PeerGalaxy Original Calendar

Welcome to PeerGalaxy Calendar featuring over 187,600+ monthly offerings of FREE telephone- and online-accessible peer support, recovery support, and wellness activities!  Plus 50+ warmlines, helplines, chatlines, and hotlines.  Plus workshops, webinars, job postings, resources, observances, special events, consumer input opportunities and more.


Click the Accessibility Button on the right side, halfway down in the middle, for enhanced viewing and/or access options!  Click the Translate Button in the lower left corner for language options. 

Your use of this site is subject to the Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions of Use.

If you have an event to add, email us:

Training Opportunities in July 2020
List Provided Courtesy of State of Oregon, Oregon Health Authority
Click here to download PDF Format, 16 pages

Calendar Event Sorting

At the top, the 24/7/365 SAMHSA Disaster Helpline and similar links.

Next, Bundled “All Day” Events

Some organizations (like 12 step recovery programs, AA, NA, AlAnon, etc.) have so many events happening throughout the day that they need to be in a bundled listing to spare endless scrolling.  Often there is a link to look up events by zip code and other criteria.

Lastly, Time-Specific Events

So you can see what’s happening in the next hours, time specific events are tagged and listed by start time from 12:01am early morning to 11:59pm late night.  There can be events and warmlines operating in different time zones, though we try to list all in Oregon’s Pacific Time Zone.

Page Advancement

The calendar displays ~50 listings per page.  To advance to next page with ~50 more listings, click the right arrow in the lower left corner of the calendar

Screenshot image of the page advancing arrows at the bottom of the calendar, lower left corner.
0 – Bundled Event – RDO – Recovery Dharma Online Meeting List Searchable Directory 278 Virtual Meetings – Weekday and Weekends @ Online Via ZOOM
Jan 19 all-day
0 - Bundled Event - RDO – Recovery Dharma Online Meeting List Searchable Directory 278 Virtual Meetings - Weekday and Weekends @ Online Via ZOOM



Recovery Dharma Online Directory

Online Meetings Open 7 Days a Week

We are a group of Recovery Dharma Members who use technology to meet up with each other from around the world. We make an effort to stay in contact with each other between meetings to form Spiritual Friendships. We get together online for meetings, workshops, and inter-sangha business. For some of us, this is our primary recovery community. For others, it supplements the meetings available to us locally. Recovery Dharma Online organizes daily meetings accessible via computer, smartphone, or dial-in. Together we meditate, study Buddhist teachings, and support each other on our paths to sobriety and peace. There are currently 278 Recovery Dharma Meetings that are available with over twenty different formats including meetings dedicated for People of Color, Men, Women, Beginners and more.

To find a meeting that meets your needs and experience, use the link below for the searchable Recovery Dharma Meeting List


What is Recovery Dharma?

Recovery Dharma is a peer-led movement and community that is unified by our trust in the potential of each of us to recover and find freedom from the suffering of addiction. We believe that the traditional Buddhist teachings, often referred to as the Dharma, offer a powerful approach to healing from addiction and living a life of true freedom.

We believe that recovery means empowerment, and we support each other as partners walking the path together. We believe that recovery is rooted in finding our own inner wisdom and individual journeys.

Recovery Dharma is founded on, and inspired by, Buddhism that originated in India and later on flourished in other regions of Asia (e.g., South Asia, East Asia, Southeast Asia, Central Asia). We deeply appreciate the Buddhist heritage that was protected and freely offered by the ancestors of these cultures.



Recovery Dharma
3439 NE Sandy Blvd # 827
Portland OR 97232-1959
United States

01 – Linea de Ayuda – L4L – Lines For Life – En Español – Lifeline ofrece 24/7, servicios gratuitos en español @ 888-628-9454 @ Phone
Jan 19 all-day


Ayuda En Español

Lifeline ofrece 24/7, servicios gratuitos en español, y no es necesario hablar inglés si usted necesita ayuda.

¿Qué pasa cuando llamo?

Cuando usted llama al número 1-888-628-9454, su llamada se dirige al centro de ayuda de nuestra red disponible más cercano. Tenemos actualmente 200 centros en la red y usted hablará probablemente con uno situado en su zona. Cada centro funciona en forma independiente y tiene su propio personal calificado.

Cuando el centro contesta su llamada, usted estará hablando con una persona que le escuchará, le hará preguntas y hará todo lo que esté a su alcance para ayudarle.

Yo mismo necesito ayuda

Una persona capacitada le escuchará y hablará con usted. Si es necesario, podrá darle información sobre recursos o servicios existentes en su comunidad que podrán prestarle ayuda después de la llamada. Siempre puede usted volver a llamar al número 1-888-628-9454 si lo necesita o lo desea.

Una persona querida necesita ayuda

Si está usted preocupado por una persona que usted sabe que está pasando por una crisis o que piensa en suicidarse, nuestros centros pueden ayudarle. Una persona calificada del centro puede:

  • Darle ideas y sugerencias sobre la forma de acercarse a la persona que le preocupa. Puede ayudarle a pensar qué podría decir para alentar a esa persona querida a pedir ayuda.
  • En algunos casos, el centro puede hablar en conferencia al mismo tiempo con usted y con la persona que le preocupa.
  • Algunas comunidades tienen equipos móviles que pueden visitar a las personas en sus hogares. Si hay uno de esos equipos en su zona, nuestro centro le pondrá en contacto con él.

Llamo para pedir información sobre cuestiones de salud mental

No hace falta que esté usted en crisis para llamarnos. Nuestros centros pueden responder a preguntas generales sobre salud mental, depresión, suicidio, recursos de salud en la comunidad, y muchas cosas más. También es posible llamar para averiguar más sobre las actividades de prevención del suicidio en su zona.

Algunos datos sobre la Línea de Prevención del Suicidio y Crisis

  • Las llamadas son gratuitas desde cualquier teléfono en los Estados Unidos.
  • Nuestras líneas funcionan las 24 horas todos los días de la semana, de modo que usted puede ponerse en contacto con una persona capacitada en cualquier momento en que lo necesite.
  • Su llamada es confidencial; esto significa que la persona que le escucha hará todo lo posible por no divulgar su identidad.
  • Prestamos servicios en inglés (988) y en español (1-888-628-9454)
  • Somos la única red nacional de respuesta a situaciones de crisis con financiación del Gobierno Federal.


04 – Resources – OFB – Oregon Food Bank – Find Food and Resources – Links and Information
Jan 19 all-day


Find food near you.

Oregon Food Bank and our statewide partner network are here for you. Find free, nutritious food in communities throughout Oregon and Southwest Washington, and connect with services that support resilient communities.

Our network of food pantries and meal sites is here for everyone — inclusive of all races, gender expressions, religions, and immigration statuses.

Free food in our communities

We partner with communities and organizations throughout Oregon and Southwest Washington to make it easy for everyone to access free, nutritious food. These options are community based and accessible to all. At many free food locations, you can also connect with additional services, such as nutrition support and affordable health insurance. Learn more about free food options in your community.






Double Up is Oregon’s first statewide incentive program, designed to be convenient for shoppers. The program doubles the value of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits at local farmers markets so shoppers can bring home more fresh fruits and vegetables. Double Up Food Bucks will be offered at more than 75 farmers markets across the state in 2022. The program also provides incentives for SNAP participants purchasing Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) shares from Oregon farms, and shoppers as several independently-owned rural grocery stores.

Four ways to shop with Double Up Food Bucks in Oregon!

Stretch your Food Dollars
with Double Up Food Bucks

Double Up Food Bucks allows SNAP shoppers to get DOUBLE the fruits and vegetables at CSA shares, Farmers Markets, Farm Stands, and Grocery Stores across Oregon!

How do I know if I’m eligible to use Double Up Food Bucks?

  • If you use SNAP food benefits, you can earn Double Up!
  • If you use EBT Cash benefits, unfortunately you are not eligible to earn Double Up, however you are eligible to participate in Produce Match at participating farmers markets and farm stands. Learn more.
  • Note: Some locations may require a quick sign up at a cashier or information booth



Watch the Double Up Food Bucks Explainer Video

In English



en español



Connect with other resources and support

Community organizations and government agencies offer programs that make it easier to afford food and access employment, housing, education and health care. Connect with support and services to help with your rent or mortgage, child care, health services and more at the links below.


04 – Resources – Transitions to Adulthood Center for Research Transitions – Top 10 Most Popular Young Adult Mental Health Resources in 2023
Jan 19 all-day
04 - Resources - Transitions to Adulthood Center for Research Transitions - Top 10 Most Popular Young Adult  Mental Health Resources in 2023

Our Top 10 Most Popular Young Adult

Mental Health Resources in 2023


My Must Have Papers: Managing the Paperwork of Adulting

Managing the paperwork that comes along with “Adulting” is not fun. Our Young Adult Advisory Board and Family Advisory Board set out to make that task a little easier in this tip sheet.

“My Must Have Papers – Managing the Paperwork of Adulting” Tip Sheet. Also available as a comic, “Passport to Adulting: Managing Your Paperwork”.
STAY Tuned Podcast 10 Too Sick to Work Breaking the Narrative

Too Sick to Work? Breaking the Narrative – Podcast

STAY Tuned is a podcast made for and by young adults with mental health conditions. In Episode 10, Dr. Michelle Mullen discussed her work on preventing disability, why the language used to describe the mental health of young adults is so key and what can be done to change the narrative of self-blame.

Episode 10: “Too Sick to Work?” Breaking the Narrative.

All Episodes of S.T.A.Y. Tuned: Supporting Transition-Age Youth Podcast.

3 Tips to Improve Communications with Your Young Adult

This popular tip sheet for families includes 3 specific tips that can help you have better conversations and better relationships with the youth & young adults in your life. It’s worth reading and worth sharing! Read and download 3 Tips to Improve Communications with your Youth & Young Adult.

Accommodations at Work: What Do I Need to Know?

Work can be hard for young adults. And a mental health condition can make things complicated. Accommodations at your workplace can be one helpful solution. But what are they? Our new tip sheet, “Accommodations at Work: What Do I Need to Know?” can help young adults figure that out.

Applying for a Job: The Young Adults Guide, Revised 2023

This tip sheet is a good starting point for your young adult in their job search journey, covers many topics including resumes, job search boards, interviewing and follow-up. It also includes some great networking resources. Read and download “Applying for a Job – The Young Adult’s Guide” Tip Sheet.

Factors that Influence the Continuous Pursuit of Education, Training, and Employment among Young Adults with Serious Mental Health Conditions

This research brief describes the patterns of education, training, and employment activities for young adults with serious mental health conditions, and identifies factors that hinder or facilitate their ability to consistently pursue these activities. These findings can inform efforts to improve their long-term career trajectories. The “Factors” Research Brief.

STAY Tuned Podcast Episode 6: “We’re Working On It”

Join our conversation with Emma Narkewicz, MPA as we talk about Pre-employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) in MA and dive into what it’s like being a young adult with mental health conditions entering the workforce and sustaining a career. Podcast episode 6: “We’re working on it!”.

Youth are Empowered by Leading Their Own IEP Meetings

Our comic series shows them how to do that. These comics walk young adults through how to participate fully, and lead, their IEP meetings. In the final comic, Mateo is moving towards graduation and prepping for his last IEP meeting of his high school career. Adulting Shorts Series, The “TEA” on IEPs

Engaging Young Adults in Work & School

Our free training for providers shares key info & resources related to the importance of engaging young adults in work and school endeavors, and strategies for doing this work. You also get an inside look into programs that are supporting young adults moving to adulthood.

Engaging Young Adults in Work & School – Training for Providers.

5 Ways Working Helps Me With My Mental Health

This popular blog post is an insightful read and reminder that employment can help manage your mental health and be a powerful tool in recovery. Read Five Ways Working Helps Me Manage My Mental Health Condition.

05 – Warmline – NCPG – National Council on Problem Gaming – National Problem Gaming Chatline @ – 24/7 @ Online Via Chat
Jan 19 all-day
05 - Warmline - NCPG - National Council on Problem Gaming - National Problem Gaming Chatline @ - 24/7 @ Online Via Chat


National Problem Gambling Helpline


Click the link below to chat with a helpline specialist.

Free, confidential and available 24/7. Works in all 50 states.

Online. Click here to enter.

Below are state helpline text/chat numbers. Hyperlinked items with take you directly to their contact page:

Arizona: Text NEXTSTEP to 53342

California: Text SUPPORT to 53342

Connecticut: Text CTGAMB to 53342

Illinois:  Text ILGAMB to 53342

Indiana: Text INGAMBÂto 53342

Minnesota: Text HOPE to 53342

Mississippi: Text to MSGAMB 53342

North Carolina:  Text MORETHANAGAMENC 53342

If you would like to call the National Problem Gambling Helpline, dial 1-800-522-4700

If you would like to text the helpline, text 1-800-522-4700.

NCPG also supports GamTalk, a 24/7 moderated online peer support forum,


05 – Warmline – WFA – Wildflower Alliance – Discord Peer Support Server – Weekdays and Weekends 24/7 @ Online Via Discord
Jan 19 all-day
05 - Warmline - WFA - Wildflower Alliance - Discord Peer Support Server - Weekdays and Weekends 24/7 @ Online Via Discord




Wildflower Alliance Discord Server

Available 24/7

The Wildflower Alliance supports healing and empowerment for our broader communities and people who have been impacted by psychiatric diagnosis, trauma, extreme states, homelessness, problems with substances and other life-interrupting challenges.

Join the Wildflower Discord Server

Discord Features

  • Anonymous
    You choose how much about yourself to share
  • Zero pressure
    Read along and participate at your own pace
  • Community
    Hundreds of people to potentially connect with
  • Private channels
    For marginalized identities and experiences
  • 24/7 access
    Share whatever, whenever
  • Peer support
    Our team and volunteers are active throughout the day and into the night

What happens on Discord?

People from Western Mass and all over the world use our Discord to:

  • Give and receive support
  • Discuss topics that are important to us
  • Share pictures, music, memes, and more
  • Join live support groups
  • Do social activities like Open Mics and Game Nights
  • Connect with others who have similar identities and experiences


Discord Limitations

Please Note: Due to Discord’s Mental Health policies we cannot allow sharing of certain details in text messages on our Discord Server. This includes specific plans or fantasies of either suicide or harming others. General talk about wanting to die may be shared in our #alternatives-to-suicide text channel. You are welcome to share more detailed thoughts at our live Online Support Groups, including the live chats on Discord, and other Wildflower Alliance Spaces.

Please also be aware that our Discord server is open 24/7 with limited resources for active facilitation and moderation. You can use the #talk-to-admins channel on the server to bring our attention to any feedback you have or issues that you notice on the server.


You can log into Discord via a web browser, but for the best experience we recommend downloading the mobile or desktop app. 

05 – Warmline – WLO – Warmline.Org – Warmline Finder and Directory – 24/7
Jan 19 all-day


A WARMLINE is staffed with Peer Specialists who can offer hope, strength, and knowledge gained from their own personal experiences living with mental health issues and/or substance use disorders.

There are over 150+ WARMLINES throughout the country! Each organization has different hours of operation, some only accept in-state calls while others operate nationwide and will take calls from anywhere. Most are English speaking but there are a growing number of organizations that offer non-English speaking services.

Until WARMLINE.ORG, there was no easy way to locate all of this information. With the database that we have built, you can easily locate WARMLINES that speak your language and that are OPEN NOW if you need someone to talk to.

For Warmlines that are available to out of state callers


To use FIND A WARM LINE to and find warm line numbers by state, by the language spoken, use the link below.


08 – Observance – Dry January 2025 – Dry January Community – 24/7 @ Online Via Facebook Live
Jan 19 all-day
08 - Observance - Dry January 2025 - Dry January Community - 24/7 @ Online Via Facebook Live




The official Dry January® Community Group, brought to you by the charity Alcohol Change UK. This group is for anyone who is taking part, or has taken part, in the Dry January® challenge. Whether your goal is to cut down, give the booze a break for a while or go alcohol-free, this group is a place for you to share your experiences and tips.

If you are alcohol-free or moderating long-term and want support specifically for that, you can join the Try Dry® Online Community here:
*La campagne a été adaptée en France pour devenir #LeDéfiDeJanvier et est portée par un collectif d’organisations ! Rendez-vous sur*
Graham Smith.
When you join the group, please read the group agreements. These agreements help to keep the group a safe and helpful space for everyone; if you break the agreements, we may have to remove you from the group.
If you are concerned about your own or someone else’s drinking you can:
* Contact Drinkline for free and confidential advice and support on 0300 123 1110 (weekdays 9am–8pm, weekends 11am–4pm)
* Take our drinking quiz here to see how risky your drinking is:
* Speak with your doctor
* Find out more about the support available for you outside the group here:
This group is PRIVATE, which means that only those who request to join can post, see posts etc.
If we believe that a member of the group is at risk of immediate, serious harm or may be posing a risk to someone else, we have a duty to report this to the relevant authority. We would seek to inform the member what we need to pass on and to whom and our objective is.
If you have any queries you can email
Find out more about Alcohol Change UK on our website
For more information about the Dry January® challenge, visit the Facebook page or website
The advice provided here by Alcohol Change UK is designed for people who have perhaps got into the habit of drinking too much or too often and wish to cut back, rather than for anyone with a serious alcohol problem such as alcohol dependency.

08 – Observance National Poverty Awareness Month UWI – United Ways of Iowa – Who is ALICE? ( Asset Limited , Income Constrained, Employed ) Poverty Simulations and Online Tools
Jan 19 all-day


ALICE is an acronym for Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed, and represents the growing number of families who are unable to afford the basics of housing, child care, food, transportation, health care, and technology. These workers often struggle to keep their own households from financial ruin, while keeping our local communities running.

ALICE households and households in poverty are forced to make tough choices, such as deciding between quality child care or paying the rent — choices that have long-term consequences not only for their families, but for all.

For a growing number of U.S. households, financial stability is nothing more than a pipe dream, no matter how hard their members work. These households are ALICEAsset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed – earning above the Federal Poverty Level yet struggling to afford basic expenses.

ALICE households:

  • Span all races, ages, ethnicities, and abilities, though households of color are disproportionately ALICE

  • Include workers whose wages cannot keep up with the rising cost of goods and services

  • Often include those who are working two or more jobs and still cannot pay their bills

  • Include family members who need care and assistance, which makes it harder for their caregivers to find adequate work

  • Live paycheck to paycheck and are forced to make impossible choices: pay the rent or buy food, receive medical care or pay for child care, pay utility bills or put gas in the car

  • Are part of every community nationwide


Oregon Overview

United For ALICE calculates the cost of household essentials for all counties in Oregon. These costs, outlined in the Household Survival Budget, are calculated for various household sizes and compositions.

Of Oregon’s 1,712,073 households in 2022…

  • 12% earned below the Federal Poverty Level (FPL)

  • 33% were ALICE, in households that earned above the FPL but not enough to afford the basics in the communities where they live

  • Together, 45% of households in Oregon were below the ALICE Threshold (poverty + ALICE divided by total households)

While the COVID-19 pandemic brought employment shifts, health struggles, and school/business closures, it also spurred temporary expansion of public assistance through pandemic relief measures (which then reverted to pre-pandemic levels in 2022). In 2019, 702,805 households in Oregon were below the ALICE Threshold; by 2022, that number had changed to 764,160. Use the buttons below to switch between ALICE data over time by number and percentage.


National Overview — 2022

United For ALICE calculates the cost of household essentials for all counties in the U.S. These costs, outlined in the Household Survival Budget, are calculated for various household sizes and compositions.

Of the 128,946,680 households in the U.S. in 2022…

  • 13% earned below the Federal Poverty Level (FPL)

  • 29% were ALICE, in households that earned above the FPL but not enough to afford the basics in the communities where they live

  • Together, 42% of households in the U.S. were below the ALICE Threshold (poverty + ALICE divided by total households)

While the COVID-19 pandemic brought employment shifts, health struggles, and school/business closures, it also spurred temporary expansion of public assistance through pandemic relief measures (which then reverted to pre-pandemic levels in 2022). Before the pandemic, in 2019, 49,791,793 households were below the ALICE Threshold; by 2022 that number had changed to 54,345,006 .


ALICE Budget and Income Status Tool Comparing Household Costs and Income

Across the U.S., over 40% of households are struggling to make ends meet. This includes households with income below the Federal Poverty Level, and households that are ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed).

With income above the Federal Poverty Level, ALICE households often earn too much to qualify for public assistance but are still unable to cover basic household expenses. The ALICE Income Status Tool calculates these expenses: housing, child care, food, transportation, health care, and technology, plus taxes, and a contingency fund (miscellaneous) equal to 10% of the budget.

The Tool then compares ALICE Household Survival Budget costs to income, tailored by location and household composition, to determine if a household is Poverty-Level, ALICE, or Above the ALICE Threshold. To find out if you are ALICE where you live use the link below.

Click Here to Use ALICE Budget and Income Status Tool



ALICE Household Survival Budget Calculator

The ALICE Household Survival Budget estimates the minimum cost of household necessities (housing, child care, food, transportation, health care, and technology) plus taxes, and a contingency fund (miscellaneous) equal to 10% of the budget.

Use this tool to view the ALICE Household Survival Budget in your County for additional household combinations, or to compare to counties in ALICE Partner States. Select up to 6 adults (including those under and over 65 years of age) and up to 6 children (under 18 years of age).

CLICK Here to USE the ALICE Household Survival Budget Calculator


United For ALICE Wage Tool

Exploring the Impact of Wage Levels and Occupations on ALICE

In 2022, 42% of U.S. households were struggling to make ends meet. This includes households with income below the Federal Poverty Level (FPL), and households who are ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed). With income above the FPL, ALICE households earn too much to qualify as “poor” but are still unable to cover basic household expenses.

While cost of living varies considerably from one state, region, and county to another, a household’s ability to afford basic expenses also depends on how much they have an opportunity to earn. This tool provides insight into how different wage levels impact an ALICE household’s ability to afford a bare-bones budget.

The ALICE Wage Tool identifies the counties where a certain hourly wage can support the Household Survival Budget for a selected household type. For example, when selecting a wage of $9 per hour and a family of three (two workers, one child), the map shows that with two adults working full-time, year-round, $9 per hour cannot support basic household costs in any county in the U.S. At $14 per hour, two adults working full time, year-round can afford the Household Survival Budget in 53% of U.S. counties.









5 – Warmline – DDA – Dual Diagnosis Anonymous – DDA Chat Room and Resource Group – 24/7 @ Online Via ZOOM
Jan 19 all-day
5 - Warmline - DDA - Dual Diagnosis Anonymous - DDA Chat Room and Resource Group - 24/7 @ Online Via ZOOM











DDA Chat room and resource group

This new chat/resource group was created to help support those and their families who suffer from mental health and, or, addiction struggles during the coronavirus situation.
Please know that we are all in this together, so please invite those who might be able to help or benefit.  The five rules of respect will govern this site, so love, encouragement, and valid resources are the primary mission of this group. We look forward to the support of the community and sharing support and resources for those who need it.
IMPORTANT: Anyone who chooses to promote panic, fear, racism, or misinformation will be asked to stop and or be blocked.
Love, peace, and blessings (LPB)

Join The Facebook Group

DDA’s Five Rules of Respect
1. First, and most importantly, who you see here and what is said here, let it stay here! (Here! Here!) Confidentiality and anonymity are the spiritual foundations that keep our recovery possible.
2. Questions and answers are welcome and positive feedback is given, when asked for.
3. Keep it real.
4. Try not to disrupt the group.
5. It is OK to pass, if you do not wish to share.
8 – Observance – PG – Primary Games – Free Online Holiday Games and Activities for Kids – 24/7
Jan 19 all-day



Free Games and Activites for Kids

About PrimaryGames


Christmas Games

We have lots of games for Christmas. These online games are educational and fun!

Play Christmas themed Jigsaw Puzzles, Mazes, Word Searches, and Strategy Puzzles. Help Santa deliver his gifts in Snow Line or play a game of Deep Freeze. Play over 40 free online Christmas games.



Christmas Mobile Games








Check out our new games made exclusively for touchscreen devices like phones and tablets. Our HTML5 games are mobile ready and do not require any plug-ins or downloads to play. And best of all they are 100% FREE!

Christmas Coloring Pages

Free printable coloring book pages use in your classroom or home. Color Christmas sheets and pictures of Christmas Trees, Santa Claus, Wreaths and more.

Christmas Jokes

Share Christmas jokes with your relatives and friends to bring a smile on their face and brighten their day.

Christmas Crafts

Brighten up your Christmas dinner by making festive decorations for your dinner table. Print and make Christmas Cards or Christmas Gift Tags.

Christmas Postcards

Wish your friends and family a Happy Christmas by sending a free musical postcard to someone you know! Postcards can be sent up to 364 days in advance, so you never need to worry about remembering a holiday.

Christmas Stationery

Make a wish list for Santa or write a thank you note on our Christmas stationery. We have two styles: one for younger writers and one for older writers. Our stationery is free to print and makes a great addition to any classroom writing project.

Christmas Videos

Watch videos about Christmas. Learn about the history of Christmas or learn how to make festive crafts.





About Hanukkah

When did it start? What is a Menorah? Why does it last for 8 days? Learn about the history of this festive holiday.

When is Hanukkah?

Here’s a chart that shows when Hanukkah is celebrated from 2016 – 2050.

Hanukkah Games

We have lots of games for Hanukkah. These online games are educational and fun!

Play Hanukkah themed Jigsaw Puzzles, Word Searches, and Strategy Puzzles. Color a picture of a Menorah or Dreidel.

Hanukkah Mobile Games

Check out our new games made exclusively for touchscreen devices like phones and tablets. Our HTML5 games are mobile ready and do not require any plug-ins or downloads to play. And best of all they are 100% FREE!

Hanukkah Coloring Pages

Free printable coloring book pages for kids of all ages. Color Hanukkah sheets and pictures of a Menorah, the Star of David, Dreidel, Candles and more.

Hanukkah Crafts

Print and make your own Hanukkah Gift Tags.

Hanukkah Postcards

Wish your friends and family a Happy Hanukkah by sending a free musical postcard to someone you know! Postcards can be sent up to 364 days in advance, so you never need to worry about remembering a holiday.

Hanukkah Stationery

Write a Hanukkah story or write a thank you note on our Hanukkah stationery. We have two styles: one for younger writers and one for older writers. Our stationery is free to print and makes a great addition to any classroom writing project.




About Kwanzaa

Learn about Kwanzaa by reading our online storybook, What is Kwanzaa?

When is Kwanzaa?

Kwanzaa begins on Thursday, December 26, 2024. There are 4 days until Kwanzaa begins. Kwanzaa lasts for 7 days.

Here’s a chart that shows what day Kwanzaa is celebrated from 2022 – 2034.

Kwanzaa Games

We have lots of games for Kwanzaa. These online games are educational and fun!

Play Kwanzaa themed Jigsaw Puzzles, Matching Games, Word Searches, and Strategy Puzzles. Play over 10 free online Kwanzaa games.

Kwanzaa Mobile Games

Check out our new games made exclusively for touchscreen devices like phones and tablets. Our HTML5 games are mobile ready and do not require any plug-ins or downloads to play. And best of all they are 100% FREE!

Kwanzaa Coloring Pages

Free printable coloring book pages use in your classroom or home. Color Kwanzaa sheets and pictures of a Kinara, Muhindi, Unity Cup and more.

Kwanzaa Postcards

Wish your friends and family a Happy Kwanzaa by sending a free musical postcard to someone you know! Postcards can be sent up to 364 days in advance, so you never need to worry about remembering a holiday.

Kwanzaa Stationery

Write a festive story or jot down a note to a friend on our Kwanzaa stationery. We have two styles: one for younger writers and one for older writers. Our stationery is free to print and makes a great addition to any classroom writing project.




Winter Games

We have lots of games for Winter. These online games are educational and fun!

Play Winter themed Jigsaw Puzzles, Picture Puzzles and Word Searches. Learn about Winter with Baby Hazel and her friends!

Winter Coloring Pages

Free printable coloring book pages for kids of all ages. Color Winter sheets and pictures of the flowers, butterflies, ladybugs and more.

Winter Mobile Games

Check out our new games made exclusively for touchscreen devices like phones and tablets. Our HTML5 games are mobile ready and do not require any plug-ins or downloads to play. And best of all they are 100% FREE!

Winter Crafts

Print and make a Winter Calendar.

Winter Jokes

Share jokes about Winter with your relatives and friends to bring a smile on their face and brighten their day.

Winter Worksheets

We have lots of worksheets and activity pages for Winter. Print out a word search puzzle.

Winter Stationery

Use our Winter stationery to write a story or a letter. We have two styles: one for younger writers and one for older writers. Our stationery is free to print and makes a great addition to any classroom writing project.



ADAA – Anxiety & Depression Association of America – Online Peer-to-Peer Communities – Anxiety and Depression Support Community – 24/7 @ online register for details
Jan 19 all-day
ADAA - Anxiety & Depression Association of America - Online Peer-to-Peer Communities - Anxiety and Depression Support Community - 24/7 @ online register for details

ADAA  – Anxiety and Depression Support Community

Join from this Page

The Anxiety and Depression peer to peer community has more than 80,000 subscribers from around the world. The objective of this community is to create a space that those suffering from anxiety and depression can turn to find and offer comfort and support, to share information and personal experiences, and to make connections with those in the community.

ADAA also posts on the community page providing helpful tips and strategies about anxiety and depression through blogs and free webinars written/hosted by our professional mental health members, infographics, books, podcasts and more specific to anxiety and depression.



BRMA – Brown Mamas – The Ultimate List of Support Groups for Black Moms
Jan 19 all-day


The Ultimate List of Support Groups for Black Moms

Brown Mamas – Pittsburgh & U.S.  – Brown Mamas, Inc. has been around for seven years in the Pittsburgh region.  Brown Mamas began in the living room of Muffy Mendoza.  What started as 5 moms has grown to over 4000  Our mamas love our Pittsburgh chapter so much that we are expanding.  If you are mom who is ready to not just find her tribe, but to inspire other mothers and be the change she wants to see in her community, click here to learn more about starting your own Brown Mamas chapter.

Black Moms Connect – Canada & U.S.

Mommin’ Society – North Carolina & Online

Moms of Black Boys United – Atlanta & Online

Moms Make It Work – NYC

Mocha Moms, Inc. – U.S. (seriously, everywhere)

Whine & Cheese – 27 Chapters in U.S. (including D.C., PA, South Carolina, New York, etc.)

Black Women Do Breastfeed

Motherwork by Mater Mea – NYC

Beautiful Brown Girls Brunch Club – New Jersey

District Motherhued’s DMV MomTribe – D.C. Metro Area

Soul Food for Your Baby – Hawthorne, Calif.

Black Moms Blog Events – Atlanta, GA

Birthing Beautiful Communities – Cleveland, OH

Tessera Collective – Online, Self-Care Support

Melanin Mommies – Pittsburgh, PA

Pittsburgh Black Breastfeeding Circle –

Not-So Melinated Support Groups for Black Moms

Moms Club

La Leche League

Circle of Moms

Facebook Support Groups for Black Moms

Black Stay-At-Home Mom Village

Black Moms Connection

Black Moms in Charge

Single Black Mothers

Moms of Black Daughters

Moms of Black Sons

Black Moms in College & Beyond

Breast Milk Donation for Black Moms

Sisterhood for Young Black Moms

FCA – Family Caregiver Alliance – Caregiver Support Group – 24/7 @ Email Group
Jan 19 all-day
FCA - Family Caregiver Alliance - Caregiver Support Group - 24/7 @ Email Group


Family Caregiver Alliance
Email Support Group 24/7

This group is in e-mail format. Participants send and receive e-mail to take part in discussions. You can receive your posts all together, in one delivery each day, or you can receive them one-by-one, as they are sent.

The choice is yours. It’s fun, easy, and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. To join, complete the form below and click the submit button.

Subscribe to Caregiver-Online

You can subscribe to Caregiver-online by following this link and completing the form.  After completing the Subscription form you will email requesting confirmation, to prevent others from gratuitously subscribing you. This is a hidden list, which means that the list of members is available only to the list administrator.

To subscribe, Use this Link and complete the subscription form online:


Using Caregiver-online

To post a message to all the list members, send email to Be sure to subscribe first!

MHA – Mental Health America – Inspire Support Groups and Discussion Community – 24/7 Weekends & Weekends @ Online via Inspire plus Apps
Jan 19 all-day

INSPIRE online community forum

About this Online Tool

Our Inspire communities provide a place for people with similar interests to support and encourage each other 24/7 online. Inspire is the largest provider of health-specific communities. MHA (Mental Health America) staff moderate the online support groups and communities.

Link to


Link to Mental Health America groups on


Browse All Groups on

Apps are available to download as well.


About Mental Health America

Mental Health America (MHA) – founded in 1909 – is the nation’s leading community-based nonprofit dedicated to addressing the needs of those living with mental illness and to promoting the overall mental health of all Americans. Our work is driven by our commitment to promote mental health as a critical part of overall wellness, including prevention services for all; early identification and intervention for those at risk; integrated care, services, and supports for those who need it; with recovery as the goal.


O&SPDX – Out & Sober Portland – Support Group – 24/7 @ Online Vis Facebook Live
Jan 19 all-day




Portland gay and sober is a community of people interested in supporting and helping members live their lives healthy and sober. We embrace LGBTQ members and allies and seek to maintain a safe space for members to exchange messages, encouragement, to share their own journeys, and to recommend events and hangouts conducive to sober living in the Portland metropolitan area.
Please avoid hate speech, language encouraging substance use and/or abuse, and unrelated solicitation or repetitive solicitation. Disrespect will not be tolerated.
Much love, and best wishes on your journey.


To Join Via Facebook Live Follow the Link Below And Click on the Join Group Button


PSS – Peer Support Space – Peer Support Space Online Group – 24/7 Weekdays & Weekends
Jan 19 all-day




Click Here To Join This Group


Peer Support Space Online Group is a safe space for anyone to share anything in a NONJUDGMENTAL and SUPPORTIVE environment. We believe that you never know what anyone is going through, that it is okay to not be okay, and that when we share our stories we become empowered and remind others that they are not alone.
All topics are welcome here (ex: mental illness, trauma, sexual abuse, addiction, suicidality etc.). Here we feel safe to express ourselves without fear of being judged. Here we listen to and support one another.
You are loved. You matter. You are not alone.
1. We respect and validate all sexual orientations, genders, ages, and disabilities as well as those of diverse neurological, racial, religious, and cultural backgrounds.
2. We are welcoming and introduce ourselves to new members.
3. Sexual harassment or harassment of any kind will not be tolerated. If asked to stop, stop. If you feel you are being harassed, in any way, by any member please message an admin.
4. While sharing what has helped YOU is encouraged, we believe that there are many routes to recovery and individuals should be the “drivers” of their recovery journey including treatment choices.
5. You are allowed to share something and ask to not be given advice.
*This is a growing group, rules are subject to change.*
***Please note, that although we honor confidentiality this space this is the internet and as such we cannot guarantee privacy – please share using your own discretion.***


RDB – raices de bienestar – Sudicide Prevention and Intervention for Latine Communities – Online Self Study @ online register for details
Jan 19 all-day


Raíces is thrilled to announce the launch of our on-demand Suicide Prevention and Intervention for Latine Communities training! Led by our dedicated experts, Dra. Ruth Zúñiga and Dra. Daisy Bueno.

To register please visit:

For more information about this training please contact Ruby Cabrera at

Resources – SEI – Somatic Experiencing International – Somatic Experiencing and Safe and Sound Protocol
Jan 19 all-day
Resources - SEI - Somatic Experiencing International - Somatic Experiencing and Safe and Sound Protocol


Somatic Experiencing and Safe and Sound Protocol


On behalf of our friends at Unyte Health, we are pleased to share the SE™ and Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) Toolkit, a free resource specifically curated for SEPs considering integrating Dr. Stephen Porges’ practical application of Polyvagal Theory into their practice!

This collection of resources features: 

  • SE + SSP Combined Delivery Guidelines Excerpt
  • Infographic: SE + SSP Combined Delivery
  • SSP Summary: The Foundation of the Safe and Sound Protocol
  • Video: Provider Perspective Featuring Paula Scatoloni, LCSW, SEP, SSP Provider

The Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) from Unyte Health
Created by Dr. Stephen Porges, the Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) is an evidence-based listening therapy and practical application of Polyvagal Theory designed to return your clients to a safe and grounded state through nervous system regulation. The combined delivery of SE™ and SSP strengthens the neurological platform for co- and self-regulation, working seamlessly with the SE™ principles of SIBAM, Over- and Under-coupling, and Pendulation. The SSP is effective for all ages and complements a variety of therapeutic approaches and modalities. 

Interested in becoming an SSP Provider? Use code SOMATICEXPERIENCING1* at checkout to receive $100 off an annual SSP subscription! Get started today ? 

Have questions? Call 1-866-594-9453 or book a meeting with a Unyte Programs Consultant to learn more.

With gratitude,
SEI and Unyte Health 

*This code gives a new provider $100 toward an annual SSP subscription (yearly or month-to-month in conjunction with the SSP training). Not applicable for those who are already SSP Certified or existing SSP providers. Should you have questions, please reach out to or call 1-866-594-9453 and the Unyte team would be happy to support.



SGS – Support Groups – Mental Health: Anxiety and Panic Disorders – Message Board & Support Group – 24/7 @ Register For Details
Jan 19 all-day

Mental Health:

Anxiety & Panic Disorders


Our anxiety and panic disorders support group offers a compassionate and understanding community where individuals can share experiences and coping strategies to manage and overcome anxiety-related challenges.

When you create an account you’ll always come back to where you left off. With an account you can also be notified of new replies, save bookmarks, and use likes to thank others. We can all work together to make this community great. heart

Use the link Below to Join

About SupportGroups™ is a safe, social support network that allows members & therapists to engage in group discussions for everyone involved. Our groups provide support for those dealing with Mental and Physical Health issues, Addiction, Relationships, or their Identity. Our mission is simple: Provide support in a safe online community for everyone who needs it.

TTWC – The Tribe Wellness Community – Addiction Tribe Online Support Group – Forum, Chatroom and Resources – 24/7 @ Register for Details
Jan 19 all-day
TTWC - The Tribe Wellness Community - Addiction Tribe Online Support Group - Forum, Chatroom and Resources - 24/7 @ Register for Details




The Tribe Wellness Community

Peer-to-peer support group for individuals and loved ones in the process of ongoing addiction recovery.

For many, recovery from addiction is a daily struggle. Traditional treatment methods are only a part of the recovery process. Daily choices and continued support from friends, family, and others like themselves are a critical part of the road to recovery.

The Tribe offers its addiction recovery support group members a place to share stories, encouragement, and friendship.

Members of our addition recovery group have access to the latest in social network technology including a dedicated activity stream, form, and chat room. IN addition, members can participate in a larger wellness challenge through our inspiration wellness tools: wellness tracker, friend reminders, mood mapping and kudos.


To Join this group, use the link below to register



WA – Wildflower Alliance – Join our Discord Community Online Peer Support Server – 24/7 @ Online via Zoom
Jan 19 all-day
WA - Wildflower Alliance - Join our Discord Community Online Peer Support Server - 24/7 @ Online via Zoom

Discord Community

Discord is a social platform that we use to host an online peer support & community space.

You can log into Discord via a web browser, but for the best experience we recommend downloading the mobile or desktop app.

Discord Features

  • Anonymous
    You choose how much about yourself to share
  • Zero pressure
    Read along and participate at your own pace
  • Community
    Hundreds of people to potentially connect with
  • Private channels
    For marginalized identities and experiences
  • 24/7 access
    Share whatever, whenever
  • Peer support
    Our team and volunteers are active throughout the day and into the night

What happens on Discord?

People from Western Mass and all over the world use our Discord to:

  • Give and receive support
  • Discuss topics that are important to us
  • Share pictures, music, memes, and more
  • Join live support groups and activities
  • Connect with others who have similar identities and experiences


To see a video tutorial for our Discord Server

HAWS – Heroin Anonymous World Services – Heroin Anonymous – Sundays @ Online Via ZOOM
Jan 19 @ 6:00 am – 7:00 am
HAWS - Heroin Anonymous World Services -  Heroin Anonymous - Sundays @ Online Via ZOOM



Heroin Anonymous World Services

Northeast Region

Heroin Anonymous

Sunday 6-7 AM PT

Heroin Anonymous is a non-profit fellowship of men and women who have found a solution to heroin addiction. H.A. is a fellowship of complete abstinence from all drugs and alcohol. We are recovered heroin addicts who meet regularly to help each other stay sober. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop suffering from heroin addiction. There are no dues or fees for H.A. membership. H.A. is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization, or institution; does not wish to engage in any controversy and neither endorses nor opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other heroin addicts to achieve sobriety.

To Attend Online, Use the Link Provided Below


SIRA – Self-Injury Recovery & Awareness – Sundays Self Injury Recovery & Recovery Meeting – Sundays @ Apply for Details
Jan 19 @ 9:00 am – 10:00 am
SIRA - Self-Injury Recovery & Awareness - Sundays Self Injury Recovery & Recovery Meeting - Sundays @ Apply for Details





Self-Injury Recovery & Awareness


If you do not have lived experience but would like to attend, please fill out the below. Please note, only Saturday meetings are open to the public to observe. All other meetings are closed and only people with lived experience can attend. Shares and open discussion during all meetings are only for people with lived experience. We welcome caregivers, psychology students, loved ones to observe Saturday meetings to gain a better understanding of Non-Suicidal Self-Injury (NSSI) & support their loved ones.
*SIRA has an age requirement of 16+ for our weekly meetings due to more mature topics that can be mentioned in meetings. However, we periodically host youth meetings for ages 12-19. Please subscribe to our newsletter here to stay up to date on youth meetings and SIRA news.
If you would like to attend SIRA’s peer support meetings, use the link provided below to join, You will receive a response within 3-7 business days. Thank you in advance for your patience.




Self-Injury Recovery & Awareness, or “SIRA” for short, focuses on filling the massive gap of care for the self-injury community by teaching them how to heal from the inside-out, through a peer-to-peer support group model.




05 – Warmline – TL – Trans Lifeline Saving Lives – (877) 565-8860 – Mondays – Fridays @ phone
Jan 19 @ 10:00 am – 6:00 pm

Sponsor Logo




Trans Lifeline

Peer Support and Crisis Hotline by and for Trans & Questioning

Open Monday – Friday 10AM – 6PM PT

Toll-Free USA: 877-565-8860

Toll-Free Canada: 877-330-6366

Trans Lifeline is a peer support service run by trans people, for trans and questioning callers. Our operators are located all over the U.S. and Canada and are all trans-identified. If you are in crisis or just need someone to talk to, even if it’s just about whether you’re trans, please call us. We will do our best to support you and provide you resources.

Our Hotline launched shortly after Trans Day of Remembrance of 2014 in response to the epidemic of suicide in our community. We believe that some of the best support that a trans person in a crisis can have is a fellow member of our community with shared lived experience.

While it started as a service for people in crisis, that is no longer the case. Trans Lifeline still functions as a crisis and suicide prevention hotline. However, it also serves as a space for trans people who just require someone to talk to.

Trans Lifeline provides live, one-on-one phone support, as well as large numbers of online resources for transgender and gender-questioning individuals. The hotline is open 24 hours a day. It is only guaranteed to be staffed from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. EST, but operators are often also available at other times.

In addition to information resources, Trans Lifeline offers microgrants to individuals who need financial support when updating their name and gender on their legal documents. They accept a limited number of applications each month. However, they will pay the entire fee for most document changes other than birth certificates.

La línea directa de Trans Lifeline es un servicio de apoyo entre compañeros dirigido por personas trans, para personas trans. Nuestros operadores están ubicados en todo EE. UU. Y Canadá, y todos son trans identificados. Si está en crisis o simplemente necesita alguien con quien hablar, incluso si se trata solo de si es o no es trans, llámenos. Haremos todo lo posible para apoyarlo y brindarle recursos.

Nuestra línea directa se lanzó poco después del Día de la Remembranza Trans en 2014 en respuesta a la epidemia de suicidio en nuestra comunidad. Creemos que algunos de los mejores apoyos que una persona trans en crisis puede tener es la oportunidad de hablar con un miembro de nuestra comunidad con experiencia de vida compartida.

Trans Lifeline is training Spanish-speaking volunteers who identify as transgender and want to support the Translatinx community by being a volunteer operator for our dedicated Spanish hotline. This line will launch this summer.


Facebook social media page:

Twitter posts page:

Instagram posts page:


Crisis Callers’ Bill of Rights

Safe Hotlines Logo Icon Safety

Callers have the right to…

  1. Trust that the help we seek will be supportive, not harmful
  2. Receive crisis support free of judgment, irrespective of substance use, participation in sex trade, mental health condition, disability, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, age, citizenship, housing status, religion, nationality, or caste
  3. Reach out for support in a crisis without being criminalized, detained, or deported
  4. Have all trauma responses, including suicidality, understood as normal responses to current or past traumatic experiences, and be able to speak about suicidality without fear of more trauma
  5. Get crisis support without police violence, harassment, or threats
  6. Share our identities and experiences without being outed to unsupportive caregivers, workplaces, or abusers
  7. Be made aware of short- and long-term options for support that we can accept or refuse

Safe Hotlines Logo Icon Transparency

Callers have the right to…

  1. Know what services we’re receiving when we call
  2. Clear and upfront information about which situations hotlines use police and emergency services – to be included on websites, apps, chatbots, and greeting/hold recordings, including geotracking
  3. Understand if and when our calls are being recorded, how they’ll be used, and who they’ll be shared with
  4. Be informed by operators at the beginning of calls about which situations or circumstances hotline policies dictate the use of law enforcement or emergency responders
  5. Be informed if police or emergency services are being dispatched to our location

Safe Hotlines Logo Icon Agency

Callers have the right to…

  1. Determine which supports and care we utilize and which we refuse, as the experts in our own lives.
  2. Access support and services without police or other emergency responders entering our homes, work, school, or any other location without our knowledge and consent. We did not call 911.
  3. Make decisions about what’s best for our financial and mental wellbeing, including not being charged ambulance or hospital bills for services we did not seek or consent to, or losing work, housing, etc.
  4. Protect ourselves from further trauma, harm, and instability.


SRF – She Recovers Foundation – SheRecovers DANCE – Sundays @ Online Via ZOOM
Jan 19 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am
SRF - She Recovers Foundation - SheRecovers DANCE - Sundays @ Online Via ZOOM




Sundays, 10-11AM PT

SHE RECOVERS® Together Online Gatherings / SHE RECOVERS Yoga / SHE RECOVERS Dance are twice-daily, hour-long, trauma-informed and facilitated by volunteer Professional SHE RECOVERS Designees.

A free authenticated zoom account is required to attend. Visit for the full gathering schedule.

We welcome women and non-binary individuals who identify with women’s communities – who are in or seeking recovery – into this space. We also welcome all races, sexual orientations, and all those differences of life situations, backgrounds, and abilities.

These gatherings are facilitated and supported by trained volunteers. They do not constitute a therapeutic or coaching relationship and are not a replacement for trauma therapy, addiction treatment, psychiatric, or medical care.

If you are seeking treatment or professional recovery support, please visit our online directory of trusted resources @

By participating in these gatherings, you agree to adhere to our Gathering Agreements @ and to co-create a welcoming and supportive environment built on mutual respect for all participants, volunteers, and facilitators. SHE RECOVERS Foundation space-holders reserve the right to remove any individual who appears to be violating the group guidelines and terms of use @ set out by SRF.

*By registering for this free offering, you are opting in to receive emails from SHE RECOVERS Foundation. You can unsubscribe at any time.

The Gatherings occur twice-daily at 9:00AM & 5:00PM PST. Visit to convert to your local time.






SR – SMART Recovery – General Beginners Meeting – Facilitated By Bobbe – Sunday @ Online Via ZOOM
Jan 19 @ 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm
SR - SMART Recovery - General Beginners Meeting - Facilitated By Bobbe - Sunday @ Online Via ZOOM


General Beginners Meeting

Sundays 4:00 PM TO 5:00 PM PST

Cost: Free, no registration required

Program: 4-Point / Standard

SMART Recovery’s 4-Point Program is the organization’s flagship secular program serving those with an addictive behavior, including both substance and activity/process addictions. Trained volunteer facilitators lead effective mutual support group discussions on these topics:

  1. Building and maintaining motivation
  2. Coping with urges and cravings
  3. Managing thoughts, feelings, and behaviors
  4. Living a balanced life

Related tools consistent with evidence-based motivational and cognitive behavioral theories are also offered and discussed.

Specific audiences: All Welcome

Anyone fitting the purpose of the above program is welcome to join the meeting. Please read the program description to make sure it’s the right meeting for you.

Languages spoken: English







4-Point Standard Meeting


Cost: Free, no registration required

Program: 4-Point / Standard

SMART Recovery’s 4-Point Program is the organization’s flagship secular program serving those with an addictive behavior, including both substance and activity/process addictions. Trained volunteer facilitators lead effective mutual support group discussions on these topics:

  1. Building and maintaining motivation
  2. Coping with urges and cravings
  3. Managing thoughts, feelings, and behaviors
  4. Living a balanced life

Related tools consistent with evidence-based motivational and cognitive behavioral theories are also offered and discussed.

Specific audiences: All Welcome

Anyone fitting the purpose of the above program is welcome to join the meeting. Please read the program description to make sure it’s the right meeting for you.

Languages spoken: English


SR – SMART Recovery – 4 – Point Recovery Meeting – Military, Veterans & First Responders, Women – Sundays @ Register for Details
Jan 19 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
SR - SMART Recovery - 4 - Point Recovery Meeting - Military, Veterans & First Responders, Women - Sundays @ Register for Details



Sundays – 5:00PM to 6:30PM PST

Cost: Free, no registration required

Program: 4-Point Recovery

SMART Recovery’s 4-Point Program is the organization’s flagship secular program serving those with an addictive behavior, including both substance and activity/process addictions. Trained volunteer facilitators lead effective mutual support group discussions on these topics:

  1. Building and maintaining motivation
  2. Coping with urges and cravings
  3. Managing thoughts, feelings, and behaviors
  4. Living a balanced life

Related tools consistent with evidence-based motivational and cognitive behavioral theories are also offered and discussed.

Specific audiences: Military, Veterans & First Responders, Women

Meetings specifically for those who are or have served in the military and/or in emergency service roles (e.g., Fire, Police, EMT, etc.). Typically led by other veterans and first responders who have used SMART Recovery to address their own addictive behaviors.

Meetings specifically for individuals who identify as female.

Languages spoken: English

How To Participate

For the meeting link, please email with the following information:

Military-Name, Branch of Service & MOS, Years served or still active.

First Responders-Name, Professional Emergency Service Occupation, Years served or still active.

Please allow 2-3 business days to receive link by email.

TMI – Toastmasters International – JOIN US KIDNEY STORIES – 1st and 3rd Sundays @ Online Via ZOOM
Jan 19 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm





Meetings of Kidney Stories Toastmasters are held on the first and third Sundays on zoom at 5pm PT.

Our meeting is for everyone in the kidney community. We are a resource for public speaking and leadership skills!

Our zoom link is:

Join Zoom Meeting…

Meeting ID: 821 3480 2970
Passcode: 402416

We’d be delighted to have you join us!!



HAWS – Heroin Anonymous World Services – Dopeless Hopefiend – Sundays @ Online Via ZOOM
Jan 19 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
HAWS - Heroin Anonymous World Services -  Dopeless Hopefiend - Sundays @ Online Via ZOOM



Heroin Anonymous World Services

Southwest Region

Dopeless Hopefiend

Sunday 6-7 PM PT

Heroin Anonymous is a non-profit fellowship of men and women who have found a solution to heroin addiction. H.A. is a fellowship of complete abstinence from all drugs and alcohol. We are recovered heroin addicts who meet regularly to help each other stay sober. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop suffering from heroin addiction. There are no dues or fees for H.A. membership. H.A. is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization, or institution; does not wish to engage in any controversy and neither endorses nor opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other heroin addicts to achieve sobriety.

To Attend Online, Use the Link Provided Below

HAWS – Heroin Anonymous World Services – Suffer Free Sundays – Sundays @ Online Via ZOOM
Jan 19 @ 6:15 pm – 7:15 pm
HAWS - Heroin Anonymous World Services -  Suffer Free Sundays - Sundays @ Online Via ZOOM



Heroin Anonymous World Services

Southwest Region

Suffer Free Sunday

Sunday 6:15-7:15 PM PT

Heroin Anonymous is a non-profit fellowship of men and women who have found a solution to heroin addiction. H.A. is a fellowship of complete abstinence from all drugs and alcohol. We are recovered heroin addicts who meet regularly to help each other stay sober. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop suffering from heroin addiction. There are no dues or fees for H.A. membership. H.A. is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization, or institution; does not wish to engage in any controversy and neither endorses nor opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other heroin addicts to achieve sobriety.

To Attend Online, Use the Link Provided Below

PASSWORD: 802986


HAWS – Heroin Anonymous World Services – A New Direction – Sundays @ Online Via ZOOM
Jan 19 @ 8:00 pm – 9:00 pm
HAWS - Heroin Anonymous World Services -  A New Direction - Sundays @ Online Via ZOOM



Heroin Anonymous World Services

Pacific Region

A New Direction

Sundays 8-9PM PT

Heroin Anonymous is a non-profit fellowship of men and women who have found a solution to heroin addiction. H.A. is a fellowship of complete abstinence from all drugs and alcohol. We are recovered heroin addicts who meet regularly to help each other stay sober. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop suffering from heroin addiction. There are no dues or fees for H.A. membership. H.A. is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization, or institution; does not wish to engage in any controversy and neither endorses nor opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other heroin addicts to achieve sobriety.

To Attend Online, Use the Link Provided Below

No Password



Melissa (458) 292-7867

0 – Bundled Event – RDO – Recovery Dharma Online Meeting List Searchable Directory 278 Virtual Meetings – Weekday and Weekends @ Online Via ZOOM
Jan 20 all-day
0 - Bundled Event - RDO – Recovery Dharma Online Meeting List Searchable Directory 278 Virtual Meetings - Weekday and Weekends @ Online Via ZOOM



Recovery Dharma Online Directory

Online Meetings Open 7 Days a Week

We are a group of Recovery Dharma Members who use technology to meet up with each other from around the world. We make an effort to stay in contact with each other between meetings to form Spiritual Friendships. We get together online for meetings, workshops, and inter-sangha business. For some of us, this is our primary recovery community. For others, it supplements the meetings available to us locally. Recovery Dharma Online organizes daily meetings accessible via computer, smartphone, or dial-in. Together we meditate, study Buddhist teachings, and support each other on our paths to sobriety and peace. There are currently 278 Recovery Dharma Meetings that are available with over twenty different formats including meetings dedicated for People of Color, Men, Women, Beginners and more.

To find a meeting that meets your needs and experience, use the link below for the searchable Recovery Dharma Meeting List


What is Recovery Dharma?

Recovery Dharma is a peer-led movement and community that is unified by our trust in the potential of each of us to recover and find freedom from the suffering of addiction. We believe that the traditional Buddhist teachings, often referred to as the Dharma, offer a powerful approach to healing from addiction and living a life of true freedom.

We believe that recovery means empowerment, and we support each other as partners walking the path together. We believe that recovery is rooted in finding our own inner wisdom and individual journeys.

Recovery Dharma is founded on, and inspired by, Buddhism that originated in India and later on flourished in other regions of Asia (e.g., South Asia, East Asia, Southeast Asia, Central Asia). We deeply appreciate the Buddhist heritage that was protected and freely offered by the ancestors of these cultures.



Recovery Dharma
3439 NE Sandy Blvd # 827
Portland OR 97232-1959
United States

01 – Linea de Ayuda – L4L – Lines For Life – En Español – Lifeline ofrece 24/7, servicios gratuitos en español @ 888-628-9454 @ Phone
Jan 20 all-day


Ayuda En Español

Lifeline ofrece 24/7, servicios gratuitos en español, y no es necesario hablar inglés si usted necesita ayuda.

¿Qué pasa cuando llamo?

Cuando usted llama al número 1-888-628-9454, su llamada se dirige al centro de ayuda de nuestra red disponible más cercano. Tenemos actualmente 200 centros en la red y usted hablará probablemente con uno situado en su zona. Cada centro funciona en forma independiente y tiene su propio personal calificado.

Cuando el centro contesta su llamada, usted estará hablando con una persona que le escuchará, le hará preguntas y hará todo lo que esté a su alcance para ayudarle.

Yo mismo necesito ayuda

Una persona capacitada le escuchará y hablará con usted. Si es necesario, podrá darle información sobre recursos o servicios existentes en su comunidad que podrán prestarle ayuda después de la llamada. Siempre puede usted volver a llamar al número 1-888-628-9454 si lo necesita o lo desea.

Una persona querida necesita ayuda

Si está usted preocupado por una persona que usted sabe que está pasando por una crisis o que piensa en suicidarse, nuestros centros pueden ayudarle. Una persona calificada del centro puede:

  • Darle ideas y sugerencias sobre la forma de acercarse a la persona que le preocupa. Puede ayudarle a pensar qué podría decir para alentar a esa persona querida a pedir ayuda.
  • En algunos casos, el centro puede hablar en conferencia al mismo tiempo con usted y con la persona que le preocupa.
  • Algunas comunidades tienen equipos móviles que pueden visitar a las personas en sus hogares. Si hay uno de esos equipos en su zona, nuestro centro le pondrá en contacto con él.

Llamo para pedir información sobre cuestiones de salud mental

No hace falta que esté usted en crisis para llamarnos. Nuestros centros pueden responder a preguntas generales sobre salud mental, depresión, suicidio, recursos de salud en la comunidad, y muchas cosas más. También es posible llamar para averiguar más sobre las actividades de prevención del suicidio en su zona.

Algunos datos sobre la Línea de Prevención del Suicidio y Crisis

  • Las llamadas son gratuitas desde cualquier teléfono en los Estados Unidos.
  • Nuestras líneas funcionan las 24 horas todos los días de la semana, de modo que usted puede ponerse en contacto con una persona capacitada en cualquier momento en que lo necesite.
  • Su llamada es confidencial; esto significa que la persona que le escucha hará todo lo posible por no divulgar su identidad.
  • Prestamos servicios en inglés (988) y en español (1-888-628-9454)
  • Somos la única red nacional de respuesta a situaciones de crisis con financiación del Gobierno Federal.


04 – Resources – OFB – Oregon Food Bank – Find Food and Resources – Links and Information
Jan 20 all-day


Find food near you.

Oregon Food Bank and our statewide partner network are here for you. Find free, nutritious food in communities throughout Oregon and Southwest Washington, and connect with services that support resilient communities.

Our network of food pantries and meal sites is here for everyone — inclusive of all races, gender expressions, religions, and immigration statuses.

Free food in our communities

We partner with communities and organizations throughout Oregon and Southwest Washington to make it easy for everyone to access free, nutritious food. These options are community based and accessible to all. At many free food locations, you can also connect with additional services, such as nutrition support and affordable health insurance. Learn more about free food options in your community.






Double Up is Oregon’s first statewide incentive program, designed to be convenient for shoppers. The program doubles the value of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits at local farmers markets so shoppers can bring home more fresh fruits and vegetables. Double Up Food Bucks will be offered at more than 75 farmers markets across the state in 2022. The program also provides incentives for SNAP participants purchasing Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) shares from Oregon farms, and shoppers as several independently-owned rural grocery stores.

Four ways to shop with Double Up Food Bucks in Oregon!

Stretch your Food Dollars
with Double Up Food Bucks

Double Up Food Bucks allows SNAP shoppers to get DOUBLE the fruits and vegetables at CSA shares, Farmers Markets, Farm Stands, and Grocery Stores across Oregon!

How do I know if I’m eligible to use Double Up Food Bucks?

  • If you use SNAP food benefits, you can earn Double Up!
  • If you use EBT Cash benefits, unfortunately you are not eligible to earn Double Up, however you are eligible to participate in Produce Match at participating farmers markets and farm stands. Learn more.
  • Note: Some locations may require a quick sign up at a cashier or information booth



Watch the Double Up Food Bucks Explainer Video

In English



en español



Connect with other resources and support

Community organizations and government agencies offer programs that make it easier to afford food and access employment, housing, education and health care. Connect with support and services to help with your rent or mortgage, child care, health services and more at the links below.


04 – Resources – Transitions to Adulthood Center for Research Transitions – Top 10 Most Popular Young Adult Mental Health Resources in 2023
Jan 20 all-day
04 - Resources - Transitions to Adulthood Center for Research Transitions - Top 10 Most Popular Young Adult  Mental Health Resources in 2023

Our Top 10 Most Popular Young Adult

Mental Health Resources in 2023


My Must Have Papers: Managing the Paperwork of Adulting

Managing the paperwork that comes along with “Adulting” is not fun. Our Young Adult Advisory Board and Family Advisory Board set out to make that task a little easier in this tip sheet.

“My Must Have Papers – Managing the Paperwork of Adulting” Tip Sheet. Also available as a comic, “Passport to Adulting: Managing Your Paperwork”.
STAY Tuned Podcast 10 Too Sick to Work Breaking the Narrative

Too Sick to Work? Breaking the Narrative – Podcast

STAY Tuned is a podcast made for and by young adults with mental health conditions. In Episode 10, Dr. Michelle Mullen discussed her work on preventing disability, why the language used to describe the mental health of young adults is so key and what can be done to change the narrative of self-blame.

Episode 10: “Too Sick to Work?” Breaking the Narrative.

All Episodes of S.T.A.Y. Tuned: Supporting Transition-Age Youth Podcast.

3 Tips to Improve Communications with Your Young Adult

This popular tip sheet for families includes 3 specific tips that can help you have better conversations and better relationships with the youth & young adults in your life. It’s worth reading and worth sharing! Read and download 3 Tips to Improve Communications with your Youth & Young Adult.

Accommodations at Work: What Do I Need to Know?

Work can be hard for young adults. And a mental health condition can make things complicated. Accommodations at your workplace can be one helpful solution. But what are they? Our new tip sheet, “Accommodations at Work: What Do I Need to Know?” can help young adults figure that out.

Applying for a Job: The Young Adults Guide, Revised 2023

This tip sheet is a good starting point for your young adult in their job search journey, covers many topics including resumes, job search boards, interviewing and follow-up. It also includes some great networking resources. Read and download “Applying for a Job – The Young Adult’s Guide” Tip Sheet.

Factors that Influence the Continuous Pursuit of Education, Training, and Employment among Young Adults with Serious Mental Health Conditions

This research brief describes the patterns of education, training, and employment activities for young adults with serious mental health conditions, and identifies factors that hinder or facilitate their ability to consistently pursue these activities. These findings can inform efforts to improve their long-term career trajectories. The “Factors” Research Brief.

STAY Tuned Podcast Episode 6: “We’re Working On It”

Join our conversation with Emma Narkewicz, MPA as we talk about Pre-employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) in MA and dive into what it’s like being a young adult with mental health conditions entering the workforce and sustaining a career. Podcast episode 6: “We’re working on it!”.

Youth are Empowered by Leading Their Own IEP Meetings

Our comic series shows them how to do that. These comics walk young adults through how to participate fully, and lead, their IEP meetings. In the final comic, Mateo is moving towards graduation and prepping for his last IEP meeting of his high school career. Adulting Shorts Series, The “TEA” on IEPs

Engaging Young Adults in Work & School

Our free training for providers shares key info & resources related to the importance of engaging young adults in work and school endeavors, and strategies for doing this work. You also get an inside look into programs that are supporting young adults moving to adulthood.

Engaging Young Adults in Work & School – Training for Providers.

5 Ways Working Helps Me With My Mental Health

This popular blog post is an insightful read and reminder that employment can help manage your mental health and be a powerful tool in recovery. Read Five Ways Working Helps Me Manage My Mental Health Condition.

05 – Warmline – NCPG – National Council on Problem Gaming – National Problem Gaming Chatline @ – 24/7 @ Online Via Chat
Jan 20 all-day
05 - Warmline - NCPG - National Council on Problem Gaming - National Problem Gaming Chatline @ - 24/7 @ Online Via Chat


National Problem Gambling Helpline


Click the link below to chat with a helpline specialist.

Free, confidential and available 24/7. Works in all 50 states.

Online. Click here to enter.

Below are state helpline text/chat numbers. Hyperlinked items with take you directly to their contact page:

Arizona: Text NEXTSTEP to 53342

California: Text SUPPORT to 53342

Connecticut: Text CTGAMB to 53342

Illinois:  Text ILGAMB to 53342

Indiana: Text INGAMBÂto 53342

Minnesota: Text HOPE to 53342

Mississippi: Text to MSGAMB 53342

North Carolina:  Text MORETHANAGAMENC 53342

If you would like to call the National Problem Gambling Helpline, dial 1-800-522-4700

If you would like to text the helpline, text 1-800-522-4700.

NCPG also supports GamTalk, a 24/7 moderated online peer support forum,


05 – Warmline – WFA – Wildflower Alliance – Discord Peer Support Server – Weekdays and Weekends 24/7 @ Online Via Discord
Jan 20 all-day
05 - Warmline - WFA - Wildflower Alliance - Discord Peer Support Server - Weekdays and Weekends 24/7 @ Online Via Discord




Wildflower Alliance Discord Server

Available 24/7

The Wildflower Alliance supports healing and empowerment for our broader communities and people who have been impacted by psychiatric diagnosis, trauma, extreme states, homelessness, problems with substances and other life-interrupting challenges.

Join the Wildflower Discord Server

Discord Features

  • Anonymous
    You choose how much about yourself to share
  • Zero pressure
    Read along and participate at your own pace
  • Community
    Hundreds of people to potentially connect with
  • Private channels
    For marginalized identities and experiences
  • 24/7 access
    Share whatever, whenever
  • Peer support
    Our team and volunteers are active throughout the day and into the night

What happens on Discord?

People from Western Mass and all over the world use our Discord to:

  • Give and receive support
  • Discuss topics that are important to us
  • Share pictures, music, memes, and more
  • Join live support groups
  • Do social activities like Open Mics and Game Nights
  • Connect with others who have similar identities and experiences


Discord Limitations

Please Note: Due to Discord’s Mental Health policies we cannot allow sharing of certain details in text messages on our Discord Server. This includes specific plans or fantasies of either suicide or harming others. General talk about wanting to die may be shared in our #alternatives-to-suicide text channel. You are welcome to share more detailed thoughts at our live Online Support Groups, including the live chats on Discord, and other Wildflower Alliance Spaces.

Please also be aware that our Discord server is open 24/7 with limited resources for active facilitation and moderation. You can use the #talk-to-admins channel on the server to bring our attention to any feedback you have or issues that you notice on the server.


You can log into Discord via a web browser, but for the best experience we recommend downloading the mobile or desktop app. 

05 – Warmline – WLO – Warmline.Org – Warmline Finder and Directory – 24/7
Jan 20 all-day


A WARMLINE is staffed with Peer Specialists who can offer hope, strength, and knowledge gained from their own personal experiences living with mental health issues and/or substance use disorders.

There are over 150+ WARMLINES throughout the country! Each organization has different hours of operation, some only accept in-state calls while others operate nationwide and will take calls from anywhere. Most are English speaking but there are a growing number of organizations that offer non-English speaking services.

Until WARMLINE.ORG, there was no easy way to locate all of this information. With the database that we have built, you can easily locate WARMLINES that speak your language and that are OPEN NOW if you need someone to talk to.

For Warmlines that are available to out of state callers


To use FIND A WARM LINE to and find warm line numbers by state, by the language spoken, use the link below.


08 – Observance – Dry January 2025 – Dry January Community – 24/7 @ Online Via Facebook Live
Jan 20 all-day
08 - Observance - Dry January 2025 - Dry January Community - 24/7 @ Online Via Facebook Live




The official Dry January® Community Group, brought to you by the charity Alcohol Change UK. This group is for anyone who is taking part, or has taken part, in the Dry January® challenge. Whether your goal is to cut down, give the booze a break for a while or go alcohol-free, this group is a place for you to share your experiences and tips.

If you are alcohol-free or moderating long-term and want support specifically for that, you can join the Try Dry® Online Community here:
*La campagne a été adaptée en France pour devenir #LeDéfiDeJanvier et est portée par un collectif d’organisations ! Rendez-vous sur*
Graham Smith.
When you join the group, please read the group agreements. These agreements help to keep the group a safe and helpful space for everyone; if you break the agreements, we may have to remove you from the group.
If you are concerned about your own or someone else’s drinking you can:
* Contact Drinkline for free and confidential advice and support on 0300 123 1110 (weekdays 9am–8pm, weekends 11am–4pm)
* Take our drinking quiz here to see how risky your drinking is:
* Speak with your doctor
* Find out more about the support available for you outside the group here:
This group is PRIVATE, which means that only those who request to join can post, see posts etc.
If we believe that a member of the group is at risk of immediate, serious harm or may be posing a risk to someone else, we have a duty to report this to the relevant authority. We would seek to inform the member what we need to pass on and to whom and our objective is.
If you have any queries you can email
Find out more about Alcohol Change UK on our website
For more information about the Dry January® challenge, visit the Facebook page or website
The advice provided here by Alcohol Change UK is designed for people who have perhaps got into the habit of drinking too much or too often and wish to cut back, rather than for anyone with a serious alcohol problem such as alcohol dependency.

08 – Observance National Poverty Awareness Month UWI – United Ways of Iowa – Who is ALICE? ( Asset Limited , Income Constrained, Employed ) Poverty Simulations and Online Tools
Jan 20 all-day


ALICE is an acronym for Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed, and represents the growing number of families who are unable to afford the basics of housing, child care, food, transportation, health care, and technology. These workers often struggle to keep their own households from financial ruin, while keeping our local communities running.

ALICE households and households in poverty are forced to make tough choices, such as deciding between quality child care or paying the rent — choices that have long-term consequences not only for their families, but for all.

For a growing number of U.S. households, financial stability is nothing more than a pipe dream, no matter how hard their members work. These households are ALICEAsset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed – earning above the Federal Poverty Level yet struggling to afford basic expenses.

ALICE households:

  • Span all races, ages, ethnicities, and abilities, though households of color are disproportionately ALICE

  • Include workers whose wages cannot keep up with the rising cost of goods and services

  • Often include those who are working two or more jobs and still cannot pay their bills

  • Include family members who need care and assistance, which makes it harder for their caregivers to find adequate work

  • Live paycheck to paycheck and are forced to make impossible choices: pay the rent or buy food, receive medical care or pay for child care, pay utility bills or put gas in the car

  • Are part of every community nationwide


Oregon Overview

United For ALICE calculates the cost of household essentials for all counties in Oregon. These costs, outlined in the Household Survival Budget, are calculated for various household sizes and compositions.

Of Oregon’s 1,712,073 households in 2022…

  • 12% earned below the Federal Poverty Level (FPL)

  • 33% were ALICE, in households that earned above the FPL but not enough to afford the basics in the communities where they live

  • Together, 45% of households in Oregon were below the ALICE Threshold (poverty + ALICE divided by total households)

While the COVID-19 pandemic brought employment shifts, health struggles, and school/business closures, it also spurred temporary expansion of public assistance through pandemic relief measures (which then reverted to pre-pandemic levels in 2022). In 2019, 702,805 households in Oregon were below the ALICE Threshold; by 2022, that number had changed to 764,160. Use the buttons below to switch between ALICE data over time by number and percentage.


National Overview — 2022

United For ALICE calculates the cost of household essentials for all counties in the U.S. These costs, outlined in the Household Survival Budget, are calculated for various household sizes and compositions.

Of the 128,946,680 households in the U.S. in 2022…

  • 13% earned below the Federal Poverty Level (FPL)

  • 29% were ALICE, in households that earned above the FPL but not enough to afford the basics in the communities where they live

  • Together, 42% of households in the U.S. were below the ALICE Threshold (poverty + ALICE divided by total households)

While the COVID-19 pandemic brought employment shifts, health struggles, and school/business closures, it also spurred temporary expansion of public assistance through pandemic relief measures (which then reverted to pre-pandemic levels in 2022). Before the pandemic, in 2019, 49,791,793 households were below the ALICE Threshold; by 2022 that number had changed to 54,345,006 .


ALICE Budget and Income Status Tool Comparing Household Costs and Income

Across the U.S., over 40% of households are struggling to make ends meet. This includes households with income below the Federal Poverty Level, and households that are ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed).

With income above the Federal Poverty Level, ALICE households often earn too much to qualify for public assistance but are still unable to cover basic household expenses. The ALICE Income Status Tool calculates these expenses: housing, child care, food, transportation, health care, and technology, plus taxes, and a contingency fund (miscellaneous) equal to 10% of the budget.

The Tool then compares ALICE Household Survival Budget costs to income, tailored by location and household composition, to determine if a household is Poverty-Level, ALICE, or Above the ALICE Threshold. To find out if you are ALICE where you live use the link below.

Click Here to Use ALICE Budget and Income Status Tool



ALICE Household Survival Budget Calculator

The ALICE Household Survival Budget estimates the minimum cost of household necessities (housing, child care, food, transportation, health care, and technology) plus taxes, and a contingency fund (miscellaneous) equal to 10% of the budget.

Use this tool to view the ALICE Household Survival Budget in your County for additional household combinations, or to compare to counties in ALICE Partner States. Select up to 6 adults (including those under and over 65 years of age) and up to 6 children (under 18 years of age).

CLICK Here to USE the ALICE Household Survival Budget Calculator


United For ALICE Wage Tool

Exploring the Impact of Wage Levels and Occupations on ALICE

In 2022, 42% of U.S. households were struggling to make ends meet. This includes households with income below the Federal Poverty Level (FPL), and households who are ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed). With income above the FPL, ALICE households earn too much to qualify as “poor” but are still unable to cover basic household expenses.

While cost of living varies considerably from one state, region, and county to another, a household’s ability to afford basic expenses also depends on how much they have an opportunity to earn. This tool provides insight into how different wage levels impact an ALICE household’s ability to afford a bare-bones budget.

The ALICE Wage Tool identifies the counties where a certain hourly wage can support the Household Survival Budget for a selected household type. For example, when selecting a wage of $9 per hour and a family of three (two workers, one child), the map shows that with two adults working full-time, year-round, $9 per hour cannot support basic household costs in any county in the U.S. At $14 per hour, two adults working full time, year-round can afford the Household Survival Budget in 53% of U.S. counties.









5 – Warmline – DDA – Dual Diagnosis Anonymous – DDA Chat Room and Resource Group – 24/7 @ Online Via ZOOM
Jan 20 all-day
5 - Warmline - DDA - Dual Diagnosis Anonymous - DDA Chat Room and Resource Group - 24/7 @ Online Via ZOOM











DDA Chat room and resource group

This new chat/resource group was created to help support those and their families who suffer from mental health and, or, addiction struggles during the coronavirus situation.
Please know that we are all in this together, so please invite those who might be able to help or benefit.  The five rules of respect will govern this site, so love, encouragement, and valid resources are the primary mission of this group. We look forward to the support of the community and sharing support and resources for those who need it.
IMPORTANT: Anyone who chooses to promote panic, fear, racism, or misinformation will be asked to stop and or be blocked.
Love, peace, and blessings (LPB)

Join The Facebook Group

DDA’s Five Rules of Respect
1. First, and most importantly, who you see here and what is said here, let it stay here! (Here! Here!) Confidentiality and anonymity are the spiritual foundations that keep our recovery possible.
2. Questions and answers are welcome and positive feedback is given, when asked for.
3. Keep it real.
4. Try not to disrupt the group.
5. It is OK to pass, if you do not wish to share.
8 – Observance – PG – Primary Games – Free Online Holiday Games and Activities for Kids – 24/7
Jan 20 all-day



Free Games and Activites for Kids

About PrimaryGames


Christmas Games

We have lots of games for Christmas. These online games are educational and fun!

Play Christmas themed Jigsaw Puzzles, Mazes, Word Searches, and Strategy Puzzles. Help Santa deliver his gifts in Snow Line or play a game of Deep Freeze. Play over 40 free online Christmas games.



Christmas Mobile Games








Check out our new games made exclusively for touchscreen devices like phones and tablets. Our HTML5 games are mobile ready and do not require any plug-ins or downloads to play. And best of all they are 100% FREE!

Christmas Coloring Pages

Free printable coloring book pages use in your classroom or home. Color Christmas sheets and pictures of Christmas Trees, Santa Claus, Wreaths and more.

Christmas Jokes

Share Christmas jokes with your relatives and friends to bring a smile on their face and brighten their day.

Christmas Crafts

Brighten up your Christmas dinner by making festive decorations for your dinner table. Print and make Christmas Cards or Christmas Gift Tags.

Christmas Postcards

Wish your friends and family a Happy Christmas by sending a free musical postcard to someone you know! Postcards can be sent up to 364 days in advance, so you never need to worry about remembering a holiday.

Christmas Stationery

Make a wish list for Santa or write a thank you note on our Christmas stationery. We have two styles: one for younger writers and one for older writers. Our stationery is free to print and makes a great addition to any classroom writing project.

Christmas Videos

Watch videos about Christmas. Learn about the history of Christmas or learn how to make festive crafts.





About Hanukkah

When did it start? What is a Menorah? Why does it last for 8 days? Learn about the history of this festive holiday.

When is Hanukkah?

Here’s a chart that shows when Hanukkah is celebrated from 2016 – 2050.

Hanukkah Games

We have lots of games for Hanukkah. These online games are educational and fun!

Play Hanukkah themed Jigsaw Puzzles, Word Searches, and Strategy Puzzles. Color a picture of a Menorah or Dreidel.

Hanukkah Mobile Games

Check out our new games made exclusively for touchscreen devices like phones and tablets. Our HTML5 games are mobile ready and do not require any plug-ins or downloads to play. And best of all they are 100% FREE!

Hanukkah Coloring Pages

Free printable coloring book pages for kids of all ages. Color Hanukkah sheets and pictures of a Menorah, the Star of David, Dreidel, Candles and more.

Hanukkah Crafts

Print and make your own Hanukkah Gift Tags.

Hanukkah Postcards

Wish your friends and family a Happy Hanukkah by sending a free musical postcard to someone you know! Postcards can be sent up to 364 days in advance, so you never need to worry about remembering a holiday.

Hanukkah Stationery

Write a Hanukkah story or write a thank you note on our Hanukkah stationery. We have two styles: one for younger writers and one for older writers. Our stationery is free to print and makes a great addition to any classroom writing project.




About Kwanzaa

Learn about Kwanzaa by reading our online storybook, What is Kwanzaa?

When is Kwanzaa?

Kwanzaa begins on Thursday, December 26, 2024. There are 4 days until Kwanzaa begins. Kwanzaa lasts for 7 days.

Here’s a chart that shows what day Kwanzaa is celebrated from 2022 – 2034.

Kwanzaa Games

We have lots of games for Kwanzaa. These online games are educational and fun!

Play Kwanzaa themed Jigsaw Puzzles, Matching Games, Word Searches, and Strategy Puzzles. Play over 10 free online Kwanzaa games.

Kwanzaa Mobile Games

Check out our new games made exclusively for touchscreen devices like phones and tablets. Our HTML5 games are mobile ready and do not require any plug-ins or downloads to play. And best of all they are 100% FREE!

Kwanzaa Coloring Pages

Free printable coloring book pages use in your classroom or home. Color Kwanzaa sheets and pictures of a Kinara, Muhindi, Unity Cup and more.

Kwanzaa Postcards

Wish your friends and family a Happy Kwanzaa by sending a free musical postcard to someone you know! Postcards can be sent up to 364 days in advance, so you never need to worry about remembering a holiday.

Kwanzaa Stationery

Write a festive story or jot down a note to a friend on our Kwanzaa stationery. We have two styles: one for younger writers and one for older writers. Our stationery is free to print and makes a great addition to any classroom writing project.




Winter Games

We have lots of games for Winter. These online games are educational and fun!

Play Winter themed Jigsaw Puzzles, Picture Puzzles and Word Searches. Learn about Winter with Baby Hazel and her friends!

Winter Coloring Pages

Free printable coloring book pages for kids of all ages. Color Winter sheets and pictures of the flowers, butterflies, ladybugs and more.

Winter Mobile Games

Check out our new games made exclusively for touchscreen devices like phones and tablets. Our HTML5 games are mobile ready and do not require any plug-ins or downloads to play. And best of all they are 100% FREE!

Winter Crafts

Print and make a Winter Calendar.

Winter Jokes

Share jokes about Winter with your relatives and friends to bring a smile on their face and brighten their day.

Winter Worksheets

We have lots of worksheets and activity pages for Winter. Print out a word search puzzle.

Winter Stationery

Use our Winter stationery to write a story or a letter. We have two styles: one for younger writers and one for older writers. Our stationery is free to print and makes a great addition to any classroom writing project.



ADAA – Anxiety & Depression Association of America – Online Peer-to-Peer Communities – Anxiety and Depression Support Community – 24/7 @ online register for details
Jan 20 all-day
ADAA - Anxiety & Depression Association of America - Online Peer-to-Peer Communities - Anxiety and Depression Support Community - 24/7 @ online register for details

ADAA  – Anxiety and Depression Support Community

Join from this Page

The Anxiety and Depression peer to peer community has more than 80,000 subscribers from around the world. The objective of this community is to create a space that those suffering from anxiety and depression can turn to find and offer comfort and support, to share information and personal experiences, and to make connections with those in the community.

ADAA also posts on the community page providing helpful tips and strategies about anxiety and depression through blogs and free webinars written/hosted by our professional mental health members, infographics, books, podcasts and more specific to anxiety and depression.



BRMA – Brown Mamas – The Ultimate List of Support Groups for Black Moms
Jan 20 all-day


The Ultimate List of Support Groups for Black Moms

Brown Mamas – Pittsburgh & U.S.  – Brown Mamas, Inc. has been around for seven years in the Pittsburgh region.  Brown Mamas began in the living room of Muffy Mendoza.  What started as 5 moms has grown to over 4000  Our mamas love our Pittsburgh chapter so much that we are expanding.  If you are mom who is ready to not just find her tribe, but to inspire other mothers and be the change she wants to see in her community, click here to learn more about starting your own Brown Mamas chapter.

Black Moms Connect – Canada & U.S.

Mommin’ Society – North Carolina & Online

Moms of Black Boys United – Atlanta & Online

Moms Make It Work – NYC

Mocha Moms, Inc. – U.S. (seriously, everywhere)

Whine & Cheese – 27 Chapters in U.S. (including D.C., PA, South Carolina, New York, etc.)

Black Women Do Breastfeed

Motherwork by Mater Mea – NYC

Beautiful Brown Girls Brunch Club – New Jersey

District Motherhued’s DMV MomTribe – D.C. Metro Area

Soul Food for Your Baby – Hawthorne, Calif.

Black Moms Blog Events – Atlanta, GA

Birthing Beautiful Communities – Cleveland, OH

Tessera Collective – Online, Self-Care Support

Melanin Mommies – Pittsburgh, PA

Pittsburgh Black Breastfeeding Circle –

Not-So Melinated Support Groups for Black Moms

Moms Club

La Leche League

Circle of Moms

Facebook Support Groups for Black Moms

Black Stay-At-Home Mom Village

Black Moms Connection

Black Moms in Charge

Single Black Mothers

Moms of Black Daughters

Moms of Black Sons

Black Moms in College & Beyond

Breast Milk Donation for Black Moms

Sisterhood for Young Black Moms

FCA – Family Caregiver Alliance – Caregiver Support Group – 24/7 @ Email Group
Jan 20 all-day
FCA - Family Caregiver Alliance - Caregiver Support Group - 24/7 @ Email Group


Family Caregiver Alliance
Email Support Group 24/7

This group is in e-mail format. Participants send and receive e-mail to take part in discussions. You can receive your posts all together, in one delivery each day, or you can receive them one-by-one, as they are sent.

The choice is yours. It’s fun, easy, and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. To join, complete the form below and click the submit button.

Subscribe to Caregiver-Online

You can subscribe to Caregiver-online by following this link and completing the form.  After completing the Subscription form you will email requesting confirmation, to prevent others from gratuitously subscribing you. This is a hidden list, which means that the list of members is available only to the list administrator.

To subscribe, Use this Link and complete the subscription form online:


Using Caregiver-online

To post a message to all the list members, send email to Be sure to subscribe first!

MHA – Mental Health America – Inspire Support Groups and Discussion Community – 24/7 Weekends & Weekends @ Online via Inspire plus Apps
Jan 20 all-day

INSPIRE online community forum

About this Online Tool

Our Inspire communities provide a place for people with similar interests to support and encourage each other 24/7 online. Inspire is the largest provider of health-specific communities. MHA (Mental Health America) staff moderate the online support groups and communities.

Link to


Link to Mental Health America groups on


Browse All Groups on

Apps are available to download as well.


About Mental Health America

Mental Health America (MHA) – founded in 1909 – is the nation’s leading community-based nonprofit dedicated to addressing the needs of those living with mental illness and to promoting the overall mental health of all Americans. Our work is driven by our commitment to promote mental health as a critical part of overall wellness, including prevention services for all; early identification and intervention for those at risk; integrated care, services, and supports for those who need it; with recovery as the goal.


O&SPDX – Out & Sober Portland – Support Group – 24/7 @ Online Vis Facebook Live
Jan 20 all-day




Portland gay and sober is a community of people interested in supporting and helping members live their lives healthy and sober. We embrace LGBTQ members and allies and seek to maintain a safe space for members to exchange messages, encouragement, to share their own journeys, and to recommend events and hangouts conducive to sober living in the Portland metropolitan area.
Please avoid hate speech, language encouraging substance use and/or abuse, and unrelated solicitation or repetitive solicitation. Disrespect will not be tolerated.
Much love, and best wishes on your journey.


To Join Via Facebook Live Follow the Link Below And Click on the Join Group Button


PSS – Peer Support Space – Peer Support Space Online Group – 24/7 Weekdays & Weekends
Jan 20 all-day




Click Here To Join This Group


Peer Support Space Online Group is a safe space for anyone to share anything in a NONJUDGMENTAL and SUPPORTIVE environment. We believe that you never know what anyone is going through, that it is okay to not be okay, and that when we share our stories we become empowered and remind others that they are not alone.
All topics are welcome here (ex: mental illness, trauma, sexual abuse, addiction, suicidality etc.). Here we feel safe to express ourselves without fear of being judged. Here we listen to and support one another.
You are loved. You matter. You are not alone.
1. We respect and validate all sexual orientations, genders, ages, and disabilities as well as those of diverse neurological, racial, religious, and cultural backgrounds.
2. We are welcoming and introduce ourselves to new members.
3. Sexual harassment or harassment of any kind will not be tolerated. If asked to stop, stop. If you feel you are being harassed, in any way, by any member please message an admin.
4. While sharing what has helped YOU is encouraged, we believe that there are many routes to recovery and individuals should be the “drivers” of their recovery journey including treatment choices.
5. You are allowed to share something and ask to not be given advice.
*This is a growing group, rules are subject to change.*
***Please note, that although we honor confidentiality this space this is the internet and as such we cannot guarantee privacy – please share using your own discretion.***


RDB – raices de bienestar – Sudicide Prevention and Intervention for Latine Communities – Online Self Study @ online register for details
Jan 20 all-day


Raíces is thrilled to announce the launch of our on-demand Suicide Prevention and Intervention for Latine Communities training! Led by our dedicated experts, Dra. Ruth Zúñiga and Dra. Daisy Bueno.

To register please visit:

For more information about this training please contact Ruby Cabrera at