PeerGalaxy Original Calendar

Welcome to PeerGalaxy Calendar featuring over 187,600+ monthly offerings of FREE telephone- and online-accessible peer support, recovery support, and wellness activities!  Plus 50+ warmlines, helplines, chatlines, and hotlines.  Plus workshops, webinars, job postings, resources, observances, special events, consumer input opportunities and more.


Click the Accessibility Button on the right side, halfway down in the middle, for enhanced viewing and/or access options!  Click the Translate Button in the lower left corner for language options. 

Your use of this site is subject to the Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions of Use.

If you have an event to add, email us:

Training Opportunities in July 2020
List Provided Courtesy of State of Oregon, Oregon Health Authority
Click here to download PDF Format, 16 pages

Calendar Event Sorting

At the top, the 24/7/365 SAMHSA Disaster Helpline and similar links.

Next, Bundled “All Day” Events

Some organizations (like 12 step recovery programs, AA, NA, AlAnon, etc.) have so many events happening throughout the day that they need to be in a bundled listing to spare endless scrolling.  Often there is a link to look up events by zip code and other criteria.

Lastly, Time-Specific Events

So you can see what’s happening in the next hours, time specific events are tagged and listed by start time from 12:01am early morning to 11:59pm late night.  There can be events and warmlines operating in different time zones, though we try to list all in Oregon’s Pacific Time Zone.

Page Advancement

The calendar displays ~50 listings per page.  To advance to next page with ~50 more listings, click the right arrow in the lower left corner of the calendar

Screenshot image of the page advancing arrows at the bottom of the calendar, lower left corner.
0 – Bundled Event – RDO – Recovery Dharma Online Meeting List Searchable Directory 278 Virtual Meetings – Weekday and Weekends @ Online Via ZOOM
Feb 7 all-day
0 - Bundled Event - RDO – Recovery Dharma Online Meeting List Searchable Directory 278 Virtual Meetings - Weekday and Weekends @ Online Via ZOOM



Recovery Dharma Online Directory

Online Meetings Open 7 Days a Week

We are a group of Recovery Dharma Members who use technology to meet up with each other from around the world. We make an effort to stay in contact with each other between meetings to form Spiritual Friendships. We get together online for meetings, workshops, and inter-sangha business. For some of us, this is our primary recovery community. For others, it supplements the meetings available to us locally. Recovery Dharma Online organizes daily meetings accessible via computer, smartphone, or dial-in. Together we meditate, study Buddhist teachings, and support each other on our paths to sobriety and peace. There are currently 278 Recovery Dharma Meetings that are available with over twenty different formats including meetings dedicated for People of Color, Men, Women, Beginners and more.

To find a meeting that meets your needs and experience, use the link below for the searchable Recovery Dharma Meeting List


What is Recovery Dharma?

Recovery Dharma is a peer-led movement and community that is unified by our trust in the potential of each of us to recover and find freedom from the suffering of addiction. We believe that the traditional Buddhist teachings, often referred to as the Dharma, offer a powerful approach to healing from addiction and living a life of true freedom.

We believe that recovery means empowerment, and we support each other as partners walking the path together. We believe that recovery is rooted in finding our own inner wisdom and individual journeys.

Recovery Dharma is founded on, and inspired by, Buddhism that originated in India and later on flourished in other regions of Asia (e.g., South Asia, East Asia, Southeast Asia, Central Asia). We deeply appreciate the Buddhist heritage that was protected and freely offered by the ancestors of these cultures.



Recovery Dharma
3439 NE Sandy Blvd # 827
Portland OR 97232-1959
United States

00 – Hotline – 2SLGBT+ CRISIS CALL & TEXT SERVICES GUIDE – 24/7 Weekdays & Weekends
Feb 7 all-day






988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline Crisis Text Line                           Youthline
Text or cal l988 Text “NATIVE” to 741741 Call 877-968-8491 or text” teen2teen” to 839863
Available 24/7 Available 24/7 Available 24/7, youth peers answering from 4pm-10pm PST.
Connects to Crisis Counselor Connects to Crisis Counselor Connects to youth peer counselors  native youth peer counselors available
For Any Person For Any Person For Youth
For any mental health Crisis For any mental health Crisis For any mental health crisis or general emotional support
Formerly known as the Suicide Prevention Lifeline, operated by SAMHSA Operated by Crisis Text Line Operated by Lines for Life


04 – Resources – MAC – Mapping Action Collective – Oregon Resources and Services for Transgender Youth and Young Adults
Feb 7 all-day
04 - Resources - MAC - Mapping Action Collective - Oregon Resources and Services for Transgender Youth and Young Adults



Trans Youth and Young Adults

“These rescources selectedf from the Mapping Action Collective




541 Willamette St #310, Eugene, OR 97401



1132 SW 13th Ave, Portland, OR 97205


Ages: 16-24
Housing & Shelter: Homeless Youth
941 W. 7th Ave. Eugene, OR 97402
New Roads Drop-In Center: (541) 686-4310
Station 7 Youth Crisis Line: (541) 689-3111


COVID Message: Hours may be impacted by COVID. Please call for updated hours.
Eligibility: Homeless youth ages 12-21
Languages: English, Spanish
Ages: 12-21
Housing & Shelter: Housing Services
1202 SE Douglas Ave, Roseburg, OR 97470



Community Resources: LGBTQ+ Resources
Nativity Lutheran Church, 60850 Brosterhous Rd., Bend


Community Resources: LGBTQ+ Resources
Prineville Presbyterian Church, 1771 NW Madras Hwy, Prineville


Community Resources: LGBTQ+ Resources


Community Resources: LGBTQ+ Resources
5633 SE Division St. Portland, OR 97206


Community Resources: LGBTQ+ Resources
1144 Gateway Loop, Suite 200, Springfield, OR 97477
Crystal Falk, Director of Youth and Family Services: (541) 686-5060


COVID Message: Building temporarily closed due to COVID, please reach out via phone or email to get support.Languages: English
Ages: 16-25
Mental Health: Support Groups



3620 SE Powell Blvd, #102 Portland OR 97202​


COVID Message: Counseling and Assessments for Surgery letters are being conducted via teletherapy or phone. In-office visits are offered to existing clients on a case-by-case basis.
Cost: Brave Space primarily works with people with Oregon Health Plan insurance. If you have private insurance, please check out our resource guide for therapists who take your insurance.
Dillehunt Hall, Room 1007 3235 S.W. Pavilion Loop Portland, OR 97239



Community Resources: LGBTQ+ Resources


Business: (541) 386-4808
24 Hour Hotline: (541) 386-6603



Basic Needs: Public Transit


Eligibility: We have only two requirements in an effort to be as inclusive as possible: 1) You identify as transgender (FTM, genderqueer, non-binary, genderfluid, gender non-conforming, and every other non-cis identity within the trans umbrella.) 2) You cannot afford to purchase a binder, or you cannot safely obtain a binder.


Are you able to pay for hair removal services out of pocket?

Are you employed and able to save some money towards hair removal services?

Are you a citizen or documented immigrant?

Do you identify as white, or do you experience white/light-skinned privilege?

If you answered YES to these questions, you may consider making space for our trans siblings who mostly answered NO. (Even if you answer YES to most or all of these questions, you are still eligible to apply.)


Eligibility: We have only two requirements in an effort to be as inclusive as possible: You identify as transgender (MTF, genderqueer, non-binary, genderfluid, gender non-conforming, and every other non-cis identity assigned male at birth within the trans umbrella.) You cannot afford to purchase femme shapewear, or you cannot safely obtain femme shapewear. We accept all requests for support, and applications are open year-round. Once you complete your application, your request will be added to our waitlist. Shipping is discrete and 100% free, and we ship internationally to 90+ countries and counting.
Cost: This program is intended to help trans folks who otherwise can not afford or access femme shapewear. We ask that you consider your access before applying.


Eligibility: You identify as transgender (FTM, MTF, non-binary, genderqueer, gender non-conforming, and all other non-cis identities). You have financial need that prevents you from affording hormone replacement therapy. You are 18 years old or older (19+ in Nebraska) at the time you apply. You live in one of the states Plume serves. You are not currently on Medicare. If you live in CO or KY, you are not currently on Medicaid.

Cost: This program is intended to help trans folks who otherwise can not afford gender-affirming surgery. We ask that you consider your access to healthcare before applying for this grant. Here are some questions to consider:Do you have health insurance coverage that is trans-inclusive?

If not, do you qualify for Medicaid?

Do you live in a state whose Medicaid plans cover HRT?

Are you employed and able to pay for HRT out of pocket?

Are there nearby clinics that offer HRT with informed consent?

Do you have reliable transportation options to access a provider?

Do you consider yourself healthy and able-bodied (i.e., not living with a chronic or long-standing illness)?

Do you identify as white, or do you experience white/light-skinned privilege?

If you answered YES to most of these questions, you may consider making space for our trans siblings who mostly answered NO. (Even if you answer YES to most or all of these questions, you are still eligible to apply.)

Minimum age served: 18


Eligibility: We have very few requirements in an effort to be as inclusive as possible: You identify as transgender (FTM, MTF, non-binary, genderqueer, gender non-conforming, and all other non-cis identities). You are 18 years of age or older at the time of your surgery, or have consent from your legal guardian(s) and healthcare provider(s). You have financial need that prevents you from affording gender-affirming surgery. You can demonstrate past attempts at affording care (i.e. saving money, fundraising, attempting to get insurance coverage). You complete your surgery in the United States with a US-based surgeon.

Cost: This program is intended to help trans folks who otherwise can not afford gender-affirming surgery. We ask that you consider your access to healthcare before applying for this grant. Here are some questions to consider:Do you have health insurance coverage that is trans-inclusive?

If not, do you qualify for Medicaid? (Learn more)

Do you have access to healthcare providers who are trans competent, and are able to travel to them to receive care?

Are you employed and able to save some money towards surgery?

Are you a citizen or documented immigrant?

Do you consider yourself healthy and able-bodied (i.e., not living with a chronic or long-standing illness)?

Do you identify as white, or do you experience white/light-skinned privilege?

If you answered YES to most of these questions, you may consider making space for our trans siblings who mostly answered NO. (Even if you answer YES to most or all of these questions, you are still eligible to apply.)

Minimum age served: 18


Eligibility: It is a benefit for eligible Health Share of Oregon members in Clackamas, Multnomah and Washington Counties.
Languages: Spanish, Russian, Mandarin, Arabic, Vietnamese, Somali, Swahili
9955 NE Glisan St, Portland, OR 97220


Basic Needs: Transportation


Basic Needs: Transportation
10055 E Burnside St, Portland, OR 97216
Energy Assistance: (503) 294-7444
Housing & Rent Assistance: (503) 721-1740


650 NW Irving St, Portland, OR 97209


Day Services & Drop-in: Mail, Laundry, & Showers
610 SW Broadway, Portland, OR 97205


Call or Text: (541) 246-4046
24/7 Text (541) 246-4046


Maximum age served: 18
605 W 4th Ave, Eugene, OR 97402


Springfield: (541) 726-3714


1175 G St, Springfield, 97477


1160 Grant St, Eugene, OR 97402


3500 E 17th Ave, Eugene, 97403


Text “START” to 678678


323 E 12th Ave, Eugene, 97401


1300 Irvington Dr, Eugene, 97404



Community Resources: Veteran Services
LGBTNHC – LGBT National Help Center – LGBT Near Me – Online LGBT Support Directory – 24/7
Feb 7 all-day
LGBTNHC - LGBT National Help Center - LGBT Near Me - Online LGBT Support Directory - 24/7




LGBT Near Me

Find local resources near you


Our community is always growing and changing. As a program of the LGBT National Help Center.

We offer access to over 19,000 LGBTQ+ community resources through-out the United States and Canada. From community center, doctors & lawyers, social groups, sports teams, youth support and so much more. Take a spin, find out what’s in your neighborhood!

Go To This Link To Search Connections by your Zip code.

Along with maintaining the largest LGBTQ+ resource database in the world,

we provide peer support through the following services:

lgbt national hotline:

lgbt national coming out support hotline:

lgbt national youth talkline
(for those 25 & younger):

lgbt national senior hotline
(for those 50 & above):

one-to-one online peer support chat:

NK – Neurokindred – Peer Support Group – RSVP @ Online Register for Details
Feb 7 all-day



Peer Support Group

Welcome to Neurokindred’s Online Autistic-led peer support groups.

As Autistic adults, we have often navigated a world feeling isolated and disconnected, our unique experiences not fully understood by those around us. This has been especially true in our interactions with others, including health professionals, where there’s been a notable lack of attunements.

Yet, there’s a hopeful aspect to this shared journey:
the powerful connection that comes from mutual understanding within the Autistic community. This sense of unity fosters belonging, acceptance, and validation.

Peer support groups are a testament to the strength found in shared experiences. Centering lived experience as the dominant narrative has empowering effects.

Research is finally tuning into what many disability, recovery and minority groups have been building for years-the power of shared experience and community. Crane et al. (2020) conducted a qualitative evaluation of an Autistic-led peer group program for late-identified Autistic adults.


Over 10 weekly sessions, participants engaged in group discussions on a range of topics, from the implications of late diagnosis, disclosure in different contexts, cross-cultural communication difficulties, emotion regulation, sensory experiences, executive function differences, cognitive flexibility, the intersection of Autism and mental health and self-advocacy.

Interviews with 16 Autistic adults revealed three powerful themes:

  • An Autistic facilitator provided a positive role model for embracing a positive Autistic identity, fostered relational safety and facilitated more open dialogue.
  • The joint sense of community and connection was powerfully affirming.
  • The most significant outcome, that is conducive to well-being, was a shift in perspective towards a positive, strengths-focused Autistic identity.

Our online peer support groups aim to replicate this environment. Led by an Autistic group facilitator, our groups provide a safe haven for exploring and embracing Autistic identity, offering post-identification support, and fostering a recovery-focused approach that celebrates the strengths of being Autistic. We understand that the journey to self-acceptance and community building is unique for each individual, and our groups are tailored to nurture this process.

Join us to experience this accessible service that goes beyond traditional support, one that is rooted in the power of shared experiences and community, designed to enhance well-being and foster a positive Autistic identity. Here, you’re not just joining a group; you’re becoming part of a community that understands, accepts, and celebrates the Autistic way of being.


00 – Hotline – LGBTNHC – LGBT NATIONAL HELP CENTER – LGBT National Coming Out Support Hotline – 1- 888 – 688 – 5428 – Weekdays @ Phone
Feb 7 @ 1:00 pm – 9:00 pm
00 - Hotline - LGBTNHC - LGBT NATIONAL HELP CENTER - LGBT National Coming Out Support Hotline - 1- 888 - 688 - 5428 - Weekdays @ Phone










LGBT National Coming Out Support Hotline
888-688-5428 (888-OUT-LGBT)


Mon – Fri:
1 PM – 9 PM/pacific time
4 PM – Midnight/eastern timeSat:
9 AM – 2 PM/pacific time
Noon – 5 PM/eastern time

You decide IF and WHEN Coming out is right for you, and you don’t have do this alone. Our LGBTQIA+ peer support volunteers are here for you.

We can help you when you are struggling with:

  • coming out to yourself
  • coming out to friends & family
  • facing fear and isolation
  • searching for local support & resources on your personal journey


05 – Warmline – LGBTNHC – LGBT National Help Center – LGBT National Youth Talkline – 800-246-7743 – Weekdays @ phone
Feb 7 @ 1:00 pm – 9:00 pm
05 - Warmline - LGBTNHC - LGBT National Help Center - LGBT National Youth Talkline - 800-246-7743 - Weekdays @ phone




LGBT National Youth Talkline


Mon – Fri:
1 PM – 9 PM/pacific time
4 PM – Midnight/eastern time

9 AM – 2 PM/pacific time
Noon – 5 PM/eastern time

We provide a confidential safe space where callers of any age can speak about sexual orientation or gender identity/expression issues. This includes coming out issues, relationship concerns, family, bullying, school issues, HIV/AIDS anxiety, safer sex information, suicide, and much more.

Sometimes you just need to be heard. We’re here. You deserve respect, support, affirmation, and acceptance.

We don’t give advice, and we never tell you what you should do. Ultimately, those choices are yours to make, but we are here to help you on your journey.

  • Our highly trained & dedicated LGBTQIA+ volunteers are here to provide free & confidential services.

  • We offer support, information, and local resources throughout the United States and beyond.

  • We don’t report calls to outside organizations.

  • We answer all of our own calls, we don’t outsource.

05 – Warmline – LGBTNHC – LGBT National Senior Hotline – Monday though Friday @ phone
Feb 7 @ 1:00 pm – 9:00 pm
05 - Warmline - LGBTNHC - LGBT National Senior Hotline - Monday though Friday @ phone




LGBT National Senior Hotline


Monday thru Friday from 1pm to 9pm, PST

Many seniors in our community face unique challenges.
In some cases, LGBTQIA+ seniors may not be out to family and if they are, often fear having to go back in the closet if they need assisted services.

We understand that and can talk about it.

We provide a confidential safe space where seniors can speak about their unique issues concerning sexual orientation or gender identity/expression. This includes coming out issues, family dynamics, relationship concerns, elder abuse,  HIV/AIDS anxiety, safer sex information, suicide, and much more.

Sometimes you just need to be heard. We’re here. 

You deserve respect, support, affirmation, and acceptance.

We don’t give advice, and we never tell you what you should do.  Ultimately, those choices are yours to make, but we are here to help you on your journey.

Our highly trained & dedicated LGBTQIA+ volunteers are  here to provide free & confidential services.

Everyone who offers support at the LGBT National Help Center identifies as part of the LGBTQIA+ community.

We offer support, information, and local resources throughout the United States and beyond.

We will never report your calls to any outside organization or authority.

Calls are never outsourced or answered by any other organizations.


We provide a safe space while on a call.

All of our peer support volunteers are trained and identify as part of the LGBTQIA+ community.

Our calls are confidential. We don’t know who you are.

There are no recordings made of your conversation.

If you would like us to search for local resources near you, we might ask for your zip code/postal code or city, state, or country. We will never ask for your exact address.

Sometimes our conversations can be heavy, and a person might need to stop the conversation and let the emotions they are feeling sink in. That’s ok. If it’s time for you to end the call, you should certainly do so. You will not be judged, and we’re very glad you called for the amount of time you did.

We don’t call other suicide hotlines, 911, or rescue services on your behalf. While we will not make those calls for you, we will do our best to provide you with the phone numbers to call for yourself if you choose. (The exception is if you make credible threat to someone else.)

If you attempt to start a call during open hours and can’t get through, that means that all of our volunteers are currently talking with other people. Please try back in a few minutes. Should you still not be able to get through, you are always welcome to email us at



0 – Bundled Event – RDO – Recovery Dharma Online Meeting List Searchable Directory 278 Virtual Meetings – Weekday and Weekends @ Online Via ZOOM
Feb 8 all-day
0 - Bundled Event - RDO – Recovery Dharma Online Meeting List Searchable Directory 278 Virtual Meetings - Weekday and Weekends @ Online Via ZOOM



Recovery Dharma Online Directory

Online Meetings Open 7 Days a Week

We are a group of Recovery Dharma Members who use technology to meet up with each other from around the world. We make an effort to stay in contact with each other between meetings to form Spiritual Friendships. We get together online for meetings, workshops, and inter-sangha business. For some of us, this is our primary recovery community. For others, it supplements the meetings available to us locally. Recovery Dharma Online organizes daily meetings accessible via computer, smartphone, or dial-in. Together we meditate, study Buddhist teachings, and support each other on our paths to sobriety and peace. There are currently 278 Recovery Dharma Meetings that are available with over twenty different formats including meetings dedicated for People of Color, Men, Women, Beginners and more.

To find a meeting that meets your needs and experience, use the link below for the searchable Recovery Dharma Meeting List


What is Recovery Dharma?

Recovery Dharma is a peer-led movement and community that is unified by our trust in the potential of each of us to recover and find freedom from the suffering of addiction. We believe that the traditional Buddhist teachings, often referred to as the Dharma, offer a powerful approach to healing from addiction and living a life of true freedom.

We believe that recovery means empowerment, and we support each other as partners walking the path together. We believe that recovery is rooted in finding our own inner wisdom and individual journeys.

Recovery Dharma is founded on, and inspired by, Buddhism that originated in India and later on flourished in other regions of Asia (e.g., South Asia, East Asia, Southeast Asia, Central Asia). We deeply appreciate the Buddhist heritage that was protected and freely offered by the ancestors of these cultures.



Recovery Dharma
3439 NE Sandy Blvd # 827
Portland OR 97232-1959
United States

00 – Hotline – 2SLGBT+ CRISIS CALL & TEXT SERVICES GUIDE – 24/7 Weekdays & Weekends
Feb 8 all-day






988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline Crisis Text Line                           Youthline
Text or cal l988 Text “NATIVE” to 741741 Call 877-968-8491 or text” teen2teen” to 839863
Available 24/7 Available 24/7 Available 24/7, youth peers answering from 4pm-10pm PST.
Connects to Crisis Counselor Connects to Crisis Counselor Connects to youth peer counselors  native youth peer counselors available
For Any Person For Any Person For Youth
For any mental health Crisis For any mental health Crisis For any mental health crisis or general emotional support
Formerly known as the Suicide Prevention Lifeline, operated by SAMHSA Operated by Crisis Text Line Operated by Lines for Life


04 – Resources – MAC – Mapping Action Collective – Oregon Resources and Services for Transgender Youth and Young Adults
Feb 8 all-day
04 - Resources - MAC - Mapping Action Collective - Oregon Resources and Services for Transgender Youth and Young Adults



Trans Youth and Young Adults

“These rescources selectedf from the Mapping Action Collective




541 Willamette St #310, Eugene, OR 97401



1132 SW 13th Ave, Portland, OR 97205


Ages: 16-24
Housing & Shelter: Homeless Youth
941 W. 7th Ave. Eugene, OR 97402
New Roads Drop-In Center: (541) 686-4310
Station 7 Youth Crisis Line: (541) 689-3111


COVID Message: Hours may be impacted by COVID. Please call for updated hours.
Eligibility: Homeless youth ages 12-21
Languages: English, Spanish
Ages: 12-21
Housing & Shelter: Housing Services
1202 SE Douglas Ave, Roseburg, OR 97470



Community Resources: LGBTQ+ Resources
Nativity Lutheran Church, 60850 Brosterhous Rd., Bend


Community Resources: LGBTQ+ Resources
Prineville Presbyterian Church, 1771 NW Madras Hwy, Prineville


Community Resources: LGBTQ+ Resources


Community Resources: LGBTQ+ Resources
5633 SE Division St. Portland, OR 97206


Community Resources: LGBTQ+ Resources
1144 Gateway Loop, Suite 200, Springfield, OR 97477
Crystal Falk, Director of Youth and Family Services: (541) 686-5060


COVID Message: Building temporarily closed due to COVID, please reach out via phone or email to get support.Languages: English
Ages: 16-25
Mental Health: Support Groups



3620 SE Powell Blvd, #102 Portland OR 97202​


COVID Message: Counseling and Assessments for Surgery letters are being conducted via teletherapy or phone. In-office visits are offered to existing clients on a case-by-case basis.
Cost: Brave Space primarily works with people with Oregon Health Plan insurance. If you have private insurance, please check out our resource guide for therapists who take your insurance.
Dillehunt Hall, Room 1007 3235 S.W. Pavilion Loop Portland, OR 97239



Community Resources: LGBTQ+ Resources


Business: (541) 386-4808
24 Hour Hotline: (541) 386-6603



Basic Needs: Public Transit


Eligibility: We have only two requirements in an effort to be as inclusive as possible: 1) You identify as transgender (FTM, genderqueer, non-binary, genderfluid, gender non-conforming, and every other non-cis identity within the trans umbrella.) 2) You cannot afford to purchase a binder, or you cannot safely obtain a binder.


Are you able to pay for hair removal services out of pocket?

Are you employed and able to save some money towards hair removal services?

Are you a citizen or documented immigrant?

Do you identify as white, or do you experience white/light-skinned privilege?

If you answered YES to these questions, you may consider making space for our trans siblings who mostly answered NO. (Even if you answer YES to most or all of these questions, you are still eligible to apply.)


Eligibility: We have only two requirements in an effort to be as inclusive as possible: You identify as transgender (MTF, genderqueer, non-binary, genderfluid, gender non-conforming, and every other non-cis identity assigned male at birth within the trans umbrella.) You cannot afford to purchase femme shapewear, or you cannot safely obtain femme shapewear. We accept all requests for support, and applications are open year-round. Once you complete your application, your request will be added to our waitlist. Shipping is discrete and 100% free, and we ship internationally to 90+ countries and counting.
Cost: This program is intended to help trans folks who otherwise can not afford or access femme shapewear. We ask that you consider your access before applying.


Eligibility: You identify as transgender (FTM, MTF, non-binary, genderqueer, gender non-conforming, and all other non-cis identities). You have financial need that prevents you from affording hormone replacement therapy. You are 18 years old or older (19+ in Nebraska) at the time you apply. You live in one of the states Plume serves. You are not currently on Medicare. If you live in CO or KY, you are not currently on Medicaid.

Cost: This program is intended to help trans folks who otherwise can not afford gender-affirming surgery. We ask that you consider your access to healthcare before applying for this grant. Here are some questions to consider:Do you have health insurance coverage that is trans-inclusive?

If not, do you qualify for Medicaid?

Do you live in a state whose Medicaid plans cover HRT?

Are you employed and able to pay for HRT out of pocket?

Are there nearby clinics that offer HRT with informed consent?

Do you have reliable transportation options to access a provider?

Do you consider yourself healthy and able-bodied (i.e., not living with a chronic or long-standing illness)?

Do you identify as white, or do you experience white/light-skinned privilege?

If you answered YES to most of these questions, you may consider making space for our trans siblings who mostly answered NO. (Even if you answer YES to most or all of these questions, you are still eligible to apply.)

Minimum age served: 18


Eligibility: We have very few requirements in an effort to be as inclusive as possible: You identify as transgender (FTM, MTF, non-binary, genderqueer, gender non-conforming, and all other non-cis identities). You are 18 years of age or older at the time of your surgery, or have consent from your legal guardian(s) and healthcare provider(s). You have financial need that prevents you from affording gender-affirming surgery. You can demonstrate past attempts at affording care (i.e. saving money, fundraising, attempting to get insurance coverage). You complete your surgery in the United States with a US-based surgeon.

Cost: This program is intended to help trans folks who otherwise can not afford gender-affirming surgery. We ask that you consider your access to healthcare before applying for this grant. Here are some questions to consider:Do you have health insurance coverage that is trans-inclusive?

If not, do you qualify for Medicaid? (Learn more)

Do you have access to healthcare providers who are trans competent, and are able to travel to them to receive care?

Are you employed and able to save some money towards surgery?

Are you a citizen or documented immigrant?

Do you consider yourself healthy and able-bodied (i.e., not living with a chronic or long-standing illness)?

Do you identify as white, or do you experience white/light-skinned privilege?

If you answered YES to most of these questions, you may consider making space for our trans siblings who mostly answered NO. (Even if you answer YES to most or all of these questions, you are still eligible to apply.)

Minimum age served: 18


Eligibility: It is a benefit for eligible Health Share of Oregon members in Clackamas, Multnomah and Washington Counties.
Languages: Spanish, Russian, Mandarin, Arabic, Vietnamese, Somali, Swahili
9955 NE Glisan St, Portland, OR 97220


Basic Needs: Transportation


Basic Needs: Transportation
10055 E Burnside St, Portland, OR 97216
Energy Assistance: (503) 294-7444
Housing & Rent Assistance: (503) 721-1740


650 NW Irving St, Portland, OR 97209


Day Services & Drop-in: Mail, Laundry, & Showers
610 SW Broadway, Portland, OR 97205


Call or Text: (541) 246-4046
24/7 Text (541) 246-4046


Maximum age served: 18
605 W 4th Ave, Eugene, OR 97402


Springfield: (541) 726-3714


1175 G St, Springfield, 97477


1160 Grant St, Eugene, OR 97402


3500 E 17th Ave, Eugene, 97403


Text “START” to 678678


323 E 12th Ave, Eugene, 97401


1300 Irvington Dr, Eugene, 97404



Community Resources: Veteran Services
LGBTNHC – LGBT National Help Center – LGBT Near Me – Online LGBT Support Directory – 24/7
Feb 8 all-day
LGBTNHC - LGBT National Help Center - LGBT Near Me - Online LGBT Support Directory - 24/7




LGBT Near Me

Find local resources near you


Our community is always growing and changing. As a program of the LGBT National Help Center.

We offer access to over 19,000 LGBTQ+ community resources through-out the United States and Canada. From community center, doctors & lawyers, social groups, sports teams, youth support and so much more. Take a spin, find out what’s in your neighborhood!

Go To This Link To Search Connections by your Zip code.

Along with maintaining the largest LGBTQ+ resource database in the world,

we provide peer support through the following services:

lgbt national hotline:

lgbt national coming out support hotline:

lgbt national youth talkline
(for those 25 & younger):

lgbt national senior hotline
(for those 50 & above):

one-to-one online peer support chat:

NK – Neurokindred – Peer Support Group – RSVP @ Online Register for Details
Feb 8 all-day



Peer Support Group

Welcome to Neurokindred’s Online Autistic-led peer support groups.

As Autistic adults, we have often navigated a world feeling isolated and disconnected, our unique experiences not fully understood by those around us. This has been especially true in our interactions with others, including health professionals, where there’s been a notable lack of attunements.

Yet, there’s a hopeful aspect to this shared journey:
the powerful connection that comes from mutual understanding within the Autistic community. This sense of unity fosters belonging, acceptance, and validation.

Peer support groups are a testament to the strength found in shared experiences. Centering lived experience as the dominant narrative has empowering effects.

Research is finally tuning into what many disability, recovery and minority groups have been building for years-the power of shared experience and community. Crane et al. (2020) conducted a qualitative evaluation of an Autistic-led peer group program for late-identified Autistic adults.


Over 10 weekly sessions, participants engaged in group discussions on a range of topics, from the implications of late diagnosis, disclosure in different contexts, cross-cultural communication difficulties, emotion regulation, sensory experiences, executive function differences, cognitive flexibility, the intersection of Autism and mental health and self-advocacy.

Interviews with 16 Autistic adults revealed three powerful themes:

  • An Autistic facilitator provided a positive role model for embracing a positive Autistic identity, fostered relational safety and facilitated more open dialogue.
  • The joint sense of community and connection was powerfully affirming.
  • The most significant outcome, that is conducive to well-being, was a shift in perspective towards a positive, strengths-focused Autistic identity.

Our online peer support groups aim to replicate this environment. Led by an Autistic group facilitator, our groups provide a safe haven for exploring and embracing Autistic identity, offering post-identification support, and fostering a recovery-focused approach that celebrates the strengths of being Autistic. We understand that the journey to self-acceptance and community building is unique for each individual, and our groups are tailored to nurture this process.

Join us to experience this accessible service that goes beyond traditional support, one that is rooted in the power of shared experiences and community, designed to enhance well-being and foster a positive Autistic identity. Here, you’re not just joining a group; you’re becoming part of a community that understands, accepts, and celebrates the Autistic way of being.


05 – Warmline – LGBTNHC – LGBT National Help Center – LGBT National Youth Talkline – 800-246-7743 – Saturdays @ phone
Feb 8 @ 9:00 am – 2:00 pm
05 - Warmline - LGBTNHC - LGBT National Help Center - LGBT National Youth Talkline - 800-246-7743 - Saturdays @ phone




LGBT National Youth Talkline


Mon – Fri:
1 PM – 9 PM/pacific time
4 PM – Midnight/eastern time

9 AM – 2 PM/pacific time
Noon – 5 PM/eastern time

We provide a confidential safe space where callers of any age can speak about sexual orientation or gender identity/expression issues. This includes coming out issues, relationship concerns, family, bullying, school issues, HIV/AIDS anxiety, safer sex information, suicide, and much more.

Sometimes you just need to be heard. We’re here. You deserve respect, support, affirmation, and acceptance.

We don’t give advice, and we never tell you what you should do. Ultimately, those choices are yours to make, but we are here to help you on your journey.

  • Our highly trained & dedicated LGBTQIA+ volunteers are here to provide free & confidential services.

  • We offer support, information, and local resources throughout the United States and beyond.

  • We don’t report calls to outside organizations.

  • We answer all of our own calls, we don’t outsource.

0 – Bundled Event – RDO – Recovery Dharma Online Meeting List Searchable Directory 278 Virtual Meetings – Weekday and Weekends @ Online Via ZOOM
Feb 9 all-day
0 - Bundled Event - RDO – Recovery Dharma Online Meeting List Searchable Directory 278 Virtual Meetings - Weekday and Weekends @ Online Via ZOOM



Recovery Dharma Online Directory

Online Meetings Open 7 Days a Week

We are a group of Recovery Dharma Members who use technology to meet up with each other from around the world. We make an effort to stay in contact with each other between meetings to form Spiritual Friendships. We get together online for meetings, workshops, and inter-sangha business. For some of us, this is our primary recovery community. For others, it supplements the meetings available to us locally. Recovery Dharma Online organizes daily meetings accessible via computer, smartphone, or dial-in. Together we meditate, study Buddhist teachings, and support each other on our paths to sobriety and peace. There are currently 278 Recovery Dharma Meetings that are available with over twenty different formats including meetings dedicated for People of Color, Men, Women, Beginners and more.

To find a meeting that meets your needs and experience, use the link below for the searchable Recovery Dharma Meeting List


What is Recovery Dharma?

Recovery Dharma is a peer-led movement and community that is unified by our trust in the potential of each of us to recover and find freedom from the suffering of addiction. We believe that the traditional Buddhist teachings, often referred to as the Dharma, offer a powerful approach to healing from addiction and living a life of true freedom.

We believe that recovery means empowerment, and we support each other as partners walking the path together. We believe that recovery is rooted in finding our own inner wisdom and individual journeys.

Recovery Dharma is founded on, and inspired by, Buddhism that originated in India and later on flourished in other regions of Asia (e.g., South Asia, East Asia, Southeast Asia, Central Asia). We deeply appreciate the Buddhist heritage that was protected and freely offered by the ancestors of these cultures.



Recovery Dharma
3439 NE Sandy Blvd # 827
Portland OR 97232-1959
United States

00 – Hotline – 2SLGBT+ CRISIS CALL & TEXT SERVICES GUIDE – 24/7 Weekdays & Weekends
Feb 9 all-day






988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline Crisis Text Line                           Youthline
Text or cal l988 Text “NATIVE” to 741741 Call 877-968-8491 or text” teen2teen” to 839863
Available 24/7 Available 24/7 Available 24/7, youth peers answering from 4pm-10pm PST.
Connects to Crisis Counselor Connects to Crisis Counselor Connects to youth peer counselors  native youth peer counselors available
For Any Person For Any Person For Youth
For any mental health Crisis For any mental health Crisis For any mental health crisis or general emotional support
Formerly known as the Suicide Prevention Lifeline, operated by SAMHSA Operated by Crisis Text Line Operated by Lines for Life


04 – Resources – MAC – Mapping Action Collective – Oregon Resources and Services for Transgender Youth and Young Adults
Feb 9 all-day
04 - Resources - MAC - Mapping Action Collective - Oregon Resources and Services for Transgender Youth and Young Adults



Trans Youth and Young Adults

“These rescources selectedf from the Mapping Action Collective




541 Willamette St #310, Eugene, OR 97401



1132 SW 13th Ave, Portland, OR 97205


Ages: 16-24
Housing & Shelter: Homeless Youth
941 W. 7th Ave. Eugene, OR 97402
New Roads Drop-In Center: (541) 686-4310
Station 7 Youth Crisis Line: (541) 689-3111


COVID Message: Hours may be impacted by COVID. Please call for updated hours.
Eligibility: Homeless youth ages 12-21
Languages: English, Spanish
Ages: 12-21
Housing & Shelter: Housing Services
1202 SE Douglas Ave, Roseburg, OR 97470



Community Resources: LGBTQ+ Resources
Nativity Lutheran Church, 60850 Brosterhous Rd., Bend


Community Resources: LGBTQ+ Resources
Prineville Presbyterian Church, 1771 NW Madras Hwy, Prineville


Community Resources: LGBTQ+ Resources


Community Resources: LGBTQ+ Resources
5633 SE Division St. Portland, OR 97206


Community Resources: LGBTQ+ Resources
1144 Gateway Loop, Suite 200, Springfield, OR 97477
Crystal Falk, Director of Youth and Family Services: (541) 686-5060


COVID Message: Building temporarily closed due to COVID, please reach out via phone or email to get support.Languages: English
Ages: 16-25
Mental Health: Support Groups



3620 SE Powell Blvd, #102 Portland OR 97202​


COVID Message: Counseling and Assessments for Surgery letters are being conducted via teletherapy or phone. In-office visits are offered to existing clients on a case-by-case basis.
Cost: Brave Space primarily works with people with Oregon Health Plan insurance. If you have private insurance, please check out our resource guide for therapists who take your insurance.
Dillehunt Hall, Room 1007 3235 S.W. Pavilion Loop Portland, OR 97239



Community Resources: LGBTQ+ Resources


Business: (541) 386-4808
24 Hour Hotline: (541) 386-6603



Basic Needs: Public Transit


Eligibility: We have only two requirements in an effort to be as inclusive as possible: 1) You identify as transgender (FTM, genderqueer, non-binary, genderfluid, gender non-conforming, and every other non-cis identity within the trans umbrella.) 2) You cannot afford to purchase a binder, or you cannot safely obtain a binder.


Are you able to pay for hair removal services out of pocket?

Are you employed and able to save some money towards hair removal services?

Are you a citizen or documented immigrant?

Do you identify as white, or do you experience white/light-skinned privilege?

If you answered YES to these questions, you may consider making space for our trans siblings who mostly answered NO. (Even if you answer YES to most or all of these questions, you are still eligible to apply.)


Eligibility: We have only two requirements in an effort to be as inclusive as possible: You identify as transgender (MTF, genderqueer, non-binary, genderfluid, gender non-conforming, and every other non-cis identity assigned male at birth within the trans umbrella.) You cannot afford to purchase femme shapewear, or you cannot safely obtain femme shapewear. We accept all requests for support, and applications are open year-round. Once you complete your application, your request will be added to our waitlist. Shipping is discrete and 100% free, and we ship internationally to 90+ countries and counting.
Cost: This program is intended to help trans folks who otherwise can not afford or access femme shapewear. We ask that you consider your access before applying.


Eligibility: You identify as transgender (FTM, MTF, non-binary, genderqueer, gender non-conforming, and all other non-cis identities). You have financial need that prevents you from affording hormone replacement therapy. You are 18 years old or older (19+ in Nebraska) at the time you apply. You live in one of the states Plume serves. You are not currently on Medicare. If you live in CO or KY, you are not currently on Medicaid.

Cost: This program is intended to help trans folks who otherwise can not afford gender-affirming surgery. We ask that you consider your access to healthcare before applying for this grant. Here are some questions to consider:Do you have health insurance coverage that is trans-inclusive?

If not, do you qualify for Medicaid?

Do you live in a state whose Medicaid plans cover HRT?

Are you employed and able to pay for HRT out of pocket?

Are there nearby clinics that offer HRT with informed consent?

Do you have reliable transportation options to access a provider?

Do you consider yourself healthy and able-bodied (i.e., not living with a chronic or long-standing illness)?

Do you identify as white, or do you experience white/light-skinned privilege?

If you answered YES to most of these questions, you may consider making space for our trans siblings who mostly answered NO. (Even if you answer YES to most or all of these questions, you are still eligible to apply.)

Minimum age served: 18


Eligibility: We have very few requirements in an effort to be as inclusive as possible: You identify as transgender (FTM, MTF, non-binary, genderqueer, gender non-conforming, and all other non-cis identities). You are 18 years of age or older at the time of your surgery, or have consent from your legal guardian(s) and healthcare provider(s). You have financial need that prevents you from affording gender-affirming surgery. You can demonstrate past attempts at affording care (i.e. saving money, fundraising, attempting to get insurance coverage). You complete your surgery in the United States with a US-based surgeon.

Cost: This program is intended to help trans folks who otherwise can not afford gender-affirming surgery. We ask that you consider your access to healthcare before applying for this grant. Here are some questions to consider:Do you have health insurance coverage that is trans-inclusive?

If not, do you qualify for Medicaid? (Learn more)

Do you have access to healthcare providers who are trans competent, and are able to travel to them to receive care?

Are you employed and able to save some money towards surgery?

Are you a citizen or documented immigrant?

Do you consider yourself healthy and able-bodied (i.e., not living with a chronic or long-standing illness)?

Do you identify as white, or do you experience white/light-skinned privilege?

If you answered YES to most of these questions, you may consider making space for our trans siblings who mostly answered NO. (Even if you answer YES to most or all of these questions, you are still eligible to apply.)

Minimum age served: 18


Eligibility: It is a benefit for eligible Health Share of Oregon members in Clackamas, Multnomah and Washington Counties.
Languages: Spanish, Russian, Mandarin, Arabic, Vietnamese, Somali, Swahili
9955 NE Glisan St, Portland, OR 97220


Basic Needs: Transportation


Basic Needs: Transportation
10055 E Burnside St, Portland, OR 97216
Energy Assistance: (503) 294-7444
Housing & Rent Assistance: (503) 721-1740


650 NW Irving St, Portland, OR 97209


Day Services & Drop-in: Mail, Laundry, & Showers
610 SW Broadway, Portland, OR 97205


Call or Text: (541) 246-4046
24/7 Text (541) 246-4046


Maximum age served: 18
605 W 4th Ave, Eugene, OR 97402


Springfield: (541) 726-3714


1175 G St, Springfield, 97477


1160 Grant St, Eugene, OR 97402


3500 E 17th Ave, Eugene, 97403


Text “START” to 678678


323 E 12th Ave, Eugene, 97401


1300 Irvington Dr, Eugene, 97404



Community Resources: Veteran Services
LGBTNHC – LGBT National Help Center – LGBT Near Me – Online LGBT Support Directory – 24/7
Feb 9 all-day
LGBTNHC - LGBT National Help Center - LGBT Near Me - Online LGBT Support Directory - 24/7




LGBT Near Me

Find local resources near you


Our community is always growing and changing. As a program of the LGBT National Help Center.

We offer access to over 19,000 LGBTQ+ community resources through-out the United States and Canada. From community center, doctors & lawyers, social groups, sports teams, youth support and so much more. Take a spin, find out what’s in your neighborhood!

Go To This Link To Search Connections by your Zip code.

Along with maintaining the largest LGBTQ+ resource database in the world,

we provide peer support through the following services:

lgbt national hotline:

lgbt national coming out support hotline:

lgbt national youth talkline
(for those 25 & younger):

lgbt national senior hotline
(for those 50 & above):

one-to-one online peer support chat:

NK – Neurokindred – Peer Support Group – RSVP @ Online Register for Details
Feb 9 all-day



Peer Support Group

Welcome to Neurokindred’s Online Autistic-led peer support groups.

As Autistic adults, we have often navigated a world feeling isolated and disconnected, our unique experiences not fully understood by those around us. This has been especially true in our interactions with others, including health professionals, where there’s been a notable lack of attunements.

Yet, there’s a hopeful aspect to this shared journey:
the powerful connection that comes from mutual understanding within the Autistic community. This sense of unity fosters belonging, acceptance, and validation.

Peer support groups are a testament to the strength found in shared experiences. Centering lived experience as the dominant narrative has empowering effects.

Research is finally tuning into what many disability, recovery and minority groups have been building for years-the power of shared experience and community. Crane et al. (2020) conducted a qualitative evaluation of an Autistic-led peer group program for late-identified Autistic adults.


Over 10 weekly sessions, participants engaged in group discussions on a range of topics, from the implications of late diagnosis, disclosure in different contexts, cross-cultural communication difficulties, emotion regulation, sensory experiences, executive function differences, cognitive flexibility, the intersection of Autism and mental health and self-advocacy.

Interviews with 16 Autistic adults revealed three powerful themes:

  • An Autistic facilitator provided a positive role model for embracing a positive Autistic identity, fostered relational safety and facilitated more open dialogue.
  • The joint sense of community and connection was powerfully affirming.
  • The most significant outcome, that is conducive to well-being, was a shift in perspective towards a positive, strengths-focused Autistic identity.

Our online peer support groups aim to replicate this environment. Led by an Autistic group facilitator, our groups provide a safe haven for exploring and embracing Autistic identity, offering post-identification support, and fostering a recovery-focused approach that celebrates the strengths of being Autistic. We understand that the journey to self-acceptance and community building is unique for each individual, and our groups are tailored to nurture this process.

Join us to experience this accessible service that goes beyond traditional support, one that is rooted in the power of shared experiences and community, designed to enhance well-being and foster a positive Autistic identity. Here, you’re not just joining a group; you’re becoming part of a community that understands, accepts, and celebrates the Autistic way of being.


0 – Bundled Event – RDO – Recovery Dharma Online Meeting List Searchable Directory 278 Virtual Meetings – Weekday and Weekends @ Online Via ZOOM
Feb 10 all-day
0 - Bundled Event - RDO – Recovery Dharma Online Meeting List Searchable Directory 278 Virtual Meetings - Weekday and Weekends @ Online Via ZOOM



Recovery Dharma Online Directory

Online Meetings Open 7 Days a Week

We are a group of Recovery Dharma Members who use technology to meet up with each other from around the world. We make an effort to stay in contact with each other between meetings to form Spiritual Friendships. We get together online for meetings, workshops, and inter-sangha business. For some of us, this is our primary recovery community. For others, it supplements the meetings available to us locally. Recovery Dharma Online organizes daily meetings accessible via computer, smartphone, or dial-in. Together we meditate, study Buddhist teachings, and support each other on our paths to sobriety and peace. There are currently 278 Recovery Dharma Meetings that are available with over twenty different formats including meetings dedicated for People of Color, Men, Women, Beginners and more.

To find a meeting that meets your needs and experience, use the link below for the searchable Recovery Dharma Meeting List


What is Recovery Dharma?

Recovery Dharma is a peer-led movement and community that is unified by our trust in the potential of each of us to recover and find freedom from the suffering of addiction. We believe that the traditional Buddhist teachings, often referred to as the Dharma, offer a powerful approach to healing from addiction and living a life of true freedom.

We believe that recovery means empowerment, and we support each other as partners walking the path together. We believe that recovery is rooted in finding our own inner wisdom and individual journeys.

Recovery Dharma is founded on, and inspired by, Buddhism that originated in India and later on flourished in other regions of Asia (e.g., South Asia, East Asia, Southeast Asia, Central Asia). We deeply appreciate the Buddhist heritage that was protected and freely offered by the ancestors of these cultures.



Recovery Dharma
3439 NE Sandy Blvd # 827
Portland OR 97232-1959
United States

00 – Hotline – 2SLGBT+ CRISIS CALL & TEXT SERVICES GUIDE – 24/7 Weekdays & Weekends
Feb 10 all-day






988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline Crisis Text Line                           Youthline
Text or cal l988 Text “NATIVE” to 741741 Call 877-968-8491 or text” teen2teen” to 839863
Available 24/7 Available 24/7 Available 24/7, youth peers answering from 4pm-10pm PST.
Connects to Crisis Counselor Connects to Crisis Counselor Connects to youth peer counselors  native youth peer counselors available
For Any Person For Any Person For Youth
For any mental health Crisis For any mental health Crisis For any mental health crisis or general emotional support
Formerly known as the Suicide Prevention Lifeline, operated by SAMHSA Operated by Crisis Text Line Operated by Lines for Life


04 – Resources – MAC – Mapping Action Collective – Oregon Resources and Services for Transgender Youth and Young Adults
Feb 10 all-day
04 - Resources - MAC - Mapping Action Collective - Oregon Resources and Services for Transgender Youth and Young Adults



Trans Youth and Young Adults

“These rescources selectedf from the Mapping Action Collective




541 Willamette St #310, Eugene, OR 97401



1132 SW 13th Ave, Portland, OR 97205


Ages: 16-24
Housing & Shelter: Homeless Youth
941 W. 7th Ave. Eugene, OR 97402
New Roads Drop-In Center: (541) 686-4310
Station 7 Youth Crisis Line: (541) 689-3111


COVID Message: Hours may be impacted by COVID. Please call for updated hours.
Eligibility: Homeless youth ages 12-21
Languages: English, Spanish
Ages: 12-21
Housing & Shelter: Housing Services
1202 SE Douglas Ave, Roseburg, OR 97470



Community Resources: LGBTQ+ Resources
Nativity Lutheran Church, 60850 Brosterhous Rd., Bend


Community Resources: LGBTQ+ Resources
Prineville Presbyterian Church, 1771 NW Madras Hwy, Prineville


Community Resources: LGBTQ+ Resources


Community Resources: LGBTQ+ Resources
5633 SE Division St. Portland, OR 97206


Community Resources: LGBTQ+ Resources
1144 Gateway Loop, Suite 200, Springfield, OR 97477
Crystal Falk, Director of Youth and Family Services: (541) 686-5060


COVID Message: Building temporarily closed due to COVID, please reach out via phone or email to get support.Languages: English
Ages: 16-25
Mental Health: Support Groups



3620 SE Powell Blvd, #102 Portland OR 97202​


COVID Message: Counseling and Assessments for Surgery letters are being conducted via teletherapy or phone. In-office visits are offered to existing clients on a case-by-case basis.
Cost: Brave Space primarily works with people with Oregon Health Plan insurance. If you have private insurance, please check out our resource guide for therapists who take your insurance.
Dillehunt Hall, Room 1007 3235 S.W. Pavilion Loop Portland, OR 97239



Community Resources: LGBTQ+ Resources


Business: (541) 386-4808
24 Hour Hotline: (541) 386-6603



Basic Needs: Public Transit


Eligibility: We have only two requirements in an effort to be as inclusive as possible: 1) You identify as transgender (FTM, genderqueer, non-binary, genderfluid, gender non-conforming, and every other non-cis identity within the trans umbrella.) 2) You cannot afford to purchase a binder, or you cannot safely obtain a binder.


Are you able to pay for hair removal services out of pocket?

Are you employed and able to save some money towards hair removal services?

Are you a citizen or documented immigrant?

Do you identify as white, or do you experience white/light-skinned privilege?

If you answered YES to these questions, you may consider making space for our trans siblings who mostly answered NO. (Even if you answer YES to most or all of these questions, you are still eligible to apply.)


Eligibility: We have only two requirements in an effort to be as inclusive as possible: You identify as transgender (MTF, genderqueer, non-binary, genderfluid, gender non-conforming, and every other non-cis identity assigned male at birth within the trans umbrella.) You cannot afford to purchase femme shapewear, or you cannot safely obtain femme shapewear. We accept all requests for support, and applications are open year-round. Once you complete your application, your request will be added to our waitlist. Shipping is discrete and 100% free, and we ship internationally to 90+ countries and counting.
Cost: This program is intended to help trans folks who otherwise can not afford or access femme shapewear. We ask that you consider your access before applying.


Eligibility: You identify as transgender (FTM, MTF, non-binary, genderqueer, gender non-conforming, and all other non-cis identities). You have financial need that prevents you from affording hormone replacement therapy. You are 18 years old or older (19+ in Nebraska) at the time you apply. You live in one of the states Plume serves. You are not currently on Medicare. If you live in CO or KY, you are not currently on Medicaid.

Cost: This program is intended to help trans folks who otherwise can not afford gender-affirming surgery. We ask that you consider your access to healthcare before applying for this grant. Here are some questions to consider:Do you have health insurance coverage that is trans-inclusive?

If not, do you qualify for Medicaid?

Do you live in a state whose Medicaid plans cover HRT?

Are you employed and able to pay for HRT out of pocket?

Are there nearby clinics that offer HRT with informed consent?

Do you have reliable transportation options to access a provider?

Do you consider yourself healthy and able-bodied (i.e., not living with a chronic or long-standing illness)?

Do you identify as white, or do you experience white/light-skinned privilege?

If you answered YES to most of these questions, you may consider making space for our trans siblings who mostly answered NO. (Even if you answer YES to most or all of these questions, you are still eligible to apply.)

Minimum age served: 18


Eligibility: We have very few requirements in an effort to be as inclusive as possible: You identify as transgender (FTM, MTF, non-binary, genderqueer, gender non-conforming, and all other non-cis identities). You are 18 years of age or older at the time of your surgery, or have consent from your legal guardian(s) and healthcare provider(s). You have financial need that prevents you from affording gender-affirming surgery. You can demonstrate past attempts at affording care (i.e. saving money, fundraising, attempting to get insurance coverage). You complete your surgery in the United States with a US-based surgeon.

Cost: This program is intended to help trans folks who otherwise can not afford gender-affirming surgery. We ask that you consider your access to healthcare before applying for this grant. Here are some questions to consider:Do you have health insurance coverage that is trans-inclusive?

If not, do you qualify for Medicaid? (Learn more)

Do you have access to healthcare providers who are trans competent, and are able to travel to them to receive care?

Are you employed and able to save some money towards surgery?

Are you a citizen or documented immigrant?

Do you consider yourself healthy and able-bodied (i.e., not living with a chronic or long-standing illness)?

Do you identify as white, or do you experience white/light-skinned privilege?

If you answered YES to most of these questions, you may consider making space for our trans siblings who mostly answered NO. (Even if you answer YES to most or all of these questions, you are still eligible to apply.)

Minimum age served: 18


Eligibility: It is a benefit for eligible Health Share of Oregon members in Clackamas, Multnomah and Washington Counties.
Languages: Spanish, Russian, Mandarin, Arabic, Vietnamese, Somali, Swahili
9955 NE Glisan St, Portland, OR 97220


Basic Needs: Transportation


Basic Needs: Transportation
10055 E Burnside St, Portland, OR 97216
Energy Assistance: (503) 294-7444
Housing & Rent Assistance: (503) 721-1740


650 NW Irving St, Portland, OR 97209


Day Services & Drop-in: Mail, Laundry, & Showers
610 SW Broadway, Portland, OR 97205


Call or Text: (541) 246-4046
24/7 Text (541) 246-4046


Maximum age served: 18
605 W 4th Ave, Eugene, OR 97402


Springfield: (541) 726-3714


1175 G St, Springfield, 97477


1160 Grant St, Eugene, OR 97402


3500 E 17th Ave, Eugene, 97403


Text “START” to 678678


323 E 12th Ave, Eugene, 97401


1300 Irvington Dr, Eugene, 97404



Community Resources: Veteran Services
LGBTNHC – LGBT National Help Center – LGBT Near Me – Online LGBT Support Directory – 24/7
Feb 10 all-day
LGBTNHC - LGBT National Help Center - LGBT Near Me - Online LGBT Support Directory - 24/7




LGBT Near Me

Find local resources near you


Our community is always growing and changing. As a program of the LGBT National Help Center.

We offer access to over 19,000 LGBTQ+ community resources through-out the United States and Canada. From community center, doctors & lawyers, social groups, sports teams, youth support and so much more. Take a spin, find out what’s in your neighborhood!

Go To This Link To Search Connections by your Zip code.

Along with maintaining the largest LGBTQ+ resource database in the world,

we provide peer support through the following services:

lgbt national hotline:

lgbt national coming out support hotline:

lgbt national youth talkline
(for those 25 & younger):

lgbt national senior hotline
(for those 50 & above):

one-to-one online peer support chat:

NK – Neurokindred – Peer Support Group – RSVP @ Online Register for Details
Feb 10 all-day



Peer Support Group

Welcome to Neurokindred’s Online Autistic-led peer support groups.

As Autistic adults, we have often navigated a world feeling isolated and disconnected, our unique experiences not fully understood by those around us. This has been especially true in our interactions with others, including health professionals, where there’s been a notable lack of attunements.

Yet, there’s a hopeful aspect to this shared journey:
the powerful connection that comes from mutual understanding within the Autistic community. This sense of unity fosters belonging, acceptance, and validation.

Peer support groups are a testament to the strength found in shared experiences. Centering lived experience as the dominant narrative has empowering effects.

Research is finally tuning into what many disability, recovery and minority groups have been building for years-the power of shared experience and community. Crane et al. (2020) conducted a qualitative evaluation of an Autistic-led peer group program for late-identified Autistic adults.


Over 10 weekly sessions, participants engaged in group discussions on a range of topics, from the implications of late diagnosis, disclosure in different contexts, cross-cultural communication difficulties, emotion regulation, sensory experiences, executive function differences, cognitive flexibility, the intersection of Autism and mental health and self-advocacy.

Interviews with 16 Autistic adults revealed three powerful themes:

  • An Autistic facilitator provided a positive role model for embracing a positive Autistic identity, fostered relational safety and facilitated more open dialogue.
  • The joint sense of community and connection was powerfully affirming.
  • The most significant outcome, that is conducive to well-being, was a shift in perspective towards a positive, strengths-focused Autistic identity.

Our online peer support groups aim to replicate this environment. Led by an Autistic group facilitator, our groups provide a safe haven for exploring and embracing Autistic identity, offering post-identification support, and fostering a recovery-focused approach that celebrates the strengths of being Autistic. We understand that the journey to self-acceptance and community building is unique for each individual, and our groups are tailored to nurture this process.

Join us to experience this accessible service that goes beyond traditional support, one that is rooted in the power of shared experiences and community, designed to enhance well-being and foster a positive Autistic identity. Here, you’re not just joining a group; you’re becoming part of a community that understands, accepts, and celebrates the Autistic way of being.