PeerGalaxy Original Calendar

Welcome to PeerGalaxy Calendar featuring over 187,600+ monthly offerings of FREE telephone- and online-accessible peer support, recovery support, and wellness activities!  Plus 50+ warmlines, helplines, chatlines, and hotlines.  Plus workshops, webinars, job postings, resources, observances, special events, consumer input opportunities and more.


Click the Accessibility Button on the right side, halfway down in the middle, for enhanced viewing and/or access options!  Click the Translate Button in the lower left corner for language options. 

Your use of this site is subject to the Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions of Use.

If you have an event to add, email us:

Training Opportunities in July 2020
List Provided Courtesy of State of Oregon, Oregon Health Authority
Click here to download PDF Format, 16 pages

Calendar Event Sorting

At the top, the 24/7/365 SAMHSA Disaster Helpline and similar links.

Next, Bundled “All Day” Events

Some organizations (like 12 step recovery programs, AA, NA, AlAnon, etc.) have so many events happening throughout the day that they need to be in a bundled listing to spare endless scrolling.  Often there is a link to look up events by zip code and other criteria.

Lastly, Time-Specific Events

So you can see what’s happening in the next hours, time specific events are tagged and listed by start time from 12:01am early morning to 11:59pm late night.  There can be events and warmlines operating in different time zones, though we try to list all in Oregon’s Pacific Time Zone.

Page Advancement

The calendar displays ~50 listings per page.  To advance to next page with ~50 more listings, click the right arrow in the lower left corner of the calendar

Screenshot image of the page advancing arrows at the bottom of the calendar, lower left corner.
0 – Helpline – SAMHSA Disaster Distress Helpline @ (800) 985-5990 (Multilingual) or (800) 846-8517 (TTY) – 24/7-Weekdays & Weekends
Jan 19 all-day

Excerpt(s) from link:

Disaster Distress Helpline

SAMHSA’s Disaster Distress Helpline provides 24/7, 365-day-a-year crisis counseling and support to people experiencing emotional distress related to natural or human-caused disasters.

The Disaster Distress Helpline, 1-800-985-5990, is a 24/7, 365-day-a-year, national hotline dedicated to providing immediate crisis counseling for people who are experiencing emotional distress related to any natural or human-caused disaster. This toll-free, multilingual, and confidential crisis support service is available to all residents in the United States and its territories. Stress, anxiety, and other depression-like symptoms are common reactions after a disaster. Call 1-800-985-5990 or text TalkWithUs to 66746 to connect with a trained crisis counselor.

Who Should Contact the Disaster Distress Helpline?

This crisis support service is for anyone experiencing emotional distress related to disasters such as:

The Disaster Distress Helpline also answers calls and texts related to infectious disease outbreaks, such as the Ebola outbreak, incidents of community unrest, and other traumatic events.

The impact of crises may affect people in different ways. Learn how to recognize the warning signs and risk factors for emotional distress related to natural and human-caused disasters.

The Disaster Distress Helpline is open to everyone. This includes survivors of disasters; loved ones of victims; first responders; rescue, recovery, and relief workers; clergy; and parents and caregivers. You may call for yourself or on behalf of someone else.

Call or Text

From the United States and its territories, call 1-800-985-5990 to connect with a trained crisis counselor, 24/7. Spanish-speakers can call the hotline and press “2” for 24/7 bilingual support.

Callers to the hotline can also connect with counselors in over 100 other languages via 3rd-party interpretation services; to connect with a counselor in your primary language, simply indicate your preferred language to the responding counselor and she/he will connect to a live interpreter (interpretation in less commonly-spoken languages may require calling back at an appointed time). Learn more and download information about the Disaster Distress Helpline in 30 of the most commonly-spoken languages in the U.S.

To connect with a live DDH crisis counselor 24/7 via SMS, from the 50 states text “TalkWithUs” for English or “Hablanos” for Spanish to 66746. Spanish-speakers from Puerto Rico can text “Hablanos” to 1-787-339-2663.

Texting is subscription-based and only involves a few steps:

  1. Enroll in the service by texting TalkWithUs or Hablanos exactly as written. It’s important to do this before sending your first text message because otherwise the enrollment may fail, and you will not be able to speak with a counselor, or you may accidentally subscribe to another service.
  2. Look for confirmation that your subscription was successful. You will receive a Success! message if it was.
  3. To unsubscribe, text Stop or Unsubscribe to 66746 (or 1-787-339-2663 from Puerto Rico) at any time. For help, text Help to 66746 (or 1-787-339-2663 from Puerto Rico).

Standard text and data message rates will apply when texting from mobile phones. International text and data rates may apply from within U.S. territories and free association nations. SAMHSA will not sell your phone numbers to other parties.

The Disaster Distress Helpline’s TTY number 1-800-846-8517 is available 24/7 to Deaf and hard of hearing individuals, who can also utilize the texting options or their preferred Relay service (including 7-1-1) to connect with the main DDH hotline 1-800-985-5990, 24/7.

DDH Online Peer Support Communities

In an effort to broaden our reach to disaster survivors and emergency responders, the Disaster Distress Helpline has developed online peer support communities through Facebook Groups for those who have experienced a natural or human-caused disaster. These online communities offer opportunities for survivors and responders to connect with others who have experienced similar events, share accurate information and trusted resources, and help one another continue to heal from the effects of a traumatic event.

What Does it Offer?

The purpose of DDH Online Peer Support Communities is to create enhanced opportunities for survivors and responders of disaster to come together for mutual aid and emotional support.

DDH Online Peer Support Communities Also Include:

Trained Peer Supporters

DDH Online Peer Support includes trained peer supporters who assist with group moderation and vetting resources. In addition to community forums, our goal is also to create purposeful discussions lead by peer supporters with specific themes and relevant topics. While each survivor and responder’s experiences are unique, being with peers who have had a similar experience can promote connection, offer new ways of coping, and build a foundation of trust.

Peer support does not take the place of therapy or counseling. The opportunity to provide mutual aid and support to others who have faced similar challenges, when and where they need it, offers hope that healing and recovery is possible after a disaster.

Immediate Crisis Support

All DDH Online Peer Support Communities are monitored 24/7 by a designated DDH crisis center where crisis counselors are available to talk to members who may be in emotional distress and need crisis support. Members can talk to a counselor at any time of the day or night via Crisis Support Over Messenger (CSOM).

Available Communities

Survivors and Responders of the COVID-19 Pandemic 

DDH Online Peer Support Communities offer peer support for anyone who identifies as a survivor or responder of the COVID-19 pandemic. Both survivors and responders can come together for mutual aid, to share trusted resources, and to help one another continue to heal from the effects of a national pandemic. Survivors and responders may include but are not limited to, any healthcare workers, emergency responders, parents/caregivers, educators, individuals who have lost loved ones, people who are dealing with “Long-haul COVID”, those impacted by job loss or economic hardship during the pandemic, and anyone else who has been significantly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. DDH-trained Peer Supporters are also available to listen and offer validation and encouragement. Additionally, they provide structured moderation within the community to engage members in meaningful discussions on relevant topics and offer timely and trusted resources. To join our Facebook group dedicated to Survivors and Responders of the COVID-19 Pandemic, click here.

Survivors of Mass Violence

DDH Online Peer Support Communities offer peer support for survivors of mass violence in the United States including mass shootings, terrorist attacks, or other large-scale community violence. Survivors and loved ones who have experienced mass violence can connect with one another and provide emotional support in the aftermath of a mass violence incident, including how to cope with activating events and memorials, self-care strategies, and challenges with daily living. DDH-trained Peer Supporters are available to listen to members, and offer validation and encouragement. They also provide structured moderation to engage members in meaningful discussions on relevant topics and provide timely and trusted resources. If you are a survivor or the loved one of a survivor of mass violence and need support, please join our Facebook group by requesting to be a member here.

Other Inquiries

If you’re not in immediate need of crisis counseling support and would like to contact us for other reasons, send an email. Contact us for:

  • Technical problems. If you encountered a technical problem while trying to contact the Disaster Distress Helpline, please include your name and preferred contact information in your email if you wish to receive a reply.
  • Provider inquiries. Providers with specific inquiries about technical assistance and support, requests for materials, and exploring collaborations are encouraged to send an email.
  • Feedback. To provide feedback about your experience reaching out to the Disaster Distress Helpline, send an email describing your experience and SAMHSA will look into the matter. Please include your name and preferred contact information if you wish to receive a reply.
  • Social media inquiries. Email us with questions about the Disaster Distress Helpline’s use of social media.
  • All media inquiries. Members of the media with questions about the Disaster Distress Helpline are encouraged to call the SAMHSA Media Services Team at 1-240-276-2130.

Our staff appreciate hearing from people about their experiences. SAMHSA takes feedback about our services, whether it is positive or negative, very seriously.

SAMHSA also encourages public promotion of the Disaster Distress Helpline. Anyone can use the Disaster Distress Helpline logo and telephone number on their website and link to the Disaster Distress Helpline’s materials and social media properties.

Call 211 for information about disaster-related evacuations, shelters, food and clothing distribution, volunteer opportunities, and other resources and referrals. Or visit the national 211 Call Center Search website to find the 211 information and referral center nearest you.

Last Updated: 11/11/2019

Deaf/Hard of Hearing & Spanish

Deaf/Hard of Hearing

Spanish Speakers

Twitter Tweets:


Follow the Disaster Distress Helpline on Facebook.

0 – Hotline – DH – DeafHelp VideoPhone App + ASL (American Sign Language) Deaf + HoH Accessible @ (321) 800-3323 (DEAF) – 24/7 – Weekdays and Weekends
Jan 19 all-day
0 - Hotline - DH - DeafHelp VideoPhone App + ASL (American Sign Language) Deaf + HoH Accessible @ (321) 800-3323 (DEAF) - 24/7 - Weekdays and Weekends

Deaf & HoH Accessible Crisis Line

Video Phone with ASL

Available 24/7/365

Call VP (321) 800-3323

Crisis Resources and Deaf-Accessible Hotlines

The National Center for College Students with Disabilities (NCCSD) offers several resources and strategies to locate deaf-accessible crisis services, community resources and hotlines:



You matter.  You are not alone.  Meaningful social connections can make a huge difference.  You deserve support.

If you know or find additional resources, please share.  If you have feedback, please share.

Email us at:


“when the world comes crashing at
your feet
it’s okay to let others
help pick up the pieces
if we’re present to take part in your
when your circumstances are great
we are more than capable
of sharing your pain”

― Rupi Kaur, The Sun and Her Flowers

00 – Hotline – 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline – 24/7 Weekdays & Weekends
Jan 19 all-day


If you need to talk, the 988 Lifeline is here.

At the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline, we understand that life’s challenges can sometimes be difficult. Whether you’re facing mental health struggles, emotional distress, alcohol or drug use concerns, or just need someone to talk to, our caring counselors are here for you. You are not alone.


What to Expect

Using the 988 Lifeline is free. When you call, text, or chat the 988 Lifeline, your conversation is confidential. The 988 Lifeline provides you judgment-free care. Connecting with someone can help save your life.

Calling the 988 Lifeline

Here is what you can expect when making a call to the 988 Lifeline.
Step 1 of 5

First, you’ll hear a message that gives you service selection options.

Listen to the pre-recorded message (mp3).
Step 2 of 5

We’ll play some hold music while you are connected to a counselor with our Spanish-language, LGBTQI+ services, or your local 988 Lifeline contact center. For veterans, the phone will ring until a counselor can answer your call.
Step 3 of 5

A counselor will say hello and introduce themselves.
Step 4 of 5

Your skilled counselor will ask you if you are safe.
Step 5 of 5

After they ask about your safety, your counselor will listen to you, understand how your problem is affecting you, provide support, and share any resources that may be helpful.


Chatting with the 988 Lifeline

Here is what you can expect when starting a chat with the 988 Lifeline.

Step 1 of 6

After clicking “Chat With Us,” a new window with a brief survey will open. This survey helps our counselors understand how to best support you and takes less than 5 minutes to complete.

Step 2 of 6

When you click “Start a Chat”, you are accepting our Terms of Service.

Step 3 of 6

You will then see a screen that indicates we are connecting you to a counselor.

Step 4 of 6

A counselor will say hello and introduce themselves.

Step 5 of 6

Your skilled counselor will ask if you are safe.

Step 6 of 6

After they ask about your safety, they will be calm and comforting, listen to you, and provide support. They may also share helpful resources.


Texting with the 988 Lifeline

Here is what you can expect when texting the 988 Lifeline.

Step 1 of 7

When you send a text to 988, you will be given options to connect with a counselor from the Veterans, Spanish-language, LGBTQI+ service, or the main 988 Lifeline.

Step 2 of 7

When you text “next” you will be accepting our Terms of Service.

Step 3 of 7

You will then need to complete a brief survey to help your counselor understand how they can best support you.

Step 4 of 7

You’ll receive a “wait” message with optional questions while we connect you to a counselor.

Step 5 of 7

Your counselor will say hello and introduce themselves.

Step 6 of 7

Your skilled counselor will ask if you are safe.

Step 7 of 7

After they ask about your safety, they will be calm and comforting, listen to you, and provide support. They may also share helpful resources.



00 – Hotline – HRSA – Health Resources and Services Administration – National Maternal Mental Health Hotline -1-833-TLC-MAMA (1-833-852-6262) – en Espanol – 24/7 @ Phone
Jan 19 all-day
00 - Hotline - HRSA - Health Resources and Services Administration - National Maternal Mental Health Hotline -1-833-TLC-MAMA (1-833-852-6262) - en Espanol - 24/7 @ Phone


National Maternal Mental Health Hotline

24/7, free, confidential hotline for pregnant and new moms in English and Spanish

1-833-TLC-MAMA (1-833-852-6262)

About the National Maternal Mental Health Hotline

The National Maternal Mental Health Hotline provides 24/7, free, confidential support before, during, and after pregnancy. The Hotline offers callers:

  • Phone or text access to professional counselors
  • Real-time support and information
  • Response within a few minutes, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • Resources
  • Referrals to local and telehealth providers and support groups
  • Culturally sensitive support
  • Counselors who speak English and Spanish
  • Interpreter services in 60 languages

Frequently Asked Questions about the National Maternal Mental Health Hotline.

Use our Partner Toolkit to promote the Hotline or order promotional materials.

Date Last Reviewed:
00 – Hotline – NHTH – National Human Trafficking Hotline – 1-888-373-7888 – Confidential – 24/7 @ phone
Jan 19 all-day
00 – Hotline – NRS – National Runaway SafeLine – CALL 1-800-RUNAWAY – 1-800-786-2929 – 24/7 @ Toll Free Number
Jan 19 all-day


By calling 1-800-RUNAWAY (1-800-786-2929), you can connect with a trusted, compassionate person who will listen and help you create a plan to address your concerns.

For 50 years, the National Runaway Safeline has been responding to youth and families in crisis, serving as the national communications system for runaway and homeless youth. We continually transform technology, training and services to meet the current needs of vulnerable youth and ultimately achieve an end to youth homelessness.




00 – Hotline – Oregon Recovery Center Hotline – Call (833) 975-0505 and Live Chat – 24/7 – Weekdays & Weekends @ phone
Jan 19 all-day
00 - Hotline - Oregon Recovery Center Hotline - Call (833) 975-0505 and Live Chat - 24/7 - Weekdays & Weekends @ phone




Oregon Recovery Center Hotline

Reach out.

We’re here for you, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The Oregon Recovery Center Hotline is a free and confidential statewide resource that can connect you to harm reduction, treatment, recovery, and supportive services.

Call Now – (833) 975 – 0505
Use this Link For Live Chat

Connecting you to the services you need.

When you call us or chat with us online, you’ll talk to one of our caring, trained Peer Support Specialists. We can help you decide what kind of services you need by asking you a few questions, and we can connect you to them through your local Behavioral Health Resource Network (BHRN). Learn more about the kind of services available to you

Received a fine for possession?

If you received a citation for possessing small amounts of drugs in Oregon (called a “Class E violation”), you can have the fine waived by calling the Oregon Recovery Center Hotline and completing a health assessment.

1. Call us at (833) 975-0505. Our trained Peer Support Specialists will provide a screening for substance use, mental health and other supportive service referrals you might need.

2. Once the screening is complete, we will refer you to appropriate services.

3. We will email you a letter that confirms you have completed the health assessment. Bring it to court to waive your fine.

Harm reduction

Harm reduction saves lives. These services keep people who use drugs, like fentanyl or alcohol, safe by offering non-judgmental care that improves their quality of life and health, prevents and manages injury and disease, and prevents fatal overdoses. Harm reduction honors the dignity and wellbeing of each person.


Treatment combines medical care, like supporting people through withdrawal symptoms or starting medication that helps with cravings, with services that help you learn coping skills. Treatment can happen in an inpatient or outpatient setting, and you and your treatment provider decide together what kind of treatment is right for you.


Being in recovery means making changes over time that can help you feel better, live life on your own terms, and work toward reaching your goals. Recovery looks different for everyone and might include medication-assisted treatment, self-help or support groups, recovery coaching, or being part of recovery communities.

Supportive services

A person’s recovery is best supported when they have everything they need to live well. In addition to substance use services, services like housing support, employment assistance, and food insecurity services are also available.

Behavioral Health Resource Networks (BHRNs)

Behavioral Health Resource Networks (BHRNs) are networks of organizations that provide trauma-informed, culturally specific services to people who need treatment and support for substance use concerns. The services they provide include screening for substance use disorder, substance use disorder treatment, harm reduction services, and peer support services. They also screen for health and social service needs, including housing support. Each county and Tribal area in Oregon has at least one BHRN.


01 – Hotline – SAGE – SAGE National LGBTQ+ Elder Hotline – 877 360 5428 – 24/7
Jan 19 all-day







Are you feeling alone, hopeless, or experiencing a crisis? The SAGE LGBTQ+ Elder Hotline is here for you. We connect LGBTQ+ older people who want to talk with friendly responders who are ready to listen.  Hotline responders:

  • Are certified in crisis response
  • Offer support without judgment
  • Are trained in LGBTQ+ culturally competency

The SAGE LGBTQ+ Elder Hotline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in English and Spanish, with translation in 180 languages.

The hotline is managed by our partner Centerstone, a nonprofit health system specializing in mental health and substance use disorder treatments for people of all ages.

05 – Warmline – NCPG – National Council on Problem Gaming – National Problem Gaming Chatline @ – 24/7 @ Online Via Chat
Jan 19 all-day
05 - Warmline - NCPG - National Council on Problem Gaming - National Problem Gaming Chatline @ - 24/7 @ Online Via Chat


National Problem Gambling Helpline


Click the link below to chat with a helpline specialist.

Free, confidential and available 24/7. Works in all 50 states.

Online. Click here to enter.

Below are state helpline text/chat numbers. Hyperlinked items with take you directly to their contact page:

Arizona: Text NEXTSTEP to 53342

California: Text SUPPORT to 53342

Connecticut: Text CTGAMB to 53342

Illinois:  Text ILGAMB to 53342

Indiana: Text INGAMBÂto 53342

Minnesota: Text HOPE to 53342

Mississippi: Text to MSGAMB 53342

North Carolina:  Text MORETHANAGAMENC 53342

If you would like to call the National Problem Gambling Helpline, dial 1-800-522-4700

If you would like to text the helpline, text 1-800-522-4700.

NCPG also supports GamTalk, a 24/7 moderated online peer support forum,


05 – Warmline – ODOJ – Oregon Department of Justice – Sanctuary Promise Hotline @ (844) 924-7829 (844-924-STAY) Toll Free / En Espanol (844) 626-7276 (844-6AMPARO) – 24/7 Weekdays and Weekends
Jan 19 all-day


Promise Response Hotline

Talk to Us

Whether it happened to you or to someone else, we can all help track sanctuary promise violations.

Everyone has the right to live safely in Oregon.  Oregon’s sanctuary laws promise safety, human rights, and dignity for all. If you or someone you know was targeted in violation of Oregon’s Sanctuary Promise laws, please call 1-844-924-STAY/1-844-6-AMPARO or report online at or On the Oregon Department of Justice’s Sanctuary Promise hotline, you can report a suspected violation, receive support, and be connected to resources. The Oregon Department of Justice may open an investigation into the violation.


Sanctuary Promise Response Hotline

1-844-924-STAY (1-844-924-7829)
Spanish Direct Line: 1-844-626-AMPARO (1-844-626-7276)

Operators are standing by
9am to 5pm Pacific time, Monday – Friday.

Interpreters in over 240 languages.

After hours? Leave a message and we’ll return your call.

We accept all Relay Calls.


Since 1987, Oregon has officially been a sanctuary state that supports immigrant and refugee communities by prioritizing human rights, dignity, and safety.

The Sanctuary Promise Act », signed into law on July 19, 2021, strengthens the existing state sanctuary laws. It restricts the collection and prohibits sharing of information related to a person’s national origin, immigration, or citizenship status. Oregon state and local public resources and personnel, including state and local government offices and law enforcement agencies, are prohibited from being used for immigration enforcement.

If you suspect a violation of Oregon’s sanctuary laws, we want to hear from you.  Suspected violations can be reported through this online portal (available in 8 languages by using the language menu in the upper right hand corner of this screen) or the Sanctuary Promise Hotline at 1-844-924-STAY (1-844-924-7829). Call us in any language.  We have a direct access Spanish language website at with a Spanish direct dial hotline at 1-844-6-AMPARO (1-844-626-7276).

To report ICE activity in the community, contact Portland Immigrant Rights Coalition, PIRC » at 1-888-622-1510.

Examples of violations to Oregon Sanctuary Promise Laws include:

  • Investigation or interrogation by police for immigration enforcement purposes;
  • Most inquiries, storing, or sharing of information about national origin, immigration, or citizenship status by police or state or local government;
  • Civil arrest without a judicial warrant/order from a court facility;
  • Arrests by federal immigration of a person on their way to or from court or while at court;
  • Police collaboration with federal authorities for immigration enforcement purposes;
  • Denial of services, benefits, or privileges to a person in jail or on probation/parole based on immigration status;
  • Police establishing coordinated traffic stops or traffic perimeters to enforce federal immigration laws; or
  • State or local government or police failing to document or report requests from a federal immigration agency relating to immigration enforcement;


Report a Sanctuary Promise Violation

Information About The Victim/Targeted Person

Note: The targeted person’s identity will not be shared publicly by ODOJ, but will be used and shared with the state/local government agency during the course of any investigation ODOJ opens. It will not be shared with federal immigration agencies or otherwise be shared to assist with immigration enforcement. If a specific person was not targeted in the violation, you can simply put “general public” as first and last names.

Use This Link to Report A Violation of the Sanctuary Promise Violation


05 – Warmline – SP – Shatterproof – Crisis Text Line – anxiety, depression, substance use disorder – (SHATTERPROOF to 741741) – 24/7 @ Text Line
Jan 19 all-day
05 - Warmline - SP - Shatterproof - Crisis Text Line -  anxiety, depression, substance use disorder - (SHATTERPROOF to 741741) - 24/7 @ Text Line






Crisis Text Line


Who can I call if I am going through a crisis?

f you are experiencing anxiety, depression, or a substance use disorder, text- SHATTERPROOF to 741741 for help.

You are not alone. Reach out to the following support hotlines for immediate help. If you have an emergency, please dial 911.


AA OR A58 – Alcoholics Anonymous Oregon Area 58 – Find A Meeting In Oregon – English, Spanish, Hearing Impaired – Weekdays & Weekends
Jan 19 all-day



Find an AA Meeting In Oregon

Meetings in Spanish – Hearing Impaired Meetings – Online & In-Person – Hot Lines – Phone Apps

Looking for a local AA meeting?

Meeting lists are provided by local Districts, Intergroups and Central Offices.

You can use the district map page to find the District you’re interested in and then visit the meeting list and/or website for that district.  If a District has no website, the nearest Intergroup or Central Office may be listed.

Hotline phone numbers listed below may also help.

If interested, you can download the meeting guide app from following the links below.


District Websites With Meeting Lists


Click the link above for the List of Oregon AA Districts with AA Meetings and Hotlines plus Phone Apps.

AA Portland Districts map page.

For a detailed view of Districts in the Portland area, visit the map page.


NOTE: Districts, Intergroups and Central Offices are independent service entities; Oregon Area 58 is not responsible for the content of their web sites.

Higher resolution maps of the District boundaries in Portland and in Oregon are also available for download.

District Websites



Tel: (971) 601-9220  Astoria / Seaside

Tel: (503) 739-4856  Tillamook

Link: Website & meeting list




District 2

Depoe Bay, Lincoln City, Newport, Siletz, South Beach, Toledo and Waldport

24-Hour Hotline

Tel: (541) 265-1953


Para Preguntas Llamar:

Tel: (541) 574-7842


Link: Website & meeting list




District 3

Arlington, Boardman, Condon, Fossil, Hepper, Hermiston, Ione, Mission, Pendleton and Pilot Rock



Tel: (800) 410-5953

Link: Website & meeting list




Districts 4 & 28

Salem, Dallas



Tel: (503) 399-0599

Link: Website & meeting list




District 5

Bend, Burns, Chemult, Culver, John Day, La Pine, Madras, Metolius, Mt. Vernon, Prineville, Redmond, Sisters, Sunriver, Terrabonne, Tumalo, and Warm Springs


24-Hour Hotline:

Tel: (541) 548-0440

Link: Website & meetings list




District 6

Emerald Valley Intergroup:

Eugene, Alvadore, Cottage Grove, Creswell, Junction City, Lowell, Springfield, Veneta


24-Hour Hotline:

Tel: (541) 342-4113

Link: Website & meetings list




District 7

Josephine County Intergroup & Central Office


24-Hour Hotline:

Tel: (541) 474-0782

Link: Website & meeting list


District 8

Coos Bay, Florence, Gardiner, Lakeside, Mapleton, North Bend, Reedsport


24-Hour Hotline:

Tel: (541) 269-3265

Link: Website & meeting list


District 9

Northwest/Downtown Portland


24-Hour Hotline:

Tel: (503) 223-8569

Link: Website & meeting list 


District 10

Beaverton, Portland, Tigard


24-Hour Hotline:

Tel: (503) 223-8569

Link: Website & meeting list


District 11

Gresham & East County


24-Hour Hotline:

Tel: (503) 223-8569

Link: Website & meeting list


District 12

Eastside Portland


24-Hour Hotline:

Tel: (503) 223-8569

Link: Meeting schedule (on Portland Intergroup web site)


District 13

Roseburg, Canyonville, Drain, Glendale, Riddle


24-Hour Hotline:

Tel: (541) 673-7552

Link: Website & meeting list


District 14

Bingen/White Salmon WA, Carson WA, Goldendale WA, Hood River, Maupin, Moro, Odell, Parkdale, Stevenson WA, The Dalles, Tygh Valley


24-Hour Hotline:

Tel: (833) 423-3683 = (833-HAD-ENUF)

Link: Website & meeting list


District 15

Clackamas, Milwaukie, West Linn


24-Hour Hotline:

Tel: (503) 223-8569

Link: Website & meeting list


District 16

Applegate, Ashland, Butte Falls, Central Point,
Eagle Point, Gold Hill, Jacksonville, Medford,
Phoenix, Prospect, Rogue River, Ruch, Talent,
& White City


24-Hour Hotline:

Tel: (541) 773-4848

Link: Website & meeting list


District 17

Klamath & Lake Counties


24-Hour Hotline:

Tel: (541) 883-4970

Link: Website & meeting list


District 18

Clatskanie, Ranier, St. Helens, Scappoose, Vernonia


24-hour Hotline:

Tel: (503) 366-0667  Columbia County

Link: Website & meeting list


District 19

Southwest of Eugene


24 Hour Hotline:

Tel: (541) 342-4113

Link: Website (Emerald Valley Intergroup) & meeting list


District 20



24 Hour Hotline:

Tel: (541) 342-4113

Link: Web site (Emerald Valley Intergroup) & meeting list


District 21

Albany, Corvallis, Lebanon, Willamette Valley


24-Hour Hotline:

Tel: (541) 967-4252

Link: Web site & meeting list


District 22

McMinnville, Newberg

24-Hour Hotlines:
Tel: (503) 472-1172 (McMinnville)
Tel: (888) 472-1172 (Newberg)

Link: Website & meeting list


District 23



24-Hour Hotline:

Tel: (503) 684-0415

Link: Website (Westside Central Office) & meeting list


District 24

Eastside Portland


24-Hour Hotline:

Tel: (503) 223-8569

Link: Website & meeting list (on Portland Intergroup web site)


District 25

Estacada, Gresham


24-Hour Hotline:

Tel: (503) 223-8569

Link: Website & meeting list (on Portland Intergroup web site)


District 26

North Portland


24-Hour Hotline:

Tel: (503) 223-8569

Link: Website & meeting list (on Portland Intergroup web site)


District 27

Southeast Portland


24-Hour Hotline:

Tel: (503) 223-8569

Link: Website & meeting list (on Portland Intergroup web site)


Districts 28 (and 4)

Salem, Dallas



Tel: (503) 399-0599

Link: Website & meeting list


District 29

Baker, Union & Wallowa Counties


24-Hour Hotline:

Tel: (541) 624-5117

Link: Website & meeting list


District 30

Oregon South Coast – Bandon, Brookings, Coquille, Gold Beach, Langlois, Myrtle Point, Port Oxford


24-Hour Hotlines:

Tel: (541) 347-1720  Bandon

Tel: (541) 469-2440  Brookings

Link: Website & meeting list


District 31



24-Hour Hotline:

Tel: 503-684-0415

Link: Website (Westside Central Office) & meeting list


District 32

Canyon City, John Day, Mount Vernon


24-Hour Hotline:

Tel: (541) 548-0440

Link: Website & meeting list (Central Oregon Intergroup)


Districts 34 & 35

Spanish Language districts for the entire state.


Para ayuda llame las 24 Horas al

Tel: (971) 327-5523

Link: Meeting list (en Español)


District 36

Southwest Portland and parts of Lake Oswego


Link: Website and meeting list


District 37

Wilsonville, Sherwood, and West Linn


Link: Website (Westside Central Office) & meeting list


Download District maps of Portland and Oregon in higher resolution formats:


Portland Districts Map 11×17

1 file(s) 670.00 KB


Portland Districts Map 36×42

1 file(s) 1.06 MB


Oregon Districts Map 11×17

1 file(s) 755.71 KB




Meetings en Español


Directorio de Grupos Hispaños:


Directory of Spanish-speaking Groups

1 file(s) 105.75 KB




Distrito 28, 34 & 35

Oficina Intergrupal Hispaña De Salem Oregon
2495 Lancaster Dr. NE | Salem, OR 97303
(503) 899-2652


Distrito 28



Para ayuda llame las 24 Horas al

Tel: (971) 327-5523

Link: Meeting schedule


Distrito 34

Para ayuda llame las 24 Horas al

Tel: (971) 327-5523

Link: Meeting list (en Español)


Distrito 35

Para ayuda llame las 24 Horas al

Tel: (971) 327-5523

Link: Website

Link: Meeting list (en Español)




Meetings for the Hearing Impaired


AA Meeting Schedule for the Hearing Impaired

Hotline Phone Numbers by City

Albany/Corvallis:                 541-967-4252
Astoria-Gearhart:                 971-601-9220
Baker City:                         541-624-5117
Bandon, Coquille:                541-347-1720
Boardman                          800-410-5953
Clatskanie, Rainier,              503-366-0667
  Scappoose, St Helens,


Coos Bay, North Bend,          (541) 469-2440
  Lakeside, Reedsport,

  Florence, Gardiner,


Bend:                                541-548-0440
Brookings:                          541-469-2440
Burns:                               541-548-0440
Cannon Beach:                    503-861-5526
Condon                              800-410-5953
The Dalles/Hood River:         800-999-9210
Echo                                  800-410-5953
Enterprise                          541-624-5117
Eugene:                             541-342-4113
Grants Pass:                       541-474-0782
Heppner                             800-410-5953
Hermiston:                         800-410-5953
Klamath:                            541-883-4970
La Grande:                         541-624-5117
Lincoln City:                       541-265-1953
Medford (District):               541-773-4848
McMinnville:                        503-472-1172
Newberg:                           888-472-1172
Newport:                            541-265-1953
Ontario (includes Boise):       208-344-6611
Pendleton:                          800-410-5953
Pilot Rock                           800-410-5953
Portland:                            503-223-8569
Westside Central Office:        503-684-0415
Roseburg:                          541-673-7552
Salem:                               503-399-0599
Seaside:                             971-601-9220
Siletz:                                541-265-1953
Umatilla                             800-410-5953
Yachats, Waldport, Toledo:    541-265-1953



AA Meeting Finder Applications

Meeting Guide App For Android

Meeting Guide App For iPhone






Bundled event – FAH – Find A Helpline – Free, confidential support from a helpline or hotline near you – Online chat, text or phone – 24/7
Jan 19 all-day





Free, confidential support from a helpline or hotline near you.

Online chat, text, or phone.


Click Here for United States Hotlines


Hotlines for suicide,

Domestic violence,



and other topics

LGBTNHC – LGBT National Help Center – LGBT Near Me – Online LGBT Support Directory – 24/7
Jan 19 all-day
LGBTNHC - LGBT National Help Center - LGBT Near Me - Online LGBT Support Directory - 24/7




LGBT Near Me

Find local resources near you


Our community is always growing and changing. As a program of the LGBT National Help Center.

We offer access to over 19,000 LGBTQ+ community resources through-out the United States and Canada. From community center, doctors & lawyers, social groups, sports teams, youth support and so much more. Take a spin, find out what’s in your neighborhood!

Go To This Link To Search Connections by your Zip code.

Along with maintaining the largest LGBTQ+ resource database in the world,

we provide peer support through the following services:

lgbt national hotline:

lgbt national coming out support hotline:

lgbt national youth talkline
(for those 25 & younger):

lgbt national senior hotline
(for those 50 & above):

one-to-one online peer support chat:

05 – Warmline – TL – Trans Lifeline Saving Lives – (877) 565-8860 – Mondays – Fridays @ phone
Jan 19 @ 10:00 am – 6:00 pm

Sponsor Logo




Trans Lifeline

Peer Support and Crisis Hotline by and for Trans & Questioning

Open Monday – Friday 10AM – 6PM PT

Toll-Free USA: 877-565-8860

Toll-Free Canada: 877-330-6366

Trans Lifeline is a peer support service run by trans people, for trans and questioning callers. Our operators are located all over the U.S. and Canada and are all trans-identified. If you are in crisis or just need someone to talk to, even if it’s just about whether you’re trans, please call us. We will do our best to support you and provide you resources.

Our Hotline launched shortly after Trans Day of Remembrance of 2014 in response to the epidemic of suicide in our community. We believe that some of the best support that a trans person in a crisis can have is a fellow member of our community with shared lived experience.

While it started as a service for people in crisis, that is no longer the case. Trans Lifeline still functions as a crisis and suicide prevention hotline. However, it also serves as a space for trans people who just require someone to talk to.

Trans Lifeline provides live, one-on-one phone support, as well as large numbers of online resources for transgender and gender-questioning individuals. The hotline is open 24 hours a day. It is only guaranteed to be staffed from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. EST, but operators are often also available at other times.

In addition to information resources, Trans Lifeline offers microgrants to individuals who need financial support when updating their name and gender on their legal documents. They accept a limited number of applications each month. However, they will pay the entire fee for most document changes other than birth certificates.

La línea directa de Trans Lifeline es un servicio de apoyo entre compañeros dirigido por personas trans, para personas trans. Nuestros operadores están ubicados en todo EE. UU. Y Canadá, y todos son trans identificados. Si está en crisis o simplemente necesita alguien con quien hablar, incluso si se trata solo de si es o no es trans, llámenos. Haremos todo lo posible para apoyarlo y brindarle recursos.

Nuestra línea directa se lanzó poco después del Día de la Remembranza Trans en 2014 en respuesta a la epidemia de suicidio en nuestra comunidad. Creemos que algunos de los mejores apoyos que una persona trans en crisis puede tener es la oportunidad de hablar con un miembro de nuestra comunidad con experiencia de vida compartida.

Trans Lifeline is training Spanish-speaking volunteers who identify as transgender and want to support the Translatinx community by being a volunteer operator for our dedicated Spanish hotline. This line will launch this summer.


Facebook social media page:

Twitter posts page:

Instagram posts page:


Crisis Callers’ Bill of Rights

Safe Hotlines Logo Icon Safety

Callers have the right to…

  1. Trust that the help we seek will be supportive, not harmful
  2. Receive crisis support free of judgment, irrespective of substance use, participation in sex trade, mental health condition, disability, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, age, citizenship, housing status, religion, nationality, or caste
  3. Reach out for support in a crisis without being criminalized, detained, or deported
  4. Have all trauma responses, including suicidality, understood as normal responses to current or past traumatic experiences, and be able to speak about suicidality without fear of more trauma
  5. Get crisis support without police violence, harassment, or threats
  6. Share our identities and experiences without being outed to unsupportive caregivers, workplaces, or abusers
  7. Be made aware of short- and long-term options for support that we can accept or refuse

Safe Hotlines Logo Icon Transparency

Callers have the right to…

  1. Know what services we’re receiving when we call
  2. Clear and upfront information about which situations hotlines use police and emergency services – to be included on websites, apps, chatbots, and greeting/hold recordings, including geotracking
  3. Understand if and when our calls are being recorded, how they’ll be used, and who they’ll be shared with
  4. Be informed by operators at the beginning of calls about which situations or circumstances hotline policies dictate the use of law enforcement or emergency responders
  5. Be informed if police or emergency services are being dispatched to our location

Safe Hotlines Logo Icon Agency

Callers have the right to…

  1. Determine which supports and care we utilize and which we refuse, as the experts in our own lives.
  2. Access support and services without police or other emergency responders entering our homes, work, school, or any other location without our knowledge and consent. We did not call 911.
  3. Make decisions about what’s best for our financial and mental wellbeing, including not being charged ambulance or hospital bills for services we did not seek or consent to, or losing work, housing, etc.
  4. Protect ourselves from further trauma, harm, and instability.


0 – Helpline – SAMHSA Disaster Distress Helpline @ (800) 985-5990 (Multilingual) or (800) 846-8517 (TTY) – 24/7-Weekdays & Weekends
Jan 20 all-day

Excerpt(s) from link:

Disaster Distress Helpline

SAMHSA’s Disaster Distress Helpline provides 24/7, 365-day-a-year crisis counseling and support to people experiencing emotional distress related to natural or human-caused disasters.

The Disaster Distress Helpline, 1-800-985-5990, is a 24/7, 365-day-a-year, national hotline dedicated to providing immediate crisis counseling for people who are experiencing emotional distress related to any natural or human-caused disaster. This toll-free, multilingual, and confidential crisis support service is available to all residents in the United States and its territories. Stress, anxiety, and other depression-like symptoms are common reactions after a disaster. Call 1-800-985-5990 or text TalkWithUs to 66746 to connect with a trained crisis counselor.

Who Should Contact the Disaster Distress Helpline?

This crisis support service is for anyone experiencing emotional distress related to disasters such as:

The Disaster Distress Helpline also answers calls and texts related to infectious disease outbreaks, such as the Ebola outbreak, incidents of community unrest, and other traumatic events.

The impact of crises may affect people in different ways. Learn how to recognize the warning signs and risk factors for emotional distress related to natural and human-caused disasters.

The Disaster Distress Helpline is open to everyone. This includes survivors of disasters; loved ones of victims; first responders; rescue, recovery, and relief workers; clergy; and parents and caregivers. You may call for yourself or on behalf of someone else.

Call or Text

From the United States and its territories, call 1-800-985-5990 to connect with a trained crisis counselor, 24/7. Spanish-speakers can call the hotline and press “2” for 24/7 bilingual support.

Callers to the hotline can also connect with counselors in over 100 other languages via 3rd-party interpretation services; to connect with a counselor in your primary language, simply indicate your preferred language to the responding counselor and she/he will connect to a live interpreter (interpretation in less commonly-spoken languages may require calling back at an appointed time). Learn more and download information about the Disaster Distress Helpline in 30 of the most commonly-spoken languages in the U.S.

To connect with a live DDH crisis counselor 24/7 via SMS, from the 50 states text “TalkWithUs” for English or “Hablanos” for Spanish to 66746. Spanish-speakers from Puerto Rico can text “Hablanos” to 1-787-339-2663.

Texting is subscription-based and only involves a few steps:

  1. Enroll in the service by texting TalkWithUs or Hablanos exactly as written. It’s important to do this before sending your first text message because otherwise the enrollment may fail, and you will not be able to speak with a counselor, or you may accidentally subscribe to another service.
  2. Look for confirmation that your subscription was successful. You will receive a Success! message if it was.
  3. To unsubscribe, text Stop or Unsubscribe to 66746 (or 1-787-339-2663 from Puerto Rico) at any time. For help, text Help to 66746 (or 1-787-339-2663 from Puerto Rico).

Standard text and data message rates will apply when texting from mobile phones. International text and data rates may apply from within U.S. territories and free association nations. SAMHSA will not sell your phone numbers to other parties.

The Disaster Distress Helpline’s TTY number 1-800-846-8517 is available 24/7 to Deaf and hard of hearing individuals, who can also utilize the texting options or their preferred Relay service (including 7-1-1) to connect with the main DDH hotline 1-800-985-5990, 24/7.

DDH Online Peer Support Communities

In an effort to broaden our reach to disaster survivors and emergency responders, the Disaster Distress Helpline has developed online peer support communities through Facebook Groups for those who have experienced a natural or human-caused disaster. These online communities offer opportunities for survivors and responders to connect with others who have experienced similar events, share accurate information and trusted resources, and help one another continue to heal from the effects of a traumatic event.

What Does it Offer?

The purpose of DDH Online Peer Support Communities is to create enhanced opportunities for survivors and responders of disaster to come together for mutual aid and emotional support.

DDH Online Peer Support Communities Also Include:

Trained Peer Supporters

DDH Online Peer Support includes trained peer supporters who assist with group moderation and vetting resources. In addition to community forums, our goal is also to create purposeful discussions lead by peer supporters with specific themes and relevant topics. While each survivor and responder’s experiences are unique, being with peers who have had a similar experience can promote connection, offer new ways of coping, and build a foundation of trust.

Peer support does not take the place of therapy or counseling. The opportunity to provide mutual aid and support to others who have faced similar challenges, when and where they need it, offers hope that healing and recovery is possible after a disaster.

Immediate Crisis Support

All DDH Online Peer Support Communities are monitored 24/7 by a designated DDH crisis center where crisis counselors are available to talk to members who may be in emotional distress and need crisis support. Members can talk to a counselor at any time of the day or night via Crisis Support Over Messenger (CSOM).

Available Communities

Survivors and Responders of the COVID-19 Pandemic 

DDH Online Peer Support Communities offer peer support for anyone who identifies as a survivor or responder of the COVID-19 pandemic. Both survivors and responders can come together for mutual aid, to share trusted resources, and to help one another continue to heal from the effects of a national pandemic. Survivors and responders may include but are not limited to, any healthcare workers, emergency responders, parents/caregivers, educators, individuals who have lost loved ones, people who are dealing with “Long-haul COVID”, those impacted by job loss or economic hardship during the pandemic, and anyone else who has been significantly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. DDH-trained Peer Supporters are also available to listen and offer validation and encouragement. Additionally, they provide structured moderation within the community to engage members in meaningful discussions on relevant topics and offer timely and trusted resources. To join our Facebook group dedicated to Survivors and Responders of the COVID-19 Pandemic, click here.

Survivors of Mass Violence

DDH Online Peer Support Communities offer peer support for survivors of mass violence in the United States including mass shootings, terrorist attacks, or other large-scale community violence. Survivors and loved ones who have experienced mass violence can connect with one another and provide emotional support in the aftermath of a mass violence incident, including how to cope with activating events and memorials, self-care strategies, and challenges with daily living. DDH-trained Peer Supporters are available to listen to members, and offer validation and encouragement. They also provide structured moderation to engage members in meaningful discussions on relevant topics and provide timely and trusted resources. If you are a survivor or the loved one of a survivor of mass violence and need support, please join our Facebook group by requesting to be a member here.

Other Inquiries

If you’re not in immediate need of crisis counseling support and would like to contact us for other reasons, send an email. Contact us for:

  • Technical problems. If you encountered a technical problem while trying to contact the Disaster Distress Helpline, please include your name and preferred contact information in your email if you wish to receive a reply.
  • Provider inquiries. Providers with specific inquiries about technical assistance and support, requests for materials, and exploring collaborations are encouraged to send an email.
  • Feedback. To provide feedback about your experience reaching out to the Disaster Distress Helpline, send an email describing your experience and SAMHSA will look into the matter. Please include your name and preferred contact information if you wish to receive a reply.
  • Social media inquiries. Email us with questions about the Disaster Distress Helpline’s use of social media.
  • All media inquiries. Members of the media with questions about the Disaster Distress Helpline are encouraged to call the SAMHSA Media Services Team at 1-240-276-2130.

Our staff appreciate hearing from people about their experiences. SAMHSA takes feedback about our services, whether it is positive or negative, very seriously.

SAMHSA also encourages public promotion of the Disaster Distress Helpline. Anyone can use the Disaster Distress Helpline logo and telephone number on their website and link to the Disaster Distress Helpline’s materials and social media properties.

Call 211 for information about disaster-related evacuations, shelters, food and clothing distribution, volunteer opportunities, and other resources and referrals. Or visit the national 211 Call Center Search website to find the 211 information and referral center nearest you.

Last Updated: 11/11/2019

Deaf/Hard of Hearing & Spanish

Deaf/Hard of Hearing

Spanish Speakers

Twitter Tweets:


Follow the Disaster Distress Helpline on Facebook.

0 – Hotline – DH – DeafHelp VideoPhone App + ASL (American Sign Language) Deaf + HoH Accessible @ (321) 800-3323 (DEAF) – 24/7 – Weekdays and Weekends
Jan 20 all-day
0 - Hotline - DH - DeafHelp VideoPhone App + ASL (American Sign Language) Deaf + HoH Accessible @ (321) 800-3323 (DEAF) - 24/7 - Weekdays and Weekends

Deaf & HoH Accessible Crisis Line

Video Phone with ASL

Available 24/7/365

Call VP (321) 800-3323

Crisis Resources and Deaf-Accessible Hotlines

The National Center for College Students with Disabilities (NCCSD) offers several resources and strategies to locate deaf-accessible crisis services, community resources and hotlines:



You matter.  You are not alone.  Meaningful social connections can make a huge difference.  You deserve support.

If you know or find additional resources, please share.  If you have feedback, please share.

Email us at:


“when the world comes crashing at
your feet
it’s okay to let others
help pick up the pieces
if we’re present to take part in your
when your circumstances are great
we are more than capable
of sharing your pain”

― Rupi Kaur, The Sun and Her Flowers

00 – Hotline – 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline – 24/7 Weekdays & Weekends
Jan 20 all-day


If you need to talk, the 988 Lifeline is here.

At the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline, we understand that life’s challenges can sometimes be difficult. Whether you’re facing mental health struggles, emotional distress, alcohol or drug use concerns, or just need someone to talk to, our caring counselors are here for you. You are not alone.


What to Expect

Using the 988 Lifeline is free. When you call, text, or chat the 988 Lifeline, your conversation is confidential. The 988 Lifeline provides you judgment-free care. Connecting with someone can help save your life.

Calling the 988 Lifeline

Here is what you can expect when making a call to the 988 Lifeline.
Step 1 of 5

First, you’ll hear a message that gives you service selection options.

Listen to the pre-recorded message (mp3).
Step 2 of 5

We’ll play some hold music while you are connected to a counselor with our Spanish-language, LGBTQI+ services, or your local 988 Lifeline contact center. For veterans, the phone will ring until a counselor can answer your call.
Step 3 of 5

A counselor will say hello and introduce themselves.
Step 4 of 5

Your skilled counselor will ask you if you are safe.
Step 5 of 5

After they ask about your safety, your counselor will listen to you, understand how your problem is affecting you, provide support, and share any resources that may be helpful.


Chatting with the 988 Lifeline

Here is what you can expect when starting a chat with the 988 Lifeline.

Step 1 of 6

After clicking “Chat With Us,” a new window with a brief survey will open. This survey helps our counselors understand how to best support you and takes less than 5 minutes to complete.

Step 2 of 6

When you click “Start a Chat”, you are accepting our Terms of Service.

Step 3 of 6

You will then see a screen that indicates we are connecting you to a counselor.

Step 4 of 6

A counselor will say hello and introduce themselves.

Step 5 of 6

Your skilled counselor will ask if you are safe.

Step 6 of 6

After they ask about your safety, they will be calm and comforting, listen to you, and provide support. They may also share helpful resources.


Texting with the 988 Lifeline

Here is what you can expect when texting the 988 Lifeline.

Step 1 of 7

When you send a text to 988, you will be given options to connect with a counselor from the Veterans, Spanish-language, LGBTQI+ service, or the main 988 Lifeline.

Step 2 of 7

When you text “next” you will be accepting our Terms of Service.

Step 3 of 7

You will then need to complete a brief survey to help your counselor understand how they can best support you.

Step 4 of 7

You’ll receive a “wait” message with optional questions while we connect you to a counselor.

Step 5 of 7

Your counselor will say hello and introduce themselves.

Step 6 of 7

Your skilled counselor will ask if you are safe.

Step 7 of 7

After they ask about your safety, they will be calm and comforting, listen to you, and provide support. They may also share helpful resources.



00 – Hotline – HRSA – Health Resources and Services Administration – National Maternal Mental Health Hotline -1-833-TLC-MAMA (1-833-852-6262) – en Espanol – 24/7 @ Phone
Jan 20 all-day
00 - Hotline - HRSA - Health Resources and Services Administration - National Maternal Mental Health Hotline -1-833-TLC-MAMA (1-833-852-6262) - en Espanol - 24/7 @ Phone


National Maternal Mental Health Hotline

24/7, free, confidential hotline for pregnant and new moms in English and Spanish

1-833-TLC-MAMA (1-833-852-6262)

About the National Maternal Mental Health Hotline

The National Maternal Mental Health Hotline provides 24/7, free, confidential support before, during, and after pregnancy. The Hotline offers callers:

  • Phone or text access to professional counselors
  • Real-time support and information
  • Response within a few minutes, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • Resources
  • Referrals to local and telehealth providers and support groups
  • Culturally sensitive support
  • Counselors who speak English and Spanish
  • Interpreter services in 60 languages

Frequently Asked Questions about the National Maternal Mental Health Hotline.

Use our Partner Toolkit to promote the Hotline or order promotional materials.

Date Last Reviewed:
00 – Hotline – NHTH – National Human Trafficking Hotline – 1-888-373-7888 – Confidential – 24/7 @ phone
Jan 20 all-day
00 – Hotline – NRS – National Runaway SafeLine – CALL 1-800-RUNAWAY – 1-800-786-2929 – 24/7 @ Toll Free Number
Jan 20 all-day


By calling 1-800-RUNAWAY (1-800-786-2929), you can connect with a trusted, compassionate person who will listen and help you create a plan to address your concerns.

For 50 years, the National Runaway Safeline has been responding to youth and families in crisis, serving as the national communications system for runaway and homeless youth. We continually transform technology, training and services to meet the current needs of vulnerable youth and ultimately achieve an end to youth homelessness.




00 – Hotline – Oregon Recovery Center Hotline – Call (833) 975-0505 and Live Chat – 24/7 – Weekdays & Weekends @ phone
Jan 20 all-day
00 - Hotline - Oregon Recovery Center Hotline - Call (833) 975-0505 and Live Chat - 24/7 - Weekdays & Weekends @ phone




Oregon Recovery Center Hotline

Reach out.

We’re here for you, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The Oregon Recovery Center Hotline is a free and confidential statewide resource that can connect you to harm reduction, treatment, recovery, and supportive services.

Call Now – (833) 975 – 0505
Use this Link For Live Chat

Connecting you to the services you need.

When you call us or chat with us online, you’ll talk to one of our caring, trained Peer Support Specialists. We can help you decide what kind of services you need by asking you a few questions, and we can connect you to them through your local Behavioral Health Resource Network (BHRN). Learn more about the kind of services available to you

Received a fine for possession?

If you received a citation for possessing small amounts of drugs in Oregon (called a “Class E violation”), you can have the fine waived by calling the Oregon Recovery Center Hotline and completing a health assessment.

1. Call us at (833) 975-0505. Our trained Peer Support Specialists will provide a screening for substance use, mental health and other supportive service referrals you might need.

2. Once the screening is complete, we will refer you to appropriate services.

3. We will email you a letter that confirms you have completed the health assessment. Bring it to court to waive your fine.

Harm reduction

Harm reduction saves lives. These services keep people who use drugs, like fentanyl or alcohol, safe by offering non-judgmental care that improves their quality of life and health, prevents and manages injury and disease, and prevents fatal overdoses. Harm reduction honors the dignity and wellbeing of each person.


Treatment combines medical care, like supporting people through withdrawal symptoms or starting medication that helps with cravings, with services that help you learn coping skills. Treatment can happen in an inpatient or outpatient setting, and you and your treatment provider decide together what kind of treatment is right for you.


Being in recovery means making changes over time that can help you feel better, live life on your own terms, and work toward reaching your goals. Recovery looks different for everyone and might include medication-assisted treatment, self-help or support groups, recovery coaching, or being part of recovery communities.

Supportive services

A person’s recovery is best supported when they have everything they need to live well. In addition to substance use services, services like housing support, employment assistance, and food insecurity services are also available.

Behavioral Health Resource Networks (BHRNs)

Behavioral Health Resource Networks (BHRNs) are networks of organizations that provide trauma-informed, culturally specific services to people who need treatment and support for substance use concerns. The services they provide include screening for substance use disorder, substance use disorder treatment, harm reduction services, and peer support services. They also screen for health and social service needs, including housing support. Each county and Tribal area in Oregon has at least one BHRN.


01 – Hotline – SAGE – SAGE National LGBTQ+ Elder Hotline – 877 360 5428 – 24/7
Jan 20 all-day







Are you feeling alone, hopeless, or experiencing a crisis? The SAGE LGBTQ+ Elder Hotline is here for you. We connect LGBTQ+ older people who want to talk with friendly responders who are ready to listen.  Hotline responders:

  • Are certified in crisis response
  • Offer support without judgment
  • Are trained in LGBTQ+ culturally competency

The SAGE LGBTQ+ Elder Hotline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in English and Spanish, with translation in 180 languages.

The hotline is managed by our partner Centerstone, a nonprofit health system specializing in mental health and substance use disorder treatments for people of all ages.

05 – Warmline – NCPG – National Council on Problem Gaming – National Problem Gaming Chatline @ – 24/7 @ Online Via Chat
Jan 20 all-day
05 - Warmline - NCPG - National Council on Problem Gaming - National Problem Gaming Chatline @ - 24/7 @ Online Via Chat


National Problem Gambling Helpline


Click the link below to chat with a helpline specialist.

Free, confidential and available 24/7. Works in all 50 states.

Online. Click here to enter.

Below are state helpline text/chat numbers. Hyperlinked items with take you directly to their contact page:

Arizona: Text NEXTSTEP to 53342

California: Text SUPPORT to 53342

Connecticut: Text CTGAMB to 53342

Illinois:  Text ILGAMB to 53342

Indiana: Text INGAMBÂto 53342

Minnesota: Text HOPE to 53342

Mississippi: Text to MSGAMB 53342

North Carolina:  Text MORETHANAGAMENC 53342

If you would like to call the National Problem Gambling Helpline, dial 1-800-522-4700

If you would like to text the helpline, text 1-800-522-4700.

NCPG also supports GamTalk, a 24/7 moderated online peer support forum,


05 – Warmline – ODOJ – Oregon Department of Justice – Sanctuary Promise Hotline @ (844) 924-7829 (844-924-STAY) Toll Free / En Espanol (844) 626-7276 (844-6AMPARO) – 24/7 Weekdays and Weekends
Jan 20 all-day


Promise Response Hotline

Talk to Us

Whether it happened to you or to someone else, we can all help track sanctuary promise violations.

Everyone has the right to live safely in Oregon.  Oregon’s sanctuary laws promise safety, human rights, and dignity for all. If you or someone you know was targeted in violation of Oregon’s Sanctuary Promise laws, please call 1-844-924-STAY/1-844-6-AMPARO or report online at or On the Oregon Department of Justice’s Sanctuary Promise hotline, you can report a suspected violation, receive support, and be connected to resources. The Oregon Department of Justice may open an investigation into the violation.


Sanctuary Promise Response Hotline

1-844-924-STAY (1-844-924-7829)
Spanish Direct Line: 1-844-626-AMPARO (1-844-626-7276)

Operators are standing by
9am to 5pm Pacific time, Monday – Friday.

Interpreters in over 240 languages.

After hours? Leave a message and we’ll return your call.

We accept all Relay Calls.


Since 1987, Oregon has officially been a sanctuary state that supports immigrant and refugee communities by prioritizing human rights, dignity, and safety.

The Sanctuary Promise Act », signed into law on July 19, 2021, strengthens the existing state sanctuary laws. It restricts the collection and prohibits sharing of information related to a person’s national origin, immigration, or citizenship status. Oregon state and local public resources and personnel, including state and local government offices and law enforcement agencies, are prohibited from being used for immigration enforcement.

If you suspect a violation of Oregon’s sanctuary laws, we want to hear from you.  Suspected violations can be reported through this online portal (available in 8 languages by using the language menu in the upper right hand corner of this screen) or the Sanctuary Promise Hotline at 1-844-924-STAY (1-844-924-7829). Call us in any language.  We have a direct access Spanish language website at with a Spanish direct dial hotline at 1-844-6-AMPARO (1-844-626-7276).

To report ICE activity in the community, contact Portland Immigrant Rights Coalition, PIRC » at 1-888-622-1510.

Examples of violations to Oregon Sanctuary Promise Laws include:

  • Investigation or interrogation by police for immigration enforcement purposes;
  • Most inquiries, storing, or sharing of information about national origin, immigration, or citizenship status by police or state or local government;
  • Civil arrest without a judicial warrant/order from a court facility;
  • Arrests by federal immigration of a person on their way to or from court or while at court;
  • Police collaboration with federal authorities for immigration enforcement purposes;
  • Denial of services, benefits, or privileges to a person in jail or on probation/parole based on immigration status;
  • Police establishing coordinated traffic stops or traffic perimeters to enforce federal immigration laws; or
  • State or local government or police failing to document or report requests from a federal immigration agency relating to immigration enforcement;


Report a Sanctuary Promise Violation

Information About The Victim/Targeted Person

Note: The targeted person’s identity will not be shared publicly by ODOJ, but will be used and shared with the state/local government agency during the course of any investigation ODOJ opens. It will not be shared with federal immigration agencies or otherwise be shared to assist with immigration enforcement. If a specific person was not targeted in the violation, you can simply put “general public” as first and last names.

Use This Link to Report A Violation of the Sanctuary Promise Violation


05 – Warmline – SP – Shatterproof – Crisis Text Line – anxiety, depression, substance use disorder – (SHATTERPROOF to 741741) – 24/7 @ Text Line
Jan 20 all-day
05 - Warmline - SP - Shatterproof - Crisis Text Line -  anxiety, depression, substance use disorder - (SHATTERPROOF to 741741) - 24/7 @ Text Line






Crisis Text Line


Who can I call if I am going through a crisis?

f you are experiencing anxiety, depression, or a substance use disorder, text- SHATTERPROOF to 741741 for help.

You are not alone. Reach out to the following support hotlines for immediate help. If you have an emergency, please dial 911.


AA OR A58 – Alcoholics Anonymous Oregon Area 58 – Find A Meeting In Oregon – English, Spanish, Hearing Impaired – Weekdays & Weekends
Jan 20 all-day



Find an AA Meeting In Oregon

Meetings in Spanish – Hearing Impaired Meetings – Online & In-Person – Hot Lines – Phone Apps

Looking for a local AA meeting?

Meeting lists are provided by local Districts, Intergroups and Central Offices.

You can use the district map page to find the District you’re interested in and then visit the meeting list and/or website for that district.  If a District has no website, the nearest Intergroup or Central Office may be listed.

Hotline phone numbers listed below may also help.

If interested, you can download the meeting guide app from following the links below.


District Websites With Meeting Lists


Click the link above for the List of Oregon AA Districts with AA Meetings and Hotlines plus Phone Apps.

AA Portland Districts map page.

For a detailed view of Districts in the Portland area, visit the map page.


NOTE: Districts, Intergroups and Central Offices are independent service entities; Oregon Area 58 is not responsible for the content of their web sites.

Higher resolution maps of the District boundaries in Portland and in Oregon are also available for download.

District Websites



Tel: (971) 601-9220  Astoria / Seaside

Tel: (503) 739-4856  Tillamook

Link: Website & meeting list




District 2

Depoe Bay, Lincoln City, Newport, Siletz, South Beach, Toledo and Waldport

24-Hour Hotline

Tel: (541) 265-1953


Para Preguntas Llamar:

Tel: (541) 574-7842


Link: Website & meeting list




District 3

Arlington, Boardman, Condon, Fossil, Hepper, Hermiston, Ione, Mission, Pendleton and Pilot Rock



Tel: (800) 410-5953

Link: Website & meeting list




Districts 4 & 28

Salem, Dallas



Tel: (503) 399-0599

Link: Website & meeting list




District 5

Bend, Burns, Chemult, Culver, John Day, La Pine, Madras, Metolius, Mt. Vernon, Prineville, Redmond, Sisters, Sunriver, Terrabonne, Tumalo, and Warm Springs


24-Hour Hotline:

Tel: (541) 548-0440

Link: Website & meetings list




District 6

Emerald Valley Intergroup:

Eugene, Alvadore, Cottage Grove, Creswell, Junction City, Lowell, Springfield, Veneta


24-Hour Hotline:

Tel: (541) 342-4113

Link: Website & meetings list




District 7

Josephine County Intergroup & Central Office


24-Hour Hotline:

Tel: (541) 474-0782

Link: Website & meeting list


District 8

Coos Bay, Florence, Gardiner, Lakeside, Mapleton, North Bend, Reedsport


24-Hour Hotline:

Tel: (541) 269-3265

Link: Website & meeting list


District 9

Northwest/Downtown Portland


24-Hour Hotline:

Tel: (503) 223-8569

Link: Website & meeting list 


District 10

Beaverton, Portland, Tigard


24-Hour Hotline:

Tel: (503) 223-8569

Link: Website & meeting list


District 11

Gresham & East County


24-Hour Hotline:

Tel: (503) 223-8569

Link: Website & meeting list


District 12

Eastside Portland


24-Hour Hotline:

Tel: (503) 223-8569

Link: Meeting schedule (on Portland Intergroup web site)


District 13

Roseburg, Canyonville, Drain, Glendale, Riddle


24-Hour Hotline:

Tel: (541) 673-7552

Link: Website & meeting list


District 14

Bingen/White Salmon WA, Carson WA, Goldendale WA, Hood River, Maupin, Moro, Odell, Parkdale, Stevenson WA, The Dalles, Tygh Valley


24-Hour Hotline:

Tel: (833) 423-3683 = (833-HAD-ENUF)

Link: Website & meeting list


District 15

Clackamas, Milwaukie, West Linn


24-Hour Hotline:

Tel: (503) 223-8569

Link: Website & meeting list


District 16

Applegate, Ashland, Butte Falls, Central Point,
Eagle Point, Gold Hill, Jacksonville, Medford,
Phoenix, Prospect, Rogue River, Ruch, Talent,
& White City


24-Hour Hotline:

Tel: (541) 773-4848

Link: Website & meeting list


District 17

Klamath & Lake Counties


24-Hour Hotline:

Tel: (541) 883-4970

Link: Website & meeting list


District 18

Clatskanie, Ranier, St. Helens, Scappoose, Vernonia


24-hour Hotline:

Tel: (503) 366-0667  Columbia County

Link: Website & meeting list


District 19

Southwest of Eugene


24 Hour Hotline:

Tel: (541) 342-4113

Link: Website (Emerald Valley Intergroup) & meeting list


District 20



24 Hour Hotline:

Tel: (541) 342-4113

Link: Web site (Emerald Valley Intergroup) & meeting list


District 21

Albany, Corvallis, Lebanon, Willamette Valley


24-Hour Hotline:

Tel: (541) 967-4252

Link: Web site & meeting list


District 22

McMinnville, Newberg

24-Hour Hotlines:
Tel: (503) 472-1172 (McMinnville)
Tel: (888) 472-1172 (Newberg)

Link: Website & meeting list


District 23



24-Hour Hotline:

Tel: (503) 684-0415

Link: Website (Westside Central Office) & meeting list


District 24

Eastside Portland


24-Hour Hotline:

Tel: (503) 223-8569

Link: Website & meeting list (on Portland Intergroup web site)


District 25

Estacada, Gresham


24-Hour Hotline:

Tel: (503) 223-8569

Link: Website & meeting list (on Portland Intergroup web site)


District 26

North Portland


24-Hour Hotline:

Tel: (503) 223-8569

Link: Website & meeting list (on Portland Intergroup web site)


District 27

Southeast Portland


24-Hour Hotline:

Tel: (503) 223-8569

Link: Website & meeting list (on Portland Intergroup web site)


Districts 28 (and 4)

Salem, Dallas



Tel: (503) 399-0599

Link: Website & meeting list


District 29

Baker, Union & Wallowa Counties


24-Hour Hotline:

Tel: (541) 624-5117

Link: Website & meeting list


District 30

Oregon South Coast – Bandon, Brookings, Coquille, Gold Beach, Langlois, Myrtle Point, Port Oxford


24-Hour Hotlines:

Tel: (541) 347-1720  Bandon

Tel: (541) 469-2440  Brookings

Link: Website & meeting list


District 31



24-Hour Hotline:

Tel: 503-684-0415

Link: Website (Westside Central Office) & meeting list


District 32

Canyon City, John Day, Mount Vernon


24-Hour Hotline:

Tel: (541) 548-0440

Link: Website & meeting list (Central Oregon Intergroup)


Districts 34 & 35

Spanish Language districts for the entire state.


Para ayuda llame las 24 Horas al

Tel: (971) 327-5523

Link: Meeting list (en Español)


District 36

Southwest Portland and parts of Lake Oswego


Link: Website and meeting list


District 37

Wilsonville, Sherwood, and West Linn


Link: Website (Westside Central Office) & meeting list


Download District maps of Portland and Oregon in higher resolution formats:


Portland Districts Map 11×17

1 file(s) 670.00 KB


Portland Districts Map 36×42

1 file(s) 1.06 MB


Oregon Districts Map 11×17

1 file(s) 755.71 KB




Meetings en Español


Directorio de Grupos Hispaños:


Directory of Spanish-speaking Groups

1 file(s) 105.75 KB




Distrito 28, 34 & 35

Oficina Intergrupal Hispaña De Salem Oregon
2495 Lancaster Dr. NE | Salem, OR 97303
(503) 899-2652


Distrito 28



Para ayuda llame las 24 Horas al

Tel: (971) 327-5523

Link: Meeting schedule


Distrito 34

Para ayuda llame las 24 Horas al

Tel: (971) 327-5523

Link: Meeting list (en Español)


Distrito 35

Para ayuda llame las 24 Horas al

Tel: (971) 327-5523

Link: Website

Link: Meeting list (en Español)




Meetings for the Hearing Impaired


AA Meeting Schedule for the Hearing Impaired

Hotline Phone Numbers by City

Albany/Corvallis:                 541-967-4252
Astoria-Gearhart:                 971-601-9220
Baker City:                         541-624-5117
Bandon, Coquille:                541-347-1720
Boardman                          800-410-5953
Clatskanie, Rainier,              503-366-0667
  Scappoose, St Helens,


Coos Bay, North Bend,          (541) 469-2440
  Lakeside, Reedsport,

  Florence, Gardiner,


Bend:                                541-548-0440
Brookings:                          541-469-2440
Burns:                               541-548-0440
Cannon Beach:                    503-861-5526
Condon                              800-410-5953
The Dalles/Hood River:         800-999-9210
Echo                                  800-410-5953
Enterprise                          541-624-5117
Eugene:                             541-342-4113
Grants Pass:                       541-474-0782
Heppner                             800-410-5953
Hermiston:                         800-410-5953
Klamath:                            541-883-4970
La Grande:                         541-624-5117
Lincoln City:                       541-265-1953
Medford (District):               541-773-4848
McMinnville:                        503-472-1172
Newberg:                           888-472-1172
Newport:                            541-265-1953
Ontario (includes Boise):       208-344-6611
Pendleton:                          800-410-5953
Pilot Rock                           800-410-5953
Portland:                            503-223-8569
Westside Central Office:        503-684-0415
Roseburg:                          541-673-7552
Salem:                               503-399-0599
Seaside:                             971-601-9220
Siletz:                                541-265-1953
Umatilla                             800-410-5953
Yachats, Waldport, Toledo:    541-265-1953



AA Meeting Finder Applications

Meeting Guide App For Android

Meeting Guide App For iPhone






Bundled event – FAH – Find A Helpline – Free, confidential support from a helpline or hotline near you – Online chat, text or phone – 24/7
Jan 20 all-day





Free, confidential support from a helpline or hotline near you.

Online chat, text, or phone.


Click Here for United States Hotlines


Hotlines for suicide,

Domestic violence,



and other topics

LGBTNHC – LGBT National Help Center – LGBT Near Me – Online LGBT Support Directory – 24/7
Jan 20 all-day
LGBTNHC - LGBT National Help Center - LGBT Near Me - Online LGBT Support Directory - 24/7




LGBT Near Me

Find local resources near you


Our community is always growing and changing. As a program of the LGBT National Help Center.

We offer access to over 19,000 LGBTQ+ community resources through-out the United States and Canada. From community center, doctors & lawyers, social groups, sports teams, youth support and so much more. Take a spin, find out what’s in your neighborhood!

Go To This Link To Search Connections by your Zip code.

Along with maintaining the largest LGBTQ+ resource database in the world,

we provide peer support through the following services:

lgbt national hotline:

lgbt national coming out support hotline:

lgbt national youth talkline
(for those 25 & younger):

lgbt national senior hotline
(for those 50 & above):

one-to-one online peer support chat:

00 – Hotline – NAF – National Abortion Federation – National Abortion Hotline – 1-800-772-9100 – Monday – Friday @ Toll Free Number
Jan 20 @ 5:00 am – 4:00 pm



The National Abortion Hotline is the largest national, toll-free, multi-lingual Hotline for abortion provider information and financial assistance in the U.S. and Canada. We provide callers with accurate information, confidential consultation, and information on providers of quality abortion care. We also provide case management services and limited financial assistance to help you afford the cost of your care and travel-related expenses. The Hotline is free and offers services to everyone, regardless of your individual situation.








05 – Warmline – TL – Trans Lifeline Saving Lives – (877) 565-8860 – Mondays – Fridays @ phone
Jan 20 @ 10:00 am – 6:00 pm

Sponsor Logo




Trans Lifeline

Peer Support and Crisis Hotline by and for Trans & Questioning

Open Monday – Friday 10AM – 6PM PT

Toll-Free USA: 877-565-8860

Toll-Free Canada: 877-330-6366

Trans Lifeline is a peer support service run by trans people, for trans and questioning callers. Our operators are located all over the U.S. and Canada and are all trans-identified. If you are in crisis or just need someone to talk to, even if it’s just about whether you’re trans, please call us. We will do our best to support you and provide you resources.

Our Hotline launched shortly after Trans Day of Remembrance of 2014 in response to the epidemic of suicide in our community. We believe that some of the best support that a trans person in a crisis can have is a fellow member of our community with shared lived experience.

While it started as a service for people in crisis, that is no longer the case. Trans Lifeline still functions as a crisis and suicide prevention hotline. However, it also serves as a space for trans people who just require someone to talk to.

Trans Lifeline provides live, one-on-one phone support, as well as large numbers of online resources for transgender and gender-questioning individuals. The hotline is open 24 hours a day. It is only guaranteed to be staffed from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. EST, but operators are often also available at other times.

In addition to information resources, Trans Lifeline offers microgrants to individuals who need financial support when updating their name and gender on their legal documents. They accept a limited number of applications each month. However, they will pay the entire fee for most document changes other than birth certificates.

La línea directa de Trans Lifeline es un servicio de apoyo entre compañeros dirigido por personas trans, para personas trans. Nuestros operadores están ubicados en todo EE. UU. Y Canadá, y todos son trans identificados. Si está en crisis o simplemente necesita alguien con quien hablar, incluso si se trata solo de si es o no es trans, llámenos. Haremos todo lo posible para apoyarlo y brindarle recursos.

Nuestra línea directa se lanzó poco después del Día de la Remembranza Trans en 2014 en respuesta a la epidemia de suicidio en nuestra comunidad. Creemos que algunos de los mejores apoyos que una persona trans en crisis puede tener es la oportunidad de hablar con un miembro de nuestra comunidad con experiencia de vida compartida.

Trans Lifeline is training Spanish-speaking volunteers who identify as transgender and want to support the Translatinx community by being a volunteer operator for our dedicated Spanish hotline. This line will launch this summer.


Facebook social media page:

Twitter posts page:

Instagram posts page:


Crisis Callers’ Bill of Rights

Safe Hotlines Logo Icon Safety

Callers have the right to…

  1. Trust that the help we seek will be supportive, not harmful
  2. Receive crisis support free of judgment, irrespective of substance use, participation in sex trade, mental health condition, disability, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, age, citizenship, housing status, religion, nationality, or caste
  3. Reach out for support in a crisis without being criminalized, detained, or deported
  4. Have all trauma responses, including suicidality, understood as normal responses to current or past traumatic experiences, and be able to speak about suicidality without fear of more trauma
  5. Get crisis support without police violence, harassment, or threats
  6. Share our identities and experiences without being outed to unsupportive caregivers, workplaces, or abusers
  7. Be made aware of short- and long-term options for support that we can accept or refuse

Safe Hotlines Logo Icon Transparency

Callers have the right to…

  1. Know what services we’re receiving when we call
  2. Clear and upfront information about which situations hotlines use police and emergency services – to be included on websites, apps, chatbots, and greeting/hold recordings, including geotracking
  3. Understand if and when our calls are being recorded, how they’ll be used, and who they’ll be shared with
  4. Be informed by operators at the beginning of calls about which situations or circumstances hotline policies dictate the use of law enforcement or emergency responders
  5. Be informed if police or emergency services are being dispatched to our location

Safe Hotlines Logo Icon Agency

Callers have the right to…

  1. Determine which supports and care we utilize and which we refuse, as the experts in our own lives.
  2. Access support and services without police or other emergency responders entering our homes, work, school, or any other location without our knowledge and consent. We did not call 911.
  3. Make decisions about what’s best for our financial and mental wellbeing, including not being charged ambulance or hospital bills for services we did not seek or consent to, or losing work, housing, etc.
  4. Protect ourselves from further trauma, harm, and instability.


00 – Hotline – LGBTNHC – LGBT NATIONAL HELP CENTER – LGBT National Coming Out Support Hotline – 1- 888 – 688 – 5428 – Weekdays @ Phone
Jan 20 @ 1:00 pm – 9:00 pm
00 - Hotline - LGBTNHC - LGBT NATIONAL HELP CENTER - LGBT National Coming Out Support Hotline - 1- 888 - 688 - 5428 - Weekdays @ Phone










LGBT National Coming Out Support Hotline
888-688-5428 (888-OUT-LGBT)


Mon – Fri:
1 PM – 9 PM/pacific time
4 PM – Midnight/eastern timeSat:
9 AM – 2 PM/pacific time
Noon – 5 PM/eastern time

You decide IF and WHEN Coming out is right for you, and you don’t have do this alone. Our LGBTQIA+ peer support volunteers are here for you.

We can help you when you are struggling with:

  • coming out to yourself
  • coming out to friends & family
  • facing fear and isolation
  • searching for local support & resources on your personal journey


05 – Warmline – LGBTNHC – LGBT National Help Center – LGBT National Youth Talkline – 800-246-7743 – Weekdays @ phone
Jan 20 @ 1:00 pm – 9:00 pm
05 - Warmline - LGBTNHC - LGBT National Help Center - LGBT National Youth Talkline - 800-246-7743 - Weekdays @ phone




LGBT National Youth Talkline


Mon – Fri:
1 PM – 9 PM/pacific time
4 PM – Midnight/eastern time

9 AM – 2 PM/pacific time
Noon – 5 PM/eastern time

We provide a confidential safe space where callers of any age can speak about sexual orientation or gender identity/expression issues. This includes coming out issues, relationship concerns, family, bullying, school issues, HIV/AIDS anxiety, safer sex information, suicide, and much more.

Sometimes you just need to be heard. We’re here. You deserve respect, support, affirmation, and acceptance.

We don’t give advice, and we never tell you what you should do. Ultimately, those choices are yours to make, but we are here to help you on your journey.

  • Our highly trained & dedicated LGBTQIA+ volunteers are here to provide free & confidential services.

  • We offer support, information, and local resources throughout the United States and beyond.

  • We don’t report calls to outside organizations.

  • We answer all of our own calls, we don’t outsource.

0 – Helpline – SAMHSA Disaster Distress Helpline @ (800) 985-5990 (Multilingual) or (800) 846-8517 (TTY) – 24/7-Weekdays & Weekends
Jan 21 all-day

Excerpt(s) from link:

Disaster Distress Helpline

SAMHSA’s Disaster Distress Helpline provides 24/7, 365-day-a-year crisis counseling and support to people experiencing emotional distress related to natural or human-caused disasters.

The Disaster Distress Helpline, 1-800-985-5990, is a 24/7, 365-day-a-year, national hotline dedicated to providing immediate crisis counseling for people who are experiencing emotional distress related to any natural or human-caused disaster. This toll-free, multilingual, and confidential crisis support service is available to all residents in the United States and its territories. Stress, anxiety, and other depression-like symptoms are common reactions after a disaster. Call 1-800-985-5990 or text TalkWithUs to 66746 to connect with a trained crisis counselor.

Who Should Contact the Disaster Distress Helpline?

This crisis support service is for anyone experiencing emotional distress related to disasters such as:

The Disaster Distress Helpline also answers calls and texts related to infectious disease outbreaks, such as the Ebola outbreak, incidents of community unrest, and other traumatic events.

The impact of crises may affect people in different ways. Learn how to recognize the warning signs and risk factors for emotional distress related to natural and human-caused disasters.

The Disaster Distress Helpline is open to everyone. This includes survivors of disasters; loved ones of victims; first responders; rescue, recovery, and relief workers; clergy; and parents and caregivers. You may call for yourself or on behalf of someone else.

Call or Text

From the United States and its territories, call 1-800-985-5990 to connect with a trained crisis counselor, 24/7. Spanish-speakers can call the hotline and press “2” for 24/7 bilingual support.

Callers to the hotline can also connect with counselors in over 100 other languages via 3rd-party interpretation services; to connect with a counselor in your primary language, simply indicate your preferred language to the responding counselor and she/he will connect to a live interpreter (interpretation in less commonly-spoken languages may require calling back at an appointed time). Learn more and download information about the Disaster Distress Helpline in 30 of the most commonly-spoken languages in the U.S.

To connect with a live DDH crisis counselor 24/7 via SMS, from the 50 states text “TalkWithUs” for English or “Hablanos” for Spanish to 66746. Spanish-speakers from Puerto Rico can text “Hablanos” to 1-787-339-2663.

Texting is subscription-based and only involves a few steps:

  1. Enroll in the service by texting TalkWithUs or Hablanos exactly as written. It’s important to do this before sending your first text message because otherwise the enrollment may fail, and you will not be able to speak with a counselor, or you may accidentally subscribe to another service.
  2. Look for confirmation that your subscription was successful. You will receive a Success! message if it was.
  3. To unsubscribe, text Stop or Unsubscribe to 66746 (or 1-787-339-2663 from Puerto Rico) at any time. For help, text Help to 66746 (or 1-787-339-2663 from Puerto Rico).

Standard text and data message rates will apply when texting from mobile phones. International text and data rates may apply from within U.S. territories and free association nations. SAMHSA will not sell your phone numbers to other parties.

The Disaster Distress Helpline’s TTY number 1-800-846-8517 is available 24/7 to Deaf and hard of hearing individuals, who can also utilize the texting options or their preferred Relay service (including 7-1-1) to connect with the main DDH hotline 1-800-985-5990, 24/7.

DDH Online Peer Support Communities

In an effort to broaden our reach to disaster survivors and emergency responders, the Disaster Distress Helpline has developed online peer support communities through Facebook Groups for those who have experienced a natural or human-caused disaster. These online communities offer opportunities for survivors and responders to connect with others who have experienced similar events, share accurate information and trusted resources, and help one another continue to heal from the effects of a traumatic event.

What Does it Offer?

The purpose of DDH Online Peer Support Communities is to create enhanced opportunities for survivors and responders of disaster to come together for mutual aid and emotional support.

DDH Online Peer Support Communities Also Include:

Trained Peer Supporters

DDH Online Peer Support includes trained peer supporters who assist with group moderation and vetting resources. In addition to community forums, our goal is also to create purposeful discussions lead by peer supporters with specific themes and relevant topics. While each survivor and responder’s experiences are unique, being with peers who have had a similar experience can promote connection, offer new ways of coping, and build a foundation of trust.

Peer support does not take the place of therapy or counseling. The opportunity to provide mutual aid and support to others who have faced similar challenges, when and where they need it, offers hope that healing and recovery is possible after a disaster.

Immediate Crisis Support

All DDH Online Peer Support Communities are monitored 24/7 by a designated DDH crisis center where crisis counselors are available to talk to members who may be in emotional distress and need crisis support. Members can talk to a counselor at any time of the day or night via Crisis Support Over Messenger (CSOM).

Available Communities

Survivors and Responders of the COVID-19 Pandemic 

DDH Online Peer Support Communities offer peer support for anyone who identifies as a survivor or responder of the COVID-19 pandemic. Both survivors and responders can come together for mutual aid, to share trusted resources, and to help one another continue to heal from the effects of a national pandemic. Survivors and responders may include but are not limited to, any healthcare workers, emergency responders, parents/caregivers, educators, individuals who have lost loved ones, people who are dealing with “Long-haul COVID”, those impacted by job loss or economic hardship during the pandemic, and anyone else who has been significantly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. DDH-trained Peer Supporters are also available to listen and offer validation and encouragement. Additionally, they provide structured moderation within the community to engage members in meaningful discussions on relevant topics and offer timely and trusted resources. To join our Facebook group dedicated to Survivors and Responders of the COVID-19 Pandemic, click here.

Survivors of Mass Violence

DDH Online Peer Support Communities offer peer support for survivors of mass violence in the United States including mass shootings, terrorist attacks, or other large-scale community violence. Survivors and loved ones who have experienced mass violence can connect with one another and provide emotional support in the aftermath of a mass violence incident, including how to cope with activating events and memorials, self-care strategies, and challenges with daily living. DDH-trained Peer Supporters are available to listen to members, and offer validation and encouragement. They also provide structured moderation to engage members in meaningful discussions on relevant topics and provide timely and trusted resources. If you are a survivor or the loved one of a survivor of mass violence and need support, please join our Facebook group by requesting to be a member here.

Other Inquiries

If you’re not in immediate need of crisis counseling support and would like to contact us for other reasons, send an email. Contact us for:

  • Technical problems. If you encountered a technical problem while trying to contact the Disaster Distress Helpline, please include your name and preferred contact information in your email if you wish to receive a reply.
  • Provider inquiries. Providers with specific inquiries about technical assistance and support, requests for materials, and exploring collaborations are encouraged to send an email.
  • Feedback. To provide feedback about your experience reaching out to the Disaster Distress Helpline, send an email describing your experience and SAMHSA will look into the matter. Please include your name and preferred contact information if you wish to receive a reply.
  • Social media inquiries. Email us with questions about the Disaster Distress Helpline’s use of social media.
  • All media inquiries. Members of the media with questions about the Disaster Distress Helpline are encouraged to call the SAMHSA Media Services Team at 1-240-276-2130.

Our staff appreciate hearing from people about their experiences. SAMHSA takes feedback about our services, whether it is positive or negative, very seriously.

SAMHSA also encourages public promotion of the Disaster Distress Helpline. Anyone can use the Disaster Distress Helpline logo and telephone number on their website and link to the Disaster Distress Helpline’s materials and social media properties.

Call 211 for information about disaster-related evacuations, shelters, food and clothing distribution, volunteer opportunities, and other resources and referrals. Or visit the national 211 Call Center Search website to find the 211 information and referral center nearest you.

Last Updated: 11/11/2019

Deaf/Hard of Hearing & Spanish

Deaf/Hard of Hearing

Spanish Speakers

Twitter Tweets:


Follow the Disaster Distress Helpline on Facebook.

0 – Hotline – DH – DeafHelp VideoPhone App + ASL (American Sign Language) Deaf + HoH Accessible @ (321) 800-3323 (DEAF) – 24/7 – Weekdays and Weekends
Jan 21 all-day
0 - Hotline - DH - DeafHelp VideoPhone App + ASL (American Sign Language) Deaf + HoH Accessible @ (321) 800-3323 (DEAF) - 24/7 - Weekdays and Weekends

Deaf & HoH Accessible Crisis Line

Video Phone with ASL

Available 24/7/365

Call VP (321) 800-3323

Crisis Resources and Deaf-Accessible Hotlines

The National Center for College Students with Disabilities (NCCSD) offers several resources and strategies to locate deaf-accessible crisis services, community resources and hotlines:



You matter.  You are not alone.  Meaningful social connections can make a huge difference.  You deserve support.

If you know or find additional resources, please share.  If you have feedback, please share.

Email us at:


“when the world comes crashing at
your feet
it’s okay to let others
help pick up the pieces
if we’re present to take part in your
when your circumstances are great
we are more than capable
of sharing your pain”

― Rupi Kaur, The Sun and Her Flowers

00 – Hotline – 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline – 24/7 Weekdays & Weekends
Jan 21 all-day


If you need to talk, the 988 Lifeline is here.

At the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline, we understand that life’s challenges can sometimes be difficult. Whether you’re facing mental health struggles, emotional distress, alcohol or drug use concerns, or just need someone to talk to, our caring counselors are here for you. You are not alone.


What to Expect

Using the 988 Lifeline is free. When you call, text, or chat the 988 Lifeline, your conversation is confidential. The 988 Lifeline provides you judgment-free care. Connecting with someone can help save your life.

Calling the 988 Lifeline

Here is what you can expect when making a call to the 988 Lifeline.
Step 1 of 5

First, you’ll hear a message that gives you service selection options.

Listen to the pre-recorded message (mp3).
Step 2 of 5

We’ll play some hold music while you are connected to a counselor with our Spanish-language, LGBTQI+ services, or your local 988 Lifeline contact center. For veterans, the phone will ring until a counselor can answer your call.
Step 3 of 5

A counselor will say hello and introduce themselves.
Step 4 of 5

Your skilled counselor will ask you if you are safe.
Step 5 of 5

After they ask about your safety, your counselor will listen to you, understand how your problem is affecting you, provide support, and share any resources that may be helpful.


Chatting with the 988 Lifeline

Here is what you can expect when starting a chat with the 988 Lifeline.

Step 1 of 6

After clicking “Chat With Us,” a new window with a brief survey will open. This survey helps our counselors understand how to best support you and takes less than 5 minutes to complete.

Step 2 of 6

When you click “Start a Chat”, you are accepting our Terms of Service.

Step 3 of 6

You will then see a screen that indicates we are connecting you to a counselor.

Step 4 of 6

A counselor will say hello and introduce themselves.

Step 5 of 6

Your skilled counselor will ask if you are safe.

Step 6 of 6

After they ask about your safety, they will be calm and comforting, listen to you, and provide support. They may also share helpful resources.


Texting with the 988 Lifeline

Here is what you can expect when texting the 988 Lifeline.

Step 1 of 7

When you send a text to 988, you will be given options to connect with a counselor from the Veterans, Spanish-language, LGBTQI+ service, or the main 988 Lifeline.

Step 2 of 7

When you text “next” you will be accepting our Terms of Service.

Step 3 of 7

You will then need to complete a brief survey to help your counselor understand how they can best support you.

Step 4 of 7

You’ll receive a “wait” message with optional questions while we connect you to a counselor.

Step 5 of 7

Your counselor will say hello and introduce themselves.

Step 6 of 7

Your skilled counselor will ask if you are safe.

Step 7 of 7

After they ask about your safety, they will be calm and comforting, listen to you, and provide support. They may also share helpful resources.



00 – Hotline – HRSA – Health Resources and Services Administration – National Maternal Mental Health Hotline -1-833-TLC-MAMA (1-833-852-6262) – en Espanol – 24/7 @ Phone
Jan 21 all-day
00 - Hotline - HRSA - Health Resources and Services Administration - National Maternal Mental Health Hotline -1-833-TLC-MAMA (1-833-852-6262) - en Espanol - 24/7 @ Phone


National Maternal Mental Health Hotline

24/7, free, confidential hotline for pregnant and new moms in English and Spanish

1-833-TLC-MAMA (1-833-852-6262)

About the National Maternal Mental Health Hotline

The National Maternal Mental Health Hotline provides 24/7, free, confidential support before, during, and after pregnancy. The Hotline offers callers:

  • Phone or text access to professional counselors
  • Real-time support and information
  • Response within a few minutes, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • Resources
  • Referrals to local and telehealth providers and support groups
  • Culturally sensitive support
  • Counselors who speak English and Spanish
  • Interpreter services in 60 languages

Frequently Asked Questions about the National Maternal Mental Health Hotline.

Use our Partner Toolkit to promote the Hotline or order promotional materials.

Date Last Reviewed:
00 – Hotline – NHTH – National Human Trafficking Hotline – 1-888-373-7888 – Confidential – 24/7 @