PeerGalaxy Original Calendar

Welcome to PeerGalaxy Calendar featuring over 187,600+ monthly offerings of FREE telephone- and online-accessible peer support, recovery support, and wellness activities!  Plus 50+ warmlines, helplines, chatlines, and hotlines.  Plus workshops, webinars, job postings, resources, observances, special events, consumer input opportunities and more.


Click the Accessibility Button on the right side, halfway down in the middle, for enhanced viewing and/or access options!  Click the Translate Button in the lower left corner for language options. 

Your use of this site is subject to the Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions of Use.

If you have an event to add, email us:

Training Opportunities in July 2020
List Provided Courtesy of State of Oregon, Oregon Health Authority
Click here to download PDF Format, 16 pages

Calendar Event Sorting

At the top, the 24/7/365 SAMHSA Disaster Helpline and similar links.

Next, Bundled “All Day” Events

Some organizations (like 12 step recovery programs, AA, NA, AlAnon, etc.) have so many events happening throughout the day that they need to be in a bundled listing to spare endless scrolling.  Often there is a link to look up events by zip code and other criteria.

Lastly, Time-Specific Events

So you can see what’s happening in the next hours, time specific events are tagged and listed by start time from 12:01am early morning to 11:59pm late night.  There can be events and warmlines operating in different time zones, though we try to list all in Oregon’s Pacific Time Zone.

Page Advancement

The calendar displays ~50 listings per page.  To advance to next page with ~50 more listings, click the right arrow in the lower left corner of the calendar

Screenshot image of the page advancing arrows at the bottom of the calendar, lower left corner.
FA – Families Anonymous – Families Anonymous Virtual Group 337 – Thursdays @ Online Via ZOOM
Feb 6 @ 4:00 pm – Feb 7 @ 5:00 pm
FA - Families Anonymous - Families Anonymous Virtual Group 337 - Thursdays @ Online Via ZOOM


Families Anonymous Virtual Group 337

Thursdays, 4-5PM PT

Meeting Login Information:

Meeting ID: 114 964 644

There are rare occasions when we are unable to meet. Text 423-580-6203 to confirm that there is a

What is Families Anonymous?

Families Anonymous celebrated our 50th Anniversary in 2021. We were formed in 1971 by a group of concerned parents in California who were seeking ways of dealing with the problem of substance abuse and addiction in their children. Our members include parents, grandparents, siblings, spouses, significant others, other family members and friends of those with a current, suspected or former drug problem. We have been one of the best kept secrets in the recovery community, even though we have groups throughout the world.

Families Anonymous is a 12 Step fellowship for the families and friends who have known a feeling of desperation concerning the destructive behavior of someone very near to them, whether caused by drugs, alcohol, or related behavioral problems. When you come into our rooms you are no longer alone, but among friends who have experienced similar problems. Any concerned person is encouraged to attend our meetings, even if there is only a suspicion of a problem.

Your identity is protected in our meetings. We know each other by our first names only. Anonymity of our members is paramount to the success of our program. Not only is anonymity an underlying principle of the program, but it is so important that it is part of our name.

You have nothing to lose but your pain and anger. Read on if you are ready to find the peace and serenity that our members have found through the working of the FA program.



FA – Families Anonymous – Families Anonymous Virtual Group 2136 – Thursdays @ Online Via ZOOM
Feb 6 @ 5:30 pm – Feb 7 @ 6:30 am
FA - Families Anonymous - Families Anonymous Virtual Group 2136 - Thursdays @ Online Via ZOOM

Families Anonymous Virtual Group 2136

Thursdays, 5:30-6:30PM PST


Send email ( or call (612-839-7136) with any questions or to be added to the Zoom invite list, which is distributed every Thursday morning.


What is Families Anonymous?

Families Anonymous celebrated our 50th Anniversary in 2021. We were formed in 1971 by a group of concerned parents in California who were seeking ways of dealing with the problem of substance abuse and addiction in their children. Our members include parents, grandparents, siblings, spouses, significant others, other family members and friends of those with a current, suspected or former drug problem. We have been one of the best kept secrets in the recovery community, even though we have groups throughout the world.

Families Anonymous is a 12 Step fellowship for the families and friends who have known a feeling of desperation concerning the destructive behavior of someone very near to them, whether caused by drugs, alcohol, or related behavioral problems. When you come into our rooms you are no longer alone, but among friends who have experienced similar problems. Any concerned person is encouraged to attend our meetings, even if there is only a suspicion of a problem.

Your identity is protected in our meetings. We know each other by our first names only. Anonymity of our members is paramount to the success of our program. Not only is anonymity an underlying principle of the program, but it is so important that it is part of our name.

You have nothing to lose but your pain and anger. Read on if you are ready to find the peace and serenity that our members have found through the working of the FA program.



0 – Bundled Event – RDO – Recovery Dharma Online Meeting List Searchable Directory 278 Virtual Meetings – Weekday and Weekends @ Online Via ZOOM
Feb 7 all-day
0 - Bundled Event - RDO – Recovery Dharma Online Meeting List Searchable Directory 278 Virtual Meetings - Weekday and Weekends @ Online Via ZOOM



Recovery Dharma Online Directory

Online Meetings Open 7 Days a Week

We are a group of Recovery Dharma Members who use technology to meet up with each other from around the world. We make an effort to stay in contact with each other between meetings to form Spiritual Friendships. We get together online for meetings, workshops, and inter-sangha business. For some of us, this is our primary recovery community. For others, it supplements the meetings available to us locally. Recovery Dharma Online organizes daily meetings accessible via computer, smartphone, or dial-in. Together we meditate, study Buddhist teachings, and support each other on our paths to sobriety and peace. There are currently 278 Recovery Dharma Meetings that are available with over twenty different formats including meetings dedicated for People of Color, Men, Women, Beginners and more.

To find a meeting that meets your needs and experience, use the link below for the searchable Recovery Dharma Meeting List


What is Recovery Dharma?

Recovery Dharma is a peer-led movement and community that is unified by our trust in the potential of each of us to recover and find freedom from the suffering of addiction. We believe that the traditional Buddhist teachings, often referred to as the Dharma, offer a powerful approach to healing from addiction and living a life of true freedom.

We believe that recovery means empowerment, and we support each other as partners walking the path together. We believe that recovery is rooted in finding our own inner wisdom and individual journeys.

Recovery Dharma is founded on, and inspired by, Buddhism that originated in India and later on flourished in other regions of Asia (e.g., South Asia, East Asia, Southeast Asia, Central Asia). We deeply appreciate the Buddhist heritage that was protected and freely offered by the ancestors of these cultures.



Recovery Dharma
3439 NE Sandy Blvd # 827
Portland OR 97232-1959
United States

0 – Urgent Info – Israel Hamas / Iran Israel Conflict – Stress, Coping, Resources and Information
Feb 7 all-day
0 - Urgent Info - Israel Hamas / Iran Israel Conflict - Stress, Coping, Resources and Information


Israel Hamas and Iran Israel Conflict

Stress and Coping Resources and Information

Tips on dealing with stress caused by the war (Israel-Hamas) by Victoria Feldman
SAMHSA – Toolkit of Behavioral Health Resources Pertaining to the Israel-Hamas Conflict
ShareWell Free online Groups grief and more
Blue Dove Foundation / Resources by State, National & International
The National Child Traumatic Stress Network
How to talk to your children about conflict and war
Children and War Foundation
Five manuals to help children cope with their reaction to war and disasters

Invisible wounds of war: Mental health and veterans 

IRCO – Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization
Lutheran Community Services Northwest –  peer support training for immigrants and refugees Portland, OR – LCSNW

Find mental health resources for immigrants and refugees

Immigrants Rising’s Wellness Support Groups

01 – Support Line – Racial Equity Support Line w BIPOC Lived Experience @ (503) 575-3764 – 8:30am to 5:00pm PST Weekdays M-F @ Phone
Feb 7 all-day
01 - Support Line - Racial Equity Support Line w BIPOC Lived Experience @ (503) 575-3764 - 8:30am to 5:00pm PST Weekdays M-F @ Phone


Crisis / Support Line For Racial Equity Support

Answered by BIPOC counselors 
M-F from 8:30 AM -5:00 PM PST

The Racial Equity Support Line is a service led and staffed by people with lived experience of racism. We offer support to those who are feeling the emotional impacts of racist violence and microaggressions, as well as the emotional impacts of immigration struggles and other cross-cultural issues.

Many of us experience racism every day.

Unfortunately, we live in a culture where racist acts happen often. From workplaces to housing to healthcare, we know that our communities aren’t getting the same kind of treatment as others.

Experiencing racism can harm our mental wellness.

Whether in small acts, or violent ones, racial bias can have serious emotional impacts. Racism changes how we see the world around us. It’s stressful to worry about how people see us as different or dangerous. It’s exhausting to notice the ways that people treat us as less-than, day in and day out. It’s heartbreaking to turn on the news and learn about more violence against people who look like us.

We get it. And we’re here to talk. To support. To connect.

The person who answers may be a stranger – but we understand what you’re going through. We’ll listen to your situation as you talk through your feelings, and we may offer resources based on what seems most helpful to you.

Call us today at 503-575-3764.

This line is available weekdays from 8:30am to 5pm, Pacific Standard Time.

If you have questions or want to reach the Director of Equity Initiatives, please email Donna Harrell at

Toll-Free Access

If you need toll-free access, call any line at Lines for Life and ask to be transferred to the Racial Equity Support Line during its operating hours.

For example, you can call Lines for Life / National Suicide Prevention Line @ 1-877-273-8255 and ask to be transferred to the Racial Equity Support Line between 8:30am and 5pm PST.

04 – Resources – BHRN – Behavioral Health Resource Network – Free Passes Peer Support & Recovery
Feb 7 all-day



Behavioral Health Resource Network

Per Measure 110 Funding through the Oregon Health Authority, each of the Oregon 36 Counties across the state has at least one BHRN service network, plus there is an Oregon Tribe BHRN.

Follow this link got more information about Measure 110 and BHRN:

Each BHRN network has 1 or more community partners to ensure access to services for SUD – Substance Use Disorder recovery.

Each BHRN network provides trauma-informed, culturally specific and linguistically responsive services. Services include but are not limited to:

    Screening for health and social service needs.
    Screening and referral for substance use disorder.
    Access to an individualized intervention plan.
    Case management.
    Low-barrier substance use disorder treatment.
    Harm reduction services.
    Peer-supported services.
    Mobile and virtual outreach.
    Referral to appropriate outside services.

BHRN programs and services in Oregon are contracted through June 30th, 2025.

To access BHRN Programs and Services, use the Oregon BHRN Maps Page.

These maps offer Information about the BRHNs, the Partner Organizations, their Service Offerings specific to each BHRN, and additional insights..

05 – Warmline – Oregon LINEA de ESPERNAZA – @ (800) 698-2392 – Disponible 24 horas @ Phone
Feb 7 all-day
05  - Warmline - Oregon LINEA de ESPERNAZA - @ (800) 698-2392 - Disponible 24 horas @ Phone




Disponible a las 24 horas

Visite la página web para obtener más información en:

Quienquiera que seas y lo que sea por lo que estés pasando, ¡eres bienvenido en la Warmline! Nuestro atento equipo de compañeros capacitados ofrece apoyo de pares confidencial y sin prejuicios todos los días. ¡No se necesitan citas! ¡Estamos aquí para usted! Nuestro objetivo es conectarnos contigo, escuchar y descubrir juntos cómo podemos dar sentido a nuestras experiencias. Entendemos que cada persona tiene una visión del mundo única. Las personas pueden ver más posibilidades para nosotros mismos cuando nos conectamos con un compañero compasivo. Los miembros de nuestro equipo de Warmline son personas que han experimentado desafíos en la vida, incluidos estados de ánimo, voces, visiones, traumas y adicciones. Sabemos lo que es sentir grandes sentimientos o encontrarnos en momentos en los que parece haber poco que esperar. No hay necesidad de pasar por esto solo… ¡Llámenos! Línea de ayuda de Oregón 1-800-698-2392


El apoyo intencional de pares (IPS, por sus siglas en inglés) proporciona un marco poderoso para crear relaciones en las que ambas personas aprenden y crecen juntas. IPS se utiliza en todo el mundo en entornos comunitarios, de apoyo entre pares y de servicios humanos, y es una herramienta para el desarrollo comunitario que honra las fortalezas y el valor innato de cada persona. ¿Por qué IPS? Los compañeros se reúnen en torno a experiencias compartidas y, a menudo, el deseo de cambiar vidas. Pero sin un nuevo marco sobre el cual construir, las personas con frecuencia recrean la “ayuda” en función de lo que se les hizo. IPS ofrece una base para hacer algo diferente. Nos enfocamos en construir relaciones que sean mutuas, exploratorias y conscientes del poder. No intentaremos “arreglarlo”, pero nos encantaría conectarnos con usted para escuchar, compartir y aprender con usted a medida que ambos avanzamos en nuestros viajes de vida. Nuestro apoyo de pares confidencial y sin prejuicios comienza con la premisa de que las personas han aprendido a dar sentido a sus experiencias y relaciones a partir de todo lo que han aprendido en sus vidas. Sabemos que esto ha llevado a muchas personas a sentirse indignas, desconfiadas e inherentemente defectuosas. Sin entender cómo nosotros, como individuos, hemos llegado a saber lo que sabemos sobre estar en una relación y el mundo que nos rodea, es probable que tengamos problemas, no solo con angustia emocional, sino también con una lucha continua cuando hay tensión en la relación. o en la propia comunidad.

Creemos que la crisis es una oportunidad para aprender. En una conversación mutua y respetuosa, los compañeros descubren juntos cómo han desarrollado sus creencias sobre sí mismos y el mundo en el que viven. Juntas, ayuda y crisis se redefinen y adquieren un nuevo significado. Cada persona tiene la oportunidad de desafiarse a sí misma para aprender cómo podría cambiar su historia traumática de victimización y crisis por una de bienestar mental.

No damos consejos ni intentamos “conseguir” que nadie haga nada. Estamos allí para escuchar y validar los sentimientos y experiencias de la persona que llama. Juntos tenemos una conversación en la que ambos nos volvemos más conscientes mientras aprendemos y crecemos juntos. Compartimos experiencias y conocimientos para descubrir formas en las que aprendemos nuevas formas de manejar nuestros sentimientos y descubrimos formas más sanas de relacionarnos con los demás. Una vez que un individuo tuvo que “hacer frente” a un problema, puede aprender a desafiar sus creencias con respecto a ese problema, tener una experiencia diferente de la situación y ya no tener que “hacer frente” porque el problema ya no existe. El uso de esta Oregon Warmline puede ayudar a las personas a disminuir la necesidad de visitas frecuentes al médico, tratamiento en la sala de emergencias, participación con la policía y la necesidad de cuidados más intensivos.

05 – Warmline – CBL – Call Blackline – Support for the Black, Black LGBTQ+, Brown, Native and Muslim Community – Call or Text @ 1-800-604-5841 Toll Free – 24/7
Feb 7 all-day




Black text on white background Call Blackline


Call toll-free anytime 24/7

(800) 604-5841

BlackLine® provides a space for peer support, counseling, witnessing and affirming the lived experiences to folxs who are most impacted by systematic oppression with an LGBTQ+ Black Femme Lens.

Call BlackLine® prioritizes BIPOC
(Black, Indigenous and People of Color).

By us for us.

Announcing the Call BlackLine® App!

Now available in Apple’s App Store® and Google Play™

Apple App Store logo
Google Play logo
05 – Warmline – GA – Gamblers Anonymous and more – (855) 222-5542 – Weekdays and Weekends @ Phone
Feb 7 all-day


GAMBLERS ANONYMOUS is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from a gambling problem.

The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop gambling.

There are no dues or fees for Gamblers Anonymous membership; we are self-supporting through our own contributions. Gamblers Anonymous is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution; does not wish to engage in any controversy; neither endorses nor opposes any cause. Our primary purpose is to stop gambling and to help other compulsive gamblers do the same.”

From the Gamblers Anonymous Website:

Types of Meetings

Closed Meeting:
Only those with a gambling problem, or those who think they may have a gambling problem, and have a desire to stop gambling, may attend and participate.

Modified Closed Meeting:
Same as a “Closed Meeting” but the members would vote to include certain groups such as health professionals, guests attending with first time members, and persons with other addictions in need of a meeting

Open Meeting:
Spouses, family, and friends of the gambler are welcome
to attend and observe the meeting.


Gamblers Anonymous:

National GA Telephone Meetings
Day and Time
Call-in Number and Meeting Code
Contact Email

Sunday 6pm PT
1-712-770-5338 code 836083 #

Monday 6pm PT
1-712-770-4925 code 554671 #

Tuesday 6pm PT
1-712-770-4943 code 253824 #

Wednesday 6pm PT
1-712-770-4160 code 611704 #

Thursday 6pm PT
1-712-770-4981 code 872853 #

Friday Noon PT
1-712-770-4979 code 703758 # (TBD)

Friday 6pm PT
1-712-770-4996 code 595094 #

Saturday 6pm PT
1-712-770-5335 code 491301 #

Gamblers Anonymous 12-Steps Virtual Online Support Groups in California:

Gamblers Anonymous Support Groups in Oregon:

Gamblers Anonymous Hotlines Website:

Oregon Toll-Free Hotline Number:
1-855-2CALLGA (855-222-5542)

Gam-Anon for Family and Friends Website:

05 – Warmline – OFSN – OREGON FAMILY SUPPORT NETWORK – OREGON LGBTQ YOUTH & FAMILY RESOURCES – Local, State, National and LGBTQ Crisis and Support Resources – 24/7
Feb 7 all-day




Local, state, national and LGBTQ crisis and support resources.

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If you are experiencing a life-threatening emergency, please call 911.

If you or a friend are experiencing suicidal thoughts or are having a crisis and need support, dial 988 or Oregon’s Lines for Life: 800-273-8255.

Excerpt(s) from this 988 link:

LGBTQI+ people under 25 can access 24/7 LGBTQI+ support via the 988 Lifeline.

  • To call an LGBTQI-trained crisis counselor, dial 988 and then press 3.
  • To text, send the word “PRIDE” to 988.
  • To chat, you can visit this link,  then opt-in on the Pre-Chat Survey by checking off the box for LGBTQI+ support.
  • To use ASL / Video for Deaf or Hard of Hearing, use this LINK
  • Phone, text & chat available in English and Spanish / Espanol

Like other oppressed communities, LGBTQI+ communities are disproportionately at risk for suicide and other mental health struggles due to historic and ongoing structural violence. This [website] has information and resources for those looking for help and support for yourself or loved ones who identify within the vast, diverse, and thriving LGBTQI+ communities.

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Oregon Lines for Life

Lines for Life will connect you with trained crisis counselors on their 24/7 (24hrs er day, all day, 7 days per week, weekdays and weekends).  They are trained to provide responsive support during a crisis and/or emotional distress for youth, young adults, families, older adults, military service members and veterans – in partnership with the Oregon Health Authority.  Struggles with emotional distress, mental health, addictions, trauma, grief, racial equity and more are real and you are not alone in this journey.  Caring people are willing to listen and support you in your journey.  If you don’t connect well with the first person, try calling again.  You Matter.  Every Life Matters.


  English: 800-273-8255
  En español: 888-628-9454
  TTY: 800-799-4TTY (4889)

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Oregon YouthLine:  “We Listen.  We Support. We Keep it to Ourselves”

Teen 2 Teen peer crisis support – available 4pm to 10pm PST daily.

Oregon YouthLine is a peer crisis line for youth ages 21 and younger. Teens are available to help daily between 4pm and 10pm PST (Pacific Time).  Outside those hours, calls are answered by adult call counselors who can talk with youth and young adults.  Or, there is online chat via the YouthLine website.

graphic image with text for Oregon YouthLine inviting teens to text, chat, call, or emailPhone (toll free):  877-968-8491

Text:teen2teen” to 839863

Chat online: at YouthLine website  4pm and 10pm PST


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Crisis Chat Text Line available 24/7 any time day or night, anywhere in the USA

Text: “home” to 741741

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National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline – available 24/7

Phone (toll free):

  English: 800-273-8255.

  En Espanol: 888-628-9454  Nacional de Prevención del Suicidio

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Oregon Child Abuse Hotline – available 24/7 to report child abuse and neglect

  Phone 855-503-SAFE (7233)

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National Runaway Safeline – available 24/7

Provides advice and assistance to runaways, including resources, shelter, transportation, assistance in finding counseling, and transitioning back to home life. NRS frontline staff will also act as advocates and mediators if/as needed.

Phone (toll-free): 800-RUNAWAY / 800-786-2929


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Teen Line  – available 6pm to 10m PST Nationwide

Phone (toll free): 800-852-8336

Text: “TEEN” to 839863


Message Board:


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Trevor Lifeline (for LGBTQ youth) – available 24/7

Trevor Phone (toll-free): 1-866-488-7386

Trevor Chat: Text “Start” to 678-678

Trevor Website:

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LGBT National Youth Talkline  – available 1-9pm PST weekdays, 9am to 2pm PST on Saturdays

Serves youth and young adults ages 25 and under.  Provides telephone, online private one-to-one chat and email peer-support, as well as factual information and local resources for cities and towns across the United States.

Phone (toll-free): 800-246-7743 Youth  / Young Adult

National LGBT Hotline: 888-843-4564 All Ages

National Coming Out Support Hotline: 888-OUT-LGBT / 888-688-5428

Online Peer Support Chat:

Online Moderated Youth Chat Rooms:


Web Page on Self Harm Prevention / Reduction:

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Trans Lifeline (for Trans Gender) – available 10am-6pm PST Weekdays M-F

Trans Lifeline is a trans-led organization that connects trans people to the community, support, and resources they need to survive and thrive.

Phone (toll-free): (877) 565-8860 English, Option 2 for Spanish/Espanol


Crisis Caller’s Bill of Rights:

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Q Chat Space

Q Chat Space is an online community chat for LGBTQ youth and teens who are questioning their identity, ages 13-19, facilitated by staff and volunteers from LGBTQ community centers around the country. Provides a place to connect and get access to information and resources. Q Chat Space is a program of CenterLink, the national organization for LGBTQ community centers.


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Self Abuse Finally Ends (SAFE)

Addresses individuals coping with non-suicidal self-injury, including locally-based information, support and therapy referrals.


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True Colors United

The True Colors Fund is working to end homelessness among lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning youth, creating a world in which all young people can be their true selves.

Phone: (212) 461-4401


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Reach Out Oregon (ROO) Warmline / Parent Support Warmline

Available Monday – Friday 12-7 pm PST (except for holidays).

A parent / caregiver support service that provides peer support, access to services and referrals for parents and caregivers with a child or youth experiencing emotional, behavioral and mental health challenges. The warmline is a project of Reach Out Oregon and the Oregon Family Support Network.

Phone: 833-732-2467


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PFLAG (Parents, Families, and Friends of the LGBT Community)

Founded in 1973, PFLAG is the first and largest organization dedicated to supporting, educating, and advocating for LGBTQ+ people and their families.  Features resources on how to help loved ones, how to be a better ally, and much more.


Web Page with Resources and Information:

Web Page with Mental Health Resources:




05 – Warmline – WFA – Wildflower Alliance – Discord Peer Support Server – Weekdays and Weekends 24/7 @ Online Via Discord
Feb 7 all-day
05 - Warmline - WFA - Wildflower Alliance - Discord Peer Support Server - Weekdays and Weekends 24/7 @ Online Via Discord




Wildflower Alliance Discord Server

Available 24/7

The Wildflower Alliance supports healing and empowerment for our broader communities and people who have been impacted by psychiatric diagnosis, trauma, extreme states, homelessness, problems with substances and other life-interrupting challenges.

Join the Wildflower Discord Server

Discord Features

  • Anonymous
    You choose how much about yourself to share
  • Zero pressure
    Read along and participate at your own pace
  • Community
    Hundreds of people to potentially connect with
  • Private channels
    For marginalized identities and experiences
  • 24/7 access
    Share whatever, whenever
  • Peer support
    Our team and volunteers are active throughout the day and into the night

What happens on Discord?

People from Western Mass and all over the world use our Discord to:

  • Give and receive support
  • Discuss topics that are important to us
  • Share pictures, music, memes, and more
  • Join live support groups
  • Do social activities like Open Mics and Game Nights
  • Connect with others who have similar identities and experiences


Discord Limitations

Please Note: Due to Discord’s Mental Health policies we cannot allow sharing of certain details in text messages on our Discord Server. This includes specific plans or fantasies of either suicide or harming others. General talk about wanting to die may be shared in our #alternatives-to-suicide text channel. You are welcome to share more detailed thoughts at our live Online Support Groups, including the live chats on Discord, and other Wildflower Alliance Spaces.

Please also be aware that our Discord server is open 24/7 with limited resources for active facilitation and moderation. You can use the #talk-to-admins channel on the server to bring our attention to any feedback you have or issues that you notice on the server.


You can log into Discord via a web browser, but for the best experience we recommend downloading the mobile or desktop app. 

05 -Warmline – FACT Oregon – Support for Families with Children Experience Disabilities – Call 503-786-6082 or Text 541-695-5416 – Support Team Responds in 48 -72 Hours – 24/7 – Weekdays and Weekends @ Call or Text
Feb 7 all-day

Support Line

FACT Oregon’s Support Line is staffed by parents of youth experiencing disability, and we’re here to help!

Wherever you are on your journey, from birth through young adulthood, we are here to answer your questions and help find resources to support your child’s academic, emotional, and physical growth and well-being! Collectively, our team has the lived experience and professional training needed to support families through many different milestones. Let us help you carve a path forward to a whole full life! We welcome questions about early childhood, special education (we’re the designated statewide Parent Information and Training Center), intellectual and developmental disability services, behavior and communication, self-determination and supported decision making, and so much more! If we don’t know the answer, we’ll try our best to help you find it!

Get Support!

Call or text 503-786-6082 or 541-695-5416

Email us at or

Someone from our support team will call you back, usually within 48-72 hours. Or, if you’d like, you can choose a time to talk from our calendar by clicking below.


To Schedule a Support Call Use The Link Below

Para programar una llamada de soporte, use el siguiente enlace
08 – Observance – AAPSG – Autism Awareness & Parents Support Group – 24/7 – Weekdays & Weekends @ online via Facebook Live
Feb 7 all-day
08 - Observance - AAPSG - Autism Awareness & Parents Support Group - 24/7 - Weekdays & Weekends @ online via Facebook Live


Welcome to our Autism Awareness Group!
Join a warm and supportive community that embraces and empowers individuals with autism and their families. Our group is a safe space for sharing experiences, seeking guidance, and connecting with like-minded individuals who understand the journey of autism.
Discover valuable resources, expert insights, and practical tips that promote understanding and inclusion for people on the autism spectrum. Together, we celebrate the unique strengths and talents of those with autism while providing a platform to address challenges and find solutions.
Whether you’re a parent, caregiver, educator, or someone on the spectrum, this group offers a non-judgmental environment to learn, grow, and build lasting connections. Share your triumphs, seek advice, or simply be part of a compassionate network that fosters a sense of belonging and acceptance.


5 – Warmline – DDA – Dual Diagnosis Anonymous – DDA Chat Room and Resource Group – 24/7 @ Online Via ZOOM
Feb 7 all-day
5 - Warmline - DDA - Dual Diagnosis Anonymous - DDA Chat Room and Resource Group - 24/7 @ Online Via ZOOM











DDA Chat room and resource group

This new chat/resource group was created to help support those and their families who suffer from mental health and, or, addiction struggles during the coronavirus situation.
Please know that we are all in this together, so please invite those who might be able to help or benefit.  The five rules of respect will govern this site, so love, encouragement, and valid resources are the primary mission of this group. We look forward to the support of the community and sharing support and resources for those who need it.
IMPORTANT: Anyone who chooses to promote panic, fear, racism, or misinformation will be asked to stop and or be blocked.
Love, peace, and blessings (LPB)

Join The Facebook Group

DDA’s Five Rules of Respect
1. First, and most importantly, who you see here and what is said here, let it stay here! (Here! Here!) Confidentiality and anonymity are the spiritual foundations that keep our recovery possible.
2. Questions and answers are welcome and positive feedback is given, when asked for.
3. Keep it real.
4. Try not to disrupt the group.
5. It is OK to pass, if you do not wish to share.
PSS – Peer Support Space – Peer Support Space Online Group – 24/7 Weekdays & Weekends
Feb 7 all-day




Click Here To Join This Group


Peer Support Space Online Group is a safe space for anyone to share anything in a NONJUDGMENTAL and SUPPORTIVE environment. We believe that you never know what anyone is going through, that it is okay to not be okay, and that when we share our stories we become empowered and remind others that they are not alone.
All topics are welcome here (ex: mental illness, trauma, sexual abuse, addiction, suicidality etc.). Here we feel safe to express ourselves without fear of being judged. Here we listen to and support one another.
You are loved. You matter. You are not alone.
1. We respect and validate all sexual orientations, genders, ages, and disabilities as well as those of diverse neurological, racial, religious, and cultural backgrounds.
2. We are welcoming and introduce ourselves to new members.
3. Sexual harassment or harassment of any kind will not be tolerated. If asked to stop, stop. If you feel you are being harassed, in any way, by any member please message an admin.
4. While sharing what has helped YOU is encouraged, we believe that there are many routes to recovery and individuals should be the “drivers” of their recovery journey including treatment choices.
5. You are allowed to share something and ask to not be given advice.
*This is a growing group, rules are subject to change.*
***Please note, that although we honor confidentiality this space this is the internet and as such we cannot guarantee privacy – please share using your own discretion.***


SOR – Sounds of Recovery – Facebook Support Group – 24/7 @ Facebook Group
Feb 7 all-day
SOR - Sounds of Recovery - Facebook Support Group - 24/7 @ Facebook Group




Sounds of Recovery

Facebook Recovery Group

Available 24/7

This is a group to post, talk about, share and to promote Sounds of Recovery. This includes: Music, Poems, Speeches, Inspirational Videos, Motivational Videos and Personal Stories that are about recovery from addiction.

Use This Link To Join

WA – Wildflower Alliance – Join our Discord Community Online Peer Support Server – 24/7 @ Online via Zoom
Feb 7 all-day
WA - Wildflower Alliance - Join our Discord Community Online Peer Support Server - 24/7 @ Online via Zoom

Discord Community

Discord is a social platform that we use to host an online peer support & community space.

You can log into Discord via a web browser, but for the best experience we recommend downloading the mobile or desktop app.

Discord Features

  • Anonymous
    You choose how much about yourself to share
  • Zero pressure
    Read along and participate at your own pace
  • Community
    Hundreds of people to potentially connect with
  • Private channels
    For marginalized identities and experiences
  • 24/7 access
    Share whatever, whenever
  • Peer support
    Our team and volunteers are active throughout the day and into the night

What happens on Discord?

People from Western Mass and all over the world use our Discord to:

  • Give and receive support
  • Discuss topics that are important to us
  • Share pictures, music, memes, and more
  • Join live support groups and activities
  • Connect with others who have similar identities and experiences


To see a video tutorial for our Discord Server

05 – Warmline – FSP – Fireside Project – Psychedelic Peer Support Line – (623) 473-7433 – 11am to 11pm PT – Weekdays & Weekends @ Phone
Feb 7 @ 3:00 am – 3:00 pm
05 - Warmline - FSP - Fireside Project - Psychedelic Peer Support Line - (623) 473-7433 - 11am to 11pm PT - Weekdays & Weekends @ Phone


Psychedelic Support Line





  • We offer free, confidential, non-clinical emotional support by phone and text message to people in the midst of psychedelic experiences, people exploring the meaning of past psychedelic experiences, and people who are supporting others have psychedelic experiences.

  • The Line is staffed by compassionate, diverse, rigorously trained volunteers who listen deeply and from a place of non-judgment. They are trained to be with you, with care.


  • We do not provide medical care, medical assessment, psychotherapy, or any form of clinical support. People who think they may be having a medical emergency should call 911.

  • We also do not provide support to people who are actively suicidal. Such callers should call 988.



FA – Families Anonymous – Families Anonymous Virtual Group 478 – Fridays @ Phone
Feb 7 @ 5:30 am – 6:30 am
FA - Families Anonymous - Families Anonymous Virtual Group 478 - Fridays @ Phone


Families Anonymous Virtual Group 478

Friday, 5:30-6:30PM PST

Meeting Contact:



text/call 847-778-1008 (cell)

What is Families Anonymous?

Families Anonymous celebrated our 50th Anniversary in 2021. We were formed in 1971 by a group of concerned parents in California who were seeking ways of dealing with the problem of substance abuse and addiction in their children. Our members include parents, grandparents, siblings, spouses, significant others, other family members and friends of those with a current, suspected or former drug problem. We have been one of the best kept secrets in the recovery community, even though we have groups throughout the world.

Families Anonymous is a 12-Step fellowship for the families and friends who have known a feeling of desperation concerning the destructive behavior of someone very near to them, whether caused by drugs, alcohol, or related behavioral problems. When you come into our rooms, you are no longer alone, but among friends who have experienced similar problems. Any concerned person is encouraged to attend our meetings, even if there is only a suspicion of a problem.

Your identity is protected in our meetings. We know each other by our first names only. Anonymity of our members is paramount to the success of our program. Not only is anonymity an underlying principle of the program, but it is so important that it is part of our name.

You have nothing to lose but your pain and anger. Read on if you are ready to find the peace and serenity that our members have found through the working of the FA program.



WFA – Wildflower Alliance – Morning Mindfulness Meditation Circle – Weekdays @ Online Via Zoom
Feb 7 @ 6:00 am – 7:00 am
WFA - Wildflower Alliance - Morning Mindfulness Meditation Circle - Weekdays @ Online Via Zoom




Wildflower Alliance

Morning Mindfulness Meditation Circle

Monday – Friday 6:00AM – 7:00AM PT

This group provides a daily structure and support for cultivating greater clarity, kindness, and compassion towards ourselves and others through meditation and mindfulness practice.  Each session includes timed periods of silent meditation and mindful movement, and the mindful listening and individual sharing of heart council practice.

For more information and log-in link please email:

Peer360 – Recovery On The 9’s – 9:00AM Meeting – Weekdays and Weekends -7:00AM PT @ Online Via ZOOM
Feb 7 @ 7:00 am – 8:00 am
Peer360 - Recovery On The 9's - 9:00AM Meeting  - Weekdays and Weekends -7:00AM PT @ Online Via ZOOM







9:00 AM: Zoom Peer360 Recovery On the 9’s


ET 8:00AM, CT 9:00AM, PT 7:00AM

Recovery on the 9’s is a recovery support group that meets twice daily at both 9am and 9pm online using the Zoom platform.

Use your phone/tablet/computer or other device to first download the Zoom application to your device. You can download Zoom by clicking this link –




Click Here To Join Via ZOOM


Peer 360 online meetings are free and open to anyone who struggles with addiction, is affected by addiction, seeking to overcome addiction, or support the recovery lifestyle. We welcome all styles and pathways of recovery!

If you have questions regarding Recovery on the 9’s meetings, contact Carole at (989) 423-5207.

If you have technical issues downloading Zoom, or joining the meetings – contact Kyle at (989) 577-1901.

All Recovery
All Pathways
All Together

Peer 360 Recovery Alliance exists to serve the diverse recovery communities, their family, friends and allies offering a unified voice and a shared recovery vision. We are building bridges across the gaps between professional treatment services and successful lives in long-term recovery so that no more are lost to addiction.
What is peer support?
Peer support is an informal gathering of others in recovery; it is a chance to share your experience and strength in recovery with others. It is also a chance to talk about your struggles and get support.
FA – Families Anonymous – Families Anonymous Virtual Group 831 – Fridays @ Contact Staff
Feb 7 @ 8:00 am – 9:00 pm
FA - Families Anonymous - Families Anonymous Virtual Group 831 - Fridays @ Contact Staff

Families Anonymous Virtual Group 831

Fridays, 8-9AM PST


Please contact group for login information or any questions

Contact: 847-721-6348

What is Families Anonymous?

Families Anonymous celebrated our 50th Anniversary in 2021. We were formed in 1971 by a group of concerned parents in California who were seeking ways of dealing with the problem of substance abuse and addiction in their children. Our members include parents, grandparents, siblings, spouses, significant others, other family members and friends of those with a current, suspected or former drug problem. We have been one of the best kept secrets in the recovery community, even though we have groups throughout the world.

Families Anonymous is a 12 Step fellowship for the families and friends who have known a feeling of desperation concerning the destructive behavior of someone very near to them, whether caused by drugs, alcohol, or related behavioral problems. When you come into our rooms you are no longer alone, but among friends who have experienced similar problems. Any concerned person is encouraged to attend our meetings, even if there is only a suspicion of a problem.

Your identity is protected in our meetings. We know each other by our first names only. Anonymity of our members is paramount to the success of our program. Not only is anonymity an underlying principle of the program, but it is so important that it is part of our name.

You have nothing to lose but your pain and anger. Read on if you are ready to find the peace and serenity that our members have found through the working of the FA program.

ACADF – Adult Children of Alcoholics & Dysfunctional Families – Women’s Active Reparenting to Music Online Meeting – Open To All – Fridays @ Online via Zoom
Feb 7 @ 9:00 am – 10:00 am
ACADF - Adult Children of Alcoholics & Dysfunctional Families  - Women's Active Reparenting to Music Online Meeting - Open To All - Fridays @ Online via Zoom




Friday 09:00 AM WEB1073 Women’s Active Reparenting to Music

Zoom ID: 807 053 4034

Please use the ‘contact This Meeting’ button to request the password.



We use the steps, we use the traditions, we use the experiences of fellow travelers to help us actively reparent our inner child

During this meeting we actively reparent to music in whatever way our inner children need with the goal of having fun in our lives! Following this, we have shares.

If you are a cis woman, trans woman, female-identifying, or female/nonbinary, this meeting is for you.

If you are a cisgender male, please search for a different meeting.

This is implemented on the honor system and we do not gate-keep identities.

(English) Open to All (online)

Format: Discussion

Focus: Women Only


What is ACA?

ACA is a 12 Step program that focuses on emotional sobriety.

We were all profoundly affected by the dysfunction in our families of origin, whether alcohol was present in the home or not.  Consequently, we developed a set of “laundry list” traits that helped us survive that experience.  These traits may have been adaptive at the time, but have now come to substantially disrupt our lives.

We recover by “working our program.”  This means attending ACA meetings and working the Twelve Steps.  The Steps are not meant to be worked in isolation, which is why we work with more experienced members, a twelve-step group, and/or our fellow travelers (others in ACA).

ACA is a spiritual program, not a religious program. The only requirement for membership is a desire to recover from the effects of growing up in an alcoholic or otherwise dysfunctional family. ACA has no membership fees.

Since each meeting is autonomous, and each meeting can be a different experience, we recommend that if your first meeting is not a fit for you, try other meetings before deciding if the ACA program can be helpful in your journey from discovery to recovery.

Meetings are intended to be a safe place. We share our experience, strength, and hope; we offer compassion and understanding.  We also have the right not to share, unless we are ready.  We welcome you to join us.

Please note that ACA is not a replacement for addicts working an abstinence program in other Twelve Step fellowships.  Adult Children of Alcoholics works best for people that have obtained a level of sobriety in their other program(s).

CCLVI -The Council of Citizens with Low Vision International – Coffee Break ZOOM Meeting – Fridays @ Online Via ZOOM
Feb 7 @ 9:00 am – 10:00 am
CCLVI -The Council of Citizens with Low Vision International - Coffee Break ZOOM Meeting - Fridays @ Online Via ZOOM










Council of Citizens with Low Vision International

Coffee Break Zoom Meeting

Fridays 9-10am PST

Currently, we hold these weekly calls on a variety of topics related to low vision. Events include  special speakers, technology discussion, coping with low vision chats, peer support, book discussions, inspirational topics,  themed chats, game nights (specific Mondays),  and more! We welcome all to join us. And if you have a suggestion for a topic, please contact our web team!


Everyone is welcome to attend these events by calling in, accessing the Zoom mobile app or the Zoom website. Meeting reminders are sent weekly. You may sign-up to receive the announcements and Zoom details by subscribing to our CCLVI-Chat list.

To join the list, please send an email to  or to our Webmaster at

In addition, all CCLVI events, except our business and committee meetings, are listed on the ACB Community schedule distributed via that email list. Those individuals without email can access this information by phone by dialing 1-800-424-8666 and following the prompts.




KC – Kiva Centers – Sharing Safety Pride Group – Fridays @ Online Via ZOOM
Feb 7 @ 9:00 am – 10:00 am
KC  - Kiva Centers - Sharing Safety Pride Group - Fridays @ Online Via ZOOM



Sharing Safty in Pride

Fridays 9-10AM PST

An LGBTQ+ specific group, where we can receive and give peer support to other members of our community, in a space dedicated to us.

Use This Link To Attend By ZOOM

Every Zoom meeting has closed captioning available
For the safety and security of our community we will now be implementing waiting rooms.
If you any questions please contact us at
FT – FolkTime – SLOP – Suicide is the Language Of Pain – Fridays @ Online via Zoom
Feb 7 @ 9:30 am – 11:00 am
FT - FolkTime - SLOP – Suicide is the Language Of Pain - Fridays @ Online via Zoom

Suicide as a Language of Pain (SLOP)

Fridays, 9:30AM-11:00AM Virtual

For survivors by survivors

Fridays, 9:30AM-11:00AM

Do you ever just want to be able to talk about what’s happening and not be afraid to share? Come join others who live with the pain and want to share hope with each other without judgement or fear of reaction.

Who: Anyone who has ever tried to die by suicide and/or anyone living with thoughts/visions/plans or dreams of suicide; people who want a place to talk about it and feel heard!

What: SLOP is a 90-minute meeting designed and facilitated by survivors for survivors! It provides a space for individuals to come together so they can share their experience, strength, and hope!

Why: Many of us have learned to keep our experiences hidden for fear of others trying to “fix us”, force us to take medications or go into the hospital. As a result, we sometimes feel alone with no one we can trust to just talk about it.

IPS (Intentional Peer Support) principles guide our open conversations about living as a survivor


This group meets Fridays from 9:30AM-11AM

Meeting ID: 946 6247 6019

05 – Warmline – TL – Trans Lifeline Saving Lives – (877) 565-8860 – Mondays – Fridays @ phone
Feb 7 @ 10:00 am – 6:00 pm

Sponsor Logo




Trans Lifeline

Peer Support and Crisis Hotline by and for Trans & Questioning

Open Monday – Friday 10AM – 6PM PT

Toll-Free USA: 877-565-8860

Toll-Free Canada: 877-330-6366

Trans Lifeline is a peer support service run by trans people, for trans and questioning callers. Our operators are located all over the U.S. and Canada and are all trans-identified. If you are in crisis or just need someone to talk to, even if it’s just about whether you’re trans, please call us. We will do our best to support you and provide you resources.

Our Hotline launched shortly after Trans Day of Remembrance of 2014 in response to the epidemic of suicide in our community. We believe that some of the best support that a trans person in a crisis can have is a fellow member of our community with shared lived experience.

While it started as a service for people in crisis, that is no longer the case. Trans Lifeline still functions as a crisis and suicide prevention hotline. However, it also serves as a space for trans people who just require someone to talk to.

Trans Lifeline provides live, one-on-one phone support, as well as large numbers of online resources for transgender and gender-questioning individuals. The hotline is open 24 hours a day. It is only guaranteed to be staffed from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. EST, but operators are often also available at other times.

In addition to information resources, Trans Lifeline offers microgrants to individuals who need financial support when updating their name and gender on their legal documents. They accept a limited number of applications each month. However, they will pay the entire fee for most document changes other than birth certificates.

La línea directa de Trans Lifeline es un servicio de apoyo entre compañeros dirigido por personas trans, para personas trans. Nuestros operadores están ubicados en todo EE. UU. Y Canadá, y todos son trans identificados. Si está en crisis o simplemente necesita alguien con quien hablar, incluso si se trata solo de si es o no es trans, llámenos. Haremos todo lo posible para apoyarlo y brindarle recursos.

Nuestra línea directa se lanzó poco después del Día de la Remembranza Trans en 2014 en respuesta a la epidemia de suicidio en nuestra comunidad. Creemos que algunos de los mejores apoyos que una persona trans en crisis puede tener es la oportunidad de hablar con un miembro de nuestra comunidad con experiencia de vida compartida.

Trans Lifeline is training Spanish-speaking volunteers who identify as transgender and want to support the Translatinx community by being a volunteer operator for our dedicated Spanish hotline. This line will launch this summer.


Facebook social media page:

Twitter posts page:

Instagram posts page:


Crisis Callers’ Bill of Rights

Safe Hotlines Logo Icon Safety

Callers have the right to…

  1. Trust that the help we seek will be supportive, not harmful
  2. Receive crisis support free of judgment, irrespective of substance use, participation in sex trade, mental health condition, disability, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, age, citizenship, housing status, religion, nationality, or caste
  3. Reach out for support in a crisis without being criminalized, detained, or deported
  4. Have all trauma responses, including suicidality, understood as normal responses to current or past traumatic experiences, and be able to speak about suicidality without fear of more trauma
  5. Get crisis support without police violence, harassment, or threats
  6. Share our identities and experiences without being outed to unsupportive caregivers, workplaces, or abusers
  7. Be made aware of short- and long-term options for support that we can accept or refuse

Safe Hotlines Logo Icon Transparency

Callers have the right to…

  1. Know what services we’re receiving when we call
  2. Clear and upfront information about which situations hotlines use police and emergency services – to be included on websites, apps, chatbots, and greeting/hold recordings, including geotracking
  3. Understand if and when our calls are being recorded, how they’ll be used, and who they’ll be shared with
  4. Be informed by operators at the beginning of calls about which situations or circumstances hotline policies dictate the use of law enforcement or emergency responders
  5. Be informed if police or emergency services are being dispatched to our location

Safe Hotlines Logo Icon Agency

Callers have the right to…

  1. Determine which supports and care we utilize and which we refuse, as the experts in our own lives.
  2. Access support and services without police or other emergency responders entering our homes, work, school, or any other location without our knowledge and consent. We did not call 911.
  3. Make decisions about what’s best for our financial and mental wellbeing, including not being charged ambulance or hospital bills for services we did not seek or consent to, or losing work, housing, etc.
  4. Protect ourselves from further trauma, harm, and instability.


05 Warmline – CCLVI -The Council of Citizens with Low Vision International – CCLVI Information Hotline – Monday through Sunday, 6am to 6pm PST @ Phone
Feb 7 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am
05 Warmline - CCLVI -The Council of Citizens with Low Vision International - CCLVI Information Hotline - Monday through Sunday, 6am to 6pm PST @ Phone






Council of Citizens with Low Vision International

CCLVI Information Hotline

(6am Pacific and 6pm Pacific)

Toll Free Hotline (844) 460-0625

Low Vision? We Can Help!


Do you find yourself living in the awkward position of being neither fully sighted nor totally blind? If so, you are not alone.  

Whether you were born with low vision or your vision has decreased over the years, the Council of Citizens with Low Vision International (CCLVI) is an organization whose members share similar experiences.   

We are dedicated to providing information and tips to help you live well with vision loss.  To meet your low vision needs, we sponsor regular Zoom chats, support groups and learning sessions on different topics such as technology and living with vision loss.   


To receive reminders about our Zoom calls and connection information, go to to join our email list serve or send an email to to be added to the cclvi chat email list. On our website you will also find our newsletter and to see many low vision resources go to


We facilitate the giving of three Fred Scheigert college scholarships

annually We advocate for issues like low vision devices from Medicare and more.

To find out more about CCLVI low vision information, call our voicemail

CCLVI audio update line at (773) 572-6315. To talk directly to a CCLVI

member call toll free (844) 460-0625.

If you would like to become a member, go to or contact Zelda by email at to request a membership form or receive help with the completion of the form.   

We would like to help you live well with vision loss. 

DDAOR – Dual Diagnosis Anonymous of Oregon – 10-11AM PST- Fridays @ Online Via ZOOM
Feb 7 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am
DDAOR - Dual Diagnosis Anonymous of Oregon - 10-11AM PST- Fridays @ Online Via ZOOM



Fridays, 10 – 11AM PST

Join Zoom Meeting

Dual Diagnosis Anonymous (DDA) is a peer support group based on an authorized version of the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous plus an additional 5 Steps that focus on Dual Diagnosis (mental illness and substance abuse). DDA’s unique 12 Steps Plus 5 Program offers hope for achieving the promise of recovery. Read more about the history of DDA at


KC – Kiva Centers – KIVA Centers Group – TGIF (Thank Goodness it’s Friday) – Fridays @ Online Via ZOOM
Feb 7 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am
KC - Kiva Centers - KIVA Centers Group - TGIF (Thank Goodness it's Friday) - Fridays @ Online Via ZOOM



(Thank Goodness Its Friday)

Fridays 10-11AM PST

This group is intended to be more lighthearted and fun than some of our groups can be.  Join us to talk about good things happening, hear about the positive things others are experiencing, share news and excitement as well as just come together to lift our spirits before the weekend.

Every Zoom meeting has closed captioning available
For the safety and security of our community we will now be implementing waiting rooms.
If you any questions please contact us at



DDAOR – Dual Diagnosis Anonymous of Oregon – Mens DDA Meeting 12-1PM PST – Fridays @ Online Via ZOOM
Feb 7 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
DDAOR - Dual Diagnosis Anonymous of Oregon - Mens DDA Meeting 12-1PM PST - Fridays @ Online Via ZOOM



DDAOR Online Meeting

Men’s Meeting


Fridays – 12-1PM PST

Join Zoom Meeting

Dual Diagnosis Anonymous (DDA) is a peer support group based on an authorized version of the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous plus an additional 5 Steps that focus on Dual Diagnosis (mental illness and substance abuse). DDA’s unique 12 Steps Plus 5 Program offers hope for achieving the promise of recovery.

Read more about the history of DDA at



P360 – Peer 360 Online Support Group – Recovery on the Rez – Tuesdays @ Online Via ZOOM
Feb 7 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
P360 - Peer 360 Online Support Group - Recovery on the Rez - Tuesdays @ Online Via ZOOM







Zoom Peer 360 Online Recovery On the Rez


ET: 1:00PM, CT 2:00PM, PT 12:00PM

Recovery on the Rez is a non-judgmental mutual aide support group that welcomes all styles of recovery.

This support group includes regular recovery support, but also includes an element of Native American 7 Grandfather Teachings/ The Red Road to Wellbriety.

This group is led by Subject Matter Experts in the Native American Sag-Chip way, and are also in recovery themselves.


Meeting ID: 829 1218 8791

Passcode: 123456


Use your phone/tablet/computer or other device to first download the Zoom application to your device. You can download Zoom by clicking this link –


Questions? Contact Anna at (989) 423-8053.

SRH – Summit Recovery Hub – Recovery Reading Meeting – Fridays @ Online Via Facebook
Feb 7 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
SRH - Summit Recovery Hub - Recovery Reading Meeting - Fridays @ Online Via Facebook





Recovery Reading Meeting

Fridays, 12-1PM PST

Mark Salchak leads a online meeting of learning to read contemplatively to support your recovery practice. Build recovery capital.

Use this Link To Attend Via Facebook

00 – Hotline – LGBTNHC – LGBT NATIONAL HELP CENTER – LGBT National Coming Out Support Hotline – 1- 888 – 688 – 5428 – Weekdays @ Phone
Feb 7 @ 1:00 pm – 9:00 pm
00 - Hotline - LGBTNHC - LGBT NATIONAL HELP CENTER - LGBT National Coming Out Support Hotline - 1- 888 - 688 - 5428 - Weekdays @ Phone










LGBT National Coming Out Support Hotline
888-688-5428 (888-OUT-LGBT)


Mon – Fri:
1 PM – 9 PM/pacific time
4 PM – Midnight/eastern timeSat:
9 AM – 2 PM/pacific time
Noon – 5 PM/eastern time

You decide IF and WHEN Coming out is right for you, and you don’t have do this alone. Our LGBTQIA+ peer support volunteers are here for you.

We can help you when you are struggling with:

  • coming out to yourself
  • coming out to friends & family
  • facing fear and isolation
  • searching for local support & resources on your personal journey


PG – PeerGalaxy – Creative Writing with Joe & Bree – 11am – 12pm Fridays @ Online Via HeyPeers
Feb 7 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
PG - PeerGalaxy - Creative Writing with Joe & Bree - 11am - 12pm Fridays @ Online Via HeyPeers









Creative Writing with Joe & Bree.

Fridays @ 11am-12pm PST

Online via

Fridays @ 11-12pm PST — Creative Writing with Joe & Bree online via
Creative writing with Joe and Bree. Joe found creative writing to be a life changing practice for his recovery journey. Bree brings many ideas to this offering as well. Joe offers prompts for creative writing on a variety of topics. Sharing is optional.



P360 – Peer 360 Online Support Group – 6:00PM Meeting – Weekdays and Weekends – 4:00PM PT @ Online Via ZOOM
Feb 7 @ 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm
P360 - Peer 360 Online Support Group - 6:00PM Meeting - Weekdays and Weekends - 4:00PM PT @ Online Via ZOOM





6:00 PM: Zoom Peer 360 Online Support Group


ET: 5:00PM, CT 6:00PM, PT4:00PM

Peer 360 online meetings are free and open to anyone who struggles with addiction, is affected by addiction, seeking to overcome addiction, or support the recovery lifestyle. We welcome all styles and pathways of recovery!

If you have technical issues downloading Zoom, or joining the meeting – contact Kyle at (989) 577-1901.

Online Event Location:  Click here to join meeting

All Recovery
All Pathways
All Together

Peer 360 Recovery Alliance exists to serve the diverse recovery communities, their family, friends and allies offering a unified voice and a shared recovery vision. We are building bridges across the gaps between professional treatment services and successful lives in long-term recovery so that no more are lost to addiction.
What is peer support?
Peer support is an informal gathering of others in recovery; it is a chance to share your experience and strength in recovery with others. It is also a chance to talk about your struggles and get support.
PG – PeerGalaxy – Fearless Fridays with Braunwynn F. – Friday @ Online Via HeyPeers
Feb 7 @ 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm
PG - PeerGalaxy - Fearless Fridays with Braunwynn F. - Friday @ Online Via HeyPeers


Fridays, 4-5 pm PST

In a world that can often feel isolating and overwhelming, finding a space where we can openly discuss and navigate our mental health challenges is crucial.
Braunwynn aims to bring this sanctuary to life with an empathetic and inclusive approach. From her rich tapestry of personal recovery experiences and deep knowledge, she brings insights and strategies that are both practical and profoundly transformative.
We believe in the strength that comes from diversity and the power of shared stories to inspire and heal. Let’s embark on a journey of discovery, healing, and empowerment. Together, we’ll explore the landscape of mental health recovery, supported.


If you’re new to HeyPeers, you can sign-up / onboard with PeerGalaxy and access MyJourneyTracker for FREE while available:
If you’re an existing HeyPeers member, you can check out PeerGalaxy offerings and future links.
FA – Families Anonymous – Families Anonymous Virtual Group 270 – Fridays @ Online Via Goto Meeting
Feb 7 @ 4:15 pm – 5:15 pm
FA - Families Anonymous - Families Anonymous Virtual Group 270 - Fridays @ Online Via Goto Meeting
Families Anonymous Virtual Group 270

Fridays, 4:15-5:15PM PST


Download the GoToMeeting app on your mobile phone, tablet or goto

When asked for meeting use GotoMeeting #115-381-933

Call Janice at 631-647-3946 or Donna at 631-589 3790 or email

What is Families Anonymous?

Families Anonymous celebrated our 50th Anniversary in 2021. We were formed in 1971 by a group of concerned parents in California who were seeking ways of dealing with the problem of substance abuse and addiction in their children. Our members include parents, grandparents, siblings, spouses, significant others, other family members and friends of those with a current, suspected or former drug problem. We have been one of the best kept secrets in the recovery community, even though we have groups throughout the world.

Families Anonymous is a 12 Step fellowship for the families and friends who have known a feeling of desperation concerning the destructive behavior of someone very near to them, whether caused by drugs, alcohol, or related behavioral problems. When you come into our rooms you are no longer alone, but among friends who have experienced similar problems. Any concerned person is encouraged to attend our meetings, even if there is only a suspicion of a problem.

Your identity is protected in our meetings. We know each other by our first names only. Anonymity of our members is paramount to the success of our program. Not only is anonymity an underlying principle of the program, but it is so important that it is part of our name.

You have nothing to lose but your pain and anger. Read on if you are ready to find the peace and serenity that our members have found through the working of the FA program.

FA – Families Anonymous – Families Anonymous Virtual Group 1152 – Fridays @ Contact Staff
Feb 7 @ 4:45 pm – 5:45 pm
FA - Families Anonymous - Families Anonymous Virtual Group 1152 - Fridays @ Contact Staff

Families Anonymous Virtual Group 1152

Fridays, 4:45-5:45PM PST


Please contact group for login information or any questions


Phone Numbers: 646-314-3396 or 845-821-0619

What is Families Anonymous?

Families Anonymous celebrated our 50th Anniversary in 2021. We were formed in 1971 by a group of concerned parents in California who were seeking ways of dealing with the problem of substance abuse and addiction in their children. Our members include parents, grandparents, siblings, spouses, significant others, other family members and friends of those with a current, suspected or former drug problem. We have been one of the best kept secrets in the recovery community, even though we have groups throughout the world.

Families Anonymous is a 12-Step fellowship for the families and friends who have known a feeling of desperation concerning the destructive behavior of someone very near to them, whether caused by drugs, alcohol, or related behavioral problems. When you come into our rooms, you are no longer alone, but among friends who have experienced similar problems. Any concerned person is encouraged to attend our meetings, even if there is only a suspicion of a problem.

Your identity is protected in our meetings. We know each other by our first names only. Anonymity of our members is paramount to the success of our program. Not only is anonymity an underlying principle of the program, but it is so important that it is part of our name.

You have nothing to lose but your pain and anger. Read on if you are ready to find the peace and serenity that our members have found through the working of the FA program.

CCLVI – The Council of Citizens with Low Vision International – First Friday Book Club – First Fridays @ Online Via ZOOM
Feb 7 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
CCLVI - The Council of Citizens with Low Vision International - First Friday Book Club - First Fridays @ Online Via ZOOM











Council of Citizens with Low Vision International

First Friday Book Club

First Fridays – 8-9 PM PST

Currently, we hold these weekly calls on a variety of topics related to low vision. Events include special speakers, technology discussion, coping with low vision chats, peer support, book discussions, inspirational topics, themed chats, game nights (specific Mondays), and more! We welcome all to join us. And if you have a suggestion for a topic, please contact our web team!

Visit our book club webpage for more details!


Everyone is welcome to attend these events by calling in, accessing the Zoom mobile app or the Zoom website. Meeting reminders are sent weekly. You may sign-up to receive the announcements and Zoom details by subscribing to our CCLVI-Chat list.

To join the list, please send an email to  or to our Webmaster at

In addition, all CCLVI events, except our business and committee meetings, are listed on the ACB Community schedule distributed via that email list. Those individuals without email can access this information by phone by dialing 1-800-424-8666 and following the prompts.


DDAO – Dual Diagnosis Anonymous of Oregon – 5-6PM PST- Fridays @ Online Via ZOOM
Feb 7 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
DDAO - Dual Diagnosis Anonymous of Oregon - 5-6PM PST- Fridays @ Online Via ZOOM




Fridays, 5PM to 6PM PST

Join Zoom Meeting: https:

Dual Diagnosis Anonymous (DDA) is a peer support group based on an authorized version of the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous plus an additional 5 Steps that focus on Dual Diagnosis (mental illness and substance abuse). DDA’s unique 12 Steps Plus 5 Program offers hope for achieving the promise of recovery. Read more about the history of DDA at

Facebook link:

ACADF – Adult Children of Alcoholics & Dysfunctional Families – Living in the solution – Open To All – Weekdays and Weekends @ Online via Zoom
Feb 7 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
ACADF - Adult Children of Alcoholics & Dysfunctional Families  - Living in the solution - Open To All - Weekdays and Weekends @ Online via Zoom




Living in the solution – Socal3

Weekdays and Weekends 06:00 PM Living in the solution – Socal3

Zoom ID: 871 3722 7107

To receive the Zoom passcode, please email

This meeting is held every day – 7 days a week at 6pm pacific/9pm eastern.

Our meeting includes a feelings check-in, reading from the BRB/LPG, meditation time and breakout room shares. Socal 3 provides a safe place to share your adult and childhood experiences. Newcomers are encouraged to join us, and we make time for newcomer questions at the end of each meeting. On Fridays, we read from ACA’s Loving Parent Guidebook (LPG).

(English) Open to All (online)

Format: Discussion – Fellowship Text (BRB) – Loving Parent Guidebook

Meetings Local Time 06:00 pm America/Los_Angeles


What is ACA?

ACA is a 12 Step program that focuses on emotional sobriety.

We were all profoundly affected by the dysfunction in our families of origin, whether alcohol was present in the home or not.  Consequently, we developed a set of “laundry list” traits that helped us survive that experience.  These traits may have been adaptive at the time, but have now come to substantially disrupt our lives.

We recover by “working our program.”  This means attending ACA meetings and working the Twelve Steps.  The Steps are not meant to be worked in isolation, which is why we work with more experienced members, a twelve-step group, and/or our fellow travelers (others in ACA).

ACA is a spiritual program, not a religious program. The only requirement for membership is a desire to recover from the effects of growing up in an alcoholic or otherwise dysfunctional family. ACA has no membership fees.

Since each meeting is autonomous, and each meeting can be a different experience, we recommend that if your first meeting is not a fit for you, try other meetings before deciding if the ACA program can be helpful in your journey from discovery to recovery.

Meetings are intended to be a safe place. We share our experience, strength, and hope; we offer compassion and understanding.  We also have the right not to share, unless we are ready.  We welcome you to join us.

Please note that ACA is not a replacement for addicts working an abstinence program in other Twelve Step fellowships.  Adult Children of Alcoholics works best for people that have obtained a level of sobriety in their other program(s).

ITN – Iron Tribe Network – Hybrid Meeting – Friday Night Community Meeting @ Online via Zoom
Feb 7 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
ITN - Iron Tribe Network - Hybrid  Meeting - Friday Night Community Meeting @ Online via Zoom

ITN Friday Night Community Meetings

6-7pm PST (60 minutes)

Meeting via Online Zoom and In Person Hybrid at this time.

Zoom is FREE and Easy to Download.

Click the link below to join via Zoom:

Meeting ID: 864 3755 5041

See you there.  Bring a friend.

FACT Oregon – Introduction to Disability and Special Education – Collaborative Communication – Wednesday @ Online Via Zoom
Feb 7 @ 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm
FACT Oregon - Introduction to Disability and Special Education  - Collaborative Communication - Wednesday @ Online Via Zoom


Introduction to Disability and Special Education (3 trainings)

Wednesdays, November 6, 13, 20 | 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm | Zoom

Join FACT Oregon for a series of three introductory trainings on disability and special education. In these sessions, you will learn key concepts related to disability, understand the purpose of special education and the six main principles of IDEA, and explore how to advocate for your child and work with their school team effectively.

  • Session 1 (Nov. 6): Key Concepts in Disability Justice
  • Session 2 (Nov. 13): Understanding Special Education
  • Session 3 (Nov 20): Collaborative Communication

Attend 1 or all 3 trainings in the series.

Register: English | Español | Download Flyers: English | Español

Language Services: Trainings will be provided in English and Spanish. Please request other language supports at least fourteen (14) days before the event.


FACT Oregon – Introduction to Disability and Special Education – Understanding Special Education – Wednesday @ Online Via Zoom
Feb 7 @ 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm
FACT Oregon - Introduction to Disability and Special Education  - Understanding Special Education - Wednesday @ Online Via Zoom


Introduction to Disability and Special Education (3 trainings)

Wednesdays, November 6, 13, 20 | 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm | Zoom

Join FACT Oregon for a series of three introductory trainings on disability and special education. In these sessions, you will learn key concepts related to disability, understand the purpose of special education and the six main principles of IDEA, and explore how to advocate for your child and work with their school team effectively.

  • Session 1 (Nov. 6): Key Concepts in Disability Justice
  • Session 2 (Nov. 13): Understanding Special Education
  • Session 3 (Nov 20): Collaborative Communication

Attend 1 or all 3 trainings in the series.

Register: English | Español | Download Flyers: English | Español

Language Services: Trainings will be provided in English and Spanish. Please request other language supports at least fourteen (14) days before the event.


Peer360 – Recovery On The 9’s – 9:00PM Meeting – Weekdays and Weekends – 7:00PM PT @ Online Via ZOOM
Feb 7 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Peer360 - Recovery On The 9's - 9:00PM Meeting  - Weekdays and Weekends - 7:00PM PT @ Online Via ZOOM







9:00 PM: Zoom Peer360 Recovery On the 9’s


ET 8:00PM, CT 9:00PM, PT 7:00PM

Recovery on the 9’s is a recovery support group that meets twice daily at both 9am and 9pm online using the Zoom platform.

Use your phone/tablet/computer or other device to first download the Zoom application to your device. You can download Zoom by clicking this link –




Click Here To Join Via ZOOM


Peer 360 online meetings are free and open to anyone who struggles with addiction, is affected by addiction, seeking to overcome addiction, or support the recovery lifestyle. We welcome all styles and pathways of recovery!

If you have questions regarding Recovery on the 9’s meetings, contact Carole at (989) 423-5207.

If you have technical issues downloading Zoom, or joining the meetings – contact Kyle at (989) 577-1901.

All Recovery
All Pathways
All Together

Peer 360 Recovery Alliance exists to serve the diverse recovery communities, their family, friends and allies offering a unified voice and a shared recovery vision. We are building bridges across the gaps between professional treatment services and successful lives in long-term recovery so that no more are lost to addiction.
What is peer support?
Peer support is an informal gathering of others in recovery; it is a chance to share your experience and strength in recovery with others. It is also a chance to talk about your struggles and get support.
TRP – The Recover Project – All Recovery Meeting – Mondays – Saturdays @ Online Via Zoom
Feb 7 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
TRP - The Recover Project - All Recovery Meeting - Mondays - Saturdays @ Online Via Zoom






The Recovery Project


All Recovery meetings are held in a hybrid format
Monday through Saturday, 7-8 am and 3-4pm on Fridays.
Saturdays are on zoom only.
Zoom ID: 413 774 5489
Meeting Description:
All Recovery meetings are open to all pathways of recovery. We are all in this together and we strive to uphold our values of safety, respect, compassion, and acceptance. Our community is committed to making this space as safe as possible. We strive to be trauma-informed in our words and actions. If you feel uncomfortable during the meeting, we encourage self-care and understand if you need to take space. Our co-facilitators can offer 1:1 support during the meeting and can follow up after the meeting as necessary.
Group Intentions
•Please speak only about yourself, sharing personal experiences, and avoid directly addressing someone else or someone else’s share.
•Please do not glorify past behaviors.
•Confidentiality must be maintained, including electronics.
•Excessive movement can be distracting, so please limit walking around.
•We ask that everyone keep their comments brief to allow others to share.
•Please mute your cell phones and try not to use it during the meeting. If an important call or text is expected, please excuse yourself quietly.
•There will be opportunity for connection and conversations after the meeting.
•Be mindful of our Code of Ethics* and refrain from using profanity


WFA – Wildflower Alliance – Trauma Center Trauma Sensitive Yoga – Tuesdays & Fridays @ Contact Staff
Feb 7 @ 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm
WFA - Wildflower Alliance - Trauma Center Trauma Sensitive Yoga - Tuesdays & Fridays @ Contact Staff


Wildflower Alliance

Trauma Center Trauma Sensitive Yoga

Tuesdays 7:30AM – 8:30AM PT

The first yoga-based empirically validated intervention for complex trauma or chronic (PTSD).

The TCTSY methodology is based on central components, of which participants engage in a series of physical forms and movements. Elements of standard hatha yoga are modified to maximize experiences of empowerment and cultivate a more positive relationship with one’s body.

If you would like to participate please contact Cate Wolff TCTSY-F either at or 978-270-4113 before class so that a connection can be made and questions answered.

No previous experience, screening or commitment is required.


01 – Helpline – KC – Kiva Centers – Peer Support Line – (508)688-5898 – Weekdays 8PM to 12Midnight @ Online Via ZOOM
Feb 7 @ 8:00 pm – Feb 8 @ 4:00 am
01 - Helpline - KC - Kiva Centers - Peer Support Line - (508)688-5898 - Weekdays 8PM to 12Midnight @ Online Via ZOOM


Need Someone to Talk To?

Our peer support line is just a call away!

Phone number: 508-688-5898

Available Monday through Friday from 5:00 pm to 10:00 PM, our dedicated team of trained Certified Peer Specialists are here to listen and support you through life’s challenges.  Whether you’re feeling overwhelmed or just need someone to talk to, they are ready to provide a safe space for you to express yourself.

Our team of Certified Peer Specialists are people with real life experience who can relate to what you’re going through, offering authentic empathy and understanding without judgment.  You’re not alone on your journey – we are here to walk alongside you.

What to Expect

  • Confidential and non-judgmental support
  • Empathy, mutuality, and understanding
  • Practical strategies and resources
  • Time and space to explore your thoughts and emotions
0 – Urgent Info – Israel Hamas War – Stress and Coping Resources and Information
Feb 7 @ 8:28 pm – 9:28 pm
0 - Urgent Info - Israel Hamas War - Stress and Coping Resources and Information

Israel Hamas War

Stress and Coping Resources and Information




Tips on dealing with stress caused by the war (Israel-Hamas) by Victoria Feldman


SAMHSA’S TOOLKIT of Resources Pertaining to the Israel-Hamas Conflict(s)

Downloaded from:

SAMHSA = US federal agency, Dept. of Health & Human Services, Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Agency


ShareWell online grief support groups and more 21011016673_690503683104&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw3vO3BhCqARIsAEWblcCqDh9Sfz2fXwSUpmVTT3mvHIyqVnR-ueEGL71LvLUl-0Dxg5YzMLoaAoFUEALw_wcB


My Grief Angels (via Zoom) online support groups type of loss


Strength to Strength


“SURVIVORS HEALING SURVIVORS” Tip Sheet for those impacted by Terrorism for Victims by Victims (PDF file)


Blue Dove Foundation / Resources by State, National & International




UNICEF offers

For Parents: How to talk to your children about conflict and war


TIPS for Supporting Youth Affected by the Violence in Israel and Gaza for Families and Educators by National Assoc of School Psychologists

Mental Health and Violent Conflict: A Vicious Cycle

The National Child Traumatic Stress Network 



Children and War Foundation shares 5 manuals to help children cope with their reaction to war and disasters 


Linden Education Tips & Resources for Parents


CHC Online Resources for Talking to Children about War & Global Conflict




Invisible wounds of war: Mental health and veterans 




IRCO – Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization – Safety & Wellbeing Services


Lutheran Community Services Northwest –  peer support training for immigrants and refugees Portland, OR – LCSNW

Programs Offered – Find mental health resources for immigrants and refugees


Immigrants Rising’s Wellness Support Groups 


If you know of more, please share in an email to: