


Saturdays – 9-10AM – PST




712.432.0075 ACCESS CODE 654443# /   *6 TO MUTE * 6 TO UNMUTE

For AA list of AA Phone Meetings

About AA Phone Meetings

AA Phone Meetings Are Listed By Day And Operate On Eastern Standard Time. [EDITOR NOTE: Oregon is on Pacific Standard Time PST, 3hrs earlier than EST]

Mute to listen or Unmute to share – Each conference call has different muting and unmuting functions – Press * 6 to unmute yourself. When you are done sharing, you will hear “muted” or “unmuted” Always remember to mute when not sharing to preserve the clarity and serenity in all the AA phone meetings.

AA meeting etiquette should be practiced in all conference call meetings for the good of the group and AA as a whole.

Each meeting has an individual format so come early, stay late, learn to listen, and listen to learn.

All AA phone meetings have a parking lot to ask questions and fellowship after each meeting. Please practice common sense when taking or giving out any personal information during or after any phone meeting.

Please note: These are conference call meetings, and you may need to check with your phone provider to see if there is are additional costs or restrictions that may apply to each meeting you attend

All AA phone meetings may not have an available moderator for all times listed. Generally 90 days of sobriety are required to serve as a meeting moderator (as per group conscious). In the event a moderator is not available for that meeting time, please feel free to begin meeting.

Open meeting by asking for volunteers to read AA Preamble. If there are no volunteers, please read the preamble.

Ask for a volunteer to read the 12 Steps or How It Works or 12 Traditions
Ask for a volunteer to keep time.

Generally phone meeting sharing is limited to 4 minutes thus giving all participants an opportunity to speak if desired.

Tradition 7 – We are self-supporting through our own contributions and the AA preamble states The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking and there are no dues or fees for membership AA itself does have operating costs, so please donate what you can when you can by clicking on the basket to donate directly to AA and you will be linked to AA.OGR donation web page.

The basket will be AA direct link to AA.ORG donation page

ARM&RO – Addiction Recovery Meetings & Resources Online – Steps to Sobriety – Sundays @ Online Via ZOOM
Apr 20 @ 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Steps To Sobriety

Sundays @ 4pm PST

A weekly, online conference approved, literature based, OPEN speaker meeting.

This is a group to list all types of recovery meetings and resources to include but not limited to substance abuse, mental health or emotional distress, behavioral issues, physical disabilities, friends & family of loved one’s who suffer, recovery from death of a loved one, etc

Meeting ID: 903 031 0573

Password: 069382

TRP – The Recover Project – All Recovery Meeting – Mondays – Saturdays @ Online Via Zoom
Apr 20 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
TRP - The Recover Project - All Recovery Meeting - Mondays - Saturdays @ Online Via Zoom






The Recovery Project


All Recovery meetings are held in a hybrid format
Monday through Saturday, 7-8 am and 3-4pm on Fridays.
Saturdays are on zoom only.
Zoom ID: 413 774 5489
Meeting Description:
All Recovery meetings are open to all pathways of recovery. We are all in this together and we strive to uphold our values of safety, respect, compassion, and acceptance. Our community is committed to making this space as safe as possible. We strive to be trauma-informed in our words and actions. If you feel uncomfortable during the meeting, we encourage self-care and understand if you need to take space. Our co-facilitators can offer 1:1 support during the meeting and can follow up after the meeting as necessary.
Group Intentions
•Please speak only about yourself, sharing personal experiences, and avoid directly addressing someone else or someone else’s share.
•Please do not glorify past behaviors.
•Confidentiality must be maintained, including electronics.
•Excessive movement can be distracting, so please limit walking around.
•We ask that everyone keep their comments brief to allow others to share.
•Please mute your cell phones and try not to use it during the meeting. If an important call or text is expected, please excuse yourself quietly.
•There will be opportunity for connection and conversations after the meeting.
•Be mindful of our Code of Ethics* and refrain from using profanity


01 – Helpline – SAMHSA – Substance Use and Mental Health Services Administration – Strength After – Online Peer Support Communities – COVID-19 Survivors and Responders Support Group – Mass Violence Support Group – 24/7 @ Facebook Groups
Apr 21 all-day


In an effort to broaden our reach to disaster survivors and emergency responders, the Disaster Distress Helpline has developed online peer support communities through Facebook Groups for those who have experienced a natural or human-caused disaster. These online communities offer opportunities for survivors and responders to connect with others who have experienced similar events, share accurate information and trusted resources, and help one another continue to heal from the effects of a traumatic event.

What Does it Offer?

The purpose of DDH Online Peer Support Communities is to create enhanced opportunities for survivors and responders of disaster to come together for mutual aid and emotional support.

DDH Online Peer Support Communities Also Include:

Trained Peer Supporters

DDH Online Peer Support includes trained peer supporters who assist with group moderation and vetting resources. In addition to community forums, our goal is also to create purposeful discussions lead by peer supporters with specific themes and relevant topics. While each survivor and responder’s experiences are unique, being with peers who have had a similar experience can promote connection, offer new ways of coping, and build a foundation of trust.

Peer support does not take the place of therapy or counseling. The opportunity to provide mutual aid and support to others who have faced similar challenges, when and where they need it, offers hope that healing and recovery is possible after a disaster.

Immediate Crisis Support

All DDH Online Peer Support Communities are monitored 24/7 by a designated DDH crisis center, where crisis counselors are available to talk to members who may be in emotional distress and need crisis support. Members can talk to a counselor at any time of the day or night via Crisis Support Over Messenger (CSOM).

Available Communities

Survivors and Responders of the COVID-19 Pandemic 

DDH Online Peer Support Communities offer peer support for anyone who identifies as a survivor or responder of the COVID-19 pandemic. Both survivors and responders can come together for mutual aid, to share trusted resources, and to help one another continue to heal from the effects of a national pandemic. Survivors and responders may include but are not limited to, any healthcare workers, emergency responders, parents/caregivers, educators, individuals who have lost loved ones, people who are dealing with “Long-haul COVID”, those impacted by job loss or economic hardship during the pandemic, and anyone else who has been significantly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. DDH-trained Peer Supporters are also available to listen and offer validation and encouragement. Additionally, they provide structured moderation within the community to engage members in meaningful discussions on relevant topics and offer timely and trusted resources. To join our Facebook group dedicated to Survivors and Responders of the COVID-19 Pandemic, click here.

Survivors of Mass Violence

DDH Online Peer Support Communities offer peer support for survivors of mass violence in the United States including mass shootings, terrorist attacks, or other large-scale community violence. Survivors and loved ones who have experienced mass violence can connect with one another and provide emotional support in the aftermath of a mass violence incident, including how to cope with activating events and memorials, self-care strategies, and challenges with daily living. DDH-trained Peer Supporters are available to listen to members, and offer validation and encouragement. They also provide structured moderation to engage members in meaningful discussions on relevant topics and provide timely and trusted resources. If you are a survivor or the loved one of a survivor of mass violence and need support, please join our Facebook group by requesting to be a member here.

05 – Warmline – TTP -The Trevor Project – Saving Young LGBTQ Lives – (866) 488-7388 – Weekdays & Weekends @ Online via Phone, Chat, Text
Apr 21 all-day


The Trevor Project is the leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer & questioning (LGBTQ) young people under 25.

Need help? We are here for you 24/7.

Call 1-866-488-7386 or Text START to 678678

Or start an online CHAT:

Available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, including weekdays and weekends, Mon-Fri, Sat & Sun.

NOTE: During COVID-19 wait times have been a bit longer.

Additional Resources:

TrevorSpace is an affirming peer-to-peer international community and social interaction for LGBTQ young people ages 13-24.

TrevorSupportCenter features resources and answers to common questions

Trevor Advocacy

Facebook Social Media page:

08 – Observance – AAPSG – Autism Awareness & Parents Support Group – 24/7 – Weekdays & Weekends @ online via Facebook Live
Apr 21 all-day
08 - Observance - AAPSG - Autism Awareness & Parents Support Group - 24/7 - Weekdays & Weekends @ online via Facebook Live


Welcome to our Autism Awareness Group!
Join a warm and supportive community that embraces and empowers individuals with autism and their families. Our group is a safe space for sharing experiences, seeking guidance, and connecting with like-minded individuals who understand the journey of autism.
Discover valuable resources, expert insights, and practical tips that promote understanding and inclusion for people on the autism spectrum. Together, we celebrate the unique strengths and talents of those with autism while providing a platform to address challenges and find solutions.
Whether you’re a parent, caregiver, educator, or someone on the spectrum, this group offers a non-judgmental environment to learn, grow, and build lasting connections. Share your triumphs, seek advice, or simply be part of a compassionate network that fosters a sense of belonging and acceptance.


ADHD/PEI – ADHD – Prince Edward Island – ADHD Makers Discord Group – 24/7 @ Online Via Discord
Apr 21 all-day





ADHD Makers
Discord Group

Open 24/7


Where:    Discord (

When:     Always!

ADHD often comes with a large variety of interests and hobbies. In this group, we can easily celebrate our projects and endeavours and get advice on the best (or most cost-efficient) route to starting a new one (or three)!




AFA – Addicts Fighting Addiction – 24/7 – Weekdays & Weekends @ Facebook Group
Apr 21 all-day




Addicts Fighting Addiction

24/7 Weekdays and Weekends

This is a group dedicated to spreading hope and support to all those struggling with addiction and the loved ones of the addicted. We are not doctors or substitute for treatment. We are simply a support system for those who need it and out to raise awareness in this growing epidemic that takes lives every single day. We DO NOT JUDGE, we truly care and want to help in any way possible.

Follow this Link To Join and Attend this Facebook Group

APRSP – All Pathways Recovery Support Group – Private Women’s Facebook Group – 24/7 @ Facebook Group
Apr 21 all-day
APRSP - All Pathways Recovery Support Group - Private Women's Facebook Group - 24/7 @ Facebook Group



All Pathways Recovery Support Group

Our mission is to empower women to reach their full recovery and parenting potential through peer-to-peer support and mentorship.
Our groups offer support, resources, and encouragement to women balancing recovery and parental responsibilities; while providing opportunities to build their recovery tribe.
These support groups are VERY different than some may be accustomed to. They are not centered around any particular recovery pathway, and all are welcome. We encourage and celebrate any and all efforts to improve quality of life.
Our groups and organization were created primarily for those who might avoid (for whatever personal reason) recovery programs that preach abstinence only. This group is not about exclusion. It is about joining together on the road to freedom, and respecting each other’s right to paint that picture differently.
We understand that recovery is not a box, and we do not try to cram our own personal beliefs or opinions down anyone’s windpipe. We listen. We share our personal experience. We show support.
These groups will not be received well by all. Many will struggle to embrace the lack of structure regarding what recovery is and isn’t — and that is okay. Those who wish to grow and work through those struggles will be met with plenty of opportunity and support in doing just that. We understand how difficult it can be to accept that recovery is not a black and white, simple solution. We know how much self reflection it takes to be truly open to the idea that our particular brand of recovery is not necessarily the “right” one — that there is no right way to find and maintain personal recovery.
Our groups will challenge you to step outside whatever box you’ve been wrapped, and if you decide they are not the appropriate place for you in your process right now, we will hold the door open for you in case you ever change your mind. You will not be judged.
There will be threads about active use, medication assistance, and moderation in this group, and some may feel triggered. You will always be encouraged to speak up these things in a way that respects us all. It is 100% possible to voice discomfort in a way that invites us all into conversation about boundaries and the importance of acknowledging and protecting our own edges.
If ever you wish to reach out to admin to discuss any of this, we really hope you will.
We are SO happy you found us, and I hope – after reading and processing all of this – you’ll join us and rejoice in the rare opportunities this group has to offer you.
Julie Maida, Founder

Visit the Facebook community page to join this group

Group rules from the admins

Make sure everyone feels safe. Bullying of any kind isn’t allowed, and degrading comments about things like race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, gender, or identity will not be tolerated.
We encourage every member to share about struggles; we just ask that you please leave out details that could be triggering to another member.
If you’re posting anything you feel might be triggering to members, please write *TRIGGER WARNING* at the top of your post and then hit . & return at least 10 times before beginning.
Even if you are a doctor, please refrain from giving ANY medical or medication advice. When in doubt, ask YOUR primary care physician.
Being part of this group requires mutual trust. Authentic, expressive discussions make groups great, but may also be sensitive and private. What’s shared in the group should stay in the group.
Understand that while your way works for you, it may not work for everyone. There is no right or wrong way.
We’re all in this together to create a welcoming environment. Let’s treat everyone with respect. Healthy debates are natural, but kindness and mutual respect are required. No name calling.
It is also not okay to solicit group members by private messages. If you have a new group or page you think some of our members might benefit from, please reach out to admin and ASK before posting it.
It is not just the responsibility of admins to keep enforcing guidelines and ensure safety, it is also yours. Please help keep our group safe by flagging any and all posts you find concerning.
Do not take screenshots in this group and do not share screenshots from anywhere else in this group.
FAT – Fighting Addiction Together – Recovery Is Possible Support Group – 24/7 Weekdays & Weekends @ Facebook Group
Apr 21 all-day





(We Do Recover)

24/7 Weekdays & Weekends

Welcome to ‘Fighting Addiction Together,’ a supportive community of over 40,000 individuals in recovery. We’re more than a group; we’re a family dedicated to inspiring, motivating, and helping each other build meaningful lives in sobriety. Whether you’re seeking guidance, sharing your journey, or connecting with fellow warriors, you’re in the right place. We celebrate victories, offer support during challenges, and believe in the strength of unity. Join us in this empowering space as we navigate recovery together, one day at a time.
Please reach out if you or a loved one is struggling. Our hope is to show you what we did to make it out of the hell that is active alcoholism and addiction.
Feel free to reach out anytime; there is always someone available to support and listen to you.



FCA – Family Caregiver Alliance – Caregiver Support Group – 24/7 @ Email Group
Apr 21 all-day
FCA - Family Caregiver Alliance - Caregiver Support Group - 24/7 @ Email Group


Family Caregiver Alliance
Email Support Group 24/7

This group is in e-mail format. Participants send and receive e-mail to take part in discussions. You can receive your posts all together, in one delivery each day, or you can receive them one-by-one, as they are sent.

The choice is yours. It’s fun, easy, and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. To join, complete the form below and click the submit button.

Subscribe to Caregiver-Online

You can subscribe to Caregiver-online by following this link and completing the form.  After completing the Subscription form you will email requesting confirmation, to prevent others from gratuitously subscribing you. This is a hidden list, which means that the list of members is available only to the list administrator.

To subscribe, Use this Link and complete the subscription form online:


Using Caregiver-online

To post a message to all the list members, send email to Be sure to subscribe first!

FSR – Friends Support Recovery From Recovery Online Group – Facebook Group – 24/7 @ Facebook Group
Apr 21 all-day


Facebook Group – 24/7
Group By Simon Greygoose:
Just a polite reminder about my Small Friends Recovery Closed Group, We have some amazing, kind and wonderful members.
You’re all welcome to join, if you feel like you are struggling with anything life throws at you, addictions, illness, stress, anxiety,
anything at all, I started this group, when I first went into recovery, and it has been amazing the response and help I received from the members who joined I’m so grateful to all ❤️
I really want to make this group, so different from other ones, to be unique and have a family feeling of friends actually caring for others with compassion and love for each other.
It’s a safe place to be without judgement from others, and extremely confidential. Also, if you feel you can offer advice or just be a caring person who can listen and offer a few words of encouragement to others, We also need your help. The kindest thing another human can do is to offer a helping hand to someone struggling, helping others is priceless.
Unity is strength 💪
Thank you ❤️
INSP – Inspire – Drug Abuse Communities and More – Online via Website or IOS APP – 24/7 – Weekdays & Weekends @ Online via website
Apr 21 all-day
INSP - Inspire - Drug Abuse Communities and More - Online via Website or IOS APP - 24/7 - Weekdays & Weekends @ Online via website

Inspire Support Communities

A place that’s safe for sharing and always free for members

We’ve carefully designed an environment where it’s okay to open up about personal experiences and share sensitive health information. Joining Inspire is — and always will be — free for members.

To Open an Inspire Account, Use this link:

Inspire: The Vital Health Community

Inspire is the vital community of more than two million patients and caregivers —a carefully designed environment where everyone feels comfortable and safe to open up about personal health experiences and share sensitive health information. These genuine connections instill hope and drive greater understanding. Patients and caregivers from around the world discover advice and information they can’t find elsewhere, and by understanding patients’ rich and varied health journeys on Inspire, researchers and health practitioners around the world are advancing treatments and making breakthrough discoveries.



Click Here To See Our Support Communities


About the Inspire Community Platform

Create A personal Journal

Your journal belongs to you; you may choose to have your journal entries show up in some, all, or none of your communities. Journal entries are generally longer and can be on any topic.

Join Community Discussions

Discussions belong to the community and are generally shorter than journal entries and are meant to encourage conversations between members. For example, if you wanted to ask for other members’ experiences with a particular treatment, you would post a discussion in the appropriate community. If you wanted to talk about your day, something more personal or off-topic, you would post a journal entry.

Create and Manage A Friends List

Friends are other members whom you may grow to trust and want to share more information with, or with whom you want to exchange private messages. You will be able to post journal entries that only your “friends” can read, and you will be able to send messages to your friends through our site without giving out your email address.

Use Inspire A.I. for quick answers

Inspire AI is a new feature on inspire that uses artificial intelligence to provide quick responses to member questions. The responses are automatically generated. The tool leverages a large language model (LLM), similar to what is used for popular tools such as ChatGPT. When you post on Inspire, you can choose whether you want to receive a response from InspireAI in addition to receiving replies from Inspire members. InspireAI is currently available in select cancer communities.