PeerGalaxy Original Calendar

Welcome to PeerGalaxy Calendar featuring over 187,600+ monthly offerings of FREE telephone- and online-accessible peer support, recovery support, and wellness activities!  Plus 50+ warmlines, helplines, chatlines, and hotlines.  Plus workshops, webinars, job postings, resources, observances, special events, consumer input opportunities and more.


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If you have an event to add, email us:

Training Opportunities in July 2020
List Provided Courtesy of State of Oregon, Oregon Health Authority
Click here to download PDF Format, 16 pages

Calendar Event Sorting

At the top, the 24/7/365 SAMHSA Disaster Helpline and similar links.

Next, Bundled “All Day” Events

Some organizations (like 12 step recovery programs, AA, NA, AlAnon, etc.) have so many events happening throughout the day that they need to be in a bundled listing to spare endless scrolling.  Often there is a link to look up events by zip code and other criteria.

Lastly, Time-Specific Events

So you can see what’s happening in the next hours, time specific events are tagged and listed by start time from 12:01am early morning to 11:59pm late night.  There can be events and warmlines operating in different time zones, though we try to list all in Oregon’s Pacific Time Zone.

Page Advancement

The calendar displays ~50 listings per page.  To advance to next page with ~50 more listings, click the right arrow in the lower left corner of the calendar

Screenshot image of the page advancing arrows at the bottom of the calendar, lower left corner.
07 – Consumer Input Opportunity – EMSCAC – Emergency Medical Services for Children Advisory Committee – Thursday @ Online Via ZOOM
Jan 18 @ 9:00 am – 12:00 pm





Media contacts: Jonathan Modie, 971-246-9139,

Emergency Medical Services for Children Advisory Committee meets Jan. 18

What: The Emergency Medical Services for Children Advisory Committee is holding its quarterly public meeting. A public comment period is offered at the end of the meeting.

Agenda: Chairperson election; Health Emergency Ready Oregon (HERO) Kids Registry; Pediatric Research; EMSC Program; Oregon Pediatric EMS Data Report; State EMS and Trauma Systems Program.

When: Thursday, Jan. 18, 9 a.m. to noon.

Where: Virtual. Join the meeting from your computer, tablet, or smartphone:

Meeting ID: 161 444 3843

Passcode: 009319

One tap mobile: +16692545252,,1614443843#

Background: The Emergency Medical Services for Children Advisory Committee provides recommendations to the Oregon Emergency Medical Services for Children Program under ORS 431A.105(2)(d). For more information, see the Emergency Medical Services for Children Program website at


Everyone has a right to know about and use Oregon Health Authority (OHA) programs and services.  OHA provides free help.  Some examples of the free help OHA can provide are:

Sign language and spoken language interpreters
Written materials in other languages
Large print
Audio and other formats

If you need help or have questions, please contact Rachel Ford at 971-673-0564, 711 TTY or at least 48 hours before the meeting.