PeerGalaxy Original Calendar

Welcome to PeerGalaxy Calendar featuring over 99,000+ monthly offerings of FREE telephone- and online-accessible peer support, recovery support + wellness activities!

Over 30+ warmlines plus webinars, workshops, job postings, special events, consumer input opportunities and more.


Click the Accessibility Button on the right side, halfway down in the middle, for enhanced viewing and/or access options!  Click the Translate Button in the lower left corner for language options. 

Your use of this site is subject to the Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions of Use.  Reminder: Fees or charges may be charged by your carrier for sending or receiving SMS text messaging, phone, or data.

If you have an event to add, email us:

How Events are Sorted:

First, at the top of the list: SAMHSA Disaster Helpline and similar links.

Next in the list: Bundled “All Day” Events for organizations with events happening at multiple times throughout the day and/or in many formats or locations; these are bundled into a single listing to prevent endless scrolling.  Usually these offer a lookup by zip code or other criteria. 

Lastly, Time-Specific Events listed by start time from 12:01am early morning to 11:59pm late night.  Warmlines and places east of Oregon’s time zone tend to start earlier (e.g. 4am in Oregon is 7am in New York).

05 – Warmline – Oregon LINEA de ESPERNAZA – @ (800) 698-2392 – Disponible 24 horas @ Phone
Apr 23 all-day
05  - Warmline - Oregon LINEA de ESPERNAZA - @ (800) 698-2392 - Disponible 24 horas @ Phone




Disponible a las 24 horas

Visite la página web para obtener más información en:

Quienquiera que seas y lo que sea por lo que estés pasando, ¡eres bienvenido en la Warmline! Nuestro atento equipo de compañeros capacitados ofrece apoyo de pares confidencial y sin prejuicios todos los días. ¡No se necesitan citas! ¡Estamos aquí para usted! Nuestro objetivo es conectarnos contigo, escuchar y descubrir juntos cómo podemos dar sentido a nuestras experiencias. Entendemos que cada persona tiene una visión del mundo única. Las personas pueden ver más posibilidades para nosotros mismos cuando nos conectamos con un compañero compasivo. Los miembros de nuestro equipo de Warmline son personas que han experimentado desafíos en la vida, incluidos estados de ánimo, voces, visiones, traumas y adicciones. Sabemos lo que es sentir grandes sentimientos o encontrarnos en momentos en los que parece haber poco que esperar. No hay necesidad de pasar por esto solo… ¡Llámenos! Línea de ayuda de Oregón 1-800-698-2392


El apoyo intencional de pares (IPS, por sus siglas en inglés) proporciona un marco poderoso para crear relaciones en las que ambas personas aprenden y crecen juntas. IPS se utiliza en todo el mundo en entornos comunitarios, de apoyo entre pares y de servicios humanos, y es una herramienta para el desarrollo comunitario que honra las fortalezas y el valor innato de cada persona. ¿Por qué IPS? Los compañeros se reúnen en torno a experiencias compartidas y, a menudo, el deseo de cambiar vidas. Pero sin un nuevo marco sobre el cual construir, las personas con frecuencia recrean la “ayuda” en función de lo que se les hizo. IPS ofrece una base para hacer algo diferente. Nos enfocamos en construir relaciones que sean mutuas, exploratorias y conscientes del poder. No intentaremos “arreglarlo”, pero nos encantaría conectarnos con usted para escuchar, compartir y aprender con usted a medida que ambos avanzamos en nuestros viajes de vida. Nuestro apoyo de pares confidencial y sin prejuicios comienza con la premisa de que las personas han aprendido a dar sentido a sus experiencias y relaciones a partir de todo lo que han aprendido en sus vidas. Sabemos que esto ha llevado a muchas personas a sentirse indignas, desconfiadas e inherentemente defectuosas. Sin entender cómo nosotros, como individuos, hemos llegado a saber lo que sabemos sobre estar en una relación y el mundo que nos rodea, es probable que tengamos problemas, no solo con angustia emocional, sino también con una lucha continua cuando hay tensión en la relación. o en la propia comunidad.

Creemos que la crisis es una oportunidad para aprender. En una conversación mutua y respetuosa, los compañeros descubren juntos cómo han desarrollado sus creencias sobre sí mismos y el mundo en el que viven. Juntas, ayuda y crisis se redefinen y adquieren un nuevo significado. Cada persona tiene la oportunidad de desafiarse a sí misma para aprender cómo podría cambiar su historia traumática de victimización y crisis por una de bienestar mental.

No damos consejos ni intentamos “conseguir” que nadie haga nada. Estamos allí para escuchar y validar los sentimientos y experiencias de la persona que llama. Juntos tenemos una conversación en la que ambos nos volvemos más conscientes mientras aprendemos y crecemos juntos. Compartimos experiencias y conocimientos para descubrir formas en las que aprendemos nuevas formas de manejar nuestros sentimientos y descubrimos formas más sanas de relacionarnos con los demás. Una vez que un individuo tuvo que “hacer frente” a un problema, puede aprender a desafiar sus creencias con respecto a ese problema, tener una experiencia diferente de la situación y ya no tener que “hacer frente” porque el problema ya no existe. El uso de esta Oregon Warmline puede ayudar a las personas a disminuir la necesidad de visitas frecuentes al médico, tratamiento en la sala de emergencias, participación con la policía y la necesidad de cuidados más intensivos.

05 – Warmline – Oregon Warmline – Peer Support @ 1-800-698-2392 – 24/7 – Weekdays and Weekends @ Phone
Apr 23 all-day
05 - Warmline - Oregon Warmline - Peer Support @ 1-800-698-2392 - 24/7 - Weekdays and Weekends @ Phone








Call 1-800-698-2392 Toll Free

Visit the webpage for more information at:


Whoever you are and whatever you may be going through, you are welcome on the Warmline! Our caring team of trained peers offers nonjudgmental and confidential peer support every day. No appointments needed! We are here for you!

Our goal is to connect with you, to listen, and to discover together how we can make sense of our experiences. We understand that everyone has a unique worldview. People can see more possibilities for ourselves when we connect with a compassionate peer.

Our Warmline Team members are people who have experienced life challenges – including moods, voices, visions, trauma, and addictions. We know what it is like to feel big feelings or to find ourselves in moments when there seems to be little to hope for. No need to go through this alone… Give us a call!  Oregon Warmline 1-800-698-2392

Intentional Peer Support (IPS) provides a powerful framework for creating relationships where both people learn and grow together. IPS is used across the world in community, peer support, and human services settings, and is a tool for community development that honors each person’s strengths and innate value. Why IPS? Peers come together around shared experiences and often a desire to change lives. But without a new framework to build upon, people frequently re-enact “help” based on what was done to them. IPS offers a foundation for doing something different. We focus on building relationships that are mutual, explorative, and conscious of power. We won’t try to “fix” you, but we would love to connect with you to listen, share, and learn with you as we both move forward in our life journeys.

Our confidential and non-judgmental peer support starts with the premise that people have learned to make meaning of their experiences and relationships out of everything they have learned in their lives. We know that this has led many people to feel undeserving, distrusting, and inherently flawed. Without understanding how we, as individuals, have come to know what we know about being in relationship and the world around us, we are likely to have trouble, not only with emotional distress, but also with a continuous struggle when there is tension in relationship or in one’s community.

We believe that crisis is an opportunity to learn. In a mutual and respectful conversation, peers discover together how they have developed their beliefs about themselves and the world in which they live. Together, help and crisis are redefined and have new meaning. Each person has the opportunity to challenge themselves to learn how they might change their trauma story of victimhood and crisis to one of mental wellness.

We do not give advice or attempt to ‘get’ anyone to do anything. We are there to listen and validated the caller’s feelings and experiences. Together we have a conversation in which we both become more self aware while learning and growing together. We share experience and knowledge in order to discover ways in which we both learn new ways of managing our feelings and discover healthier ways of being in relationship with others. Once where an individual had to “cope” with an issue, they may learn to challenge their beliefs regarding that issue, have a different experience of the situation and no longer have to “cope” because the issue no longer exists. The use of this Oregon Warmline may help people decrease the need for frequent doctor’s visits, emergency room treatment, involvement with law enforcement, and the need for more intensive care.

DBSA – Depression Bipolar Support Alliance – DBSA California Support Groups – Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays @ Online Via ZOOM
Apr 23 @ 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm
DBSA - Depression Bipolar Support Alliance - DBSA California Support Groups - Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays @ Online Via ZOOM






DBSA California Support Groups

Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays 5:30-7:30PM PST

DBSA-California Support Groups are offered for free and provide a safe, confidential space where people from all walks of life connect with peers to share their stories, experiences, and lives in a way that helps redce isolation and loneliness.
The groups are held online every Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday
When we’re struggling or in a crisis, we often feel that we’re alone. Support groups can connect us with peers who understand us, have similar lived experiences, and can help us get through. Our support groups are led by peers we highly train as facilitators, so they have an intimate comprehension of the challenges firsthand and serve as a beacon of hope to others.
Who Should Join Groups?
Battling mental health alone is difficult for most individuals who suffer from Depression and Bipolar. It can seem impossible to cope, heal, or think about recovery. We understand the struggle, we’ve been there, we can help! By attending weekly discussion groups, you will be empowered with education, resources, emotional support, and guidance to set you up on the path to recovery. There is no shame in admitting that sometimes we need help, it’s tough enough carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders, let DBSA CA Support Groups lighten the load for you.
Topics of Discussion
Self-esteem/self-talk (positive/negative)
Planning for the future
Obligations (financial/relationships-family/work)
Initial steps (after an episode)
Hospitalization (in-patient/outpatient)
Insurance (medical/disability)
Sleep patterns
Dual diagnosis & Addiction (drugs & alcohol)
Finding a doctor/therapist
Self-discipline, daily maintenance/routine
Proper self-care, motivation/lack of motivation
Spending money
Exercise/fitness (physical activity)
Setting goals and meeting deadlines
Setting boundaries
Weight loss/gain/appetite
Test of faith (spiritual life)
Self Education







DBSA – Depression Bipolar Support Alliance – Tardive Dyskinesia & Movement Condition Support Group – Jeffery F. – Tuesdays @ Online Via HeyPeers
Apr 23 @ 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
DBSA - Depression Bipolar Support Alliance - Tardive Dyskinesia & Movement Condition Support Group - Jeffery F. - Tuesdays @ Online Via HeyPeers






Tardive Dyskinesia & Movement Condition Support Group

Tuesdays 6:00-7:00PM PST

Jeffery F.

All DBSA online support groups are free of charge. Online support groups are led by peers, which means that the person guiding the meeting knows firsthand what it’s like to live with a mood disorder.

Our national online support groups are hosted by HeyPeers, a DBSA vendor.

Upon registration, you will receive an email from them to assist you with managing your account.

Register Through HeyPeers

05 – Warmline – Oregon LINEA de ESPERNAZA – @ (800) 698-2392 – Disponible 24 horas @ Phone
Apr 24 all-day
05  - Warmline - Oregon LINEA de ESPERNAZA - @ (800) 698-2392 - Disponible 24 horas @ Phone




Disponible a las 24 horas

Visite la página web para obtener más información en:

Quienquiera que seas y lo que sea por lo que estés pasando, ¡eres bienvenido en la Warmline! Nuestro atento equipo de compañeros capacitados ofrece apoyo de pares confidencial y sin prejuicios todos los días. ¡No se necesitan citas! ¡Estamos aquí para usted! Nuestro objetivo es conectarnos contigo, escuchar y descubrir juntos cómo podemos dar sentido a nuestras experiencias. Entendemos que cada persona tiene una visión del mundo única. Las personas pueden ver más posibilidades para nosotros mismos cuando nos conectamos con un compañero compasivo. Los miembros de nuestro equipo de Warmline son personas que han experimentado desafíos en la vida, incluidos estados de ánimo, voces, visiones, traumas y adicciones. Sabemos lo que es sentir grandes sentimientos o encontrarnos en momentos en los que parece haber poco que esperar. No hay necesidad de pasar por esto solo… ¡Llámenos! Línea de ayuda de Oregón 1-800-698-2392


El apoyo intencional de pares (IPS, por sus siglas en inglés) proporciona un marco poderoso para crear relaciones en las que ambas personas aprenden y crecen juntas. IPS se utiliza en todo el mundo en entornos comunitarios, de apoyo entre pares y de servicios humanos, y es una herramienta para el desarrollo comunitario que honra las fortalezas y el valor innato de cada persona. ¿Por qué IPS? Los compañeros se reúnen en torno a experiencias compartidas y, a menudo, el deseo de cambiar vidas. Pero sin un nuevo marco sobre el cual construir, las personas con frecuencia recrean la “ayuda” en función de lo que se les hizo. IPS ofrece una base para hacer algo diferente. Nos enfocamos en construir relaciones que sean mutuas, exploratorias y conscientes del poder. No intentaremos “arreglarlo”, pero nos encantaría conectarnos con usted para escuchar, compartir y aprender con usted a medida que ambos avanzamos en nuestros viajes de vida. Nuestro apoyo de pares confidencial y sin prejuicios comienza con la premisa de que las personas han aprendido a dar sentido a sus experiencias y relaciones a partir de todo lo que han aprendido en sus vidas. Sabemos que esto ha llevado a muchas personas a sentirse indignas, desconfiadas e inherentemente defectuosas. Sin entender cómo nosotros, como individuos, hemos llegado a saber lo que sabemos sobre estar en una relación y el mundo que nos rodea, es probable que tengamos problemas, no solo con angustia emocional, sino también con una lucha continua cuando hay tensión en la relación. o en la propia comunidad.

Creemos que la crisis es una oportunidad para aprender. En una conversación mutua y respetuosa, los compañeros descubren juntos cómo han desarrollado sus creencias sobre sí mismos y el mundo en el que viven. Juntas, ayuda y crisis se redefinen y adquieren un nuevo significado. Cada persona tiene la oportunidad de desafiarse a sí misma para aprender cómo podría cambiar su historia traumática de victimización y crisis por una de bienestar mental.

No damos consejos ni intentamos “conseguir” que nadie haga nada. Estamos allí para escuchar y validar los sentimientos y experiencias de la persona que llama. Juntos tenemos una conversación en la que ambos nos volvemos más conscientes mientras aprendemos y crecemos juntos. Compartimos experiencias y conocimientos para descubrir formas en las que aprendemos nuevas formas de manejar nuestros sentimientos y descubrimos formas más sanas de relacionarnos con los demás. Una vez que un individuo tuvo que “hacer frente” a un problema, puede aprender a desafiar sus creencias con respecto a ese problema, tener una experiencia diferente de la situación y ya no tener que “hacer frente” porque el problema ya no existe. El uso de esta Oregon Warmline puede ayudar a las personas a disminuir la necesidad de visitas frecuentes al médico, tratamiento en la sala de emergencias, participación con la policía y la necesidad de cuidados más intensivos.

05 – Warmline – Oregon Warmline – Peer Support @ 1-800-698-2392 – 24/7 – Weekdays and Weekends @ Phone
Apr 24 all-day
05 - Warmline - Oregon Warmline - Peer Support @ 1-800-698-2392 - 24/7 - Weekdays and Weekends @ Phone








Call 1-800-698-2392 Toll Free

Visit the webpage for more information at:


Whoever you are and whatever you may be going through, you are welcome on the Warmline! Our caring team of trained peers offers nonjudgmental and confidential peer support every day. No appointments needed! We are here for you!

Our goal is to connect with you, to listen, and to discover together how we can make sense of our experiences. We understand that everyone has a unique worldview. People can see more possibilities for ourselves when we connect with a compassionate peer.

Our Warmline Team members are people who have experienced life challenges – including moods, voices, visions, trauma, and addictions. We know what it is like to feel big feelings or to find ourselves in moments when there seems to be little to hope for. No need to go through this alone… Give us a call!  Oregon Warmline 1-800-698-2392

Intentional Peer Support (IPS) provides a powerful framework for creating relationships where both people learn and grow together. IPS is used across the world in community, peer support, and human services settings, and is a tool for community development that honors each person’s strengths and innate value. Why IPS? Peers come together around shared experiences and often a desire to change lives. But without a new framework to build upon, people frequently re-enact “help” based on what was done to them. IPS offers a foundation for doing something different. We focus on building relationships that are mutual, explorative, and conscious of power. We won’t try to “fix” you, but we would love to connect with you to listen, share, and learn with you as we both move forward in our life journeys.

Our confidential and non-judgmental peer support starts with the premise that people have learned to make meaning of their experiences and relationships out of everything they have learned in their lives. We know that this has led many people to feel undeserving, distrusting, and inherently flawed. Without understanding how we, as individuals, have come to know what we know about being in relationship and the world around us, we are likely to have trouble, not only with emotional distress, but also with a continuous struggle when there is tension in relationship or in one’s community.

We believe that crisis is an opportunity to learn. In a mutual and respectful conversation, peers discover together how they have developed their beliefs about themselves and the world in which they live. Together, help and crisis are redefined and have new meaning. Each person has the opportunity to challenge themselves to learn how they might change their trauma story of victimhood and crisis to one of mental wellness.

We do not give advice or attempt to ‘get’ anyone to do anything. We are there to listen and validated the caller’s feelings and experiences. Together we have a conversation in which we both become more self aware while learning and growing together. We share experience and knowledge in order to discover ways in which we both learn new ways of managing our feelings and discover healthier ways of being in relationship with others. Once where an individual had to “cope” with an issue, they may learn to challenge their beliefs regarding that issue, have a different experience of the situation and no longer have to “cope” because the issue no longer exists. The use of this Oregon Warmline may help people decrease the need for frequent doctor’s visits, emergency room treatment, involvement with law enforcement, and the need for more intensive care.

DBSA – Depression Bipolar Support Alliance – Black Community Peer Support Groups – Michele B. – Wednesdays @ Online Via HeyPeers
Apr 24 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm






Black Community Peer Support Groups

Wednesdays 1:00-2:00PM PST

Michele B.

All DBSA online support groups are free of charge. Online support groups are led by peers, which means that the person guiding the meeting knows firsthand what it’s like to live with a mood disorder.

Our national online support groups are hosted by HeyPeers, a DBSA vendor.

Upon registration, you will receive an email from them to assist you with managing your account.

Register Through HeyPeers

DBSA – Depression Bipolar Support Alliance – Black Community Peer Support Groups – Ashley S. – Wednesdays @ Online Via HeyPeers
Apr 24 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm





Black Community Peer Support Groups

Wednesdays 5-6PM PST

Ashley S.

All DBSA online support groups are free of charge. Online support groups are led by peers, which means that the person guiding the meeting knows firsthand what it’s like to live with a mood disorder.

Our national online support groups are hosted by HeyPeers, a DBSA vendor.

Upon registration, you will receive an email from them to assist you with managing your account.

Register Through HeyPeers


DBSA – Depression Bipolar Support Alliance – DBSA California Support Groups – Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays @ Online Via ZOOM
Apr 24 @ 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm
DBSA - Depression Bipolar Support Alliance - DBSA California Support Groups - Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays @ Online Via ZOOM






DBSA California Support Groups

Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays 5:30-7:30PM PST

DBSA-California Support Groups are offered for free and provide a safe, confidential space where people from all walks of life connect with peers to share their stories, experiences, and lives in a way that helps redce isolation and loneliness.
The groups are held online every Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday
When we’re struggling or in a crisis, we often feel that we’re alone. Support groups can connect us with peers who understand us, have similar lived experiences, and can help us get through. Our support groups are led by peers we highly train as facilitators, so they have an intimate comprehension of the challenges firsthand and serve as a beacon of hope to others.
Who Should Join Groups?
Battling mental health alone is difficult for most individuals who suffer from Depression and Bipolar. It can seem impossible to cope, heal, or think about recovery. We understand the struggle, we’ve been there, we can help! By attending weekly discussion groups, you will be empowered with education, resources, emotional support, and guidance to set you up on the path to recovery. There is no shame in admitting that sometimes we need help, it’s tough enough carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders, let DBSA CA Support Groups lighten the load for you.
Topics of Discussion
Self-esteem/self-talk (positive/negative)
Planning for the future
Obligations (financial/relationships-family/work)
Initial steps (after an episode)
Hospitalization (in-patient/outpatient)
Insurance (medical/disability)
Sleep patterns
Dual diagnosis & Addiction (drugs & alcohol)
Finding a doctor/therapist
Self-discipline, daily maintenance/routine
Proper self-care, motivation/lack of motivation
Spending money
Exercise/fitness (physical activity)
Setting goals and meeting deadlines
Setting boundaries
Weight loss/gain/appetite
Test of faith (spiritual life)
Self Education







05 – Warmline – Oregon LINEA de ESPERNAZA – @ (800) 698-2392 – Disponible 24 horas @ Phone
Apr 25 all-day
05  - Warmline - Oregon LINEA de ESPERNAZA - @ (800) 698-2392 - Disponible 24 horas @ Phone




Disponible a las 24 horas

Visite la página web para obtener más información en:

Quienquiera que seas y lo que sea por lo que estés pasando, ¡eres bienvenido en la Warmline! Nuestro atento equipo de compañeros capacitados ofrece apoyo de pares confidencial y sin prejuicios todos los días. ¡No se necesitan citas! ¡Estamos aquí para usted! Nuestro objetivo es conectarnos contigo, escuchar y descubrir juntos cómo podemos dar sentido a nuestras experiencias. Entendemos que cada persona tiene una visión del mundo única. Las personas pueden ver más posibilidades para nosotros mismos cuando nos conectamos con un compañero compasivo. Los miembros de nuestro equipo de Warmline son personas que han experimentado desafíos en la vida, incluidos estados de ánimo, voces, visiones, traumas y adicciones. Sabemos lo que es sentir grandes sentimientos o encontrarnos en momentos en los que parece haber poco que esperar. No hay necesidad de pasar por esto solo… ¡Llámenos! Línea de ayuda de Oregón 1-800-698-2392


El apoyo intencional de pares (IPS, por sus siglas en inglés) proporciona un marco poderoso para crear relaciones en las que ambas personas aprenden y crecen juntas. IPS se utiliza en todo el mundo en entornos comunitarios, de apoyo entre pares y de servicios humanos, y es una herramienta para el desarrollo comunitario que honra las fortalezas y el valor innato de cada persona. ¿Por qué IPS? Los compañeros se reúnen en torno a experiencias compartidas y, a menudo, el deseo de cambiar vidas. Pero sin un nuevo marco sobre el cual construir, las personas con frecuencia recrean la “ayuda” en función de lo que se les hizo. IPS ofrece una base para hacer algo diferente. Nos enfocamos en construir relaciones que sean mutuas, exploratorias y conscientes del poder. No intentaremos “arreglarlo”, pero nos encantaría conectarnos con usted para escuchar, compartir y aprender con usted a medida que ambos avanzamos en nuestros viajes de vida. Nuestro apoyo de pares confidencial y sin prejuicios comienza con la premisa de que las personas han aprendido a dar sentido a sus experiencias y relaciones a partir de todo lo que han aprendido en sus vidas. Sabemos que esto ha llevado a muchas personas a sentirse indignas, desconfiadas e inherentemente defectuosas. Sin entender cómo nosotros, como individuos, hemos llegado a saber lo que sabemos sobre estar en una relación y el mundo que nos rodea, es probable que tengamos problemas, no solo con angustia emocional, sino también con una lucha continua cuando hay tensión en la relación. o en la propia comunidad.

Creemos que la crisis es una oportunidad para aprender. En una conversación mutua y respetuosa, los compañeros descubren juntos cómo han desarrollado sus creencias sobre sí mismos y el mundo en el que viven. Juntas, ayuda y crisis se redefinen y adquieren un nuevo significado. Cada persona tiene la oportunidad de desafiarse a sí misma para aprender cómo podría cambiar su historia traumática de victimización y crisis por una de bienestar mental.

No damos consejos ni intentamos “conseguir” que nadie haga nada. Estamos allí para escuchar y validar los sentimientos y experiencias de la persona que llama. Juntos tenemos una conversación en la que ambos nos volvemos más conscientes mientras aprendemos y crecemos juntos. Compartimos experiencias y conocimientos para descubrir formas en las que aprendemos nuevas formas de manejar nuestros sentimientos y descubrimos formas más sanas de relacionarnos con los demás. Una vez que un individuo tuvo que “hacer frente” a un problema, puede aprender a desafiar sus creencias con respecto a ese problema, tener una experiencia diferente de la situación y ya no tener que “hacer frente” porque el problema ya no existe. El uso de esta Oregon Warmline puede ayudar a las personas a disminuir la necesidad de visitas frecuentes al médico, tratamiento en la sala de emergencias, participación con la policía y la necesidad de cuidados más intensivos.

05 – Warmline – Oregon Warmline – Peer Support @ 1-800-698-2392 – 24/7 – Weekdays and Weekends @ Phone
Apr 25 all-day
05 - Warmline - Oregon Warmline - Peer Support @ 1-800-698-2392 - 24/7 - Weekdays and Weekends @ Phone








Call 1-800-698-2392 Toll Free

Visit the webpage for more information at:


Whoever you are and whatever you may be going through, you are welcome on the Warmline! Our caring team of trained peers offers nonjudgmental and confidential peer support every day. No appointments needed! We are here for you!

Our goal is to connect with you, to listen, and to discover together how we can make sense of our experiences. We understand that everyone has a unique worldview. People can see more possibilities for ourselves when we connect with a compassionate peer.

Our Warmline Team members are people who have experienced life challenges – including moods, voices, visions, trauma, and addictions. We know what it is like to feel big feelings or to find ourselves in moments when there seems to be little to hope for. No need to go through this alone… Give us a call!  Oregon Warmline 1-800-698-2392

Intentional Peer Support (IPS) provides a powerful framework for creating relationships where both people learn and grow together. IPS is used across the world in community, peer support, and human services settings, and is a tool for community development that honors each person’s strengths and innate value. Why IPS? Peers come together around shared experiences and often a desire to change lives. But without a new framework to build upon, people frequently re-enact “help” based on what was done to them. IPS offers a foundation for doing something different. We focus on building relationships that are mutual, explorative, and conscious of power. We won’t try to “fix” you, but we would love to connect with you to listen, share, and learn with you as we both move forward in our life journeys.

Our confidential and non-judgmental peer support starts with the premise that people have learned to make meaning of their experiences and relationships out of everything they have learned in their lives. We know that this has led many people to feel undeserving, distrusting, and inherently flawed. Without understanding how we, as individuals, have come to know what we know about being in relationship and the world around us, we are likely to have trouble, not only with emotional distress, but also with a continuous struggle when there is tension in relationship or in one’s community.

We believe that crisis is an opportunity to learn. In a mutual and respectful conversation, peers discover together how they have developed their beliefs about themselves and the world in which they live. Together, help and crisis are redefined and have new meaning. Each person has the opportunity to challenge themselves to learn how they might change their trauma story of victimhood and crisis to one of mental wellness.

We do not give advice or attempt to ‘get’ anyone to do anything. We are there to listen and validated the caller’s feelings and experiences. Together we have a conversation in which we both become more self aware while learning and growing together. We share experience and knowledge in order to discover ways in which we both learn new ways of managing our feelings and discover healthier ways of being in relationship with others. Once where an individual had to “cope” with an issue, they may learn to challenge their beliefs regarding that issue, have a different experience of the situation and no longer have to “cope” because the issue no longer exists. The use of this Oregon Warmline may help people decrease the need for frequent doctor’s visits, emergency room treatment, involvement with law enforcement, and the need for more intensive care.

DBSA – Depression Bipolar Support Alliance – Parent and Caregiver Support Group (for ages 4-10) – Team Led – Thursdays @ Online Via HeyPeers
Apr 25 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm






Parent and Caregiver Support Group

Thursdays 11:00AM – 12:00PM PST

Team Led

Online Support Group Information

All DBSA online support groups are free of charge. Online support groups are led by peers, which means that the person guiding the meeting knows firsthand what it’s like to live with a mood disorder.

Our national online support groups are hosted by HeyPeers, a DBSA vendor.

Upon registration, you will receive an email from them to assist you with managing your account.

Register Through HeyPeers



DBSA – Depression Bipolar Support Alliance – Rural Community Peer Support Groups – Team Led – Thursdays @ Online Via HeyPeers
Apr 25 @ 11:30 am – 12:30 pm






Rural Community Peer Support Groups

Thursdays 11:30-12:30PM PST

Team Led

All DBSA online support groups are free of charge. Online support groups are led by peers, which means that the person guiding the meeting knows firsthand what it’s like to live with a mood disorder.

Our national online support groups are hosted by HeyPeers, a DBSA vendor.

Upon registration, you will receive an email from them to assist you with managing your account.

Register Through HeyPeers


DBSA – Depression Bipolar Support Alliance – Rural Community Peer Support Groups – Team Led – Wednesdays @ Online Via HeyPeers
Apr 25 @ 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm





Rural Community Peer Support Groups

Wednesdays 4-5PM PST

Team Led

All DBSA online support groups are free of charge. Online support groups are led by peers, which means that the person guiding the meeting knows firsthand what it’s like to live with a mood disorder.

Our national online support groups are hosted by HeyPeers, a DBSA vendor.

Upon registration, you will receive an email from them to assist you with managing your account.

Register Through HeyPeers

DBSA – Depression Bipolar Support Alliance – Black Community Peer Support Groups – Ashley S. – Thursdays @ Online Via HeyPeers
Apr 25 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
DBSA - Depression Bipolar Support Alliance - Black Community Peer Support Groups - Ashley S. - Thursdays @ Online Via HeyPeers






Black Community Peer Support Groups

Thursdays 5-6PM PST

Ashley S.

All DBSA online support groups are free of charge. Online support groups are led by peers, which means that the person guiding the meeting knows firsthand what it’s like to live with a mood disorder.

Our national online support groups are hosted by HeyPeers, a DBSA vendor.

Upon registration, you will receive an email from them to assist you with managing your account.

Register Through HeyPeers


DBSA – Depression Bipolar Support Alliance – Online Support Group – Team Led – Thursdays @ Online Via HeyPeers
Apr 25 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm






DBSA Online Support Group

Thursdays 5-6PM PST

Team Led

All DBSA online support groups are free of charge. Online support groups are led by peers, which means that the person guiding the meeting knows firsthand what it’s like to live with a mood disorder.

Our national online support groups are hosted by HeyPeers, a DBSA vendor.

Upon registration, you will receive an email from them to assist you with managing your account.

Register Through HeyPeers





05 – Warmline – Oregon LINEA de ESPERNAZA – @ (800) 698-2392 – Disponible 24 horas @ Phone
Apr 26 all-day
05  - Warmline - Oregon LINEA de ESPERNAZA - @ (800) 698-2392 - Disponible 24 horas @ Phone




Disponible a las 24 horas

Visite la página web para obtener más información en:

Quienquiera que seas y lo que sea por lo que estés pasando, ¡eres bienvenido en la Warmline! Nuestro atento equipo de compañeros capacitados ofrece apoyo de pares confidencial y sin prejuicios todos los días. ¡No se necesitan citas! ¡Estamos aquí para usted! Nuestro objetivo es conectarnos contigo, escuchar y descubrir juntos cómo podemos dar sentido a nuestras experiencias. Entendemos que cada persona tiene una visión del mundo única. Las personas pueden ver más posibilidades para nosotros mismos cuando nos conectamos con un compañero compasivo. Los miembros de nuestro equipo de Warmline son personas que han experimentado desafíos en la vida, incluidos estados de ánimo, voces, visiones, traumas y adicciones. Sabemos lo que es sentir grandes sentimientos o encontrarnos en momentos en los que parece haber poco que esperar. No hay necesidad de pasar por esto solo… ¡Llámenos! Línea de ayuda de Oregón 1-800-698-2392


El apoyo intencional de pares (IPS, por sus siglas en inglés) proporciona un marco poderoso para crear relaciones en las que ambas personas aprenden y crecen juntas. IPS se utiliza en todo el mundo en entornos comunitarios, de apoyo entre pares y de servicios humanos, y es una herramienta para el desarrollo comunitario que honra las fortalezas y el valor innato de cada persona. ¿Por qué IPS? Los compañeros se reúnen en torno a experiencias compartidas y, a menudo, el deseo de cambiar vidas. Pero sin un nuevo marco sobre el cual construir, las personas con frecuencia recrean la “ayuda” en función de lo que se les hizo. IPS ofrece una base para hacer algo diferente. Nos enfocamos en construir relaciones que sean mutuas, exploratorias y conscientes del poder. No intentaremos “arreglarlo”, pero nos encantaría conectarnos con usted para escuchar, compartir y aprender con usted a medida que ambos avanzamos en nuestros viajes de vida. Nuestro apoyo de pares confidencial y sin prejuicios comienza con la premisa de que las personas han aprendido a dar sentido a sus experiencias y relaciones a partir de todo lo que han aprendido en sus vidas. Sabemos que esto ha llevado a muchas personas a sentirse indignas, desconfiadas e inherentemente defectuosas. Sin entender cómo nosotros, como individuos, hemos llegado a saber lo que sabemos sobre estar en una relación y el mundo que nos rodea, es probable que tengamos problemas, no solo con angustia emocional, sino también con una lucha continua cuando hay tensión en la relación. o en la propia comunidad.

Creemos que la crisis es una oportunidad para aprender. En una conversación mutua y respetuosa, los compañeros descubren juntos cómo han desarrollado sus creencias sobre sí mismos y el mundo en el que viven. Juntas, ayuda y crisis se redefinen y adquieren un nuevo significado. Cada persona tiene la oportunidad de desafiarse a sí misma para aprender cómo podría cambiar su historia traumática de victimización y crisis por una de bienestar mental.

No damos consejos ni intentamos “conseguir” que nadie haga nada. Estamos allí para escuchar y validar los sentimientos y experiencias de la persona que llama. Juntos tenemos una conversación en la que ambos nos volvemos más conscientes mientras aprendemos y crecemos juntos. Compartimos experiencias y conocimientos para descubrir formas en las que aprendemos nuevas formas de manejar nuestros sentimientos y descubrimos formas más sanas de relacionarnos con los demás. Una vez que un individuo tuvo que “hacer frente” a un problema, puede aprender a desafiar sus creencias con respecto a ese problema, tener una experiencia diferente de la situación y ya no tener que “hacer frente” porque el problema ya no existe. El uso de esta Oregon Warmline puede ayudar a las personas a disminuir la necesidad de visitas frecuentes al médico, tratamiento en la sala de emergencias, participación con la policía y la necesidad de cuidados más intensivos.

05 – Warmline – Oregon Warmline – Peer Support @ 1-800-698-2392 – 24/7 – Weekdays and Weekends @ Phone
Apr 26 all-day
05 - Warmline - Oregon Warmline - Peer Support @ 1-800-698-2392 - 24/7 - Weekdays and Weekends @ Phone








Call 1-800-698-2392 Toll Free

Visit the webpage for more information at:


Whoever you are and whatever you may be going through, you are welcome on the Warmline! Our caring team of trained peers offers nonjudgmental and confidential peer support every day. No appointments needed! We are here for you!

Our goal is to connect with you, to listen, and to discover together how we can make sense of our experiences. We understand that everyone has a unique worldview. People can see more possibilities for ourselves when we connect with a compassionate peer.

Our Warmline Team members are people who have experienced life challenges – including moods, voices, visions, trauma, and addictions. We know what it is like to feel big feelings or to find ourselves in moments when there seems to be little to hope for. No need to go through this alone… Give us a call!  Oregon Warmline 1-800-698-2392

Intentional Peer Support (IPS) provides a powerful framework for creating relationships where both people learn and grow together. IPS is used across the world in community, peer support, and human services settings, and is a tool for community development that honors each person’s strengths and innate value. Why IPS? Peers come together around shared experiences and often a desire to change lives. But without a new framework to build upon, people frequently re-enact “help” based on what was done to them. IPS offers a foundation for doing something different. We focus on building relationships that are mutual, explorative, and conscious of power. We won’t try to “fix” you, but we would love to connect with you to listen, share, and learn with you as we both move forward in our life journeys.

Our confidential and non-judgmental peer support starts with the premise that people have learned to make meaning of their experiences and relationships out of everything they have learned in their lives. We know that this has led many people to feel undeserving, distrusting, and inherently flawed. Without understanding how we, as individuals, have come to know what we know about being in relationship and the world around us, we are likely to have trouble, not only with emotional distress, but also with a continuous struggle when there is tension in relationship or in one’s community.

We believe that crisis is an opportunity to learn. In a mutual and respectful conversation, peers discover together how they have developed their beliefs about themselves and the world in which they live. Together, help and crisis are redefined and have new meaning. Each person has the opportunity to challenge themselves to learn how they might change their trauma story of victimhood and crisis to one of mental wellness.

We do not give advice or attempt to ‘get’ anyone to do anything. We are there to listen and validated the caller’s feelings and experiences. Together we have a conversation in which we both become more self aware while learning and growing together. We share experience and knowledge in order to discover ways in which we both learn new ways of managing our feelings and discover healthier ways of being in relationship with others. Once where an individual had to “cope” with an issue, they may learn to challenge their beliefs regarding that issue, have a different experience of the situation and no longer have to “cope” because the issue no longer exists. The use of this Oregon Warmline may help people decrease the need for frequent doctor’s visits, emergency room treatment, involvement with law enforcement, and the need for more intensive care.

DBSA – Depression Bipolar Support Alliance – Online Support Group – Team Led – Fridays @ Online Via HeyPeers
Apr 26 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm






DBSA Online Support Group

Fridays 1-2PM PST

Team Led

All DBSA online support groups are free of charge. Online support groups are led by peers, which means that the person guiding the meeting knows firsthand what it’s like to live with a mood disorder.

Our national online support groups are hosted by HeyPeers, a DBSA vendor.

Upon registration, you will receive an email from them to assist you with managing your account.

Register Through HeyPeers






DBSA – Depression Bipolar Support Alliance – Black Community Peer Support Groups – Elliot phillip-niblack – Fridays @ Online Via HeyPeers
Apr 26 @ 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm
DBSA - Depression Bipolar Support Alliance - Black Community Peer Support Groups - Elliot phillip-niblack - Fridays @ Online Via HeyPeers






Black Community Peer Support Groups

Fridays 4:00-5:00PM PST

Elliot phillip-niblack

All DBSA online support groups are free of charge. Online support groups are led by peers, which means that the person guiding the meeting knows firsthand what it’s like to live with a mood disorder.

Our national online support groups are hosted by HeyPeers, a DBSA vendor.

Upon registration, you will receive an email from them to assist you with managing your account.

Register Through HeyPeers



DBSA – Depression Bipolar Support Alliance – DBSA California Support Groups – Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays @ Online Via ZOOM
Apr 26 @ 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm
DBSA - Depression Bipolar Support Alliance - DBSA California Support Groups - Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays @ Online Via ZOOM






DBSA California Support Groups

Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays 5:30-7:30PM PST

DBSA-California Support Groups are offered for free and provide a safe, confidential space where people from all walks of life connect with peers to share their stories, experiences, and lives in a way that helps redce isolation and loneliness.
The groups are held online every Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday
When we’re struggling or in a crisis, we often feel that we’re alone. Support groups can connect us with peers who understand us, have similar lived experiences, and can help us get through. Our support groups are led by peers we highly train as facilitators, so they have an intimate comprehension of the challenges firsthand and serve as a beacon of hope to others.
Who Should Join Groups?
Battling mental health alone is difficult for most individuals who suffer from Depression and Bipolar. It can seem impossible to cope, heal, or think about recovery. We understand the struggle, we’ve been there, we can help! By attending weekly discussion groups, you will be empowered with education, resources, emotional support, and guidance to set you up on the path to recovery. There is no shame in admitting that sometimes we need help, it’s tough enough carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders, let DBSA CA Support Groups lighten the load for you.
Topics of Discussion
Self-esteem/self-talk (positive/negative)
Planning for the future
Obligations (financial/relationships-family/work)
Initial steps (after an episode)
Hospitalization (in-patient/outpatient)
Insurance (medical/disability)
Sleep patterns
Dual diagnosis & Addiction (drugs & alcohol)
Finding a doctor/therapist
Self-discipline, daily maintenance/routine
Proper self-care, motivation/lack of motivation
Spending money
Exercise/fitness (physical activity)
Setting goals and meeting deadlines
Setting boundaries
Weight loss/gain/appetite
Test of faith (spiritual life)
Self Education







05 – Warmline – Oregon LINEA de ESPERNAZA – @ (800) 698-2392 – Disponible 24 horas @ Phone
Apr 27 all-day
05  - Warmline - Oregon LINEA de ESPERNAZA - @ (800) 698-2392 - Disponible 24 horas @ Phone




Disponible a las 24 horas

Visite la página web para obtener más información en:

Quienquiera que seas y lo que sea por lo que estés pasando, ¡eres bienvenido en la Warmline! Nuestro atento equipo de compañeros capacitados ofrece apoyo de pares confidencial y sin prejuicios todos los días. ¡No se necesitan citas! ¡Estamos aquí para usted! Nuestro objetivo es conectarnos contigo, escuchar y descubrir juntos cómo podemos dar sentido a nuestras experiencias. Entendemos que cada persona tiene una visión del mundo única. Las personas pueden ver más posibilidades para nosotros mismos cuando nos conectamos con un compañero compasivo. Los miembros de nuestro equipo de Warmline son personas que han experimentado desafíos en la vida, incluidos estados de ánimo, voces, visiones, traumas y adicciones. Sabemos lo que es sentir grandes sentimientos o encontrarnos en momentos en los que parece haber poco que esperar. No hay necesidad de pasar por esto solo… ¡Llámenos! Línea de ayuda de Oregón 1-800-698-2392


El apoyo intencional de pares (IPS, por sus siglas en inglés) proporciona un marco poderoso para crear relaciones en las que ambas personas aprenden y crecen juntas. IPS se utiliza en todo el mundo en entornos comunitarios, de apoyo entre pares y de servicios humanos, y es una herramienta para el desarrollo comunitario que honra las fortalezas y el valor innato de cada persona. ¿Por qué IPS? Los compañeros se reúnen en torno a experiencias compartidas y, a menudo, el deseo de cambiar vidas. Pero sin un nuevo marco sobre el cual construir, las personas con frecuencia recrean la “ayuda” en función de lo que se les hizo. IPS ofrece una base para hacer algo diferente. Nos enfocamos en construir relaciones que sean mutuas, exploratorias y conscientes del poder. No intentaremos “arreglarlo”, pero nos encantaría conectarnos con usted para escuchar, compartir y aprender con usted a medida que ambos avanzamos en nuestros viajes de vida. Nuestro apoyo de pares confidencial y sin prejuicios comienza con la premisa de que las personas han aprendido a dar sentido a sus experiencias y relaciones a partir de todo lo que han aprendido en sus vidas. Sabemos que esto ha llevado a muchas personas a sentirse indignas, desconfiadas e inherentemente defectuosas. Sin entender cómo nosotros, como individuos, hemos llegado a saber lo que sabemos sobre estar en una relación y el mundo que nos rodea, es probable que tengamos problemas, no solo con angustia emocional, sino también con una lucha continua cuando hay tensión en la relación. o en la propia comunidad.

Creemos que la crisis es una oportunidad para aprender. En una conversación mutua y respetuosa, los compañeros descubren juntos cómo han desarrollado sus creencias sobre sí mismos y el mundo en el que viven. Juntas, ayuda y crisis se redefinen y adquieren un nuevo significado. Cada persona tiene la oportunidad de desafiarse a sí misma para aprender cómo podría cambiar su historia traumática de victimización y crisis por una de bienestar mental.

No damos consejos ni intentamos “conseguir” que nadie haga nada. Estamos allí para escuchar y validar los sentimientos y experiencias de la persona que llama. Juntos tenemos una conversación en la que ambos nos volvemos más conscientes mientras aprendemos y crecemos juntos. Compartimos experiencias y conocimientos para descubrir formas en las que aprendemos nuevas formas de manejar nuestros sentimientos y descubrimos formas más sanas de relacionarnos con los demás. Una vez que un individuo tuvo que “hacer frente” a un problema, puede aprender a desafiar sus creencias con respecto a ese problema, tener una experiencia diferente de la situación y ya no tener que “hacer frente” porque el problema ya no existe. El uso de esta Oregon Warmline puede ayudar a las personas a disminuir la necesidad de visitas frecuentes al médico, tratamiento en la sala de emergencias, participación con la policía y la necesidad de cuidados más intensivos.

05 – Warmline – Oregon Warmline – Peer Support @ 1-800-698-2392 – 24/7 – Weekdays and Weekends @ Phone
Apr 27 all-day
05 - Warmline - Oregon Warmline - Peer Support @ 1-800-698-2392 - 24/7 - Weekdays and Weekends @ Phone








Call 1-800-698-2392 Toll Free

Visit the webpage for more information at:


Whoever you are and whatever you may be going through, you are welcome on the Warmline! Our caring team of trained peers offers nonjudgmental and confidential peer support every day. No appointments needed! We are here for you!

Our goal is to connect with you, to listen, and to discover together how we can make sense of our experiences. We understand that everyone has a unique worldview. People can see more possibilities for ourselves when we connect with a compassionate peer.

Our Warmline Team members are people who have experienced life challenges – including moods, voices, visions, trauma, and addictions. We know what it is like to feel big feelings or to find ourselves in moments when there seems to be little to hope for. No need to go through this alone… Give us a call!  Oregon Warmline 1-800-698-2392

Intentional Peer Support (IPS) provides a powerful framework for creating relationships where both people learn and grow together. IPS is used across the world in community, peer support, and human services settings, and is a tool for community development that honors each person’s strengths and innate value. Why IPS? Peers come together around shared experiences and often a desire to change lives. But without a new framework to build upon, people frequently re-enact “help” based on what was done to them. IPS offers a foundation for doing something different. We focus on building relationships that are mutual, explorative, and conscious of power. We won’t try to “fix” you, but we would love to connect with you to listen, share, and learn with you as we both move forward in our life journeys.

Our confidential and non-judgmental peer support starts with the premise that people have learned to make meaning of their experiences and relationships out of everything they have learned in their lives. We know that this has led many people to feel undeserving, distrusting, and inherently flawed. Without understanding how we, as individuals, have come to know what we know about being in relationship and the world around us, we are likely to have trouble, not only with emotional distress, but also with a continuous struggle when there is tension in relationship or in one’s community.

We believe that crisis is an opportunity to learn. In a mutual and respectful conversation, peers discover together how they have developed their beliefs about themselves and the world in which they live. Together, help and crisis are redefined and have new meaning. Each person has the opportunity to challenge themselves to learn how they might change their trauma story of victimhood and crisis to one of mental wellness.

We do not give advice or attempt to ‘get’ anyone to do anything. We are there to listen and validated the caller’s feelings and experiences. Together we have a conversation in which we both become more self aware while learning and growing together. We share experience and knowledge in order to discover ways in which we both learn new ways of managing our feelings and discover healthier ways of being in relationship with others. Once where an individual had to “cope” with an issue, they may learn to challenge their beliefs regarding that issue, have a different experience of the situation and no longer have to “cope” because the issue no longer exists. The use of this Oregon Warmline may help people decrease the need for frequent doctor’s visits, emergency room treatment, involvement with law enforcement, and the need for more intensive care.

DBSA – Depression Bipolar Support Alliance – Black Community Peer Support Groups – Lanae E. – Saturday @ Online Via HeyPeers
Apr 27 @ 8:00 am – 9:00 am
DBSA - Depression Bipolar Support Alliance - Black Community Peer Support Groups - Lanae E. - Saturday @ Online Via HeyPeers






Black Community Peer Support Groups

Saturdays 8-9:00AM PST

Lanae E.

All DBSA online support groups are free of charge. Online support groups are led by peers, which means that the person guiding the meeting knows firsthand what it’s like to live with a mood disorder.

Our national online support groups are hosted by HeyPeers, a DBSA vendor.

Upon registration, you will receive an email from them to assist you with managing your account.

Register Through HeyPeers




DBSA – Depression Bipolar Support Alliance – DBSA Young Adult Support Group – Team Led – Saturdays @ Online Via HeyPeers
Apr 27 @ 9:00 am – 10:00 am





DBSA Young Adult Support Group

Saturdays 9-10AMPST

Team Led

All DBSA online support groups are free of charge. Online support groups are led by peers, which means that the person guiding the meeting knows firsthand what it’s like to live with a mood disorder.

Our national online support groups are hosted by HeyPeers, a DBSA vendor.

Upon registration, you will receive an email from them to assist you with managing your account.

Register Through HeyPeers

DBSA – Depression Bipolar Support Alliance – Young Adult Support Group – Team Led – Saturdays @ Online Via HeyPeers
Apr 27 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm





DBSA Young Adult Support Group

Saturdays 3-4PM PST

Team Led

All DBSA online support groups are free of charge. Online support groups are led by peers, which means that the person guiding the meeting knows firsthand what it’s like to live with a mood disorder.

Our national online support groups are hosted by HeyPeers, a DBSA vendor.

Upon registration, you will receive an email from them to assist you with managing your account.

Register Through HeyPeers


DBSA – Depression Bipolar Support Alliance – DBSA Rural Community Peer Support Groups – Team Led – Saturdays @ Online Via HeyPeers
Apr 27 @ 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm






Rural Community Peer Support Groups

Saturdays 4-5PM PST

Team Led

All DBSA online support groups are free of charge. Online support groups are led by peers, which means that the person guiding the meeting knows firsthand what it’s like to live with a mood disorder.

Our national online support groups are hosted by HeyPeers, a DBSA vendor.

Upon registration, you will receive an email from them to assist you with managing your account.

Register Through HeyPeers


05 – Warmline – Oregon LINEA de ESPERNAZA – @ (800) 698-2392 – Disponible 24 horas @ Phone
Apr 28 all-day
05  - Warmline - Oregon LINEA de ESPERNAZA - @ (800) 698-2392 - Disponible 24 horas @ Phone




Disponible a las 24 horas

Visite la página web para obtener más información en:

Quienquiera que seas y lo que sea por lo que estés pasando, ¡eres bienvenido en la Warmline! Nuestro atento equipo de compañeros capacitados ofrece apoyo de pares confidencial y sin prejuicios todos los días. ¡No se necesitan citas! ¡Estamos aquí para usted! Nuestro objetivo es conectarnos contigo, escuchar y descubrir juntos cómo podemos dar sentido a nuestras experiencias. Entendemos que cada persona tiene una visión del mundo única. Las personas pueden ver más posibilidades para nosotros mismos cuando nos conectamos con un compañero compasivo. Los miembros de nuestro equipo de Warmline son personas que han experimentado desafíos en la vida, incluidos estados de ánimo, voces, visiones, traumas y adicciones. Sabemos lo que es sentir grandes sentimientos o encontrarnos en momentos en los que parece haber poco que esperar. No hay necesidad de pasar por esto solo… ¡Llámenos! Línea de ayuda de Oregón 1-800-698-2392


El apoyo intencional de pares (IPS, por sus siglas en inglés) proporciona un marco poderoso para crear relaciones en las que ambas personas aprenden y crecen juntas. IPS se utiliza en todo el mundo en entornos comunitarios, de apoyo entre pares y de servicios humanos, y es una herramienta para el desarrollo comunitario que honra las fortalezas y el valor innato de cada persona. ¿Por qué IPS? Los compañeros se reúnen en torno a experiencias compartidas y, a menudo, el deseo de cambiar vidas. Pero sin un nuevo marco sobre el cual construir, las personas con frecuencia recrean la “ayuda” en función de lo que se les hizo. IPS ofrece una base para hacer algo diferente. Nos enfocamos en construir relaciones que sean mutuas, exploratorias y conscientes del poder. No intentaremos “arreglarlo”, pero nos encantaría conectarnos con usted para escuchar, compartir y aprender con usted a medida que ambos avanzamos en nuestros viajes de vida. Nuestro apoyo de pares confidencial y sin prejuicios comienza con la premisa de que las personas han aprendido a dar sentido a sus experiencias y relaciones a partir de todo lo que han aprendido en sus vidas. Sabemos que esto ha llevado a muchas personas a sentirse indignas, desconfiadas e inherentemente defectuosas. Sin entender cómo nosotros, como individuos, hemos llegado a saber lo que sabemos sobre estar en una relación y el mundo que nos rodea, es probable que tengamos problemas, no solo con angustia emocional, sino también con una lucha continua cuando hay tensión en la relación. o en la propia comunidad.

Creemos que la crisis es una oportunidad para aprender. En una conversación mutua y respetuosa, los compañeros descubren juntos cómo han desarrollado sus creencias sobre sí mismos y el mundo en el que viven. Juntas, ayuda y crisis se redefinen y adquieren un nuevo significado. Cada persona tiene la oportunidad de desafiarse a sí misma para aprender cómo podría cambiar su historia traumática de victimización y crisis por una de bienestar mental.

No damos consejos ni intentamos “conseguir” que nadie haga nada. Estamos allí para escuchar y validar los sentimientos y experiencias de la persona que llama. Juntos tenemos una conversación en la que ambos nos volvemos más conscientes mientras aprendemos y crecemos juntos. Compartimos experiencias y conocimientos para descubrir formas en las que aprendemos nuevas formas de manejar nuestros sentimientos y descubrimos formas más sanas de relacionarnos con los demás. Una vez que un individuo tuvo que “hacer frente” a un problema, puede aprender a desafiar sus creencias con respecto a ese problema, tener una experiencia diferente de la situación y ya no tener que “hacer frente” porque el problema ya no existe. El uso de esta Oregon Warmline puede ayudar a las personas a disminuir la necesidad de visitas frecuentes al médico, tratamiento en la sala de emergencias, participación con la policía y la necesidad de cuidados más intensivos.

05 – Warmline – Oregon Warmline – Peer Support @ 1-800-698-2392 – 24/7 – Weekdays and Weekends @ Phone
Apr 28 all-day
05 - Warmline - Oregon Warmline - Peer Support @ 1-800-698-2392 - 24/7 - Weekdays and Weekends @ Phone








Call 1-800-698-2392 Toll Free

Visit the webpage for more information at:


Whoever you are and whatever you may be going through, you are welcome on the Warmline! Our caring team of trained peers offers nonjudgmental and confidential peer support every day. No appointments needed! We are here for you!

Our goal is to connect with you, to listen, and to discover together how we can make sense of our experiences. We understand that everyone has a unique worldview. People can see more possibilities for ourselves when we connect with a compassionate peer.

Our Warmline Team members are people who have experienced life challenges – including moods, voices, visions, trauma, and addictions. We know what it is like to feel big feelings or to find ourselves in moments when there seems to be little to hope for. No need to go through this alone… Give us a call!  Oregon Warmline 1-800-698-2392

Intentional Peer Support (IPS) provides a powerful framework for creating relationships where both people learn and grow together. IPS is used across the world in community, peer support, and human services settings, and is a tool for community development that honors each person’s strengths and innate value. Why IPS? Peers come together around shared experiences and often a desire to change lives. But without a new framework to build upon, people frequently re-enact “help” based on what was done to them. IPS offers a foundation for doing something different. We focus on building relationships that are mutual, explorative, and conscious of power. We won’t try to “fix” you, but we would love to connect with you to listen, share, and learn with you as we both move forward in our life journeys.

Our confidential and non-judgmental peer support starts with the premise that people have learned to make meaning of their experiences and relationships out of everything they have learned in their lives. We know that this has led many people to feel undeserving, distrusting, and inherently flawed. Without understanding how we, as individuals, have come to know what we know about being in relationship and the world around us, we are likely to have trouble, not only with emotional distress, but also with a continuous struggle when there is tension in relationship or in one’s community.

We believe that crisis is an opportunity to learn. In a mutual and respectful conversation, peers discover together how they have developed their beliefs about themselves and the world in which they live. Together, help and crisis are redefined and have new meaning. Each person has the opportunity to challenge themselves to learn how they might change their trauma story of victimhood and crisis to one of mental wellness.

We do not give advice or attempt to ‘get’ anyone to do anything. We are there to listen and validated the caller’s feelings and experiences. Together we have a conversation in which we both become more self aware while learning and growing together. We share experience and knowledge in order to discover ways in which we both learn new ways of managing our feelings and discover healthier ways of being in relationship with others. Once where an individual had to “cope” with an issue, they may learn to challenge their beliefs regarding that issue, have a different experience of the situation and no longer have to “cope” because the issue no longer exists. The use of this Oregon Warmline may help people decrease the need for frequent doctor’s visits, emergency room treatment, involvement with law enforcement, and the need for more intensive care.

DBSA – Depression Bipolar Support Alliance – Famiy and Friends Support Group – Team Led – Sundays @ Online Via HeyPeers
Apr 28 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
DBSA - Depression Bipolar Support Alliance - Famiy and Friends Support Group - Team Led  - Sundays @ Online Via HeyPeers


Family and Friends Support Group

Sundays 1-2PM PST

Team Led

Online Support Group Information

All DBSA online support groups are free of charge. Online support groups are led by peers, which means that the person guiding the meeting knows firsthand what it’s like to live with a mood disorder.

Our national online support groups are hosted by HeyPeers, a DBSA vendor.

Upon registration, you will receive an email from them to assist you with managing your account.

Register Through HeyPeers

DBSA – Depression Bipolar Support Alliance – Famiy and Friends Support Group – Team Led – Sundays @ Online Via HeyPeers
Apr 28 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
DBSA - Depression Bipolar Support Alliance - Famiy and Friends Support Group - Team Led  - Sundays @ Online Via HeyPeers






Family and Friends Support Group

Sundays 1-2PM PST

Team Led

Online Support Group Information

All DBSA online support groups are free of charge. Online support groups are led by peers, which means that the person guiding the meeting knows firsthand what it’s like to live with a mood disorder.

Our national online support groups are hosted by HeyPeers, a DBSA vendor.

Upon registration, you will receive an email from them to assist you with managing your account.

Register Through HeyPeers


DBSA – Depression Bipolar Support Alliance – Online Support Group – Sundays – 1-2PM PST @ Online Via HeyPeers
Apr 28 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm





DBSA Online Support Group

Sundays 1-2PM PST

Online Support Group Information

All DBSA online support groups are free of charge. Online support groups are led by peers, which means that the person guiding the meeting knows firsthand what it’s like to live with a mood disorder.

Our national online support groups are hosted by HeyPeers, a DBSA vendor.

Upon registration, you will receive an email from them to assist you with managing your account.

Register Through HeyPeers


DBSA – Depression Bipolar Support Alliance – Online Support Group – Sundays – 3:30-4:30 PM PST @ Online Via HeyPeers
Apr 28 @ 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm

Online Support Group

Sundays 3:30 to 4:30PM PST

Online Support Group Information

All DBSA online support groups are free of charge. Online support groups are led by peers, which means that the person guiding the meeting knows firsthand what it’s like to live with a mood disorder.

Our national online support groups are hosted by HeyPeers, a DBSA vendor.

Upon registration, you will receive an email from them to assist you with managing your account.

Register Through HeyPeers

DBSA – Depression Bipolar Support Alliance – Black Community Peer Support Groups – Michele B. – Sundays @ Online Via HeyPeers
Apr 28 @ 4:30 pm – 5:30 pm

Black Community Peer Support Groups

Sundays 4:30-5:30PM PST

Michele B.

All DBSA online support groups are free of charge. Online support groups are led by peers, which means that the person guiding the meeting knows firsthand what it’s like to live with a mood disorder.

Our national online support groups are hosted by HeyPeers, a DBSA vendor.

Upon registration, you will receive an email from them to assist you with managing your account.

Register Through HeyPeers

DBSA – Depression Bipolar Support Alliance – Black Community Peer Support Groups – Host Ashely S. – Sundays @ Online Via HeyPeers
Apr 28 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Black Community Peer Support Groups

Sundays 5-6PM PST

All DBSA online support groups are free of charge. Online support groups are led by peers, which means that the person guiding the meeting knows firsthand what it’s like to live with a mood disorder.

Our national online support groups are hosted by HeyPeers, a DBSA vendor.

Upon registration, you will receive an email from them to assist you with managing your account.

Register Through HeyPeers

DBSA – Depression Bipolar Support Alliance – DBSA California Support Groups – Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays @ Online Via ZOOM
Apr 28 @ 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm
DBSA - Depression Bipolar Support Alliance - DBSA California Support Groups - Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays @ Online Via ZOOM






DBSA California Support Groups

Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays 5:30-7:30PM PST

DBSA-California Support Groups are offered for free and provide a safe, confidential space where people from all walks of life connect with peers to share their stories, experiences, and lives in a way that helps redce isolation and loneliness.
The groups are held online every Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday
When we’re struggling or in a crisis, we often feel that we’re alone. Support groups can connect us with peers who understand us, have similar lived experiences, and can help us get through. Our support groups are led by peers we highly train as facilitators, so they have an intimate comprehension of the challenges firsthand and serve as a beacon of hope to others.
Who Should Join Groups?
Battling mental health alone is difficult for most individuals who suffer from Depression and Bipolar. It can seem impossible to cope, heal, or think about recovery. We understand the struggle, we’ve been there, we can help! By attending weekly discussion groups, you will be empowered with education, resources, emotional support, and guidance to set you up on the path to recovery. There is no shame in admitting that sometimes we need help, it’s tough enough carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders, let DBSA CA Support Groups lighten the load for you.
Topics of Discussion
Self-esteem/self-talk (positive/negative)
Planning for the future
Obligations (financial/relationships-family/work)
Initial steps (after an episode)
Hospitalization (in-patient/outpatient)
Insurance (medical/disability)
Sleep patterns
Dual diagnosis & Addiction (drugs & alcohol)
Finding a doctor/therapist
Self-discipline, daily maintenance/routine
Proper self-care, motivation/lack of motivation
Spending money
Exercise/fitness (physical activity)
Setting goals and meeting deadlines
Setting boundaries
Weight loss/gain/appetite
Test of faith (spiritual life)
Self Education







05 – Warmline – Oregon LINEA de ESPERNAZA – @ (800) 698-2392 – Disponible 24 horas @ Phone
Apr 29 all-day
05  - Warmline - Oregon LINEA de ESPERNAZA - @ (800) 698-2392 - Disponible 24 horas @ Phone




Disponible a las 24 horas

Visite la página web para obtener más información en:

Quienquiera que seas y lo que sea por lo que estés pasando, ¡eres bienvenido en la Warmline! Nuestro atento equipo de compañeros capacitados ofrece apoyo de pares confidencial y sin prejuicios todos los días. ¡No se necesitan citas! ¡Estamos aquí para usted! Nuestro objetivo es conectarnos contigo, escuchar y descubrir juntos cómo podemos dar sentido a nuestras experiencias. Entendemos que cada persona tiene una visión del mundo única. Las personas pueden ver más posibilidades para nosotros mismos cuando nos conectamos con un compañero compasivo. Los miembros de nuestro equipo de Warmline son personas que han experimentado desafíos en la vida, incluidos estados de ánimo, voces, visiones, traumas y adicciones. Sabemos lo que es sentir grandes sentimientos o encontrarnos en momentos en los que parece haber poco que esperar. No hay necesidad de pasar por esto solo… ¡Llámenos! Línea de ayuda de Oregón 1-800-698-2392


El apoyo intencional de pares (IPS, por sus siglas en inglés) proporciona un marco poderoso para crear relaciones en las que ambas personas aprenden y crecen juntas. IPS se utiliza en todo el mundo en entornos comunitarios, de apoyo entre pares y de servicios humanos, y es una herramienta para el desarrollo comunitario que honra las fortalezas y el valor innato de cada persona. ¿Por qué IPS? Los compañeros se reúnen en torno a experiencias compartidas y, a menudo, el deseo de cambiar vidas. Pero sin un nuevo marco sobre el cual construir, las personas con frecuencia recrean la “ayuda” en función de lo que se les hizo. IPS ofrece una base para hacer algo diferente. Nos enfocamos en construir relaciones que sean mutuas, exploratorias y conscientes del poder. No intentaremos “arreglarlo”, pero nos encantaría conectarnos con usted para escuchar, compartir y aprender con usted a medida que ambos avanzamos en nuestros viajes de vida. Nuestro apoyo de pares confidencial y sin prejuicios comienza con la premisa de que las personas han aprendido a dar sentido a sus experiencias y relaciones a partir de todo lo que han aprendido en sus vidas. Sabemos que esto ha llevado a muchas personas a sentirse indignas, desconfiadas e inherentemente defectuosas. Sin entender cómo nosotros, como individuos, hemos llegado a saber lo que sabemos sobre estar en una relación y el mundo que nos rodea, es probable que tengamos problemas, no solo con angustia emocional, sino también con una lucha continua cuando hay tensión en la relación. o en la propia comunidad.

Creemos que la crisis es una oportunidad para aprender. En una conversación mutua y respetuosa, los compañeros descubren juntos cómo han desarrollado sus creencias sobre sí mismos y el mundo en el que viven. Juntas, ayuda y crisis se redefinen y adquieren un nuevo significado. Cada persona tiene la oportunidad de desafiarse a sí misma para aprender cómo podría cambiar su historia traumática de victimización y crisis por una de bienestar mental.

No damos consejos ni intentamos “conseguir” que nadie haga nada. Estamos allí para escuchar y validar los sentimientos y experiencias de la persona que llama. Juntos tenemos una conversación en la que ambos nos volvemos más conscientes mientras aprendemos y crecemos juntos. Compartimos experiencias y conocimientos para descubrir formas en las que aprendemos nuevas formas de manejar nuestros sentimientos y descubrimos formas más sanas de relacionarnos con los demás. Una vez que un individuo tuvo que “hacer frente” a un problema, puede aprender a desafiar sus creencias con respecto a ese problema, tener una experiencia diferente de la situación y ya no tener que “hacer frente” porque el problema ya no existe. El uso de esta Oregon Warmline puede ayudar a las personas a disminuir la necesidad de visitas frecuentes al médico, tratamiento en la sala de emergencias, participación con la policía y la necesidad de cuidados más intensivos.

05 – Warmline – Oregon Warmline – Peer Support @ 1-800-698-2392 – 24/7 – Weekdays and Weekends @ Phone
Apr 29 all-day
05 - Warmline - Oregon Warmline - Peer Support @ 1-800-698-2392 - 24/7 - Weekdays and Weekends @ Phone








Call 1-800-698-2392 Toll Free

Visit the webpage for more information at:


Whoever you are and whatever you may be going through, you are welcome on the Warmline! Our caring team of trained peers offers nonjudgmental and confidential peer support every day. No appointments needed! We are here for you!

Our goal is to connect with you, to listen, and to discover together how we can make sense of our experiences. We understand that everyone has a unique worldview. People can see more possibilities for ourselves when we connect with a compassionate peer.

Our Warmline Team members are people who have experienced life challenges – including moods, voices, visions, trauma, and addictions. We know what it is like to feel big feelings or to find ourselves in moments when there seems to be little to hope for. No need to go through this alone… Give us a call!  Oregon Warmline 1-800-698-2392

Intentional Peer Support (IPS) provides a powerful framework for creating relationships where both people learn and grow together. IPS is used across the world in community, peer support, and human services settings, and is a tool for community development that honors each person’s strengths and innate value. Why IPS? Peers come together around shared experiences and often a desire to change lives. But without a new framework to build upon, people frequently re-enact “help” based on what was done to them. IPS offers a foundation for doing something different. We focus on building relationships that are mutual, explorative, and conscious of power. We won’t try to “fix” you, but we would love to connect with you to listen, share, and learn with you as we both move forward in our life journeys.

Our confidential and non-judgmental peer support starts with the premise that people have learned to make meaning of their experiences and relationships out of everything they have learned in their lives. We know that this has led many people to feel undeserving, distrusting, and inherently flawed. Without understanding how we, as individuals, have come to know what we know about being in relationship and the world around us, we are likely to have trouble, not only with emotional distress, but also with a continuous struggle when there is tension in relationship or in one’s community.

We believe that crisis is an opportunity to learn. In a mutual and respectful conversation, peers discover together how they have developed their beliefs about themselves and the world in which they live. Together, help and crisis are redefined and have new meaning. Each person has the opportunity to challenge themselves to learn how they might change their trauma story of victimhood and crisis to one of mental wellness.

We do not give advice or attempt to ‘get’ anyone to do anything. We are there to listen and validated the caller’s feelings and experiences. Together we have a conversation in which we both become more self aware while learning and growing together. We share experience and knowledge in order to discover ways in which we both learn new ways of managing our feelings and discover healthier ways of being in relationship with others. Once where an individual had to “cope” with an issue, they may learn to challenge their beliefs regarding that issue, have a different experience of the situation and no longer have to “cope” because the issue no longer exists. The use of this Oregon Warmline may help people decrease the need for frequent doctor’s visits, emergency room treatment, involvement with law enforcement, and the need for more intensive care.

DBSA – Depression Bipolar Support Alliance – DBSA Young Adult Support Group – Team Led – Mondays @ Online Via HeyPeers
Apr 29 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
DBSA - Depression Bipolar Support Alliance - DBSA Young Adult Support Group -  Team Led - Mondays @ Online Via HeyPeers








DBSA Young Adult Support Group

Mondays 4-5PM PST

Team Led

All DBSA online support groups are free of charge. Online support groups are led by peers, which means that the person guiding the meeting knows firsthand what it’s like to live with a mood disorder.

Our national online support groups are hosted by HeyPeers, a DBSA vendor.

Upon registration, you will receive an email from them to assist you with managing your account.

Register Through HeyPeers

DBSA – Depression Bipolar Support Alliance – Online Support Group – Team Led -Mondays @ Online Via HeyPeers
Apr 29 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
DBSA - Depression Bipolar Support Alliance - Online Support Group - Team Led -Mondays @ Online Via HeyPeers


DBSA Online Support Group

Mondays 1-2PM PST

Team Led

All DBSA online support groups are free of charge. Online support groups are led by peers, which means that the person guiding the meeting knows firsthand what it’s like to live with a mood disorder.

Our national online support groups are hosted by HeyPeers, a DBSA vendor.

Upon registration, you will receive an email from them to assist you with managing your account.

Register Through HeyPeers

DBSA – Depression Bipolar Support Alliance – Rural Community Peer Support Groups – Team Led – Mondays @ Online Via HeyPeers
Apr 29 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
DBSA - Depression Bipolar Support Alliance - Rural Community Peer Support Groups - Team Led - Mondays @ Online Via HeyPeers





Rural Community Peer Support Groups

Mondays 5-6PM PST

Team Led

All DBSA online support groups are free of charge. Online support groups are led by peers, which means that the person guiding the meeting knows firsthand what it’s like to live with a mood disorder.

Our national online support groups are hosted by HeyPeers, a DBSA vendor.

Upon registration, you will receive an email from them to assist you with managing your account.

Register Through HeyPeers

DBSA – Depression Bipolar Support Alliance – DBSA California Support Groups – Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays @ Online Via ZOOM
Apr 29 @ 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm
DBSA - Depression Bipolar Support Alliance - DBSA California Support Groups - Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays @ Online Via ZOOM






DBSA California Support Groups

Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays 5:30-7:30PM PST

DBSA-California Support Groups are offered for free and provide a safe, confidential space where people from all walks of life connect with peers to share their stories, experiences, and lives in a way that helps redce isolation and loneliness.
The groups are held online every Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday
When we’re struggling or in a crisis, we often feel that we’re alone. Support groups can connect us with peers who understand us, have similar lived experiences, and can help us get through. Our support groups are led by peers we highly train as facilitators, so they have an intimate comprehension of the challenges firsthand and serve as a beacon of hope to others.
Who Should Join Groups?
Battling mental health alone is difficult for most individuals who suffer from Depression and Bipolar. It can seem impossible to cope, heal, or think about recovery. We understand the struggle, we’ve been there, we can help! By attending weekly discussion groups, you will be empowered with education, resources, emotional support, and guidance to set you up on the path to recovery. There is no shame in admitting that sometimes we need help, it’s tough enough carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders, let DBSA CA Support Groups lighten the load for you.
Topics of Discussion
Self-esteem/self-talk (positive/negative)
Planning for the future
Obligations (financial/relationships-family/work)
Initial steps (after an episode)
Hospitalization (in-patient/outpatient)
Insurance (medical/disability)
Sleep patterns
Dual diagnosis & Addiction (drugs & alcohol)
Finding a doctor/therapist
Self-discipline, daily maintenance/routine
Proper self-care, motivation/lack of motivation
Spending money
Exercise/fitness (physical activity)
Setting goals and meeting deadlines
Setting boundaries
Weight loss/gain/appetite
Test of faith (spiritual life)
Self Education







05 – Warmline – Oregon LINEA de ESPERNAZA – @ (800) 698-2392 – Disponible 24 horas @ Phone
Apr 30 all-day
05  - Warmline - Oregon LINEA de ESPERNAZA - @ (800) 698-2392 - Disponible 24 horas @ Phone




Disponible a las 24 horas

Visite la página web para obtener más información en:

Quienquiera que seas y lo que sea por lo que estés pasando, ¡eres bienvenido en la Warmline! Nuestro atento equipo de compañeros capacitados ofrece apoyo de pares confidencial y sin prejuicios todos los días. ¡No se necesitan citas! ¡Estamos aquí para usted! Nuestro objetivo es conectarnos contigo, escuchar y descubrir juntos cómo podemos dar sentido a nuestras experiencias. Entendemos que cada persona tiene una visión del mundo única. Las personas pueden ver más posibilidades para nosotros mismos cuando nos conectamos con un compañero compasivo. Los miembros de nuestro equipo de Warmline son personas que han experimentado desafíos en la vida, incluidos estados de ánimo, voces, visiones, traumas y adicciones. Sabemos lo que es sentir grandes sentimientos o encontrarnos en momentos en los que parece haber poco que esperar. No hay necesidad de pasar por esto solo… ¡Llámenos! Línea de ayuda de Oregón 1-800-698-2392


El apoyo intencional de pares (IPS, por sus siglas en inglés) proporciona un marco poderoso para crear relaciones en las que ambas personas aprenden y crecen juntas. IPS se utiliza en todo el mundo en entornos comunitarios, de apoyo entre pares y de servicios humanos, y es una herramienta para el desarrollo comunitario que honra las fortalezas y el valor innato de cada persona. ¿Por qué IPS? Los compañeros se reúnen en torno a experiencias compartidas y, a menudo, el deseo de cambiar vidas. Pero sin un nuevo marco sobre el cual construir, las personas con frecuencia recrean la “ayuda” en función de lo que se les hizo. IPS ofrece una base para hacer algo diferente. Nos enfocamos en construir relaciones que sean mutuas, exploratorias y conscientes del poder. No intentaremos “arreglarlo”, pero nos encantaría conectarnos con usted para escuchar, compartir y aprender con usted a medida que ambos avanzamos en nuestros viajes de vida. Nuestro apoyo de pares confidencial y sin prejuicios comienza con la premisa de que las personas han aprendido a dar sentido a sus experiencias y relaciones a partir de todo lo que han aprendido en sus vidas. Sabemos que esto ha llevado a muchas personas a sentirse indignas, desconfiadas e inherentemente defectuosas. Sin entender cómo nosotros, como individuos, hemos llegado a saber lo que sabemos sobre estar en una relación y el mundo que nos rodea, es probable que tengamos problemas, no solo con angustia emocional, sino también con una lucha continua cuando hay tensión en la relación. o en la propia comunidad.

Creemos que la crisis es una oportunidad para aprender. En una conversación mutua y respetuosa, los compañeros descubren juntos cómo han desarrollado sus creencias sobre sí mismos y el mundo en el que viven. Juntas, ayuda y crisis se redefinen y adquieren un nuevo significado. Cada persona tiene la oportunidad de desafiarse a sí misma para aprender cómo podría cambiar su historia traumática de victimización y crisis por una de bienestar mental.

No damos consejos ni intentamos “conseguir” que nadie haga nada. Estamos allí para escuchar y validar los sentimientos y experiencias de la persona que llama. Juntos tenemos una conversación en la que ambos nos volvemos más conscientes mientras aprendemos y crecemos juntos. Compartimos experiencias y conocimientos para descubrir formas en las que aprendemos nuevas formas de manejar nuestros sentimientos y descubrimos formas más sanas de relacionarnos con los demás. Una vez que un individuo tuvo que “hacer frente” a un problema, puede aprender a desafiar sus creencias con respecto a ese problema, tener una experiencia diferente de la situación y ya no tener que “hacer frente” porque el problema ya no existe. El uso de esta Oregon Warmline puede ayudar a las personas a disminuir la necesidad de visitas frecuentes al médico, tratamiento en la sala de emergencias, participación con la policía y la necesidad de cuidados más intensivos.

05 – Warmline – Oregon Warmline – Peer Support @ 1-800-698-2392 – 24/7 – Weekdays and Weekends @ Phone
Apr 30 all-day
05 - Warmline - Oregon Warmline - Peer Support @ 1-800-698-2392 - 24/7 - Weekdays and Weekends @ Phone








Call 1-800-698-2392 Toll Free

Visit the webpage for more information at:


Whoever you are and whatever you may be going through, you are welcome on the Warmline! Our caring team of trained peers offers nonjudgmental and confidential peer support every day. No appointments needed! We are here for you!

Our goal is to connect with you, to listen, and to discover together how we can make sense of our experiences. We understand that everyone has a unique worldview. People can see more possibilities for ourselves when we connect with a compassionate peer.

Our Warmline Team members are people who have experienced life challenges – including moods, voices, visions, trauma, and addictions. We know what it is like to feel big feelings or to find ourselves in moments when there seems to be little to hope for. No need to go through this alone… Give us a call!  Oregon Warmline 1-800-698-2392

Intentional Peer Support (IPS) provides a powerful framework for creating relationships where both people learn and grow together. IPS is used across the world in community, peer support, and human services settings, and is a tool for community development that honors each person’s strengths and innate value. Why IPS? Peers come together around shared experiences and often a desire to change lives. But without a new framework to build upon, people frequently re-enact “help” based on what was done to them. IPS offers a foundation for doing something different. We focus on building relationships that are mutual, explorative, and conscious of power. We won’t try to “fix” you, but we would love to connect with you to listen, share, and learn with you as we both move forward in our life journeys.

Our confidential and non-judgmental peer support starts with the premise that people have learned to make meaning of their experiences and relationships out of everything they have learned in their lives. We know that this has led many people to feel undeserving, distrusting, and inherently flawed. Without understanding how we, as individuals, have come to know what we know about being in relationship and the world around us, we are likely to have trouble, not only with emotional distress, but also with a continuous struggle when there is tension in relationship or in one’s community.

We believe that crisis is an opportunity to learn. In a mutual and respectful conversation, peers discover together how they have developed their beliefs about themselves and the world in which they live. Together, help and crisis are redefined and have new meaning. Each person has the opportunity to challenge themselves to learn how they might change their trauma story of victimhood and crisis to one of mental wellness.

We do not give advice or attempt to ‘get’ anyone to do anything. We are there to listen and validated the caller’s feelings and experiences. Together we have a conversation in which we both become more self aware while learning and growing together. We share experience and knowledge in order to discover ways in which we both learn new ways of managing our feelings and discover healthier ways of being in relationship with others. Once where an individual had to “cope” with an issue, they may learn to challenge their beliefs regarding that issue, have a different experience of the situation and no longer have to “cope” because the issue no longer exists. The use of this Oregon Warmline may help people decrease the need for frequent doctor’s visits, emergency room treatment, involvement with law enforcement, and the need for more intensive care.

DBSA – Depression Bipolar Support Alliance – Online Support Group – Team Led – Wednesdays @ Online Via HeyPeers
Apr 30 @ 9:00 am – 10:00 am






DBSA Online Support Group

Wednesdays 9-10AM PST

Team Led

All DBSA online support groups are free of charge. Online support groups are led by peers, which means that the person guiding the meeting knows firsthand what it’s like to live with a mood disorder.

Our national online support groups are hosted by HeyPeers, a DBSA vendor.

Upon registration, you will receive an email from them to assist you with managing your account.

Register Through HeyPeers





DBSA – Depression Bipolar Support Alliance – Online Support Group – Team Led – Tuesdays @ Online Via HeyPeers
Apr 30 @ 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm






DBSA Online Support Group

Tuesdays 4-5PM PST

Team Led

All DBSA online support groups are free of charge. Online support groups are led by peers, which means that the person guiding the meeting knows firsthand what it’s like to live with a mood disorder.

Our national online support groups are hosted by HeyPeers, a DBSA vendor.

Upon registration, you will receive an email from them to assist you with managing your account.

Register Through HeyPeers

DBSA – Depression Bipolar Support Alliance – Black Community Peer Support Groups – Team Led – Tuesdays @ Online Via HeyPeers
Apr 30 @ 4:30 pm – 5:30 pm






Black Community Peer Support Groups

Tuesdays 4:30-5:30PM PST

Team Led

All DBSA online support groups are free of charge. Online support groups are led by peers, which means that the person guiding the meeting knows firsthand what it’s like to live with a mood disorder.

Our national online support groups are hosted by HeyPeers, a DBSA vendor.

Upon registration, you will receive an email from them to assist you with managing your account.

Register Through HeyPeers


DBSA – Depression Bipolar Support Alliance – Parent and Caregiver Support Group (for ages 11-17) – Team Led – Tuesdays @ Online Via HeyPeers
Apr 30 @ 4:30 pm – 5:30 pm






Parent and Caregiver Support Group (for ages 11-17)

Tuesdays 4:30-5:30PM PST

Team Led

All DBSA online support groups are free of charge. Online support groups are led by peers, which means that the person guiding the meeting knows firsthand what it’s like to live with a mood disorder.

Our national online support groups are hosted by HeyPeers, a DBSA vendor.

Upon registration, you will receive an email from them to assist you with managing your account.

Register Through HeyPeers

DBSA – Depression Bipolar Support Alliance – Parent and Caregiver Support Group (for ages 18+) – Team Led – Tuesdays @ Online Via HeyPeers
Apr 30 @ 4:30 pm – 5:30 pm






Parent and Caregiver Support Group (for ages 18+)

Tuesdays 4:30-5:30PM PST

Team Led

All DBSA online support groups are free of charge. Online support groups are led by peers, which means that the person guiding the meeting knows firsthand what it’s like to live with a mood disorder.

Our national online support groups are hosted by HeyPeers, a DBSA vendor.

Upon registration, you will receive an email from them to assist you with managing your account.

Register Through HeyPeers




DBSA – Depression Bipolar Support Alliance – DBSA California Support Groups – Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays @ Online Via ZOOM
Apr 30 @ 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm
DBSA - Depression Bipolar Support Alliance - DBSA California Support Groups - Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays @ Online Via ZOOM






DBSA California Support Groups

Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays 5:30-7:30PM PST

DBSA-California Support Groups are offered for free and provide a safe, confidential space where people from all walks of life connect with peers to share their stories, experiences, and lives in a way that helps redce isolation and loneliness.
The groups are held online every Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday
When we’re struggling or in a crisis, we often feel that we’re alone. Support groups can connect us with peers who understand us, have similar lived experiences, and can help us get through. Our support groups are led by peers we highly train as facilitators, so they have an intimate comprehension of the challenges firsthand and serve as a beacon of hope to others.
Who Should Join Groups?
Battling mental health alone is difficult for most individuals who suffer from Depression and Bipolar. It can seem impossible to cope, heal, or think about recovery. We understand the struggle, we’ve been there, we can help! By attending weekly discussion groups, you will be empowered with education, resources, emotional support, and guidance to set you up on the path to recovery. There is no shame in admitting that sometimes we need help, it’s tough enough carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders, let DBSA CA Support Groups lighten the load for you.
Topics of Discussion
Self-esteem/self-talk (positive/negative)
Planning for the future
Obligations (financial/relationships-family/work)
Initial steps (after an episode)
Hospitalization (in-patient/outpatient)
Insurance (medical/disability)
Sleep patterns
Dual diagnosis & Addiction (drugs & alcohol)
Finding a doctor/therapist
Self-discipline, daily maintenance/routine
Proper self-care, motivation/lack of motivation
Spending money
Exercise/fitness (physical activity)
Setting goals and meeting deadlines
Setting boundaries
Weight loss/gain/appetite
Test of faith (spiritual life)
Self Education